Arrowcarts [merged]

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: TacoJoe.6083


Just cant wait till the “dumb Zerg” starts building ACs all over the place because they are wicked cheep and OP…and killing all of the QQers who were looking for balanced PvP.

Remember if 9 people with full supply can build 3 ACs, 60 people with full supply can build 20 ACs and camp your spawn.

I am sure that this is working as intended because no company would institute a patch with balance changes without first play testing it.

If they did the game would not last long and this one has been going for what…8 months. Clearly they have the MMO industry all figured out and are going to be the (game not mentioned) killer due to their unrelenting desire to see balanced game play and amazing reluctance to let the loudest voice on the forums dictate the changes they make to the game.

Yay Anet!!!

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


New patch notes:

-Renaming arrow carts to arrowrams.
-Replacing all WvW siege with just the new arrowram. No more need for other types of siege.
-Renaming WvW to WvAC

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


I like the upgrade to Arrowcarts…there are other ways to take a keep/tower other then using rams and pvping the door down…..this forces zergs to be more tactical….gives the true meaning to defending a tower/keep where (in history) it took 10 times the amount of people to attack a fortified position. 10 people could defend against 100……now 2-3 players can defend a tower against a zerg of 20-30….sounds absolutely reasonable

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


To be honest what this patch has done has completely changed the ideology of attacking objectives in WvW. It has simply become either try and ninja around the map and run away as soon as spotted and then try to treb or cata it down while also trying to destroy any counter seige they build inside. Yay seige wars :/

I see a lot of people in this thread saying that you can’t just ignore the arrow carts on the wall and that you first have to destroy them before attacking. This is true, but every tower/keep/castle has uncounterable seige placements; in other words they cannot be destroyed. An example would be Briar, place some arrowcarts in and below the lord room and you are set for life.

I guess some people like playing like ninjas and then seiging up for hours on end, and I’m not going to tell them they are wrong in enjoying that playstyle. But if you think it will have any impact on the meta, ie zerging, it won’t. it’ll just take less people to defend an objective, 2-3 ACs will force them into long range seige and waste hours of their time. And with this a lot less open field fights (why fight when you can just stay in tower and easily defend), and a whole population who have played WvW will be left wanting.

The very hard/impossible to counter siege placement areas is one of the big reasons this is a major problem.

ATM you have to kill every AC and hope they don’t flash build. It’s not at all reasonable.

Before AC’s were support damage and could take down siege over time. They needed a small buff in damage/range… but now they just blow up the area in a couple of seconds.

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


I like the upgrade to Arrowcarts…there are other ways to take a keep/tower other then using rams and pvping the door down…..this forces zergs to be more tactical….gives the true meaning to defending a tower/keep where (in history) it took 10 times the amount of people to attack a fortified position. 10 people could defend against 100……now 2-3 players can defend a tower against a zerg of 20-30….sounds absolutely reasonable

So you think it’s OK for one player on a superior arrowcart inside a tower can hold off a zerg of 40 players outside the gate trying to put down superior rams or WHATEVER.

Yeah, sorry, you’re wrong.

The fact that ANet thought they needed a damage buff in the first place shows that they really don’t understand their own game.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Venn.7623


Before AC’s were support damage and could take down siege over time. They needed a small buff in damage/range… but now they just blow up the area in a couple of seconds.

I thought destroying siege was the role for ballistas. Now there’s really no point in making rams or ballistas lol.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: TacoJoe.6083


I like the upgrade to Arrowcarts…there are other ways to take a keep/tower other then using rams and pvping the door down…..this forces zergs to be more tactical….gives the true meaning to defending a tower/keep where (in history) it took 10 times the amount of people to attack a fortified position. 10 people could defend against 100……now 2-3 players can defend a tower against a zerg of 20-30….sounds absolutely reasonable

Those sieges lasted for 3-6 months. Ready to stay logged on for that?

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: TacoJoe.6083


Before AC’s were support damage and could take down siege over time. They needed a small buff in damage/range… but now they just blow up the area in a couple of seconds.

I thought destroying siege was the role for ballistas. Now there’s really no point in making rams or ballistas lol.

AC or go home!!!

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


Before AC’s were support damage and could take down siege over time. They needed a small buff in damage/range… but now they just blow up the area in a couple of seconds.

I thought destroying siege was the role for ballistas. Now there’s really no point in making rams or ballistas lol.

AC or go home!!!

Indeed, they vastly outshine the other siege equipment.

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyrus.9680


I think the random thread merge deleted my post but as I was saying…

The fact that, out of the blue, they buffed ACs by over double their former power for no apparent reason already should indicate someone calling the shots really doesn’t have much of an idea what they’re doing.

How often, in any game, for something that’s already balanced, do you see it randomly boosted by over 100%?

I’m 100% in favor of changing the zerg blob meta but… More towards roaming/strike teams… Turtling and treb wars is definitely not a desirable meta unless one side is outmanned…

Zefyres – Ele | Maguuma | (ex) top100 solo/teamQ casual | Youtube

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Hecksa.7140


Plenty of people defending AC, saying it’s ok because it has counters and so on. They’re right, technically – it does have counters; but that doesn’t make the buff ok.

If you want to turn WvW into a prettier version of rock paper scissors where the players themselves spend hours of their playtime standing around waiting for the two or three people on the trebuchets to destroy all the enemy siege, then sure. ACs will certainly force this kind of game.

ACs are now a hard counter to players and groups of all professions, builds, organisation levels and skill levels. You can’t fight in them, you can’t stand in them whilst using a ram, you can’t use Golems in them. The only answer is to go get longer ranged siege of your own. No thanks.

I signed up to have fights with players, players who do interesting, inventive things; not to be a mobile supply depot for the escalating formulaic siege wars going on all over the map.

Not Matter (Mesmer) – [RG]

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


ACs are now a hard counter to players and groups of all professions, builds, organisation levels and skill levels.

And sizes, hence it isn’t a counter to zergs unlike what some seem to think.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Kraag Deadsoul.2789

Kraag Deadsoul.2789

To be honest what this patch has done has completely changed the ideology of attacking objectives in WvW. It has simply become either try and ninja around the map and run away as soon as spotted and then try to treb or cata it down while also trying to destroy any counter seige they build inside. Yay seige wars :/

I see a lot of people in this thread saying that you can’t just ignore the arrow carts on the wall and that you first have to destroy them before attacking. This is true, but every tower/keep/castle has uncounterable seige placements; in other words they cannot be destroyed. An example would be Briar, place some arrowcarts in and below the lord room and you are set for life.

I guess some people like playing like ninjas and then seiging up for hours on end, and I’m not going to tell them they are wrong in enjoying that playstyle. But if you think it will have any impact on the meta, ie zerging, it won’t. it’ll just take less people to defend an objective, 2-3 ACs will force them into long range seige and waste hours of their time. And with this a lot less open field fights (why fight when you can just stay in tower and easily defend), and a whole population who have played WvW will be left wanting.

I realize this is just one example and doesn’t encompass the whole of WvWvW, but with regards to your assertion that arrow carts can be placed in an uncounterable location in Briar is false. There is nowhere inside that tower that arrow carts could be placed that I couldn’t hit them with a properly placed cata or treb. Not in the lord’s room, below the lord’s room, inside the supply depot pergola, tucked inside the tower lord’s jacket, nowhere.

Likewise, I would assert that there are truly no uncounterable siege placement locations anywhere else with the possible exception of the lord’s room of Hills. It comes down to practice. If you want to siege hills on your enemy’s border, for example, set up siege to fire at your own hills on your border. Test the limits of siege ranges and placement. Do this, and you learn very quickly how to counter enemy siege placements; either offensively or defensively.

A whole population that played WvWvW prior to the advent of the zerg meta (and the introduction of WXP rewards and WvWvW ranks that reinforced it) has been left wanting for some time now. What is playing out now is simply a restoration of balance. Zerg is going to zerg; I’m in full agreement with you. Defenders, though, are now armed with an effective counter where before they had none.

I fail to see how the zerg’s time will be wasted. If the zerg is as averse to long range siege warfare as you attest, then as soon as they hit any resistance at a tower or keep, they’ll go looking for an easier target. Maybe they’ll be reduced to steamrolling supply camps. But if the motivation of a zerger is easy karma, experience, influence, and WXP, then an easily-captured supply camp will be preferable to a fully sieged-up tower or keep. The zerg gets what it came for while the defenders, ninjas, and those who play WvWvW for the deeper strategic game are finally given the opportunity to be viable again.

What’s more is, I fail to see how the opposite situation was any better. I’m referring to defenders spending hours of their time (and coin) upgrading a tower or keep only to see it lost in 10 minutes or less to a zerg against which there was no viable counter for those defenders. Is their time less valuable than the zerg’s?

Unlike all the speculation of doom-and-gloom regarding how bad this patch will be for WvWvW, I’m not basing my conclusions on theory crafting. It comes from 7 months of watching WvWvW mechanics put into place that failed; mechanics which favored zerging alone above all other strategies and tactics. The balance is now restored. Zerging won’t be as easy or profitable as it once was; but neither has it become obsolete, either. Defensive, small-party, ninja, strategic, or whatever-you-want-to-call-it play is now given an opportunity to be viable. Balance.

So many souls, so little time. ~ Kraag Deadsoul

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Mizu.9387


I don’t really get all those people who honestly believe that arrowcarts were underpowered. If you had the assist of an arrowcart you could easily whipe a zerg twice your size at the gates.
I can’t help but feel this is udate is for people that actually don’t know how to defend. AC’s are meant as support fire, not a bloody nuke to whipe out an entire group.

The last few days I’ve seen forces, that outnumber us greatly, hide on their walls and NEVER pushing outside AC range.
Running into other guilds a the ruins have been one of the highlights for me so far but guess what, you now get peppered from AC fire from the tower.
This AC update is for carebears that don’t know how or don’t want to fight other players.

Sif Urkraft

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


All AOEs in the game need to be 15-25 limit.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: amonian.3596


wvwvw is destoryed by arrowcart.
byebye bl.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: TacoJoe.6083


Zerg ball is still king. Now more than ever.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Aaron.4807


Zerg ball is still king. Now more than ever.

Yeah you are right with one caveat, whoever puts up the first arrow cart is now the winner.

I still think that anet updates the game by throwing a dart onto a wall of suggestions. Now more than ever.

Does anet realize that they will probably lose their wvw population and that a ton of us are now just waiting for eso to come out? I mean, they have proven over and over that they cannot be trusted at all to improve this game in a reasonable manner.


(edited by Aaron.4807)

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Kraag Deadsoul.2789

Kraag Deadsoul.2789

I don’t really get all those people who honestly believe that arrowcarts were underpowered. If you had the assist of an arrowcart you could easily whipe a zerg twice your size at the gates.
I can’t help but feel this is udate is for people that actually don’t know how to defend. AC’s are meant as support fire, not a bloody nuke to whipe out an entire group.

The last few days I’ve seen forces, that outnumber us greatly, hide on their walls and NEVER pushing outside AC range.
Running into other guilds a the ruins have been one of the highlights for me so far but guess what, you now get peppered from AC fire from the tower.
This AC update is for carebears that don’t know how or don’t want to fight other players.

I agree entirely about wiping a force twice the size of the defenders’ using the old arrow carts. But, in practice, that’s not how the meta has evolved. Odds of 5, 10, and even 20 to 1 are often the norm when I encounter a zerg. It has nothing to do with not knowing how to defend. I’d gladly go back to the old arrow carts if in return defeat is permanent in WvWvW. If I defeat you, you stay defeated until your comrades are out of combat and can rez you or you’ve respawned and run all the way back to your zerg.

Otherwise, with mechanics that make death have no consequence, the ability to rapidly rez the fallen, AoE caps (on player skills), the ability to damage gates using player skills, and inconsequential damage from the old arrow carts, zergs were an automatic I WIN button every time they showed up to a tower or keep in which they greatly outnumbered the defenders inside.

As far as the argument that this is an update for carebears that don’t know how or don’t want to fight other players. Pffft! Please. Like a zerg that outnumbers defenders 10+ to 1 are really there to engage in a fight against equal numbers where skill alone determines the victor. If that were the case, I would never build another arrow cart again. If an enemy force shows up at a tower or keep I’m in and our forces are equal in number or not severely outnumbered, I always order a stack-and-push to exit the tower or keep and engage in open field combat.

But if a zerg is going to come at me with the advantage of overwhelming numbers such that an open field fight would be suicide for the defenders, then I’m going to level the playing field with arrow carts and other siege. If the zerg was genuinely interested in a “fair” fight, they wouldn’t be using 50 players to attack towers and keeps with only 5 defenders inside. So I call BS on that argument.

As a commander, I’m responsible for the people I lead. I’m not going to lead them into demoralizing defeat after demoralizing defeat just to satisfy some zerger’s contrived notion of a pi-sing contest where they have all the advantages and none of the disadvantages. When it comes to that kind of combat, then I’m going to play to win and give my side every possible advantage available to them. If that means I build arrow carts to accomplish that, then I build arrow carts. Now the field just got leveled.

So many souls, so little time. ~ Kraag Deadsoul

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: DeadlySynz.3471


Posting this here as a previous thread said it was sent here but yet I don’t see it.. anyway..

Seeing as many people feel that AC’s are overpowered at the moment. Even though I tend to agree somewhat, they don’t actually bother me as I don’t find it a problem to navigate around them; so this isn’t a complaint thread.
Suppose Anet adds a new supply into WvW called Ammunition. Maybe there are ammunition camps you can take over. Ammunition caches that could randomly spawn on the map. You could kill other players and ammo could be a random drop from them. Or perhaps new resource nodes spawn in the field that you have to mine for materials to create ammo (which you’d take back to a keep to forge it into ammo).
Either way, you’d need ammo to operate the siege equipment. No ammo.. no smashy. The ammo would be carried on you (like supplies are) and you can only fire as many shots as you have ammo. After that, hop off, and another person hops on who has some.
It forces those who persist on sitting in keeps and raining arrows all day to either have enough people in the keep with enough ammo to hopefully fend off the zerg, or step out of the keep (or upper walls), and fight the old fashion way.
If a commanded zerg really wants to get in.. they will eventually by bleeding their ammo supplies, or they decide it’s not worth it at the time and move on, or secure their own ammo to treb them to death. Either way, I can vision people moving around the battle field more to secure more supplies instead of walling themselves up picking their noses waiting for some action.
It may or may not work, but at least it adds a new dynamic to the game, and forces people to conserve their ammo and fire it more strategically (and with help of people who can see the battle field), rather than being trigger happy.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: IRSyKo.5843


Arrow carts are completely game breaking now.

Welcome to Treb Wars 2.


Through discipline, we prevail.
Fort Aspenwood

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: luniprincess.3162


I was born to try
The Friends of Voltaire[TFV]
We will make you proud,Dragonbrand

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Kraag Deadsoul.2789

Kraag Deadsoul.2789

So many souls, so little time. ~ Kraag Deadsoul

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Odaman.8359


Pretty much impossible to take a keep from a decent group of players now. Hell before the patch it was pretty much impossible if they built the counter siege beforehand. Maybe it’s their master plan to get everyone to play spvp or quit entirely so they can focus on pve, the gem shop, and whatever random event they want to waste precious manhours on.

Odaman 80 Mesmer

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Feed Me Change.6528

Feed Me Change.6528

Perhaps if ANet actually PLAYED with skilled guilds instead of the “mindless zerg” on SoR and other servers, they’d actually see what needs to be buffed/nerfed/fixed to create sustainable open world, objective-based PvP.

If all towers and keeps were open so you could “slip past” the walls, people would actually kill other people with their fist rather than hiding behind walls and using siege to tip the balance in their favor. This would require scouting, rapid response and coordination of Militia and Guilds alike.

Siege should be a force multiplier not a force eliminator or the sole reason why one group beat the other.

PS: Not a rip on SoR, just the only server I’ve seen ANet Devs play on and ofc 50 people surround them at all times.

My fun laughs at your server pride.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


You’re kidding, right? One person on an arrowcart kills a whole zerg in seconds? And you say the ZERG is dumb? No, sorry, this change was dumb.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Westvleteren.7851


This was a very bad and disappointing change.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Jski.6180


I’ll tell ya right now… we just lost bay….to arrow carts. Camera glitches + superior arrow carts = all siege in bay is wiped in 10 minutes.

I’m not playing this until it’s fixed…

See camera glitche is an exploitation there are programed that let you zoom out to any ranges these ppl need to be reported. The limitations of an Arrowcart is not its ranges its that you must be able to see where your shooting. Most of the time arrowcart put where they can see a lot are easy to hit on the ground if they are safer place you can hit a great deal less.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


LOL a 3k hit, that is insane.

I sold all my weapons, don’t need em any more in WvW. Not that I am going to play if they don’t revert it….

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Quenta.2978


ANet, you keep this AC buff in, you are working yourselves into a Trials of Atlantis situation.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


I think this WvW patch was secretly a way to get people to play PvP again. They knew that PvP isn’t any fun and so the only want to drive people there is by messing up WvW. Well played ANET.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Kraag Deadsoul.2789

Kraag Deadsoul.2789

You’re kidding, right? One person on an arrowcart kills a whole zerg in seconds? And you say the ZERG is dumb? No, sorry, this change was dumb.

1) Zerg builds catapults out of range of arrow cart fire to bring down the wall. SMART.

2) Zerg keeps its members in check, stopping them from approaching the wall prior to breaching, thus keeping them out of arrow cart range. SMART.

3) Zerg masses around its catapult(s) to keep them safe from counter-attack. SMART.

4) Zerg fails to destroy the defenders’ arrow carts with treb fire (there’s a reason Swirling Winds was nerfed). DUMB.

5) Wall breach occurs and zerg trusts to human wave tactics against defenders who possess superior fire power and hold the high ground. DUMB.

Also, it’s not one player wiping the zerg. There are multiple arrow carts in that tower firing at the breach. That zerg would have won if they had built a single treb to take out those arrow carts. They didn’t. They wiped. Time to change tactics. Adapt or die.

So many souls, so little time. ~ Kraag Deadsoul

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: TacoJoe.6083


So…we have tried more than one group on the map. The only way to counter ACs is to get your entire map into a GIANT ZERG BALL, set up siege, drain their paper tower and the people inside, wait for them to start to resupply, then SUPER ZERG, to take the tower. The boost to ACs, (especially when you are facing more than one) has caused out strat to change. Super zerg all in one place trebing down ACs, then over power what is left.

Super Zerg Ball with some treb wars is the new meta to take care of AC boost…lol at all the QQers who were anti Zerg.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Rawnoodles.1398


I’d rather have no new progressive content then this idiotic AC buff

Rawnoodles | Mini Noodles
[ESOL] -Elite Solidarity| Driver|
" Latest Video "

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Chris.4527


Well we’re about to hit the 1,000 reply mark, lets hope by 2,000 we actually get ANet to reply.


Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: IcerXx.3670


So, all I see here is a lot of tears from the “Elite” Guilds that abuse the AOE limit on players by stacking up before zerging through them, now that there is a counter to their meat-ball strategy, they are upset. Sad to see that you’re too stupid to use different tactics.

Icer Xx

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: dzeRnumbrd.6129


Arrow cart range and damage changes are stupidly over powered.

Player vs Player is the reason we play every night — Player vs Siege is just plain boring.

Additionally, the arrow cart changes encourage zerging even more – small teams can’t build counter-siege arrow carts or the build site will explode from AC damage. So forcing us to build a treb to destroy the arrow carts means we need to run as a large zerg so we can defend the treb and and have enough supply to build it.

Flame rams and golems are now useless when an objective has arrow carts – the ACs destroy them so quickly. I tried to help build an AC last night and the arrow cart damage alone almost killed me (15k HP → 1k HP while dropping 10 supply on the build site).

Even worse – superior arrow carts – ouch.

Stop hiding behind your OP arrow cart and COME AT ME BRO.

p.s., Arenanet – all your other changes to WvW were good – thanks. Looking forward to ascended items.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: IcerXx.3670


Stop hiding behind your OP arrow cart and COME AT ME BRO.

Indeed, leave the defensive position you hold, and mindlessly charge into the group that outnumbers you 4:1, 5:1, or in some terrible cases, 10:1. This is why I believe you people just need to learn to play.

Icer Xx

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


Stop hiding behind your OP arrow cart and COME AT ME BRO.

Indeed, leave the defensive position you hold, and mindlessly charge into the group that outnumbers you 4:1, 5:1, or in some terrible cases, 10:1. This is why I believe you people just need to learn to play.

You do know there are multiple locations on which you can build an arrowcard now that can’t be destroyed by trebs. Just because ACs now have a stupid long range.

I don’t want to endlessly watch a treb (as this is practicly the only viable siege left) and drain there supplies in a 4 hours+ siege. Can even go up to 8 hours+. There is 0 fun involved in this gameplay. Fun = hard against hard player action. I WANT to use my weapon skills against other players.

I want to fight other guilds with my guild to see who has the superior tactics and players. This is why 80%+ of the WvW players play day in day out. Not to man a treb 24/7 and eating a sandwich while the sun goes down.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


JW but has anybody successfully taken hills keep yet with people actually defending? not via ninja attack. Also what about the chokepoint at the lords room, is it as hard as i imagine it to be now with 80% dmg increase? because even before then, it was a nightmare.

Will you help me move?

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: LieutenantGoogle.7326


I think the damage buff was good, the range buff was a bit strange though.

The defenders were always at the disadvantage.

lv80 with skills fully unlocked, warrior, elementalist and engineer
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: pixieish.9627


I still think that arrowcarts needed a buff, given how pathetic they were pre patch.

But my god, the increased range and damage is simply overkill. Why would you want any other defensive siege besides arrowcarts now. Who cares if trebs are busting down the walls, just find a good chokepoint, sit back, and start farming bags.

Reiseiji, Guardian, Fabulous Spec
Kaschen, Engi, Nerfed Spec
Devona’s Refugee, recently arrived to F.Aspenwood

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Mooodster.3470


i for one love this update..with it being harder to take fortified towers and garrisons you actually have to apply siege warfare to the game….protecting your supply lines just got more important then ever because they will be your saving grace or your downfall it also makes those camps everyone likes to flip back and forth 100 times a day more important as it should have been to begin with…..taking a castle garrison or tower should never be an easy task..well unless they are not defended then the side loosing it only has them self to blame for not properly defending it..everything in wvw has its place and it seems to be coming together..

if you stand in front of the guy saying our arrows will block out the sun you should die not dance around waiting for the ram to kill the door with the arrows lightly tapping you on the shoulder

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Aridia.3042


I like zerg busting as much as the next person, but AC is overpowered. Hits too hard, shoots too far.

Tried to take SM last night. Trebbed 3 holes into the outter wall and we poured in. Tried to build catas ontop of the outter wall and the AC could reach it from the inner wall. Err… so you’re suppose to treb both the outer wall and the inner wall? What’s realistic is not necessary fun or balanced from a game play’s point of view.

Devon said they couldn’t increase AOE cap due to technical reasons so I hope this is not their response to the suggestion to increase the AOE cap, cuz it’s not the same thing. AC hits way harder and faster and further and refreshes quicker than any AOE from players. That said, the fights were more build up and sustained and felt more siege like but it lacked that ebb and flow.

There’s a happy medium in there somewhere and this is not it. I wouldn’t suggest it revert completely back to the prepatched state, maybe take the buffs down by 2/3 and see what happens?

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: ThePainTrain.8601


I think ACs needs some looking at as far as damage, but to those crying out “ZOMG WORST CHANGE EVAR ANET!” seriously need to get the kitten over themselves..

They’re doing the best they can guys, and personally, i like the ideas they’re implementing to make zergs a bit easier to take down. We’re a little over 1 day into the patch and you’re crying for nerfs? Pick your side WvW’ers, do you want more intricate warlike conditions? or do you want mindless zerging? if it’s the latter then i have nothing for you, i can’t fix stupid. However, don’t say you like small scale stuff then cry about changes they’re making to (hopefully) make this a possibility.

You don’t get to play both sides of the coin, choose a side and let ANET do work.

That being said, I do think the buff should be looked at and perhaps halved.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Arkard.3970


So….they patch immediately to fix a bug with spectator mode, of which I can count the people I know who care about it with all of zero fingers, yet leave this huge blunder in. Figures.

Miyako [Kupo] – 80 Thief
Tarnished Coast Server

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


I think ACs needs some looking at as far as damage, but to those crying out “ZOMG WORST CHANGE EVAR ANET!” seriously need to get the kitten over themselves..

They’re doing the best they can guys, and personally, i like the ideas they’re implementing to make zergs a bit easier to take down. We’re a little over 1 day into the patch and you’re crying for nerfs? Pick your side WvW’ers, do you want more intricate warlike conditions? or do you want mindless zerging? if it’s the latter then i have nothing for you, i can’t fix stupid. However, don’t say you like small scale stuff then cry about changes they’re making to (hopefully) make this a possibility.

You don’t get to play both sides of the coin, choose a side and let ANET do work.

That being said, I do think the buff should be looked at and perhaps halved.

How the kitten does overpowering an aoe siege that can take down 30+ people in a few seconds promote small scale stuff?

We’re not upset they tried to do something to help the game. We just don’t like how they go about putting them in. We’re upset that they didn’t bother to test this before implementing it. We’re upset that they do 50% nerfs and 80% buffs in a single patch (while claiming they don’t do large nerfs/buffs). These types of things have been an ongoing issue. There REALLY needs to be a public test realm to help prevent this kitten from happening.

As far as worst patch ever… tbh… I agree… I can’t think of any other patch that wrecked more in any part of the game before this one. Feel free to present a counter to this… but I can’t think of any…

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –

(edited by Aberrant.6749)

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Cottage Pie.6215

Cottage Pie.6215

I think people are still using old tactics and sweetspots, there’s an entire new siege metagame to be played out there and it’s early days.

Zergs hammering mindlessly on doors, or anywhere near doors are gone, trebuchet knife-fights are in and arrow carts are being spammed everywhere.

Taua Roqa – Desolation since day minus 3

~~~My Elite PvP Video:

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: FractalChaos.6539


I wonder when the players will stop complaining and start playing the game long enough to realize that arrow carts aren’t a big deal. Most of you are just regurgitating the same nonsense you’ve seen others write without even trying it out for yourselves. Ask the guy camping the gate into Vale with his AC how “powerful” they are. I hopped around and danced in his arrow spam for a good 3 minutes before 2 allies came along and killed him.

Listening to all this noise, him and his death r- I mean, arrow cart, should have wtfpwned us.

People’s ignorance really pisses me off.
Stupidity is when you can’t help it;
Ignorance is when you choose not to understand.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: TacoJoe.6083


This is the new meta. Welcome to the opening week of Siege Wars 2!!!

We consider PvP to be too unbalanced and since our programing is uber complicated we decided to just tweak our siege numbers so you don’t have to bother with killing other players with your skills.

Everyone supply up, hop in your tower, don’t bother upgrading it since you want a choke point and wait for those bags to come to your AC range with your naked level 10 whatever.