Physti – Elementalist | Fistful of Blades – Thief
[WHIP] Quaggan Slavers – HoD
I smell Troll…
Anyone else smell that?
This is what I hate.
Non main Mesmer players trying to think they rockthe class . Guess What
veil + Null field are staples in my “build”
That took me 2 utility skills already!
Oh you wanted Mass lnvis? sorry! you Asked for Time Warp a minute ago and now elite is on CD!
Also did you know we have little abilities to actually “tag?”
Meanwhile Guardians Necros Warriors and engineers complain about bag space
Take Moa Morph. I only use it to troll Lich Form anyway
Also @ the person posting traits to justify movement speed, do you even play a Mesmer?
Our only reliable ways to speed up out of combat are temporal curtain and crappy centaur runes. Not only that but Mantra of Recovery would be the only way to get permanent swiftness. So either we lose a rune set and possibly a heal or we lag behind
This is what I hate.
Non main Mesmer players trying to think they rockthe class . Guess What
veil + Null field are staples in my “build”
That took me 2 utility skills already!
Oh you wanted Mass lnvis? sorry! you Asked for Time Warp a minute ago and now elite is on CD!
Also did you know we have little abilities to actually “tag?”
Meanwhile Guardians Necros Warriors and engineers complain about bag space
Take Moa Morph. I only use it to troll Lich Form anyway
Also @ the person posting traits to justify movement speed, do you even play a Mesmer?
Our only reliable ways to speed up out of combat are temporal curtain and crappy centaur runes. Not only that but Mantra of Recovery would be the only way to get permanent swiftness. So either we lose a rune set and possibly a heal or we lag behind
Hahaha best comment I’ve read this far in gw2 forums !) Read this devs and open your eyes !
What’s wrong with Mesmer? you can just spam all skills with one hand, and the opponents will kill themselves.
What’s wrong with Mesmer? you can just spam all skills with one hand, and the opponents will kill themselves.
Err if you are talking about confusion it has been trash on a mesmer since the nerf.
Haven’t equipped scepter or used any of the utilities that do confusion since the nerf. (on mesmer)
It’s about the warriors plus those new runes atm.
If someone is currently dying to a confusion mesmer they must be really bad.
What’s wrong with Mesmer? you can just spam all skills with one hand, and the opponents will kill themselves.
your blatant ignorance shocks me.
Did you know to Actually kill with confusion now your opponent has to be brain dead spamming #1
Also even though Veil and Null field are good, one misplaced Can lost you a 72-90s CD // 32s
Another thing . Since 2/3 Of my utilities are glamours why not lock me in 30 inspiration ?! since YOU know, temporal is a “must” for Organized pulls .
But I really wanted to run Shatter / Boon share PU ! Too bad! we’re locked in utilities And maybe even traits!
No I don’t want them to Make us super “OP” again.
I’m just pointing out that you Dont know a Mesmer’s real troubles much like I don’t know an engineer’s for example. And Which is why I don’t post threads like “stealth is OP” or “Warrior face roll” because I don’t know the difficulty of their executions.
excuse my grammar I’m hand writing on my Note 2
(edited by LumAnth.5124)
@ Alchemist:
You got condition-bursted by marks…seriously? And you have problems with warrior vs necro…really? It`s L2P, believe me, dude. Ask some more experienced warriors on your server for tips… (hint: Skullcracker & GS or sword/shield & hammer).
@ Lola:
I don`t know what to say, a well played mesmer is still one of the most dangerous things to face in wvw. GC Shatter, Staff Condi Hybrids… Do you know your own class? I recommend spending less time complaining and more time playing.
Best regards
@Moon, it’s not that it’s a problem for warriors because we can run runes, foods, and warhorn to easily deal with conditions. The problem is the amount of dmg it did instantly.
Either way, I don’t main a warrior – I main a mesmer, but the point is imagine a mesmer or thief running into the same necro. 15k burst is ridiculously high – a thief would probably be dead – not really sure what the average hp is for them but im assuming around 16-18k… Depending on the mesmer build you’ll be nearly dead and something silly like null field will not remove the conditions fast enough esp if the necro is hybrid condition dmg and duration, and at best a mesmer can heal for around 6k with 3 clones up and traited 200 in to inspiration – 90% chance that burst was aoe so your clones wont last long, you recover around 5k and still have 10 dmg taken – 30s cd till your next heal. Meanwhile a simple weapon swap to scepter and you have stacks of bleed on you in an instant – it’s an extremely tough scenario, which I doubt you would survive yourself unless you were against a baddie.
Instead of quoting l2p like some pro – you should probably take a moment and consider what this means for EVERY class, not just a single one. Great players will get around it one way or another – but it’s a game changer for new ones, and casual ones which makes up the bulk of GW2. Particularly someone like yourself without the insight to see how this can effect others will get rolled regularly by run of the mill necros.
Please don’t tell ppl to l2p when you need to learn to understand – it just makes you look silly.
@Kingcragus, Tbh condition mesmer are pretty strong atm. Confusion as you say is indeed not a 1 trick pony that you can kill anyone with. If you instead use confusion as a bonus and controll stats, kill with bleed,s torment and burn you have a perfetc roamer setup.
@ All. I dont understand whay anyone would think mesmers as weak for wvwvw. Sure for special task like run in a mele bal press nr 1 its worse than warrior but that is no al the game is about for all. Ppl play the game in many ways and for alot of them mesers are a most needed class.
For group play Mesmers are a must to be effective due to weil, and other utilitys.
For roaming mesmers are a extremly compitent class who is in a good position vesus al other classes in a 1 vs 1 and most oth the time can bail any fight he/she not want to fight.
@ Alchemist:
I think you overreact here. I simply go by the principle nothing is OP, there`s just OP players… I learned that attitude while playing starcraft for almost a decade now. It`s PvP, means you`re not only playing your opponent`s class but you play another human being that can be outplayed/outsmarted even if the odds do not favor you.
The MMO community seems to rely on and enjoy the nerf/buff cyclejerk which leads to fotm play and lots and lots of whining even if not justified.
I could be the most crappy player on earth and I would still tell you it is an learn to play/adapt issue because there are people (warriors in this case) who reacted to the strengthened necros and developed counters. A game should never be balanced around subpar players, but balanced for the top ones, because anybody else can just overcome obstacles through becoming a better player…
Best regards
I don’t catch a lot of my zerg based stuff (heavy on the comp resources), but here’s a little example of using my mes for scouting. I can ghost a zerg all day to the point of them aggressively retaliating on me (without success), no speed issues, no needing to give up rune slots, or trait unnecessarily.
24s swiftness from focus (25s cd), untraited, no centaur runes, no heal spamming.
You cant see it in the vid but there’s a ton of soft cc’s and condi’s being applied via clone death. Again, not my best example but the mesmer is, imo, the ultimate sapping class. The role I play in WvW is “Advanced Scout”, running ahead of the zerg from point to point, and solo engaging the enemy right before the zerg arrives. Waste enemy cooldowns, break enemy formations, distraction and misdirection.
The build holds its own in 1v1 (even v condi), and 1vX v condi necro – standard results
You’re a clown at best.
First of all, temporal curtain gives 12s of swiftness… if you have 24s that means you’re running boon duration runes/food/accessories. I can get perma swiftness like that too, but that’s not the point. Again, it means you have to take runes you don’t want.
Second, you’re in a group fight with guardians and you’re talking about conditions not bothering you? If it did give you a hard time then thats where the real problem is.
Third, that necro was a baddie – and showing one video of a baddie doesn’t make a point.
Don’t tell ppl to L2P when you need to learn to understand the english language. Without traiting into swiftness either via traitlines, or boon duration there is no viable way for mesmers to have swiftness up. Out of combat running speed is around the same if not less than guardians. So l2p, because clearly you’ve never run by yourself and rely on a group to carry you. Try dueling some condition necros that have played for more than 3 weeks.
@ Alchemist:
I think you overreact here. I simply go by the principle nothing is OP, there`s just OP players… I learned that attitude while playing starcraft for almost a decade now. It`s PvP, means you`re not only playing your opponent`s class but you play another human being that can be outplayed/outsmarted even if the odds do not favor you.
The MMO community seems to rely on and enjoy the nerf/buff cyclejerk which leads to fotm play and lots and lots of whining even if not justified.
I could be the most crappy player on earth and I would still tell you it is an learn to play/adapt issue because there are people (warriors in this case) who reacted to the strengthened necros and developed counters. A game should never be balanced around subpar players, but balanced for the top ones, because anybody else can just overcome obstacles through becoming a better player…
Best regards
Really? A random condition spam is an op player? Why weren’t they this strong before? LOL if what you say is true – these same players would’ve been just as strong a few days before the new changes. If you think someone’s skill goes up drastically in a week, for no apparent reason then I don’t think you understand the meaning of corelation. This isn’t about nerfing something that was originally part of the game – it’s about fixing something that wasn’t tested.
And being probably a subpar player yourself you really shouldn’t be talking about l2p issues. Being subpar doesn’t exactly give you the position to decide whether something is OP or not.. I mean think about it. If you were a subpar surgeon would it put you in a position to decide whether a method of surgery is life threatening or not?
Sure you can give your opinion, but will the panel of experts you seem to admire listen to what you have to say? Probably not – because talent goes a long way. So when you say things like this, tbh you just discredited yourself. It just baffles me why you would discredit yourself, and continue to think that what you’re saying carries weight?
@ Alchemist:
Wow, someone being a bit hostile here, ha?
How do you know me and my abilities to play this game? Just because someone hasn`t put X videos on youtube doesn`t mean he can`t be better than you, right? I can guarantee you, there are players out there who you never heard about, but would beat probably 99% of the youtube heroes anytime, anywhere…
Apart from that you completely misunderstood my first paragraph, please read it again and try to not act like a little princess whos lollipop was taken away. I didn`t say any necro suddenly became a better player.
Here I go again, just for you: I said (taking into regard that questions about balance should only be applied to the very best players) that every obstacle can be overcome by just playing better, except at the very top, where the level of play is very similar. So, if you don`t belong to the very top, you don`t have any right to complain, because you could just…you know… improve and beat these crappy necros. If you would belong to the very top you wouldn`t even dare to complain about “being bursted by marks”, you would simply outplay these guys.
My wild guess is, you are probably pretty bad yourself at this game, considering the amount of whine I find in your post history.
English is not my first language, apologies, if my message wasn`t clear enough. I recommend reading Sirlin`s “Play to win” (pretty old article on competitive gaming philosophy that also transfers over to sports by the way), just google it, because he explained a lot better what I`m trying to say.
Best regards
I don’t catch a lot of my zerg based stuff (heavy on the comp resources), but here’s a little example of using my mes for scouting. I can ghost a zerg all day to the point of them aggressively retaliating on me (without success), no speed issues, no needing to give up rune slots, or trait unnecessarily.
24s swiftness from focus (25s cd), untraited, no centaur runes, no heal spamming.
You cant see it in the vid but there’s a ton of soft cc’s and condi’s being applied via clone death. Again, not my best example but the mesmer is, imo, the ultimate sapping class. The role I play in WvW is “Advanced Scout”, running ahead of the zerg from point to point, and solo engaging the enemy right before the zerg arrives. Waste enemy cooldowns, break enemy formations, distraction and misdirection.
The build holds its own in 1v1 (even v condi), and 1vX v condi necro – standard results
You’re a clown at best.
First of all, temporal curtain gives 12s of swiftness… if you have 24s that means you’re running boon duration runes/food/accessories. I can get perma swiftness like that too, but that’s not the point. Again, it means you have to take runes you don’t want.
Second, you’re in a group fight with guardians and you’re talking about conditions not bothering you? If it did give you a hard time then thats where the real problem is.
Third, that necro was a baddie – and showing one video of a baddie doesn’t make a point.
Don’t tell ppl to L2P when you need to learn to understand the english language. Without traiting into swiftness either via traitlines, or boon duration there is no viable way for mesmers to have swiftness up. Out of combat running speed is around the same if not less than guardians. So l2p, because clearly you’ve never run by yourself and rely on a group to carry you. Try dueling some condition necros that have played for more than 3 weeks.
Boon duration is desirable, best runes to run imo as it buffs everything from damage to damage reduction, survive, healing, etc. Swftness is just an added bonus. So yes, i do take the runes I want as opposed to those who’re taking something they don’t want like centaur runes + heal skill spamming, or traiting to fill the gap.
I say all necro fights end the same way. I show any vid of any/all necros dying without them being able to land a kill. You dismiss the necro as therefor “a bad”. Despite evidence, and through ignorance, your prophecy is fulfilled.
I hear what you’re saying elsewhere about the general player base being casual, and unable to deal with the current condi necro meta, but given you’re talking to an actual experienced mesmer here, your argument just doesn’t apply. Know how to build, know hot to play, and necros are the least of your worries.
Finally for someone so concerned about understanding others, understanding the English language, and issues of forum/posting ignorance, you don’t seem to see (or be concerned by) your own bad arguments and name calling. Calling someone a “clown” for example is name calling, and offers nothing to the discussion other than to degrade someone unjustifiably. Claiming someone doesn’t understand the english language, and therefor doesn’t understand the game, the class, mechanics, or state of play is an Ad hominem attack. Instead of going after people personally, focus on the arguments proper. It does no strength to your arguments and only makes you look bad.
The statement “learntoMesmer” is a justifiable one in any case where, evidentually, knowledge, play style, and build are all factors that will alleviate the problem at hand. I’ve simply argued that this is in fact ay hand.
Osicat demonstrates another example of how to simply outplay a necro as a mesmer in wvw
Man, Mesmers come a close second to thieves in crying for more when they got everything.
Guess Anet should have worked harder on making the mesmer class carry bad players more.
The only actual complaint I saw in here was “slow”.
I too agree Mesmers are pretttttty slow. I think the real problem is that the other classes are too fast…But anyways…The fact is every other profession does get a way (trait, utility, weapon, etc) to run faster than normal or leap consistently. Mesmers get Swiftness on a single off-hand weapon. They have no Utility skill that lets them run faster. They have no trait that lets them run faster out of combat nor any leaps. Nothing. I do agree with you Mesmers are annoyingly slow but they’re far from a burden in WvW and I manage to farm PvE perfectly fine with mine so I don’t know where that complaint came from.
Necros are slow.
Warriors are slow in the current meta build -mace/shield +LB- or S/S +LB.
Non BM rangers can’t get away as easily.
Guardians are slow.
Mesmers have access to portals, blink, staff teleports -just link blink and staff teleports- swiftness wall/wall pull and have traits that give them increased speed for every illusion: class has to sacrifice some utility or damage skills in order to get access to mobility -with exception to the broken thief class, of course-.
I don’t see why mesmers should be treated in any way special, do you? Learn to adapt and compromise like the rest of the gw2 community.
Necros have a 25% run signet
Warriors have several leaps and a trait that lets them run 25% faster with a melee weapon
Rangers have a few leaps and a 25% run speed signet
Guardians have leaps and can easily maintain perm swiftness.You completely and utterly missed the point to literally everything I was saying and I kindly ask you to try reading next time.
You can have 30% speed and more using
If you don’t use it..not our’s like a necro saying I don’t use the signet and I want to run faster. Or a warrior saying I don’t use a sword/GS and I want to move faster.
Again..not every ranger equips weapons for leaps and signets for movement speed.We can’t have everything in this game or in RL and so can’t you. Just the way things work.
Anet provided you with Staff teleports, blinks, portals, stealth and Compounding celerity to move around . Think of using them.
I would be happy as a warrior to have access to 8 secoond cool down teleports, portals, Instant teleport blinks that breaks stun and stealth and I don’t want leaps on my weapon skills. Once the other classes get these skills then I will wholeheartedly support more snickers more mobility to mesmers.
Here I think this might help a bit:
Oh dear. Perhaps you might like to play a mesmer before you embarrass yourself further. The topic was out of combat mobility.
1) Compounding Celerity: can only be used in combat, as we can only summon illusions in combat.
2) Portal: used for back-tracking. Does nothing for getting myself from point A to B
3) Blink: an extra 900 every 30 seconds. Oh, goody.
4) Staff teleports (Phase Retreat): Moves you backwards; i.e., you retreat.
5) Stealth: We don’t move faster in stealth. At all.
We mesmers are quite remarkable in many ways, yet out of combat mobility isn’t one of them.
But I feel this is rather silly point to argue about, anyway. Mesmers are in a nice place, and I love playing mine.
Mesmer is worthless in WvW PvP once it becomes larger than a 5v5 setting. Having useful skills doesn’t make a class useful/good.
Rename your Mesmer to Veil 1 and Timewarp 2, wait around for a minute and half and you can be useful again. Mesmer 101.
Gotta be truly bad to complain about the most OP class in the game and the most essential one in organized zerging.
Try playing a warrior. Maye then you’ll see how hard not to rely on a handicap: 8 second teleports/stealth/access to immunity to anything at any time/ clones attacking while you are running or dodging/ 10 sec invulnerability for 2secs on a weapon skill.
Yep..mesmers are truly in bad shape.
Also… 8s teleports? Unlimited immunity? 10 sec invulnerability for 2secs?
You really need to start playing a mesmer, mate.
Please stop saying that there is nothing wrong with the mesmer and then show a duel or roaming video. We know that mesmers are good for duels/roaming, this is the wvw forum.
Thank you.
Man, Mesmers come a close second to thieves in crying for more when they got everything.
Guess Anet should have worked harder on making the mesmer class carry bad players more.
Your mistake would be asserting Mesmers get everything all at once. When the reality is whatever you take, you give up a whole lot more.
Please stop saying that there is nothing wrong with the mesmer and then show a duel or roaming video. We know that mesmers are good for duels/roaming, this is the wvw forum.
Thank you.
Unless the videos purpose is to show that there are roles for Mesmer in the WvW meta. Then you might just have a point.
Osicat demonstrates another example of how to simply outplay a necro as a mesmer in wvw
very true..if u are osicat. he is an amazing player. now being able to pull a fight like that is more for pros then the average player. but yes, i m not gonna give up on my mesmer. who knows what next major balance patch is gonna bring.
Considering it’ll more than likely bring some sort of nerfing, I’d like to think it’d also finally bring folk learning to shut the kitten up, RE: complaining about Mesmers. Get another target, already. I hear those Guardians are kinda buff …
Mesmer OP? Definetly not
Mesmer broken/useless? no, not really either.
Speed out of combat is below par, but in combat? I love my Mesmer once in combat! Wish I could blink, have multiple leaps, celerity… On my necro for example.
Necro? Now there’s an example of bad balancing. It wasn’t Dhuumfire Necros needed, it was the ability to not get knocked around like bowling balls. And, then, the DS overflow “fix” … /shakes head
Once again I see thief QQ in here. Seriously… every… single… thread. Thief isn’t the best 1v1 class by any means, they aren’t the best small group class, and they aren’t the best large group class. Quit complaining about them being annoying and not giving you a loot bag as often as some other classes.
Thief is the ultimate lootbag farmer profession though.
More like the ultimate lootbag
WvW without mesmers sucks. If you want to talk about the “backbone” of zergs, mesmers definetively deserve a spot there. Just due to their utility, if nothing else
The problem, Prysin, is that that same utility:
To be dead honest, I’m rather tempted to organize a Portal/Veilbot strike. Just to be a kitten. Cause it’s a bit hypocritical for folk to whinge about Mesmer being overpowered, but turn around and happily utilize a Mesmer’s abilities for their own advancement. It’s like crying about Backstab damage, and then keeping a zerker D/D Thief in your party. Meh.
(edited by Advent.6193)
Some stuff to think about (not contesting that a mesmer lacks stuff in zvz, in fact I believe it does lack zvz abilities).
The only thing I consider as a “real” zvz ability is veil (for its lack of a target cap). Anything with a target cap is “wasted” in a zerg because “you do not control which 5 you are gonna affect” be it damage, boons, or any other utility.
Timewarp/null field/ mass invi are “pulsing” 5 target <apply effect> abilities. In a clump of 5+, you as the caster do not control who gets the <apply effect>. Null field is less affected by the target cap because its effect is to remove ALL boons/conditions from enemies/allies (not 1 or 2 at a time).
Back to veil. Sure, 2 (or 3 traited) sec of invi seems like nothing. But any real organized zerg wont just use 1 veil. They are gonna use way more to stack that invi higher. Just 3 stacked veils specced for +1 sec invi gives 9sec of invi.
I take it all back if veil no longer stacks.
Some stuff to think about (not contesting that a mesmer lacks stuff in zvz, in fact I believe it does lack zvz abilities).
The only thing I consider as a “real” zvz ability is veil (for its lack of a target cap). Anything with a target cap is “wasted” in a zerg because “you do not control which 5 you are gonna affect” be it damage, boons, or any other utility.
Timewarp/null field/ mass invi are “pulsing” 5 target <apply effect> abilities. In a clump of 5+, you as the caster do not control who gets the <apply effect>. Null field is less affected by the target cap because its effect is to remove ALL boons/conditions from enemies/allies (not 1 or 2 at a time).
Back to veil. Sure, 2 (or 3 traited) sec of invi seems like nothing. But any real organized zerg wont just use 1 veil. They are gonna use way more to stack that invi higher. Just 3 stacked veils specced for +1 sec invi gives 9sec of invi.
I take it all back if veil no longer stacks.
Veil doesn’t stack and null field only removes 1 condition and boon per pulse. Mesmers have great utility skills (blink, veil, null field, feedback and time warp) which are useful in open field fights. The problem is that most of the weapon skills are pretty bad compared to other professions and the clone + shatter mechanism doesn’t really work in larger groups.
Once again I see thief QQ in here. Seriously… every… single… thread. Thief isn’t the best 1v1 class by any means, they aren’t the best small group class, and they aren’t the best large group class. Quit complaining about them being annoying and not giving you a loot bag as often as some other classes.
Thief is the ultimate lootbag farmer profession though.
More like the ultimate lootbag
It’s the ultimate noob killer. When new players encounter stealth they seem to start acting like grazing cattle for some reason >.>
Thief does make the ultimate yak slapper/scout/keep contester/supply trapper though.
4) Staff teleports (Phase Retreat): Moves you backwards; i.e., you retreat.
We mesmers are quite remarkable in many ways, yet out of combat mobility isn’t one of them.
But I feel this is rather silly point to argue about, anyway. Mesmers are in a nice place, and I love playing mine.
Phase retreat just moves you in the opposite direction of your target, you can use it to teleport forwards if they are behind you. Which way you are facing doesn’t matter.
Mesmers are quite mobile even out of combat if you set them up to be so (100% swiftness uptime + teleports). Using phase retreat off of bunnies etc. to get you where you’re going might take a little bit of practice… but not much.
This isn’t trying to say omg mesmer OP nerf, just correction/opinion.
(edited by Aberrant.6749)
I would say a mesmer + thief playing together make a rather interesting roaming team. This as traited for it both benefit of eachothers, synergy of stealth and vulnebility etc.
I just tried out my mesmer today again. Had to asdjust my build a bit after the big balance patch (yes, since then I didn’t play my mesmer seriously). I switched from GS back to Staff on ym hybrid dmg rampager gear. And it feels awesome. I jsut rofflestomped so many players today and got out of trouble very easily. Portaled some peeps and safed manny kitten with my mass invisibility. I would say mesmers are still very strong in WvW.
Mesmers are required for a myriad of tactics that revolve around portal chains and time warping golem rushes, veiling to cover a your zerg approach, and null fields to counter boons as your crew winds up to drop the hammers. Run reflects with focus skills, and extra bounce to get tags.
Yes, you’re slow. Yes, you’re going to have difficulty getting tags. No, your not useless to a zerg. If you are worthless there’s a problem with you not the class: L2P issue.
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