Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Balthazzarr.1349


Not sure where to post this but seems like this is as good a place as any.

So we are linked with 3 other servers. I see commanders running the BL’s and not typing in the message box so they are definitely in TS. Three times now I have asked for the TS channel and received zero responses. Joining the squad isn’t much use when 99% of the communication is in TS. In EB I tried to join a squad that was closed so couldn’t of course. Joined the other squad and asked a couple times what TS they were using with no response…. So I have to ask.. is it because I’m not in the ‘right’ server that no response is coming? or is it just bad luck last night? Sadly it seems like the groups are staying tight to their server lines for the most part. So I roamed a lot… then I saw messages complaining that people were roaming and should be on tag… chuckle ah what do you do? I continued to roam of course..

… just call me … Tim :)

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Tris Apollumenon.6435

Tris Apollumenon.6435

There’s several it looks like. That being the case, it might be an issue if you can’t figure out which one is being used by the commanders that are currently on the map…..

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Balthazzarr.1349


ha somehow I missed it in that thread…

Having said that, it’s definitely a pain when you think of it. I mean at the end of the day I could possibly be verified on 24 different Team Speak servers… Talk about the awesome spy possibilities! lol .. so it’s not surprising that some people don’t even want to post their TS channels anymore. I mean, I’m already verified on 8 different TS servers… I don’t use any except what a commander is using, but the exposure is obviously there for abuse by people that like to do that.. so as I said above.. I get it if people don’t want to share with the linked servers.. :P

… just call me … Tim :)

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Elementalist Owner.7802

Elementalist Owner.7802

ha somehow I missed it in that thread…

Having said that, it’s definitely a pain when you think of it. I mean at the end of the day I could possibly be verified on 24 different Team Speak servers… Talk about the awesome spy possibilities! lol .. so it’s not surprising that some people don’t even want to post their TS channels anymore. I mean, I’m already verified on 8 different TS servers… I don’t use any except what a commander is using, but the exposure is obviously there for abuse by people that like to do that.. so as I said above.. I get it if people don’t want to share with the linked servers.. :P

Either way you’ll have spies. It’s a good idea for the TS administration to assign server groups for players in other servers, so they can be denied access when they are not paired.

The Art of Roaming [gank]

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Mammon.9508


For the past couple of days, we’ve had double digit queues for EBG and the entire map queue following the tag in EBG. How many did the tag have in TS with him? 5-8 max at all times. The TS info definitely depends on who the tag is. Crystal Desert TS and Eredon Terrace TS seem to be the most active. I haven’t used Kaineng TS cuz I have yet to see a Kain tag. I use the word “active” very loosely because I haven’t seen more than 10-15 in the same channel because of how complicated this TS situations seems to be.

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Josh XT.6053

Josh XT.6053

BP has a teamspeak too but I am not sure if it has a max user limit or anything like that. Our TS used to be pretty nice but since the server started dying and its being supported by someone who doesn’t even play GW2 anymore, it is in a weird place.

I think it would be beneficial for a representative of CD to maybe give the TS info frequently in map chat to get more people using it since they’re the host server.

Asphyxia [XT] – Fort Aspenwood Roamer
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Sylvyn.4750


Sometimes, though, a tag will run a guild-only raid. Saw this several times when paired with a larger server.

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Balthazzarr.1349


Yes Sylvyn that’s very true.. I’ve been in such raids so I understand that dynamic and they are usually closed to self invitation. The other ones (like what I encountered last night) had multiple guilds (pugs) in them and though I didn’t think to check I suspect they were probably all in the same server, or mostly. It’s all good… I don’t begrudge people that do their thing.. It was just something I had been wondering about, and what other people experienced/though.

… just call me … Tim :)

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Sylvyn.4750


It wasn’t until last night that I finally saw a tag from SF actually broadcast the TS info…4 nights into the new match. So, yeah, I think too that the new 3 and 4 server pairings are making coordination a bit more difficult, depending on the hours we might be online versus the commanders that are more willing to organize people.

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Josh XT.6053

Josh XT.6053

Sometimes, though, a tag will run a guild-only raid. Saw this several times when paired with a larger server.

Typically [BEEP] in Borlis Pass runs open raids if we have a tag on, however our teamspeak is limited on the amount of people who can be on it so we can’t invite people to come join us in TS. It became a probably big problem yesterday when we had pugs who didn’t know what was happening most of the time and getting wiped fast because we didn’t have them in TS.

Asphyxia [XT] – Fort Aspenwood Roamer
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Sylvyn.4750


Ah, yes…TS limits thrown into the mix!

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Roadbull.3457


The issue is 4 servers and 4 Ts. If someone wants to bother with getting verified on 4 different TS just for this matchup then I applaud their tenacity, I suppose. Myself I’m not bothering. Each community is using their own when their commanders run. ET commanders advertise our TS and I’ve seen a few advertise CD TS. However, it feels that the whole unity of the army is nonexistent. Why should I bother with CD TS if I’m an ET native? ETs can support up to 75ish and virtually everyone can verify. I’m sure CD TS is fine, but I just have no motivation to flip from server to server when all the people I know and care about already use ETs.

Worrying about spies is stupid and a waste of time. They are like doors….all locks will be broken with tools and time enough as a few minutes on YouTube will verify. Any Joe can make a free account and join your server to get on your TS and there is no way to know any better. Everybody should be welcome in each other’s TS with a small verify security that is fast and easy.

In my opinion, this is less an issue with spies and paranoia as it is an issue with growing community apathy caused by linking and there being no good way to consolidate without sacrificing part of your own server culture and comfort. For Guilds it is no big deal…..but as a pug expect to be getting familiar with tons of TS channels and flipping from server to server trying to figure out where the people are.

Just remember 80%….you voted for this nonsense. Let’s hope you can figure out how to deal with it.

In the meantime ET TS is always available and will be offered in squad and map chats when appropriate and I’m sure other servers will do the same. We are all comrades in arms for now, and while I’m lazy that doesn’t mean everyone else will be

Crystal Desert (RIP ET) – FoC Guild Leader

(edited by Roadbull.3457)

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Teon.5168


Had a great time tonight in a SIN havoc group. Been awhile since I have seen those guys, as I have been transferring around some. Good to join up with one of our better known Kaineng groups and run around causing all sorts of probs. Great fun!

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Balthazzarr.1349


yep it’s kind of rough alright. Funny at times because people don’t seem to want a tag on the map a lot of the time. We had to many people running around our bl for a while tonight and no tag.. somehow things got defended, and a tagged group even came in to help with bay when SF broke through. Most of the time in there it just seems very odd. Running around, “chatting” with pretty much low to no response unless your friends are online. Seems to be just enough people here and there to give intel when something is going on though. lol, I can’t say I like it or don’t like it… but I do like the action and we have lots of that. I’ve been offered a couple TS connections now so I may take them up on it if I manage to get running with a group of CD or Kain.. I already know the ET folks!

… just call me … Tim :)

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: notpotato.3210


Crystal Desert’s Teamspeak server is

if you’re an allied server you should be able to self verify by submitting your API key to the arcnet bot.

Failing which, please contact me or ask on EBG mapchat for a CD moderator

We’re usually active late NA onwards till SEA

(edited by notpotato.3210)

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Klypto.1703


I don’t talk on TS but after using CD’s TS I am ready to immediately transfer somewhere else where I won’t collectively be a part of them.

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: aristotle.2813


I don’t understand why there should be an argument about the implementation of TS or similar communication software as communication is important whether in PvE, PvP or WvW.

If a guild or server wants an improvement to their game teamwork in order to move up the ranks, then they should make use of something worthwhile. How much does it cost to have one, it does not cost the earth.

CD being the host server should make an effort to take the leader role as having 3 other servers as partners may make teamwork difficult. I have observed tags that simple disappear because no one follows or appear to understand what is required of them. If I am tagging and everyone is running around doing their own thing, I too will throw in the towel.

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

I don’t talk on TS but after using CD’s TS I am ready to immediately transfer somewhere else where I won’t collectively be a part of them.

Exactly. That’s why I don’t get on TS.

My server is always trying to get people on TS. Spamming the chat with “Join us in TS” and the address. We even has a fairly strict TS language policy and its still too bad.

I simply don’t want to hear what people are talking about on there. Same goes for many others. And then they wonder why no one gets on TS.

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Roadbull.3457


That’s what I mean by a culture thing. Some people in TS make it a delight and can lead to loads of laughs even when the game sucks. A bad TS just ruins the overall experience and leaves you asking yourself why you are even bothering with this mess. It’s why I’m not too keen on this constant TS fluctuation and have chosen to nurture my own personal community of guilds and submit that server community is a dead idea destroyed by people’s desire to ignore people in favor of trying to manipulate gameplay.

Crystal Desert (RIP ET) – FoC Guild Leader

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


The commander has to choose which ts3 to use and he has to tell people to use that ts3, if the commander don’t use any ts3 then there isn’t any ts3.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


Nothing stops individual players from being a part of a greater community and working together. I highly recommend getting in voice comm’s together. There’s absolutely a lower performance ceiling without proper communication. If someone tries to be an anti-social, an obstructionist, and an isolationist, then let them go! No Commander or Guild is worth more than the World they reside in.

On the technical side of things, talk to the TS admins of each World and see what limitations they may have. Pick the strongest TS itself and let that be the determining factor of who’s TS to use.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Josh XT.6053

Josh XT.6053

I don’t talk on TS but after using CD’s TS I am ready to immediately transfer somewhere else where I won’t collectively be a part of them.

Exactly. That’s why I don’t get on TS.

My server is always trying to get people on TS. Spamming the chat with “Join us in TS” and the address. We even has a fairly strict TS language policy and its still too bad.

I simply don’t want to hear what people are talking about on there. Same goes for many others. And then they wonder why no one gets on TS.

Being on teamspeak is important if you’re following a group. I guarantee that if you follow me and you’re not on teamspeak, you’re going to die a lot because you have no idea what is going on.

The idea behind TS is better communication and organization for everyone. I frequently do what is called a “fake push” when I am commanding to get my enemies to blow their cooldowns so we can do a real push and have a better chance, when I do a fake push and people aren’t in teamspeak, those people end up dying lol.

Asphyxia [XT] – Fort Aspenwood Roamer
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Mushin.3928


I agree that TS is important, but once you’ve been in a certain number of fights where you WERE on TS, you can start to predict and follow the commander even if you aren’t on.

Some times I don’t feeling like getting on TS or even joining squad, I just follow the group around as a green dot (aka “booger”). But I have enough experience to keep a close eye on the commander, so I usually don’t get killed unless the whole group is wiping.

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Josh XT.6053

Josh XT.6053

I agree that TS is important, but once you’ve been in a certain number of fights where you WERE on TS, you can start to predict and follow the commander even if you aren’t on.

Some times I don’t feeling like getting on TS or even joining squad, I just follow the group around as a green dot (aka “booger”). But I have enough experience to keep a close eye on the commander, so I usually don’t get killed unless the whole group is wiping.

I promise you that no matter how much you follow me, you’re not going to predict my movements when I am driving. I always do my best to trick my opponents and it usually even tricks the people who are on ts if they’re not paying attention. Pugs not on TS almost always die before I even fully engage in a fight lol.

Asphyxia [XT] – Fort Aspenwood Roamer
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Mushin.3928


@Josh, I have successfully followed BEEP before and fight guilds on FA while not in TS. I agree that your average PUG isn’t going to be able to do this, but players who a have a lot of TS and fight experience can.

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Balthazzarr.1349


hmmm…. yes the pugs that might not understand the nuances of a field battle… and there are some here and there for sure. For me right now especially I have fairly good success following any commander into battle and figuring out what he might be doing by watching the tag on the minimap while obviously watching what’s in front of me… oh that’s tricky for an old guy but I manage it most of the time. The time that I get “lost” of course is when they suddenly port out with no posts in any chat window including Squad chat. Then I have to hilight the squad leader in the list and see where he/she went. If on the same map that’s easy. If they swap bl’s then it’s a matter of finding where they went. But at that point I often turn from zergling back to roamer… It’s all fun.

… just call me … Tim :)

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: shiri.4257


If you were following [VII] last night, then sorry about the map hopping. we have minimal scouts and when one of our reliable scouts recall us to X BL because there’s a zerg on a t3 keep/smc. CD teamspeak was funky last night too and we had to use a friend’s ts.

Leaving the BL info in a squad or map chat is a concern for us. But the priority for us to respond is to get our people into the BL as fast as possible on those recalls. I believe many of the guild groups will try to leave info in squad/team/mapchat but the primary concern is to get the core 15-20 of their comp in first and ready to fight. An example of those situations would be Bay and SMC late NA last night.

Desert Spectre [VII]-Crystal Desert
“You’re never out of the fight.”

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Josh XT.6053

Josh XT.6053

So you can assume when I need all big damage out in one area right? See that is the other thing, you might drop your big cooldowns that I need at a specific time at different times.

Hands down, the best way to be the most organized and best coordinated is being on teamspeak. You can try to argue with me about it all day but I’m telling you that you are incorrect for sure. Being on Teamspeak is a must for organized battle, if you’re not on TS, you’re most likely not being very helpful in the fights because you’re unaware of when things are being called out.

Asphyxia [XT] – Fort Aspenwood Roamer
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

I don’t talk on TS but after using CD’s TS I am ready to immediately transfer somewhere else where I won’t collectively be a part of them.

Exactly. That’s why I don’t get on TS.

My server is always trying to get people on TS. Spamming the chat with “Join us in TS” and the address. We even has a fairly strict TS language policy and its still too bad.

I simply don’t want to hear what people are talking about on there. Same goes for many others. And then they wonder why no one gets on TS.

Being on teamspeak is important if you’re following a group. I guarantee that if you follow me and you’re not on teamspeak, you’re going to die a lot because you have no idea what is going on.

The idea behind TS is better communication and organization for everyone. I frequently do what is called a “fake push” when I am commanding to get my enemies to blow their cooldowns so we can do a real push and have a better chance, when I do a fake push and people aren’t in teamspeak, those people end up dying lol.

Oh I 100% agree. But I’m not going to get on TS if I have to listen to the crap that I’ve always heard in a general chat room. I’ll just have to die more often.

Now I do get in TS with my guild because they don’t talk crap.

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Josh XT.6053

Josh XT.6053

I don’t talk on TS but after using CD’s TS I am ready to immediately transfer somewhere else where I won’t collectively be a part of them.

Exactly. That’s why I don’t get on TS.

My server is always trying to get people on TS. Spamming the chat with “Join us in TS” and the address. We even has a fairly strict TS language policy and its still too bad.

I simply don’t want to hear what people are talking about on there. Same goes for many others. And then they wonder why no one gets on TS.

Being on teamspeak is important if you’re following a group. I guarantee that if you follow me and you’re not on teamspeak, you’re going to die a lot because you have no idea what is going on.

The idea behind TS is better communication and organization for everyone. I frequently do what is called a “fake push” when I am commanding to get my enemies to blow their cooldowns so we can do a real push and have a better chance, when I do a fake push and people aren’t in teamspeak, those people end up dying lol.

Oh I 100% agree. But I’m not going to get on TS if I have to listen to the crap that I’ve always heard in a general chat room. I’ll just have to die more often.

Now I do get in TS with my guild because they don’t talk crap.

BEEP and XT both joke around on TS our entire run unless we’re in a fight. Once it comes time to fight, the only stuff you hear in TS is the driver doing their call outs and the group calling their important skills like empowers, CC’s, big damage skills, etc.

I can agree that running with your typical pug group might be annoying on TS, but I don’t run with pug groups personally. If I’m not running with BEEP or XT, I will either solo roam or run with a guild group having an open raid, and if I do that – I am in TS. If not just because I want to be more organized, also out of respect for that group so that I am not being detrimental to them while running with them.

Asphyxia [XT] – Fort Aspenwood Roamer
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Sylvyn.4750


So you can assume when I need all big damage out in one area right? See that is the other thing, you might drop your big cooldowns that I need at a specific time at different times.

Hands down, the best way to be the most organized and best coordinated is being on teamspeak. You can try to argue with me about it all day but I’m telling you that you are incorrect for sure. Being on Teamspeak is a must for organized battle, if you’re not on TS, you’re most likely not being very helpful in the fights because you’re unaware of when things are being called out.

Watching one of your BEEP runs on Twitch from yesterday, though, there was discussion in your chat channel about inviting the non-BP servers onto your TS, and it was decided not to do so. So, was that just one time where it didn’t seem worth the effort for what you were hoping to accomplish, or is it standard protocol? If it’s the norm, then I’m afraid your argument is shot. Not that your group needed help trashing all my homies, but at least you were complimenting them on their persistence…:)

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Josh XT.6053

Josh XT.6053

So you can assume when I need all big damage out in one area right? See that is the other thing, you might drop your big cooldowns that I need at a specific time at different times.

Hands down, the best way to be the most organized and best coordinated is being on teamspeak. You can try to argue with me about it all day but I’m telling you that you are incorrect for sure. Being on Teamspeak is a must for organized battle, if you’re not on TS, you’re most likely not being very helpful in the fights because you’re unaware of when things are being called out.

Watching one of your BEEP runs on Twitch from yesterday, though, there was discussion in your chat channel about inviting the non-BP servers onto your TS, and it was decided not to do so. So, was that just one time where it didn’t seem worth the effort for what you were hoping to accomplish, or is it standard protocol? If it’s the norm, then I’m afraid your argument is shot. Not that your group needed help trashing all my homies, but at least you were complimenting them on their persistence…:)

The reason for that was because our TS has a limit on it of how many people can be in there and Nacho (The TS admin and guild leader) does not want us inviting non-guild members to the TS so that we’re not maxing it out causing our other members from being unable to enter if they DC or something.

Now we also got in contact with someone from CD last night and I got verified over there, so our next run on Thursday should be taking place in CD TS if we can get a channel to run in. We welcome to pugs to come run with us and prefer them to be in TS, but our hands were tied having no TS to offer them these past few nights.

Asphyxia [XT] – Fort Aspenwood Roamer
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Sylvyn.4750


Gotcha…it would be so much easier if GW2 had some kind of TS server that automatically linked all the paired worlds each time the linkings are changed…

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Josh XT.6053

Josh XT.6053

Gotcha…it would be so much easier if GW2 had some kind of TS server that automatically linked all the paired worlds each time the linkings are changed…

Yeah, in our dreams lol. It would be nice, but I imagine a nightmare to manage since people could just come in and yell non stop or something lol..

Asphyxia [XT] – Fort Aspenwood Roamer
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Balthazzarr.1349


So you can assume when I need all big damage out in one area right? See that is the other thing, you might drop your big cooldowns that I need at a specific time at different times.

Hands down, the best way to be the most organized and best coordinated is being on teamspeak. You can try to argue with me about it all day but I’m telling you that you are incorrect for sure. Being on Teamspeak is a must for organized battle, if you’re not on TS, you’re most likely not being very helpful in the fights because you’re unaware of when things are being called out.

Nope, can’t assume to know that for sure. Just anticipating the movements… BUT… I’ve run with commanders (and commanded enough) to be able to figure out not too badly when they are calling for ‘BOMBS ON ME’. I’m not a healer so I would be no help there either way… (well, unless I’m running guard for support.. in which case I would make a hard effort to be in TS big time)… I run Ranger for backline support when I’m not frontlining so following the movements etc is not too hard for me to do. But like I said, if I want to run frontline at all then I make it a point to try to get into the TS that’s being used (if they share it, which it seems people have done here and in my email now), and give the best support I can..

… just call me … Tim :)

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Balthazzarr.1349


If you were following [VII] last night, then sorry about the map hopping. we have minimal scouts and when one of our reliable scouts recall us to X BL because there’s a zerg on a t3 keep/smc. CD teamspeak was funky last night too and we had to use a friend’s ts.

Leaving the BL info in a squad or map chat is a concern for us. But the priority for us to respond is to get our people into the BL as fast as possible on those recalls. I believe many of the guild groups will try to leave info in squad/team/mapchat but the primary concern is to get the core 15-20 of their comp in first and ready to fight. An example of those situations would be Bay and SMC late NA last night.

Ya I get that.. people concerned about spies… that could very well be ‘trusted’ people in your TS as well believe it or not. IMHO I don’t think it’s much of an exposure to drop a link in Squad chat but I’m not criticizing it. If that’s what makes you feel more comfortable then it’s all good. Next time I am on and feeling like joining a group I will make sure I get myself into TS.

In game you will see one of my two mains: Tim Is On Your Side (Backline Ranger) or Dàrk Side Of Tim (Frontline Guard) – Enemies will see Gold Vet Guard and go… ooo dinner

… just call me … Tim :)

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: sionnach.5391


Not sure where to post this but seems like this is as good a place as any.

So we are linked with 3 other servers. I see commanders running the BL’s and not typing in the message box so they are definitely in TS. Three times now I have asked for the TS channel and received zero responses. Joining the squad isn’t much use when 99% of the communication is in TS. In EB I tried to join a squad that was closed so couldn’t of course. Joined the other squad and asked a couple times what TS they were using with no response…. So I have to ask.. is it because I’m not in the ‘right’ server that no response is coming? or is it just bad luck last night? Sadly it seems like the groups are staying tight to their server lines for the most part. So I roamed a lot… then I saw messages complaining that people were roaming and should be on tag… chuckle ah what do you do? I continued to roam of course..

Oh my goodness! I’m Kaineng (Owl Legion) and a TS admin – please message me in game Balth, I’ll watch out for you when I’m on. You are more than welcome to run around with us and join our TS anytime. By the way we will never berate folks for roaming; Roaming = Life.

Also, to our partners: Owls squads are usually open so if you see our flock, please feel free to join up. You will see our tags on weekends and evenings, often in borderlands. Incidentally, our guild is having a delightful time with this linking and it feels really great to be here.

Owl Legion, Kaineng

Guild Leader – Owl Legion of Kaineng

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Balthazzarr.1349


Not sure where to post this but seems like this is as good a place as any.

So we are linked with 3 other servers. I see commanders running the BL’s and not typing in the message box so they are definitely in TS. Three times now I have asked for the TS channel and received zero responses. Joining the squad isn’t much use when 99% of the communication is in TS. In EB I tried to join a squad that was closed so couldn’t of course. Joined the other squad and asked a couple times what TS they were using with no response…. So I have to ask.. is it because I’m not in the ‘right’ server that no response is coming? or is it just bad luck last night? Sadly it seems like the groups are staying tight to their server lines for the most part. So I roamed a lot… then I saw messages complaining that people were roaming and should be on tag… chuckle ah what do you do? I continued to roam of course..

Oh my goodness! I’m Kaineng (Owl Legion) and a TS admin – please message me in game Balth, I’ll watch out for you when I’m on. You are more than welcome to run around with us and join our TS anytime. By the way we will never berate folks for roaming; Roaming = Life.

Also, to our partners: Owls squads are usually open so if you see our flock, please feel free to join up. You will see our tags on weekends and evenings, often in borderlands. Incidentally, our guild is having a delightful time with this linking and it feels really great to be here.

Owl Legion, Kaineng

Sweet! I will look for you if/when I go in there and my gang of crazy people aren’t around wanting to do insane things! Also… Call me Tim! All the good folks do… well some call me other things but they will just get kittened out in here! haa

… just call me … Tim :)

(edited by Balthazzarr.1349)

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Teon.5168


Not sure where to post this but seems like this is as good a place as any.

So we are linked with 3 other servers. I see commanders running the BL’s and not typing in the message box so they are definitely in TS. Three times now I have asked for the TS channel and received zero responses. Joining the squad isn’t much use when 99% of the communication is in TS. In EB I tried to join a squad that was closed so couldn’t of course. Joined the other squad and asked a couple times what TS they were using with no response…. So I have to ask.. is it because I’m not in the ‘right’ server that no response is coming? or is it just bad luck last night? Sadly it seems like the groups are staying tight to their server lines for the most part. So I roamed a lot… then I saw messages complaining that people were roaming and should be on tag… chuckle ah what do you do? I continued to roam of course..

Oh my goodness! I’m Kaineng (Owl Legion) and a TS admin – please message me in game Balth, I’ll watch out for you when I’m on. You are more than welcome to run around with us and join our TS anytime. By the way we will never berate folks for roaming; Roaming = Life.

Also, to our partners: Owls squads are usually open so if you see our flock, please feel free to join up. You will see our tags on weekends and evenings, often in borderlands. Incidentally, our guild is having a delightful time with this linking and it feels really great to be here.

Owl Legion, Kaineng

I can personally vouch for Owls and Sionnach/Nanesh….great bunch to run with!

They’re even nice to old farts like me.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: shiri.4257


Nah it’s not much about spies mate. It’s about getting to the loot bags as fast as we can with the people we want. Much more difficult to fight map queues or above average guild groups with only 50% of your comp porting into a map to respond.

We also close our squads so we can watch our own guild’s movement. So when the blue dots move, they are moving with the guild group. And not getting confused by the 3 pugs that can’t or fail to push.

I don’t think there are any guilds that care much about “spies.” Not anymore at least, remember a year ago there were a couple paranoid commanders about “spies.” but at this stage, most of CD just wants fights.

Desert Spectre [VII]-Crystal Desert
“You’re never out of the fight.”

(edited by shiri.4257)

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Balthazzarr.1349


argggg… so here I am again in WvW tonight… tag with big zerg… I ask.. hey any TS? no response… any TS? no response… someone else asks about 10 minutes later… any TS? YES but we have nobody to verify… ‘hey brother Kain’… arg and double arg… sionnach where are you?? lol

ah well.. I finally did what I sometimes do and went and did some pve events with some of my guild buddies… :P

… just call me … Tim :)

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: sionnach.5391


argggg… so here I am again in WvW tonight… tag with big zerg… I ask.. hey any TS? no response… any TS? no response… someone else asks about 10 minutes later… any TS? YES but we have nobody to verify… ‘hey brother Kain’… arg and double arg… sionnach where are you?? lol

ah well.. I finally did what I sometimes do and went and did some pve events with some of my guild buddies… :P

Arrrrrgh also. I am so sorry. I am currently consulting with my guild and server-mates to ensure everybody is on the same page about TS and inviting guests; also about being more welcoming on the map chat, I am guessing you were in EB as I hear we were having some good times last night. Again my apologies that we dropped the ball on bringing you on board; we got a bit used to doing our own thing in T1 methinks and are now rusty at picking people up, lol.

I will message you in game this evening and thanks for being patient!

Owl Legion, Kaineng

Guild Leader – Owl Legion of Kaineng

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Balthazzarr.1349


argggg… so here I am again in WvW tonight… tag with big zerg… I ask.. hey any TS? no response… any TS? no response… someone else asks about 10 minutes later… any TS? YES but we have nobody to verify… ‘hey brother Kain’… arg and double arg… sionnach where are you?? lol

ah well.. I finally did what I sometimes do and went and did some pve events with some of my guild buddies… :P

Arrrrrgh also. I am so sorry. I am currently consulting with my guild and server-mates to ensure everybody is on the same page about TS and inviting guests; also about being more welcoming on the map chat, I am guessing you were in EB as I hear we were having some good times last night. Again my apologies that we dropped the ball on bringing you on board; we got a bit used to doing our own thing in T1 methinks and are now rusty at picking people up, lol.

I will message you in game this evening and thanks for being patient!

Owl Legion, Kaineng

Actually it was on our own BL. .. and believe it or not I do understand the dynamics of it all. Very tough having 4 servers ‘merged’ into one then expecting some sort of synergy to magically happen. But connections are being made here and there (like this) and I’m sure it will come together almost perfectly and just in time for the next relink.. haaa..

… just call me … Tim :)

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Teon.5168


I am guessing you were in EB as I hear we were having some good times last night.

Owl Legion, Kaineng

Oh my, yes, some huge fun last night on both DH bl and EB. Crummybrunt of SIN did a wonderful job of leading!!! I actually finally looked at the clock last night around 12:30am and went, ‘omg, I gotta work tomorrow’, and had to tear myself away from the crazy fun.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Balthazzarr.1349


I am guessing you were in EB as I hear we were having some good times last night.

Owl Legion, Kaineng

Oh my, yes, some huge fun last night on both DH bl and EB. Crummybrunt of SIN did a wonderful job of leading!!! I actually finally looked at the clock last night around 12:30am and went, ‘omg, I gotta work tomorrow’, and had to tear myself away from the crazy fun.

ahh.. hopefully next time I can get in the TS with you all….

… just call me … Tim :)

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Teon.5168


I am guessing you were in EB as I hear we were having some good times last night.

Owl Legion, Kaineng

Oh my, yes, some huge fun last night on both DH bl and EB. Crummybrunt of SIN did a wonderful job of leading!!! I actually finally looked at the clock last night around 12:30am and went, ‘omg, I gotta work tomorrow’, and had to tear myself away from the crazy fun.

ahh.. hopefully next time I can get in the TS with you all….

I actually never got into TS. I think I remember seeing a holler on map chat about what channel, but Crummy was moving super fast, and my computer is a bit finicky about TS….gotta get out of the game, setup my headset, and then get into TS, and then back into the game. If I had done that, there would have been no catching up with the group, again. So I just tried to pay close attention and stick close to the group.

Plus, they were chattering a lot on team and map chat, and that helped.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Balthazzarr.1349


yes it was on DH, not CDBL. It’s all good… hopefully we’ll all get to know each other sooner than later. I saw chatter but never in response to my posts, (and there were a handful of them when needed…. at least when I thought they would be useful).

I’m learning that when a big group is running they aren’t concerned really about much except what’s in front of them. Unless it’s one of our Keeps that needs some help that is. Other objectives appear to be “karma” farm items and are ok to flip back and forth (kinda like eotm). Am I right or am I missing something?

… just call me … Tim :)

(edited by Balthazzarr.1349)

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: joneirikb.7506


If it is Crummy leading in TS you’re mostly missing his drunken British/Australian accent, and that everyone are to busy squirreling to listen to him. It’s quite fun. :p

"The most organized un-organized drunken squirrel guild ever" -Rock, Guild Leader SIN

Elrik Noj (Norn Guardian, Kaineng [SIN][Owls])
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: Balthazzarr.1349


omg, lol… well if it’s a lot of people talking at once then I’m not going to get use out of it anyway.. haa.. I have a hearing impairment. In TS if it’s just the commander talking (even with an accent) I can hear and follow just fine. If multiple people are talking then all I hear is muddle.. bad muddle. Just when I think it’s safe to TS.. bahaaaa

Not that I won’t try! ‘cause I will… but if it’s crazy with people talking over each other then I would have to go back to ‘following as well as I can’

… just call me … Tim :)

Crystal Desert, K, ET, BP grouping using TS ?

in WvW

Posted by: joneirikb.7506


Know the feeling, I got a bit sensitive hearing myself, so I can manage at most 30 minutes with TS, and then I just need to shut all sound off or I get a headache.

But I do like dropping in every now and then when the guild is actually trying to do something other than using the TS as drunken karaoke bar. :p

Elrik Noj (Norn Guardian, Kaineng [SIN][Owls])
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”