Anet doesn't care about WvW edit pg3 INFO
5) I agree and we will likely remove them at some point in the future. However, to do so requires additional work because of the complexities of the upgrade system. It’s not as simple to do as it should be. But we have to work with the tools we have.
If you do end up removing waypoints, consider removing golems as well. Golem rushing is already the easiest and fastest way to get into a keep, and without waypoints it’s going to be very hard to defend against them unless you have your zerg ready right around the corner (in which case you can only hope your zerg outnumbers theirs, or is more organized).
Or at the very least nerf the golems so we don’t see the usual 10+ omegas on a single gate. It’s a bit silly, imo.
Actions speaks louder than any word.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.
Conversation and the exchange of ideas is action.
2) We will continue to work on these abilities in the hopes of making them more fun and providing more variety. We are however quite set on not adding power creep, at least not much, which makes them fairly constrained. We have yet to unleash our craziest ideas.
What about making them account bound especially since the number of abilities has increased dramatically since the system was introduced. It was arguable as to whether it should be account or character bound in the beginning but the increase in the number of abilities has clearly disadvantaged those who want to play with alts to a large degree.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
5) I agree and we will likely remove them at some point in the future. However, to do so requires additional work because of the complexities of the upgrade system. It’s not as simple to do as it should be. But we have to work with the tools we have.
If you do end up removing waypoints, consider removing golems as well. Golem rushing is already the easiest and fastest way to get into a keep, and without waypoints it’s going to be very hard to defend against them unless you have your zerg ready right around the corner (in which case you can only hope your zerg outnumbers theirs, or is more organized).
Or at the very least nerf the golems so we don’t see the usual 10+ omegas on a single gate. It’s a bit silly, imo.
Orrr wait for it…. actually split your zerg up and have defenders/attackers. ./legasp!!
If you don’t wanna defend a point you don’t deserve to keep it. Don’t fall back on waypoints to do it for you.
Hell if it was up to me I wouldn’t even put swords on the map. I’d just have a signal flare go automatically up that if no one saw or was paying attention to…too bad. Pay attention to your territory.
There are some updates coming soon, quite soon even, that hopefully will dispel this. Say bye-bye to the Quaggan.
How about all that unused skritt/centaur territory?
Skritt/Centaur Mastery are next year’s content.
Hopefully not before Dolyak Mastery.
Dolyak Mastery would be wicked sick:
1 +1% duration when you apply swiftness to a Dolyak
3 +2% duration when you apply swiftness to a Dolyak
6 +3% duration when you apply swiftness to a Dolyak
10 +4% duration when you apply swiftness to a Dolyak
15 +5% duration when you apply swiftness to a Dolyak
25 Swiftness duration you apply now also affects Dolyak NPC guards
40 +7% duration total
60 Gain Protection for 5 seconds when you successfully escort a Dolyak
85 +10% duration total
115 Gain 1 stack of Dolyak’s Fortitude every time you escort a Dolyak. Dolyak’s Fortitude: Each stack grants +1% swiftness duration. Max 5 stacks
Can’t wait to grind for a couple of weeks to get that.
we may consider whether or not there is an incarnation of [ele] that would be viable
but balanced. For now, we do not expect it to see serious use.” – ANet
(edited by Caffynated.5713)
Is loot drops from dead players still bugged for anyone else? Either I am incredibly unlucky all night, or the loot is bugged because I was not even getting half as many drops as I usually do.
New bunker meta sux
Is loot drops from dead players still bugged for anyone else? Either I am incredibly unlucky all night, or the loot is bugged because I was not even getting half as many drops as I usually do.
It’s probably because they’re aren’t half as many people for you to kill in WvW as usual. The most current Living Story content is such the epic grind house in the absolute literal MMO definition imaginable I need not explain any further.
Best “Time:Gold” ratio: check
Same Mobs Over and Over: check
No WvW Implementation: check
Business as usual at Arena Net.
Is loot drops from dead players still bugged for anyone else? Either I am incredibly unlucky all night, or the loot is bugged because I was not even getting half as many drops as I usually do.
It’s probably because they’re aren’t half as many people for you to kill in WvW as usual. The most current Living Story content is such the epic grind house in the absolute literal MMO definition imaginable I need not explain any further.
Best “Time:Gold” ratio: check
Same Mobs Over and Over: check
No WvW Implementation: checkBusiness as usual at Arena Net.
No, that is not the problem. There has been a slight decrease in the numbers, but a very large decrease in drops. Nothing seems to drop, not even spikes.
New bunker meta sux
some of you guys are just outright disrespectful and rude. Thank you Devon for all your hard work. Please continue your work on wvw, looking forward to the new updates.
some of you guys are just outright disrespectful and rude. Thank you Devon for all your hard work. Please continue your work on wvw, looking forward to the new updates.
Thank you for your constructive communist opinion. I will surely always say nice things about this game. That way, the developers will always feel they are right no matter what happens.
Well, that is something that your boss(es) will decide. We can all talk this and that, but they do have the numbers and that is all they care about. Since you say wvw is doing great, increasing numbers since january I’m sure you will not follow Habib
I am all for bye bye.
Sounds good, when are you leaving?
some of you guys are just outright disrespectful and rude. Thank you Devon for all your hard work. Please continue your work on wvw, looking forward to the new updates.
^ This.
Of course there’s more we’d like to add, but colcou has got the essentials right.
Thanks, Devon. Keep up the good work. We look forward to more updates that healthily marry your (and the rest of the team’s) good ideas with the things we’re clear we need.
Well, some players have “big” feelings. That is fine. Emotional thinking is useful.
Isn’t it fascinating though? The community can rarely apply any pressure for change because it cannot keep the developers on the hook for its failures to provide the vision of gameplay it was selling. That is because the player base keeps rotating over. You have players like cocolu and many others who either don’t know the history of what was offered, and provided by the game; or cannot communicate it.
You have so many people that are unaware. This allows the developers to provide such limited change. You want/expect more change? How many people know? How many communicate it? The lack of a monthly subscription also destroys a communities ability to communicate traditional wants/needs. The GW2 forums serve as an example.
Communicate and share.
I renounce my hibernation and return.
Sea of Sorrows survivor – Currently on Blackgate
Orrr wait for it…. actually split your zerg up and have defenders/attackers. ./legasp!!
If you don’t wanna defend a point you don’t deserve to keep it. Don’t fall back on waypoints to do it for you.Hell if it was up to me I wouldn’t even put swords on the map. I’d just have a signal flare go automatically up that if no one saw or was paying attention to…too bad. Pay attention to your territory.
And yet against 10+ Omegas it doesn’t matter how many people you have defending, since they will just melt through the gates in seconds. Having a waypoint at least gives you somewhat of a chance to hold them of at least a bit.
Without WP you simply have to have your whole zerg standing around (in several keeps at once (which would be impossible)) at all times.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
There are some updates coming soon, quite soon even, that hopefully will dispel this. Say bye-bye to the Quaggan.
Why? Interacting with the NPC Quaggans is a nice event chain that severs as introduction to WvW newcomers, can provide help for capping camps if you are alone or with just two people, can contest a keep to divert attention and does provide a source of WxP.
Just wanted to add to the other posters as I think it is a bad idea
Still keeps a volume of Kurzick poems ;)
There are some updates coming soon, quite soon even, that hopefully will dispel this. Say bye-bye to the Quaggan.
Why? Interacting with the NPC Quaggans is a nice event chain that severs as introduction to WvW newcomers, can provide help for capping camps if you are alone or with just two people, can contest a keep to divert attention and does provide a source of WxP.
Just wanted to add to the other posters as I think it is a bad idea
the quaggans and center island are both also deceptively important pieces of strategy. if used properly, they can completely turn the tide of a drawn out fight in the keeps and two of the southern camps. not to mention how useful they are to contest waypoints as well.
Let’s wait and see until they have actually implemented the change before we shout about it being a bad idea, shall we?
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Let’s wait and see until they have actually implemented the change before we shout about it being a bad idea, shall we?
History here teaches that things that seemed like a bad idea actually turned out to be bad ideas, so maybe it would be better to think them through before implementing them rather than mess everything up so you have to fix it later.
Remove Orb : Check
Remove Culling : Check
Remove Quaggans : In progress
Remove Players from WvW : ETA 2014
Remove WvW : Summer 2014
Add more living story : Check
heheh im just messing around! But I also do not understand why the Quaggans have to leave, but if that has something to do with a new mechanic I don’t mind them to leave too.
Just as I suggested before and no Dev responded to this:
Change the border skins in different seasons. Winter, Summer, Autumn. So there is a little change.
Ow well, I used to care. But even that I don’t do anymore.
History here teaches that things that seemed like a bad idea actually turned out to be bad ideas, so maybe it would be better to think them through before implementing them rather than mess everything up so you have to fix it later.
I am quite sure people shouted about removing quests, holy trinity and mob-tagging was bad ideas as well and yet I would say it was rather good ideas now that we have actually seen them.
People on these forums always assume everything that will be changed is bad, which is quite silly. Based on what Devon have said it is already so far along in development that it most likely won’t see any big (if any) changes before going live anyway. So why not wait and see how it turns out? Why assume ArenaNet does not know what they are doing?
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Sounds good, when are you leaving?
When the time comes. I’ll let you know. How about you?
History here teaches that things that seemed like a bad idea actually turned out to be bad ideas, so maybe it would be better to think them through before implementing them rather than mess everything up so you have to fix it later.
I am quite sure people shouted about removing quests, holy trinity and mob-tagging was bad ideas as well and yet I would say it was rather good ideas now that we have actually seen them.People on these forums always assume everything that will be changed is bad, which is quite silly. Based on what Devon have said it is already so far along in development that it most likely won’t see any big (if any) changes before going live anyway. So why not wait and see how it turns out? Why assume ArenaNet does not know what they are doing?
Devon has already posted that orb buffs are returning.
Yes, those same orb stat buffs which magnified off hours coverage, turned slightly imbalanced matchups into complete roflstomps and generally destroyed the morale of losing servers, turning wvw into a ghost town when players figured out what the buffs were about and that not only were they outmanned but also the spawn camping opposition had a stat advantage.
The only change hinted is that instead of an orb, it’s likely to be a control point needing to be held on what is now krait island.
The implication is that it’s harder to hold and easier to take.
Wait till we stack 10 omegas on it, unbuffed an omega can hit for 2.5k, has a shield, 300k health and insane armour.
Now imagine it buffed, or wait for it …. manned by someone with golem mastery.
Good luck with balance.
Thanks for the interaction Devon, ignore the immature posters in this thread they have no understanding of real life.
7) It is on our list of things to do, but it is not going to happen until we’ve handled some other, more serious things. Like the commander system. While I certainly wish I had a legion of designers and programmers at my disposal, we have a finite amount of resources to be put to work and we have to prioritize them according to what is necessary for the game. Sometimes that means doing things that have seemingly little impact to y’all, but eventually pay dividends in other ways.
Hope that is informative.
Oh gods no, not a blasted killspam. Kills can happen so frequently, especially when zergs collide, and frankly I don’t give a fried quaggans buttocks who killed who, nor do I want my chat or UI clogged with useless information that does nothing more than inflate someone’s tiny kitten to almost-mediocre. There’s no way that could benefit performance at all either. At worst there would need to be a way to opt out from the spam, ideally both sending and receiving. I don’t need to share my kills, and I don’t give a poop who killed who.
a) Horrible idea. Who is going to accept to be a lower rank?
do you think, say, U.S. army is composed only by Commanders?
organization requires a formal order: we are in critical need of flexibility, and the current system is way to rigid.
Nor can people in the military choose whatever rank they wish to display. If you did something like this you open the commander system up to trolling most severely. You really think some troll is going to give a crap about the “organized system” some guilds put in place? I don’t think so… they’ll wear whatever rank they choose, and odds are it’ll be the highest.
Colors would be ideal. Group A on the blue pin, group B on the red, etc. Simple, elegant and effective.
History here teaches that things that seemed like a bad idea actually turned out to be bad ideas, so maybe it would be better to think them through before implementing them rather than mess everything up so you have to fix it later.
I am quite sure people shouted about removing quests, holy trinity and mob-tagging was bad ideas as well and yet I would say it was rather good ideas now that we have actually seen them.
Actually that’s why most people bought the game in the first time.
Most of the playerbase now is complaining about the game not being as it was advertised.
Now it seems like anet is going to screw out WvW (which is already unbalanced as kitten) implementing
-ascended items
-rank/stat buffs
-orb buffs
The manifesto clearly stated that gear wouldn’t make a difference and would be fairly easy to obtain. That players would have the same access to the same stats and that vertical progression belonged to “other MMOS”
Now any decent PvP oriented player doesn’t want any advantage nor disadvantage but simply fair challenge. That’s why most pvpers came here in the first place and that’s the same reason why big guilds / multigaming clans left it after 2months. Now it’s time to make an improvement and fix all this, because soon enought will be too late.
But if they’re trying to fix all this with buffs/ranks/stat rewards and vertical progression well I don’t think is gonna keep the serious pvpers in.
Actually that’s why most people bought the game in the first time. Most of the playerbase now is complaining about the game not being as it was advertised. Now it seems like anet is going to screw out WvW (which is already unbalanced as kitten) implementing
-ascended items
-rank/stat buffs
-orb buffsThe manifesto clearly stated that gear wouldn’t make a difference and would be fairly easy to obtain. That players would have the same access to the same stats and that vertical progression belonged to “other MMOS”
Now any decent PvP oriented player doesn’t want any advantage nor disadvantage but simply fair challenge. That’s why most pvpers came here in the first place and that’s the same reason why big guilds / multigaming clans left it after 2months. Now it’s time to make an improvement and fix all this, because soon enought will be too late.
But if they’re trying to fix all this with buffs/ranks/stat rewards and vertical progression well I don’t think is gonna keep the serious pvpers in.
I am a prime example of this — a player who have recently left another MMO attracted by the promises of GW2. What exact promises attracted me? Two things:
(a) WvW — massive PvP with objectives, and
(b) no gear grinds — “you do some PvP, you get gear, you use it forever, noone is going to have better gear”.
Much to my chagrin, both promises appear to have serious problems — WvW suffers from zergs (yes, some people roam, but the majority zergs and so roamers spend most of their time trying to find fights), and in the “no gear grinds” department we have ascended gear.
No good.
There are some updates coming soon, quite soon even, that hopefully will dispel this. Say bye-bye to the Quaggan.
Wait, why would you guys get rid of the Quaggan? They don’t really provide much advantage, and it gives something else to do.
Please give us a keyring…
There are some updates coming soon, quite soon even, that hopefully will dispel this. Say bye-bye to the Quaggan.
Wait, why would you guys get rid of the Quaggan? They don’t really provide much advantage, and it gives something else to do.
That water area… that’s a lot of land mass waiting to happen.
There are some updates coming soon, quite soon even, that hopefully will dispel this. Say bye-bye to the Quaggan.
Wait, why would you guys get rid of the Quaggan? They don’t really provide much advantage, and it gives something else to do.
That water area… that’s a lot of land mass waiting to happen.
Yes – but the hints being dropped involve Krait. It sounds like more of the same – PvE stuff being swapped around rather than get on with fixing what needs fixing.
There are some updates coming soon, quite soon even, that hopefully will dispel this. Say bye-bye to the Quaggan.
Wait, why would you guys get rid of the Quaggan? They don’t really provide much advantage, and it gives something else to do.
That water area… that’s a lot of land mass waiting to happen.
Yes – but the hints being dropped involve Krait. It sounds like more of the same – PvE stuff being swapped around rather than get on with fixing what needs fixing.
Unless I misread it, the hint I saw was more in line with the thought that we won’t have the krait to worry about soon.
5. I honestly think with the modest size of your maps and how many people are crammed into them. The waypoints upgrades should be removed.
5) I agree and we will likely remove them at some point in the future. However, to do so requires additional work because of the complexities of the upgrade system. It’s not as simple to do as it should be. But we have to work with the tools we have.
WHY? Why would you do something as terrible as that? Its a pain in the kitten already when we have waypoints up. Removing them removes any reason to even try to do anything in WvW. Unless you mean removing the need to build them (have them always active), then I guess thats fine, though not sure why you’d do that either.
I’m pretty sure you’d force alot of people out of WvW if you ever make that change. I know I wouldn’t play it as much, if at all.
Please give us a keyring…
5. I honestly think with the modest size of your maps and how many people are crammed into them. The waypoints upgrades should be removed.
5) I agree and we will likely remove them at some point in the future. However, to do so requires additional work because of the complexities of the upgrade system. It’s not as simple to do as it should be. But we have to work with the tools we have.
WHY? Why would you do something as terrible as that? Its a pain in the kitten already when we have waypoints up. Removing them removes any reason to even try to do anything in WvW. Unless you mean removing the need to build them (have them always active), then I guess thats fine, though not sure why you’d do that either.
I’m pretty sure you’d force alot of people out of WvW if you ever make that change. I know I wouldn’t play it as much, if at all.
I agree, removing waypoints would be far more detrimental to WvW than beneficial. You’ll wind up with much less going on as more people will be needed to stay at home and keep eyes on keeps. Staying at home is boring for a lot of people, so the inability to ever be able to travel quickly will begin to suck the fun out of it to a degree. That should be the lowest priority on the list, somewhere beneath “flossing the neighbor’s cat”.
Agreed keep WPs need to stay, it’s a basic part of the dynamic of the war
Asuran Engineer (Lost)
Agreed keep WPs need to stay, it’s a basic part of the dynamic of the war
Game would open up a lot more without them and no more suicide charges because you know you can port back in 30 secs. Enjoy your crutch dynamic though.
Without WP you simply have to have your whole zerg standing around (in several keeps at once (which would be impossible)) at all times.
That’s actually the goal and if they decide to mass up and zerg/golem rush your keep on one map they’re not defending anything anywhere. Also, they had to walk those golems across the map to get there unnoticed (which means you’re not scouting).
Forcing the focus onto paying attention and defending your territory splits up those massive zergs or punishes them zerging. The idea isn’t to have one zerg for offense and defense like it is now. The idea is to have that zerg split up into groups defending or attacking. If they can’t zerg those golems become infinitely less safe and if they do zerg to protect them…well…they’re gonna lose something as well. Your scouts say they are zerg golem rushing a keep of yours? Golem rush one or more of of their’s back because you know they’re not defending anything now or pinch them between your defending force and an offensive force. If they can walk those golems up to your face without you noticing either you need to make an effort to scout or you deserve to lose that place.
Now obviously 10+ golem rush is, as you said, a problem. Why? Because the only counter to it you can think of is a waypoint when all the waypoint does is encourage zerging which is the real problem. Why not something like lowering Omega’s HP pool to compensate for it’s high damage and mobility? Why not something like new siege that’s made to actually take out other siege because the options we have currently fail badly. Waypoints should not be the counter to siege, good play should.
I’m all with you that massive golem rushing is a problem but there should be a counter to that and as it’s a problem now obviously waypoints are not the solution yet still encourage the problem in the first place.
If WP upgrades were removed and replaced with fortified doors this game would be a lot better. Omnizerging may not actually be the dominant strategy for once whoa wow.
Agreed keep WPs need to stay, it’s a basic part of the dynamic of the war
Game would open up a lot more without them and no more suicide charges because you know you can port back in 30 secs. Enjoy your crutch dynamic though.
I don’t know about that. If anything it gives a pretty good size unfair advantage to the opposing servers. They have a shorter run back to the keeps. Granted its the opposite if you’re fighting in the north, but if you’re up there, it usually means you already have the south, unless you’re just a camp capper.
Please give us a keyring…
Oh! I get it!
I couldn’t for the life of me understand the reasoning behind the AC buff and all those pointless ‘mastery’ skills. Now it becomes clear.
If you remove waypoints, rapid movement becomes impossible, especially if you also prevent people crossing ground between towers by increasing siege range and power.
It’s a combined cure for the skill lag problem AND the zerg.
This will force the action to slow down to a standstill, making everyone sit in towers for hours on end in order to keep territory. No zerg, no tower rushes with dozens of people, just a load of people sitting in impregnable towers, potting at each other with trebs and the occasional mortar.
The only time it will be possible to take anything is when the defenders finally get so bored they go off to bed and leave the position completely open.
That’s it isn’t it?
Theres too much running in WvW now, like others have said you think Golems are a pain with WPs, without them could be a nightmare.
Besides people should be contesting those WPs at the appropriate times anyway. And if a server does wait til the timer resets and bombs inside during that 1-2 seconds: Good on them. It shows teamwork, and organization.
2v1 doubleteaming and massive skill lag. Imo, wvw design should focus more on group fights instead of zerg fights. It’s not that difficult to design, just make sure that small/medium size groups are needed to take points and hold eg. gate or bridge points for main group to advance. This will ensure that u dont have whole bg from all 3 server focus on the same area. This darn nightly double teaming by JQ and SOR is getting lame and the major cause of the skill lag.
Yada yada yada, really right now fixing skill lag should be number #1 out of all things. It seems like it got worse not better.
Hmmm Quaggan going bye bye, return of the orb(buff). Coincidence???
Maybe some kind of “king of the hill” event instead of Storm Temple/Weather Node?
Failed Quaggan ritual leads to “King of the Hill” event, like Thaumanova Reactor?
Quaggan small….Asura small….Coincidence?
Storm Temple Fractal???
Hmmm Quaggan going bye bye, return of the orb(buff). Coincidence???
Maybe some kind of “king of the hill” event instead of Storm Temple/Weather Node?
Failed Quaggan ritual leads to “King of the Hill” event, like Thaumanova Reactor?
Quaggan small….Asura small….Coincidence?Storm Temple Fractal???
I tip my hat to you sir
Every time an amazing update is promised, a Quaggan gets its wings.
Red Guard
@Devon’s most recent reply.
You successfully said “we have more important things to do, the big fixes wont be there for months and the small ones are on the backburner until big ones occur.”
Either start throwing some bones(and no, mastery’ s do not count) or start making some commitments that we can see progress on. Im talking teaser screenshots, more involvment, and generally more interaction. It is saddening to see how much love the living world team gives their forums and wvw is left for all of us to say, why cant we get any attention?
The way some of you people act makes me fear for the future of the human race. Just absolutely ridiculous.
Every time an amazing update is promised, a Quaggan gets its wings.
+1 Pannonica. Lol
I renounce my hibernation and return.
Sea of Sorrows survivor – Currently on Blackgate