ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Kuari.8106


wouldn’t it be easy to circumvent the breakout events by the opposing team(s) in control just by leaving one tower alone in a zone they dominated?

In theory, but at the same time, then you’re giving the opposing team a staging ground and a place to place siege in relative safety. Also gives them a place to go. Easier to push past a group to get into a defensive position then it is to wipe a group out.

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Fade.7658


WvW is still a joke with all the issues such as culling, stealth abuse and a host of other issues.

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Jeremy Winston.2165

Jeremy Winston.2165

wouldn’t it be easy to circumvent the breakout events by the opposing team(s) in control just by leaving one tower alone in a zone they dominated?

In theory, but at the same time, then you’re giving the opposing team a staging ground and a place to place siege in relative safety. Also gives them a place to go. Easier to push past a group to get into a defensive position then it is to wipe a group out.

I don’t think so. All the opposing team would have to do is control the one remaining tower, just not take it. They could theoretically keep the gates and walls down, just never killing the Lord.

First to die!

If I beat you, you might want to consider changing games.

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Kuari.8106


wouldn’t it be easy to circumvent the breakout events by the opposing team(s) in control just by leaving one tower alone in a zone they dominated?

In theory, but at the same time, then you’re giving the opposing team a staging ground and a place to place siege in relative safety. Also gives them a place to go. Easier to push past a group to get into a defensive position then it is to wipe a group out.

I don’t think so. All the opposing team would have to do is control the one remaining tower, just not take it. They could theoretically keep the gates and walls down, just never killing the Lord.

That level of teamwork is absurdly unlikely. Especially if there’s siege in the lord’s room.

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Jeremy Winston.2165

Jeremy Winston.2165

If they can control the entire board and NOT take the last remaining tower, they already have a lot of teamwork.

First to die!

If I beat you, you might want to consider changing games.

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Kuari.8106


If they can control the entire board and NOT take the last remaining tower, they already have a lot of teamwork.

There’s always going to be pugs. Once the wall goes down, pugs are going to go finish that lord off.

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Loco.4561


Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou for the ALT+F4 change in WvW, multiple times last night people were doing the ALT+F4 trick on me to deny me a kill, very annoying. Looking forward to the changes.

Mashup Bootleg ~ WvW Mesmer
Cyrus Glitch – sPvP/tPvP Mesmer
Doctor Loki – sPvP/tPvP/WvW Power Necro

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: deviller.9135


I disagree with the plan fix for “alt+f4/DC” just because you are in combat.

Simple scenario: I treb (maximum power) and hit a NPC/Player which put me in combat. Suddenly I DC-ed (maybe connection error, client crash, blue screen) before this “in combat” status dissipates. After I log in, I found my character died. Seriously died because you hit NPC/Player 10,000 units away from you and DC !!! Bravo….. (dunno if that player get exp/loot).

Suggestion: penalty should be given to a player, which is DC/Alt+f4, when the character is in combat and the character HP hits certain threshold (maybe 25% or 10% of her/his maximum HP) or while in downed state.

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


I disagree with the plan fix for “alt+f4/DC” just because you are in combat.

Simple scenario: I treb (maximum power) and hit a NPC/Player which put me in combat. Suddenly I DC-ed (maybe connection error, client crash, blue screen) before this “in combat” status dissipates. After I log in, I found my character died. Seriously died because you hit NPC/Player 10,000 units away from you and DC !!! Bravo….. (dunno if that player get exp/loot).

Thats an outlier so does it really matter? You get some minor repair cost so what, the other guy wouldn’t get anything cause he hasn’t landed a blow on you.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Cruore.2486


This looks bloody ripper.
Can’t wait for it to be implemented.
And yes people always find ways around something, but I like the effort being put in.

When you have to shoot, shoot, don’t talk!!!!

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: deviller.9135


I disagree with the plan fix for “alt+f4/DC” just because you are in combat.

Simple scenario: I treb (maximum power) and hit a NPC/Player which put me in combat. Suddenly I DC-ed (maybe connection error, client crash, blue screen) before this “in combat” status dissipates. After I log in, I found my character died. Seriously died because you hit NPC/Player 10,000 units away from you and DC !!! Bravo….. (dunno if that player get exp/loot).

Thats an outlier so does it really matter? You get some minor repair cost so what, the other guy wouldn’t get anything cause he hasn’t landed a blow on you.

Another scenario, in combat you almost kill your opponent (your opponent down there or just 1 last hit) and your HP still above 50%, suddenly you get disconnected. Your opponent, which should be dead, get exp and loot, which actually should be your; but for you: after you log in you watch your dead body + repair cost + if you are not in town, portal cost (yeah I know 1 – 3 s is not really big, but what I write is about what will people feel if their character die but they actually do not deserve it). Do you think it is fair ?

That is why I think the rule should be added, DC/alt+f4/crash in combat when your HP is below some threshold (which may be 25%, 10%, 50%, number can be changed) including down.

Again: I disagree with the planned mechanic (you died because you are DC/alt+f4 while in combat (in WvW, you are in combat not only because you are hitting an enemy NPC/player but also because you are hitting neutral NPC (or neutral NPC hit you)), not I disagree with the plan to fix “alt+f4” problem.

Some people has propose better mechanic (for example: there is xx seconds for every character in WvW still in their location after they disconnected) for this but Anet choose their own way. So my suggestion for this planned fix is still based on Anet.

(edited by deviller.9135)

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Sypsy.7318


I disagree with the plan fix for “alt+f4/DC” just because you are in combat.

Simple scenario: I treb (maximum power) and hit a NPC/Player which put me in combat. Suddenly I DC-ed (maybe connection error, client crash, blue screen) before this “in combat” status dissipates. After I log in, I found my character died. Seriously died because you hit NPC/Player 10,000 units away from you and DC !!! Bravo….. (dunno if that player get exp/loot).

Thats an outlier so does it really matter? You get some minor repair cost so what, the other guy wouldn’t get anything cause he hasn’t landed a blow on you.

Another scenario, in combat you almost kill your opponent (your opponent down there or just 1 last hit) and your HP still above 50%, suddenly you get disconnected. Your opponent, which should be dead, get exp and loot, which actually should be your; but for you: after you log in you watch your dead body + repair cost + if you are not in town, portal cost (yeah I know 1 – 3 s is not really big, but what I write is about what will people feel if their character die but they actually do not deserve it). Do you think it is fair ?

That is why I think the rule should be added, DC/alt+f4/crash in combat when your HP is below some threshold (which may be 25%, 10%, 50%, number can be changed) including down.

Again: I disagree with the planned mechanic (you died because you are DC/alt+f4 while in combat (in WvW, you are in combat not only because you are hitting an enemy NPC/player but also because you are hitting neutral NPC (or neutral NPC hit you)), not I disagree with the plan to fix “alt+f4” problem.

Some people has propose better mechanic (for example: there is xx seconds for every character in WvW still in their location after they disconnected) for this but Anet choose their own way. So my suggestion for this planned fix is still based on Anet.

I like the fact that if someone alt-F4 I do not have to spend time and skills to kill their now motionless body? How would I know they are d’c’d? It’s not like they’ll have an icon over their head or change a different colour. I’d spend dodging in anticipation or something of their secret no-move strategy. In this new implementation, the leaver does me a favour so I can move on to other targets or get out of the fray.

And be honest here, how often are you getting dc’d when you’re on the winning side of fighting. If we did it the way you want with a timeout, when you dc’d and the other person is down, they’ll just get up over a long period of time, and then kill you. The effect is the same.

Really, the people who alt-F4 are the people who are on their high horse entering a battle, then they die. They can’t cope with it, so they rage-quit to save face. (Yeah, doesn’t make sense.) If you did things like HP thresholds, people will dc before they hit that threshold, because the game has just dictated what the new “lost the battle” point is.

And finally. Lvl 80 gear costs 1 silver & 64 copper to repair. That is the cost of unlucky DC. If you need some gold, everyone can point you in one of many ways to get more coin. Heck, if you’re on my server and you died from dc’ing while you were trebbing and hit an npc, I’ll cover your repair cost. It’s the least I can do since you would have to have been trebbing for a while.

Elemental Concept
Illusionary Concept

(edited by Sypsy.7318)

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Istarien.3147


Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou for the ALT+F4 change in WvW, multiple times last night people were doing the ALT+F4 trick on me to deny me a kill, very annoying. Looking forward to the changes.

Sure, but it cuts both ways. I’ve never dc’ed from the game while in a PvE zone, except for fractals. I crash out of WvW on an almost-nightly basis. Logging back in dead and taking penalties for that is going to be really aggravating.

Isti (Engineer) | Niphredyl (Guardian) | Istra Ironfang (Necro) | [LotD] | Blackgate

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: magicthighs.5372


Another scenario, in combat you almost kill your opponent (your opponent down there or just 1 last hit) and your HP still above 50%, suddenly you get disconnected. Your opponent, which should be dead, get exp and loot, which actually should be your; but for you: after you log in you watch your dead body + repair cost + if you are not in town, portal cost (yeah I know 1 – 3 s is not really big, but what I write is about what will people feel if their character die but they actually do not deserve it). Do you think it is fair ?


Regina Dentata (Guardian)
Melenkurion Abathas (Thief)
Desolation (EU)

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Mian.1945


The insta-doors thing is a double edged sword. Quick repair was sorta silly but it was also a tool that helped a greatly outmanned side hang on to their tower/keep.

Its a design choice but it is going to push the balance towards offense and the larger team which is already high as is. Keep and tower doors are already paper relative to the firepower that is typically brought against them. This will make defending just that much harder which in turn discourages the weaker team.

If you are going ahead with this change I seriously recommend revisiting the strength of keep and tower doors and walls (especially keep doors and L2-3 walls)

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: uhohhotdog.3598


Alt+F4 is no escape

Why not instead leave the character of the player in the game for 10-20 seconds, vulnerable to attacks? This alternative method seems to be well established in plenty of similar online games, as it would avoid issues like being stuck in combat state without actually being attacked. If no enemy manages to kill this player within the time-frame, then no one should get any loot or death penalty.

(first, it’s awesome we’re getting these updates for Christmas, <333’s)

Exactly. While the penalty sounds like a satisfyingly brutal kitten to ALT-F4’rs from Arenanet, this just totally sucks for people that legitimately disconnect.

Sometimes my computer just reboots for no reason, do I get the death penalty? Sometimes the client crashes. Death penalty? Sometimes my cable modem just disconnects. What then?

If your computer is rebooting it’s likely overheating.

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: deviller.9135


1. If we did it the way you want with a timeout, when you dc’d and the other person is down, they’ll just get up over a long period of time, and then kill you. The effect is the same.
It can be true, it can be not. It depends on the period. 5 s period ? maybe. From down state ? impossible. 10 s ? possible. From down state ? maybe, 20 s ? highly. (and dont mix Anet plan “fix” with xx s the character is still in the game. If you try to compare then the scenario: Anet: alt+f4 while in combat >>>> die = 0 s to finish DC character before that character log-off completely. Can you finish a character in 0 s ?)

2. And be honest here, how often are you getting dc’d when you’re on the winning side of fighting.
What your definition of winning side ? you owned people by pressing F or just down them ? for pressing F: 0 (I rarely use of F to finish people), just down them: about 40 times.

3. Lvl 80 gear costs 1 silver & 64 copper to repair.
The truth: I don’t really care about it. WP cost ? I don’t really care. I do not need to go to the mist (PvP or WvW) just to get to LA or go to the bank or using black lion trading service.

4. If you did things like HP thresholds, people will dc before they hit that threshold, because the game has just dictated what the new “lost the battle” point is.
Threshold number still can be changed. 25%, 50% 75%, 80%, 90%, 99%. 99.99% (at least you were hit)? DC/alt+f4, you die ? fine (but how many times you see enemy alt+f4 when their HP is when 100%, above 75%, 50%, 25% ?), 100% ? alt+f4/DC, you die ?no way.

(edited by deviller.9135)

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


One side loses in wvw because it is outmanned. If we have the number, we do not need the npc commander gimmick. If we do not have the number, the npc commander will not even start to do his things. Something in the design does not seem right.

You’re outmanned. The event starts, you realize you need more people to kick it off. You spam for more people for the breakout event.

They will come.


ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Habib Loew.6239


Habib Loew.6239

Gameplay Programmer

Hi everyone,

Due to some unforeseen technical difficulties the system which provides advance notifications of new builds won’t be ready in time for the Wintersday build. We’re working to resolve the remaining issues and will turn on the new build advance notification system as soon as it’s ready. The rest of the features in this post will still go live as planned.

Thank you for your patience while we get the last issues ironed out of the new system.

ArenaNet Gameplay Programmer

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Jeremy Winston.2165

Jeremy Winston.2165

Thanks for the update. I really appreciate knowing that before it happens.

First to die!

If I beat you, you might want to consider changing games.

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: uhohhotdog.3598


I don’t like the no insta build walls. WvW is much too offensive. Taking away defensive tactics is not a way to go.

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Aneirin Cadwall.9126

Aneirin Cadwall.9126

The only way to get a zerg from chasing down a single opponent is to remove loot from player kills and increase badge rewards from completing major objectives, such as capturing a keep or a tower, and especially Stonemist. A grand chest that gives 10 badges would keep Stonemist interesting. As it stands, a world can keep itself in first place with or without Stonemist and there’s little incentive to spend the resources to take it.

Men who achieve some power desire more until they destroy themselves trying to get it.—Turai Ossa
Sanctum of Rall since beta 3. Mesmer since 1070 AE

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

I think I’m done with WvW and GW2 period. So many things changing and yet there are problems with the guild interface that has been a known issue for 3 months. When you can’t invite new members to a guild and it’s been 3 months, something is wrong with priorities. Random disconnects are now going to cost me a minimum of 1.64 silver on exotic armor. I know it’s not my connection as I have been monitoring it for almost 2 months now. I’ve started a character of every race and been through all content on at least 1, so it’s repetitious after that. WvW was my end game content and it appears the nerfing is in full swing now.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

I disagree with the plan fix for “alt+f4/DC” just because you are in combat.

Simple scenario: I treb (maximum power) and hit a NPC/Player which put me in combat. Suddenly I DC-ed (maybe connection error, client crash, blue screen) before this “in combat” status dissipates. After I log in, I found my character died. Seriously died because you hit NPC/Player 10,000 units away from you and DC !!! Bravo….. (dunno if that player get exp/loot).

Thats an outlier so does it really matter? You get some minor repair cost so what, the other guy wouldn’t get anything cause he hasn’t landed a blow on you.

1.64 silver minimum for exotic armor repair is not exactly minor. The penalty also applies to aggro NPC’s being near you as well. Just remove the armor repair cost in WvW altogether, problem solved. There’s no repairs in Spvp, doesn’t make much sense in WvW. There’s much bigger fish to fry, or to put it in plain english, there’s much bigger problems than this that should be dealt with. Or just run around naked all the time. Makes sense to me…

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

No armor equipped = no repair penalty. I can see this being exploited.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


erm i gotta say i like the breakout event eventhough it is crazy as ther was a giant zerg taking advantage of it and we are already having a hard time to keep anything. so now ther is this extreemly op champion tat hits u for like 7000 -10000 or even higher and the zer and being attacked from both servers at the same time in your own borderland. once they get those towers we can be trebbed constantly and that BREAKOUT event spawn instantly again and again and again and the giant zerg even pushed off keeps getting the towers and after those towers gon bye bye borderland and hello unbalanced 2vs1 the leading server should not be getting the breakout event and same with zergs that can joint the event.the event should instantly stop if there is more than intended.
zergs are exploiting it and now we are losing everything after we finally managed to get at least a few things back after being steamrolled by both servers. this needs to be adjusted immediatly as we already have problems with numbers and will not be able to keep anything. breakout should never appear for the leading servers only for the losing once and only if outnumbered!

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Kwaza.4612


Ok i saw breakout event and i dont like it. I dont want fight vs almost unkillable npc in PvP zone its stiupid idea. ANent why you try so hard makes me happy. This event just gave more populated servers more power. for exaple Piken Square dont have too many WvW players we got so high with WvW ranking only thanks to our strategy and spend a lot of money for upgrades in our home borderlands and keep enemies definiately out of this zone. We are fighting at outmanned buff almost all the time your freaking NPC gave more populated servers more power and now we need to fight (1piken : 3-4 enemies + almost unkillable NPC) we are experience players we could fight vs other humans but now im out i dont want fight vs unkillable NPC’S i dont have fun of it. Im really disapointed of this change and i really dont have any fun of defending Piken borderlands because we just cant hold it. Its named event but for beeing honest you just give tower to the enemies without almost any chances of defend it. After you lose low land towers its seriously easy to lose Bay or Hills.

ANet your breakout event brokeout piken square players. I was talking with a lot of guilds and players and nobody of us like this change.

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Hello there, would love to make a WvW request.

Perhaps for April Fool’s Day, if you drink a ruminant tonic, you are able to summon all the doylaks in the map to come stampeding in and stomp on your enemy. And by stomp I mean big, comical, jumping pounces up and down on the back of an enemy you knock down, until dead.

Thank you!



L’enfer, c’est les autres

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Cover Girl.2580

Cover Girl.2580

Dear Habib.

Why did you take /rank out of wvw? it was one of the few things I enjoyed anymore. is it so game changing that you had to take it out instead of fixing other real problems?
put it back.


Sanctum of Rall
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Svarty.8019


Free transfers, Habib, FREE TRANSFERS are ruining WvW!

How many times do you need to be told?

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Saweth You Him.9047

Saweth You Him.9047

So I buy the game and set up a bullpen of 5 level 80s striving to gear them for WvW and you change the rules and turn WvW into trash. I walk into the EB puzzle. I get tapped by an arrow cart. I get swarmed by ten people. I’m dead. Who would have ever possibly though that there would be posses of people compensating for something else in their life griefing the hell out of someone before their character has even loaded. I actually set up one of my 80s in lvl 2 whites to scout for people compensating in their loopy craven ego craving hollow nicotine soul meritless forever always need grief cloud to see if it’s even worth bringing in one of my geared 80s to fight for my server. Why are their repair costs on armor in WvW. There isn’t repair costs on armor in Mists pvp. Suddenly the organization curve is a vertical line and you can’t just zone in and join a fight unless you want to pay a gold a day in repair costs. I see every incentive to always transfer to the best server and join the grief cloud. I won’t but I bet you many will. Suspended vanity WvW. Stop thinking and leave well enough alone. You turned war into a griefing match.

so sayeth the great innuendo

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Saweth You Him.9047

Saweth You Him.9047

How about running two instances of WvW on two groups of servers. One the old way where the object is to capture towers, keeps, and the castle. And one this new trash way where the object is to kill with complete abandon.

so sayeth the great innuendo

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Abyssion.7386


It is very concerning that Arena-net pushed this through. Now the majority must pay the price for a few individuals. If players are having game client issues, they should not be punish with a death and a repair bill. So what if the another player logs off of the game client in the middle of combat. That player is doing more harm to their own team by doing so.

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: LameFox.6349


I’m not a fan of the NPC assist helping on taking a down a def structure in the zone. That is not the type of handout they need. That just creates something which wont actually help them recover, in fact, it will just make it appears as you can’t really push a team off a map, without being punished for it, because they are getting a freebee, which is making them harder to kill. Something about that is just wrong.

I like the dolyak spawning at the waypoint, and offering supply(thats great!). Because supply is hard to aquire when greatly out numbered.

So i would like to make a suggestion that actually supports the “outmanned” realm instead of just the realm that got pushed off the map. Because honestly, if 2 teams are even population, and one gets pushed off the map, then the only issues is those players skill, and not population, and thus, they should not be rewarded with a free NPC god to help them take a tower that the other skilled players worked for.

Now IF it’s a population issue, adjust the outmanned buff. But don’t increase the power of the players at all, or the players def ability. No, keep it something reall does help them, and not just help them when they are finally pushed out the map, but something that helps them during the entire fight while they are out manned. And this can also go side by side with ORBs of power when they are returned to the game.

-33% magic find/xp/coin (thats fine)
-When outmanned, all your realms siege equipment deals 200% damage.
-When outmanned, all your realms siege equipment takes 50% less damage.

That change above would still allow the outmanned players to still stand a fight, and take objectives successfully, and be able to defend and hold them.

-Each orb your realm controls provides a 5% increase to damage/healing, for a max of 15%
-For each additional ORB controlled beyond 1, your realms walls/doors take an additional 10% damage. So if your realm controls 2 Orbs, your walls/doors take 10% more damage. If your realm controls 3 Orbs, your walls/doors take an additional 20% damage.

This allows the idea of great power also comes at a price of weaker structures.

Please don’t give free handouts with some NPC commander. it’s not a good idea, and actually does not help anyone.

This is the kind of system that should have been implemented to begin with. WvW is unlike any other part of the game in that the better you perform, the easier it gets. You have more buildings as a buffer zone, you have the time and supplies to get upgrades, and you probably still have greater numbers if it gets to the point people are trapped in their spawn. What do they have? No supplies, less people, no upgrades or expendable towers to give them time to respond to attacks.

Now instead of addressing that issue by changing the design of WvW to something intelligent, they throw in super-powered NPCs so that even if you do manage to turn things around, it’s just going to cheapen that for all sides involved. I feel like the people who come up with ideas for WvW don’t even play it, or maybe they hang around on the servers lucky enough to get a permanent set of good matches in this stale, barely mobile system.

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Saweth You Him.9047

Saweth You Him.9047

“Alt+f4 is no escape” should definitely be undone. Or remove repair costs on armor. The penalty for death should be respawn and run back. You barely get anything for killing another player anyways. Maybe a badge or a broken fang. I have a 1000 badges in my bank waiting for a future patch to introduce something worth spending them on because soldier gear is easily shut down by weakness. All the CC melee abilities are on long cooldown so I don’t see the benefit of running soldier over valkyrie/knight or pure carrion for big crits plus survivability or compounding condition damage plus survivability both of which go around the weakness debuff.

As far as the breakout event is concerned the siege turtles from fort aspenwood in GW1 should be reintroduced with slightly greater range than a trebuchet and a few escort npcs to clear any enemy siege structures than are keeping the attacking force pinned in. The turtle shold have two attacks. The trebuchet range attack for killing enemy siege and a mortar attack to kill enemy players so enemy players can’t kite around the trebuchet attack and render the turtle immobile.

so sayeth the great innuendo

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: LameFox.6349


It doesn’t need to be undone, it just needs to leave people in game for ~10 to ~20 seconds instead of auto killing them. If someone can’t kill an afk player they were fighting in that timeframe they would have lost anyway.

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Pestilence.3184


so what happens to the poor guys in WVW with this genuine “Memory dump” crash?? as this disconnects us uncontrollably and is random after so long of being in 1 place??? i have this “Issue” and so do a LOT of other guy/gals on my server. its a great idea BUT how about FIXING this problem before you do any more SEASONAL EVENTS id like the ability to sit and play for more than 45mins with changing zones before i crash, and as im a keen WVW player im getting punished for playing right now if i crash, i log back on and hey presto im dead at LA or somin.

and before someone posts its my machine ITS NOT

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Nefar.8135


WvW is getting to be easy mode more and more.

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Gankfest.4965


Please tell me these aren’t the only changes… I really hope engine customization is in there or I’m going to have to find a new game to play!

Gankfest™ ~ <PRX> ~ JQ
80 ~ Thief/Guardian

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


Uh, these changes were already mostly implemented except advanced notifications. This is an old thread.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Gankfest.4965


Uh, these changes were already mostly implemented except advanced notifications. This is an old thread.

Tired, thought this was about the upcoming changes in February! Carry On!

Gankfest™ ~ <PRX> ~ JQ
80 ~ Thief/Guardian

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Chiolas.1326


unless you want to pay a gold a day in repair costs

That’s just sad…

Quit WvW and Gw2 in August 2013

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: beren.6048


The “Alt+F4 is no escape” I don’t like at all. Why? Well very often I have an DC and especially when a big zerg vs zerg fight breaks out. Now I find my self death while I could have escaped. If the game is not bug free and DCs constantly then this is not a nice feature at all.

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: HeliaXDemoN.1208


No loot change? I will wait out of wvw until this change.

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Gnat.5124


The “Alt+F4 is no escape” I don’t like at all. Why? Well very often I have an DC and especially when a big zerg vs zerg fight breaks out. Now I find my self death while I could have escaped. If the game is not bug free and DCs constantly then this is not a nice feature at all.

If you dc very often it isn’t the game at fault but your connection or hardware. I have dcd maybe twice since the game came out. F4 is good as it is…

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Ljiona.9142


Hackers don’t use the ALT F4 anyways. They use the heck where you can’t finish them off. Come on ANET, you are 4 months behind the current hacks.

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Plok.6145


No loot change? I will wait out of wvw until this change.

There is nothing wrong with the loot in wvw, kill more people.


Commander Plok The Original Leader of Shadow of Agony [GOAT]

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Roo Stercogburn.9671

Roo Stercogburn.9671

There is nothing wrong with the loot in wvw, kill more people.

This I like

Master Baker on Gunnars Hold serving you hot cookies.
Looney vids at
Midnight Mayhem

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: beren.6048


The “Alt+F4 is no escape” I don’t like at all. Why? Well very often I have an DC and especially when a big zerg vs zerg fight breaks out. Now I find my self death while I could have escaped. If the game is not bug free and DCs constantly then this is not a nice feature at all.

If you dc very often it isn’t the game at fault but your connection or hardware. I have dcd maybe twice since the game came out. F4 is good as it is…

Or maybe it happens because of bugs and bad programming and so very often I have seen MMOs slowly becoming more and more stable. You maybe have another video card that is better supported or maybe you have a 64 bits system (the game seems to run better on 64bits). Or maybe you have more RAM and if there is a memory leak it doesn’t occur fast enough for you. My system meets more than the minimum requirements and there is nothing wrong with the connection, because other MMOs run just fine with the highest graphics quality. DCs happen a lot and not only with me, multiple DCs in the guild are very normal.

They know a DC happened because they give a report to Anet dialog box, at the very least they shouldn’t “kill” a character if a crash occurred.