Big WvW overhaul later this year...

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: Xenesis.6389


They’ve been working on it for over a year, so in other words when it finally comes out it would have been what 1.5-2 years for development? the same it takes to develop a full sized expansion? Boy, those wvw changes better be mind blowing.

In the meantime, enjoy your ppk and new rally mechanics ladies and gents, that’s all you’re getting in the near future.

Another derailing post. ^^
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: Dream In A Dream.7213

Dream In A Dream.7213

Why there is 0 info on the update after a year of work? Makes no sense.
Post some info.

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: LINKAZZATORE.8135


anet likes us to rage i guess. they’ll share with us infos when it’s going to be all done so if wvw players don’t like the changes, they won’t do anything about that


give us kitten infos before you do any more mistakes PLEASE!


also give us friday night fun back, alpine bl and autoloot already.

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


LOOOL omg this is great!

A team supposedly works hard for a year yet has kitten all to show. No teasers, can’t even talk about it, nada! More secret squirrel direction and more hype “beta tests” of poorly designed and implemented features that will get dumped onto players. The forums are the real endgame of GW2.

Whispers with meat.

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


RIP _________________________________________I hope BnS has at least some decent open world fighting.

BnS has open world pvp but it depends on what outfit you put on. Basically some are hostile to other players when you wear them so expect to be camped by high level players in low level zones lol I only got into one beta and never even realized it had to do with the outfits until someone in chat had mentioned it. Found out the hard way as I was selling stuff to some NPC and some guy just comes up and killed me.

Player Vs Everyone
youtube channel - twitch channel

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: Wizigard.4760


That is the reward, or better, jackpot for pre ordering stuff. Maybe those mayor changes will land after the next expansion is released, don’t forget to pre order tho, for mere 50$ you will be able to beta test these brand new changes we maybe plan to implement for you!

Puny sarcasm aside… Some of those minor changes they plan to implement sound nice. I’m disappointed though. In december they announced that something big was coming, I was sceptical back then. Now after reading Colin’s statement about how they will focus on successful content first I’m even more sceptical… What do they consider to be successful content ? I’d really like to know.

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: VaaCrow.3076


At least they aren’t rushing this like the god-awful desert borderland maps. they at least learned from that mistake.

[Rise] Madness Rises Guild Leader [Kei Shade-ranger]
May our BL break all foes. Fear our babou!
Gunnars Hold Represent! <3

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: onoclea.5319


I was a wvw’r that did buy gems on a regular basis, mostly spent on primers because I love not having to think about food/stones for 24 game hours. And I have no patience for farming. I didn’t mind buying gems, I considered it an investment in a game mode I loved.

These days, I just can’t wvw. Its embarrassing to be in wvw running with a commander using pve gimmicks because the other side is using pve gimmicks. Or in my last attempt, airstrikes? airstrikes? what the… did anyone ever think this would be okay in wvw? Would you put dragon/turtle/ whatever banners in pve? or airstrikes? Of course not, it would be ridiculous! How then could you possibly think it would be okay for wvw?

Like so many have said, bring back alpine bls and friday night reset and maybe you could retain your wvw people until you bring out the next tragic change to this game mode. But its not happening.

What a slap in the face to all those that cared enough to give their input and ideas on wvw. (Some gave incredibly thoughtful lengthy posts.) What a slap in the face to those of us that purchased HoT in good faith. Those that believed real attention would be given to wvw once HoT was stable. Is it stable? Not really but that doesn’t stop them from talking about another expansion…wow…just wow.

So I will put my money towards CU to help them hire developers and roll out the game sooner. GW2 tho, is just embarrassing.

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: kash.9213


Can they just set aside a separate server or instance of the main game world and just flip the open world pvp switch on for us to mess around on until then? I really wouldn’t mind doing my normal harvesting and daily stuff while running into friendlies or badguys along the way and a player made structure out of necessity based on the game world itself would probably pan out better than what’s going on right now.


Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: Tyaen.5148


So WvW, my favorite part of the game, won’t have an attempted fix until later this year (if that).

With that in mind, are there other games out there that have a good form of WvW? The only one with which I’m somewhat familiar is ESO.

Might want to keep your eye on CU and Crowfall.

Tyyaen – Engineer (80) [SS]

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: Epsilon Atreides.3816

Epsilon Atreides.3816

As a primarily wvw player since launch, and a carry-over player from GW1 the announcement today is disappointing as it seems the decimation of the wvw population will continue unabated. With the vaguely announced timeline, I am not optimistic there will be much of a population left for the population balance fixes later this year. I have slowly moved my two accounts up through the tiers, donating more gems to Anets efforts, in order to attempt to find consistency, or pseudo balance, but it is not uncommon for myself to log in during NA prime and find no commanders tagged in either Tier 1 or 2, when over year ago I could find multiple commanders at any time in Tier 3 – 6.

The launch of HoT, for which I bought two copies, was also a disappointment – not in as much the number of features it offered, but rather the lack of insight demonstrated by the company into the combat aspects of the game, when the combat is the truly defining feature of this potentially great product. The terrain and introduction of non-player elements ran counter to 3 years of feedback and the arguable failure of EotM to attract genuine interest. The borderland waypoint changes demonstrated to myself a clear lack of practical understanding of the current state of population and organizational attrition in the game; attempting to force more play across maps on the assumption that there are actually enough commanders or guilds left to support multi-map coordination. Nothing needs to be said about the class imbalance introduced as well, which created a virtual pay-to-win structure in the game, driving both wvw and pvp further into boring metas.

So, as much as I can understand trying to consolidate changes, whether to raise efficiency or minimize roll-backs, I have a difficult time seeing the purpose in Anet investing another year into a cure for a patient that will be dead by then. The attrition increases at a rate such that by the time your solutions are released, they are no longer appropriate for the situation. For example, the DB map might have been a successful addition, despite the reservations of myself and others, 2 years ago when the game had the population to support the dynamics.

Your metrics are polluted with assumptions, and your game mode is on life support. If you make no plans for further intermediate assistance into QoL changes for the wvw community between now and the overhaul, including the population distribution, save your time and money and shut the mode down. Your time would be better spent with your other game modes, as you have clearly spread yourself too thin, and adopted an insular approach to your customers which serves to assist nothing other than fragile management egos.

So long, and thanks for all the fish.


(edited by Epsilon Atreides.3816)

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: keadlaw.6350


We told you the new bl was bad, you pushed it anyway.

We had concerns about auto upgrades, you pushed it anyway.

We told you we wanted less pve in wvw, you gave us more.

We told you we wanted more incentive to defend, you gave us ridiculously expensive guild upgrades and tactics. That require us to grind pve…

Please anet explain to me why you think I should wait 6+ months for this big update when you wont even talk to us about it. WvW is kittening garbage right now I can’t even bring myself to log on. The combat system and my server community, were the last two things keeping me playing. The current meta with banners is trash. I wanted to test my guilds skills against other guilds not see who grinds carebear land harder. Hopefully I’ll see some of you in Crowfall or CU because its become apparent the WvW most of us were looking for wont be happening.

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: UncleOil.7480


Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: StrykerMagnus.4120


So WvW, my favorite part of the game, won’t have an attempted fix until later this year (if that).

With that in mind, are there other games out there that have a good form of WvW? The only one with which I’m somewhat familiar is ESO.

Might want to keep your eye on CU and Crowfall.

I will, thanks! GW2 was my first and only mmorpg. Now, with the failure of their WvW management, I’m at a loss as what to play.

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: Brazzi.2045


1…1kitten year in development and still no info what to suspect to see in that big update? For real? … Are you (Anet) make that much money out of pvp and pve that you can leave you’r 3rd game mode to die? Such a shame ,so much potential lost cuz of lazy devs ,company.

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


Why there is 0 info on the update after a year of work? Makes no sense.
Post some info.

I would bet that they didn’t show anything because they is nothing to show. But they need to create hype right now because on 48 WvW map overall only half a dozen of those are filled at peak times, and the rest of the day it’s all empty.

Remember when they promised that the “Orbs are coming back” (and bunch of other stuff) and then a year later when people bumped the thread to remind them of their promises they made this huge deal about necro-bumping old threads and stopped replying on the forum for almost a year. Then they came out with the siege disaber…

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: Joey.2769


So WvW, my favorite part of the game, won’t have an attempted fix until later this year (if that).

With that in mind, are there other games out there that have a good form of WvW? The only one with which I’m somewhat familiar is ESO.

Might want to keep your eye on CU and Crowfall.

I will, thanks! GW2 was my first and only mmorpg. Now, with the failure of their WvW management, I’m at a loss as what to play.

In a week BnS will become available it’s f2p so worth a shot to look at. It will have a type of open world pvp.

Commander X Swagalicious X
Commander Twerknificient
Joey Bladow

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


So much for WvW being the major focus after HOT.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: Rome.7124


So sad. Not unexpected at all.

Bolded quotes…

“WvW’s Big Update

As our competitive game director John Corpening discussed, we’re currently working on a large-scale overhaul to WvW that helps deal with core issues like population balance, scoring, rewards, and the need for 24-hour coverage.

We’ve focused a heavy amount of developer resources on this overhaul for WvW, and the team has been working hard for over a year now to solve these complicated issues. We may not be ready to reveal more in early 2016, but you’ll have an opportunity to get all the details and give feedback when we go into the beta phase of this massive project later this year. And as a brief reminder: WvW tournaments are currently on hold, but they’ll return once we’ve released this new format for WvW."


wow, just realize it’s not even the final version of WvW major update, it’s a “BETA” phase.

Guys, we need to move on, Anet is hopeless.

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Allow me to quote:

We may not be ready to reveal more in early 2016, but you’ll have an opportunity to get all the details and give feedback when we go into the beta phase of this massive project later this year.

Other Big Events for Early 2016
… what else can you expect to see over the course of the next few months? Let’s take a look at other releases and events already planned out and firmly scheduled between now and the end of March in 2016.

So summing up what they’re saying is early 2016 is until april of this year, and we will not see anything before that time. Assuming they do reveal some details in the course of April, that still means that they need to go through beta events before finally releasing their “Major overhaul” somewhere in summer.

The number 6 seems like the right answer at this moment if you want to know how many months not to play this game.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: Osu.6307


So WvW, my favorite part of the game, won’t have an attempted fix until later this year (if that).

With that in mind, are there other games out there that have a good form of WvW? The only one with which I’m somewhat familiar is ESO.

Might want to keep your eye on CU and Crowfall.

Neither have release dates yet. So it is either suffer in wvw or REALLY suffer in ESO.


Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

We told you the new bl was bad, you pushed it anyway.

We had concerns about auto upgrades, you pushed it anyway.

We told you we wanted less pve in wvw, you gave us more.

We told you we wanted more incentive to defend, you gave us ridiculously expensive guild upgrades and tactics. That require us to grind pve…

Please anet explain to me why you think I should wait 6+ months for this big update when you wont even talk to us about it. WvW is kittening garbage right now I can’t even bring myself to log on. The combat system and my server community, were the last two things keeping me playing. The current meta with banners is trash. I wanted to test my guilds skills against other guilds not see who grinds carebear land harder. Hopefully I’ll see some of you in Crowfall or CU because its become apparent the WvW most of us were looking for wont be happening.

This. It’s not like they made just one bad decision. It’s been bad decision after bad decision after bad decision. They’re not going to suddenly start making good decisions. especially since they don’t even realize they’re making bad decisions.

Crowfall looks good, but to be honest, WvW is so dead it’s foolish to stick around just because there isn’t currently an alternative.

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


So WvW, my favorite part of the game, won’t have an attempted fix until later this year (if that).

With that in mind, are there other games out there that have a good form of WvW? The only one with which I’m somewhat familiar is ESO.

Might want to keep your eye on CU and Crowfall.

Neither have release dates yet. So it is either suffer in wvw or REALLY suffer in ESO.

ESO also has a new year blog post and it’s not much better. They cancelled open world pvp and spellcrafting.

However they are removing veteran ranks to make their RvR more accessible, also “later this year”.

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: Joey.2769


All the WvW community should join a BnS server and just open world fight there.

Commander X Swagalicious X
Commander Twerknificient
Joey Bladow

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: Pensadora.9478


Possibly they have told us the truth all along:

They HAD been working on the overhaul for an entire year, and planned to release it just after HOT. BUT…. the changes they showcased with the expansion were so poorly received that they’ve ditched their plans and are going back to redesign yet again. (That may not be the worst outcome.)

So, maybe they are overhauling the overhaul, and that could be a direct result of listening to our feedback.

Problem is, they have difficulty telling us that since the ‘powers that be’ were previously sure in their (his) conviction that all of us who love WvW equally love PvE.

To announce that they are overhauling the unreleased, yet likely PvE-based WvW, would be to admit how fundamentally wrong they were to think we would whole-heartedly embrace it in the first place.

GM of [MAS] – Might and Smarts – WvW

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


Possibly they have told us the truth all along:

They HAD been working on the overhaul for an entire year, and planned to release it just after HOT. BUT…. the changes they showcased with the expansion were so poorly received that they’ve ditched their plans and are going back to redesign yet again. (That may not be the worst outcome.)

My guess is their development time table for WvW upgrades slid a few months. They probably put what was mostly working into HoT and delayed the other work until they had more time to finish it.

Development timelines are mostly guesstimates since it is nearly impossible to properly estimate development effort. They probably shot for most of the WvW work to be in HoT but likely just had to pull the cord and do a partial delivery.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: pariah.5093


They’re just blowing smoke up our kitten and stringing us along like they have been the past two kittening years! I’m done with this company and for their lack of communication, public relations and listening to the community, they can all go kitten themselves. Go ahead and ban me because I’m done with your piece of kitten company! kittenes didn’t know what they could of had.

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: pariah.5093


All the WvW community should join a BnS server and just open world fight there.

I would be in on this, post on reddit so anet cant remove the thread and infract you. Start a recruiting thread and I would sign up

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: pariah.5093


All the WvW community should join a BnS server and just open world fight there.

Post a recruiting thread on reddit so anet cant take it down. I would be down with this and join in.

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: Zetsumei.4975


Possibly they have told us the truth all along:

They HAD been working on the overhaul for an entire year, and planned to release it just after HOT. BUT…. the changes they showcased with the expansion were so poorly received that they’ve ditched their plans and are going back to redesign yet again. (That may not be the worst outcome.)

So, maybe they are overhauling the overhaul, and that could be a direct result of listening to our feedback.

Problem is, they have difficulty telling us that since the ‘powers that be’ were previously sure in their (his) conviction that all of us who love WvW equally love PvE.

To announce that they are overhauling the unreleased, yet likely PvE-based WvW, would be to admit how fundamentally wrong they were to think we would whole-heartedly embrace it in the first place.

Nah, if they were to listen to the wvw community that would mean getting rid of almost all guild hall upgrades available in wvw. Guild hall upgrades are OP in wvw specifically to make more HoT sales, and it is such a grind to get those upgrades to sell gems. Its working exactly as they want right now.

Its the same reason they are going to just switch on gliding in core tyria without actually revamping maps with at least accurate invisible walls, no work went into making that a reality, they simply are going to recklessly turn it on and deal with the consequences of breaking jumping puzzles or players glitching through maps later. The sole reason for such a reckless move is make more free to play players buy HoT upon seeing everyone glide around.

Honestly they seem to be pulling a trion move right now. Taking a potentially great game (archeage) with a promising future and sacrifice its years by turning it into a cash cow to make short term money.

Kurodaraku – Necromancer | Kuroshikon – Ranger
Officer of [DEX] Deus Ex Machina Eu and [Fus] Fus Ro Dâh
Ruins of Surmia

(edited by Zetsumei.4975)

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Honestly they seem to be pulling a trion move right now. Taking a potentially great game (archeage) with a promising future and sacrifice its years by turning it into a cash cow to make short term money.

Yeah the shared inventory slot is nothing but pure greed on their part for instance.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: FallenTear.3710


I think we’ve lost WvW since 2014 to now.
Maybe it will be back…. but not today : (

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Well hold on a sec here folks.

Anything that has such a dramatic change in proposed dates means that something major got scrapped, pushing a release date a significant time into the future. Even mid-2016 is still six months development time. That’s not a short period of time. So they have to go back to barebones and revisit their initial push.

I’m hopeful for the first time in months.

It likely means they read this forum and read reactions to proposed changes and now are going back to rethink it.

This is a good thing.

RIP EoTM Megaserver WvW. So glad we never met.


L’enfer, c’est les autres

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: Rome.7124


you guys realize it’s BETA at later 2016, it’s not even the final version of the big WvW update, lol.

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: Osu.6307


So WvW, my favorite part of the game, won’t have an attempted fix until later this year (if that).

With that in mind, are there other games out there that have a good form of WvW? The only one with which I’m somewhat familiar is ESO.

Might want to keep your eye on CU and Crowfall.

Neither have release dates yet. So it is either suffer in wvw or REALLY suffer in ESO.

ESO also has a new year blog post and it’s not much better. They cancelled open world pvp and spellcrafting.

However they are removing veteran ranks to make their RvR more accessible, also “later this year”.

So, it took them 2 years to realize pvp’ers would rather not spend 500 hours leveling vet ranks in pve to get their toons competitive for pvp? Funny. That was the main reason I quit the game after 2 months. For anyone who thinks gw2 is too focused on pve, I dare you to try ESO.

Back on subject, how fricking hard is it to just hit the kitten reset button and roll back wvw to what it was 6 months ago?


(edited by Osu.6307)

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


RIP _________________________________________I hope BnS has at least some decent open world fighting.

Haha only reason why i going to test it is female characters huge kittens and big kitten. Everybody knows that it’s same korea stunlock gear grinding rng weapon upgrade kitten like all other korea games.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

(edited by Junkpile.7439)

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: Mighty Favazz.1546

Mighty Favazz.1546

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: Lawrencii.1356


Well then, taking a break until “late this year”. GL HF o/

¬ I A Euphy ¬ SoS ¬

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


I spent a bit of time thinking about it today and took a decision. I’m gonna go “super casual” until the overhaul is released, maybe pvp sometimes.

It’s been a nice game for the 2 first years but for the last 6 months the game has been frustrating me almost as much in WvW than in PvP. over the years did a lot of complaining but also defended and congratulated Anet a lot for certain things they have done.

I got my money’s worth out of the initial game purchase but certainly not out of the money I spent on gems and HoT.

Meanwhile I’ll go buy a ps4.
I’ll be back to see how things evolve every now and then (hopefully not only to complain). Later!

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


Had I know it’d come to this I wish I’d bought a PS4 or Wii U for their amazing exclusives. Instead the $110.00 on the base games and ~$700.00 in gems feels like a waste.

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

Well hold on a sec here folks.

Anything that has such a dramatic change in proposed dates means that something major got scrapped, pushing a release date a significant time into the future. Even mid-2016 is still six months development time. That’s not a short period of time. So they have to go back to barebones and revisit their initial push.

I’m hopeful for the first time in months.

It likely means they read this forum and read reactions to proposed changes and now are going back to rethink it.

This is a good thing.

RIP EoTM Megaserver WvW. So glad we never met.


You’re assuming they were working on something major in the first place. We have zero evidence of that.

There’s 90% chance any WvW “overhaul” comes the 2nd expansion. Either that or they come to their senses and just shut the whole thing down when they realize they’re just making it worse and worse.

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


Le sigh. I understand the need for surprise over epic and big changes, but at this point people need more encouragement, and it’s just not there. If WvW was in a better spot, it be nice for a surprise, but we’re going for repairing at this point.

If one were to come forth and said “Actually our plans didn’t work out, and we don’t know what the hell we’re doing” that would probably be a better step forward and I wouldn’t be angry at all. Honest. That’s fine. I respect someone more for being able to swallow their pride and asking for directions as opposed to wasting hours driving around in a circle. It’s okay to back out; it just takes a little to make mistakes seem like a bad and distant memory.

We can do better. That’s all I’ll say.

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

(edited by ArchonWing.9480)

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: Daddar.5971


Development timelines are mostly guesstimates since it is nearly impossible to properly estimate development effort. They probably shot for most of the WvW work to be in HoT but likely just had to pull the cord and do a partial delivery.

Collin clearly stated that they will be focusing on what’s been ‘most successful’. The WvW and guild changes have been a disaster, not a success. Therefore, they will be focusing on other ‘successes’ and leaving WvW to bleed out.

A ‘partial delivery’ results in a dead baby.

‘Elite’ in all 9 professions. I take mediocrity seriously!

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


It likely means they read this forum and read reactions to proposed changes and now are going back to rethink it.

This is a good thing.

RIP EoTM Megaserver WvW. So glad we never met.

Plenty of people want an alliance system like a server alliance system. If it was going to be like EOTM then it would have fallen over overnight but if they were looking at something like that I would question whether they are fit to develop anything.

Problem is now the delays are just going to put WvW in a worse place. The decline is just getting worse.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: keadlaw.6350


I’m pretty sure they have been working on some form of the leak we saw not too long ago. Even if they have a good concept for the alliance, and the balance is good Im not sure it will come in time. Maybe if it had come a year ago. Most of the wvw focused guilds have moved on. Right now wvw is a pvx paradise because they are they only ones that can keep up with the grind.

They had something that really could have been something. Sadly they neglected it for too long. Many I talked to were looking for HoT to be the great revival and now that’s clearly not happening have moved on for good.

Honestly at this point I don’t think anything anet can or will do will revive wvw. We had some good times, and good fights

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


We had some good times, and good fights

We really did, specially the first 18 months were amazing.

The old days as an ele of having 11k hp and being able to cast meteor in the middle of a zerg without getting bounced around like a soccer ball, then being able to mistform and heal, and swap to daggers and RTL every 12 seconds… Then everything went to kitten.

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: dzeRnumbrd.6129


I truly can’t believe this line:

We may not be ready to reveal more in early 2016, but you’ll have an opportunity to get all the details and give feedback when we go into the beta phase of this massive project later this year.

Did they not learn from the New WvW Borderland Map debacle/fiasco that consulting the community during beta is way, way, way TOO LATE.

Have some guts, tell players what you are doing ahead of time and listen to them.

Don’t just blindly plough ahead with bad ideas leaving it until beta when it’s too late to make fundamental/core changes.

Anyway, I’ve been playing Fallout 4 and Witcher 3 while I wait for the repair job (was hoping for a April/May/June timeframe).

Late 2016 is a bit too long to wait

I think my chances of coming back to WvW are now very low.

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


You guys aren’t leaving, at least not yet, you’ll keep playing to stop that HoT buyer’s remorse from creeping up too close.

Whispers with meat.

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: joneirikb.7506


I spent a bit of time thinking about it today and took a decision. I’m gonna go “super casual” until the overhaul is released, maybe pvp sometimes.

Going the same direction myself. Going to completely skip WvW outside of perhaps raid nights every now and then. And rather focus on trying other things. Dungeons are starting to sound fun compared to roaming in WvW.

Elrik Noj (Norn Guardian, Kaineng [SIN][Owls])
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”

Big WvW overhaul later this year...

in WvW

Posted by: SpreadCheese.5208


Why not just start developing GW3?

If you need another year for fixing WvW, they’re won’t be anyone around to play it. Especially with Crowfall and Camelot Unchained who both do WvW/RvR coming out later this year.