4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: scootshoot.6583


Actually we have way less numbers than SoR & JQ do now. But look at how close Blackgate comes to competing with these two overly stacked servers.

I almost spit out my drink.

If SoR is so stacked, how come I keep seeing that outmanned buff from time to time?

outmanned time to time? try long stretches in 2-3 maps

For sure, SOR from mid morning all the way to 5pm central had outmanned buffs on 2+ maps consistently. It wasn’t until well past 6pm all the maps finally had a queue, and this was on a Saturday.

Those who believe our server is stacked = LOL Sure we have more active wvw’ers from recent past due to acquisitions, but it’s still nowhere close to the 24 hour coverage other servers have the advantage of.

(edited by scootshoot.6583)

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Miiaah.5416


I love seeing Blackgate cry they’re the underdog and that SoR is stacked now (LOL).
BG already used to beat SoR very comfortably even before BG absorbed 70% (around 10 guilds) of SoS’s wvw population. SoR gained OCX, TSYM and AFS to come.
You want to know the difference? SoR is a real community that has been built over time. SoR got the REAL SoS guilds and not a group of glory hunters who can’t stand losing for 2 weeks.

BG got one guild where it needed it MERC, how is this 70% of SoS? I guess you could say Agg could have helped in letting HB try to get some sleep during NA Prime but they didn’t like the zergball infestation style of T1 and left. No one from BG is crying, they are saying they lost an overly aggressive commander that dictated/allowed for BGs play style and when they left, the fun left with them. HB didn’t effect 1 map, they had an effect on all 4 allowing other commanders to loosen up and play with a more aggressive style which made BG a fun server to play on.

Now when a good commander is on 60 jump on their icon and BG becomes a zergball like the others and this was never fun…….ever


4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Ascii.9726


Actually we have way less numbers than SoR & JQ do now. But look at how close Blackgate comes to competing with these two overly stacked servers.

SoR being overly stacked is news to me. After the weekend reset madness were usually out-manned in 3/4 of the maps.


Rank 580+ Necromancer WvW Stream
Commander Ascii :: Tempest Wolves [TW] :: Sanctum of Rall :: Best Necromancer NA

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Crimedawg.8954


Great fighting out there my new family of Rallians! I must say, T1 has changed a LOT since I last graced these sacred grounds. Holy ZERG-a-mania.

The cooperation in guilds on SoR is so kitten nice to see and makes this climb so much more enjoyable.

Salute to all the guilds in this tier! Keep it clean and above the belt.


[Tsym] – Necromancer
Sanctum of Rall
Running 15 in a BL near you

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Xenice.4361


so sad right now, small guilds get no “praises or props” ..always bout the zergballs. but to be honest i dont know any small guilds in JQ or SoR, that run outside of their zballs. so i guess no praises for you as well =)

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: MagiKarp.8201


I love seeing Blackgate cry they’re the underdog and that SoR is stacked now (LOL).
BG already used to beat SoR very comfortably even before BG absorbed 70% (around 10 guilds) of SoS’s wvw population. SoR gained OCX, TSYM and AFS to come.
You want to know the difference? SoR is a real community that has been built over time. SoR got the REAL SoS guilds and not a group of glory hunters who can’t stand losing for 2 weeks.


Magikarps Norn Ele – becuz leopard
Blackgate WvW Commander
Vanguard of Exiled Mercenaries [MERC] voem.enjin.com

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


so sad right now, small guilds get no “praises or props” ..always bout the zergballs. but to be honest i dont know any small guilds in JQ or SoR, that run outside of their zballs. so i guess no praises for you as well =)


Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: MagiKarp.8201


so sad right now, small guilds get no “praises or props” ..always bout the zergballs. but to be honest i dont know any small guilds in JQ or SoR, that run outside of their zballs. so i guess no praises for you as well =)


TKG – Annoying
NORD – Do they still play haven’t seen them around in a while, they were really annoying on SBI.

Magikarps Norn Ele – becuz leopard
Blackgate WvW Commander
Vanguard of Exiled Mercenaries [MERC] voem.enjin.com

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Ascii.9726


so sad right now, small guilds get no “praises or props” ..always bout the zergballs. but to be honest i dont know any small guilds in JQ or SoR, that run outside of their zballs. so i guess no praises for you as well =)

Zergballing works, that’s the problem. Until zerging is fixed somehow your almost always going to have 1 super-zerg, 2 havoc squads per map.

Rank 580+ Necromancer WvW Stream
Commander Ascii :: Tempest Wolves [TW] :: Sanctum of Rall :: Best Necromancer NA

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Sleepyy.1598


I love seeing Blackgate cry they’re the underdog and that SoR is stacked now (LOL).
BG already used to beat SoR very comfortably even before BG absorbed 70% (around 10 guilds) of SoS’s wvw population. SoR gained OCX, TSYM and AFS to come.
You want to know the difference? SoR is a real community that has been built over time. SoR got the REAL SoS guilds and not a group of glory hunters who can’t stand losing for 2 weeks.


Ahh Magikarp, my friend. You’re a bit of a comedy yourself.
states their reason for leaving SoS for BG is that
“so we can play and enjoy the game without having to pull double shifts win or lose and still remain competitive”

Then Saturday morning just before reset when BG had secured its first t1 victory.
“I’ve been up pushing hard for 20 hours”

MERC got bad when Jedahs quit.

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


Score update 11:49am est.


[TW]Tempest Wolves

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Mohmohchan.4120


RIP blackgate..

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Gooj.8561


RIP blackgate..

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Nik Rane.6431

Nik Rane.6431

Looks like SoR might be something interesting this week. Let’s see if they can keep it up past the Weekend.

also RIP in peace blackgate 2013-2013

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: yosslives.1345


RIP Blackgate 4/7/13 12:08 PM

Just heard the news too, it’s a shame guilds are jumping ship so quickly.

Count BG out 3 more guilds.

Which guilds left BG?

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: muekung.2518


I feel guilds like MERC and KnT have been carrying BG, lately. It just seems like people outside of dedicated guilds aren’t even trying. I’ll log on to the outmanned buff half of the time these days, and generally when guilds like MERC and KnT aren’t present, people will just leave the map or stand around at the spawn.

It’s clear that we have inferior numbers to JQ and SoR right now. This isn’t an excuse, because hey, maybe we do have the numbers and it’s just not apparent because people aren’t logging in and staying to put in the effort, but it is the simple fact of the situation. For whatever reason, our coverage right now is clearly less.

I don’t care, to be honest. Not having a zerg to run with all the time doesn’t really affect me because I’m a solo/small group roamer, but MagiKarp is right.

Dont forget Never Die, They’re out in force everynight.

Ps. Awesome fight with FoO is awesome

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Mohmohchan.4120


ND is down to 30+ people from their 900 in IOJ.

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Jahn.7019


ND is down to 30+ people from their 900 in IOJ.

That’s more to do with the fact that they moved too many times. IOJ to EB to SoS(split into 2 groups half went to KN)others to BG.

They are still a great bunch though. <3 Never Die.

Helioz and HIRE speak very very highly of them.

(edited by Jahn.7019)

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Mohmohchan.4120


Their members want to join SoR, they decided to move to BG coz of MERC. It was really a bad idea. God! ND made a bad decision again..

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Jyeoi.6027


Waiting for you in t4 BG. Riao riao.

Yulo – Champions of Stormbluff [SBI]

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Juxtapositronic.1280


It has been said before, and I’ll say it again:

SoR is a community. We have slowly and steadily grown over the last six months.

We are friends here. While your guilds are blaming each other and plagued with in-fighting, we are laughing… even if we lose… even if our buddies in Choo screw up in EB for a night or FEAR doesn’t understand the concept of PTV gear. We don’t place blame; we queue up and help. Some probably see the previous statement as a snide comment, unaware of the laughter it will cause.

Sure, we’ll get frustrated. Sure, we’ll rage… but we blame ourselves before blaming another.

It doesn’t matter what guild you’re in; Choo, CDS, FEAR, TW, SAHP, HIRE…. and so many more. We all get along. We all know and trust each other. We all collaborate, coordinate, and conspire together. We are not enemies, we are friends.

See, we play to win, but we don’t care too much about what tier or slot we’re in. Sure, we want to be top dog… but ultimately we’re content to play for 7 hours, wipe once or never, and thrash JQ and Blackgate until y’all start kicking back 1s and 4s for wxp. For us, we win every night. At the end of the week we feel like we have won, we don’t feel like we came in second or third.

We have lost major leaders; from Leader Mara to Miasmic Spiritsong, some of our most beloved commanders have left the game. New leaders have risen to take their place, new guilds have formed from the ashes of the fallen, and our community has endured, grown, and even thrived.

I get the distinct impression that JQ and Blackgate (especially Blackgate) don’t play like this, don’t have the attitude, the community, or the patience.

Quite frankly, I pity you. Every night I log on and have absolute certainty of laughing until I cry, gaining 200-300 badges, and being part of an amazing community of hundreds of people from around the world.

Blackgate, in all seriousness, you need to drop down a tier or two and regroup. We don’t want any of your guilds, we want you to galvanize as a server. Form a real community, work with each other to develop strategies, lose the kitten-talking fairweathers and come back.

We’ll be waiting.

(edited by Juxtapositronic.1280)

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: CuddleStrike.8215


So much unhappy posts……

Need more happy score updates with people being silly and having fun!
This game is all about fun….


My net was crap tonight so no silly updates with my BG, SoR or JQ friends tonight. But later today is a later day!

Enjoy everyone!

The LOVE asura <3

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Juxtapositronic.1280


So much unhappy posts……

Need more happy score updates with people being silly and having fun!
This game is all about fun….


My net was crap tonight so no silly updates with my BG, SoR or JQ friends tonight. But later today is a later day!

Enjoy everyone!

Well, blackgate was ticking at 35 about 45 minutes ago :\

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: scootshoot.6583


It has been said before, and I’ll say it again:

SoR is a community. We have slowly and steadily grown over the last six months.

Sanctum of Rall. Anyone that does not know the history of our server, here you go. Originally the developers at Anet knew nothing of this server or its birth until an avid group of gamers formed as one and insisted Anet listen…the rest is history.


My GW2 Home: Sanctum of Rall
Posted on July 18, 2012 by Moxie

I’ve spoken on Twitter about how, on my return to Rift, I rejoined my old Rift guild, Gaiscioch. It’s been a blast being back with them, and even though they are a freakishly huge guild, they feel more like a “family” guild than many of the other smaller guilds I’ve been a part of. We’ve been running lowbie Instant Adventures for the lower-level folks, raid rifts and expert rifts and crafting rifts for the 50s, and they have a ton of dungeon and raid runs going on every night. It really and truly is an amazing group of people and a great guild to call home.

Despite the joy, there’s been some sadness in the guild since I last ran with them. One of the long-time members of the guild, Roger “Oldroar” Rall, passed away suddenly last fall. He just stopped appearing online abruptly, and after about two weeks, our GM and a couple of others started trying to track him down to check on him. They spoke to his wife, who said that he had quietly passed away one night. Of course, the news spread like wildfire in the guild, back to former members/alliance members that had played with him during Warhammer and DAoC, and everyone, even those who had never met him, felt a profound sense of loss.

Oldroar was the kind of guy that set the tone and example for the rest of the guild. In-game, he was a calm and collected PvP leader who led his teams to victory while always acting with honor towards the opposing teams. To the men, he was a mentor and an example of how to be a great husband & father, and how to balance those responsibilities with gaming. To the ladies, he was always a gentleman and treated us as equals, with respect and dignity. He was a grandfatherly figure to the kids in the guild, and he was someone that we all could go to for advice not just on game strategies and problems, but real life problems as well. He encouraged us to follow our dreams, to be better people, and to take the high road when others were not. He was our friend, in the truest sense of the word.

He was also the “Voice of Gaiscioch”… you couldn’t miss that radio voice on vent.

Guild Wars 2 was the game he was most excited about. Oldroar, along with many of the veteran players in Gaiscioch, was an avid PvPer, and after hearing about GW2?s WvW/PvP features, as well as all the other playstyles that would be supported, was leading the charge to get a Gaiscioch chapter opened in GW2, posting news and information as it came out and eventually convincing our leadership to open a branch within Guild Wars 2. More than anything, he was looking forward to playing Guild Wars 2 and to seeing our super-diverse family grow and thrive there.

It was decided that we would hold an in-game/ventrilo memorial for him, not in Rift, but in Guild Wars 2 when it opened – it only seemed appropriate. The date & time had been set, the only remaining question was what server to roll on. Our guild decided to start one final Call to Arms for Oldroar: to try to get a GW2 server named for the man that had been so passionate about the game and had done so much for the guild over the years. We wrote letters and sent emails to ArenaNet, telling them about the person he was, the legacy he has left with us, and how much he adored GW2. We asked them to consider naming a server for Roger, a server that we could call home and continue living out his legacy.

This morning, I heard the news that they are indeed implementing “Sanctum of Rall” as a server. I admit that I cried tears of happiness over this. THANK YOU ArenaNet, for being so awesome. You just made a whole lot of people ecstatically happy. We will do our best to make Sanctum of Rall an amazing home for all playstyles and all players that roll there, just as Oldroar would have wanted.

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid.9672


What is with the flurry of RIP posts and jubilation at wanting to see a server fall? Stay classy guys.

Zend(ario/imas/iana/ango) – Engi/Ele/Necro/Guardian
[KnT] – Blackgate

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: CuddleStrike.8215


So much unhappy posts……

Need more happy score updates with people being silly and having fun!
This game is all about fun….


My net was crap tonight so no silly updates with my BG, SoR or JQ friends tonight. But later today is a later day!

Enjoy everyone!

Well, blackgate was ticking at 35 about 45 minutes ago :\

Meh. Bound to happen to every server…. at some point in x amount of weeks.

Though im still waiting for those cutsie updates!

The LOVE asura <3

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Harrek.8720


Thanks for posting the story behind the naming of SoR. I had no idea.

[WARD] Necro

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: scootshoot.6583


So much unhappy posts……

Need more happy score updates with people being silly and having fun!
This game is all about fun….


My net was crap tonight so no silly updates with my BG, SoR or JQ friends tonight. But later today is a later day!

Enjoy everyone!

Well, blackgate was ticking at 35 about 45 minutes ago :\

Yah, when you are ticking at 35 on a Sunday afternoon is never a good sign. Means a whole lot of drama brewing on that server.

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: KeeZee.7312


When SoR takes first then all the trash talking would carry some weight. But we all know they are deathly afraid of JQ.
And we know that JQ was seriously kitten that BG beat them.

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: scootshoot.6583


Thanks for posting the story behind the naming of SoR. I had no idea.


Having played past MMo’s like DAOC, WOW, etc. I typically just pick a random server on the 1st day and go with it. However, when I started up GW2 for the first time decided to do a research on a few servers and lo and behold came upon the story of SOR. The choice after that was obvious and am so glad I did. The community here is amazing.

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Jyeoi.6027


Ah so that was what it meant in the memory of roger old roar rall. Much meaning. Im moved.

Yulo – Champions of Stormbluff [SBI]

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Cynillus.1642


SoR is now considered “overly stacked”? Thanks for making my day

Score update:


[HIRE] Hired Assassins – Sanctum of Rall

(edited by Cynillus.1642)

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Israel.7056


Quite frankly, I pity you. Every night I log on and have absolute certainty of laughing until I cry, gaining 200-300 badges, and being part of an amazing community of hundreds of people from around the world.

Blackgate, in all seriousness, you need to drop down a tier or two and regroup. We don’t want any of your guilds, we want you to galvanize as a server. Form a real community, work with each other to develop strategies, lose the kitten-talking fairweathers and come back.

We’ll be waiting.

Your condescension irks me but whatever.

You assume that everyone wishes their server community was like yours. That seems so arrogant to me.

I don’t think Blackgate has a family vibe and I’ve always liked that about the place. It’s one of the reasons I’ve stayed for as long as I have win or lose. No one ever asks Riot to do anything. No one expects anything from me or the people I play with. I like that.

I want to play on a server full of people who just want to kill people in video games. I want to play with people who don’t want to zerg. I don’t want an online family. If you do that’s fine but know that not everyone is like you.

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Jahn.7019


Quite frankly, I pity you. Every night I log on and have absolute certainty of laughing until I cry, gaining 200-300 badges, and being part of an amazing community of hundreds of people from around the world.

Blackgate, in all seriousness, you need to drop down a tier or two and regroup. We don’t want any of your guilds, we want you to galvanize as a server. Form a real community, work with each other to develop strategies, lose the kitten-talking fairweathers and come back.

We’ll be waiting.

Your condescension irks me but whatever.

You assume that everyone wishes their server community was like yours. That seems so arrogant to me.

I don’t think Blackgate has a family vibe and I’ve always liked that about the place. It’s one of the reasons I’ve stayed for as long as I have win or lose. No one ever asks Riot to do anything. No one expects anything from me or the people I play with. I like that.

I want to play on a server full of people who just want to kill people in video games. I want to play with people who don’t want to zerg. I don’t want an online family. If you do that’s fine but know that not everyone is like you.

Happy home allows growth. Stability is the most important thing for longevity.

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Tam.3146


ND is down to 30+ people from their 900 in IOJ.

That’s more to do with the fact that they moved too many times. IOJ to EB to SoS(split into 2 groups half went to KN)others to BG.

They are still a great bunch though. <3 Never Die.

Helioz and HIRE speak very very highly of them.

They also have our respect.

For Dolyaks Glory
Not Yet Solved[NYS] SOR

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Jonto.2160


I for one will be more happy in t2 than the map zergball that is t1. And many others in BG feels the same.

I believe in cookies.

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Israel.7056


Happy home allows growth. Stability is the most important thing for longevity.

Different people find happiness in different things, that’s what I’ve been trying to say.

I’ve been happy playing on BG for months now. I’m still playing here even though I usually can’t find fights that fit my playstyle. I’ve sacrificed my own personal progression just to stay on BG. I’m a worse player for having spent so much time trying to participate in these big zerg fights with SoR and JQ and KN. But I’ve still done it because I’ve felt a strong sense of loyalty to a community that doesn’t feel like a family.

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Jahn.7019


Happy home allows growth. Stability is the most important thing for longevity.

Different people find happiness in different things, that’s what I’ve been trying to say.

I’ve been happy playing on BG for months now. I’m still playing here even though I usually can’t find fights that fit my playstyle. I’ve sacrificed my own personal progression just to stay on BG. I’m a worse player for having spent so much time trying to participate in these big zerg fights with SoR and JQ and KN. But I’ve still done it because I’ve felt a strong sense of loyalty to a community that doesn’t feel like a family.

Agreed, to each their own.

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Jahn.7019


I for one will be more happy in t2 than the map zergball that is t1. And many others in BG feels the same.

Well with some of the guilds leaving and the militia on BG just waiting for T2, you may get your wish. It’ll be interesting to see who comes up to take your place.

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Israel.7056


Well I talked to some people who are currently in t2 and I got the impression that it’s gotten zergier at that level too.

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Zidane.5297


I for one will be more happy in t2 than the map zergball that is t1. And many others in BG feels the same.

Exactly. Take today for an example on SoR BL. SoR had bluewater camp at T3 with a few players from TWL with someone on a ballista as well.

Four of us from oPP and two fellow BG brethren attack and when we were about to take it, a zergball from TSYM and TIME shows up and wipes us.

They got outplayed and needed to call in backup at a T3 camp for six people, even though they had the numbers advantage.

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Avenge.1478


The quicker they rise, the quicker they fall.

R.I.P. “Beastgate” (2013-2013)

~ [DN] Digital Nemesis ~ Tarnished Coast ~
Commander Guardian of Rall :: Norn Guardian
Commander Getting Hammered :: Charr Warrior

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Israel.7056


So who left BG now?

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Vena.8436


Well I talked to some people who are currently in t2 and I got the impression that it’s gotten zergier at that level too.

The moment ANet adds one thing, one little thing, to break the zergs. T1 will fall to pieces since half of the people here don’t know what to do but mass up and win by skill lag.

Of course, this won’t affect BG at all.

So… what are the odds we get that soon? :p

The quicker they rise, the quicker they fall.

R.I.P. “Beastgate” (2013-2013)

That’s a pretty stupid statement, since most of blackgate has been the same since launch and has hovered between T1-T2 for months and months.

Vena/Var – Guardian/Thief
[Eon] – Blackgate

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Lead.1784


Who was the [EMP] Charr commander with Sunrise I dueled yesterday north of Bay? Good fight man. I was the TSym necro.

Sanctum of Rall

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Synyster.5894


SoR jelly of our community.


4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Peetee.9406


Mighty small community you got there, friend.

[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Juxtapositronic.1280


Quite frankly, I pity you. Every night I log on and have absolute certainty of laughing until I cry, gaining 200-300 badges, and being part of an amazing community of hundreds of people from around the world.

Blackgate, in all seriousness, you need to drop down a tier or two and regroup. We don’t want any of your guilds, we want you to galvanize as a server. Form a real community, work with each other to develop strategies, lose the kitten-talking fairweathers and come back.

We’ll be waiting.

Your condescension irks me but whatever.

You assume that everyone wishes their server community was like yours. That seems so arrogant to me.

I don’t think Blackgate has a family vibe and I’ve always liked that about the place. It’s one of the reasons I’ve stayed for as long as I have win or lose. No one ever asks Riot to do anything. No one expects anything from me or the people I play with. I like that.

I want to play on a server full of people who just want to kill people in video games. I want to play with people who don’t want to zerg. I don’t want an online family. If you do that’s fine but know that not everyone is like you.

Indeed it is arrogant. It’s also the truth.

You assume that we have expectations of each other. In fact, it is the exact opposite; we expect nothing. Some of our guilds are psychotic militaristic machines full of bloodthirsty psychopaths. Others are casual “family” guilds.

…but we all get along. We fight other servers, not each other. We don’t sacrifice anything to get it; we have everything every other server has, and more. Do I think that is better? kitten right I do! I’ve been playing MMOs as long as the genre has existed, and I love the SoR community. From the smallest guilds all the way on up to Choo, we have a great group of people here. If you aren’t a drama queen then please feel free to join us… you might just like it

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Israel.7056


If you aren’t a drama queen then please feel free to join us… you might just like it

I don’t see what I stand to gain by joining SoR. All the guilds that I used to want to play with seem to have disappeared. I think I saw Laudanum on FA and I hardly see Caora Dhubh (sp?) anymore. Tempest Wolves would be more interesting to me if they ran 5 mans but that doesn’t seem to be their thing. There’s one guild called CAPS that’s always impressed me but that’s about it right now.

There just doesn’t seem to be much for me on SoR.

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: KeeZee.7312



Going thru this thread and it seems the same SoR forum warriors are complaining about other servers being stacked, getting 2v1, and other servers have a poor community.

And they had the nerve to say it was BG that caused all the kitten threads.

Blackgate is probably the new super server. They have all the coverage filled including the highly coveted “euro slot”, which no other server has.

I’m sure they’ll do just fine, JQ better stay sharp because they are coming to dethrone you.

(edited by KeeZee.7312)