A lot of people over the course of several months have been asking over and over – where is the reward for winning WvW?
The problem is they had no real suggestion that could be implemented that just didn’t favor the #1 seed in teir 1 or ‘stuck’ servers. Causing more people to transfer to that server – making the reward unfair.
But now we have the new ranking system and with that we have the possibility for the first time of a weekly reward.
But what should this reward be based off of? What is winning? To me Rating is winning. Once the rankings settle down I think the best thing to do is base it on your servers ability to increase its rating.
An increase in rating = a win for your server and everyone in your server is rewarded. A decrease in rating = a loss. This way the #1 server in the #1 tier isn’t held at a higher reward rate than any other server. If your server performs better than its rating indicates you get a reward, if it performs worse, you get nothing (or a consolation prize like +wxp). Over time you will get a reward for 50% of your matches, and even in matches where you are heavily outgunned you can still increase your servers rating for that reward – but you gotta play.
Anet can use a daily WvW achievements to track if you are eligible for the reward, If you manage to complete at least 1 WvW achievements in 3 out of the 7 days in the week then you get the gold level, silver for 2, and bronze for 1. If you do not participate in WvW you are not rewarded.
Gold level
2 Guild Commendation (if member of a guild with AoW V or better)
2 Rare or better
2 superior siege BP’s
50 silver
an account bound item that can be turned in for +5000 WXP
Silver Level
1 Guild Commendation (If member of a guild with AoW V or better)
1 Rare or better
1 Superior Siege BP
30 Silver
an account bound item that can be turned in for +2500 WXP
Bronze Level
1 Rare or better
1 Siege BP
15 Silver
an account bound item that can be turned in for +1000 WXP
Gold an account bound item that can be turned in for +5000 WXP
Silver an account bound item that can be turned in for +2500 WXP
Bronze an account bound item that can be turned in for +1000 WXP
Issues that need to be resolved before system is implemented:
Server rating and projected rating change need to be implemented in the WvW User Interface
Ratings need to stabilize under the new random matching system – will probably take 4 weeks of matchups to get close.
Transfers are an issue, so players should be ineligible for rewards from the current and next matchup much like wvw bonuses if they transfer servers.
One side effect is it might change peoples outlook on wvw, instead of just playing to ‘win’ the matchup servers will be trying to beat their rating, which is a much more competitive and achievable goal than trying to get the most points out of all 3 servers. That means servers that get matched up will be able to win rating, and due to participation requirements for the rewards should see them fight harder against overpopulated servers giving those servers more conflict. Once servers reach equilibrium they should win and lose rating roughly equally – meaning everyone from t1 to t8 (or t9) is going to over time get the same amount of rewards as long as they are actively participating in wvw. With this reward system your servers population isn’t the prime factor in determining if you will be getting the wvw reward or the consolidation prize.
Your server gains rating, you WIN, and you get rewarded
Your server loses rating, you LOSE, and you get a consolation prize
over time servers will even out at a 50/50 win/loss rate, as your server rating increase it becomes more likely for your server to lose, and as you lose it becomes more likely you will win rating.
Apathy Inc [Ai]
(edited by Draygo.9473)