Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Truebanana.5936


BT = Number and good organisation.

Deso = Number and FFA without any organisation.
Make a lot of point during the night when there is nobody to fight and when the ennemy also give up during the day, they can also make some. That wont work against BT, so they will have to fight night and day against people who can fight back to earn some points.

VS = Good organisation, but not an international server, so far from having as much people on their side.
If desolation stop on relying only on their number, VS will be at the third place.

Truebanana [Opt] Solo roaming D/F Elementalist on Augury Rock
Dolcebanana [Opt] Solo roaming D/F Elementalist twink lvl 60 on Augury Rock

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Slashpaf.9250


Guys from DS [IRON] stop exploiting with thiefs on supply camps.
This is pathetic :/ Play fair. Dont dissapoint us.

Sorry, they can’t

Vizunah Square

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Vukanigia.5496


I have to give a huge respect to IRON guild and their Commanders. It’s not a shame to admit you guys destroyed us (SFRJ) in first 2 hours on Visunah Borderlands before we took some breath and reorganize ourselfs. I think we didn’t took this fight serious like we should.. We had a great time last night and hope to meet ya today on the field.

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Alukard.8593


That incindent was really dissapointing,saw that stuff with my own eyes.

Iron-guys,is this the way you wanted to face BT? Saw many posts from you about the great time fighting with us,do u want to fight with us this way?

We actually dont.So we appreciate if you tell you guildmembers to play fair.


Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Slashpaf.9250


Sadly we encountered this technic a lot last week. Not only on supply camps, but on every capture points. They’re very proud of this, they’ve made videos to show their people how to do it. I even heard they do it with 5 thieves.

Imagine how you feel after a 3 hours siege on Stonemist, when 1 guy prevent you from capping by using this lame (but legit, thanks Anette) technic, and you get crushed by the zerg after 3min of chasing.

Welcome in T1 IRON/RUIN style.

Vizunah Square

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: KiNgPiN.2075


Sadly we encountered this technic a lot last week. Not only on supply camps, but on every capture points. They’re very proud of this, they’ve made videos to show their people how to do it. I even heard they do it with 5 thieves.

Imagine how you feel after a 3 hours siege on Ttonemist, when 1 guy prevent you from capping by using this lame (but legit, thanks Anette) technic, and you get crushed by the zerg after 3min of chasing.

Welcome in T1 IRON/RUIN style.

VS was using the same tactic against Desolation or even against Arborstone. Especialy inside Keeps

(edited by KiNgPiN.2075)

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Naikee.5936


I think it’s not a good idea to project actions of 1 player to the whole guild. It’s not fair, but really, every guild has it own unfair players.

Good fights today!

Represented by [Xaoc]

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: MagnusLL.8473


Just so you know, we had a player from BT use this very same method (thief stealthing to stop us capping a supply camp) against us this morning. Ultimately it only bought him a couple minutes though.

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Genocide.4506


Yes but BT players don’t fight against Deso currently.
They only attack VS…
We’ll soon have reasons to say there was a 2v1 alliance agains VS

Oh no we’ve been found out attack each other fast!!!! (sarcasm)

Blackgate thief :)

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Wolbryne.4037


Guys from DS [IRON] stop exploiting with thief on supply camps.
This is pathetic :/ Play fair. Please dont dissapoint us.


please do explain to me how using the stealth mechanics put in the game by arenanet is exploiting? don’t cry “cheater!” just because you can’t handle and deal with the game mechanics

Pret Orian / Pretorían
“All war is deception.” – General Sun Tzu

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Alukard.8593


Guys from DS [IRON] stop exploiting with thief on supply camps.
This is pathetic :/ Play fair. Please dont dissapoint us.


please do explain to me how using the stealth mechanics put in the game by arenanet is exploiting? don’t cry “cheater!” just because you can’t handle and deal with the game mechanics

Stop boggling,guess you understand the stealth mechanics by arenanet © was not supposed to produce unfair play.

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Zorlak.7926


Thieves stopping you from capping supply camps/other points is a legit strategy, albeit a very stupid one.
Unless decides to change it, there is nothing anyone can do as it is not hacking, just thief mechanics.

Zorlak – Warrior [JuG] Desolation EU

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Slashpaf.9250


Guys from DS [IRON] stop exploiting with thief on supply camps.
This is pathetic :/ Play fair. Please dont dissapoint us.


please do explain to me how using the stealth mechanics put in the game by arenanet is exploiting? don’t cry “cheater!” just because you can’t handle and deal with the game mechanics

Ya, it was a visual culling bug. It will be fixed next patch.


Guess what, this is now an official bug exploit. Stealth is not supposed to last that long.

Vizunah Square

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: lin.2814


Guys from DS [IRON] stop exploiting with thief on supply camps.
This is pathetic :/ Play fair. Please dont dissapoint us.


please do explain to me how using the stealth mechanics put in the game by arenanet is exploiting? don’t cry “cheater!” just because you can’t handle and deal with the game mechanics

Ok . I hope that u guild leader agree with this policy.
Even if [IRON] guys continue using this expoit, i hope that other sides continue play fair.

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: GrandMechantLoup.8201


Guys from DS [IRON] stop exploiting with thief on supply camps.
This is pathetic :/ Play fair. Please dont dissapoint us.


please do explain to me how using the stealth mechanics put in the game by arenanet is exploiting? don’t cry “cheater!” just because you can’t handle and deal with the game mechanics

Stop boggling,guess you understand the stealth mechanics by arenanet © was not supposed to produce unfair play.

I warn you, enter garrison or bay with wall jumping is fair with them too. and they always have some mythomaniac stories to excuse.

jade sea, EU

(edited by GrandMechantLoup.8201)

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Razarei.2809


I have little interest in all your squabbles and elitism vs different servers, but reading this thread provided me about twenty minutes of lulz.

Also: This thief exploit, is this the ‘chaining-stealths-together-and-not-attacking’ for lots of stealth we’re talking about? If so, what’s wrong with that?

What Anet need to do (same for PvP) is that if they’re sticking with cap point mechanism, they need to change the way it works.

Easy fix = If the opposing team greatly outnumbers the other, the opposing team is able to take the point, but at a much lower speed than normal. This essentially indirectly nerfs bunker builds and stealth thieves while still giving them much needed purpose.

TPvP = 3/4:1
SPvP = 3:1
WvW = 7/8:1

Problem solved.

Elementalist – Blárp, Razarei, 55HPMonk, Need More Defense
Revenant – Master Blárp [Desolation]

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Quentin Fields.1295

Quentin Fields.1295

I warn you, enter garrison or bay with wall jumping is fair with them too. and they always have some mythomaniac stories to excuse.

IRON never done that two my friend don’t try to throw mud on us.

Also last time i check and saw peeps whining about it , wall jumping Bay was a Xaoc tactic.

(edited by Quentin Fields.1295)

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Ruggy.7819


Guys from DS [IRON] stop exploiting with thief on supply camps.
This is pathetic :/ Play fair. Please dont dissapoint us.


please do explain to me how using the stealth mechanics put in the game by arenanet is exploiting? don’t cry “cheater!” just because you can’t handle and deal with the game mechanics

Ya, it was a visual culling bug. It will be fixed next patch.


Guess what, this is now an official bug exploit. Stealth is not supposed to last that long.

Where does he say it’s an exploit? Many players across all servers are doing this.. we had problems with thieves doing this all last week, why suddenly complain about it?

Everyone hopes they fix it because yeah.. it’s very annoying to play against, but so are many other things people use in wvw, stop complaining and learn to adapt and deal with it until Anet decide on how they want it to be.

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: spanky.4630


please don`t turn this thread into a slanging match . it will get closed like last matchup . I have had some of my best w3 so far this matchup and it would be a shame if you all start
lowering yourselfs to the troll lvls of last week .

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Argadem.6135


I didn’t encounter BT do the thief thing yet but VS did the same thing last week and they did it many times,so you have no right to QQ about it now,also i don’t know who told you that we exploit garrison and bay but that is not true so stop lying

Guardian – Gunnar’s Hold [IRON]

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Didn’t want to say it before the battle started, but Blacktide is a counter for Desolation’s RUIN nightcapping. This will make it extremely hard for Desolation this week as they are used to getting many points thanks to this, but now that will be down to few hours only. We can expect some very good battles this week. Oh, and I don’t have a problem with RUIN, it’s just adapting to game mechanics, a normal thing competitive players do.

Alliances? When I was in the game Blacktide simultaneously fought on Borderland with both Vizunah and Desolation on purpose, massively attacking in two directions. That was right after reset. Don’t know about other maps.

Thief preventing cap is something we have to deal with. It’s not the only thief problem – invisible thieves who switch to dagger storm or spam dancing daggers can kill many players in few seconds before these players even see the thief. But I would not blame servers or guilds for doing that, but ANet. They have done nothing, and are the ones who should be responsible for this. Not players who play to win. It is not a hack, just a bad and broken game feature.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Ajaxx.3157


Hi everyone


So this looks like its gonna be a good hard week.

P.S inb4 someone from Deso/blacktide/VS cries about something…. OH wait..

Ajaxx – Warrior – [JuG] – Desolation [eu]

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Phara Miu.2816

Phara Miu.2816

Clever use of game mechanics is not exploiting, thief doing it is kinda lame, but many thiefs do it on all sides.

Wall jumping on the other hand is cheating / exploiting and hope any player who does it get a perma ban.

Yes Desolation will have a hard time, but thats ok, do not forget we dropped alot of tiers before we started to climb again.
We lake to fight hard battles, dont let any talk like we dont.

The week is long, 7 days of battle ahead and the game hast even started yet
Epic game so far, quit the crying and bashing versus each other act like men not little kids.

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


What is this “wall jumping” btw?

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Argadem.6135


You cab bypass the gates and walls and get mesmer in to portal everyone,

Guardian – Gunnar’s Hold [IRON]

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


Standart T1 kitten happening right now.
Elona moved up 4 weeks ago, and won their first week.
Arborstone moved up 3 weeks ago, and won their first week.
Desolation moved up 2 weeks ago, and should have won given the amount of dedication they put in, but VZ outplayed them heavily.
Now, Blacktide coming up this week, with numbers and motivation, they will win. Second place is really a toss-up between VZ and Deso, as Vizunah tends to perform badly any first day of a match-up.

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: atkecar.6952


No rly Vizunah and Desolation, JUST look at the SCORE and shhhhhh….. No more PvDoor for you guys, sry, For someone who doesn’t know live score here they are:
black tide: 29.600
desolation: 12400
vizunah: 10032

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: lepri.6504


invisible thief mechanic to use on cap prevention is a legit tactic, everyone who can use that will use it. Its should not be that easy to stay invisible when a zerg of people looking for you, those thiefs should be congratulated if they manage it. We were also targeted by this tactic last night and were annoyed quite long time. It is not our job to whine about it but try to find tactics against it.

Blacktide>>Yafes>>Asura Engineer

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Freki.9475


First day situation in 18 seconds

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Vayra.3290


Stop it with the pointless complaints about X guild/server used Y exploit. This is not the thread for that.

The Unnamed[ThUn] – Desolation
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Daiva.2394


People really should stop complaining about the thieves. I’m pretty sure most players in serious guilds are not holding it against anyone; even if it’s annoying there’s no exploiting involved in it. Instead of whining, try to adapt. If it gets altered in the future, that’s in the future, not now.

Thank you for all the good fights thus far, been a blast. Keep it up!

[CIR] — Blacktide
Dai Va — Necromancer
Dae Va — Elementalist

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Junal.2469


I add my voice to Vayra.3290 & Daiva.2394! Pls stop complaining and enjoy this week match.

Junal – Legacy of Raiders [LoR] Co-Leader

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: abaddon.4768


the thief trick on supply camps is fun.

within the first couple of hours of the reset we had RUIN and co doing it at one of their supply camps.

they kept coming back plus had x amount of thieves stopping the cap.

they saved the camp and we farmed them

win win

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Shule.4250


It was an honor to play alongside with Green Fire, Nugos, XAOC, Black Templars, Red Guard….

Strong opponent, and all respect for IRON -RUIN

Balkan Legion[SFRJ] GM

I’m a legend in my spare time !

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Gunshow.3485


I gotta say, I’m pretty disappointed in Desolation as a whole. With the exception of a core group of IRON players, RUIN is literally the only substantial force out there – and this is on 1 of 2 servers that is constantly FULL!

We’ve been putting in crazy hours over the last few weeks, and it’s starting to be evident that the success of Desolation lies solely on the man-hours put in by RUIN. You’d think that being part of the top European server would encourage more WvW play from the pugs, but, in fact, it’s had the opposite effect. They’ve become complacent and entirely reliant on us.

Everyone loved to cry PvD at us, and yes, that coverage gave us an advantage, but what i think RUIN did not get credit for, is the hours with which we covered during hour off-time.

Last night was a perfect example. Not an hour or two after reset, there was no queue for any borderland. This was 7pm on the US east coast. As huge as many of you think RUIN is, we cannot fill 4 zones.

All that said, I don’t want to take anything away from what Blacktide is doing. You guys are hungry and it’s evident. If there is one Euro server that deserves to be on top, it’s you guys. I’m just hoping Deso can show you a little more effort than what took place last night.

Vagodin <RUIN> – Desolation
Asuran Mesmer/Guardian/Thief

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Wolbryne.4037


To my knowledge, nobody in IRON has used any exploits. Everything we’ve done have been 100% legit and abiding by the ToS/EULA/Code of conduct. The reason for some people complain about certain things that go down is simply because they did not know what happened, how it was done or thought that had prevented/countered it when they hadn’t. This goes for thieves sealthing, mesmers hiding in keeps, golem sneak rushes etc.

This being said I have to congratulate blacktide for an awesome start. Thus far, this matchup has been a blast. All three servers truly fighting eachother on all fronts.


Pret Orian / Pretorían
“All war is deception.” – General Sun Tzu

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Argadem.6135


The problem with Deso is that half of the server is PvE

Guardian – Gunnar’s Hold [IRON]

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Pryda.8257


Interesting fights so far, keep it up!

Red Guard [RG]

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


I was quite surprised at seeing the outmanned buff on Deso players in the BT Borderlands last night, and when i played earlier today.

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Argadem.6135


Always like that Genev…BT is greatly outnumbering us,at all times

Guardian – Gunnar’s Hold [IRON]

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Phara Miu.2816

Phara Miu.2816

It happens to all servers Gunshow, burn outs, bandwagons, etc. etc.
Its easier to get to 1st then to stay there, unless you have 24/7 coverage and score a steady point per tick income troughout the 7 days.

Still wished we had more WvW guilds on Deso tough, it seems only 2 to 4 guilds on the field and the rest militia.

Wondering myself how this server can be full as queu times are instand / 5 min wait at EU prime time.

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Vayra.3290


Thanks for Bay in BT <3

The Unnamed[ThUn] – Desolation
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Feindsender.1043


Can someone post the actually score please?

Dressed in black uniforms so fine
We drank and killed to pass the time.

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Centrix.4065


Just had the longest turtle ever on the Vizunah borderlands at Askalion Hills. Epic battles. GG Blacktide!

Lv.80 Elementalist, Guardian, Necromancer, Thief
[VII] Seventh Legion |

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Can someone post the actually score please?

Blacktide: 33,785
Desolation: 15,446
Vizunah: 13,193

Current points:

Blacktide: 295
Vizunah: 215
Desolation: 185

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Hedon.7580


Thanks for Bay in BT <3

Np that’s part of the deal ; we open bay for you and you help us farming Deso at their spawn.
Great alliance so far ; way better than the one we had with Arborstone.

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Argadem.6135


so Blacktide,i guess you got alot of badges from us (DS) in VS BL today?

Guardian – Gunnar’s Hold [IRON]

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Eolfiin.2698


Blacktide really deserves its place in T1.
You guys play well, and you have good tactics and moves.

It’s a pleasure to have such a good opponent.

Fëar Morniëo [FM] Founder & Leader – Co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance [GC]
Vizunah Square [EU]

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Soulcheg.5048


please do explain to me how using the stealth mechanics put in the game by arenanet is exploiting? don’t cry “cheater!” just because you can’t handle and deal with the game mechanics

Hmmm, i think people tend to forget mass banhammer for exploit with exotic weapon, as far as i remember, there were sentences like that “ANet put this trader in this game by themselves, so it’s legit”. “Okay” said ANet, and here’s the mass banhammer for permanent→72hours bans.

Now we have the other “simple use of the game mechanics” thing. Keep it going, guys, we’ll be missing you.

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Archaos.4953


Hats off to Blacktide.

Blacktide has been able to unify and coordinate most of the major guilds from Far Shiverpeaks and clearly has the manpower and coverage to become the major force in Europe.

RUIN has been more than happy to contribute in breaking the Vizunah “monopoly” on tier one in the hopes of allowing other international communities and language servers to have a more competitive environment.

Desolation, remains a scrappy server able to pull out improbable wins against difficult odds, but has severe limitations. We have always only had two “hardcore” wvw guilds operating consistently, IRON and RUIN. Though we have new transfer WvW guilds from Russia who have been working hard to build and expand they simply do not have the numbers to cover all the borderlands.

Contrary to popular belief RUIN does not have 2,000 people actively playing in Europe. Our night crew was able to intimidate and beat Vizunah through moving a single team of about 50-60 people around a night while keeping a small rear-guard in Eternal Battlegrounds.

Through countering the French night crew and limiting the damage they could do we were able to scrape out victories against the French double team.

RUIN does not and has never had the raw numbers to beat a large number of well organized guilds in 4 battlegrounds simultaneously.

I would like to thank IRON for consistently providing a strong night crew capable of holding down a zone throughout most of the night. That said the Russian (Moscow) time zone comes on strong just as we’re going to sleep in the United States. As a result we have been realistic about what our options have been.