Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: grind.3681


Just scrubs having an ego trip. Best ones are when full exotic 80 do it to >80.

I mean really? Get a life.

umad?if u get affected by this u are the one that needs to get a life

piken square,necrosis

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


Just scrubs having an ego trip. Best ones are when full exotic 80 do it to >80.

I mean really? Get a life.

umad?if u get affected by this u are the one that needs to get a life

No not mad, just disgusted at how immature people are. Like I said just people having an ego trip, trying to fill some void in their life. Pretty sad actually.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: grind.3681


its just a dance or laugh emote in a game dont take it so seriously ,especially norn male dancing is hilarious

piken square,necrosis

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Just scrubs having an ego trip. Best ones are when full exotic 80 do it to >80.

I mean really? Get a life.

umad?if u get affected by this u are the one that needs to get a life

No not mad, just disgusted at how immature people are. Like I said just people having an ego trip, trying to fill some void in their life. Pretty sad actually.

But it’s not immature to be severely bothered by another player performing an emote in a video game right? You may want to re-examine your argument.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: SoPP.7034


Ill dance on dead Invisi rendering Thieves cause u just know in that moment their ‘l33t’ skills didn’t pay off and they know it.

A warrior, a guardian, and an elementalist walk into an open field…
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Dane.3948


If this bothers you then there is something wrong with you.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Cunnart.6519


The only time I do it is when the corpse has been laying on the ground for an excessive amount of time, it either means they are spying or went AFK.

ThUn-Black Tide EU
An american abroad.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: grind.3681


now i know ppl get annoyed by this i am gonna do it more xd

piken square,necrosis

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Katsumoto.9452


Did it once when an enemy thief missed all his heartseeker’s, his steal and his backstab on me and then I turned around, used steal, the stealth ability I got from steal, sword stealth move (daze), activated my chill venom, some auto attacks, then sword 2, and finished him with pistol whip. He tried heartseeking again mid fight but a couple of evades messed that idea up.

I have no issue with D/D thieves, glass cannon thieves or nothing like that. Just the ones that are like hue heartseeker heartseeker heartseeker, and don’t even take the time to be sure they hit. He was lvl 80 too, i’m a mere 75.

Aurora Glade [EU]

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Gardavil.1762


So my question to you all is…

When do you feel that post-mortem humilation is appropriate?

Never imho.

Personally I still bow to my adversary when I defeat them especially if I felt it was a good fight and honorable .I don’t always have time to do so, but I do not fight in WvW to humiliate people. I fight for my World and her honor. For me to act with no class brings dishonor to my World and my Guild.

I ignore those Players that have no good manners and simply respawn. I do not let them ruin my fun.

stumble stumble crawl crawl

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: EpicDiva.7653


I don’t mind the dancing or even waving at my corpse. Tonight I experienced something different. Since the introduction of the candy corn. I had my first enemy puke on my corpse. The sportsmanship of that person is top notch.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


If this bothers you then there is something wrong with you.

I understand that moral relativism, trash culture, and profanity are considered something positive today in Western civilization. Oldfashioned as some of us are, we still strive towards noble behavior, gentleman manners, and certain values.

So there’s something wrong with me because I disagree with this display of disrespect and intent of humiliation of other players? But if I treated other players like garbage only because they’re worse than me in a videogame, that would be “right”?

O tempora, o mores..

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Netsu.3769


I’m not doing it to feel better that I won or to rub it in really, I just do it for the kicks. I for sure am having more fun when I see opposing players do emotes instead of just running away, makes the game more engaging.

It doesn’t really matter much if they bow or laugh or dance or vomit (this must have been hilarious though), they’re not doing it to me, they’re doing it my character. I mean come on, we’re killing each other in this game for points. The lore isn’t really all fluffy and nice either, I’m pretty sure there was some spitting on corpses mentioned by a charr at least once. But it’s not okay to laugh when you’re victorious?

Some people seem to think that if my character is laughing or dancing upon killing an enemy then I must be like a 10 year old bully that spills other kids milk and laughs.
I understand that in sports such behaviour would be rude, but this isn’t a sport because
a) WvW is full of ambushes, traps, uneven numbers and chasing down people that are clearly unwilling to fight, it’s not a fair fight
b) it’s a fantasy world full of monsters, the lore can be pretty brutal
c) it’s a video game, the atmosphere is relaxed, if I’m competing with my friends in something no one would mind some trash talk or rubbing your victory in, because it’s all fun and we’re all friends

The Jolly Fellas [JF]
Seafarer’s Rest server

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Osicat.4139


Eath enought candy corn and you can puke on teh dead … just saying.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Veenix.5248


i just wanna blow /kisses to the ladies(or manlady) players i beat :/

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Netsu.3769


i just wanna blow /kisses to the ladies(or manlady) players i beat :/

That would be so awesome… new emote suggestion?

The Jolly Fellas [JF]
Seafarer’s Rest server

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Dane.3948


If this bothers you then there is something wrong with you.

I understand that moral relativism, trash culture, and profanity are considered something positive today in Western civilization. Oldfashioned as some of us are, we still strive towards noble behavior, gentleman manners, and certain values.

So there’s something wrong with me because I disagree with this display of disrespect and intent of humiliation of other players? But if I treated other players like garbage only because they’re worse than me in a videogame, that would be “right”?

O tempora, o mores..

Yeah, there’s something wrong with you. Grow some thicker skin.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Netsu.3769


But if I treated other players like garbage only because they’re worse than me in a videogame, that would be “right”?

Displaying an EMOTE in a game is treating someone like garbage? Really? I understand if someone would insult other players on chat but this is just an emote, does it really ache you so much that an in-game character laughs at your demise? You must’ve hated Duck Hunt.

The Jolly Fellas [JF]
Seafarer’s Rest server

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Gardavil.1762


If this bothers you then there is something wrong with you.

I understand that moral relativism, trash culture, and profanity are considered something positive today in Western civilization. Oldfashioned as some of us are, we still strive towards noble behavior, gentleman manners, and certain values.

So there’s something wrong with me because I disagree with this display of disrespect and intent of humiliation of other players? But if I treated other players like garbage only because they’re worse than me in a videogame, that would be “right”?

O tempora, o mores..

Yeah, there’s something wrong with you. Grow some thicker skin.

It’s not about thicker or thinner skin. It’s about each person’s idea of what is acceptable ethics and sportsmanship in a MMO. There many different ideas on that one.

stumble stumble crawl crawl

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


I mostly only humiliate corpse spies. Or if I bump into and kill 1 or 2 playing like cowards i.e skulking around afraid to attack me 1v2. Other than that I mostly just /salute people I kill.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


If this bothers you then there is something wrong with you.

I understand that moral relativism, trash culture, and profanity are considered something positive today in Western civilization. Oldfashioned as some of us are, we still strive towards noble behavior, gentleman manners, and certain values.

So there’s something wrong with me because I disagree with this display of disrespect and intent of humiliation of other players? But if I treated other players like garbage only because they’re worse than me in a videogame, that would be “right”?

O tempora, o mores..

Yeah, there’s something wrong with you. Grow some thicker skin.

It’s not about thicker or thinner skin. It’s about each person’s idea of what is acceptable ethics and sportsmanship in a MMO. There many different ideas on that one.

Guild Wars 2 isn’t a sport. Here’s a rule of thumb for you: if you sit on your butt while doing something, that something isn’t a sport.

It’s pixels. Who cares… CORPSE DANCE GALORE….


Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: EnochDagor.6185


I like doing it to people that do it and did not deserve to do it. This one mesmer jumped into a fight I was in with 2 people (a ranger and a guardian). The guardian ran off mid fight when he was low health and the ranger binding roots me with my CD’s up. So I began to focus on the ranger. I’m down to about 1/3 of my health when the ranger goes down and this mesmer jumps me and finishes me off before I could finish the fight.

The mesmer does a /laugh. I was right next to our keep with a spawn point. So I spawned there and found the mesmer… alone… without the ranger. As I spiked him I did a /laugh. Didn’t see him after that…

80 Elementalist – Sanctum of Rall
Various other classes for figuring out how to kill em (thief, warrior, mesmer, etc…)
War is much more fun when you’re winning! – General Martok

(edited by EnochDagor.6185)

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: True Seeker.3682

True Seeker.3682

In a fair fight, I will /bow if time permits. If the enemy /laughs at me or otherwise taunts me and I manage to pull a win out, I will /laugh back. All in good fun.


Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: smiljem.4632


I once was dueling a thief on my warrior. We were both downed and I was hoping I could finish him but I was lower and dropping. I had to pop vengeance so I could finish him off. Once he died, I laughed because I figured I would drop dead mid laugh. It bugged out and I lived

I do actually taunt though. Scouting with corpses is a really cheap tactic, and can’t be countered. I spam taunts at corpses so they get pissed and leave. Until we can burn corpses and force a respawn, I will continue to do so.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Thrym.9436


Guys that don’t like this are the same people who ruined endzone shenanigans in the NFL.

Nah, not really like that at all.

By all means, celebrate it up when you score the equivalent of a touchdown, or an interception, or even a fumble recovery.

But when you’re the guard that lands the late hit on the guy that just mutilated the team MVP quarterback you where supposed to be blocking for(and it is amazing how often this is when it happens)….eh, it just makes you look like the village idiot.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Strawberry Nubcake.7163

Strawberry Nubcake.7163

This thread reminded me about something amusing that happened earlier!

The map has been mostly one color all week and I know what it’s like to be on the side that’s not dominating so I decided to be nice when I saw some invaders wanting to do one of the jump puzzles. Well… that was the plan…

There were two invaders about to hop across the waterfall and one decided that attacking me would be a good idea! I pushed him off the cliff. A few minutes later we met again and he managed to kill me because I wasn’t paying attention… mkay, fair enough! I guess we were even since I made him fly off the cliff and I wasn’t too bothered since my friend was nearby to resurrect me… then he started to point, laugh, dance and sit on my corpse. I was resurrected just in time to pull the punk into the water when he was about two jumps away from the key.

Teabagging and dancing on corpses isn’t usually something that bothers me, but I was planning to be nice to that dude. I wouldn’t have made him redo the whole puzzle if he didn’t dance on my corpse. The best part was that he probably would have had plenty of time to make it to the key if he didn’t stop to dance on me.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Arani.9057


I got /danced on yesterday in SBIBL who killed me during a siege Breech.

The hilarity is I got my portal dropped and guess who got pancaked fast after that. He should have spent less time /dancing more “hmm what is that flashy pink circle over there?” Showboating like this is just players thinking their king for a minute, or less in this guys case.

Aradea [AoS] /\/\ESS/\/\ERR of Jade Quarry (GG SBI)
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Yama.9376


dance and kneel all you want. If I haven’t released yet my friends are prolly sneaking right up behind you, or you are giving me tons of useful intel.

If I’m going to take time out of my busy killing/spying/capping/siege destroying Wv3 life it’s not to waste time trying to humiliate someone with a lame gesture, that’s what the scoreboard is for. I’ll only waste time to /bow or /salute good 1v1 or 1v2 etc… otherwise hit the “B” button to see who last laughs.

Zibzab SBI
Pnt N Lol at Bndwgn Zerg Server[sOLo]
Zergling Hunter [ZILF]

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Yama.9376


SBI press “B”

/last laugh

Zibzab [sOLo]
SBI thug

Zibzab SBI
Pnt N Lol at Bndwgn Zerg Server[sOLo]
Zergling Hunter [ZILF]

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: buzzkapow.8465


I used to play a game, third person shooter on the ps2, that had the feature to dance overtop of a corpse. I personally think it’s funny, and it’s all in good fun. I /laugh or /dance in some situations, others i just walk away looking for the next fight.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Arani.9057


SBI press “B”

/last laugh

Zibzab [sOLo]
SBI thug

Enjoy. Everone loses.

Aradea [AoS] /\/\ESS/\/\ERR of Jade Quarry (GG SBI)
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Takuya Hosokawa.8712

Takuya Hosokawa.8712

All’s fair in love and war, etc. As long as it’s not cheating or they aren’t doing that after cheating I don’t see a problem with it. If you find it offensive you probably got some pride or other personal issues. It’s just a game!

I personally don’t dance on top of a corpse, but I do dance sometimes when capping or defending an objective and it was a rough battle. It’s more for celebration than humiliating the other side, but again I’m not really against it so I don’t reprimand my allies that do it.

As my Thief though I personally prefer to stealth away after a kill if I can. I think it’s cooler than dancing or sitting on top of a corpse lol.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

I prefer laughing at the corpses of idiots rather than dancing. Aerobics are okay too, though.

Grind Wars 2: Heart of Tears

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Blutkrieg.1320


:$ I use /sit on their faces because usually they are spying instead of respawning. In jumping puzzles however I usually /kneel to show ‘enemies’ I won’t hurt them since we’re all just trying to get those badges. It rarely works however, even when I make it clear I don’t want to fight…

Officer [VILE] – Desolation

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Manta.7962


/Bow for a fight well fought.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Gardavil.1762


If this bothers you then there is something wrong with you.

I understand that moral relativism, trash culture, and profanity are considered something positive today in Western civilization. Oldfashioned as some of us are, we still strive towards noble behavior, gentleman manners, and certain values.

So there’s something wrong with me because I disagree with this display of disrespect and intent of humiliation of other players? But if I treated other players like garbage only because they’re worse than me in a videogame, that would be “right”?

O tempora, o mores..

Yeah, there’s something wrong with you. Grow some thicker skin.

It’s not about thicker or thinner skin. It’s about each person’s idea of what is acceptable ethics and sportsmanship in a MMO. There many different ideas on that one.

Guild Wars 2 isn’t a sport. Here’s a rule of thumb for you: if you sit on your butt while doing something, that something isn’t a sport.

It’s pixels. Who cares… CORPSE DANCE GALORE….

Here’s a rule of thumb I use:

Who I am in real life is who I choose to be ingame also. No difference. No change. My character is pixels… my Character, my personality, my values, my ethics ingame are real.

MMOs aren’t a sport, true, but I consider much more than just a video game. Some people think it’s just pixels, but I have been convinced it is more than that. “We”, the Players, share this game friends and enemies alike. How I act, how I interact with others, matters to me, and I have been told matters to others. It doesn’t matter if it’s GW2, or another MMO.

How you play a MMO is your choice.

stumble stumble crawl crawl

(edited by Gardavil.1762)

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Osicat.4139


If this bothers you then there is something wrong with you.

I understand that moral relativism, trash culture, and profanity are considered something positive today in Western civilization. Oldfashioned as some of us are, we still strive towards noble behavior, gentleman manners, and certain values.

So there’s something wrong with me because I disagree with this display of disrespect and intent of humiliation of other players? But if I treated other players like garbage only because they’re worse than me in a videogame, that would be “right”?

O tempora, o mores..

Yeah, there’s something wrong with you. Grow some thicker skin.

It’s not about thicker or thinner skin. It’s about each person’s idea of what is acceptable ethics and sportsmanship in a MMO. There many different ideas on that one.

Guild Wars 2 isn’t a sport. Here’s a rule of thumb for you: if you sit on your butt while doing something, that something isn’t a sport.

It’s pixels. Who cares… CORPSE DANCE GALORE….

Here’s a rule of thumb I use:

Who I am in real life is who I choose to be ingame also. No difference. No change. My character is pixels… my Character, my personality, my values, my ethics ingame are real.

MMOs aren’t a sport, true, but I consider much more than just a video game. Some people think it’s just pixels, but I have been convinced it is more than that. “We”, the Players, share this game friends and enemies alike. How I act, how I interact with others, matters to me, and I have been told matters to others. It doesn’t matter if it’s GW2, or another MMO.

How you play a MMO is your choice.

Good to hear you have good moral, nice to know that after you killed ppl in rl or slayed critters and rabbits you are accualy nice

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: wightnoise.8092


When I’m in mumble and people get all hot about someone killing them, all I’m thinking about is how this person needs to get a grip on reality and understand it’s just a game. It’s supposed to be fun.

It’s the same thing as people throwing clubs on the golf course after a bad shot… chill out people.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


i do /dance on every thief /mesmer i kill in 1 vs 1
specialy if he got more orbs then me
i also use /dance at every thief that stealth after 20 seconds of fight and try to run away , usualy works , they rage and come back on fight
no.1 WvW kills

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Ricky.4706


according to some of the complaints in this thread “Finish Him” is a distasteful act lol.

reminder – it’s a game.

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


quote != edit

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Knee.6487

Flying Knee.6487

I faceplamed so many times reading this thread. Some of you really need to grow a thicker skin or just don’t WwW/PVP at all if you can’t handle someone dancing on your fictional dead body. Man…i mean what the hell ? You hypersensitive emo guys should be happy that the only thing someone can do to taunt you is dance on your corpse. You woulde have cried your heart out back in the days were Open PVP games were more prevalent. Thinking mostly of Diablo 2 here were you could get ganked anywhere at anytime or the early WoW days.

Sometimes i wonder where this world is going to….

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


I think Gardavil stated it the best.

Me personally I don’t enjoy belittling people even if it’s just a video game.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


Harb, gardavil

How do you get corpse spies to waypoint?

Serious question.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Azaruil.3406


If this bothers you then there is something wrong with you.

I understand that moral relativism, trash culture, and profanity are considered something positive today in Western civilization. Oldfashioned as some of us are, we still strive towards noble behavior, gentleman manners, and certain values.

Ah yes, those oldfashioned values were quite wonderful. Especially those values that enshrined racism, sexism and religious bigotry into our societies.

Hmmm, on second thought I think I’ll take profanity instead.

“I smell like pomegranate.”

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: crewthief.8649


If this bothers you then there is something wrong with you.

I understand that moral relativism, trash culture, and profanity are considered something positive today in Western civilization. Oldfashioned as some of us are, we still strive towards noble behavior, gentleman manners, and certain values.

Ah yes, those oldfashioned values were quite wonderful. Especially those values that enshrined racism, sexism and religious bigotry into our societies.

Hmmm, on second thought I think I’ll take profanity instead.

What a simple and predictable response.

Zabroshan – 80 Guardian / Sorroe – 80 Mesmer
Hands Off My Octopus

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Azaruil.3406


If this bothers you then there is something wrong with you.

I understand that moral relativism, trash culture, and profanity are considered something positive today in Western civilization. Oldfashioned as some of us are, we still strive towards noble behavior, gentleman manners, and certain values.

Ah yes, those oldfashioned values were quite wonderful. Especially those values that enshrined racism, sexism and religious bigotry into our societies.

Hmmm, on second thought I think I’ll take profanity instead.

What a simple and predictable response.

It was suitable satire in response to a small minded post. My response to it wasn’t simple. It was your understanding of it that was “simple”.

“I smell like pomegranate.”

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Emikodesuyo.5941


When we are clearly outnumbered (5 vs 15-20) while defending a camp and we still take down the zerg about 3-4 times.. Then I start to use /bow

Tsukinoo – Guardian
Second Law [Scnd], Baruch Bay

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Fnarist.8467


i do /dance on every thief /mesmer i kill in 1 vs 1
specialy if he got more orbs then me
i also use /dance at every thief that stealth after 20 seconds of fight and try to run away , usualy works , they rage and come back on fight

Haha, I don’t dance after beating them, but now I’ll try that if they try to run away.

The one emote I think that’s missing is /golfclap, and being able to do it after death. Though I can imagine if people could still emote while a corpse it would cause some spam havoc.