Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Creslin.1758


Sooooo…we’ve probably all been in this situation before.

You’re fighting the good fight in WvW, but the enemy finally manages to down you and defeat you. However…it doesn’t end there. After defeating you, they all proceed to stand on your body and engage in various aerobics including, but not limited to, jumping and dancing, just to rub it in.

While we all know this is unsportsmanlike behavior, I will admit that at times it is pretty funny. And even I do it on occasion. So my question to you all is…

When do you feel that post-mortem humilation is appropriate?

Personally, I tend to do it either to people who have proved to be really annoying, or who have done something exceptionally stupid. For example, if a group of players chases me all the way back into my spawn and gets killed by the legendary defenders…you can believe they are getting jumped on lol.

Magaera Enflanza (F Human D/D Ele)
[Envy], [Moon]

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Sundial.9015


Its fine. You can’t see names or use /say. You can message them but I am sure that is not working as intended. I find most of the time it feels like its done with good sportsmanship and “tough love” in mind. Anyways thats how it feels to me most of the time, I don’t get any negativity out of it.

If they take away emotes you will lose alot of the funny moments of offense/defense stalemates where people start dancing for the lulz.

I find it humorous when my enemies do this to me and I occasionally do it as well. If you don’t like it, just respawn.

Sundial, Necromancer – Aurora Catulus, Engineer – Kaine Illuma, Elementalist
WvW Captain – Horde of Miscreations, Borlis Pass Alliance

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Dacromir.6207


My favorite situation is when I do something epic but then they corpse-jump me. I’ve jumped into a 1v3 and managed to down and finish one of the enemies before I die, only to have them rez their downed ally and watch him jump on my corpse. I killed you in a 1v3; you have nothing to jump about. Makes me laugh every time, because I can’t figure out whether they’re bragging or really angry.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Jamaz.9837


Guys that don’t like this are the same people who ruined endzone shenanigans in the NFL.

Ehmry Bay – The Shadowmoon

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

When do you feel that post-mortem humilation is appropriate?

Usually when the corpse sitting on the ground is spying and not returning to spawn. We give them incentive to do so.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


The best is when they are doing it and they get rolled by people from your server. Then it is mandatory that you tea bag them 5 times.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Seren.6850


I lost a 1v1 to engineer once, and he bowed

I salute anyone I thought was doing a nice job if I have the time, which I Sadly don’t.

SoS original -“They mostly come out at night … mostly”
[FIRE] Serene Snow, Warrior

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: mangarrage.1062


Fact is you will find tons of wowbabies in every game. You can’t really help that. I personally havent seen it and would never do it, but I understand the boundless quantities of immaturity people have

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Preacher.4836


Personally the only time i’ve done this is when we have just pushed away a zerg but the dead don’t way-point and just lay their spying/waiting to be rez’ed. I jump up and down on their head and give them something to report about.


Preacher Roy-Guardian, Preacherroy-Engineer, Necro Preacher-Necromancer, Preacher Clone-Mesmer

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


I’ll do a /sleep or something on them if I think they’re dead spies trying to keep an eye on what we’re up to, but other than that there’s usually too much going on to bother with meaningless taunting.


Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Creslin.1758


Fact is you will find tons of wowbabies in every game. You can’t really help that. I personally havent seen it and would never do it, but I understand the boundless quantities of immaturity people have

Eh lighten up, it’s funny.

I’ve been corpse jumped PLENTY of times, and I’ve given the jumps as good as I got them lol.

One of my finest jumping sessions just happend yesterday. My friend (on Skype) and I had set up a Ballista on a ridge that could hit people that were defending a keep on the wall. After the ballista wiped them, they decided to try to launch a surprise attack on it by portaling a group of four onto the single ballista operator.

But I saw them before they pulled it off and warned the ballista operator as I ran up to help. I got up there and they all focused me while the ballista killed them lol….I didn’t even get downed. Then, they decided to rez their downed guy while the ballista fired on them at point blank range lolol. 4v2 surprise attack ballista in melee range, and we won.

You can believe there was some jumping after that lol.

Magaera Enflanza (F Human D/D Ele)
[Envy], [Moon]

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Mysticforce.5096


When I manage something epic, like winning a 1vs3 or more, or just after a really good 1vs1 I just /bow.

Or, if an uplifted lvl80 puts up a good fight, I also /bow to show respect.

Never did find a need to /dance or /jump on corpses – besides, you don’t really want to waste time doing that when who knows when their reinforcements would arrive. Occasionally I get jumped on or danced at…but that’s just part of the game, and the only reason I see it is because I’m corpse scouting anyway~

Tarnished Coast
Orisletum [TFH] – 80 Necromancer
Oriscalamitas [TFH] – 80 Engineer

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Rhett.9360

Lord Rhett.9360

I tend to leave after a battle is over, regardless of whether I “steamrolled” my foe(s) or just barely won. One exception to this are when I’m in the EB jumping puzzle and someone picks a fight instead of respectfully passing by. Then, I stomp them, but let them get back up. If they do it again, I stomp them again, and they see “Devona’s Rest Invader defecates on your corpse,” before I bust out some dance moves. The other exception is when I’m sparring with the same guy and no one else is around. The winner dances while the loser makes his way back for another round.

My Little Dolyak: Supply is Magic

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Samhayn.2385


I just walk away. No reason to have people think they where more then a bag of meat between me and my target.

It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: NatashaK.9418


You’re only really lying there while you’re downed. And then you can throw stuff back at them. If you’re fully dead, I’m not sure why you’re not zoomed out to map and tapping.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: mulch.2586


If it didn’t bother at least some people, no one would do it.

In a game like this where there’s no death penalty, to me it’s w/e

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Grumpdogg.6910


I salute worthy opponents.

Dancing, jumping pandas should go back to their console games.

“I swung a sword, I swung a sword again, oh look I swung a sword again!”
- Colin Johanson while spamming key 1 in GW2

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Dominae.3146


I sit on corpses of mesmers blatantly inside keeps waiting for res, or people obviously spying. I don’t subscribe to the “make other people miserable for teh lulz” online playstyle though, always felt like a bully mentality to me. I’d rather the player I killed be all “wow I just got my face stomped by that person, gg dude” than “zomg i h8 u and ur emote skills i so mad!!!!”

What bums me out is it is such a 1-sided conversation.

I mean, you can be one of a few random defenders in a tower, fight the good fight, down and maybe kill 3 people yourself amidst the enemy zerg mindlessly hacking away at the Lord … and then some random person finally takes you out and spams /laugh for 2 straight minutes over your corpse?

I’d love a /point out that you took out 3 of his friends while outnumbered 25-vs-3 emote, ya know?

… or a way to flag people you dislike, so you can recognize them later and get revenge. It is too hard to keep track of who you’re fighting when you’re all spray-painted 1 color and usually wearing the same gear.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Toble.2968


I enjoy a good teabag every once in a while..

Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Raven Paradox.1860

Raven Paradox.1860

Being a male Charr, the laugh is too perfect in WvW scenarios to not use it….

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Zahdane.4029


I’ve done /dance once.
A thief tried jumping me – but he wasn’t very good I guess. Killed him.
The moment the spike is down another thief has a go at me.
20 seconds later he’s dead next to his buddy.

I had to give a little jangle between em =)

I’ll also do /bow or /salute if it’s a really good 1v1 without any adds.

Zahzah – Stormbluff Isle
Asura Engineer

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: fellyn.5083


I don’t know when it’s appropriate but I do know when it’s inappropriate. When you come across a large group of players (10 or more) and they manage to chase you down and kill you and act like it was some amazing feat.

Bravo guys. You beat me 10v1 and put on an impressive display of skill. I know I’m amazing but you got me. Good work.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: kgptzac.8419


Things like this has been in existence as long as multiplayer games featuring playable characters. Not a big issues I’d say, since the people dancing on your corpse is not contributing to their team as much as you are, if your decision to not revive is a tactical one (such as providing intel to your team, etc.)

a shard of crystal in the desert.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: LoneCrow.6912


Just wish they’d put a /rude in like every OTHER FRICKEN MMO

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Creslin.1758


I don’t know when it’s appropriate but I do know when it’s inappropriate. When you come across a large group of players (10 or more) and they manage to chase you down and kill you and act like it was some amazing feat.

Bravo guys. You beat me 10v1 and put on an impressive display of skill. I know I’m amazing but you got me. Good work.

Hahah I actually find that funny.

And in a similar situation, when I lead a group of 10 players all the way across the map, and then deliberately let them down me right outside my spawn line, so I can insta-mistform (thanks ANet) and get inside the spawn line, then revive myself as they all shoot me to the sweet feedback of “invulnerable.”

I will always put on a nice little dance show for them once I get up.

Magaera Enflanza (F Human D/D Ele)
[Envy], [Moon]

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Jinks.2057


Emote everyone.

Emoting sub 80’s is even more satisfying.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Paljas.2581


I always teabag the players I kill. I hate it when people do it to me, so there must be others out there who also rage when it’s done to them.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Phantom.8130


there are only 2 times i ever really emote after a fight. if it’s a good tough fight, i /bow. if someone’s corpse spying, i take off my armor and pants and /sit on their face until they respawn or get booted via the afk timer. if they want to corpse spy, that’s what they should expect to get.

there was one time, however, that used /dance to try to goad a zerg into a trap. it didn’t work, as they didn’t take the bait.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Creslin.1758


there are only 2 times i ever really emote after a fight. if it’s a good tough fight, i /bow. if someone’s corpse spying, i take off my armor and pants and /sit on their face until they respawn or get booted via the afk timer. if they want to corpse spy, that’s what they should expect to get.

there was one time, however, that used /dance to try to goad a zerg into a trap. it didn’t work, as they didn’t take the bait.

LOL I remember once this group of like 5 was chasing me for a long time. But when I crossed a river, they stayed on other bank and it seemed like they were going to turn back. So I faced them, did /dance, and they IMMEDIATELY started chasing me again. Funniest thing ever…

In the end, I trained them to my spawn, and I think we got a few of them.

Magaera Enflanza (F Human D/D Ele)
[Envy], [Moon]

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Paljas.2581


I don’t know when it’s appropriate but I do know when it’s inappropriate. When you come across a large group of players (10 or more) and they manage to chase you down and kill you and act like it was some amazing feat.

Bravo guys. You beat me 10v1 and put on an impressive display of skill. I know I’m amazing but you got me. Good work.

Exactly one of my favorite reasons to do it, it plays on the emotion of the killed player, whether it’s annoyance or pity or whatever. Mission accomplished.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: kgptzac.8419


there are only 2 times i ever really emote after a fight. if it’s a good tough fight, i /bow. if someone’s corpse spying, i take off my armor and pants and /sit on their face until they respawn or get booted via the afk timer. if they want to corpse spy, that’s what they should expect to get.

there was one time, however, that used /dance to try to goad a zerg into a trap. it didn’t work, as they didn’t take the bait.

I don’t understand this. Do you not think that there’s better things to do (ie, join the fight against opposing servers) than “spying” than a dead spy?

Also, last time I checked being able to gather intel while dead is working as intended. I don’t see why people think somehow it’s dishonorable or whatnot. I think you probably are amusing the dead guy cus not only he’s providing intel to his team, he’s taking out one less able body off your team which is an advantage—however slight it is—to their team.

a shard of crystal in the desert.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Eihder.8961


If my team just rolled over a camp with siege, facing 2 to 1 odds and won. Yes i will dance and yes i think its appropriate, dont forget even the ewoks danced after owning the empire. Yub yub.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: chronos.4239


I dance on peoples corpses all the time. Its all just good fun I see nothing wrong with it. If you cant handle corpse dancing in a video game then you have big issues.

[AAO] Hohenheimm

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Creslin.1758



LOL, great point about the Ewoks.

Magaera Enflanza (F Human D/D Ele)
[Envy], [Moon]

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Obed.7629


I don’t do it — I’m more likely to bow if somehow I won a 1v1 — but it’s not big deal.

It’s just a game, you’re not really dead, and you can leave any time you like. And if they do it after you have kicked a bunch of kitten, it is because they are relieved to have finally downed you.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


i’m sorry but when my opponent(s), especially in a 1v1 situation(sometimes more) do something so stupid that even their party members would ask what they were thinking, (IE charging into a group of ten people by yourself as a ranger) you probably deserve to be dance’d on. although i tend to </laugh

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: bobitsch.1473


I do it everytime to enemies, thinking they are brave heroes or play like wannabe pros

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Trock Bronze.9625

Trock Bronze.9625

it’s whatever really, sometimes it’s justified, other times they don’t deserve to gloat but if you let it get to you then your at fault.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Razeo.2309


It is best for team build. I propose to fellow SBI thugs that you must /point and /laugh at all times to dead people. Jump on head too. Makes enemey hate you and your server. This is best for not allow to see them next to you when next big bandwagon server disolve.

Like JQ think they are really good. always 3rd place in tier 1 until HoD (dominate server) disolve and make JQ. Now JQ bandwagon.


Zibzab [sOLo]

HoD disolves and SBI still can’t take 1st! It’s precious to see the little ones try tho.

As far as dancing goes, I have yet to be danced upon. I’ve died many many times, but no one danced??? People are too classy these days…

That’s because all the bandwagoners who went to HoD transferred over to JQ after TA left. Haven’t you noticed any difference in you WvW pop? Because everyone else does.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Firefly.4165


When do you feel that post-mortem humilation is appropriate?

Anytime. I don’t stick around long enough to witness it as I’ve already revived to get back into the fight. This isn’t ballet.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Scotia.9581


If you can’t handle this 6 year-old ankle-biter stuff, then you shouldn’t be playing this “T” rated game.
You yourself said you did it.

We are the Angels of Misfortune! (AoM)
Borlis Pass
“If you can’t hang with the big dogs, get off the forums!”

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Creslin.1758


If you can’t handle this 6 year-old ankle-biter stuff, then you shouldn’t be playing this “T” rated game.
You yourself said you did it.

I don’t have anything against it. I actually enjoy a good corpse jump lol.

I was just curious when other people felt it was acceptable to do.

Magaera Enflanza (F Human D/D Ele)
[Envy], [Moon]

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Firefly.4165


It’s a game. Curious, why would it not be acceptable?

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Creslin.1758


It’s a game. Curious, why would it not be acceptable?

Basically just meaning unsportsmanlike. For example, if I do something stupid like get killed by spawn guards, then jumping on me is perfectly acceptable in my mind.

But if I have an epic 1v1 match with someone that goes on for like 5 minutes, then corpse jumping is just bad form.

Magaera Enflanza (F Human D/D Ele)
[Envy], [Moon]

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Firefly.4165


Ah I see. I just see it as time wasting :p It’s not like he’s dragging your corpse down the street.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


I act as politely as possible. Often I do /bow.

It’s a game. Curious, why would it not be acceptable?

You do know some religions/people consider “real life” a game as well? They could use the same reasoning as you do.

There is no difference between a game and a real life. None. A game is a part of your real life. If you act like an immature idiot in the game, you’re not going to convince me that you’re anything else in real life.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: spif.7580


When someone just won’t get off your nutz during WvW and you end up pulling off a 1v4 – that’s a teabaggin.

Rockin the outmanned buff as you push a group of campers out of your BL northern supply camp – that there’s a teabaggin.

Someone chased after you while you were invading their territory; running halfway across the map to just have you turn around and spike them into the ground? You better believe that’s a teabaggin.

My favorite is:


The laugh makes you stand up.

All in good fun. It’s a great way to get semi-anonymous cross-server whispers.

—- Kaineng : Nuke → Saarc ---

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Jerkstore.9234


I do it everytime to enemies, thinking they are brave heroes or play like wannabe pros

Or maybe they’re just learning the game, and are dozens of (perhaps even 79) levels below you. I don’t mind when someone violates my corpse—I’m level 80. It’s when I see level 80’s do it to up-leveled players or when zergs do it to small groups who were just in the wrong place. I wish there was an emote for “sorry pal, you were just in the wrong place”.

I hope you’re exaggerating when you say you dance on every corpse. Seems like, with your ability to take down brave heroes and wannabe pros, your server mates would much rather you spend your time dominating the battlefield than dancing in the wake of your zerg.

J W Weatherman – Engineer
[GH] – Ehmry Bay

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Firefly.4165


There is no difference between a game and a real life. None. A game is a part of your real life. If you act like an immature idiot in the game, you’re not going to convince me that you’re anything else in real life.

I’d consider that being waaay too serious. But then again, I find that gaming is a fantasy and not real at all. People do act differently when they have the internet anonymity. However, that may be off topic and a discussion for another thread.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: TeamBattleAxe.3901


This is what you get for invading my server.