Fort Aspenwood
4/19 JQ|SoR|BG
I hear maps are in the works.
Glad they prioritized mechanics actually, though I want maps too.
I still resent WAR for throwing in big speakers before getting the rust work finished.That is good news, I hope they can roll em out before summer.
Yeah, WAR… I enjoyed the combat there but so many mechanical problems in the big fights. Took over a year for it to be reasonably working. Culling was annoying but nothing compared the the intense lag and server crashes in WAR during the first 3-5 months.
Its funny, Aion was fun because flying combat was different and fun (IMO) but man the grind, and WAR was also fun but had its problems. Rift had some good classes and combat but just abandoned PvP since the PvP in open world was crashing their servers. All had many core ideas done well but none were close to a complete package. WAR was probably the closest.
… heh, was gonna go into a long littany of stuff but just not the proper thread for “why we can’t or haven’t had another DAoC” yet. I also greatly enjoyed Shadowbane but I can’t imagine another game being like that ever again, it was unique.
AT least GW2 is good/solid. It lacks a couple key RvR/WvW elements but overall very well done. My personal contention is that I like more choices when fighting, so the 10-14 ability buttons seem a bit low to me, but that is my preference, not a knock on the game. If they ever allow for easy switching of traits and gear, I’ll be very happy since then I can switch around ‘on the fly’ and get more interesting gameplay.
Hopefully Camelot Unchained will come close. •
I hear maps are in the works.
Glad they prioritized mechanics actually, though I want maps too.
I still resent WAR for throwing in big speakers before getting the rust work finished.That is good news, I hope they can roll em out before summer.
Yeah, WAR… I enjoyed the combat there but so many mechanical problems in the big fights. Took over a year for it to be reasonably working. Culling was annoying but nothing compared the the intense lag and server crashes in WAR during the first 3-5 months.
Its funny, Aion was fun because flying combat was different and fun (IMO) but man the grind, and WAR was also fun but had its problems. Rift had some good classes and combat but just abandoned PvP since the PvP in open world was crashing their servers. All had many core ideas done well but none were close to a complete package. WAR was probably the closest.
… heh, was gonna go into a long littany of stuff but just not the proper thread for “why we can’t or haven’t had another DAoC” yet. I also greatly enjoyed Shadowbane but I can’t imagine another game being like that ever again, it was unique.
AT least GW2 is good/solid. It lacks a couple key RvR/WvW elements but overall very well done. My personal contention is that I like more choices when fighting, so the 10-14 ability buttons seem a bit low to me, but that is my preference, not a knock on the game. If they ever allow for easy switching of traits and gear, I’ll be very happy since then I can switch around ‘on the fly’ and get more interesting gameplay.
You can switch traits/gear the moment you’re out of combat. I do frequently, adds value to scouting.
I don’t believe even DAoC was as good as people remember, much like pining after lost youth.
This is vanilla GW2. Compared to what I’ve seen, this one has potential. I’d like to see an 8year old gw2.
I went and played uthgard last year for a while before GW2 came out, and yeah, DAoC is still the best PvP game ever made. Why am I not playing it? Well, Uthgard’s NA population is too low to keep the RvR fun. •
Hopefully Camelot Unchained will come close.
Its a ways off even if they make their jump start money goal. I hope they do, I am no fan of Jacobs but his latest talk/inteview seemed to show that he ‘gets it’. I put up some cash for it, the more MMOs trying to create RvR/WvW the better.
Sor’s NA please goto bed when its our oceanic’s time, we have enough bags from FoO but if you insist we will take yours aswell , so much for not having Oceanic coverage hey,
Hopefully Camelot Unchained will come close.
Its a ways off even if they make their jump start money goal. I hope they do, I am no fan of Jacobs but his latest talk/inteview seemed to show that he ‘gets it’. I put up some cash for it, the more MMOs trying to create RvR/WvW the better.
I think Mark Jacobs made the mistake of trusting EA execs. Before EA got involved with Mythic DAoC was a blast. No time sinks the best "RvR’ there was. Then in comes EA and all went to the crapper. Expansions were loaded with time sinks just to level gear alone. If Jacobs can fund it and keep his autonomy, i like where Camelot Unchained is going.
Not sure who was responsible for this, it wasn’t the player I had targeted but it was PRETTY obvious someone was using a zoom mod to kill siege in the tower. I sweeped the edge and there was no one around except the 50 or so at the gate. Someone was hitting way up inside the lords room!
I thought this might get put on the forums as i built and used the AC, so i took some screen shots of me using the ac to kill ur siege.
The first picture shows me getting numbers on the AC im shooting, but the smoke makes it hard to see. The second picture shows a little better the angle you can get which lets u aim at any siege not on the ground, and shooting up in the lords room was actually easiest from that spot if i looked a little more up
nice exploit ya found there.
Kinda like those places ya can climb up vertically.
Fill in the blank.
JQ = ?
SOR = ?
BG = ?JQ = Coverage wins
SoR = Quantity over Quality
BG = Bag Gate*Fixed.
100 man SOR zergs vs 40 man BG/JQ zerg doesn’t equal to quality > quantity my friend.
wat. Someday I hope to see a 100 man zerg.
Omg! How did you fit SoR’s whole history in 1 screen shot? Thats crazy!
Don’t call the world dirty because you forgot to clean your glasses…
Somebody please post a score update!
Somebody please post a score update!
Here is the score update.
JQ Pwning since 1865 with SoR & BG fighting for second place
Perception lies within the eyes of the beholder. Ladies n gents should probably keep that in mind – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry
Point tick was really close tonight, back and forth between all 3 servers as can be seen in Kevinskyrider.3271’s score update.
SF was on BG running split tactics with WARD and MoG tonight. We had a ton of fun fighting ICoa on BG as well as Choo and VIG on SoR. The three way fight in Garrison was particularly insane, so insane that it crashed my internet actually .
Anyway, keep kicking kitten SoR and BG. Here’s hoping that both of you get some much needed SEA/Oceanic coverage so we can have an all around competitive matchup.
Point tick was really close tonight, back and forth between all 3 servers as can be seen in Kevinskyrider.3271’s score update.
SF was on BG running split tactics with WARD and MoG tonight. We had a ton of fun fighting ICoa on BG as well as Choo and VIG on SoR. The three way fight in Garrison was particularly insane, so insane that it crashed my internet actually
Anyway, keep kicking kitten SoR and BG. Here’s hoping that both of you get some much needed SEA/Oceanic coverage so we can have an all around competitive matchup.
SF/iQ Havoc was on SOR. I think we took a camp once or twice.
Jade Quarry – Strike Force | Wilsonian Institute
new video pending:
did he get his vendor in bay
You guys aren’t ready for this. ; )))
I would say SoR is! What say you?
BG getting stacked, yo. Careful now. ;P
You guys aren’t ready for this. ; )))
I would say SoR is! What say you?
BG getting stacked, yo. Careful now. ;P
Is that the fourth or fifth time now? I’ve lost track.
When you are out numbered, and the situation is hopeless, you have no option-you must attack
Now they mad again, haters gon’ hate.
Beast mode
All this talk about servers becoming stacked.
Has there even be a confirmation/transfer yet?
Also, 1v1s please. I am bored! Dun’t be scared now. I don’t bite…I just backstab >:D
RISE officially transferred to BG or what? Just saw 5x of them running in EB right now?
Commander Guardian of Rall :: Norn Guardian
Commander Getting Hammered :: Charr Warrior
As of right now, I’ll leave you guessing where RISE will be going. It will be confirmed on Saturday the 27th. Just so you know doh, BG getting stacked. <33 ; ) )
(edited by Killtrox.2019)
Score Update with the lovely Karps!
Enjoy the fun fights everyone!
And give us our SM back! cries
Meanwhile in BG Garrison..
Omg Renny, lol.
As of right now, I’ll leave you guessing where RISE will be going. It will be confirmed on Saturday the 27th. Just so you know doh, BG getting stacked. <33 ; ) )
Well at least stacked rhymes with black, so it may sound catchy when we hear it repeated constantly for the next month or two.
BG isn’t really ‘buying’ guilds :\ offering to help pay support for transfers/influence is expensive. It is a courtesy to help the guild over.
Tarnished Coast
Shadow Gypsies would like to thank the citizens of JQ and our partner pin Zaff and [DA] for helping us crack the wp on garrison on SoR BL tonight and participating in the shenanigans that ensued.
We’ll keep seeing ya…until your not blue. =)
“a friend of death, a brother of luck, and a s.o.b.” [SG since ’99]
Am I the only one who remembers when Jade Quarry suddenly got a large influx of guild transfers and then they shot to first place? I sure hope not.
Let’s not forget that SoR has received their share of guild transfers as well. It all comes with being a tier 1 server.
Mithril Footman
Ultimate Dominator
after taking 80% of sos wvw force, they need wm and affiliate to help them? come on bg manages a win 1 month ago, they really don’t need to eat another server they have enough strength like this.
kn should consider transferring to tc. T1 is balance now, bg manage to win against jq and sor is beating bg when they want. having 4 t1 servers should prevent this match-up to go until next year
Shadow Gypsies would like to thank the citizens of JQ and our partner pin Zaff and [DA] for helping us crack the wp on garrison on SoR BL tonight and participating in the shenanigans that ensued.
We’ll keep seeing ya…until your not blue. =)
We (SF/WARD/etc) cracked up laughing over on BG BL when we heard you did that as we were in the middle of purposely letting SoR/BG tear down all the bay walls so we could farm them each time they came in. We also had a guy get a precursor off an SoR.
All Hail CuddleStrike! Undisputed Empress of Tier 1!
Controlled by CuddleStrike!
Not sure what people expect. T1 servers shouldn’t recruit more guilds? SoR and BG should just go stagnant and JQ can keep winning by 40k points every week? If I was on JQ I’d be happy to see better competition.
Not sure what people expect. T1 servers shouldn’t recruit more guilds? SoR and BG should just go stagnant and JQ can keep winning by 40k points every week? If I was on JQ I’d be happy to see better competition.
Competition is everywhere. And if you cant find any, you could always slap some yaks around
The king is dead, long live the king!
Welcome back to tier one, WM! Hope you guys ain’t too rusty!
And I welcome all other KN guilds who have made the trip to the tier one oceanic/ sea realm, officially owned an operated by JQ.
Don’t worry about all the egos chatting up how many bags they get. They drop them as much as they pick them.
~(-_-~) RALL (~`3`)~
BG isn’t really ‘buying’ guilds :\ offering to help pay support for transfers/influence is expensive. It is a courtesy to help the guild over.
rarely see a respectful sor posters in this thread. guess most of them doesn’t really care about the forum. sor being labeled as a “troll server” because of 3-5 people is bad, its just people tends to generalize stuff. now if im gonna make a hasty conclusion i’d say ALL Hire members are respectful and polite because of you and another guy named anza or anzu (not sure) :P <3 Hire
now please transfer to BG. lol jk :P
Not sure what people expect. T1 servers shouldn’t recruit more guilds? SoR and BG should just go stagnant and JQ can keep winning by 40k points every week? If I was on JQ I’d be happy to see better competition.
they are winning 40k point every week because their Asian wvw population. NA prime time in T1 is extremely competitive atm.
For a NA guild, JQ is actually a good place if you are looking for some tough competitions.
For a SEA/Asian guild, SoR is the best place to go if you are looking for challenges. You will be fighting FOO from JQ, MERC+ND from BG.
(edited by Kript.3291)
You guys aren’t ready for this. ; )))
I would say SoR is! What say you?
BG getting stacked, yo. Careful now. ;P
Is that the fourth or fifth time now? I’ve lost track.
Think they’re on their fourth Munson now.
Though they might have snuck in one so quick nobody else noticed..
Always get a kick out of the premature victory speeches closely followed by qq and farewell threads. Though this time it seems the ironic history has dawned on all but the newcomers.
BG isn’t really ‘buying’ guilds :\ offering to help pay support for transfers/influence is expensive. It is a courtesy to help the guild over.
rarely see a respectful sor posters in this thread. guess most of them doesn’t really care about the forum. sor being labeled as a “troll server” because of 3-5 people is bad, its just people tends to generalize stuff. now if im gonna make a hasty conclusion i’d say ALL Hire members are respectful and polite because of you and another guy named anza or anzu (not sure) :P <3 Hirenow please transfer to BG. lol jk :P
I’m from SoR and I’ve said the nicest gosh darn thing on this forum!
BG posters are just as bad. You want to compare Yugioh cards, now, or you going to stop milking all you can out of a single troll comment?
Maybe say something nice for once. Ain’t hard.
~(-_-~) RALL (~`3`)~
BG isn’t really ‘buying’ guilds :\ offering to help pay support for transfers/influence is expensive. It is a courtesy to help the guild over.
rarely see a respectful sor posters in this thread. guess most of them doesn’t really care about the forum. sor being labeled as a “troll server” because of 3-5 people is bad, its just people tends to generalize stuff. now if im gonna make a hasty conclusion i’d say ALL Hire members are respectful and polite because of you and another guy named anza or anzu (not sure) :P <3 Hirenow please transfer to BG. lol jk :P
I’m from SoR and I’ve said the nicest gosh darn thing on this forum!
BG posters are just as bad. You want to compare Yugioh cards, now, or you going to stop milking all you can out of a single troll comment?
Maybe say something nice for once. Ain’t hard.
Pretty sure his post was lighthearted humor. I really respect what Medeyn said and it is certainly a voice of reason amongst many who would sooner give up their first born than say a positive thing about an opponent.
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate
Anyone else remember the gleeful posts 2 weeks ago of “R.I.P. BG” and “BG Is dead and will be in tier 3 in a few weeks” over and over? The death of BG has been claimed so many times now that I’ve lost count. And BG has proven them wrong, every kitten time.
Beast mode
Anyone else remember the gleeful posts 2 weeks ago of “R.I.P. BG” and “BG Is dead and will be in tier 3 in a few weeks” over and over? The death of BG has been claimed so many times now that I’ve lost count. And BG has proven them wrong, every kitten time.
BG bought a revive orb.
BG bought a revive orb.
Umberage of Death – Thief
~~~Sanctum of Rall~~~
Anyone else remember the gleeful posts 2 weeks ago of “R.I.P. BG” and “BG Is dead and will be in tier 3 in a few weeks” over and over? The death of BG has been claimed so many times now that I’ve lost count. And BG has proven them wrong, every kitten time.
BG bought a revive orb.
Revive orbs don’t work in WvW.
Beast mode
Am I the only one who remembers when Jade Quarry suddenly got a large influx of guild transfers and then they shot to first place? I sure hope not.
Let’s not forget that SoR has received their share of guild transfers as well. It all comes with being a tier 1 server.
Don’t forget that they “shot to first place” after being in Tier 1 for most of the games history whilst watching SOS implode and lose over a dozen guilds.
I’m hearing conflicting rumors… some say WM is coming to BG (I think), others say WM has fallen apart and are no more. Does anyone have any actual facts?
I’m hearing conflicting rumors… some say WM is coming to BG (I think), others say WM has fallen apart and are no more. Does anyone have any actual facts?
WM went to T8
I’m hearing conflicting rumors… some say WM is coming to BG (I think), others say WM has fallen apart and are no more. Does anyone have any actual facts?
WM doesnt count as a guild any more. Besides, there next transfer would already be planned in 2-3 weeks.
Jade Quarry – Strike Force | Wilsonian Institute
new video pending: