BG clearing up a few concern
Limit for AoE is there for a reason. It’s not a “known flaw in the AoE mechanics”. It’s there to protect you from serious AoE spike, which you can get from organized groups. Imagine 30-40 ppl AoE spike, THAT would be OP and design flaw imho.
Remove this limit and you will see what is the real power of organized group.
the spartans weren’t conquerors. their military was for defense.
Incorrect. Please google ‘helot’.
Limit for AoE is there for a reason. It’s not a “known flaw in the AoE mechanics”. It’s there to protect you from serious AoE spike, which you can get from organized groups. Imagine 30-40 ppl AoE spike, THAT would be OP and design flaw imho.
Remove this limit and you will see what is the real power of organized group.
The AoE limit is not the “flaw” I was refering to. It is Using the AoE limit with the Buff/Shout/Invulnerability NON-limit in conjunction with portal mobility. AoE limit was not made to make 40 people invincible in most cases.
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.
Limit for AoE is there for a reason. It’s not a “known flaw in the AoE mechanics”. It’s there to protect you from serious AoE spike, which you can get from organized groups. Imagine 30-40 ppl AoE spike, THAT would be OP and design flaw imho.
Remove this limit and you will see what is the real power of organized group.
The AoE limit is not the “flaw” I was refering to. It is Using the AoE limit with the Buff/Shout/Invulnerability NON-limit in conjunction with portal mobility. AoE limit was not made to make 40 people invincible in most cases.
Yes, it’s coz lots of boons stack the time, not the value. On the end if you have enough dmg even the turtle will die, but to do that you need organized group on the other side and commander, who knows what to do.
I’m member of MA, which is part of DYES and I died a lot during the weekend. So no, turtle is not invincible.
Limit for AoE is there for a reason. It’s not a “known flaw in the AoE mechanics”. It’s there to protect you from serious AoE spike, which you can get from organized groups. Imagine 30-40 ppl AoE spike, THAT would be OP and design flaw imho.
Remove this limit and you will see what is the real power of organized group.
The AoE limit is not the “flaw” I was refering to. It is Using the AoE limit with the Buff/Shout/Invulnerability NON-limit in conjunction with portal mobility. AoE limit was not made to make 40 people invincible in most cases.
Yes, it’s coz lots of boons stack the time, not the value. On the end if you have enough dmg even the turtle will die, but to do that you need organized group on the other side and commander, who knows what to do.
I’m member of MA, which is part of DYES and I died a lot during the weekend. So no, turtle is not invincible.
Agree turtle would Die if it didn’t port every 10 seconds…
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.
People are talking mostly about the turtling and the hacking, but imho, they are not the most annoying part of this week’s WvW.
The hacking is done only by a few people. It sucks, it has serious consequences in terms of power shift, but I understand that there is not a big lot honest BG players can do about it (report it whenever you see it!).
Turtling is a cheap strategy, that should not be possible, but is. However, I was rather looking forward to countering it. Finding a counter so some FotM cheese is rewarding in its own right.
What gets me infuriated, however, are the perma stealth thieves. This is not just one hacker, I meet these guys everywhere … and always BG. And it is clearly also not working as intended: Culling preventing the thief from showing is a bug. And designing a build around this bug is bug abuse.
BG’s reputation took a nose dive for me when I saw how many BG players were willing to do this. The number is BY FAR larger than on any other server we have played so far.
And yes, BG players can do something against this. You can tell players on your forums to stop the abuse, tell them to leave in /map. And you can stop defending these abuses on the forums.
- Xeeron
If you are defending a keep that has a hacked orb in it, that means you are condoning the behavior. It makes you just as guilty of hacking as the person who did it even if you claim you report these people. Your behavior speaks louder than your words.
I love how children always excuse a server of God knows how many (2,000 or so) of hacking when it’s just one person. I don’t care, disable the orbs, we’ll still demolish JQ and SBI. They’re easy. All talk, yet every time I log in they always flee or use the exploits they speak of.
I sign the petition to change their server names to JQQ and SBCry. That’s all their known for.
Go ahead, blame 2000+ people for hacking when one person did it and the rest of us all shake our heads at that one person. Oh, and from what I hear, there have been 2 confirmed reports of hacking FROM ALL 3 SERVERS and that was a few hours after the matchup started. Care to explain how we have a 20k pt lead on you all now? More hacking? Hmmm… no reports of that. JQQ and SBCry strikes again!
I also enjoy this complaining about tactics yet SBCry and JQQ haven’t even taken the time to try to learn them. Anyone can do it, yet they don’t. Oh, but they do enjoy the Portal and culling “bugs” and love to complain about them on these forums. Yet, have any Blackgate players come on here to complain about how SBI and JQ have 24/7 been attacking only Blackgate in EBG and very rarely attacking each other? We’ve constantly been having to re-flip our towers in EBG and never get a chance to upgrade it because we’re either fighting 100 @ Anza/Mendons or 100 @ Ogres. Can’t be in two places at one time.
Yet, we still lead by 20k…. match already seems like it’s done imo.
“Anyone can do it, yet they don’t” … this is the point. anyone can hack an orb or jump into castle etc… but they don’t… why?
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.
Limit for AoE is there for a reason. It’s not a “known flaw in the AoE mechanics”. It’s there to protect you from serious AoE spike, which you can get from organized groups. Imagine 30-40 ppl AoE spike, THAT would be OP and design flaw imho.
Remove this limit and you will see what is the real power of organized group.
The AoE limit is not the “flaw” I was refering to. It is Using the AoE limit with the Buff/Shout/Invulnerability NON-limit in conjunction with portal mobility. AoE limit was not made to make 40 people invincible in most cases.
Yes, it’s coz lots of boons stack the time, not the value. On the end if you have enough dmg even the turtle will die, but to do that you need organized group on the other side and commander, who knows what to do.
I’m member of MA, which is part of DYES and I died a lot during the weekend. So no, turtle is not invincible.
Agree turtle would Die if it didn’t port every 10 seconds…
Yeah, but for that you need 2 things:
a) lot’s of mesmers, coz recharge on portal is high, we had max 3 iirc and in one point we had just one.
b) to place portal mesmer needs to survive
Limit for AoE is there for a reason. It’s not a “known flaw in the AoE mechanics”. It’s there to protect you from serious AoE spike, which you can get from organized groups. Imagine 30-40 ppl AoE spike, THAT would be OP and design flaw imho.
Remove this limit and you will see what is the real power of organized group.
The AoE limit is not the “flaw” I was refering to. It is Using the AoE limit with the Buff/Shout/Invulnerability NON-limit in conjunction with portal mobility. AoE limit was not made to make 40 people invincible in most cases.
Yes, it’s coz lots of boons stack the time, not the value. On the end if you have enough dmg even the turtle will die, but to do that you need organized group on the other side and commander, who knows what to do.
I’m member of MA, which is part of DYES and I died a lot during the weekend. So no, turtle is not invincible.
Agree turtle would Die if it didn’t port every 10 seconds…
Yeah, but for that you need 2 things:
a) lot’s of mesmers, coz recharge on portal is high, we had max 3 iirc and in one point we had just one.
b) to place portal mesmer needs to survive
boons stack upto 60s portal is shorter than that IF only 1 active Mesmer. Shorten the max stack times or remove invul stack all together.
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.
It’s amazing, so much crying about BG hacking, while the people weren’t even there or don’t know what the heck they are talking about in the 1st place.
Most of your so called “hacks” were all bugs not triggered on purpose and are 100% to blame on ArenaNet leaving so many of them in W3.
Let me give an example, we were fighting in JQ BL for a long time when suddenly our orb altar in hills broke.
Okay, we look at the map, assume that Quaggans did it, and take the orb to Bay altar instead.
The orb makes it safe to there, is placed on the altar and everything looks fine.
Then suddenly the altar explodes and the orb is dropped again, the strange thing the altar was still full health.
We could place the orb back on it, which we did.
Then SBI and JQ double team Bay, we hold off JQ at inner, while SBI gets in before JQ and takes Bay.
They defend their Bay and kill all the JQ, never touching the Altar, which at that point is still BGs.
In fact SBI never did anything to the altar/orb and that’s how we were having the orb buff during that time.
Then we took the Bay back again and heck I don’t know how it looked at that point but I guess the orb bugged out to show on map at all, but it actually never ever been moved from bay anymore.
Now how’s this example in any way the fault of BG?
We place orb on altar, loose keep, enemy never touches orb, orb bugs out on map at some point, we take back keep, orb never ever moved/changed hands.
Let me give another example where BG gets accused of hacking.
When orb carrier gets killed and another one takes the orb, the orb disappears on map.
How’s this BGs fault?
We try to run orb 1 dies, other picks it up.
Are we supposed to leave it there on the floor?
Once again ArenaNet and bugs.
Another example, SBI altar in BG BL breaks from quaggan lightning.
Orb timer runs out, so it resets in the north of BG.
BG gets accused of hacking…
You guys especially from SBI, accuse anything you see of hacking.
You guys are so paranoid that you see hacks in everything when you loose.
I guess you’r not used to loose this often, I understand.
But guess what, you’r loosing legit, and your brain is just not comprehending it.
Hacking your orbs since 2/11
Look, everyone saying “you can’t blame an entire server for the actions of one hacker” is being disingenuous. We can, because you don’t report them.
I’ve been on JQ since the beta weekends. By the end of the first week of WvW matches, everyone in the Teamspeak was fed up with hackers to the point of hatred. We report every single one we see… including those on our own server.
We have had people speak up in TS, and offer to glitch our zerg through a wall. Sometimes they offer to orb glitch. Every single time the commanders turn them down, or the rest of the TS shouts them down.
We have had cases where someone glitches out an opponent’s orb on their own, and the commander on the scene opts to leave it alone so that we can’t be accused of hacking. Harder to tell which individual did the exploit sometimes, but when we can tell we report them.
BlackGate players: the correct response to exploiters that benefit you is not a shrug and an “Oh well, hackers gonna hack” attitude. The correct response is to report your own players. All the generalized blame you are receiving right now is 100% justified.
If you had been self-regulating yourself like JQ or other servers we know of, your rampant hacking problem would be gone by now. You can’t blame “the new guys” or bandwagon transfers; on JQ, when we had the same influx, we rejected the hackers, reported the exploiters, banned them from TS, and even started harassing them in the forums until they left.
As is, we have no respect for you, your players, your guilds, or any of the vaunted “strategists” you mistakenly think are winning the match this week.
Giving you the most benefit of the doubt possible (a grace you have not earned), the best that can be said is that you use cheap zerg tactics and borderline exploits, against two servers with a constant Outmanned buff, yet lack the introspection and self-awareness to acknowledge any of your own faults or the problems you are causing.
(edited by Jorgamund.7803)
a. Read my post before yours.
b. Show me 1 screenshot/name of any hacker? We will gladly report hackers when we see them, but guess what, unlike the paranoid minds that you have we don’t see the so called hackers everywhere. According to you 9/10 of us is a hacker, you sir are just plain insane.
c. You guys report every hacker on your server? So you got eyes on every individual in your BGs? That’s pretty amazing, show us how you do that, we would gladly learn how to supervise every individual so we can report them if they hack.
Hacking your orbs since 2/11
BlackGate players: the correct response to exploiters that benefit you is not a shrug and an “Oh well, hackers gonna hack” attitude. The correct response is to report your own players. All the generalized blame you are receiving right now is 100% justified.
How do you want us to do this? Should we guard your orbs 24/7?
Again, I stated earlier in the thread and I will state it again.
All servers have an orb hacker. I played all weekend on the SBI field the entire time. Guess what? Orb hacker helped JQ and SBI once each! Not one time was it in our favor this weekend on the SBI field!
Guess what else I saw? Turtling and portal bombing from all sides! Here is a hit RTL + Updraft = watch that turtle disperse. Now use your aoes at once! That is all I am telling you. Figure out your own strategies and counters.
Ladies and gentlemen, the battefield is equal. So man up and deal with it like us.
Btw, the reason I have found why BG is so good is because of our commanders! No joke, when they login, the whole server gets coordinated instantly. And I am talking coordinated. Sunday morning, commander Chhoco logged in. We took the ENTIRE map! We owned everything by 1PMish. Commanders logged off for Halloween event, map goes back to being pretty much even after a three to four hours.
My point is, get some good commanders, build a lot of trust, and use that charisma to lead the group to victory. And most importantly, USE STRATEGIES! Zerging in mass form taking over random crap cause you out number your opponent is NOT a strategy! BG has ZERO wait times in all their battlefields but yet we are on top. We play well together!
Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer
I tried to report the quaggan for orb hacking but it wouldn’t let me.
Agincourt -
English “Lets use archers because there cheap… its a cheap tactic but it work…”
French “The English have a lot of archers…. Best not bunch up and use shield to protect ourselves because its an exploit”
Btw, the reason I have found why BG is so good is because of our commanders! No joke, when they login, the whole server gets coordinated instantly. And I am talking coordinated. Sunday morning, commander Chhoco logged in. We took the ENTIRE map! We owned everything by 1PMish. Commanders logged off for Halloween event, map goes back to being pretty much even after a three to four hours.
You didn’t take it because your commander is awesome. You took the map because JQ (and SBI from what I can tell) had stopped playing.
I was online Sunday morning, and we had the Outmanned buff in multiple battlegrounds. People were shifting BL trying to get a group together, so the buff “moved” to different a BL from time to time, but every time I checked we had it in at least one, sometimes 3. It lasted straight through until prime time, at which point we weren’t Outmanned but we still had instant queues.
JQ was a high pop server 2 minutes after the head start launched, and a full server within an hour. It’s been full ever since, with long WvW queues from the start. But Friday through today was the only time on JQ that the Lion’s Arch queue was hours long and the WvW queues were instant. Even EB had instant queues, which never happens even around 4 AM on weeknights.
This is not entirely due to the BG/SBI/JQ matchup; we started losing people and getting instant queues since Wednesday. But BG’s behavior on Friday and Saturday made even us remaining hardcore WvW players leave the fight in disgust.
Zerging in mass form taking over random crap cause you out number your opponent is NOT a strategy!
Ah, so you agree with me, what BG is doing is not actually a superior “strategy”? Glad to find some common ground.
My point is, get some good commanders, build a lot of trust, and use that charisma to lead the group to victory.
We already have good commanders. These are the guys that fought HoD to a standstill during their reigning days, who crushed the other servers to get to the #1 slot, and who lead the entire battleground without even having a commander pin. They’re the guys who earned that 100 gold by showing up for weeks on end, taking charge when others logged off, paying for upgrades out of their own pocket, and getting donations 5-10 silver at a time from the people who fought with them.
For the most part, these commanders are sitting this match out.
I can’t blame them. I lead a small group myself, and I can not justify playing against the crap that BG is doing, especially with the invisible player bug. I can not be a responsible leader by tell my players to jump in to WvW for some fun, when I know they won’t have fun this week, and nothing will be accomplished in exchange for their time and their silver.
That’s not to say the place is deserted. I give huge respect to Agress of FIRE, who apparently never sleeps and runs multiple battlegrounds when necessary; and to the guys in ESOL, who run multiple commanders with great squad tactics… even though JQ hasn’t provided them with the raw manpower to defend any keeps for 3 days. And SBI shows up from time to time, even though 1/2 their players I’ve seen since Friday had the Outmanned buff.
TL;DR: you are not fighting JQ this week. Your commanders are not winning glorious battles through strategy and charisma. You are fighting an empty suit on a broken battleground using questionable tactics.
Its pretty clear all of you JQ folks are sore losers. See what I did there? I clearly dont believe this and its no more idiotic then the post like Jorgamund. By the way Jorg how would you know we dont report hackers on BG? Wait actually after reading your repsonse i dont care to read your answer to my question. spare me please. Everyone of my friends and guildmates report every bit of garbage we see on BG so you people who seem to think were all cheaters should kitten and go back to your miserable holes that you came from
Agincourt -
English “Lets use archers because there cheap… its a cheap tactic but it work…”
French “The English have a lot of archers…. Best not bunch up and use shield to protect ourselves because its an exploit”
I take it you have never studied history. The English archery at Agincourt was so effective precisely because the French were all bunched up.
The idea that you can protect yourselves from area of effect damage by bunching up is just hilariously stupid.
AOE exists to counter noob players to dumb to spread out properly. yet in this game, failing to spread out properly is actually the best way to mitigate AOE damage.
yeah i know, i’m saying having a no limit aoe would make the mesmer super OP as i am a mesmer, i know how it works, i was just saying.
BlackGate players: the correct response to exploiters that benefit you is not a shrug and an “Oh well, hackers gonna hack” attitude. The correct response is to report your own players. All the generalized blame you are receiving right now is 100% justified.
How do you want us to do this? Should we guard your orbs 24/7?
Story time:
20 minutes ago from the time of this writing, on the BG borderlands, the JQ TS suddenly noticed that SBI’s orb, held at Hills for several hours, was on the move towards our keep at Bay. Quaggans weren’t up, we weren’t near the east side of the map, and the scouts didn’t see any of us doing a sneak attack. So the assumption was that one of our JQ guys had hacked the orb.
This made everyone on the server’s TS furious. Everyone started talking over each other trying to find out who it was so we could report them. Half our zerg dropped their current attack and re-routed to find out the name. As soon as the name and guild tag was announced, everyone online was to report them. The order went out on chat and TS that no one was to heal, defend, or portal the person with the orb; if it dropped, no one was to pick it up.
That is the proper response to hacking and exploiting: the entire server turns on the culprit. If your server did this constantly from the beginning like JQ has, you would not have the reputation you do now, and you would have fewer hackers.
Speaking of which, it turns out we jumped to conclusions. Right before we caught up to the orb, a player from SBI hopped on our TS and explained what happened. Their altar at Hills had been destroyed via a hack from BG, and they had no altar to re-place it, so they were running it over to give to JQ for free rather than let BG profit from the hack.
Our commanders on the map didn’t really want the orb. Most of the players weren’t happy getting a “free” orb without having to fight for it. If we were on SBI BL, we would have let the orb reset to the north altar… but we were on BG BL, so if it was not placed within 15 minutes BG got the orb back thanks to the hack. So we reluctantly took the orb from the SBI carrier (sorry about the zerg who shot you, whoever you were!). We put it in Bay, and posted a guard to try and catch the expected BG hacker the next time he tried it.
We’re not buddies with SBI now; as I write this, our zerg is backstabbing SBI’s attack on BG’s garrison. (And I’m sure there are whiners in BG complaining about being double teamed, because they can’t read the battlefield and figure out who is fighting who in a 3 way melee.) The friendly player who hopped on to our TS to let us know what happened had his IP banned—spies are still spies, even if they help you once.
But this is why we have more respect for SBI, and why everyone calls BG a server that plays dirty, and what I mean when I say the entire server is responsible for dealing with hackers.
BlackGate players: the correct response to exploiters that benefit you is not a shrug and an “Oh well, hackers gonna hack” attitude. The correct response is to report your own players. All the generalized blame you are receiving right now is 100% justified.
How do you want us to do this? Should we guard your orbs 24/7?
Story time:
20 minutes ago from the time of this writing, on the BG borderlands, the JQ TS suddenly noticed that SBI’s orb, held at Hills for several hours, was on the move towards our keep at Bay. Quaggans weren’t up, we weren’t near the east side of the map, and the scouts didn’t see any of us doing a sneak attack. So the assumption was that one of our JQ guys had hacked the orb.
This made everyone on the server’s TS furious. Everyone started talking over each other trying to find out who it was so we could report them. Half our zerg dropped their current attack and re-routed to find out the name. As soon as the name and guild tag was announced, everyone online was to report them. The order went out on chat and TS that no one was to heal, defend, or portal the person with the orb; if it dropped, no one was to pick it up.
That is the proper response to hacking and exploiting: the entire server turns on the culprit. If your server did this constantly from the beginning like JQ has, you would not have the reputation you do now, and you would have fewer hackers.
Speaking of which, it turns out we jumped to conclusions. Right before we caught up to the orb, a player from SBI hopped on our TS and explained what happened. Their altar at Hills had been destroyed via a hack from BG, and they had no altar to re-place it, so they were running it over to give to JQ for free rather than let BG profit from the hack.
Our commanders on the map didn’t really want the orb. Most of the players weren’t happy getting a “free” orb without having to fight for it. If we were on SBI BL, we would have let the orb reset to the north altar… but we were on BG BL, so if it was not placed within 15 minutes BG got the orb back thanks to the hack. So we reluctantly took the orb from the SBI carrier (sorry about the zerg who shot you, whoever you were!). We put it in Bay, and posted a guard to try and catch the expected BG hacker the next time he tried it.
We’re not buddies with SBI now; as I write this, our zerg is backstabbing SBI’s attack on BG’s garrison. (And I’m sure there are whiners in BG complaining about being double teamed, because they can’t read the battlefield and figure out who is fighting who in a 3 way melee.) The friendly player who hopped on to our TS to let us know what happened had his IP banned—spies are still spies, even if they help you once.
But this is why we have more respect for SBI, and why everyone calls BG a server that plays dirty, and what I mean when I say the entire server is responsible for dealing with hackers.
Thanks for sharing this Jorg. It’s obvious that many BG players are completely oblivious as to what is going on within their server or they simply do not care (or even support it). Any of you who come into these threads and call us whiners for wanting a clean match fall into one of the categories above.
Go ahead, blame 2000+ people for hacking when one person did it and the rest of us all shake our heads at that one person.
Now being a BG commander you should know better than to lie…here are some quotes from your OWN thread on your own BG website forum in which you actually wind up condoning the orb hacking…your words…and people wonder why BG is losing respect.
[quote name=‘Raven’ timestamp=‘1351526184’ post=‘2070’]
So, after taking over ALL of JQ BL with Shokusha and a bunch of fellow alliance members, I had to go to work. So, while on my last moments before having to leave, I checked out the GW2 forums. Same QQ as always, all saying we’re hacking and using exploits (that I’ve only seen SBI and JQ use, might I add. Don’t know if our server truly does because I haven’t seen it).
I basically told them to stop crying (Surprised I never got any post deleted for that) and explained how we legitimately wiped all of JQ’s borderlands.
I go to work, and log in a few minutes ago. Saw my mailbox full (3 of the messages were bots)
So, I have an idea. Everytime you destroy one of their guildies, do /dance and /laugh on their corpses. Make them more mad so all these whiners send us this type of mail so we can report them which leads to them getting banned, that way next time we demolish “T1” servers, we won’t have to hear these QQers.
[quote name=‘Shoji’ timestamp=‘1351527458’ post=‘2071’]
I have seen our server hack orbs twice since the new matchup, which is a shame. But we do also take back and defend orbs legitimately for the most part. It’s a shame that we have to keep waiting for ANet to put a stop to the hacking.
The idiot knows War Machine is Korean right? I bet Jang would be so proud…
[quote name=‘Smokee’ timestamp=‘1351528705’ post=‘2072’]
Sad part is that their forum warriors is making it look like BG have had alot of these hacks. I´ve seen 2 confirmed hacks by BG, and 1 by SBI so far in this matchup.
[quote name=‘Raven’ timestamp=‘1351529084’ post=‘2074’]
I haven’t seen the hacks so I cannot comment on them, but if it’s only been twice, what is the big deal. 99% of this matchup we’ve fought legitimately and they still cry about “exploits” and “hacks”. We’re the better server, end of story. Last night we took ALL of JQ borderlands without any of the hacks and exploits they’ve been saying we do, and they still say we did them during that time.
I cannot wait until this week is over. I just hope SoS has some dignity. People can badmouth our server all they want. The FACT of the matter is we’re the best server in the NA rankings, and we’re currently demolishing the latter 2, and we’ve done it legitimately while SBCry and JQQ double team us constantly.
(edited by Moderator)
^ Raven, you’re like school on saturday… no class.
My favorite part is all the gloating over taking kitten near empty borderlands.
wow they really deleted those img links you posted… delete the evidence!!! they say… this just proves it “… file can not be found”
-Scholar Krasso-
wow they really deleted those img links you posted… delete the evidence!!! they say… this just proves it “… file can not be found”
nope links still work, but I find it is someone getting PM abuse.
I may be wrong though, but I can only read what is there.
Thank you Jorgamund. You did well (including IP banning the SBIer and killing him
We hated each other for so long but there was always respect between SBI and JQ. We will miss you when we get split next week after so many weeks of bloody fights.
Not sure who will be the lucky ones – those staying in T1 or those moving to T2.
You didn’t take it because your commander is awesome. You took the map because JQ (and SBI from what I can tell) had stopped playing.
I was online Sunday morning, and we had the Outmanned buff in multiple battlegrounds. People were shifting BL trying to get a group together, so the buff “moved” to different a BL from time to time, but every time I checked we had it in at least one, sometimes 3. It lasted straight through until prime time, at which point we weren’t Outmanned but we still had instant queues.
JQ was a high pop server 2 minutes after the head start launched, and a full server within an hour. It’s been full ever since, with long WvW queues from the start. But Friday through today was the only time on JQ that the Lion’s Arch queue was hours long and the WvW queues were instant. Even EB had instant queues, which never happens even around 4 AM on weeknights.
This is not entirely due to the BG/SBI/JQ matchup; we started losing people and getting instant queues since Wednesday. But BG’s behavior on Friday and Saturday made even us remaining hardcore WvW players leave the fight in disgust.
Zerging in mass form taking over random crap cause you out number your opponent is NOT a strategy!
Ah, so you agree with me, what BG is doing is not actually a superior “strategy”? Glad to find some common ground.
My point is, get some good commanders, build a lot of trust, and use that charisma to lead the group to victory.
We already have good commanders. These are the guys that fought HoD to a standstill during their reigning days, who crushed the other servers to get to the #1 slot, and who lead the entire battleground without even having a commander pin. They’re the guys who earned that 100 gold by showing up for weeks on end, taking charge when others logged off, paying for upgrades out of their own pocket, and getting donations 5-10 silver at a time from the people who fought with them.
For the most part, these commanders are sitting this match out.
I can’t blame them. I lead a small group myself, and I can not justify playing against the crap that BG is doing, especially with the invisible player bug. I can not be a responsible leader by tell my players to jump in to WvW for some fun, when I know they won’t have fun this week, and nothing will be accomplished in exchange for their time and their silver.
That’s not to say the place is deserted. I give huge respect to Agress of FIRE, who apparently never sleeps and runs multiple battlegrounds when necessary; and to the guys in ESOL, who run multiple commanders with great squad tactics… even though JQ hasn’t provided them with the raw manpower to defend any keeps for 3 days. And SBI shows up from time to time, even though 1/2 their players I’ve seen since Friday had the Outmanned buff.
TL;DR: you are not fighting JQ this week. Your commanders are not winning glorious battles through strategy and charisma. You are fighting an empty suit on a broken battleground using questionable tactics.
Yea, BG isn’t trying too hard either /strokes kitten /rollseyes. Sorry, I don’t believe a word you speak, unless they all get butt hurt from actually having a challenge from a newcomer, which than I could see that.
Btw, the Halloween event has sucked up majority of our players too, especially commanders :/.
And you state we really aren’t fighting JQ and pretty much all of JQ has stopped playing. Points to screenshot, really looks like your server “isn’t really playing” even though they own majority of the maps.
You could easily state, “yea, wait until all of JQ fight”. I could very well state the same, “wait until all of BG fight”.
It’s all baseless facts with no data to back up anything. WE have no wait times! Lions Arch has a longer queue than wvwvw! We get outmanned buffs at times too. So try not to use those excuses, mmmk.
Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer
I saw a post that was closed with just a single entry that said it best.
You can get banned for racial slurs in 10 min but hacking… you could do that all day and get away with it. Let’s face the music folks. People are getting away with it. This week it’s BG, next week it could be someone else, etc. etc.
The code abuses (sounds better than H*) include invisibility, flying, moving underground, speed… all things that make it improbable that you will be able to ‘catch’ them at it if they are discreet.
How do you guard against it? SBI can’t even be bothered to guard supply camps continuously… and they get attacked occasionally. Is someone really going to stand on the Orb attentively 24/7? Not happening.
Most hate it, I don’t like it either, but we’re approaching the point that you can be ‘honorable’ and consistently lose or you can play dirty and win a few.
That’s the ugly truth.
By the sounds of all this BG will get a battle about once every 3 weeks, when the tiers repopulate. LOL I wonder if this is the game they all wanted and planned for?
But who knows, maybe 2 other servers will populate with guilds that think and play like them. Hate to guess how long that will take, but a tier of like minded is the only hope they have now. Heh
In the mean time there are a lot of good battles going on in “lesser” tiers with no Ques!
Yea, BG isn’t trying too hard either /strokes kitten /rollseyes. Sorry, I don’t believe a word you speak, unless they all get butt hurt from actually having a challenge from a newcomer, which than I could see that.
We were impressed by the newcomer exactly one time: when we heard from our morning crew that, after taking all the keeps in a BL unopposed, one of your guilds had paid for all 3 waypoints on a single map. That was quite a remarkable commitment and worthy of note, even if it’s only a sign of impressive gold farming.
There was also an impressive 2 v 1 in SBI borderlands on Friday before the post-reset patch. SBI took Hills, BG took Greenvale while we were occupied defending Hills, then both started trying to take Greenwater supply camp from us… for 45 minutes. Both servers failed to kick us out once we were cornered, but that was some kitten impressive willingness to repeatedly bash your heads into the proverbial brick wall of our siege.
Other than that, the “challenge” you present is one of hacking, exploiting the turtle, and manners in general. And that is not a challenge worth blowing time or gold on, especially when the game code itself is against you.
And you state we really aren’t fighting JQ and pretty much all of JQ has stopped playing. Points to screenshot, really looks like your server “isn’t really playing” even though they own majority of the maps.
If you realized how few people it took to get those points for JQ, you would leave the forums in shame.
It’s all baseless facts with no data to back up anything. WE have no wait times! Lions Arch has a longer queue than wvwvw! We get outmanned buffs at times too. So try not to use those excuses, mmmk
How in Grenth’s name am I supposed to take a screenshot of an instant queue time?
I suppose I could take screenshots every time BG owned the whole map and we had Outmanned, and then get accused of putting two screenshots from 2 different times together. I could screenshot every time I encounter an SBI player with the Outmanned buff, or maybe video capture 24 hours of fighting BG players without it, but my hard drive would run out of space.
All these requests for data and proof are meaningless. It is BG avoiding the hostility they are getting for rolling empty maps and bragging about it. No one would whine about losing maps because they fielded no people—I yelled at other JQ people about it near the end of our IoJ/SBI match—it is your inane bragging that you are somehow better or more strategic while rolling empty maps, that gets you the ridicule you deserve.
During the HoD/SBI/JQ fights, we knew why we were losing: SBI refused to fight for first, and cross-server guilds were impossible to beat. During the end of last week’s match, we knew why we were losing: SBI dramatically improved their playing, and we stopped having full queues. And now, we know why we are losing: BG hacks, turtle exploits, and continually empty maps.
The only people who don’t know what is going on is BG, as evidenced by the pitiful defense you and others have attempted here. Willful ignorance is hardly something to be boasting about.
(Edit: for completeness’ sake, I should mention we also know what’s going on the several times we’ve got 100% of all WvW maps simultaneously. We don’t jump on forums and brag about our strategy, commanders, etc when the TS is full of people saying “OMG, there’s a HoD player! Follow him around, he might be the last one left in Tyria!”)
(edited by Jorgamund.7803)
It is ironic that you can say have fun, and then promote the most degenerate style of gameplay. I guess its true, WvWers are clueless when it comes to actual pvp mechanics.
GW1 Rank 1 – 2 Gold Capes – [sC] [sup]
What do you know, SBI using culling issues to keep umberglade. Not going to blame the entire server, just the one thief doing so. We’ve been holding Umberglade for 30 minutes now, but it stays blue because of one person abusing an issue with the game.
But you know, you’ll still hear SBCry saying how we’re the cheaters while being completely oblivious how they’re worse than any of the servers when it comes to using what they call “exploits”.
There’s 2 ways to combat that.
1. Everyone stacks together and aoe’s the heck out of the stack of people. Eventually you hit and kill the thief because he has to hit someone to remain in stealth.
2. Go to the edge of the circle and have a mesmer pull them out. I don’t know exactly how the mesmer trick works but I’ve been told by mesmers that this works.
Wow man, that totally went over your head. The point is, you have NO proof of anything. We have NO proof of anything. Read that again, YOU AND I have NO proof of what the other side is dealing with. What does that mean? Your word against mine which nobody wins.
Also, you don’t think your server clears the map while our server is under manned? Again, the point is, it is equal playing field. BG has instant queues in ALL battlefields which means we don’t have a whole lot of men out there either.
Our server is the only one using turtle and orb hacks/exploits? Wrong again, I have witnessed JQ and SBI both doing it just this weekend (I haven’t even logged in today).
Now, keep replying to me completely taking my words out of context and ignoring the fact that ALL sides of the server are playing the same game with the same tactics. SBI and JQ are just losing at it. So what happens? You guys jump on the forums and cry about how BG is the ONLY server doing it. So you “boycott” (aka annoyed about the challenge so you just avoid it altogether) the wvw match, however it seems like all servers have about the same number of players, granted maybe not all at the same time, but yes averagely it evens out
(baseless fact btw, you got proof otherwise? Didn’t think so, does that mean you can get proof? Nope. Neither can I)
Hopefully I connected the dots enough. But if you still haven’t got it yet, I bolded the important part.
Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer
Come on Guys we all know Lots of sillyness n bugs etc , Bet when we got beat by same servers we are now beating we never cried like you guys lol
Actually I do remember people crying about Dragonbrand/mesmer portal tactics.
That’s why this one is so obvious, it’s exactly same thing happening but on the other side and much bigger scale.
People cry when they ain’t winning.
Because people seem to expect to always win.
Hacking your orbs since 2/11
@ snow Aeth i dident cry honestly and to be honest i just like a good fight , i hate rolling people its boring . The ranking and 1 day server transfers mean nothing anyways so just fight my friend
Hey Raven why are you guys on the bottom in points right now? We’ve had the outmanned buff most of the night you still can’t take us. I guess when you can’t turtle your way through everything you aren’t sure what to do. I’m enjoying watching JQ eat away at your points while you stupidly try to take umber. Great strategy.
It’s not the exploiting or tactics that makes me think less of Blackgate… it’s the posts.
Outmanned buff doesn’t matter too much when it’s consistently been 2v1. I have a better question. Why are you roughly 20k+ pts below us?
You know that “potential points” means jack crap right? Lol. We haven’t been #1 in potential points for majority of the match, and I seriously mean majority. It’s not our strategy and that is all I will say, too much more and you guys will start improving by copying us.
Good luck.
Oh, and I hate to bring up the whole orb hacking again but you do realize orb’s making such a miniscule difference that it almost doesn’t even matter. Don’t believe me? Take any stat and see how much 5% of it is, that’s essentially the bonus you get from an orb. Whoopdy-do! So to say that is what is causing you to lose a match is just down right hilarious xD.
Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer
(edited by DivineBeing.2086)
@steadfast (op)
The only thing I can add to this discussion is this:
You should try actually reading some history. The Spartans were did not come even close to conquering their known world…at their best they were the victors in the Peloponnesian War, but that hardly led to the conquering of their known world…just of Athens. Maybe you have them confused with Persians? Macedonians?
Anyway….carry on
Nothing like trying to be poetic and compare yourself to ancient warriors…
The Spartans would have lost because a mesmer would just port the Persians over them.
The whole idea is just silly.
Stand still, spam 1 skill, port with f1. Such derring-do! You’re winning. You’re winning with a legitimate tactic. Let’s not glorify hedgehogs and armadillos of curring up in a ball to save their hides from predators…
Smart? Yes. Works? Yes. Legit? Yes. Brave???? Hardly.
You know what’s real sad?
Last week’s T1 Matchup was awesome. This week, not at all.
What’s the difference? From an Outsiders perspective:
IoJ came into T1 expecting to be crushed. We were gonna fight tooth and nail, but ultimately come up short. No problem. When the weekend went by with some great fighting, we knew we were still in the race, so we kept fighting. I don’t recall any hacks or exploits being used on either side (couple small things, but no biggie) and cheesy tactics were non-existent. We all wanted a good fight.
This week, BG came in knowing they could compete with SBI and JQ. All the transfers from HoD had already been in T1, so they knew what to expect. They didn’t spread out to various servers, they all chose 1 (for the most part). This is unfortunate, because BG got their nickname because of their tenacity and desire to put on a good fight, which is why HoD went there. Now, this should have been a good fight from Day 1! But it wasn’t, because from the sounds of it, a couple hacks and some cheesy tactics have ruined the fun.
Does everybody remember that’s what it’s supposed to be about? I’m really glad that BG is happy steamrolling through the competition. Cheesy tactics have caused the fun to die in the game. Doesn’t matter that the tactics are effective, and they help you win… They’re cheesy, abusing the mechanics of the game (which i think is the actual definition of exploit, but i digress) and they suck the fun out. Couple that up with a couple of ill-timed Hacks, and the morale plummets on the opposing servers.
What’s the point in getting your Orb back if it’s just gonna get hacked again? What’s the point of going into WvW if you’re gonna be fighting a stack of players, instead of an army of players? Seriously, where’s the fun? Oh yeah, it’s in last week’s matchup.
IoJ didn’t even show up for our matchups this week. The Halloween event has basically killed the matchup, which i’d like to apologize to SoS for. I still think there’s more fun to be had in our matchup, because at least everybody seems to want to have some fun. Blackgate, enjoy your victory! I hope we never get to T1 again, because WvW is supposed to be fun.
You know what’s real sad?
Last week’s T1 Matchup was awesome. This week, not at all.
What’s the difference? From an Outsiders perspective:
IoJ came into T1 expecting to be crushed. We were gonna fight tooth and nail, but ultimately come up short. No problem. When the weekend went by with some great fighting, we knew we were still in the race, so we kept fighting. I don’t recall any hacks or exploits being used on either side (couple small things, but no biggie) and cheesy tactics were non-existent. We all wanted a good fight.
This week, BG came in knowing they could compete with SBI and JQ. All the transfers from HoD had already been in T1, so they knew what to expect. They didn’t spread out to various servers, they all chose 1 (for the most part). This is unfortunate, because BG got their nickname because of their tenacity and desire to put on a good fight, which is why HoD went there. Now, this should have been a good fight from Day 1! But it wasn’t, because from the sounds of it, a couple hacks and some cheesy tactics have ruined the fun.
Does everybody remember that’s what it’s supposed to be about? I’m really glad that BG is happy steamrolling through the competition. Cheesy tactics have caused the fun to die in the game. Doesn’t matter that the tactics are effective, and they help you win… They’re cheesy, abusing the mechanics of the game (which i think is the actual definition of exploit, but i digress) and they suck the fun out. Couple that up with a couple of ill-timed Hacks, and the morale plummets on the opposing servers.
What’s the point in getting your Orb back if it’s just gonna get hacked again? What’s the point of going into WvW if you’re gonna be fighting a stack of players, instead of an army of players? Seriously, where’s the fun? Oh yeah, it’s in last week’s matchup.
IoJ didn’t even show up for our matchups this week. The Halloween event has basically killed the matchup, which i’d like to apologize to SoS for. I still think there’s more fun to be had in our matchup, because at least everybody seems to want to have some fun. Blackgate, enjoy your victory! I hope we never get to T1 again, because WvW is supposed to be fun.
Thank you. I am so glad someone from IoJ spoke up. If I had said this, it would be construed as sour grapes. EVEN THOUGH the trash talk from last week was deplorable, and EVEN THOUGH I was totally demoralized when IoJ helped SBI gain number one, and EVEN THOUGH we on JQ are ‘hated’ and both SBI and IoJ would rather see JQ lose than actually win themselves…
Last week was FUN!!! It was fair. It was brutal. For me it was heart breaking. But I didn’t end up thinking to myself “Should I bother to check WvW and jump in?” like I have a few times this week.
Make no mistake. Blackgate is good. Very good. Good enough to win without turtles. But it’s (I guess) just easier to ball up, call out portals and roll. Oddly enough, it’s still a close match and there’s always that snowball’s chance SBI or JQ will pull it out.
Let me say this. They caught us off guard with that one. It won’t happen again now that we know…
Anet has the response time of a ‘days’ to investigate reports, they do actually need active CSR’s ‘in-game’ to make much of a difference to stop cheats, many times I reported the HoD hacker last week buzzing around the keep, but it didn’t get stopped for days. Same with bots, see the same ranger-brown bear crews in pve in the same spots, but despite reporting them many times, they’re usually still there.
At some point, they must make a best practice of responding live to a set number of reports or risk a disenchanted player base not enjoying their game.
Mesmer portals, they’re extremely useful to the point I don’t see any reason to adjust what they do, sometimes they kill me too and I swear a bit, but I appreciate the effort into actually bothering to co-ordinate the attack.
Again a lot of that comes back to Anet making their game engine work to fix their rendering issues so people aren’t appearing, thieves not exploiting the stealth aspects of their class and the joys of running into what you thought was 10 people actually being about 30!
As for the current match up, both SBI and JQ are still very much in the match after what I saw tonight, I hope it to be close all the way up to the last hour.
KnT Blackgate