Can't anyone respect a duel?
Half of your reply didn’t make any sense.
And seeing as you did ask.. I do lift
Let me make it simpler for you: Show us a thread that asks for support for a stronger 1 vs. 1 mode and we’ll sign it. I’m all for it.
WvW, on the other hand, is not 1 vs 1. If someone wants to 1 vs 1, that’s fine and dandy and their business. But you can’t expect others to play along just because you want to.
@Amini: I do believe you can set up an sPvP room for 2…? I was told this was possible, but to be honest I’ve never tried it. And a Jedi Academy style “challenge this player for a duel” thing would be acceptable as well – if both players accept they’re stuck in an “aether” form that can’t affect or be affected by others (including structures) till one player dies.
Half of your reply didn’t make any sense.
And seeing as you did ask.. I do liftLet me make it simpler for you: Show us a thread that asks for support for a stronger 1 vs. 1 mode and we’ll sign it. I’m all for it.
WvW, on the other hand, is not 1 vs 1. If someone wants to 1 vs 1, that’s fine and dandy and their business. But you can’t expect others to play along just because you want to.
@Amini: I do believe you can set up an sPvP room for 2…? I was told this was possible, but to be honest I’ve never tried it. And a Jedi Academy style “challenge this player for a duel” thing would be acceptable as well – if both players accept they’re stuck in an “aether” form that can’t affect or be affected by others (including structures) till one player dies.
I understand this and I understand people just wanting to be kitten but, If you see what I said before. A lot of people like to justify ruining a 1v1 by saying “there is no room for 1v1, it is useless and it is a waste of time” and things like that etc, there is no logic in that. Ruining a 1v1 into a 1v2 or 3 is more useful? better time spent?
Diamond Story – Elementalist
[TSym] Tac Sym
A lot of people like to justify ruining a 1v1 by saying “there is no room for 1v1, it is useless and it is a waste of time” and things like that etc, there is no logic in that.
i believe i can explain that part. what towers are your 1v1 affecting? what keeps? what camps? what sentry points? none of the things that actually matter in WvW are helped by in any way whatsoever. in fact, all it’s doing is pulling people away from the objectives. furthermore, the style of combat itself is pointless in WvW. how often are you going to be able to go 1v1 against a tower? even the camps have multiple NPC’s guarding them, so focusing to fight only against a single combatant relegates you to only two possible job, killing sentries or killing yaks before the camps they came from are upgraded to have guards. once they’re upgraded, you’re back on sentry assassinations, which pretty much anyone can do already. huzzah, you’ve spent countless hours practicing so that you can accomplish the same thing a scaled up level 30 character can already do.
large scale fights? you’re not set up to handle those. structural defenses? nope, not set up to handle those either. the only thing you’ve set your character up to do is have a battle away from anything that actually matters with another character set up to do the same things.
aaaaaaaand…… let’s go one step further into this whole matter. on your home borderland, you have not one, but two invading servers. each have the same amount of people that your single one has. meaning, you’re already short staffed to begin with, since you have to split your numbers to deal with both of them. and now, you’re further hamstringing your server, by abandoning them to see who has the bigger sword. the attacking servers don’t care. they have plenty of people to outnumber your defenders, and still have enough left over to bait you into a worthless fight over absolutely nothing. congratulations, you took the bait, your team is handicapped further. no matter how the fight turns out, you’ve already lost.
A lot of people like to justify ruining a 1v1 by saying “there is no room for 1v1, it is useless and it is a waste of time” and things like that etc, there is no logic in that.
i believe i can explain that part. what towers are your 1v1 affecting? what keeps? what camps? what sentry points? none of the things that actually matter in WvW are helped by in any way whatsoever. in fact, all it’s doing is pulling people away from the objectives. furthermore, the style of combat itself is pointless in WvW. how often are you going to be able to go 1v1 against a tower? even the camps have multiple NPC’s guarding them, so focusing to fight only against a single combatant relegates you to only two possible job, killing sentries or killing yaks before the camps they came from are upgraded to have guards. once they’re upgraded, you’re back on sentry assassinations, which pretty much anyone can do already. huzzah, you’ve spent countless hours practicing so that you can accomplish the same thing a scaled up level 30 character can already do.
large scale fights? you’re not set up to handle those. structural defenses? nope, not set up to handle those either. the only thing you’ve set your character up to do is have a battle away from anything that actually matters with another character set up to do the same things.
aaaaaaaand…… let’s go one step further into this whole matter. on your home borderland, you have not one, but two invading servers. each have the same amount of people that your single one has. meaning, you’re already short staffed to begin with, since you have to split your numbers to deal with both of them. and now, you’re further hamstringing your server, by abandoning them to see who has the bigger sword. the attacking servers don’t care. they have plenty of people to outnumber your defenders, and still have enough left over to bait you into a worthless fight over absolutely nothing. congratulations, you took the bait, your team is handicapped further. no matter how the fight turns out, you’ve already lost.
Well sir. The circumstance in which I was basing my replies on was if people from my own team were to interrupt a 1v1 (Even though what I’m saying still applies to people on the other team if they think what I have just stated) but I don’t mind if it is someone from the other team that joins as well. Also I don’t care if I’m not “contributing”. If you read my post correctly then you would understand what I was saying and thus be able to provide a reply post of relevance instead of some random rant that (barely) applies to what I’m saying or doing. Like I said, if 1v1’s are so useless and a waste of time (many peoples reason for ruining a 1v1), there is no need for those people in my team to ‘waste’ THEIR time and turn it into a ‘useless’ 1v2 or 3 when if they think it is a waste of time, should be hurrying to their precious zerg. Also, you don’t need to have some ‘special’ wvw only set up to be useful lulz… As long as you do decent damage zerg numbers is all that matters.
Thank you.
Diamond Story – Elementalist
[TSym] Tac Sym
(edited by Josh P.1296)
Why should i ? I see you, i kill you, end of the story.
A lot of people are so small minded…If anyone wants to duel, since they might want to do something else for their entertainment, it’s their choice, and you could respect it.
You don’t need to be a brainless mongrel to just bash everything in your path you know? If that’s all there is to WvW for you, then the real issue with your team losing points is not the guy dueling, it’s the guy that only knows how to bash stuff, thus leaving out the more subtle actions.
World vs World, not 1 Player vs 1 Player. I see red, it dies.
Once again, I welcome the chance to prove to you why you should leave duelers alone. A non-dueler doesn’t stand a chance vs someone who practices hours a day in 1v1 combat vs a variety of classes/builds.
You will quickly find yourself outmatched and in a 1v1, because no dueler will assist someone who just added in on their fight.
TL:DR- Please, by all means, add in. ^.^
Here, have a cookie.
A lot of people are so small minded…If anyone wants to duel, since they might want to do something else for their entertainment, it’s their choice, and you could respect it.
You don’t need to be a brainless mongrel to just bash everything in your path you know? If that’s all there is to WvW for you, then the real issue with your team losing points is not the guy dueling, it’s the guy that only knows how to bash stuff, thus leaving out the more subtle actions.
Respect is two way. If someone wants Badges of Honor, and they see an enemy, you should respect their need to get badges and let them interrupt your 1v1 so they can do so. That’s their choice and YOU should respect it.
Half of your reply didn’t make any sense.
And seeing as you did ask.. I do liftLet me make it simpler for you: Show us a thread that asks for support for a stronger 1 vs. 1 mode and we’ll sign it. I’m all for it.
WvW, on the other hand, is not 1 vs 1. If someone wants to 1 vs 1, that’s fine and dandy and their business. But you can’t expect others to play along just because you want to.
@Amini: I do believe you can set up an sPvP room for 2…? I was told this was possible, but to be honest I’ve never tried it. And a Jedi Academy style “challenge this player for a duel” thing would be acceptable as well – if both players accept they’re stuck in an “aether” form that can’t affect or be affected by others (including structures) till one player dies.
Hmm I never tried it too, but I will check it out if it’s true.
Well sir. The circumstance in which I was basing my replies on was if people from my own team were to interrupt a 1v1 (Even though what I’m saying still applies to people on the other team if they think what I have just stated) but I don’t mind if it is someone from the other team that joins as well.
what difference does it make which side breaks it up? the bottom line is the same, people were dueling. someone else came by. duel ended. either the dueler got killed, or the dueler killed the interloper. either way, the initial duel ended.
Also I don’t care if I’m not “contributing”.
i think this pretty much sums it all up, really. if you don’t care how inconsiderate you’re being to everyone who is in there for the actual purpose of the situation, why should any of them show you any consideration in return? what goes around comes around, after all.
If you read my post correctly then you would understand what I was saying and thus be able to provide a reply post of relevance instead of some random rant that (barely) applies to what I’m saying or doing.
i read your post correctly, as well as your previous posts in the topic, and was explaining why people felt them to be useless wastes of time, and had no problem trying to break them up. there was no ranting.
Like I said, if 1v1’s are so useless and a waste of time (many peoples reason for ruining a 1v1), there is no need for those people in my team to ‘waste’ THEIR time and turn it into a ‘useless’ 1v2 or 3 when if they think it is a waste of time, should be hurrying to their precious zerg.
you…… do realize there is a difference between a large mobile unit and a zerg, correct? there’s quite a bit of a difference actually. perhaps you haven’t had a chance to see what the difference is, but it is quite apparent. a zerg simply makes a circle around the map, ramming their collective faces against anything that happens to get in the way. the large mobile unit freely shifts its location to move the number to where they’re necessary. they flank, and even pincer. they portal bomb. they set up and defend open field siege. they coordinate combo fields as well. if i have to take a 30 second detour to stop someone from doing something completely useless and to attempt to make them actually useful instead, then it’s worth the 30 seconds it takes to do so. either they’re useful in the future, or they’re not taking up a spot from someone who will be useful.
Also, you don’t need to have some ‘special’ wvw only set up to be useful lulz… As long as you do decent damage zerg numbers is all that matters.
no one made any mention of a “special WvW set up”. i only said that you limit your true potential to only solo situations, and that WvW leaves you with very few options for solo situations. while you might not be completely worthless in other situations, at the same time, you could be far far more useful. there are set ups based around the group combat dynamic. the difference is quite noticeable actually.
as far as your statement about numbers, yes, they to factor in to some extent. however, 20 can and does beat 50 quite often. and no, not just through culling affected portal bombs. while people may not like to hear this, the sad truth is in WvW, siege>you. your build doesn’t really mean much if you’re being shot with 2 superior catapults an a few arrow carts while you’re auto attacking the front gate of a tower. and all those zerglings who happen to be around you end up as puddy on the ground too. the zerglings who rush up to try to rez you catch the next round in the face, and so on and so forth. and that’s only from a handful of defenders, and doesn’t include anyone coming out to flank your group after it’s been softened up.
Thank you.
you’re welcome, and thank you in return.
Let me see World PvP against another server and you want to do 1V1. Wrong choice of location to do it.
If it is red it is dead.
Either take it to the most secluded part of the map at an agreed upon time and take the chance of the interruption or do it in Spvp.
I see it the same as PVE in WvW as well.
You may be in luck as to what will be released in added content but I dont know what is in store for WvW.
Stop the rubbish about duelers being far more skilled than anyone else lol. I’ve seen many a bad duelist. I’m a team player and fairly good myself too shock horror. I escort yaks, upgrade camps, take camps with small groups, siege places up and command sometimes too. Also chances are most of you duelists just think you’re superior in 1v1 frankly. I’m no top player but vs the overwhelming majority I hold my own.
That out of the way, why should I respect a duel? Especially from some of the duelists comments on here.
1) You don’t respect our choice to kill people
2) Don’t respect that people want to win in wvw
3) Openly claimed you don’t care about the objectives of wvw
4) Insult people going after objectives
Really why should any of us, show any respect in any form whatsoever after that? You take up spots that could be used for someone who does do objectives, whilst actively avoiding them yourself. You can duel in a sPvP envioronment and cause nobody any grief, yet you choose to do it somewhere where queues exist and go against the point of wvw.
It’s almost worth my time following duelists around to bug them out of wvw. At least the ones here, who have shown no respect for anyone else but themselves.
Well sir. The circumstance in which I was basing my replies on was if people from my own team were to interrupt a 1v1 (Even though what I’m saying still applies to people on the other team if they think what I have just stated) but I don’t mind if it is someone from the other team that joins as well.
what difference does it make which side breaks it up? the bottom line is the same, people were dueling. someone else came by. duel ended. either the dueler got killed, or the dueler killed the interloper. either way, the initial duel ended.
Also I don’t care if I’m not “contributing”.
i think this pretty much sums it all up, really. if you don’t care how inconsiderate you’re being to everyone who is in there for the actual purpose of the situation, why should any of them show you any consideration in return? what goes around comes around, after all.
If you read my post correctly then you would understand what I was saying and thus be able to provide a reply post of relevance instead of some random rant that (barely) applies to what I’m saying or doing.
i read your post correctly, as well as your previous posts in the topic, and was explaining why people felt them to be useless wastes of time, and had no problem trying to break them up. there was no ranting.
Like I said, if 1v1’s are so useless and a waste of time (many peoples reason for ruining a 1v1), there is no need for those people in my team to ‘waste’ THEIR time and turn it into a ‘useless’ 1v2 or 3 when if they think it is a waste of time, should be hurrying to their precious zerg.
you…… do realize there is a difference between a large mobile unit and a zerg, correct? there’s quite a bit of a difference actually. perhaps you haven’t had a chance to see what the difference is, but it is quite apparent. a zerg simply makes a circle around the map, ramming their collective faces against anything that happens to get in the way. the large mobile unit freely shifts its location to move the number to where they’re necessary. they flank, and even pincer. they portal bomb. they set up and defend open field siege. they coordinate combo fields as well. if i have to take a 30 second detour to stop someone from doing something completely useless and to attempt to make them actually useful instead, then it’s worth the 30 seconds it takes to do so. either they’re useful in the future, or they’re not taking up a spot from someone who will be useful.
Also, you don’t need to have some ‘special’ wvw only set up to be useful lulz… As long as you do decent damage zerg numbers is all that matters.
no one made any mention of a “special WvW set up”. i only said that you limit your true potential to only solo situations, and that WvW leaves you with very few options for solo situations. while you might not be completely worthless in other situations, at the same time, you could be far far more useful. there are set ups based around the group combat dynamic. the difference is quite noticeable actually.
as far as your statement about numbers, yes, they to factor in to some extent. however, 20 can and does beat 50 quite often. and no, not just through culling affected portal bombs. while people may not like to hear this, the sad truth is in WvW, siege>you. your build doesn’t really mean much if you’re being shot with 2 superior catapults an a few arrow carts while you’re auto attacking the front gate of a tower. and all those zerglings who happen to be around you end up as puddy on the ground too. the zerglings who rush up to try to rez you catch the next round in the face, and so on and so forth. and that’s only from a handful of defenders, and doesn’t include anyone coming out to flank your group after it’s been softened up.
Thank you.
you’re welcome, and thank you in return.
I can’t be bothered quoting in parts so.
1. I prefer slight 1vX against me.
2. I do play wvw ‘normal’ as a little zergling as well, but I also enjoy duelling. Even if I am to come off as “inconsiderate”, it still does not make any logical sense (for those) who think 1v1 is a waste of time and useless and a means to justify ruining one.
3. Correct.
4. Since you put it like that we’ll call it ‘zerg rushing’
5. No you didn’t mention exactly “special wvw setup” but you might has well have
“large scale fights? you’re not set up to handle those. structural defenses? nope, not set up to handle those either. the only thing you’ve set your character up to do is have a battle away from anything that actually matters with another character set up to do the same things.”
And 20v50. In open field battle? Not likely unless a hektik portal bomb done by the 20.
20 assaulting an objective against 50? Not likely. 20 defending an object from 50? Possible.
Diamond Story – Elementalist
[TSym] Tac Sym
Nobody said 1v1 was pointless, everybody said exclusively doing this whilst ignoring all objectives was. It’s necessary to kill someone on their way to your section if you can because camps are possible to solo.
Nobody said 1v1 was pointless, everybody said exclusively doing this whilst ignoring all objectives was. It’s necessary to kill someone on their way to your section if you can because camps are possible to solo.
I have seen many people calling it pointess, no room for it in wvw, time wasting, word vs world not 1v1, etc etc. I agree it is pointless but I enjoy doing it and I am simply saying that there isn’t any logic when people ruin one because they think they are pointless and a waste of time. I play wvw like normal good little zergling too but there are times when towards the end of the wvw week I will go out just to roam and find duels.
Diamond Story – Elementalist
[TSym] Tac Sym
If there is a clear duel situation – I pass by and let them do… (got no time to stand around really)
In most of the cases duellants are not easy to distinguish within normal battle even it is a bit aside – I have to assume that my buddy needs support and act, sorry – this is a battlefield by definition. But if there is a chance of a proper duel – why not… even better when 10 enemies stand around and are bound to the scene by watching the duel – while we take their castle meanwhile :P
[LNS] – Legion Night Stalkers
Abaddons Mouth
I respect everyone who does duels i do it my self i do with with the guild its awesome we enjoy doing it for all you guys that see a enemy and just go and atk them i cant say the same for you.. your most likely the type of person that sees a gate and goes and atks it in melee nuff said.
I agree it is pointless but I enjoy doing it and I am simply saying that there isn’t any logic when people ruin one because they think they are pointless and a waste of time.
I love how everyone avoid talking about that fact. And I’m shocked by how many people openly admit “WvW = no 1vs1, I see red, I kill”.
Because well, this is the thing. Engaging a fight “because it’s red” is what duelists do. The difference is that they do it when they are on their own and they see 1-2 enemies, not when they are with 10, 20 or 30 other people and they see one random enemy.
The “I see red -> I kill” has nothing to do with WvW teamwork. I can’t even remember how many times a commander has lost half his zerg while asking desperately on TS “Please guys, don’t chase singles, we are moving to xxxx, don’t break the zerg!” and puff, 20 people just disband chasing an up-leveled enemy hoping to get their shinny loot bag.
So no, most people don’t respect duels because they have fun killing an enemy with 10 other people, and they wouldn’t “I see red, I kill” if they were on their own.
And for people saying “dueling is a waste of time, there’s a war going on”, are you serious? 80% of the people are in WvW to zerg, no matter where or why, farm badges and level alts, and you worry about the 1% that goes around looking for duels? There are more spots taken by JP farmers, afk players or even people at the freaking crafting stations. But you rage against duelist, why? Maybe afk people or crafters don’t make you feel a “worse” player.
Duelists are not better players for WvW, a zerg is 10000000 times more useful. But most people who complain about how lame duelists are have never in their play-time scorted a yak, so w/e.
I always wondered wtf are duelists doing in WvWvW ? If I was a big duel fan I’d go sPvP all day long.
WvWvW is the exact opposite of fair fight in an “under control” environment, you never know what is going to happen.
Or maybe they’re not that good duelist versus 1vs1 specced players, so they come to WvWvW to duel support/team specced players ?
I always wondered wtf are duelists doing in WvWvW ? If I was a big duel fan I’d go sPvP all day long.
WvWvW is the exact opposite of fair fight in an “under control” environment, you never know what is going to happen.
Or maybe they’re not that good duelist versus 1vs1 specced players, so they come to WvWvW to duel support/team specced players ?
The issue with sPvP is it’s extremely limiting to your build options. Players can build literally hundreds of more ways in the WvW zones than they can in sPvP.
Dueling is about testing builds and your skill against players you know are at the top of their classes’ skill curves. It’s a better gauge of whether a build is only useful vs noobs or if it really can work vs a competent opponent.
I always wondered wtf are duelists doing in WvWvW ? If I was a big duel fan I’d go sPvP all day long.
WvWvW is the exact opposite of fair fight in an “under control” environment, you never know what is going to happen.
Or maybe they’re not that good duelist versus 1vs1 specced players, so they come to WvWvW to duel support/team specced players ?
And also I checked it and you cant make a room for 2 or 3 people so you cant dual there too. Yes I don call it a duel when you fight alone against 5 guys
If you people don’t want to be disturbed, think for a second. Maybe you should go somewhere where you will not be disturbed. Maybe your friendly PvP is better suited, not in WvW, but in PvP.
Many of us use duels to test new builds. your stat selection choices are very limited in sPvP. None of the builds I run can be made in sPvP, not even close.
Ah, so it’s not a duel, but a practice session. Duels are meant to be fair, which is something the PvP restrictions facilitate.
In that case, be happy. Most WvW isn’t “duels” (unless you’re a PK’er, in which case I have no love for you
), so you’re for free getting serious practice
Put it like this: I also hate people ganking me (or PK’ers instagibbing me) while I’m having my fun, running from spawn, killing dollies or whatever, so it’s quite the same. The only answer: deal with it. They’re not wrong to do so, all you can do is try not to get caught by them. Still, 99% of the time it’s just a group taking out a potential threat, and that’s completely allright, even if we hate it
Here’s a question for ya… What the hell you dueling in my WvW for?
Primal Emperor of Imperial Coalition
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.
Here’s a question for ya… What the hell you dueling in my WvW for?
Refer to my post above for the answer to that…
Duelers suck at incidental pvp … “Wait, I wasn’t ready!”
If I think people are having a fun 1 v 1 I’ll leave them, the problem is it often difficult to tell.
As for actual duelling, as in you’ve arranged it with the other person, do it somewhere out of the way, in other games with RvR type PvP there is often an agreed area where people have duels, maybe that would work, though that tends to work in games where all the participants are on one server and not anonymous.
In regard to the “it is war” comments, no it isn’t, it is a game, which is why you magically come back to life after being killed, because the point is fun not an accurate war simulation, somehow I doubt many of those proclaiming it is war, would be clamouring for permadeath to be introduced.
(edited by Sylosi.6503)
Just because a dueling system wasn’t implemented, it doesn’t give someone the right to go into my WvW where 100+ players from each of the three sides are and expect me to walk past what I would see as a guaranteed bag drop. Really makes me wonder why you’re wondering why you got killed in an open pvp area. If dueling is what you want, then write an e-mail to A-net about it.
Primal Emperor of Imperial Coalition
Why would we in WvW? its WvW not 1v1.
Darkhaven Asuran Guardian
S O T D Warband [SotD]
Just because a dueling system wasn’t implemented, it doesn’t give someone the right to go into my WvW where 100+ players from each of the three sides are and expect me to walk past what I would see as a guaranteed bag drop. Really makes me wonder why you’re wondering why you got killed in an open pvp area. If dueling is what you want, then write an e-mail to A-net about it.
If people are foolish enough to duel in an area with traffic, then they have it coming lol. There are plenty of places on the map that are hidden away and have no objectives and don’t offer any reason for players to travel through.
its ur choice to do 1v1 in WvW, expect to get interrupted. i see a 1v1 while running towards where i am going, i will always,defintely 100% join and kill the enemy. 1 enemy is enough to kill a supply doylak, 1 GOOD enemy can solo a supply, 1 smart enemy can block off our keep waypoint. u DONT let an enemy go(unless ur zerging, in which case, stick with zerg), the consequences of that enemy surviving and going off some where can be dire.
i expect everyone else to hop in and kill the enemy if they ever see a 1v1 and arent busy. WvW is a place where u kill the enemy using any advantage, either it be seige, pure #, skill, portals, w/e. its war, the only rules are those the game provides us, everything else is open.
Server: Maguuma
Here’s a fun fact:
A lot of the “I see red, I kill” also are “I see a lot of red, I run”, meanwhile the Duelers have less tendencies to run even when outmanned.
Ruins of Surmia
All these dopes saying 1v1 is of no place in WvW and is a waste of time to justify why it is worth ruining a 1v1 need better logic. Because ruining someone’s 1v1 and turning it into a 2v1 has more of a point to it and is not wasting your own time? It is these kinds of people who will run away from a 1v1 but when they see one of their team mates coming nearby, will instantly run back and attack the person who was chasing them.
@ Raincrow. There is nothing “skilled” about large scale zerg battles. Yes, it is what “matters” or makes the “difference” but there is no skill to it.
do you even lift bro?
we arent discussing if we support 1v1s or not, we are discussing that wvwvw isnt the personal battleground for anybody, especially when you can loot badges from any dead enemies which you were involved with his death.
all these dopes trying to justify when theres ‘’a dueling’’ your world partner must stay there watching or everyone else who walks near, by saying ‘’oh they are dueling, i must not interfere’’
Hence WvWvW is for ’’cat’’ sure not a place for demand 1v1s’ if you happen to have one, good for you.
I dont do SPvP, i would go and play a MOBA or a FPS if i wanted that kind of pvp system, but you can try and spread the word here for 1v1 match system or even in the PvE map so they can duel while waiting for a dragon.
Half of your reply didn’t make any sense.
And seeing as you did ask.. I do lift
Might be a language thing, but in context of duelling/WvW, what does ‘lift’ refer to?
You cannot even duel in sPvP, why would it be any different in WvW. >>
How about this. If you want to duel, meet up in the centuar’s area in the Northeast of the Green Borderland. You can have a little dueling powwow around the campfire.
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.
There is a cove near the river between the southern supply and the southeastern spawn. no aggressive mobs and no traffic. There is one behind the windmill at southern camp. There is a plateau near the eastern keep. There is a large area behind the southwest supply camp.
In short. There are plenty of places to duel where no one would have any reason to just wander by.
In WvW, you can’t expect people to have the same respectful attitude as you do during duels, some people will also wander by and just see the enemy first and attack like they normally would.
I would also like to point out that there doesn’t necessarily have to be a victor to have a great duel, I found that last night against an SoR thief – we were going at it for the best part of 20-25 minutes, in the end, we both saluted/bowed and went our seperate ways. We had some interruptions, but I was glad that the guy was able to always escape them laughably easily and come straight back to what became our staging area. During this, we had a spectator who had the sense to ask me if I was dueling and so he didn’t get involved – unfortunately that can’t be said for everyone who came by.
If I see a duel, I won’t get involved whatsoever, if anyone else decides to jump in, I’ll go for them first and then pull back if the duel is still in session after said interruption. If the player on my team is downed, I still will do nothing – I find it in rather poor taste to watch a duel and then throw away that sign of respect by just ganking them after downing the player on my own team, if you’re going to just do that, then there’s very little point allowing the duel to continue if you’re just going to steal their kill right at the end – that’s not showing respect for the duel.
In WvW, you can’t expect people to have the same respectful attitude as you do during duels, some people will also wander by and just see the enemy first and attack like they normally would.
I would also like to point out that there doesn’t necessarily have to be a victor to have a great duel, I found that last night against an SoR thief – we were going at it for the best part of 20-25 minutes, in the end, we both saluted/bowed and went our seperate ways. We had some interruptions, but I was glad that the guy was able to always escape them laughably easily and come straight back to what became our staging area. During this, we had a spectator who had the sense to ask me if I was dueling and so he didn’t get involved – unfortunately that can’t be said for everyone who came by.
If I see a duel, I won’t get involved whatsoever, if anyone else decides to jump in, I’ll go for them first and then pull back if the duel is still in session after said interruption. If the player on my team is downed, I still will do nothing – I find it in rather poor taste to watch a duel and then throw away that sign of respect by just ganking them after downing the player on my own team, if you’re going to just do that, then there’s very little point allowing the duel to continue if you’re just going to steal their kill right at the end – that’s not showing respect for the duel.
This, but I take it one step beyond. If i see any 1v1, duel or not, I don’t interfere. If the player on my team isn’t good enough to beat the enemy, then they simply deserve to lose and learn from mistakes. If we step in and rescue the people who can’t stand on their own, how will they ever learn to?
This, but I take it one step beyond. If i see any 1v1, duel or not, I don’t interfere. If the player on my team isn’t good enough to beat the enemy, then they simply deserve to lose and learn from mistakes. If we step in and rescue the people who can’t stand on their own, how will they ever learn to?
My thoughts precisely And if they want to kitten me out for not helping, I could care less, I’m not there to save people’s kitten from fights they started and couldn’t finish.
My thoughts precisely
And if they want to kitten me out for not helping, I could care less, I’m not there to save people’s kitten from fights they started and couldn’t finish.
Who said you team mate started this “duel” ?
I’m a guardian spe crowd control. All my skills are set for mass PvP, WvW.. I have at least the heal zone, sanctuary, wall of reflection, a staff and a hammer.
So when an elementalist or a thief spe 1v1 jump on me, I can’t fight. It’s not a duel, it’s a kitten So I use my skills to flee to some mates or keep. I expect allies to help me, as I help them during mass fights.
It’s a WvW map. So if I see an ally fighting, I’ll help him, whatever the reasons.. But if he says me explicitly “don’t interfere” !
I’ve got a necromancer too, don’t have the full exo stuff yet. All thiefs 80, full exo, destroy me in 1v1. I expect allies to help me.
WvW is not balanced for 1v1.. Go to sPvP if you want to. Of course, there, your ego will be hurted. You’ll not have your stuff, level, culling, class unbalance or/and 1v1 skill’s set advantage. You’ll have to play ONLY with your skill..
This, but I take it one step beyond. If i see any 1v1, duel or not, I don’t interfere. If the player on my team isn’t good enough to beat the enemy, then they simply deserve to lose and learn from mistakes. If we step in and rescue the people who can’t stand on their own, how will they ever learn to?
Now there’s a clueless player that doesn’t understand what team play is all about. What if your team mate is defending a camp, or is on his way to deliver supplies to his commander, or trying to do something else valuable to your server’s cause?? What if he had just killed a different player and was still low on health with his CDs blown when the player you saw him fighting had just jumped him?? You just let him die?? I truly hope that I never see you wasting a queue spot on my server.
And you do know that not all classes are equally balanced against all other classes in all 1V1 situations anyway, right? Apparently you don’t.
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]
My thoughts precisely
And if they want to kitten me out for not helping, I could care less, I’m not there to save people’s kitten from fights they started and couldn’t finish.
Who said you team mate started this “duel” ?
I’m a guardian spe crowd control. All my skills are set for mass PvP, WvW.. I have at least the heal zone, sanctuary, wall of reflection, a staff and a hammer.So when an elementalist or a thief spe 1v1 jump on me, I can’t fight. It’s not a duel, it’s a kitten So I use my skills to flee to some mates or keep. I expect allies to help me, as I help them during mass fights.
It’s a WvW map. So if I see an ally fighting, I’ll help him, whatever the reasons.. But if he says me explicitly “don’t interfere” !
I’ve got a necromancer too, don’t have the full exo stuff yet. All thiefs 80, full exo, destroy me in 1v1. I expect allies to help me.WvW is not balanced for 1v1.. Go to sPvP if you want to. Of course, there, your ego will be hurted. You’ll not have your stuff, level, culling, class unbalance or/and 1v1 skill’s set advantage. You’ll have to play ONLY with your skill..
I love how people like to make presumptions and then become defensive over it. Of course it’s not always a duel, you realise this thread is about when a duel is happening right? If it’s a straight one on one out in the field with no obvious sign that it’s a duel, do you think I’m just going to run off and leave them to it? Please, have some sense before trying to denounce what I do when a DUEL is happening.
Do you realise how duels work? Do you think people just suddenly decide to duke it out on a wide open field where anyone can just swing by? It’s not difficult to tell when a duel is happening and when a standard fight is happening, and in the latter case, I’m all over that – mess with my team mates and you die.
I agreed with the part I emboldened, this is in regards to a duel, I do not agree with his idea about any 1v1, but in a duel I certainly do. That’s not ego, that’s showing respect for two players who want to have a 1v1, I’m sorry you clearly cannot understand this.
Where did I say that WvW was a good place for it? In fact I also stated that not everyone will have the same attitude to 1v1 in WvW. Whether sPvP is the better ground for it or not, people are going to duel in WvW anyway and why not? You can find highly skilled players in WvW that you won’t see in sPvP, there are also cross server guilds dedicated to dueling players in WvW – this again is not about ego, it’s about skilled players having fun and enjoyable fights and learning a thing or two from each other. Please take your knee-jerk reactions elsewhere.
And you do know that not all classes are equally balanced against all other classes in all 1V1 situations anyway, right? Apparently you don’t.
Then maybe they shouldn’t have chosen to duel?
(edited by Static.9841)
I don’t know if Anet will do something about this dueling thing, if yes I think 2 solution whould be acceptable.
1. A similar system like sPvP where the goel is not to capture point but only kill the enemy team. After you killed an oponent you cant revive it again by allys. It should have a 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, 5v5 option.
2. In WvW there should be an option for request and accept duel, so only the two men can hurt each other.
Plus, I disagree 100% with the unbalanced. Most people just fail at PvP. If I can kill a level 80 P/D thief on a level 14 melee ranger in 1v1 (strongest vs what ppl argue to be weakest 1v1 classes) then, yes, it is indeed a skill problem.
Plus, I disagree 100% with the unbalanced. Most people just fail at PvP. If I can kill a level 80 P/D thief on a level 14 melee ranger in 1v1 (strongest vs what ppl argue to be weakest 1v1 classes) then, yes, it is indeed a skill problem.
LOL that’s definitely a skill problem!
Plus, I disagree 100% with the unbalanced. Most people just fail at PvP. If I can kill a level 80 P/D thief on a level 14 melee ranger in 1v1 (strongest vs what ppl argue to be weakest 1v1 classes) then, yes, it is indeed a skill problem.
Vid or it didn’t happen…
This game is not balanced for 1v1 and there is no where that it is set up for 1v1. Get over the fact you will get run over in WvW from time to time. Honestly i would like to see Anet simply add a 1v1 ladder in the mists and get all the “I am the greatest” players out of WvW so there are room for players that want to be doing WvW.
Mestov- Thief
What I do when I see two guys fighting:
- If the guy from my server is winning -> I kill the other guy
- If the guy from my server is losing -> I kill the other guy
- They are not fighting -> I kill the other guy
If you are in normal traffic areas, red is dead. Clear and simple. Go play in some quiet location.
Mar Steadfast G, Silent Intrigue T, Mar Fidget Engi, Mar Fierce W, Silent Awe M
In GW2 since BWE1 ~ ~ ~ Guild leader of Legio Romana [LR], too
I’ve said it many times. Every WvW player should be able to flip a camp by his or her self. A camp with 1 to no invades in it. That’s the bare minimum of ability that needs to be developed. That way, one or two players can go around and flip camps. Something that is massively important to all those zerglets trying to take forts and keeps. It distracts the enemy and it dampens their supply rate.
Short answer: if its red its dead. I wont ever accept offers of a 1v1 duel mainly cause the players who want to duel are specced for duels, my necro is specced for group support in wvw and does little damage, taking ages for me to kill anyone 1v1.
Now for a story. Yesterday or the day before, I was alone at an enemy BL where there was 3 or 4 enemies waiting outside the spawn. I ran out and they started attacking me, so I kited one guy too close to guards and he got killed, that annoyed his guildie who tried to get me but i feared him into the guard range and he died too, then the 3rd guy started running away (kiting maybe) i killed him legit as more of his guildies arrived, who were also careless enough to get kited into guard range.
That’s when the group invite spam started, they were either mad or wanted to duel I assume. They had 6 guildies at this stage so I run out and start to fight one of them 1v1, it was a long drawn out fight, I couldn’t kill him and he couldnt kill me, I got bored and he got sloppy and he was kited into guard range and he died, then all his buddies charged me to kill me (cause what I did was not cool if you a dueler) and res their guildie but they got aoe feared and I managed to kill their glass cannon dps dude and spiked his heart surrounded by a well of darkness.
They did eventually kill me 6v1, but in the end I had 8 kills and they had 1. Duelers are skilled yo!