Ascended weapon/armor chest frequency?
Never got one so far :S
I drop 1 from a WvW rank chest somewhere around rank 300. I also dropped 2 from tower lords. None of them have stats that I like.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”
(edited by Julie Yann.5379)
iv’e reached rank 348 – still havent gotten one darn chest…
None from lords
None from keep champs
None from EOTM
Total number of chests after 1 year+ of WvW – 0
My estimated number of chests received within the coming year – 0
Currently @ some T1 server in EU
I got an ascended armor chest + 2 ascended rings in the ~100 ranks i made since the stuff was implemented.
It’s great that you have rank 670 now, but if you were already at 450 before ascended stuff came to wvw its less impressive… in a good way?!
I’ve earned about 400 ranks since ascended was introduced and I’ve gotten two drops. Teq has dropped five ascended chests for me in the same time. WvW is weaksauce in its rewards where PVE pays off. Maybe someday that will change.
i got one at rank 34
but it was an ascended magi weapon chest which is pretty much useless….
2 drops in 255 levels. One settlers weapon box, one celestial armor box. Got them both within 12 hours of one another, within 5 levels.
Rank 1100 and got around 5 ascended from rank up chests. I remember one was a ring then two were weapons and two were armor pieces.
I have had one ascended box from a rank-up chest. Thankfully it was a Chorben’s which is OK and good for my guardian.
Never got ascended weapon or armor chest. I got twice ascended rings, one pvt and one crap + 1 horn with useless stats.
Rank 870
Just the WvW
I’ve gotten a lot.. maybe 6-8 (rank 600 or so). None had stats that I use. They’re rotting in my bank, never to see the light of day.
> 1500 rank; 1 ascended weapon chest and 1 ascended ring -_-
400 ranks since it was implemented, 0 chests, 1 ring
Rank 2656:
-2 Armor Chests
-4 Weapon Chests
-Lots of Rings ,but the Droprates are still terrible.
I got my first ascended weapon chest today at rank 670. When did you get your first and how often do they seem to occur?
278 at the moment. got one celestial ascended staff months ago and a couple of rings now and then.
Gunnar’s Hold
I bet you get more from fractals. I just can’t figure out why.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
Level 22 1st armor chest, but could not use stats.
For me its roughly 1 in 500…as I have opened 500’ish chests and got 1 ascended box.
No other ascended stuff (like rings etc…), even exotics is really low, like 5 in 500.
At least I was lucky with the stats, ptv. I selected greatsword and with it being account bound my 80th lvl Guardian, Warrior, Mesmer and Ranger can all use it.
(edited by Meglobob.8620)
~642. Never got an armor chest or ascended weapon. Think I got 2 rings (last was a looooooooong time ago). Pretty sure kegs of wxp are a myth, never seen one.
I have been playing WvW almost non stop since early fall.
Rank 166. 2 Rings/1 Armor piece.
First ring around rank 40-50
First armor piece around rank 140-150
Second ring at rank 163
530 Total. One Ascended ring at around 150 last year, Cleric Ascended armor box about a month ago.
1200 ranks
1 ascended ring at lvl 45, one at 80 something (both the same drop btw)
Also got a clerics weapon set just as i cracked r 1200
r4420k+ blazetrain
I got one at rank 90 something on my guardian.
3 days of pvp since patch, one ring and one armor box lololol
Just got an ascended weapon chest(rabid) over the weekend at rank 400+, ascended armor chest(soldier) at like rank 175+ I think it was, 4 ascended rings(berserker, rabid, cavalier, zerk/valk), 1 keg of wxp.
Anyone ever get an ascended amulet or accessory? don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone get those.
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill
The drop rate need to change. It’s WAY to low right now.
Got 1 ascended armor chest at rank 120 but it had pretty useless stats for me .
I had over 1k WvW levels, 2.5k plus hours in the game before I saw an ascended drop. Once they upped the rate I have seen 6 more in rapid succession over a few hundred WvW levels.
I have never seen a precursor drop and I have run champ trains and world events until my figurative fingers have bled including temple runs multiple times per week.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
1 ring at around rank 900 which was more or less useless, 1 soldier armor chest around rank 1200. No precursors, some exotics and rares every now and then. I only play my ranger in wubwub and I don’t do any PvE.
Got my first at rank 110. Got a ascended ring shortly after.
Rank ~200, i’ve gotten zero
I got my first ascended drop at rank 7 in pvp though. a rabid ring.
rank 273, got Bagh Nakh for rank 268, first one.
1 Ascended ring out of 700 or so ranks, but I found Ogden’s Boots in my bag the other day from somewhere and I don’t do PVE much – it was a bit like when I found Zap in my Bag last year.
Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.
(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)
Two days ago at about rank 250.
Got a Theodossus weapon chest around rank 10 as a drop from a player.
Got a rampager armor chest around rank 50 and then a Zojja armor chest around rank 100 – both from a WvW rank up chest. My rank now is 150 and MF is 124%.
As support to certain theory that you get good drops for activities you don’t frequent much – I went to do Fractals yesterday for the first time in several months and had a drop of an account bound exotic chest piece (Colossus smth.), a 15g GS with quite a rare skin and a bloodlust sigil and the ascended-class thingy you use to infuse stuff (as far as smne explained to me in my group it’s supposed to be valuable).
4 chests so far, all during one weekend.
Rank 1150 – zero,nada,zipper,0
Rank 1150 – zero,nada,zipper,0
1752 for me and nothing.
Skritt Happens
823 ranks and 2 weapon chests and couple of rings so far, all on my main.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.
I got 1 at rank 63 and another one at rank 131.
I’ve got 2, both trinkets with useless stats. I’ve never actually seen someone get a useful ascended drop.
got one Zerker-Armor at approx rank 300ish and one Soldier-ring at rank 538
Armor from foe, ring from Camp-Lord
From rankup-chests just some rares and 1 or 2 exotics, mostly crappie Greens
My necro got a Knights ascended weapon chest at rank 62, my Ranger got a Cav weapon chest at 268 and I’ve had one ring (Meghallans whorl, one I already had 4 of).
Total accountbound rank now 667
man ive just gotten a soldiers armour chest that was at like rank 1070 , first one i got was a zerk ring at 300 then a cavs weapon chest at 499 a cele ring at like 1060 and i think 2 other rings with useless stats.
600 almost..never got one. It should be a guaranteed reward like achievements are for the pveers. For ex rank 300…600…1200..etc..
Getting tired of this RNG f*fest
over rank 1180, 0 weapon, 0 armor chests. Several guild members in same range, similar numbers.
Estimate of drop :
Way to fricking low.
Spirit of Faith [HOPE] – RIP
The drop rate need to change. It’s WAY to low right now.
Got my first armor chest yesterday. It was a carrion. If u want my silence, ANet, I expect at least a berserker chest. :P
I got back into WvW this tournament after barely doing GW2 for two months, in that time I’ve gotten 2 ascended rings (knight and celestial) and 2 armor boxes (cleric and rampager). This was within roughly 30 ranks.
I also got a precursor drop, The Lover, off the tower champ at Anz. So yeah… wvw’s been pretty good to me. Helped me get my emperor title
Don’t be too upset, this is the only place where rng seems to work in my benefit, everything else has been painful. Needless to say, I’m going to be in wvw a lot more.
I’ve got about 120 ranks, got no Ascended gear except 4 rings that dropped rapid fire about the time I hit 100. Seriously, I don’t know what was up with the loot that day, but I’m not complaining.
I am at rank 295. I’ve gotten 2 ascended rings and 1 weapon chest (zojja’s). all were gotten from the rank up chests