(edited by Joriel.1530)
Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS
Was nice to meet RUIN tonight, nice to play against international opposition when I’m hammered at silly o’clock in the morning =)
The Unnamed
(edited by reddreams.2386)
I saw a Ruin commander being in ruins today when he lost his legging during a slightly extended camp fight.
Overall good fights this matchup so far. Keep it up.
People accuse Desolation of nightcapping but the thing is just couple of weeks before we were losing tons of points to night capping by other servers. This is not a great Desolation conspiracy, just adaptation to the rules of the game, all the servers are trying to cover all hours of the day, why the hell it is a wrong thing when we do the same just to keep up with the competition?
Same thing goes for the thief matter, last week Vizunah and Arbor was using the same freaking tactic, preventing a 50 men zerg from capping a supply camp for 15 minutes and now since we started fighting fire with fire it’s a crime and an exploit all of a sudden. Please…
We really need more big wvw guilds on Deso for more organisation, we have only IRON and Ruin, wheres blacktide have about 6 or so big wvw guilds, 2 big ones from FSP server transfer and one from vabbi i think called SFRJ or something along those lines.
They can evenly spread their guilds out on each border, you can see by the map we can only hold 2 borders most of the time, desolation and blacktide border we have nothing but a tower or supply camp alot of the times cause its basically pugs running wild or 3 pve commanders in there doing their own thing.
Yes we have smaller guilds that wvw but they are instantly crushed by the bigger guilds and can only do so much with the pugs they try to lead.
At reset I went into blacktide border at one point because vizunah queue where Iron goes was full, we had nothing but a tower and CIR was just camping our supply while pugs were going in one after another dying, it was a complete mess.
There is still no queue on atleast 2 of our borders, (deso +blacktide ) would be nice if we could recruit a few more big guilds onto deso or make our smaller guilds bigger.
We need to make Deso more of a WvW server rather than pve if were going to keep competing.
Sanctum Of Rall
(edited by Zaowi.7098)
Where is RUIN?
To be fair, I see plenty of Ruin, but this is my first time fighting them so I don’t know how many I should be seeing.
You can’t expect that much from Ruin this time. Have you ever seen Blacktide zerg in the middle of the night?
To be fair, I see plenty of Ruin, but this is my first time fighting them so I don’t know how many I should be seeing.
You can’t expect that much from Ruin this time. Have you ever seen Blacktide zerg in the middle of the night?
Well, EB has always been full even @ 4~5 am gmt-0 during the week and @ 2am today there was no queue at all… and its weekend… i think this says it all
(edited by Joriel.1530)
We really need more big wvw guilds on Deso for more organisation, we have only IRON and Ruin, wheres blacktide have about 6 or so big wvw guilds, 2 big ones from FSP server transfer and one from vabbi i think called SFRJ or something along those lines.
SFRJ is also from FSP, it is Balkan Legion guild, and we came alongside our Russian friends. We also play on Vizunah border this week, met you IRON guys on the field few times, and have great respect for your play. Keep up good work and i hope we will all have more fun this week.
Balkan Legion [SFRJ]
(edited by Revenger.7234)
Blacktide is a great competitor, but we’ve already beaten them. There’s no competition left.
The score so far tells quite the opposite.
“French, french, french….blablabla”
You are tired of people calling Desolation American server and?
Where was Desolation before the Americans came on this serv?
The reality is simple, before in EU ladder, there were only EU timezone players… With the americans guilds, Dero has been able to cover WvW 24/7….
And they were playing when? During nights, while all the EU players were sleeping…So against some unprotected doors…
What was happening during the day? Deso was losing most of the points they capped during the night…
“Hopefully we can beat these french and knock them out of t1” ?
You all got a real problem to solve… Realise that is just a game and stop acting like you’re in a real war against french people!
What’s your problem with french people anyway? You’re just jalous that we’re just one of the biggest community of GuildWars in EU? Or are you just racist?
And now what? You are proud of winning by nightcapping?You BT and Desolation cover WvW 24/7 and you have what? 3k points more than Visunah while BT got just twice your score?
I wouldn’t be proud about that if i were you…Especially while American guilds on Desolation do more than half of the work during european timezone night…
Now that Desolation have to face a really good 24/7 server has BT (i mean with brain, stategy, etc…), you should just face the reallity, Desolation is not that good…
And personnaly , i’m just tired of this kind of talking/thinking about vendetta against french people
PS: No offense, don’t misanderstand me… I respect all the players wherever they’r from an i love good fight on the battlefield but i really do prefer when all this things comes with a good spirit of competition and a mutual respect!
Stop acting like Vizunha doesn’t have night cap. Did you forget about the Canadians that night capped for you a 2 months ago when we last faced each other? Also during the day last week we owned you during the day as well. Yesterday we always had a point lead over you so I wouldn’t be the one to call desolation a bad server especially since we are beating you. Also your RUIN night cap is almost non existant in this match up.
We really need more big wvw guilds on Deso for more organisation, we have only IRON and Ruin, wheres blacktide have about 6 or so big wvw guilds, 2 big ones from FSP server transfer and one from vabbi i think called SFRJ or something along those lines.
They can evenly spread their guilds out on each border, you can see by the map we can only hold 2 borders most of the time, desolation and blacktide border we have nothing but a tower or supply camp alot of the times cause its basically pugs running wild or 3 pve commanders in there doing their own thing.
Yes we have smaller guilds that wvw but they are instantly crushed by the bigger guilds and can only do so much with the pugs they try to lead.
At reset I went into blacktide border at one point because vizunah queue where Iron goes was full, we had nothing but a tower and CIR was just camping our supply while pugs were going in one after another dying, it was a complete mess.
There is still no queue on atleast 2 of our borders, (deso +blacktide ) would be nice if we could recruit a few more big guilds onto deso or make our smaller guilds bigger.
We need to make Deso more of a WvW server rather than pve if were going to keep competing.
Only have IRON and RUIN? Really? Are you forgetting about the other 5-6 wvw guilds that play 7-8 hours during the day? Stop being ignorant and thinking IRON is the only good wvw guild around.
most talk about the off peak hours that needs to be put in to remain a healty point per tick.
Iron and RUIN are 2 of those guilds that makes that happen.
Wihout it VS / Blacktide would pass Deso in ranks.
Sure there are more guilds doing WvW on prime time, and are doing a good job.
But it only gets you so far in the ladder.
Blastide + VS also have great coverage, VS stayed at the top so long because they also had a massive off peak presence that made sure they could step back a little or slack a little in the prime time department.
Still for a Tier 1 server Desolation contains not a large force at prime time with instand to 5 min queues, for most borderlands.
Outmannded buff on a tier 1 server isnt healthy dont you agree ?
Regarding RUIN:
I can’t speak for the guild (I’m just a member), but I will tell you that personally (and this view is shared amongst several other members), I am backing off GW2.
In just a short time, we’ve dominated every bracket. The US bracket is utter garbage, and the EU bracket is amazingly fun, with great servers and players.
Our battle culminated with the french alliance. We stayed up too late, played too long, we made our wives angry, but we won. I feel like I’ve beaten GW2 and there’s nothing left to do.
My fire has gone out. Blacktide is a great competitor, but we’ve already beaten them. There’s no competition left.
Also, the developers really dropped the ball. The culling issue is an absolute game-breaker for me. That needed to be fixed weeks ago. When I see 2 goofy holiday content patches coming out while culling is still happening, it tells me it’s time to find a game from a company who has their priorities in line. Also, wvwvw needs more maps, more variety, more everything.
On the 20th, many of us will be going to planetside, and we’re keeping a close eye on the developement of elder scrolls.
I go where the massive multi-realm battles are. As a member of RUIN, I storm a game, conquer everybody I see, then move to the next challenge. Getting locked into one game (like I did with WoW) for a long period of time just ends in misery.
I don’t know if thats why you are seeing a lot less of my guildmates on this week, but that’s why I’ve barely played.
I don’t quite understand, before the match-up your guild was asking us about transferring to Blacktide, we rejected it and now you’re quitting the game? Ah well, to each their own I suppose.
Respect to VS for putting up a great spirited fight yesterday again, your forums are a pleasure to read. Lots of talk about goons and bob tho, nice to see other bittervets from New Eden are around.
People who have put in 600 hours into WvW are a little burned out, its commen that you get a little burned out.
There are many things that needs to change in WvW to make it more fun.
Any1 playing WvW with massive time investments knows culling is a very gamebreaking bug.
But its not only 1 thing, WvW is getting a arcade feeling to it, the honeymoon is over and its daily business.
Log in
Cap and defend
Log out
Nothing to show for then bragging rights.
More rewards are needed to keep fighting for stuff other then Tier 1 / 2 /3 etc etc
Iam sitting at 200k karma but nothing to spend it on.
Red vs Blue vs Green, almost no faces to remember.
So you reached Tier 1 and won it, was it worth the blood sweat and tears ? yes it was
Is it worth keeping it up ? no it takes to much dedication to remain #1.
Effort versus reward issue also comes into play offcourse.
Desolation needs more WvW guilds to many times outmanned buffed kicks in, this is not good for a server that fought its way to T1.
Combine this into 1 feeling and you see the results.
It doesnt mean GW2 WvW is bad, it just needs adjustments asap before wvw guilds move to PS2 or to TESO next year.
Blacktide is awesome and have alot of dedicated WvW guilds, but ask members to put in hours and hours of play to remain #1 and you will ask for a burnout eventualy unless you have more WvW guilds that can take over the losses of players getting a little time free to do other stuff
RUIN is just a small guild that is past as a shooting star, she did not make, nobody will remember it or just like funny people who believed their victory to their madness lol, they just play against ghosts, wood, wind, poor people who wanted to make a name easy but missed …
it’s sad to desolation, a call of distress, crying for two months to harvest a guild as pathetic fantasist and crap … lol
RUIN thank you to laugh to europe!!
No but you need to understand, they owned VS and AS while they were allied, and while both these servers out-manned them. Really there is no challenge, hence no fun here
That’s called skill for you !
You didn’t beat the game, so come back here and put up a fight.
Quitting because of burnout? Sure, take a break, see if the game interests you again later, or dont.
Quitting because “We beat an earlier version of the server we’re up against now so there’s no challenge, we beat the game” is….. just lol.
Regarding RUIN:
I can’t speak for the guild (I’m just a member), but I will tell you that personally (and this view is shared amongst several other members), I am backing off GW2.
In just a short time, we’ve dominated every bracket. The US bracket is utter garbage, and the EU bracket is amazingly fun, with great servers and players.
Our battle culminated with the french alliance. We stayed up too late, played too long, we made our wives angry, but we won. I feel like I’ve beaten GW2 and there’s nothing left to do.
My fire has gone out. Blacktide is a great competitor, but we’ve already beaten them. There’s no competition left.
Also, the developers really dropped the ball. The culling issue is an absolute game-breaker for me. That needed to be fixed weeks ago. When I see 2 goofy holiday content patches coming out while culling is still happening, it tells me it’s time to find a game from a company who has their priorities in line. Also, wvwvw needs more maps, more variety, more everything.
On the 20th, many of us will be going to planetside, and we’re keeping a close eye on the developement of elder scrolls.
I go where the massive multi-realm battles are. As a member of RUIN, I storm a game, conquer everybody I see, then move to the next challenge. Getting locked into one game (like I did with WoW) for a long period of time just ends in misery.
I don’t know if thats why you are seeing a lot less of my guildmates on this week, but that’s why I’ve barely played.
I don’t quite understand, before the match-up your guild was asking us about transferring to Blacktide, we rejected it and now you’re quitting the game? Ah well, to each their own I suppose.
Respect to VS for putting up a great spirited fight yesterday again, your forums are a pleasure to read. Lots of talk about goons and bob tho, nice to see other bittervets from New Eden are around.
I do believe that NoShelter removed his post after he saw how completly stupid it was. Worst post i saw so far on these forums, what a joke.
Just for people that think Deso has people at all times,you are wrong…we have almost no players at mornings when XaoC comes in and takes everything.
We take back most of it until evening but just saying that we are not full 24/7 server and still need some people to cover our mornings
That s unbelievable…
There is a difference between nightcapping (during the real night) and having NA players to do it for you. And now, RUIN wanted to join BT ? HAHAHAH
This supports what I’ve been thinking for a while, servers which garner mass transfers die within a month of the transfers happening. Already Blackgate is losing badly in T1 of the American ladder, and now Deso is being destroyed by Blacktide. Blacktide dominance will die off in a few weeks as well, and maybe then things will return to normal. And if Blacktide continue to dominate, well, where’s the fun in winning by a huge margin week after week after week? The real WvW guilds that are looking for competitive WvW will just leave once they realise there is no competition to be gained by flocking.
I play WvW for the fights, not for the ticking numbers. If we lose the week but we fought hard, I’ll be happy. If its even and we fought hard, I’ll be happy. If we win when we fought hard, I’ll be happy. But if we win where we hardly had to fight at all, and we completely dominated..? Boring, and not competitive.
Second Law [Scnd] – Guild leader
Currently: Axiom – Necro
That s unbelievable…
There is a difference between nightcapping (during the real night) and having NA players to do it for you. And now, RUIN wanted to join BT ? HAHAHAH
Errr? There’s no difference between having Russians or NA players night capping. It’s all part of the game. I’m not sure why this is still being moaned about. Arena.net have clearly stated it’s meant to be a 24/7 battle, and currently Blacktide have the best coverage.
haha ruins long time plans didnt last long did they, good by sunny day deso pvpers. No Qs for any BL again and everyone moaning at each other about the 100 reasons why we are losing. Its the drop from t1-t3 all over again, sunny day pvpers and guilds stop Qing and will prob all go to blacktide. sad to see it happen twice in space of 6 weeks
VS finally took our keep in EB, what a fun fight that was.. our keep full of holes, beeing trebbed constantly, they kept on pushing and pushing.. but wave after wave died trying.. in the end they camped our spawn ( i tried flanking them ) but i kept on calling for ppl and nobody responded, maybe 1 or 2.
People still think they can kill ballistas head on :P
But had fun! Thanks
haha ruins long time plans didnt last long did they, good by sunny day deso pvpers. No Qs for any BL again and everyone moaning at each other about the 100 reasons why we are losing. Its the drop from t1-t3 all over again, sunny day pvpers and guilds stop Qing and will prob all go to blacktide. sad to see it happen twice in space of 6 weeks
If they all go to BT,then guilds will leave BT too cuz queue will get too long…and BT will drop again,it’s gonna keep hapenning while we still have free transfers
Ruin server hopping again lol, this is awesome.
I think everyone looking at this match knew Blacktide was going to win. Deso don’t have any guilds that can compete with the guilds BT have acquired. VS don’t have the coverage either.
Ps now that the FSP guilds have had fun being number one how about you return home xD
That s unbelievable…
There is a difference between nightcapping (during the real night) and having NA players to do it for you. And now, RUIN wanted to join BT ? HAHAHAH
Errr? There’s no difference between having Russians or NA players night capping. It’s all part of the game. I’m not sure why this is still being moaned about. Arena.net have clearly stated it’s meant to be a 24/7 battle, and currently Blacktide have the best coverage.
Desolation is not a NA server…. RUIN came only to bring down VS (by nightcapping) because deso was not able to do it itself. Technically, there is nothing wrong about it. It is just an unfair move. Obviously, we don’t have the same meaning of fairplay.
Blacktide has a better coverage ? Good for them. When BT will be the first server, RUIN will leave this… server and .. You know the next…. Desolation will be only desolation, no man land.
That s unbelievable…
There is a difference between nightcapping (during the real night) and having NA players to do it for you. And now, RUIN wanted to join BT ? HAHAHAH
Errr? There’s no difference between having Russians or NA players night capping. It’s all part of the game. I’m not sure why this is still being moaned about. Arena.net have clearly stated it’s meant to be a 24/7 battle, and currently Blacktide have the best coverage.
Desolation is not a NA server…. RUIN came only to bring down VS (by nightcapping) because deso was not able to do it itself. Technically, there is nothing wrong about it. It is just an unfair move. Obviously, we don’t have the same meaning of fairplay.
Blacktide has a better coverage ? Good for them. When BT will be the first server, RUIN will leave this… server and .. You know the next…. Desolation will be only desolation, no man land.
How is it unfair that RUIN decided to transfer to Desolation?
I assume you are on Vizunah judging by the fact you care for neither Deso or BT. Back when you were nightcapping Far Shiverpeaks, Desolation and Riverside, all you could ever tell us was “Get a night team”. We have a night team, and now you are somehow unhappy we took your advice.
To say we are nothing without RUIN is wrong too, we wouldn’t beat you during the day when RUIN sleeps if that was the case. There’s a good number of native Desolation guilds, and as an whole we make the server. It’s true it would be a blow if RUIN left. However the same can be said for the guilds who moved to Blacktide. If they left blacktide, it would be a rather large blow to them.
If Ruin leaves now after 1 rough week, nobody can take them serious ever again.
They have quiet a Big Mouth as their HP shows, but you have to put your money where your mouth is or you end up beeing a Joke.
Hey, come on, let’s not start crying doom for every server already
RUIN is leaving, Blacktide is going to fall apart after reaching nr 1….
How about we play the game and have fun kicking each other’s kitten
How about we play the game and have fun kicking each other’s kitten
I will “YEAH!” for that
How is it unfair that RUIN decided to transfer to Desolation?
Well…Because as I’ already said a millions of time where VS didn’t chose to nightcap in order to get advantage during the fight your move to the EU ladder was a choice made while perfectly knowing what the consequences would be…
I assume you are on Vizunah judging by the fact you care for neither Deso or BT. Back when you were nightcapping Far Shiverpeaks, Desolation and Riverside, all you could ever tell us was “Get a night team”. We have a night team, and now you are somehow unhappy we took your advice.
I know it’s not your first language(google trad should be used) but if you go to the french forum in the subject talking about nightcapping you’ll see that me, and others from VS were already concerned by the problem far before your move…And, even if some people from our server obiously argued it was normal game play believing it wouldn’t move and they would always take advantage from it, Nightcapping is still competition breaking and quite an unfair thing specially when used deliberately…
And one last thing about fairplay…It also means showing a minimum of respect to the opponent…I know a lot of people dislike french (I myself disagree with a lot of them despite being one)…But insulting us during a competition on a video game is just completely out off limit…
(edited by silvos.3092)
That s unbelievable…
There is a difference between nightcapping (during the real night) and having NA players to do it for you. And now, RUIN wanted to join BT ? HAHAHAH
Errr? There’s no difference between having Russians or NA players night capping. It’s all part of the game. I’m not sure why this is still being moaned about. Arena.net have clearly stated it’s meant to be a 24/7 battle, and currently Blacktide have the best coverage.
Desolation is not a NA server…. RUIN came only to bring down VS (by nightcapping) because deso was not able to do it itself. Technically, there is nothing wrong about it. It is just an unfair move. Obviously, we don’t have the same meaning of fairplay.
Blacktide has a better coverage ? Good for them. When BT will be the first server, RUIN will leave this… server and .. You know the next…. Desolation will be only desolation, no man land.
How is it unfair that RUIN decided to transfer to Desolation?
I assume you are on Vizunah judging by the fact you care for neither Deso or BT. Back when you were nightcapping Far Shiverpeaks, Desolation and Riverside, all you could ever tell us was “Get a night team”. We have a night team, and now you are somehow unhappy we took your advice.
To say we are nothing without RUIN is wrong too, we wouldn’t beat you during the day when RUIN sleeps if that was the case. There’s a good number of native Desolation guilds, and as an whole we make the server. It’s true it would be a blow if RUIN left. However the same can be said for the guilds who moved to Blacktide. If they left blacktide, it would be a rather large blow to them.
you are so wrong, I am on Jade Sea…..I hope I will see you in my noob division, it will come soon.
To the guy who said “we beat the game, no one left, so quitting” – this is the same thing I read on GWGuru from Henge of Denravi. There we had a situation where a bunch of competitive guilds jumped on one server and “beat the game”, and promptly abandoned the ship before other servers could consolidate, mass transfer as well, and fill timezone coverage blanks. Such heroes.
Let’s see what happens with Desolation.
haha ruins long time plans didnt last long did they, good by sunny day deso pvpers. No Qs for any BL again and everyone moaning at each other about the 100 reasons why we are losing. Its the drop from t1-t3 all over again, sunny day pvpers and guilds stop Qing and will prob all go to blacktide. sad to see it happen twice in space of 6 weeks
No point in any guilds moving to Blacktide. We are a WvW server in the true sense of the word, our queues are already 40 minutes – 1 hour long throughout the day on all borderlands.
At this point no self-respecting WvW guild would move, indeed we’ve turned numerous inquiries down (like with Ruin) because we understand that primarily we’d be assimilating our competition and making the game boring for us, and secondarily we’d be making it more frustrating for the hard-working WvW guilds on Blacktide to face increased queues because of fair-weather guilds joining only after we arrived in T1.
Naturally we can’t stop anyone from moving, but it’s a bad idea for more guilds to move. I doubt many Blacktiders would look kindly on it. We’re fine as we are, the game is only fun when we are forced to work our kitten off in every pairing and fight for every point.
Funny thing is not many iron on today infact only saw one.
They try and take the glory but once the going gets tough there nowhere to be seen in eb.
Ruin well after last night commit i expect them to jump ship tbh.
Shame i don’t care if des is n1 or n6 i play for fun and have good fights,it’s not always about being on top.
Also i noticed today no que for wvw,i guess many ppl have jumped ship to bt already then.
Good riddance to them,and the next big server to hit n1 spot,they will jump ship to that as well.
Disappointed to hear ruin wanted to jump ship to bt,but i guess i knew when the going got tough they would jump ship sooner or later anyway.
(edited by XxTAFxX.6741)
Guys, it is weekend. Go out, enjoy last warm days, hang out with friends. Many good people cannot afford spending their whole weekends in game.
Hope to meet you all when it will matter, have fun!
How many [Nug] do you need to scare an enemy siege group?
“warm days”? Clearly not from a northern country /shudder
Every day of a matchup matters, however that doesn’t mean that people should play every day np.
Edit: Wait! That’s why we’re winning so badly and outmanning! All of Blacktide is form the cold north :o
How is it unfair that RUIN decided to transfer to Desolation?
Well…Because as I’ already said a millions of time where VS didn’t chose to nightcap in order to get advantage during the fight your move to the EU ladder was a choice made while perfectly knowing what the consequences would be…
I assume you are on Vizunah judging by the fact you care for neither Deso or BT. Back when you were nightcapping Far Shiverpeaks, Desolation and Riverside, all you could ever tell us was “Get a night team”. We have a night team, and now you are somehow unhappy we took your advice.
I know it’s not your first language(google trad should be used) but if you go to the french forum in the subject talking about nightcapping you’ll see that me, and others from VS were already concerned by the problem far before your move…And, even if some people from our server obiously argued it was normal game play believing it wouldn’t move and they would always take advantage from it, Nightcapping is still competition breaking and quite an unfair thing specially when used deliberately…
And one last thing about fairplay…It also means showing a minimum of respect to the opponent…I know a lot of people dislike french (I myself disagree with a lot of them despite being one)…But insulting us during a competition on a video game is just completely out off limit…
Err, mate. I’ve been on Desolation from the beginning. I was on it in the beta weekends, and remained on it through headstart and launch, more importantly, I’m from the UK, not US. Consequently, don’t assume everyone on Desolation is from RUIN, and thus American.
As for insulting, I wasn’t insulting you, or the french in my post. I never have. I’m just defending Desolation from the insulting that is happening against us. (I’m seeing more insulting against Deso rather than the Vizunah at the moment actually). I agree that we shouldn’t be slinging insults at each other. If anything this is just flaws of the current game system. Numbers in offpeak power currently mean more than peak time.
you are so wrong, I am on Jade Sea…..I hope I will see you in my noob division, it will come soon
My apologies, I always figure most people in the battle threads are from the battling servers.
(edited by Zafir.8367)
RUIN was never good. RUIN was only good at player vs door. Taking an empty keep and killing 2-3 enemies. Now when they have opposition they quit and pretend they beat the game.
Certain guilds come here and pretend they do all the work. Im not saying any names but when this certain guild fails at a borderland they all leave and go to a borderland that is doing well. Desolation needs better organised guilds and those pve commanders need to learn how to play the game.
Only have IRON and RUIN? Really? Are you forgetting about the other 5-6 wvw guilds that play 7-8 hours during the day? Stop being ignorant and thinking IRON is the only good wvw guild around.
Had you ever joined iron or ruin ts ud know both have high respect for smaller guilds. However iron and ruin have biggest impact due to beeing largest guilds present in wvw.
As for thief whining.. Its easily counterable. We encoutered it and adapted to it. Read on thief mechanics amd adapt.
Fun fact: Deso is primarily a PvE server. For real. We have more commanders in cursed shore than in all of wvw combined (and thats not even counting the commanders leading epic fights in lions arch!). We also have more unorganised pugs in wvw than all of organised guilds combined. Iron alone has at primetime over half of guild waiting in queues to enter. Good luck getting major objectives done that way..
Fun fact 2: Iron, while beeing EU centered guild, is active even during the night even at 4am (but with lower numbers). That took a big hit on our leaders and it shows.
RUIN being nightcapped heavily at 4pm CET on a sunday!
please guys .
it’s time to cross back the Atlantic on the Titanic and go back to your home.
75/75 Arrow Cart Mastery
124K doors and counting
(edited by tita.6358)
As this thread is starting to be an inflammatory one, it is now closed.
Thank you for your understanding.