(edited by Entropy.4732)
Add a "Server Alliance" option to WvW
I would love to be able to team up with Gandara, AG and Gandara are really similar servers, I would love to fight alongside them.
Aurora Glade EU [JUST] roamer
All is vain: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/first
And in the case that the allied servers both capped SM or another tower simultaneously, another color would be put on the map at those location. Or a half red half blue circle indicating a shared ownership. Points divided to each server.
Make sure to suggest to call the ambassador Forrest Tollen. He’s good at trying to enforce his will on a server then leave.
And in the case that the allied servers both capped SM or another tower simultaneously, another color would be put on the map at those location. Or a half red half blue circle indicating a shared ownership. Points divided to each server.
absoultely brilliant idea, nice one
Aurora Glade EU [JUST] roamer
All is vain: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/first
Not sure why you would have ever been against double teaming. The whole point of three way battles is to have impromptu and planned double teaming, it helps balance.
The stigma against double teaming is counter productive and a lot of matches would be a lot more interesting if folks accepted this. No extra infrastructure needed, just need players to grow a clue.
Not sure why you would have ever been against double teaming. The whole point of three way battles is to have impromptu and planned double teaming, it helps balance.
The stigma against double teaming is counter productive and a lot of matches would be a lot more interesting if folks accepted this. No extra infrastructure needed, just need players to grow a clue.
My problem with double teaming was that the alliance often formed was between the 1st server and the 2nd server in order to crush the 3rd server off the map. An in-game infrastructure for alliances would prevent that.
I don’t think it could or would ever make it so you cannot attack the allied team players.
Instead maybe whenever the top server has a 25k+ lead the other 2 servers are unable to cap each other’s stuff, making it pointless to do anything except double-team the top server. Once (if) the top server is back under 25k lead it goes away.
I It would take something big, like 100 votes or 150 votes over the course of a 24 hour period and at least 5 commander votes to trigger the ambassador.
Small problem:
I don’t think our server has 100 people nor 5 commander in WvW over a 24 hour period
The stigma against double teaming is counter productive and a lot of matches would be a lot more interesting if folks accepted this. No extra infrastructure needed, just need players to grow a clue.
It is always more rewarding(loot wise) and easier for the 2nd server to hit the 3rd server. The weaker server have the weakest defend, paper keep and tower.
And most of the time, the number in the 1st server is so huge that it outnumber 2nd and 3rd server added together. The only way to win is to hit top server TOGETHER.
Ayumu-lvl 80 Necromancer
Tsu-lvl 80 thief
(edited by KOK.2650)
Not sure why you would have ever been against double teaming. The whole point of three way battles is to have impromptu and planned double teaming, it helps balance.
The stigma against double teaming is counter productive and a lot of matches would be a lot more interesting if folks accepted this. No extra infrastructure needed, just need players to grow a clue.
My problem with double teaming was that the alliance often formed was between the 1st server and the 2nd server in order to crush the 3rd server off the map. An in-game infrastructure for alliances would prevent that.
I doubt that even happened, let alone would be the norm. Most of the people that cry double team are clueless folks with tunnel vision, entirely ignoring what is happening on other maps. I remember once watching a huge battle between two enemy servers while my server was QQing in team chat about being double teamed.
Folks go for the third server because it is easy points, not because there is a double team and the reason that happens is because of the stigma folks like yourself put on legitimate double teaming.
Not sure why you would have ever been against double teaming. The whole point of three way battles is to have impromptu and planned double teaming, it helps balance.
The stigma against double teaming is counter productive and a lot of matches would be a lot more interesting if folks accepted this. No extra infrastructure needed, just need players to grow a clue.
My problem with double teaming was that the alliance often formed was between the 1st server and the 2nd server in order to crush the 3rd server off the map. An in-game infrastructure for alliances would prevent that.
Could make commanders become treaty holders or make it so an NPC is a treaty holder. Once killed the 1 server who is getting double teamed must destroy the treaty(could make it so they have to destroy both sides treaties as well) thus ending the alliance and forcing these two servers back into a brawl and turning their split captures into free game for anybody to recap. Then make it so once a server enters an alliance and it gets broken it cannot be submitted again for another day or two.
They designed the 1v1v1 so if a server is just dominating 2 could join forces and help each other push back this dominating force but they produced no systems to allow this to be done in-game so the entire server may participate.
(edited by Emmet.2943)
This is needed.
I It would take something big, like 100 votes or 150 votes over the course of a 24 hour period and at least 5 commander votes to trigger the ambassador.
Small problem:
I don’t think our server has 100 people nor 5 commander in WvW over a 24 hour periodThe stigma against double teaming is counter productive and a lot of matches would be a lot more interesting if folks accepted this. No extra infrastructure needed, just need players to grow a clue.
It is always more rewarding(loot wise) and easier for the 2nd server to hit the 3rd server. The weaker server have the weakest defend, paper keep and tower.
And most of the time, the number in the 1st server is so huge that it outnumber 2nd and 3rd server added together. The only way to win is to hit top server TOGETHER.
The vote number needed could easily be lowered. Maybe 50 and 3 commanders would be enough. Or 100 over a 3 day period. And as to your second point, keep in mind that this alliance would only happen if BOTH servers agreed. If the 2nd server wanted to keep the 3rd server open for farming in order to make a play for number 1, all they would have to do is vote down the alliance request from the 3rd server. And remember, either server could vote to end the alliance at any time.
It would be much to complicated for them to do this, but I could totally go for it if they figured it out.
I don’t think it would really be all that complicated. I’m sure most players would welcome it.
This is pretty brilliant. Alliances happen all the times in war. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. I see no reason why we shouldn’t be allowed to team up to take on a greater threat.
But because of the fact this does make sense is why I can never see it happening. Watch Devon come in here and give some BS excuse like, “it doesn’t fit in the lore!” “our system can’t handle that sort of thing!” “it’s meant to be unbalanced!”.
(edited by Nikkinella.8254)
I would love to be able to team up with Gandara, AG and Gandara are really similar servers, I would love to fight alongside them.
The feelings are returned Much respect for Aurora Glade.
I would love to be able to team up with Gandara, AG and Gandara are really similar servers, I would love to fight alongside them.
The feelings are returned
Much respect for Aurora Glade.
See, this is exactly why my idea would be awesome. Alliances would introduce a whole new, positive element to WvW. Rivalries would increase, but so would comrodery and cross server loyalty. Grateful underdog servers would unite against the tyranny of the power hungry 1st server. It’s the plot of every great fantasy novel. It’s more “living story” than any of the recent PVE content.