Blackgate WvW

Blackgate WvW

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


forum bug <15 chars>

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Blackgate WvW

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


bg and jq are joined at the hip. its basically 2 servers fighting in t1. yb vs BG + JQ

Funny how BG and YB were essentially 2v1ing JQ at the end of last week then.

Ahhh yes the little lap dog BG. JQ says jump and BG says “how high???”. I hear there’s inside drama on JQ though, the blame game between various guilds

Thats really funny considering the history of the 2 servers, you realise they basically hate each other.

At the end of last week BG and JQ were close in terms of the “score” and then they decided to focus the kitten outta you guys (for the 2nd place? lol) and ended up being successful. Please explain your point again.

Point is obvious, there is no overall 2v1 against YB, in fact the idea is laughable.

yea yea. this was a few hours ago

was fun though so keep the 2vs1 coming we barely had to leave our side for 3 hours

You’ll note I wrote ‘overall’, of course there may be some instances when a natural 2v1 arises.

and “overall” yb doesn’t sit on siege all day and just ppt yet that is all everyone ever says about yb

Player Vs Everyone
youtube channel - twitch channel

Blackgate WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Vonmanstein.3645


In b4 the thread gets locked or deleted.

I like BG as a JQ player. They’ve always put up good fights.

YB, on the other hand….

Blackgate WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Hexalot.8194


Many on BG and JQ dont care about winning and PPT. We come for fights, because winning and ppt are meaningless. Yaks bend is kittenous garbage server that does nothing but pvd and siegehump. If there was anything on the line, like a tournament I can assure you BG and JQ would be out in force and YB would be crushed.

Many on YB come for fights, but are unable to fight on even grounds due to having considerably smaller forces. JQ and BG have kittenous garbage players that run in much larger groups, often times team up to fight YB, and complain like sore losers just because YB uses allowed game mechanics just to stay competetive. I guess at the end of the day, these players can rest assured that they’re clearly more “skilled” as those 10 YB wouldn’t have killed their 20+ man zergs without siege weaponry.

See, I can do it too.

Do people… honestly think like this? Like… serious question. I’ve met maybe 3 people who had those opinions and I pretty quickly told them to kitten, but for the most part I feel like people who zerg are fairly aware that they’re zerging. Right? Am I just hanging around with the wrong people? I stopped going into public teamspeaks a while ago.

Pretty sure that guy’s so far up DK’s rear end he can’t even see his own ACs anymore.

I hail from a small gvg guild thar xferred to YB long before it arrived at its current place. We despise siege, and our commander would chew us out for deploying, building, or using siege. The thing is, when you face opponents that you can not defeat despite superior tactics and superior builds/team comp, you have to change your strategy.

We tried everything under the sun in terms of build and team comp, but with little success. We weren’t having fun anymore. After trying ppting for rallies instead of looking for fights, we found that fun, and started getting bags again. It’s funny, you cap an objective, hold it, build a dash of siege, and these extremely intelligent zergs will come by and die. Repeatedly.

It’s okay that you don’t understand, but please stop characterizing an entire server based on your experiences and limited point of view. Trust me, your servers have used similar tactics in similar situations and are no more skilled or honorable than us.

Here is where your logic fails. YB has always been known for seige humping… it’s deeply ingrained into your server’s culture… and that reputation has followed YB as they moved through the tiers. When they were still in the lower tiers, YB was known for its “defensive” skills… i.e… holding up in towers behind a barrage of siege. When they hit t2 it was the same complaints again… YB won’t leave their towers unless with overwhelming numbers. And now that I’m finally facing them in t1, I can see for myself what everyone was talking about when it comes to that server.

Blackgate WvW

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


bg and jq are joined at the hip. its basically 2 servers fighting in t1. yb vs BG + JQ

Funny how BG and YB were essentially 2v1ing JQ at the end of last week then.

Ahhh yes the little lap dog BG. JQ says jump and BG says “how high???”. I hear there’s inside drama on JQ though, the blame game between various guilds

Thats really funny considering the history of the 2 servers, you realise they basically hate each other.

At the end of last week BG and JQ were close in terms of the “score” and then they decided to focus the kitten outta you guys (for the 2nd place? lol) and ended up being successful. Please explain your point again.

Point is obvious, there is no overall 2v1 against YB, in fact the idea is laughable.

yea yea. this was a few hours ago

was fun though so keep the 2vs1 coming we barely had to leave our side for 3 hours

You’ll note I wrote ‘overall’, of course there may be some instances when a natural 2v1 arises.

and “overall” yb doesn’t sit on siege all day and just ppt yet that is all everyone ever says about yb

Overall? Most of the time YB does sit on siege and backcaps, avoiding fights in my experience, of course there are some on YB who don’t but its been the complaint of every server coming up against YB from T4 to T1, they can’t all be misconstruing how YB play.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Blackgate WvW

in WvW

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

+10 to the last 3 posts, well said

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<

Blackgate WvW

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


bg and jq are joined at the hip. its basically 2 servers fighting in t1. yb vs BG + JQ

Funny how BG and YB were essentially 2v1ing JQ at the end of last week then.

Ahhh yes the little lap dog BG. JQ says jump and BG says “how high???”. I hear there’s inside drama on JQ though, the blame game between various guilds

Thats really funny considering the history of the 2 servers, you realise they basically hate each other.

At the end of last week BG and JQ were close in terms of the “score” and then they decided to focus the kitten outta you guys (for the 2nd place? lol) and ended up being successful. Please explain your point again.

Point is obvious, there is no overall 2v1 against YB, in fact the idea is laughable.

yea yea. this was a few hours ago

was fun though so keep the 2vs1 coming we barely had to leave our side for 3 hours

You’ll note I wrote ‘overall’, of course there may be some instances when a natural 2v1 arises.

and “overall” yb doesn’t sit on siege all day and just ppt yet that is all everyone ever says about yb

Overall? Most of the time YB does sit on siege and backcaps, avoiding fights in my experience, of course there are some on YB who don’t but its been the complaint of every server coming up against YB from T4 to T1, they can’t all be misconstruing how YB play.

yea yea and bg sits on siege in towers and backcaps.. same thing that jq does.. see what i’m saying? EVERY server has players that do the EXACT same thing you all call other servers out for. watch some of my past streams and you will see both of the so called in it for fight servers RUNNING from fights.. Running after they were trying to ninja cap our side.. RUNNING when they saw our zerg coming for them. Fight servers my kitten … more like 2 k-train servers that only are in it for easy objectives and complain because they still die to siege and can’t counter siege.

Player Vs Everyone
youtube channel - twitch channel

(edited by briggah.7910)

Blackgate WvW

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


bg and jq are joined at the hip. its basically 2 servers fighting in t1. yb vs BG + JQ

Funny how BG and YB were essentially 2v1ing JQ at the end of last week then.

Ahhh yes the little lap dog BG. JQ says jump and BG says “how high???”. I hear there’s inside drama on JQ though, the blame game between various guilds

Thats really funny considering the history of the 2 servers, you realise they basically hate each other.

At the end of last week BG and JQ were close in terms of the “score” and then they decided to focus the kitten outta you guys (for the 2nd place? lol) and ended up being successful. Please explain your point again.

Point is obvious, there is no overall 2v1 against YB, in fact the idea is laughable.

yea yea. this was a few hours ago

was fun though so keep the 2vs1 coming we barely had to leave our side for 3 hours

You’ll note I wrote ‘overall’, of course there may be some instances when a natural 2v1 arises.

and “overall” yb doesn’t sit on siege all day and just ppt yet that is all everyone ever says about yb

Overall? Most of the time YB does sit on siege and backcaps, avoiding fights in my experience, of course there are some on YB who don’t but its been the complaint of every server coming up against YB from T4 to T1, they can’t all be misconstruing how YB play.

yea yea and bg sits on siege in towers and backcaps.. same thing that jq does.. see what i’m saying?

With JQ and BG its not the majority of the server, its not part of their server culture.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Blackgate WvW

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


bg and jq are joined at the hip. its basically 2 servers fighting in t1. yb vs BG + JQ

Funny how BG and YB were essentially 2v1ing JQ at the end of last week then.

Ahhh yes the little lap dog BG. JQ says jump and BG says “how high???”. I hear there’s inside drama on JQ though, the blame game between various guilds

Thats really funny considering the history of the 2 servers, you realise they basically hate each other.

At the end of last week BG and JQ were close in terms of the “score” and then they decided to focus the kitten outta you guys (for the 2nd place? lol) and ended up being successful. Please explain your point again.

Point is obvious, there is no overall 2v1 against YB, in fact the idea is laughable.

yea yea. this was a few hours ago

was fun though so keep the 2vs1 coming we barely had to leave our side for 3 hours

You’ll note I wrote ‘overall’, of course there may be some instances when a natural 2v1 arises.

and “overall” yb doesn’t sit on siege all day and just ppt yet that is all everyone ever says about yb

Overall? Most of the time YB does sit on siege and backcaps, avoiding fights in my experience, of course there are some on YB who don’t but its been the complaint of every server coming up against YB from T4 to T1, they can’t all be misconstruing how YB play.

yea yea and bg sits on siege in towers and backcaps.. same thing that jq does.. see what i’m saying?

With JQ and BG its not the majority of the server, its not part of their server culture.

blobbing on 1 tag in EBG is part of both servers culture though.

anyway im not into this pvf stuff because its silly to me.. same thing that is said about yb was said about my old server too.. chances are if i transfer somewhere else the same thing will be said about that server.

Player Vs Everyone
youtube channel - twitch channel

(edited by briggah.7910)

Blackgate WvW

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


bg and jq are joined at the hip. its basically 2 servers fighting in t1. yb vs BG + JQ

Funny how BG and YB were essentially 2v1ing JQ at the end of last week then.

Ahhh yes the little lap dog BG. JQ says jump and BG says “how high???”. I hear there’s inside drama on JQ though, the blame game between various guilds

Thats really funny considering the history of the 2 servers, you realise they basically hate each other.

At the end of last week BG and JQ were close in terms of the “score” and then they decided to focus the kitten outta you guys (for the 2nd place? lol) and ended up being successful. Please explain your point again.

Point is obvious, there is no overall 2v1 against YB, in fact the idea is laughable.

yea yea. this was a few hours ago

was fun though so keep the 2vs1 coming we barely had to leave our side for 3 hours

You’ll note I wrote ‘overall’, of course there may be some instances when a natural 2v1 arises.

and “overall” yb doesn’t sit on siege all day and just ppt yet that is all everyone ever says about yb

Overall? Most of the time YB does sit on siege and backcaps, avoiding fights in my experience, of course there are some on YB who don’t but its been the complaint of every server coming up against YB from T4 to T1, they can’t all be misconstruing how YB play.

yea yea and bg sits on siege in towers and backcaps.. same thing that jq does.. see what i’m saying?

With JQ and BG its not the majority of the server, its not part of their server culture.

blobbing on 1 tag in EBG is part of both servers culture though

Yes I will acknowledge that is true even though some guilds don’t.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Blackgate WvW

in WvW

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


NA t1 is the only wvw worth playing. it’s broken AF, but at least it has people to fight.

How do you know? T2 is better than T1 in certain timezones.

It’s better to WvW when you want too rather than to wait for those “certain timezones”…

I just went to T1 myself, such a relief to just see enemies and level Elites when ever I want too.

T1 has stuff going on on all maps nearly all the time. my guild went from t5 to t1 because at the rate gw2 wvw is bleeding players t1 is the only real choice, as it will stay populated.

I’m pretty simple. just want some dudes to fight on the maps when I log on. t5 had nothing on the BLs and EBG was often pretty empty and boring. t1 always has stuff to do. it’s great.

Again, how do you know?

While T1 does have dudes to fight on maps nearly all the time, so does T2. None of these responses to me prove otherwise. T1 and T2 has been where the non-NA players have concentrated for the majority of this game. That hasn’t changed and especially now that DB’s SEA population is back in T2 and SoS’s main OCX guild moved to DB.

I’ve been on FA twice, but eh, never active in my timezone. Just get rolled by massive zergs when I flip a tower with a few people, also got sick of the amount of skillful DB Condition PU mesmers and Condition perplex evasion thieves running around.

That sounds like a contradiction: “never active” yet DB zergs running around (aka dudes to fight). o_O

I’ll rephrase if you want to get nit picky….

“It’s never active for FA in my timezone”… I thought it was kinda obvious with basic English skills that I was referring to FA when I said it in the same sentence.

Gotta ask though, why is this an argument for you? Someone gave their opinion from their experience and you’re like “I didn’t see that, not true”… We haven’t degraded your opinion based off your experiences have we?

The common denominator at the moment based off our opinions is “Timezones”, we clearly don’t share the same timezones, therefor population and experiences are different, but the original comment was made as a generalisation that T1 is more active all around compared to other tiers, which it is. (but again, that’s my timezone)

Choovanski and I were talking about having enemies to fight. You did too. Thanks for stating that T2 also has enemies to fight during non-NA hours. /shrug

I never disagreed with you about enemies to fight, but like you said it’s restricted to certain timezones to which I agreed, and same to the other guy who came from T5 and said T1 is a lot more active, you were both right.

Not everyone tries to forum war, some do like to have a discussion but for the sake of this ending, you win.

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

(edited by sephiroth.4217)

Blackgate WvW

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


bg and jq are joined at the hip. its basically 2 servers fighting in t1. yb vs BG + JQ

Funny how BG and YB were essentially 2v1ing JQ at the end of last week then.

Ahhh yes the little lap dog BG. JQ says jump and BG says “how high???”. I hear there’s inside drama on JQ though, the blame game between various guilds

Thats really funny considering the history of the 2 servers, you realise they basically hate each other.

At the end of last week BG and JQ were close in terms of the “score” and then they decided to focus the kitten outta you guys (for the 2nd place? lol) and ended up being successful. Please explain your point again.

Point is obvious, there is no overall 2v1 against YB, in fact the idea is laughable.

yea yea. this was a few hours ago

was fun though so keep the 2vs1 coming we barely had to leave our side for 3 hours

You’ll note I wrote ‘overall’, of course there may be some instances when a natural 2v1 arises.

and “overall” yb doesn’t sit on siege all day and just ppt yet that is all everyone ever says about yb

Overall? Most of the time YB does sit on siege and backcaps, avoiding fights in my experience, of course there are some on YB who don’t but its been the complaint of every server coming up against YB from T4 to T1, they can’t all be misconstruing how YB play.

yea yea and bg sits on siege in towers and backcaps.. same thing that jq does.. see what i’m saying?

With JQ and BG its not the majority of the server, its not part of their server culture.

blobbing on 1 tag in EBG is part of both servers culture though

Yes I will acknowledge that is true even though some guilds don’t.

Let me just end on this note.. You claim to be fight servers but the way you fight is to bring the entire map with you. No guilds stand out on any server besides the few small roaming and gank guilds you have running around. I’ve never seen any guild groups that don’t have massive pugs following them.. Maybe you see the same thing but I can say yb is usually spread across maps and well the others just pile in EBG.

It is what it is and I really only play for fun.. to me its fun being hated on all the time so that’s why i moved to yb. Guess I just love to be hated.. Also sometimes when you express your hate towards something, players will do it just because they know you hate it :P

Don’t hate the player.. Hate the game

Player Vs Everyone
youtube channel - twitch channel

Blackgate WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Boreal.9826


bg and jq are joined at the hip. its basically 2 servers fighting in t1. yb vs BG + JQ

Funny how BG and YB were essentially 2v1ing JQ at the end of last week then.

Ahhh yes the little lap dog BG. JQ says jump and BG says “how high???”. I hear there’s inside drama on JQ though, the blame game between various guilds

Thats really funny considering the history of the 2 servers, you realise they basically hate each other.

At the end of last week BG and JQ were close in terms of the “score” and then they decided to focus the kitten outta you guys (for the 2nd place? lol) and ended up being successful. Please explain your point again.

Point is obvious, there is no overall 2v1 against YB, in fact the idea is laughable.

yea yea. this was a few hours ago

was fun though so keep the 2vs1 coming we barely had to leave our side for 3 hours

Wow, that was a total bagfest. I lost count of how many times you guys wiped BG and JQ.

I knew I should’ve logged on during EU today.

Blackgate WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Boreal.9826


bg and jq are joined at the hip. its basically 2 servers fighting in t1. yb vs BG + JQ

Funny how BG and YB were essentially 2v1ing JQ at the end of last week then.

Ahhh yes the little lap dog BG. JQ says jump and BG says “how high???”. I hear there’s inside drama on JQ though, the blame game between various guilds

Thats really funny considering the history of the 2 servers, you realise they basically hate each other.

At the end of last week BG and JQ were close in terms of the “score” and then they decided to focus the kitten outta you guys (for the 2nd place? lol) and ended up being successful. Please explain your point again.

Point is obvious, there is no overall 2v1 against YB, in fact the idea is laughable.

yea yea. this was a few hours ago

was fun though so keep the 2vs1 coming we barely had to leave our side for 3 hours

You’ll note I wrote ‘overall’, of course there may be some instances when a natural 2v1 arises.

and “overall” yb doesn’t sit on siege all day and just ppt yet that is all everyone ever says about yb

Overall? Most of the time YB does sit on siege and backcaps, avoiding fights in my experience, of course there are some on YB who don’t but its been the complaint of every server coming up against YB from T4 to T1, they can’t all be misconstruing how YB play.

yea yea and bg sits on siege in towers and backcaps.. same thing that jq does.. see what i’m saying?

With JQ and BG its not the majority of the server, its not part of their server culture.

I’ve been on several different servers. Sorry to inform you that the masses, aka. pugs, on those servers are more alike than different.

But hey, keep up the propaganda and hate against YB. I think it actually makes them stronger. They’ve left a lot of salty players in their wake, that is for sure. haha

Funny how this thread isn’t locked. I wonder how long it’s been since anet has looked at this forum.

Blackgate WvW

in WvW

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

bg and jq are joined at the hip. its basically 2 servers fighting in t1. yb vs BG + JQ

Funny how BG and YB were essentially 2v1ing JQ at the end of last week then.

Ahhh yes the little lap dog BG. JQ says jump and BG says “how high???”. I hear there’s inside drama on JQ though, the blame game between various guilds

Thats really funny considering the history of the 2 servers, you realise they basically hate each other.

At the end of last week BG and JQ were close in terms of the “score” and then they decided to focus the kitten outta you guys (for the 2nd place? lol) and ended up being successful. Please explain your point again.

Point is obvious, there is no overall 2v1 against YB, in fact the idea is laughable.

yea yea. this was a few hours ago

was fun though so keep the 2vs1 coming we barely had to leave our side for 3 hours

You’ll note I wrote ‘overall’, of course there may be some instances when a natural 2v1 arises.

and “overall” yb doesn’t sit on siege all day and just ppt yet that is all everyone ever says about yb

Overall? Most of the time YB does sit on siege and backcaps, avoiding fights in my experience, of course there are some on YB who don’t but its been the complaint of every server coming up against YB from T4 to T1, they can’t all be misconstruing how YB play.

yea yea and bg sits on siege in towers and backcaps.. same thing that jq does.. see what i’m saying?

With JQ and BG its not the majority of the server, its not part of their server culture.

I’ve been on several different servers. Sorry to inform you that the masses, aka. pugs, on those servers are more alike than different.

But hey, keep up the propaganda and hate against YB. I think it actually makes them stronger. They’ve left a lot of salty players in their wake, that is for sure. haha

Funny how this thread isn’t locked. I wonder how long it’s been since anet has looked at this forum.

Amazing the leveling of hypocrisy and ignorance from yb posters. Like you ppl actually believe it was your amazing ability to stack siege in a lords room or something that brought you up the tiers. It was your server becoming a bandwagon destination, and guilds who transfered (and many who left because of your playstyle) that brought up yb, not your cancerous playstyle of siegecreep, bunkering, and pvd.

And heres another reality check, remember before hot how yb was dead last every week. You guys winning is more due to hot driving players away, and lowering players interest in the playing on the new map/or for ppt.

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<

Blackgate WvW

in WvW

Posted by: RodOfDeath.5247


Honestly, I’m liking T1 lately. The fights regardless of what server YB, BG, JQ are fun. The little political games are quite pathetic and I wish some servers would be more independent. YB gets hate IMO because they don’t play nice with BG and JQ little circle of commanders. YB takes whatever, whenever with no agenda, they want it they take it. I’m hoping the rumor is true and JQs guilds continues to blame each other within so they go away and fall. Bring up independent Fort Aspen, at least I know they’ll fight anything in sight with no allegiance.

Blackgate WvW

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Honestly, I’m liking T1 lately. The fights regardless of what server YB, BG, JQ are fun. The little political games are quite pathetic and I wish some servers would be more independent. YB gets hate IMO because they don’t play nice with BG and JQ little circle of commanders. YB takes whatever, whenever with no agenda, they want it they take it. I’m hoping the rumor is true and JQs guilds continues to blame each other within so they go away and fall. Bring up independent Fort Aspen, at least I know they’ll fight anything in sight with no allegiance.

You realise if that happens you’ll end up with a server with far too little population and it will essentially be BG vs YB. Why do you think Malevolent and Indo wanted to keep JQ in T1. The phrase be careful what you wish for springs to mind.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Blackgate WvW

in WvW

Posted by: RodOfDeath.5247


Honestly, I’m liking T1 lately. The fights regardless of what server YB, BG, JQ are fun. The little political games are quite pathetic and I wish some servers would be more independent. YB gets hate IMO because they don’t play nice with BG and JQ little circle of commanders. YB takes whatever, whenever with no agenda, they want it they take it. I’m hoping the rumor is true and JQs guilds continues to blame each other within so they go away and fall. Bring up independent Fort Aspen, at least I know they’ll fight anything in sight with no allegiance.

You realise if that happens you’ll end up with a server with far too little population and it will essentially be BG vs YB. Why do you think Malevolent and Indo wanted to keep JQ in T1. The phrase be careful what you wish for springs to mind.

I think BG could use some people/guilds, they seem a bit thin at times. JQ is just massive…no way around it. I mainly roam and it pains me to admit, I like fighting BG roamers. FA has some awesome players from what I remember, I liked fighting their roamers. Bring them up please. JQ can fracture for all I care but I guess that’s sorta my own opinion, roaming and can’t always get what ya want

Blackgate WvW

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


The rumour is not true anyway.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Blackgate WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Arcaedus.7290


Many on BG and JQ dont care about winning and PPT. We come for fights, because winning and ppt are meaningless. Yaks bend is kittenous garbage server that does nothing but pvd and siegehump. If there was anything on the line, like a tournament I can assure you BG and JQ would be out in force and YB would be crushed.

Many on YB come for fights, but are unable to fight on even grounds due to having considerably smaller forces. JQ and BG have kittenous garbage players that run in much larger groups, often times team up to fight YB, and complain like sore losers just because YB uses allowed game mechanics just to stay competetive. I guess at the end of the day, these players can rest assured that they’re clearly more “skilled” as those 10 YB wouldn’t have killed their 20+ man zergs without siege weaponry.

See, I can do it too.

Do people… honestly think like this? Like… serious question. I’ve met maybe 3 people who had those opinions and I pretty quickly told them to kitten, but for the most part I feel like people who zerg are fairly aware that they’re zerging. Right? Am I just hanging around with the wrong people? I stopped going into public teamspeaks a while ago.

Pretty sure that guy’s so far up DK’s rear end he can’t even see his own ACs anymore.

I hail from a small gvg guild thar xferred to YB long before it arrived at its current place. We despise siege, and our commander would chew us out for deploying, building, or using siege. The thing is, when you face opponents that you can not defeat despite superior tactics and superior builds/team comp, you have to change your strategy.

We tried everything under the sun in terms of build and team comp, but with little success. We weren’t having fun anymore. After trying ppting for rallies instead of looking for fights, we found that fun, and started getting bags again. It’s funny, you cap an objective, hold it, build a dash of siege, and these extremely intelligent zergs will come by and die. Repeatedly.

It’s okay that you don’t understand, but please stop characterizing an entire server based on your experiences and limited point of view. Trust me, your servers have used similar tactics in similar situations and are no more skilled or honorable than us.

Here is where your logic fails. YB has always been known for seige humping… it’s deeply ingrained into your server’s culture… and that reputation has followed YB as they moved through the tiers. When they were still in the lower tiers, YB was known for its “defensive” skills… i.e… holding up in towers behind a barrage of siege. When they hit t2 it was the same complaints again… YB won’t leave their towers unless with overwhelming numbers. And now that I’m finally facing them in t1, I can see for myself what everyone was talking about when it comes to that server.

Certain guilds/commanders are rather fond of siege. The thing is, if the siege is there, players are going to use it. It’s faulty and pretentious to not use it based on some obscure code of honor. Don’t lie, you or any other player would use the siege if faced with the similar situations. Siege is meant to be both offensive and defensive. The fact that YB takes points AND holds them denotes an intelligent use of siege and at the very least, a moderately competent level of fighting. Anyone who makes the argument that siege carries YB is making excuses.

Also, I highly disagree about YB not leaving towers unless they have overwhelming numbers. I’ve seen this behavior from BG more than I have from YB which goes to show that it’s a matter of perspective. You’re going to notice what you do well, and what your enemies do poorly when forming stereotypes.

It’s possibly true that YB makes greater use of siege than its competitors, but you shouldn’t use that as a way to claim that the entire server is cancerous or garbage. YB has good fighters, and bad fighters just like JQ and BG.

Blackgate WvW

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


bg and jq are joined at the hip. its basically 2 servers fighting in t1. yb vs BG + JQ

Funny how BG and YB were essentially 2v1ing JQ at the end of last week then.

Ahhh yes the little lap dog BG. JQ says jump and BG says “how high???”. I hear there’s inside drama on JQ though, the blame game between various guilds

Thats really funny considering the history of the 2 servers, you realise they basically hate each other.

At the end of last week BG and JQ were close in terms of the “score” and then they decided to focus the kitten outta you guys (for the 2nd place? lol) and ended up being successful. Please explain your point again.

Point is obvious, there is no overall 2v1 against YB, in fact the idea is laughable.

yea yea. this was a few hours ago

was fun though so keep the 2vs1 coming we barely had to leave our side for 3 hours

You’ll note I wrote ‘overall’, of course there may be some instances when a natural 2v1 arises.

and “overall” yb doesn’t sit on siege all day and just ppt yet that is all everyone ever says about yb

Overall? Most of the time YB does sit on siege and backcaps, avoiding fights in my experience, of course there are some on YB who don’t but its been the complaint of every server coming up against YB from T4 to T1, they can’t all be misconstruing how YB play.

yea yea and bg sits on siege in towers and backcaps.. same thing that jq does.. see what i’m saying?

With JQ and BG its not the majority of the server, its not part of their server culture.

I’ve been on several different servers. Sorry to inform you that the masses, aka. pugs, on those servers are more alike than different.

But hey, keep up the propaganda and hate against YB. I think it actually makes them stronger. They’ve left a lot of salty players in their wake, that is for sure. haha

Funny how this thread isn’t locked. I wonder how long it’s been since anet has looked at this forum.

Amazing the leveling of hypocrisy and ignorance from yb posters. Like you ppl actually believe it was your amazing ability to stack siege in a lords room or something that brought you up the tiers. It was your server becoming a bandwagon destination, and guilds who transfered (and many who left because of your playstyle) that brought up yb, not your cancerous playstyle of siegecreep, bunkering, and pvd.

And heres another reality check, remember before hot how yb was dead last every week. You guys winning is more due to hot driving players away, and lowering players interest in the playing on the new map/or for ppt.

aren’t you from buygate? can’t buy any more guilds since HoT because most guilds disbanded LOL

Player Vs Everyone
youtube channel - twitch channel

Blackgate WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Liston.9708


At this poin I don’t even care about perceptions. Matchup threads alive !

Kudos to the [pink] thieve(s) that contests the keep day after day week after week (except when he exploits into low lands). That is one dedicated dude/dudette……

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB

Blackgate WvW

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


At this poin I don’t even care about perceptions. Matchup threads alive !

have to say i been having fun in this thread LOL

Player Vs Everyone
youtube channel - twitch channel

Blackgate WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Waffle.3748


I think at the end of the day….

BG, JQ, YB all do the exact same things. The only difference is the amount. I’ve seen all 3 servers hump siege incredibly hard, wipe instantly, backcap and run, etc.