Abbadons Mouth Vs Gandara Vs Riverside
Greetings from Riverside, hope you enjoyed our litte journey through your Borderlands last Night^^.
On Reset we are strong as always, but midweek we become lazy^^.
See ya on Battlefield.
Greets Myrmi
Yes we enjoyed both the Riverside AND Abbadon’s journey through our borderland last night. Nothing screams “reset” more than getting double teamed at Hills. Such is life. Slow start for Gandara but be sure the fight from our side will intensify.
Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}
Yes, Riverside doubleteamed both Gandara and Abaddons Mouth. Alone. Thats how we roll.
(edited by yiishing.9057)
The amount of siege spotted so far is already exceeding last week. What happened to the good fights :/ Kudos though to Riverside. Your 7 golem sweep on our BL this morning was hilarious.
- Gandarian 1: Golem at cragtop
- Gandarian 2: Golem at Sunny
- Gandarian 3: Golems at Watergate
- Gandarian 4: Golem killing bessie
- Commander: EHRMAGAARD!!
you don´t want to know how many weapons are waiting for you in shadaran hills at your boarderlands
I take that challenge
you don´t want to know how many weapons are waiting for you in shadaran hills at your boarderlands
It’s all good, once we’ve driven you guys from behind your comfy walls i’m pretty sure we’ll wipe you over, and over, and over again
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C –
With all that money you’ll make from wiping us, hopefully you can send some to your mates from the WvW guild. Pretty sure they got a high repair bill this afternoon, even switching to an empty boderland didnt helped them.
Good fun all around.
Time to get a new siege demolish team ready. Ezekiel had a nice instant wipe of a over confident 6 catapult bay attacking team today.
Heheh I’m glad you guys are proud of your wiping our 16 guys once in Hills!
I am also glad for the countless badges you guys have been kind enough to produce for us it makes up for the entire incredibly rich siege campers thing, that we get over 50 badges per hour, yknow? I had to empty my Inventory repeatedly during the course of the evening, apart from badges you guys are a bit stingy though, only 2 rares
Shame on you!
Regardless of the countless Superior Arrow Carts, Superior Catapults, Superior Trebuchets (seriously?) thing in Hills, we only wiped thrice throughout the entirety of the evening when we fought on the Borderlands, one of which was near the end when we had only 19 left, but it was all good, only really fought a few groups, but most didn’t seem to know which end of the sword was for the pokey-pokey.
Come out from behind your walls, Riverside, stop cowering behind your siege and your gold, and you shall know the meaning of armour repairs, certainly those from the IF guild did was fun repeatedly wiping them, thought they’d break quickly, but they kept coming back again and again, not that my growing badge stacks mind, nor the money I get from selling the loot. I just wonder when they’ll run out of money for armour repairs…
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain
(edited by Immolator.5640)
Must respect your dedication for defending stuff RS. But other then that, paper dolls & bailing. Wheres the fighting spirit?
Semper Dius [Dius]
EU Gandara
This boat is going nowhere, you forgot your sailcloth. But you are fast swimmers and quickly got away before our first arrows could find you. Don’t worry though, the weekdays will come where you can cap stuff undefended. Maybe work out an escape plan for your golems though, you never know if we bother to show up.
Heheh I’m glad you guys are proud of your wiping our 16 guys once in Hills!
Maybe we should make a video about it… oh wait.
was fun repeatedly wiping them, thought they’d break quickly, but they kept coming back again and again, not that my growing badge stacks mind, nor the money I get from selling the loot. I just wonder when they’ll run out of money for armour repairs…
Sadly, the story goes a little bit different.
After taking your garrison, we deliberately left a wall open to invite you guys over and come play with us. Unfortunately, you “broke” quickly and after 3 wipes you changed BL and tried a golem sneak on our garrison. There were only a few players left, but luckily they told us what was going on, so we switched and caught you right in time. Only to see you guys switching BL again after two fights. Then there was a little bit off time, bay changed hands a couple of times – until we decided to left the wall open (again, duh…) and invite you to our lovely bay. We had a great time in our TS, everyone was in good mood, making jokes about diminishing returns because we hardly got any loot bags and badges of honor anymore.
And I think I speak for all IF when I say we don’t care about armor repair. We are looking for fights. Yes sometimes you got the jump on us. Sometimes did we. There is always room for improvement for everyone of us.
Sorry, but your comment after this saturday afternoon/evening battering – is actually hilarious.
Don’t take it to seriously though..
(edited by yiishing.9057)
This boat is going nowhere, you forgot your sailcloth. But you are fast swimmers and quickly got away before our first arrows could find you. Don’t worry though, the weekdays will come where you can cap stuff undefended.Maybe work out an escape plan for your golems though, you never know if we bother to show up.
Wait what? I’m sure there is going to be 10x as many defenders as in our GG this morning where you decided to heroicaly golem rush it with 4 golems. Poor NPCs must have nightmares now. So yeah stop with PvD thing, it’s silly. Matchups last 24/7. Each server has strong and weak sides/days/hours/guilds/randoms.
Semper Dius [Dius]
EU Gandara
I was talking about on Saturday all of the evening you guys have been busy wiping left right and centre… Earlier when we were playing in Garrison, for pretty much all of the past week even, in keeping as a designated training week for Gandara, we’ve been using trial leaders
As far as I knew, we were never even there when Garrison had been captured, nor did we attack your Bay like that, that screen is from GBL :P in which we spent the entire night owning the IF guys and unfortunately rolling some of the smaller guys of MNSG and D something K (sorry). That’s when I was leading, not incredibly impressed with you guys, you shattered like glass when you tried to hit us
only once were we wiped by you without the help of your Superior Siege, which was at 12 midnight and 18 players left, so you can forgive us then
As a guild we run with the men and women of Gandara, rather than alone, seeing as we’re not hardcore or in-depth organised enough to pull off alone, however when we are at our area of strength, running with the Infantry and all vigilant and receptive off commands, you will find/found it hard to dent us. I’ll admit we died twice or thrice in Bay, once after owning you guys at the walls, as we forgot to kill the revivers, and some other group turned up, and once because it was necessary for our own devices, which paid off, as we took Bay within 1/2 an hour later. Still though, we don’t run alone, we aren’t hardcore – try beating Dius with the same numbers, you will see different results.
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain
All I can say about this match-up is….
Riverside,…..Riverside everywhere.
All I can say about this match-up is….
Riverside,…..Riverside everywhere.
One goes down another three rise!!! It’s scary!
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue
Pls stop bugging in your bay in front of our eyes, its a shame…….andmore Trebshooting pls^^.
I dont think that we are only hiding behind walls as you see we face you more than often open field.
Sometimes you kicked our kitten but also we did, so you should stay with the truth and this bullkitten that we are more should stop too.
As you can see on your Borderlands today, and yesterday and the day before;-)
I respect you pls dont change my mind with suspicious behavior, see ya on Battlefield.
Greets Myrmi
Think its a bit unfair to criticise us using trebs (maybe your not?). You know well that the number of AC’s you have up will tear through any number or people we send to the gates within seconds.
MNSG and IF (respect) aren’t hiding in keeps but they’re the only people you see outside of them. The rest are camped on the AC’s, if you go within a mile of one of your keeps you have a hail of arrows on your head instantly.
I also suspect you are more (this week). Theres no queues on any borderland this week, when we’ve had 30 min q’s for all for the past month and a bit.
People really dont like fighting you, they find you a spectacularly boring enemy and most just aren’t bothering this week.
Numbers dont matter much anyway, so no complaints from me
Anyway its safe enough to say you’ve won this week, so maybe you could stop the siege fetish thing and come out of keeps so we have a few fun fights?
(edited by Caid.4932)
If you’re going to accuse of glitching “before your eyes” at least share screenshots and guild tags so we can kick the guilds in question in to touch.
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue
we haven´t q´s either except eternal
i was on the gandara homelands all time and we have nice fight´s ( imo )
and btw dtk have only guild raids on 2 days a week all you have seen so long where single players or a group of us in the zerg
Shout out to the REQ+STAR group who were trolling around Bay and Garrison @ Gandara BL, you guys are cool :> I wish we had an even numbered Judge group up to fight you, would’ve been awesome.
Dayum riverside, good defending against that Golem rush indeed! You guys can sure defend :P
puh that was a close one nice attack
I’ll admit, IF beat us up a few times today – if you guys wouldn’t make a random unprovoked jibe in the forums, it would be easier to respect you. When we are under good conditions, with our Infantry to back us up, then we can beat you, and when you guys are under your optimal conditions i.e. several superior carts + outnumbering (joke), you can win against us.
Anyways, if your forum representative here, could change the style in which he writes things, be less aggressive and chiding, I’m pretty sure more people would like you.
Represent your guild as your guild is, else people judge your guild based on you.
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain
Server Gandara, AM Borderland. Guild Inset Coin [IC], Norn Warrior. Immune to attacks, speedhack and teleport through buildings and on cliffs/precipitations. Gratz m8. 1 second later he is onehitting people.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
Server Gandara, AM Borderland. Guild Inset Coin [IC], Norn Warrior. Immune to attacks, speedhack and teleport through buildings and on cliffs/precipitations. Gratz m8. 1 second later he is onehitting people.
I’ll let someone know We on Gandara does not support or condone hacking.
Server Gandara, AM Borderland. Guild Inset Coin [IC], Norn Warrior. Immune to attacks, speedhack and teleport through buildings and on cliffs/precipitations. Gratz m8. 1 second later he is onehitting people.
I’ll let someone know
We on Gandara does not support or condone hacking.
Thank you, this is actually my first “namecalling” in this game. It was very obvious he wasn’t clean. 5 ppl saw it.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
I’m sorry if anyone is offended, but it’s hard to hold fingers still when reading “paper dolls/wipe wipe wipe/ omg so much loot/” and watching pointless videos – even more so after this weekend. As I wrote, with a wink, don’t take it to seriously One more…
Oh, and please consider that I’m speaking for myself and expressing my opinion most of the time. I’m not a official representative, as I clearly marked in my text
Anyway, Gandara looked very furious to me this evening. Running around like crazy, attacking everyone and everything like a angry horde. To bad Abaddon’s is nowhere to be seen, it’s getting annoying to jump across the BL and it’s only Gandara attacking or defending something.
Well, and THAT golem attack. priceless
I’ll let someone know
We on Gandara does not support or condone hacking.
uhh … gz to that tower without supporting hackers (your borderlands, red spawn tower)
I’ll let someone know
We on Gandara does not support or condone hacking.
uhh … gz to that tower without supporting hackers (your borderlands, red spawn tower)
We had a mesmer inside if you mean just then? Just because 1 person hacked, doesnt mean every mesmer portal is a hack :s
(edited by KinkyWarrior.1879)
maybe your mesmer just can’t accept beeing killed … I searched that tower for mesmers, there wasn’t one, so tell me please how suddenly there is a mesmer inside that tower
(and with search I mean not just looking fr 1 second, I spendt there about 1.5 minutes)
maybe your mesmer just can’t accept beeing killed … I searched that tower for mesmers, there wasn’t one, so tell me please how suddenly there is a mesmer inside that tower
He was spotted but we told him to drop the portal early and wait for us. You didn’t kill him. Invisibility? He was hidden right over the little wall next to the lords room Edit: he then jumped on the little sticky out bit and on to the ledge and placed portal and jumped down. Did you check there :P? Like I said he was infact caught but not killed.
Stop the flames guys.
We have good fight´s and that is good so. Maybe all of us should show our enemy some respect sometimes. It´s a game and we should have fun. So let´s hope for more good fight´s .
Greets Astha
(edited by hokage.5342)
That golem rush must have scared ya! Too bad we kinda failed at the end. Anyways, Gandara is never strong in the weekend. You guys have a 30k lead this time so it will be hard.
That said, i don’t really wish to go up a tier. Baruch Bay, Riverside, Augury Rock are all serves that play very defensively or outman ya in the morning/night (ANTI PVP) which is less enjoyable for me personally. T4/5 is probably more fun in general.
I enjoy fighting and if i lose a matchup, but had great fights, i’m fine with that. The servers i just mentioned want to win so badly that they just hide behind siege and only come out when the point tick is almost there.
Also, a lot of your zergs run away.. Like, really? Not all of em tho! You guys have some skilled individuals and tactics etc. Farming you guys at our borderlands in the south was the only way to get some fights going today.
Gandara – WvW Warrior
I’ll let someone know
We on Gandara does not support or condone hacking.
uhh … gz to that tower without supporting hackers (your borderlands, red spawn tower)
Hey Thezen, first post, w00t. I saw you checking, well someone, but you didn’t check all the spots. I got busted by someone on the outside (I think) and dropped a load of invis before rushing a portal out. Sorry for being so sneaky. Cheating is ghey, I just wouldn’t bother.
Yes, the same Plight from CoH! :o
Its amazing that it can be so boring, but still we had a great time tonight. The defenses you have at hills is just intense! And the reaction time even more. Cant be fun be the ones who sits on watch though. Still, good job on the defenses. Most stuff put down actually serve a purpose.
Actually I saw the mesmer throwing the portal and jumping out to get ppl in. So I can asure you there was no cheat involved. As we dont care about towers, keeps and dolyaks, we did not bother.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
(edited by Zumy.6318)
Actually I saw the mesmer throwing the portal and jumping out to get ppl in. So I can asure you there was no cheat involved. As we dont care about towers, keeps and dolyaks, we did not bother.
Riverside – We care only for Quaggans
Bit confused :/
Cheers for the determination of that one guy of RS, trebbing from hills on the same wall for 6 hours straight :P
I hope you ordered him some food!!
Server Gandara, AM Borderland. Guild Inset Coin [IC], Norn Warrior. Immune to attacks, speedhack and teleport through buildings and on cliffs/precipitations. Gratz m8. 1 second later he is onehitting people.
Hi all . I’m Bozzilla GM of Insert Coin on Gandara. If someone of my guild members use hack i hope really that the gm use a perma ban for this!
Insert Coin are always a clean and hackless. Pls if some one have to report don’t report the guild in forum but report the single people in game by right click and REPORT option.
p.s. sorry for my poor engl but i’m italian.
enjoy the game!
Bozzy, to be fair to them, they need to report it here as well so the community can make you aware that there’s someone in your guild being naughty.
I’ve been to a few guild leaders and even recorded one gandara guild being naughty in the past in order to put a stop to it. Some players are just stinky at times, especially when the pressure is on
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue
I just have to laugh here.
Yeah your right you killed (or owned u like to say) but our IF and DTK groups just ran staight into u. And they did their job. With these fight we got enough time to get supply in the hillkepp and build our defenseline.
I just read here about getting batches and just be a second honest. What do u think how many batches we get while sitting in our AC´s? every 20-30 minutes a group of 20-40 of you come to our keep so we can let our arrows loose. Maybe u destroy a cannon or the oil and maybe there are a few idiots outside and try to fight u but in generell i would say we got a lot of loot.
From reset to now i collected more than 250 batches.
And whats the problem with our denfense? try to break it dont whine about it.
It were fine weeks against u so dont destroy it with flames (this is to all server). There are cheater on every server i guess. But that dont mean that your or our server is cheating in generell. I think if some posting such bullkitten he is just angry and sometimes there are people who shout “cheater!!” way to early.
Whatever lets have fun this week
(edited by moe.9123)
And whats the problem with our denfense? try to break it dont whine about it.
It were fine weeks against u so dont destroy it with flamings. There are cheater on every server i guess. But that dont mean that your or our server is cheating in generell. I think if some posting such bullkitten he is just angry and sometimes there are people who shout “cheater!!” way to early.
Whatever lets have fun this week
We were CONGRATULATING you on your defense ._.
maybe i misunderstood the “camping” “hideing and if u come out we will whipe u” and “whrere is your fighting spirit”
then iam sorry
I like how you read one thing and post a chiding remark before checking the rest of the post.
Anyways badges are more well earnt by actually fighting your enemy (that’s not in any way due to the fact I can’t actually afford that much Superior Siege), also since when did you not have a defensive line in Hills? I must have blinked at Reset and missed it… Half a minute after we wipe it all we return and find it all rebuilt; no defenses in Hills? Screens or it didn’t happen :P
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain
who said we dont have defense in the hill? we always rebuild them as fast as we can
fight in open fields is maybe your favorite not mine. Its just a different style of fighting. Everyone should do it in the way they have fun. Its a game made for having fun.
We are earning points by holding keeps not just capturing and raiding in cycles. there are enough people on the fields to fight with so no one forces u to come to the keep.
btw. how many golems u had at the attack? I wasnt able to count, just saw a lot of metal
(edited by moe.9123)
Less then you have arrow carts.
Semper Dius [Dius]
EU Gandara
hehe not a very hard challenge
there are between 40 and 60 in it
And whats the problem with our denfense? try to break it dont whine about it.
Its just extremely boring to (try to) counter.
The criticism of your style and ‘hiding behind your siege’ etc. comes from people on Gandara hating to play the way you play. Seriously we cant keep siege up for longer than an hour or two, no one wants to hang around the keeps and refresh it. No one wants to sit in keeps and scout.
There’ll probably be about 2 or 3 players playing that way at primetime and I’m pretty sure they do it to be helpful as oppossed to enjoying playing that way.
People interpret you … manning siege in keeps as being due to fear of fighting us in the open.
Were a server who enjoys a fight in the open field and your not providing much entertainment on that front so were not having much fun.
But I suppose its unfair to criticise you for playing the way you enjoy playing.
Anyway there was a few good fights today so i got some entertainment out of the match.
(edited by Caid.4932)