Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

in WvW

Posted by: Aeraeni.8234


Hey there guys.

I’m known as Aeraeni, the guild leader of the Storm Vanguard [FURY] on Aurora Glade.

In the last two months we have seen Aurora Glade change from a promising wvw server, to barely having a chance in the mid table. The free transfers allowing guilds to chop and change to winning servers is the reason why. We know of multiple good guilds that have left Aurora Glade for greener grass. I intend to do all I can to put an end to it.

Even tonight, after I led 20-25 in a doomed defense of our garrison against more than 70 Gunnars (we counted), we had whispers from officers of Gunnars Hold guild KISS (confirming our suspicions of their use of spies) asking us to transfer to their server and its 1200 man alliance, as if they didn’t have enough already. The response FURY gave them cannot be repeated in polite conversation.

Our interest, is in organising those that remain on Aurora into a more cohesive force comprising those loyal to the server. This alliance will help us increase Aurora’s wvw presence by better organising our sheduling of each of our own wvw events, focusing force where and when it is needed in the week.

To do this, I’d like to ask for some details from those guilds that remain on Aurora:

NOTE: Please post here only if your guild is committed to staying here and fighting for the server. This must not be a resource for other servers to try poaching further guilds from Aurora. If you’re committed to Aurora, post the following;

1) Your guild name.
2) It’s size.
3) It’s current active time range in wvw.
4) Regular numbers fielded.
5) Names of your leader, your prominent wvw cmdrs and good diplomatic contacts.
6) Any other information you feel is relevant.

If you wish to do this via private message to me, that is entirely fine too.

I’ll be comprising a list of those that make this statement. Works are in place to create a functional alliance for the server with joint voice comms. Knowing precisely who is out there and loyal, will be the key to forming it quickly and effectively.

Thanks guys.

Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

in WvW

Posted by: Aeraeni.8234


I’ll start us off.

1) Storm Vanguard [FURY]
2) 150 members.
3) 19.00 – 01.00 GMT Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
4) 20-30
5) Guild Leader – Aeraeni
Second In Command – Shadow Ray
Further Diplomatic Contacts; Alkahell, Akiyar,

Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

in WvW

Posted by: Crular.9762


We are the Gunnars, resistance is futile. SCNR.

Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

in WvW

Posted by: skly.5401


Unity [UNTY]

Private msg sent.

This server initiative has our support.

loving the fights on AG, /salute to all our opponents to date

[FEAR] the team,
WvW team (non-guild)
Team Manager

Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

in WvW

Posted by: Arawn.3674


1.) Thievery Corporation [iSpy]
2.) ~20 active members (and a lot of inactive ones). We’ve previously been up in the 50s during the betas and are looking to expand again
3.) fluctuating. In general, weekday evenings and morning/evening on weekends.
4.) ~10, also fluctuating
5.) Skydda (guild leader), Dekk Under The Wind (co-leader, that’s me), Kira Mason (officer and soon-to-be commander), Kwam Sigma (officer and commander during betas)
6.) working hard to bring you an AG server forum
7.) passionately fighting for AG since the betas.

Dekk Under The Wind
Aurora Glade – Thievery Corporation [iSpy]

Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

in WvW

Posted by: I S U P E R S I N I.4761

I S U P E R S I N I.4761

Hi Aeraeni.8234, I am the person who spoke to you in game last night.
How I found your name, (Right click your name on the battlefield) clicked report It then gave me your name.. We do not have spies, It was a pleasure to talk to you in game.

I did talk to sklymarshall the night before when Aurora Glade and Gunnar’s hold worked together to get an orb back from Abaddons, that they did not rightfully earn.
A very memorable moment, was a pleasure.

You all seem like nice people and seem to have good guilds. Without offending you, my invitation for you to join us on Gunnars Hold both UNTY and FURY was out of respect for your guilds not spies. Free transfer is coming to an end as of the first of November (it becomes 7 day server return) I am sorry you feel this was, This week has been great fun for us on Gunnar’s Hold.

As i said in game, we do not know if you would move without asking you.
Good luck to you guys on Aurora Glade.

[KISS]~~Aurora Glade~~

Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

in WvW

Posted by: Grekk.9450


I’m an officer of a small guild – around 10 active members who are all friends, some of us play WwW but are discouraged as there aren’t enough of us online at the same time.

Im sure there are other small guilds in this position and God knows the server needs the numbers. We need to try to pool all the smaller groups together too.

Do Fury or the other large wvw guilds openly recruit new members as im sure a number of ours would join in order to play as part of a larger force?

Fury on AG

Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

in WvW

Posted by: shadowwolf.9146


Hey All

1.) The Crímson Vanguard ( TVC )
2.) 36
3.)Tuesdays and Thursdays- 18:00 GMT
Saterdays – Change over and 09:00 GMT all day
5.) Guild Leader: Krohlm
Second in Command: Shadowwolf(<)
6.) A New guild on the Server concerning name etc. but a WvW group off players looking to be a strong force to be dealt with

Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

in WvW

Posted by: Aeraeni.8234


Supersin, I don’t wish to begin a discussion in this thread as that isn’t the point of the thread itself. Suffice to say, we took a dim view of your actions. Our loyalty to our server is not negotiable.

Your statement that Gunnars do not use spies is unfortunately either dishonest or naive. With the numbers you’re fielding, and the consistent response times we’ve seen, it’s a virtual certainty that some guilds will be, even if you don’t know of it – I would be unsurprised if some on Aurora do or eventually will. I’m used to dealing with it from Eve Online, and the simple truth is; if it is possible in an mmo, people will do it. That I was unaware of that use of the report mechanic doesn’t change that fact.

The change to transfers in November is unlikely to make any real impact on the problem as a whole. The length of wvw matchups is a week, same as the new transfer limit and that still allows guilds to make a comparison and potentially move each week to greener grass if they choose. There’s a thread for that in here if you wish to debate the issue.

And yes, I’m sure this week has been fun for Gunnars.

- To those that have responded.

Thankyou for your declarations thus far, and I’m glad to hear from our regular comrades in Unity.

To Grekk, I cannot speak for UNTY, but FURY are recruiting. In UNTY’s case you would need to check with Skly. If you wish to discuss a potential merger, or simply to work together, that’ll be fine by us.

To Arawn, thanks for getting in touch, I’ve PM’d Skydda.

To shadow, hmmn, another vanguard huh? Nice. Thanks for sharing your details, we’ll doubtless be in touch soon.

Keep them coming people!

(edited by Aeraeni.8234)

Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

in WvW

Posted by: Syndic.4762


Reason why they’re asking you (and everyone else they can think of) is because GH has been bleeding WvW players ever since the WvW guilds that pulled GH into T3-T4 left the server. A lot of their WvW players transfer over to Blacktide and apply to join either ThUn, DkR, or CIR.

For example, we (the WvW guilds that left GH) have a mumble for leaders and we never bothered to change the password. Every few days we get [KISS]Rhea Metalworker connecting to our WvW mumble to check things out.


Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

in WvW

Posted by: Teppic Indica.3487

Teppic Indica.3487

We have a very active Community in South Africa and there are a number of guilds in the informal <RSA> Alliance. AG is our home and we don’t intend moving, we’re also structuring our WvW strategy at present.

It has been a bit sporadic but the commitment is there, so look for any of the following Tag’s in WvW

2 Scoops of Crazy [Nutz], Crude Rude and Kinky [CraK], Herps and Derps [hD], Event Horizon [EH], Flaming Moomins [MOO], Guardians Of Euphoria, Heretic [HT], Immortal Misfits [iM], Order of the Southern Cross [OotS], Raw Amber [RAM], Scatterlings of Africa [GWSA], Sorted [STD], Southern Legion [ZA], Stellar Illusions [STI], The Crimson Vanguard [TCV], Unforgiven Gaming [UNF], Unforgiven Invaders [UI], Vampyres Cathedral [VC], Veneration E-Sports [VnR]

We all try and get into WvW under the [RSA] tag to assist with in-game chat since there’s no Alliance or Alliance chat… ;(

Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

in WvW

Posted by: Nidhogg.2950


Loyalty to your server is a good thing, as is your organising the guilds that are there. My compliments for digging in your heels. Aurora Glade is giving us hell in these last few hours of the match up and Gunnars wishes you well in the next weeks.

Doubtless we will face each other again when you once again rise in rank, the quality of your fighters seems good.

Gunnars Hold had a few people move when we started losing, though Id not want to imply that they left because of that. They left for better fights. As a result, the remaining people pulled together and more guilds came to join our server. Im sure the same will happen with Aurora.

Good luck in future fights, most servers out there, including heavily populated onces, send invites to large guilds to join them. Gunnars is always looking for like minded guilds, unfortunatly that means we would want server-loyal guilds and they are not exactly likely to move :-p

Guildleader of Vitas, Gunnars Hold

Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

in WvW

Posted by: Mushy.3964


It is very easy to jump a sinking ship & hard to stay.

Some Guilds left (Chickened Out) GH when we was not doing so well & its made us a better place as we have pulled together & work bloody hard for what we have, sorry one of our’s GH tried to ninja Guilds from yourself’s I feel if you want to get others to come to a server there is a right way & a wrong way PM’s is the wrong way, the Right way is to advertise on Forums Iike I have done here ( )

You are a good server & I have had so much fun fighting AG you guys fight really hard & give us our moneys worth, will be good to fight you again as you Rise the Ranks & I’m sure you will when things settle down.

All the best & see you on the field next time.

Officer of Vitas
WvW Squad Leader

Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


@ the GH posters invading this topic:
Juuuust a minute there.

I have no problem with you guys doing whatever you want (though your pretentious attitude lately makes me glad i’ve left), but it’s kinda hypocritical to call us “quitters”, claim we’ve chickened out, and then try to recruit guilds from servers which are lower in ranking than you.

With your attitude towards us, how can you possibly claim to respect people who move from lower ranks to you considering the rank difference between Blacktide and Gunnar’s was rather small at the time of us leaving?

Different servers, different playstyles, GH’s didn’t suit ours, we left and you claim you like it. Try to be a bit more convincing and stop bringing it up, stop playing the downtrodden server. You are nowhere near down enough in rankings to excuse the stuff i’ve seen on the forums from GH.

@ the original server this topic is about
Good luck, Aurora Glade, kick their kitten I’m rooting for your success

(edited by Genev.2450)

Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

in WvW

Posted by: Noctifera.3746


1) Chosen Alliance
2) 40
3) depends mostly from after work time so around 17.00 /18.00
4) at least a group
5) Eshmoon
6) pm for other means of communication

we are here to stay we are small at moment and we dont intend to grow too much but most of us are failry active in WvW

And we really would like to bring back the server up

Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

in WvW

Posted by: drkn.3429


@Genev – sorry, but it’s Syndic who started any ex-GH 2 GH innuendos in this thread. Again, the CIR guys are looking for drama anywhere possible, as you had with KISS back in the day.
On one hand, it’s quite fun seeing how CIR people play the server and W3 primadonnas unless people just nod and agree with them, on the other – it’s becoming more and more tiring. Tire out, people, and start enjoying the game the way you want it, the way you went so far to enjoy as to switch servers and build all upgrades from scratch, and stop forum fighting everywhere you can, please.


Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

in WvW

Posted by: Nidhogg.2950


@ the GH posters invading this topic:
Juuuust a minute there.

I have no problem with you guys doing whatever you want (though your pretentious attitude lately makes me glad i’ve left), but it’s kinda hypocritical to call us “quitters”, claim we’ve chickened out, and then try to recruit guilds from servers which are lower in ranking than you.

With your attitude towards us, how can you possibly claim to respect people who move from lower ranks to you considering the rank difference between Blacktide and Gunnar’s was rather small at the time of us leaving?

Different servers, different playstyles, GH’s didn’t suit ours, we left and you claim you like it. Try to be a bit more convincing and stop bringing it up, stop playing the downtrodden server. You are nowhere near down enough in rankings to excuse the stuff i’ve seen on the forums from GH.

@ the original server this topic is about
Good luck, Aurora Glade, kick their kitten I’m rooting for your success

Not accusing you mate, I did state people didnt leave because of losing, sorry if it came across like that. Lets leave this be now so this thread can continue, Gunnars Hold truelly has a lot of respect for CIR’s decision to move. Lets leave it at that,same goes for us that stayed, lets not start arguments here. Blacktide was a good server and no one blames you for moving.

Please do not react to the ‘pretentious attitude’ remark for I can see this thread spiralling out of control if that happens, remarks flying back and forth etc. nasty business.

Give my regards to Sacrx btw, Ive been told he recently moved to Blacktide.

Guildleader of Vitas, Gunnars Hold

(edited by Nidhogg.2950)

Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

in WvW

Posted by: Arthurius Rex.2198

Arthurius Rex.2198

Aeraeni, from what Teppic basically indicated the Southern Legion and other guilds will hopefully form a broader alliance, but I know that there are a lot of people that don’t know how to approach WvW. Some boot training camps would be in order. Maybe Teppic can send the message down the channels and get persons (i.e. sergeants) in each guild to do this training?

Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

in WvW

Posted by: Arawn.3674


@Gunnars discussion:

Maybe not the right thread for this. ^^ I think we’re all thankful for the kind words we got from other servers, no need to make a huge pit fight out of it.


When we got all the website stuff figured out, I think the AG community forums will also be a good place to point newcomers to, at least for a basic theoretical approach to WvW (everyone has to experience it themselves, of course).
Would look something like this, for example, just for starters.

Dekk Under The Wind
Aurora Glade – Thievery Corporation [iSpy]

Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

in WvW

Posted by: MonkeyBullet.8715


Greetings from ring of fire. Obviously if you were facing gunnars at some point you’ve dropped a little in the table. We’re currently facing you in the ring of fire/drakkar lake/aurora glade fight which im pleased to say has been very closed matched and more of a challenge. Im Hawkeii leader of ICON, and im probably one of the most influential people on Ring of Fire WvW. We have also had guilds leaving for greener grass and after being asked to follow we told them where to go. You should stick with your server and bring it up to scratch as quite frankly, you arent my concern atthe minute. If I wanted to we would have dominated your borderlands from the beginning of the last reset but drakkar was the main concern. You were tough at times but if we wanted to wipe you, we did. Stick with it and you will reap the rewards,see you on the battlefield.

Hawkeii – Guild Leader + Commander of I C O N I C [ICON]
Once a Roffy, always a Roffy

Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

in WvW

Posted by: johny five times.9320

johny five times.9320

Champions of Aurora
3 of us
Any time of day and night

Slightly Viking – Representing Champions of Aurora [CoA]

Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

in WvW

Posted by: Gintoki.6405


its awesome to see so much aurora clans coming forward if we could get some of the pve’ers to just come to experience world vs world for a some events every week that would be awesome, and communication between the guilds, big and small.. dont feel excluded because your only a small group. if we come together and fight with cohesion we can accomplish alot, and have some good fun btw im not a leader of any guild im just a random member of fury. id like to think of myself as the clan jester!

Aurora glade [FURY] clan. Zetsu (zetsudai, zetsu mei, Zetsu Rounin)

Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

in WvW

Posted by: TheGreatA.4192


I can’t speak for everybody in our guild [LOST] since I’m not a leader but as far as I’m concerned I’ll continue playing WvW almost daily and I’m sure the rest will do their part also. I think we needed to take a couple of losses before truly getting it together. We’ve been doing fine at the moment, just need to keep it up right now.

Metsän Suojelija (guard)/Puun Halaaja (engi)/Pieni Musta Rotta (warrior)/Viher Rauha (necro)

Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

in WvW

Posted by: GreatE.4180


You should stick with your server and bring it up to scratch as quite frankly, you arent my concern atthe minute. If I wanted to we would have dominated your borderlands from the beginning of the last reset but drakkar was the main concern. You were tough at times but if we wanted to wipe you, we did. Stick with it and you will reap the rewards,see you on the battlefield.

I guess thats why you have around 80 points on tally right now and thousands in total, behind Aurora Glade.

I wish I could say that my guild was that dedicated to WvW, a small guild atm and some of us in LOST take WvW seriously and bring it. I’m just wondering where all these good commanders like Juvez disappeared atm.

Aurora Glade
sPVP, Rampaging Rat [BrB]

Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

in WvW

Posted by: Aeraeni.8234


Dear lord, can I remind people of something. This thread is CATEGORICALLY NOT INTENDED TO BE A DISCUSSION.

Thankyou to all those Aurorans that have replied. Those of us working on joint comms and forums for this will be contacting groups that have made themselves known here and integrating them later this month.

Could those of other servers who feel the need to rattle their sabers in our direction, or debate the nature of recent WVW please take it to another thread. There are several suitable ones. This is not meant to be one of them.

Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

in WvW

Posted by: Sayak.6473


Zeonic Corps [ZEON]
Leader: Ajruna second in command Arusu
Small in numbers but elite players

Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

in WvW

Posted by: Fus Ro Charr.2403

Fus Ro Charr.2403

Aurora Dragonborn Defenders [ADD]
Leader: Fus Ro Charrrrrrrrr, Officers: Server Of Hell, Tripio
We are a small guild but actively take commanding roles especialy during out servers night time where we co-coordinate defense and upgrades or camps/towers/keeps.

Aurora Glade

Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

in WvW

Posted by: Sosek.2689


1) Heroes Of The Old [HERO]
2) 50 members
3) 24/7
4) 5-10
5) Leader: Galmarr Sthairson, officers: Jinx Magiga, Dzuri Reyne, Hurrakan
Small but organized.

Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

in WvW

Posted by: Hurrakan.4259


Heya, I’m part of HERO above.

Just saying I’m a professional web developer and I can probably offer free webspace/bandwidth on my VPS server if needed.

(edited by Hurrakan.4259)

Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

in WvW

Posted by: Craktobias.3589


1) [CraK] Crude Rude And Kinky
2) 26 and growing
3) min 6hrs a day
4) 18
5) Tobias Za (CraK commander)
6) We have our own teamspeak we use to coordinate attacks aswell as we are a very assulting guild we take points by force and we take them fast having a defence team with us will help us smash the competition

Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

in WvW

Posted by: JonSnow.5610


1) Knights of the Scarlet Crows [CROW]
2) 8
3) usually in the evening when we are in WvW mood – until we are asleep behind our PC’s
4) two at the minimum, otherwise we have a party which will guard dolyaks, ninja supply camps or just plain charge in to the opposition to make a brave stand so you can get away
5) Don’t have any commanders, but we communicate via team chat and we have our voice chat set up, usually we team up with Ispy guild if they are on
6) A cookie for the epic commander Juvez! Feel free to contact me or Hymne our almighty guild leadster for some events in WvW

~ Melisandera, The Red Priestess

Many that live deserve death, and some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them?
Do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment. Even the very wise can not see all ends

Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

in WvW

Posted by: skly.5401


We have a very active Community in South Africa and there are a number of guilds in the informal <RSA> Alliance. AG is our home and we don’t intend moving, we’re also structuring our WvW strategy at present.

It has been a bit sporadic but the commitment is there, so look for any of the following Tag’s in WvW

2 Scoops of Crazy [Nutz], Crude Rude and Kinky [CraK], Herps and Derps [hD], Event Horizon [EH], Flaming Moomins [MOO], Guardians Of Euphoria, Heretic [HT], Immortal Misfits [iM], Order of the Southern Cross [OotS], Raw Amber [RAM], Scatterlings of Africa [GWSA], Sorted [STD], Southern Legion [ZA], Stellar Illusions [STI], The Crimson Vanguard [TCV], Unforgiven Gaming [UNF], Unforgiven Invaders [UI], Vampyres Cathedral [VC], Veneration E-Sports [VnR]

We all try and get into WvW under the [RSA] tag to assist with in-game chat since there’s no Alliance or Alliance chat… ;(

Lekker!! Dit is goed om dit te hoor!

Look forward to seeing the african lion in action and fighting alongside you.

[FEAR] the team,
WvW team (non-guild)
Team Manager

Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698


Reason why they’re asking you (and everyone else they can think of) is because GH has been bleeding WvW players ever since the WvW guilds that pulled GH into T3-T4 left the server. A lot of their WvW players transfer over to Blacktide and apply to join either ThUn, DkR, or CIR.

For example, we (the WvW guilds that left GH) have a mumble for leaders and we never bothered to change the password. Every few days we get [KISS]Rhea Metalworker connecting to our WvW mumble to check things out.

Was wondering what that guy was doing popping into mumble all the time, though he was just a fan boy

@syn You forgot to mention HRSY and INT.

In an aside 1200 is very impressive numbers, we don’t have that even if we count those 5 guilds and add in RG, WIC, nug ,gf and Xaos. Well done.

However with this 1200 I am curious and this new found organisation that the ranking has fallen. Then we had the hacking which was thankfully sorted out and now spying. A strange metric for being better off, no?

@Genev you need to remember that there were those who rather foolishly guaranteed that our guild would not leave. You need to take everything with a pinch of salt.

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7

(edited by Snort.3698)

Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

in WvW

Posted by: Hald Degli Strock.1304

Hald Degli Strock.1304

Isola di Montecristo [MC] is staying.
PM sent.

In order to understand recursive, you must first understand recursive.

Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

in WvW

Posted by: tailofwoe.2718


1) Lords of Thunder.
2) About 110.
3) Nothing solid as of yet, really, but working on arranging weekend events.
4) 5-10. We’re not a dedicated WvW guild.
5) Alexandar Valerian – Leader. Commander – Uexkell. (WvW communications go through me.)

We’re stayin’.