I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
(edited by Buy Some Apples.6390)
The cheapest I have found is from cdkeys at £22.99 (£21.84 with 5% off)
But, you can go to their facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/cdkeyscom/app_393344207416996, and simply enter any random email address to get a code to get 5% off. It’s technically for your first order, but you can use it more than once even with the same email address.
So with 5% off you can get the pre-purchase of HoT for £21.84
Posting on WvW forums cos we WvW players deserve a lower price!
If you found somewhere cheaper then please post.
(edited by Buy Some Apples.6390)
What? Noone sharing?
Is that a legit website? I would be afraid of getting ripped off from there.
My spidey sense is tingling.
I’ve bought from a few cd key places and not had problems.
HoT has been activated on my account and just got the extra character slot today added.
You can also pay via paypal, so if you ever do have issues you are protected there.
Bad news, the price has increased by £1 :’(
This is the cheapest one I’ve found:
Alas I had already bought the xpac for 39 euro at a other site.
As for it being trustworthy I’ve never had problems with g2a.com but I haven’t bought anything there in over a year (I prefer physical copies).
This is the cheapest one I’ve found:
Alas I had already bought the xpac for 39 euro at a other site.
As for it being trustworthy I’ve never had problems with g2a.com but I haven’t bought anything there in over a year (I prefer physical copies).
Ah but that’s the pre-order, not the pre-purchase. No free character slot for vets with a pre-order.
This is the cheapest one I’ve found:
Alas I had already bought the xpac for 39 euro at a other site.
As for it being trustworthy I’ve never had problems with g2a.com but I haven’t bought anything there in over a year (I prefer physical copies).
Ah but that’s the pre-order, not the pre-purchase. No free character slot for vets with a pre-order.
Well for those that want the pre-purchase version:
If it is not on the official list of retailers, any key you get can truly be ‘fake’/stolen and have your entire account shut down. It has happened before, and don’t take the sites word for whether or not they are authorized.
Even if someone does buy from a site like that, it is not the players fault. Anet dont have any grounds on which to take away the player’s full account, the most they can do is deactivate the invalid key.
Surely by punishing a player for trying to get a better deal but ending up buying from some dodgy dealer, then taking away the players accoutn and telling them they should have bought off them is against competition laws and antitrust laws?!
Yes, it is the players fault for not researching first and, in no moment, Anet stated we have to buy from them only.
There is a reason the retailers list is on display:
Have to remember it is a pre-purchase and items/bonus will be included into your account at the moment the key is redeemed. That makes harder to deactivate and invalid the key only since there are so many things tied to the account. Surely can be done, but can expect a long negotiation with the support to get a roll back to that account.
deal with anet, either by buying from them directly or by buying from a 3rd party they say theyre cool with. dont cheap out and get your account banned cuz some shady site got hold of a stolen credit card and your half price cd key “purchase” got hit by a chargeback when the cards owner figured out what happened. if cdkeys.com is someone anet authorized then… o.O too bad i missed out.
The cheapest I bought was from FunStockDigital, they are official retailer.
They have a 25% promo code and discounted standard edition, total is USD$34.
Now, their price is back to normal but promo code still works.
I managed to grab one at at £19.90 on AmazonUK at the end of July (the copies were all gone within a few hours). They were legit – physical case and everything – but just took a month to arrive.
Makes me question why people buy digital copies at £35.
And what if Walmart had a 50% off all video games day and sold HoT for $25? Then Anet doesnt like that and invalidates all the keys.
I remember then COD MW2 came out it was £55 and people were complaining about the price but buying on release day. Second day of release and a couple supermarkets were selling at £26.
A consumer buys, they dont research a company, especially an online company. If you had to do research on every company you buy from then that’s just insane!
Anet shouldnt just outright ban an account but allow the player to purchase another legit copy of HoT.
And I will cheap out cos HoT isnt worth the £35 they are asking for because it’s not a full expansion, £20 is more like it!
Even if someone does buy from a site like that, it is not the players fault. Anet dont have any grounds on which to take away the player’s full account, the most they can do is deactivate the invalid key.
Surely by punishing a player for trying to get a better deal but ending up buying from some dodgy dealer, then taking away the players accoutn and telling them they should have bought off them is against competition laws and antitrust laws?!
How about dodgy dealers running afoul of consumer protection laws? If you buy from a dodgy dealer and they don’t fix the issue with having sold you a bad key, most get away with it. That’s why they exist. But hey, that’s a free market, right?
Even if someone does buy from a site like that, it is not the players fault. Anet dont have any grounds on which to take away the player’s full account, the most they can do is deactivate the invalid key.
Surely by punishing a player for trying to get a better deal but ending up buying from some dodgy dealer, then taking away the players accoutn and telling them they should have bought off them is against competition laws and antitrust laws?!
No, if you buy a key from a website that is not legit, they pull your key, but this also disables your account. Period. The only way to reactivate it, is to apply a real legit key to it. This has happened, and you do not have any special rights just because a retailer may have sold you a fake key. Anet doesn’t care about the retailer, the retailer never paid Anet, and you were not entitled to a free key.
This isn’t entirely true, they do care about the retailer, they dont’ want fake keys or stolen keys sold. The problem is, these ‘fake’ keys can be activated and appear legit, even though Anet never generated the key. When this is discovered, the accounts are deactivated/banned.
I’m from norway and i got my copy from https://www.komplett.no/. Its a boxed copy! and its an official retailer
It costed me 27.37 british pounds incl shipping (converted from norwegian NOK). I cant believe i got it cheaper than they do in UK;) lol what a crazy world it has become…
They have invalidated accounts in the past with forged/stolen keys. Some users found out the hard way buying keys from G2A.
Anything other than from this list of retailer’s is going to be, Buy at your own Risk.
Consumer rights.
The buyer may have an illegitimate HoT copy, but they did buy a legit core game.
I didnt say anything about a free key, I did say if the above does happen the player should be given the chance to purchase a legit key, not just have their account teminated.
I am sure ANet will work with someone that turns up with a forged or stolen key but there are no guarantees and they are not obligated to do so.
The only “Consumer Right” at play here is between the seller of the key and buyer. ANet has the right to deny users access with improperly attained keys.
(edited by Straegen.2938)
Consumer rights.
The buyer may have an illegitimate HoT copy, but they did buy a legit core game.
I didnt say anything about a free key, I did say if the above does happen the player should be given the chance to purchase a legit key, not just have their account teminated.
Except the ToS dictate otherwise.
It has happened, and it will happen again. Don’t believe me? There is a certain Professor of Bearbow Math you should talk to.
The only “Consumer Right” at play here is between the seller of the key and buyer.
Well, I bought from Gaming Dragons for $33.
But it seems like I have to buy directly. I don’t want to risk my account.
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