Come to ET or FC

Come to ET or FC

in WvW

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652


Fergs are your true Spartans, outnumbered on all sides, but no matter the odds we fight till the death ;-)

Yes your guild is very formidable and wish I could fight beside you guys instead of fighting against them. Wish all you luck and hope you hope you get all the recruits you need to push ahead.

Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

Come to ET or FC

in WvW

Posted by: Advent.6193


Fergs are your true Spartans, outnumbered on all sides, but no matter the odds we fight till the death ;-)

Yes your guild is very formidable and wish I could fight beside you guys instead of fighting against them. Wish all you luck and hope you hope you get all the recruits you need to push ahead.

Realistically, you could. Just something for you to ponder. Hell, it’s not like any transfer to FC Wv3 wouldn’t get a welcome.

Malegryne (Sylvari Mesmer), Lannka (Asura Thief) – Ferguson’s Crossing: [PRD/BRB/OMFG]
Other 80s: Any but Warrior

Come to ET or FC

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


Fergs are your true Spartans, outnumbered on all sides, but no matter the odds we fight till the death ;-)

Yes your guild is very formidable and wish I could fight beside you guys instead of fighting against them. Wish all you luck and hope you hope you get all the recruits you need to push ahead.

Realistically, you could. Just something for you to ponder. Hell, it’s not like any transfer to FC Wv3 wouldn’t get a welcome.

And that would be a -1 to SF and a +1 to FC… Win, win situation for the balance.

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

Come to ET or FC

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409


Since everyone wants to jump on the band wagon of throwing pitches for every server, their own or others, I’ll thorw in my 2 cents.

Come to Ferguson Crossing

Are you a Die hard player. Do you not take death lying down. Does it take being spiked several times to finally kill you, do you laugh in the face of death? Does the fact that I am mentioning you will die, a lot, many times over, entice you to come check out what the deal is? Then FC is for you.
In Ferguson’s we can promise you brutal, bloody defeat, any day of the week, any time you want it, even at a moment’s notice. In fact if you tell our stellar commanders how and to whom you want to get killed by, they can oblige your request almost any time of the day or night.

At FC, we are on the top of our game even if we are on the bottom of the totem pole. We have fought some of the best servers around, and we take pride in the fact that when it comes to getting stomped. we are up there with the best of them. In fact, ask the last server that faced off against us, they moved to 2nd place because everyone between us and T2 was skared of them. That’s right, we faced off against some of the best servers ever, and lost brutally each time. but still we came back for more.

So if dirt naps, being overrun, and trampled to death under the boot heel of some oversized server that will one day make other servers quake in their path, knowing full well you were willing face anything, rushing to your death with wild abandon and fearlessness, then Ferg is the server for you. Wimps and Whiners need not apply.

Ferg, yes, we are all going to die here.

Come to Sorrows Furnace

Are you tired of winning and bragging about how great you are? Would you rather win and complain about it? Does the idea of overrunning the other servers on your tier for 6 weeks straight and still wanting to play the victim card turn you on? Do you feel the need to deny the people and teams that made your victories possible, by being able to outnumber and over coverage your opponents, and thus result in blow out match after blow out match. Then Sorrows Furnace is for you.

In fact, if you come to Sorrows Furnace, not only will your arrival be denied, your contribution will be as well. If that fills you with joy, and the idea of being able to whine even while winning is worth more then the winning itself. The yes, Sorrows Furnace can provide. Sorrows Furnace has been destroying it’s tier now for no less than 6 weeks straight, and still makes a fuss if other servers can get holdings on their land making claims of being asleep, or having no crew during that time, and if you want to be a part of that, come on down. We won’t admit you arrived, ever, and gosh if you leave, we will make a public parade that we are losing people in mass exodus.

Sorrows Furnace, for those that want to win and whine about it!

Come to Eredon Terrace

Does the state of confusion entice you? Do you feel the urge to blindly and rabidly follow a commander tag (Even off a cliff to your death) then Eredon Terrace is for you.

We have no tact, no order, and we depend on other people with blue Doritos chips over their heads to have a clue what to do and if that sounds like you, then ET is the place for you. Here at ET we follow directions, cluelessly and mindlessly we will brutalize anything that we are told to, once we finish capping this last point. So if you like being part of a zombie-eque brute squad, or leading one, Consider ET, in fact, we are so single-minded we will run back to a fight we just died in, simply because the commander hasn’t way pointed yet.

So, if you can’t grasp defeat, and want to know what it feels like to be on the Zombie side in a horror film, then Eredon is the server for you.

Eredon Terrace, Arrrrr Brainz!

Yes, this is all Satire and done in good fun

Thanks for the LOL this morning! It is raining here and apparently people here lose IQ when driving in the rain, horrible traffic.

Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

Come to ET or FC

in WvW

Posted by: Dark Omens.5768

Dark Omens.5768

Agreed… Reading that has almost made being at the in-laws house tolerable lol

Come to ET or FC

in WvW

Posted by: D W.5179

D W.5179

Come to Sorrows Furnace

Are you tired of winning and bragging about how great you are? Would you rather win and complain about it?

Haha, so good, and so true.

I stopped by to endorse moving to T8 and joining the ranks of ET or FC.
There is currently no end in sight for the SF/FC/ET match-up, so lets balance it the best we can.
Both FC and ET have no queue times to load in to WvW, and while SF outnumbers both of these servers, the T8 population as a whole is so low, that your small (or big) guild transferring could make all the difference.
Come to T8 and make a difference!

Come to ET or FC

in WvW

Posted by: Ebony.5738


agreed D W. any guild large or small that does wvw will make a difference in FC and ET wvw situation. even when i was running with my RL friends in wvw (party of 5) we were making one hell of a difference in the score. join FC or ET guys its fun and you wont regret it.


Come to ET or FC

in WvW

Posted by: Mehmed.9210


actually there is no reason to say these !!!

Come to ET or FC

in WvW

Posted by: Leogolas.6941


Join ET today ! We have commanders that fight all day( battlecamp ). ! We fight to the last man and leave No 1 behind.!
Best part is you get lots of loot bags! Woohoo !

[TSA] The Stuffed Animals
~We Are Deadly When Required~

Come to ET or FC

in WvW

Posted by: Dobri.9804


Join FC Why? Here’s the top 10 reasons to do so!

1. You dislike carelessly mashing buttons and spamming skills cause you know you will win anyway and there is no point in targeting or paying attention to what happens.
2. You don’t like to be some “newly promoted commander with minimal experience’s” lapdog who runs for the stick regardless where it’s thrown or thrown at.
3. You like participating in coordinated moves that bring fruit in the end.
4. You like beating the enemy with guile, cunning, wits and strategy, rather than just go zerg ‘em.
5. You already know you are a great player and you want to prove it by fighting against a stronger opposition.
6. You are not scared to hold a garrison with only 2-3 fellow WvW players vs 20-30 man zerg and laugh as you see them getting downed cause they just run around aimlessly following someone.
7. You don’t whine when you get killed by a zerg a few times. You like rallying back at citadel, giving info where the zerg was and joining another to go hunt the imposters down.
8. You are ready to storm the keep/garrison/tower/castle protected by a swarm of enemies without fear.
9. You are ready to risk it and assault SM with your fellow guildsmen without caring about the consequences. You die a glorious death, but you take a lot of enemies down with you. That is worthy of a Klingon opera!!!
10. You don’t go to the toilet just to stay with your zerg and in the end graciously wave your banner over Stonemist castle with your fellow FC players. Then you go and have the best leak of your life

Taerima (Dungeon Guardian), Xeona Shadow (Thief), Dobchan (Ranger)
Fergie, and proud!

(edited by Dobri.9804)

Come to ET or FC

in WvW

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652


Join ET today ! We have commanders that fight all day( battlecamp ). ! We fight to the last man and leave No 1 behind.!
Best part is you get lots of loot bags! Woohoo !

Lol…this is so far from the truth

Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace