Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Tygra.4570


Will be even more fun when the culling is back to last week’s one so we can split our people.
Cheers from Vizu

The French Flair [FF]

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Wandred.4583


this another RUIN. not from Desolation. All who stay and play – on BT now

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Vayra.3290


Thanks for the fights in SFR borderlands. Had a lot of fun there, though you should take better care of your golems

The Unnamed[ThUn] – Desolation
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Heru.5427


A big congrats to RG, one of the thougher guild we ever fought. Never had so much fun in a battle

Seems like we killed the poor hamsters :/

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Choko.6821


Funny in SFR borderlands, you VZ guys need to desperate to defend Bay but not Bluebriar? Although you noticed that Hills gained paperwall after a initial assault by us. Lol.

(edited by Choko.6821)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Vukanigia.5496


Some realy good moments on BT border lastnight. We have such a good time this week in T1. To bad we lost DE Tower to VS, you guys catch us with pants down when we were switching Commanders for night shift but anyway before and after that it was a blast…

I don’t get those trash talks about VS or SFR servers, they are both the best EU have at this moment and their guilds are dedicated and organized to achive same goal and thats t1 domination.

Anyway i just come by to wrote this, c ya ingame and don’t hunt little asura with big horns that is running first with greatsword and SFRJ tag :-) have a mercy on me!

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Centrix.4065


this another RUIN. not from Desolation. All who stay and play – on BT now

RUIN isnt on BT bro… If they are they never did anything WvW related.

A few members that hopped that week BT went #1 and I see maybe 1 RUIN member every 3-4 days now (wouldnt even surprise me if it was the same guy). So I really doubt the guild is on BT. I heard they left to play another game, but idk and idc to find out.

Lv.80 Elementalist, Guardian, Necromancer, Thief
[VII] Seventh Legion |

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Centrix.4065


This has been a better week than the 2 before, which were really boring. I’m glad about that. But I still hope to see more from BT.

Lv.80 Elementalist, Guardian, Necromancer, Thief
[VII] Seventh Legion |

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Same.4687


this another RUIN. not from Desolation. All who stay and play – on BT now

I checked to be sure but isn’t “Ruinous” of those subguilds of [RUIN]? That’s what I remember.. I hardly care anymore haven’t seen any RUIN players on BT for a while anyway.

Had some fun on Vizu BL yesterday. Even ran around with RG for a while, impressive how you can keep fielding that many people every single night. But I can’t be the only one who feels that GW2 is on its way out already..

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Toglos.3270


Ruin went bk to an american server.

[DkR] Officer Toglos

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: atai.1467


A big congrats to RG, one of the thougher guild we ever fought. Never had so much fun in a battle

Seems like we killed the poor hamsters :/

Yea yesterday evening …

Bytheway the hamsters yesterday evening kick your kitten a couple of times ^^

See ya on battlefields you will find me with [OSC] tag

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Empyre.2531


A big congrats to RG, one of the thougher guild we ever fought. Never had so much fun in a battle

Seems like we killed the poor hamsters :/

Yea yesterday evening …

Bytheway the hamsters yesterday evening kick your kitten a couple of times ^^

Yea, we need to improve our tactics RG vs whole enemy zones. Crashing wasn’t intended.


Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


Just dropping by to congratulate the Xaoc mesmer on VS borderlands that didn’t attack me when he found me at around 20% HP and instead waited for me to finish off the mobs. That was a nice duel

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Heru.5427


A big congrats to RG, one of the thougher guild we ever fought. Never had so much fun in a battle

Seems like we killed the poor hamsters :/

Yea yesterday evening …

Bytheway the hamsters yesterday evening kick your kitten a couple of times ^^

I’m not quite sure you understood the meaning of my original post…

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: atai.1467


A big congrats to RG, one of the thougher guild we ever fought. Never had so much fun in a battle

Seems like we killed the poor hamsters :/

Yea yesterday evening …

Bytheway the hamsters yesterday evening kick your kitten a couple of times ^^

I’m not quite sure you understood the meaning of my original post…

Hummm just now i understand (sorry very tired) but previous post is for

Yea, we need to improve our tactics RG vs whole enemy zones. Crashing wasn’t intended.

Yes absolutely even for the 4 borderlands … i remember the supply camp south of Hills… you try to run up the mountains … how is gone ?

See ya on battlefields you will find me with [OSC] tag

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Choko.6821


It’s good to see who running the mouth here also ended up being last place. Must be funny.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Vroum.2906


Anyway i just come by to wrote this, c ya ingame and don’t hunt little asura with big horns that is running first with greatsword and SFRJ tag :-) have a mercy on me!

I think a screen of your asura would help here to not hunt you down.
Right now I have no issue finding your white haired Norn Warrior commander and focusing him but asura are a bit more difficult to spot.

Btw good fights tonight too on your borderland.

Guardian | Warrior | Elementalist on Vizunah Square

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

It’s good to see who running the mouth here also ended up being last place. Must be funny.

You sentence proofs SFR is the biggest mouth and not us. We are merely stating facts and opinions. Wich I haven’t seen yet from SFR.

Like the fact you have 2x as much ppl then BT. Try whatever escape sentence you want, but it’s a fact.

To be honest both vizu and SFR exploit to much cheats, (door bypassing, culling abuse, 3 thief parties for obvious reasons, etc). In my opinion those things are not honest and fair play wvw. Being tire 2 as BT, i woudl be very glad, then you SFR and vizu can use you cheats on each other, and we’ll have fun fights again. This is no excuse for losing. I’ll fully admit we are losing. And i’m glad we are loosing against such ‘how can we abuse ’this’ to win, kind of players’. Put all of you in pvp matches and i’m curious if you’d win there too, because pvp glitches are almost all fixed.

Wvw should be mass pvp, without the glitches there are at the moment.

Legendary weapons can be hidden now!
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Choko.6821


Statings a facts in forum is like stating a fact that you just running you mouth in forum. There is no fact and especially one coming being goldseller is resident with you guys along with hackers. The only fact that is you running the mouth. And I can do the same.

Like the fact you have 2x as much ppl then SFR. Try whatever escape sentence you want, but it’s a fact.

To be honest both vizu and BT exploit to much cheats, (door bypassing, culling abuse, 3 thief parties for obvious reasons, etc). In my opinion those things are not honest and fair play wvw. Being tire 2 as SFR, i woudl be very glad, then you BT and vizu can use you cheats on each other, and we’ll have fun fights again. This is no excuse for losing. I’ll fully admit we are losing. And i’m glad we are loosing against such ‘how can we abuse ’this’ to win, kind of players’. Put all of you in pvp matches and i’m curious if you’d win there too, because pvp glitches are almost all fixed.

Wvw should be mass pvp, without the glitches there are at the moment.

See what I did there?

(edited by Choko.6821)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Slashpaf.9250


It’s good to see who running the mouth here also ended up being last place. Must be funny.

You sentence proofs SFR is the biggest mouth and not us. We are merely stating facts and opinions. Wich I haven’t seen yet from SFR.

Like the fact you have 2x as much ppl then BT. Try whatever escape sentence you want, but it’s a fact.

To be honest both vizu and SFR exploit to much cheats, (door bypassing, culling abuse, 3 thief parties for obvious reasons, etc). In my opinion those things are not honest and fair play wvw. Being tire 2 as BT, i woudl be very glad, then you SFR and vizu can use you cheats on each other, and we’ll have fun fights again. This is no excuse for losing. I’ll fully admit we are losing. And i’m glad we are loosing against such ‘how can we abuse ’this’ to win, kind of players’. Put all of you in pvp matches and i’m curious if you’d win there too, because pvp glitches are almost all fixed.

Wvw should be mass pvp, without the glitches there are at the moment.

I lose because they cheat.
I win because they’re bad.
Objectively speaking.

Vizunah Square

(edited by Slashpaf.9250)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Cyril.1486


Went out with less numbers than we usually run tonight and some insane fights vs OSC mad action. I think both RG and OSC done a double flank around that catapult spot at the back of tower haha. Good stuff.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Empyre.2531


Yea, we need to improve our tactics RG vs whole enemy zones. Crashing wasn’t intended.

Yes absolutely even for the 4 borderlands … i remember the supply camp south of Hills… you try to run up the mountains … how is gone ?

You win some, you lose some. It’s not like we bring charly, michael and george to assist us.


Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: AEND.8310


To be honest both vizu and SFR exploit to much cheats, (door bypassing, culling abuse, 3 thief parties for obvious reasons, etc). In my opinion those things are not honest and fair play wvw. Being tire 2 as BT, i woudl be very glad, then you SFR and vizu can use you cheats on each other, and we’ll have fun fights again. This is no excuse for losing. I’ll fully admit we are losing. And i’m glad we are loosing against such ‘how can we abuse ’this’ to win, kind of players’. Put all of you in pvp matches and i’m curious if you’d win there too, because pvp glitches are almost all fixed.

VZ is cheating since the launch in August, we admit it, and particularly upon BT’s arrival. We offendedly use and abuse all the bugs, exploits, cheats with the ANet blessing, for none of us has been banned.
It’s unfair, disgusting, and the one and only reason to explain VZ’s preservation in tier 1 and BT’s defeat… defeat… defeat… deaf…

And then you wake up…

Thüring – Fëar Morniëo [FM]
Vizunah Square

(edited by AEND.8310)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Did xaoc transfer in VS or why they tick +545 at morning?

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

(edited by Junkpile.7439)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Did xaoc transfer in VS or why they tick +545 at morning?

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Vukanigia.5496


Stop embarrassing my server accusing the VS and SFR for cheating on the field. If you find some guy abusing game mechanic or smthng, then take kitten or fraps, report that guy and move on. Whole server can’t be responsable for one man act.

Yes, we lost last week, we gonna end up 3rd this week also but man, stop looking in their yard and start thinking about our home realm, we have some issue that need to be fixed if we wanna stay in tier 1 in the future. Start from you and your guild (i speak in general), how can we improve our contribution on the field? Can we bring more members back to World vs World, do we need new WvW guilds to cower the empty space that has left after Maxs took a break? Those are question we should ask, not to point on VS or SFR and blame them for our fail on the field.

Also, how many time people with trash talk about Visunah? I mean, are you just trolling or what? This realm is in tier one from the start, they have a supperior morale and dedication (that atm is not the case with us).

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Saviolakos.6473


Went out with less numbers than we usually run tonight and some insane fights vs OSC mad action. I think both RG and OSC done a double flank around that catapult spot at the back of tower haha. Good stuff.

We really have fun fighting you too, at least I do! (as I don’t think it’s appropriate to speak on behalf of the guild as I am only a member). Awesome fights last night for once more…
TBH, RG is the hardest opponent I faced this week. VS guilds don’t take it as a flame, but I haven’t seen anything like that from your guilds. Maybe because, like one of your guys said (i think), you have small guilds that all work together and not like 1 big guild. But it’s easier for me (not alone ofc, with my guild) to kill VS guilds, even outnumbered, than RG guild even with even or more players on my side.
But what really suprise me from VS server is the consistency they have… all the time lots of numbers, and really good effort to defend your ground, respect for that.

The Oscure Brotherhood
Seafarer’s Rest

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: maloki.3527


Kirn sweetheart, I hope you’re enjoying to be back on BT

Miss you already

Love, Mal

Maloki – Asura Necro/Sylvari Ele –
You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Vayra.3290


Please just ignore Phoebe. He’s someone who came here after we were #1 and does nothing but complain about the enemy. His views in no way represent those of the rest of the server.

The Unnamed[ThUn] – Desolation
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Genophix.3098


It’s good to see who running the mouth here also ended up being last place. Must be funny.

You sentence proofs SFR is the biggest mouth and not us. We are merely stating facts and opinions. Wich I haven’t seen yet from SFR.

Like the fact you have 2x as much ppl then BT. Try whatever escape sentence you want, but it’s a fact.

To be honest both vizu and SFR exploit to much cheats, (door bypassing, culling abuse, 3 thief parties for obvious reasons, etc). In my opinion those things are not honest and fair play wvw. Being tire 2 as BT, i woudl be very glad, then you SFR and vizu can use you cheats on each other, and we’ll have fun fights again. This is no excuse for losing. I’ll fully admit we are losing. And i’m glad we are loosing against such ‘how can we abuse ’this’ to win, kind of players’. Put all of you in pvp matches and i’m curious if you’d win there too, because pvp glitches are almost all fixed.

Wvw should be mass pvp, without the glitches there are at the moment.

Well your kinda contradicting yourself here aren’t you? Your accusing the two other servers involved of cheating (that would be an excuse) and then you say your not making excuses. In case you didn’t know the cries of ‘cheat’ are usually emanating from a bad loser.

As it happens I am involved with one of the biggest guilds on SFR and cheating isn’t even in their vocabulary. We are just honest gamers who like WvsW, it’s a real shame you can’t accept that as your making your server look bad and I’m sure most are the same as us. Just having a laugh and being good sports.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Vroum.2906


Went out with less numbers than we usually run tonight and some insane fights vs OSC mad action. I think both RG and OSC done a double flank around that catapult spot at the back of tower haha. Good stuff.

We really have fun fighting you too, at least I do! (as I don’t think it’s appropriate to speak on behalf of the guild as I am only a member). Awesome fights last night for once more…
TBH, RG is the hardest opponent I faced this week. VS guilds don’t take it as a flame, but I haven’t seen anything like that from your guilds. Maybe because, like one of your guys said (i think), you have small guilds that all work together and not like 1 big guild. But it’s easier for me (not alone ofc, with my guild) to kill VS guilds, even outnumbered, than RG guild even with even or more players on my side.
But what really suprise me from VS server is the consistency they have… all the time lots of numbers, and really good effort to defend your ground, respect for that.

You should look for WL or FM as they are more than likely to give you what you seek.
And if you try smaller format I’m pretty sure you’ll find others guilds than can put a good fight.

Guardian | Warrior | Elementalist on Vizunah Square

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


I normally don’t care about such stuff, but why is BT helping Vizunah to gain 1st place?

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: tita.6358


I normally don’t care about such stuff, but why is BT helping Vizunah to gain 1st place?

secret alliance you mean?
can’t tell it’s a secret!

kiss Blacktide we love you !
you should receive you gold, cookies and a boat full of Vodka soon as promised

Tita the Sunless, Vizunah Night Rats
75/75 Arrow Cart Mastery
124K doors and counting

(edited by tita.6358)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Empyre.2531


Went out with less numbers than we usually run tonight and some insane fights vs OSC mad action. I think both RG and OSC done a double flank around that catapult spot at the back of tower haha. Good stuff.

We really have fun fighting you too, at least I do! (as I don’t think it’s appropriate to speak on behalf of the guild as I am only a member). Awesome fights last night for once more…
TBH, RG is the hardest opponent I faced this week. VS guilds don’t take it as a flame, but I haven’t seen anything like that from your guilds. Maybe because, like one of your guys said (i think), you have small guilds that all work together and not like 1 big guild. But it’s easier for me (not alone ofc, with my guild) to kill VS guilds, even outnumbered, than RG guild even with even or more players on my side.
But what really suprise me from VS server is the consistency they have… all the time lots of numbers, and really good effort to defend your ground, respect for that.

You should look for WL or FM as they are more than likely to give you what you seek.
And if you try smaller format I’m pretty sure you’ll find others guilds than can put a good fight.

Nah mate, they’ll just call the rest of the zone after 1 wipe to fight 20 guys. Just like it happened last night. Wipe WL on their own once with 25-30ish guys, come with everyone on commander. They had more spotters then we had players.


Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Sird.4536


Could VS actually take this matchup on the last day? Getting pretty excited.

RP enthusiast

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Choko.6821


It’s must be fun being BT in BT borderland, only got Garrison and Cragstop. Garrison being chipped away with the supply. BT attempt to fight VZ but running away most of the time when their suicide allies died, while Seafarers being outmannered owning both BT/VZ inc that lol above last post from BT.

(edited by Choko.6821)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Cyan.7269


i can vouch for this that he emptied our supplies. Also i talked to him in pm and he just talked smack all the time saying we got what we deserved and this is not the last week this will happen etc etc. And first he had guild tag etc on then he took it away and is running after our other commanders naked just to scout for hes server. Ppl like this should get perma banned destroying the fun

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Zepolak.2095


That’s the name of one of our most renown EB leaders.
Apparently, he got hacked.
That’s pretty bad bad news I see here…

Also, in such a case, that I have also witnessed in previous matchups against my server, please be pro enough to report the account directly rather than posting publicly claiming the whole opposing server is cheating.
Thanks in advance !

GM @ Insert Coinz [CPC] @ Grand Cross @ Vizunah Square.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Eccentric.3649


Pathetic Vizunah Determination [VSD] – Cheesepanda – UserId: Trash.2018
Commander at that…
He turned his guildTag off after we pointed out he still had it on…

And apparently he WAS hacked and now he’s nerdraging about how SFR supposedly were the ones who did it and now it’s payback time for him…
Renowned…? Indeed.

Eccentrïc – 80 Mesmer
Team Sweden [SWE] Guild Leader
Seafarer’s Rest [EU]

(edited by Eccentric.3649)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Blue.7256


Not throwing stones, but hacking story does not stick with me. Why would anyone hack him and then change servers to help one he was playing on? If someone would hack him they would either sell account/use it for gold hack farming etc or just destroy his belongings/delete chars etc.

[RL] Bluel
Royal Legion – Polish MMORPG Guild

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Cyan.7269


he told me in pm i got hacked i didnt choose to be on this server but now you get what you deserve. Hacked or not its the orig owner playing and what he is doing is so so bad and hes now BIG RENOWN EB LEADER he just took a big dump on hes own name/guild/server

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: jaxom.7469


Hacked or not hacked, it’s a one man’s folly.

Please report and let’s be done with it. These kind of things happen in T1 , and we had our share too.

the main VS alliance has a strict no cheat /fairplay policy , but no server can say they control all of their people…. if it’s not just somebody else trying to badmouth a VS commander.

edit : Sacrx come one, fall off your horse, yeah we don’t play the same game as you do, we prefer winning the keep (points) than winning the field (ego) , stop being rude about it.

(edited by jaxom.7469)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Anadora.1893


War legend is a Pvp guild trying his best to stay clean, to fight for his realm and to bring entertainment to his members and rivals.
We always manage to redirect folllowers and when there is too much of them, we are used to tp spawn to help culling and Vizunian commanders on the map.

You are welcome to watch our streams from 9pm to 0h00 CET on our WebTV.
No director cut but lot of outdoor impacts, fun and strategy. Also a great place for our rivals to find us.

You can also have a look upon past streams of the week on TwichTV

Best regards to Blacktide, Seafarer Rest and Vizunians

Community manager WL

CM – War Legend

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Teel.9036


Cred to Xaoc for being the only enemy guild so far (that I’ve met) that use a lot of superior siege, don’t know why so many guilds still run with regular siege. Also a lot of cred to WL who I think has a bright future. Had a lot of fun fights against WL.

Would be a real shame if Vizunah would win by cheating (spies + cheesepanda thing) but after the weekend I must say it’s been very even and SFR definitely has a whole lot to learn.

Teelie l VoTF

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: tita.6358


guys you really think our main EB commander will be stupid enough to switch server and keep his tag On to do that?

Tita the Sunless, Vizunah Night Rats
75/75 Arrow Cart Mastery
124K doors and counting

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: tita.6358


Would be a real shame if Vizunah would win by cheating (spies + cheesepanda thing) but after the weekend I must say it’s been very even and SFR definitely has a whole lot to learn.

sure that explains why we are ticking at 500 and you at 100 right now. gratz cheesepanda…

and about spies:
amateur server having his main alliance Chat as Public:

[12:20:18] <[BORN]Zekow>monday we had a guy on the french teamspeak server
[12:20:30] <[BORN]Zekow>told us in EB were they were going , every tower they went to we were waiting
[12:21:06] <[BORN] Fennore>:c
[12:21:15] <[BORN] Fennore>sad!
[12:22:13] <[BORN] Fennore>where is the fun in that, part of the fun is predicting where enemies will go, as long as you have a brain and some eyes that shouldn’t be too diffficult
[12:28:20] <[BORN]Zekow>i must say i had much fun wiping frenchies
[12:28:24] <[BORN]Zekow>who were all suprised

now just loose with dignity.

Tita the Sunless, Vizunah Night Rats
75/75 Arrow Cart Mastery
124K doors and counting

(edited by tita.6358)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Stanley.3295


So is SFR so desparate to win, that they condone spying? It is one thing to call other servers hacks and cheats. But another to do nothing on your own end.

Clean up your own house SFR….

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Imacop.6409


guys you really think our main EB commander will be stupid enough to switch server and keep his tag On to do that?

Yes we do.

[ZBs][ZDs] Nikogda ne slakai
200,000 WwW Kills

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Empyre.2531


Would be a real shame if Vizunah would win by cheating (spies + cheesepanda thing) but after the weekend I must say it’s been very even and SFR definitely has a whole lot to learn.

sure that explains why we are ticking at 500 and you at 100 right now. gratz cheesepanda…

and about spies:
amateur server having his main alliance Chat as Public:

[12:20:18] <[BORN]Zekow>monday we had a guy on the french teamspeak server
[12:20:30] <[BORN]Zekow>told us in EB were they were going , every tower they went to we were waiting
[12:21:06] <[BORN] Fennore>:c
[12:21:15] <[BORN] Fennore>sad!
[12:22:13] <[BORN] Fennore>where is the fun in that, part of the fun is predicting where enemies will go, as long as you have a brain and some eyes that shouldn’t be too diffficult
[12:28:20] <[BORN]Zekow>i must say i had much fun wiping frenchies
[12:28:24] <[BORN]Zekow>who were all suprised

now just loose with dignity.

For me that chat module is not public. You must have applied to get an account flag that allows you to see the actual chat. Who is the spy?

(I don’t really care what you guys do or don’t, but I found this to be quiet funny fact. Keep it going guys.)


Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Jee E free.5891

Jee E free.5891

So much drama here. My god xD

When you look at the actual match-up apart from drama I think we can agree on SFR that this is without a doubt the most exciting match-up we had in weeks. It will be really close end with VS really pushing hard now.

I think that at the beginning of the week they underestimated SFR and that cost them a heavy beating with a load of points behind. On the otherside I think during the week SFR underestimated the long breath of VS who just took activity to the next level.
Could also be to due SFR actually not having to put a fight up for the last 3 days in the recent weeks because we were always ahead by so much that losing wasn’t an option.

This week we learn that in order to be and stay T1 you need to be active all week long. I hope we learn our lesson and can end this week with first place. And if we do not end up first we only have ourselves to blame.

Jee E free
[VoTF]Vengeance of the Fallen
Seafarers Rest