Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: RedOwl.7496


Yes there have been numerous times when Mag has been in DH BL. Usually just a couple towers and camp and an occasional keep. But to say, “hard pressed to find 10” Mag in DH would be wrong. Maybe not at the time you play however.

There doesn’t need to be some formal alliance. And if there were, there is absolutely nothing wrong with doing that to fight an opponent that is beating you. Just being smart. But I am from the old DAOC days where a realm would be dominant for MONTHS, even years, at a time and the 2 weaker sides often had to band together to have a chance.

How does it make sense for Mag and DH to fight over a few thousand points to get 2nd place, when all we really accomplish is letting CD expand their lead? They are 30K ahead. The more we fight each other, the bigger CDs lead gets. No one should really give a crap about who comes in second IMO. Does anyone ever remember who came in second place?

Make CD fight on 2 fronts on every map and we could reduce that lead and then maybe Mag and DH can win instead of being the first loser!

At least avoid each other in the morning hours when CD population is at a peak. It is almost as bad as Fort Aspenwood was last week.

Speaking of FA, any Darkhaven find it rather amusing that the players who jumped ship from DH to go to Sorrow’s Furnance early in the matchup last week, are now getting their butt whopped by Northern Shiverpeaks just as badly as FA did to us?

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


blah blah blah points points points

Why do you care so much about points? You do realize it is extremely difficult to stabilize any sort of point coverage with all three servers having different prime times, right? No one needs to make in informal alliance, if you see CD zerging around, just go and back cap or poke at their BL. This would have nothing to do with going into Mag BL or worrying about fighting them.

No one should really give a crap about who comes in second IMO. Does anyone ever remember who came in second place?

Maguuma rarely gives a crap who comes in first (unless it’s a close match). We tend to remember who comes in second because it’s usually us. And we usually tend to remember the places of our matchups because we want to know what to expect next time (if there is one). You sound like you’re solely focused on winning, if that’s the case, being on a server that doesn’t have 24/7 coverage is not for you.

At around 1am today there was a cheater on Dark
We all reported him for botting since Arenanet failed to implement an option to report for cheating.

Botting sends the reported player something like a captcha and they have to enter it within a certain amount of time or they’re banned/probated for however many hours. Therefore, if you reported a real player for botting, nothing will come of it as they would just enter in the captcha. Use griefing or exploiting next time.

Ah well. Congrats! You are SoL! Welcome to WvW hackers!

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

(edited by GuardianOMS.8067)

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


Botting sends the reported player something like a captcha and they have to enter it within a certain amount of time or they’re banned/probated for however many hours. Therefore, if you reported a real player for botting, nothing will come of it as they would just enter in the captcha. Use griefing or exploiting next time.

There is no exploiting or griefing option.

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Kita.7819


To the CD thief that ran away from me, only to fight (and lose) to me when she ran to someone who she presumably thought would protect her,

Hi. I’m Kita.

Kita – Guardian
Server: Darkhaven. The Besthaven.

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Miu Xie.5872

Miu Xie.5872

Hi Kita!

Aaaand I don’t think that person will see your post :P

Sanae Kurita, Mag

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Kita.7819


You’re probably right!

Kita – Guardian
Server: Darkhaven. The Besthaven.

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


To the RE and WE that we repeatedly wiped at umberglade and durios.

<———————— CD’s side of the map is that way

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Kita.7819


You could say WE and RE WERE there.

Kita – Guardian
Server: Darkhaven. The Besthaven.

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: terrordrone.1875


that One cheater is probably why CD set up the two trebs so they could throw cows at DH spawn.

Here’s an idea, use a side exit. It’s there for a reason.

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: RedOwl.7496


“Why do you care so much about points?”

I guess I would have to ask, why are you playing WvW if you DON’T care about points? If points don’t matter to you, then you should never bother taking a camp, tower, or keep again. Just fight out in the open field only I guess. Or why not just go play sPvP?

“Maguuma rarely gives a crap who comes in first (unless it’s a close match).”

That is exactly why I was asking why Mag and DH are fighting each other so much! Anytime we are fighting each other is time we aren’t putting pressure on CD. Last week I think FA had like a 100K lead in no time and DH had like 4k. It was hopeless. CD has about a 35K lead right now over Mag. I consider that a close match. A lead that can be overtaken IF both DH and Mag fight CD mostly. Fighting over who gets seconds just seems dumb to me.

I bet a lot of Maguuma players do care about coming in first. But yet you speak for the whole server and say they don’t give a crap. Are you really that certain?

CD is probably going to really kitten us (DH AND MAG) during the weekday mornings where I know DH is weak and I assume Mag is also. Thanksgiving could help us…or hurt us if few play. But I assume not a lot of asians celebrate thanksgiving and CD supposedly has a large asian morning zerg. A lot of Americans will also have Friday off. Something to think about.

I’d rather see Mag win over CD even if DH comes in 3rd. But that could just be me. Ideally, of course, I’d rather see it go DH, Maguuma, Crystal Desert. I just do not want to see Crystal Desert win. They are only winning so far only because of their large morning zerg IMO.

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: RedOwl.7496


“Here’s an idea, use a side exit. It’s there for a reason.”

It still amazes me the number of idiots who will continue to go straight out the middle to die over and over to spawn campers. Apparently looking at the map and seeing there are two other ways to exit is beyond their mental capabilities.

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Yo RedOwl. Mag controls their entire BL, DH controls their entire BL, EBG is evenly split 3 ways, and both Mag and DH are pushing up into the CD borderlands towards CD garrison. Where the hell are all these big blown up Mag/DH fights going on that nobody has seen but you. All I see is the odd group snagging supply camps for giggles, and maybe the odd tower ninja.

(edited by Rhyis.7058)

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Phzt.9864


Here’s an idea – Maguuma will just have fun since that’s sort of what our server does and why it’s a draw for casual people. I’ve been in DH borderlands almost elusively, because that’s where I’ll find more targets.

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: terrordrone.1875


Here’s an idea – Maguuma will just have fun since that’s sort of what our server does and why it’s a draw for casual people. I’ve been in DH borderlands almost elusively, because that’s where I’ll find more targets.

I like fighting you Maguuma guys. Had a run in on our way to get the JP and we decided to take a few supply camps. Gotta say you guys really do not give up.

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: katniss.6735


Leave it to the 3rd place team to attack the 2nd place team, insuring the lead for the first. Happens every game. Ugh.

Server: Maguuma – Leafy Lass – Elementalist (WvW)
Guild: Bill Murray [Bill]/ [DERP]

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: RedOwl.7496


“Where the hell are all these big blown up Mag/DH fights going on that nobody has seen but you. "

Just because it may not be happening right at the moment you are talking about, does not mean it hasn’t been happening. That’s my point…why fight each other anywhere really since all it does is make things easier for CD to keep the lead. Both sides having everyone fighting CD constantly makes things tough for them. DH and Mag fighting each other makes it easier for them to spread out and take our stuff instead of being bottled up defending.

“Leave it to the 3rd place team to attack the 2nd place team, insuring the lead for the first. Happens every game. Ugh.”

Yep. At least someone gets it! Also, the 2nd place team thinks…“let’s attack the 3rd place team since they are easier and weaker and we can ‘win’ second place.” Guess my brain will never be able to embrace this sort of logic.

To each his own I guess. Play however you want. Just don’t understand some players approach to winning WvW.

2nd place is not a win. The goal should be knocking off the 1st place team out of 1st place. The ultimate of course would be to win by 5 points at reset Friday after being behind the whole week. I’d love to see that at least once.

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


So how many DH did it take to finally take Pangloss? I think it was about 10 of us to 40 of you when you finally zerged through.

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


“Why do you care so much about points?”

I guess I would have to ask, why are you playing WvW if you DON’T care about points? If points don’t matter to you, then you should never bother taking a camp, tower, or keep again. Just fight out in the open field only I guess. Or why not just go play sPvP?

Because WvW is fun? You are seriously missing the point over and over. Points are not the end all game of WvW. Besetment.9187 explained it nicely, why don’t you go read his post again? Whether we win or lose, at the end of the day, it was fun.

Fighting over who gets seconds just seems dumb to me.

I bet a lot of Maguuma players do care about coming in first. But yet you speak for the whole server and say they don’t give a crap. Are you really that certain?

Not to the extent of making an informal alliance to pressure the first place holder. I’m not speaking for the whole server, I’m speaking for what I know and have seen. We care when we say, “who’s got the most points? Let’s go take some of the junk.” But we don’t care to the point that we will try to only fight the person in the lead.

They are only winning so far only because of their large morning zerg IMO.

This is nothing new to Maguuma. We just play the game and do what we can.

Yep. At least someone gets it! Also, the 2nd place team thinks…“let’s attack the 3rd place team since they are easier and weaker and we can ‘win’ second place.” Guess my brain will never be able to embrace this sort of logic.

You seem to think just because there a few Mag are taking points away from DH that their direct incentive is to secure second place. Can YOU speak for an entire server? Did you ever think that maybe we’re fighting you because you put up some kind of fight that doesn’t include just zerging? Maybe we don’t want to fight a 40+ man zerg during their primetime? I can be wrong in speaking for anyone, but you seriously need to reevaluate yourself if you think you are completely right and can’t understand anyone else who has different “logic.”

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

(edited by GuardianOMS.8067)

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


If you keep attacking us we’re not going to let you have stonemist.


Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Phzt.9864


Because WvW is fun? You are seriously missing the point over and over. Points are not the end all game of WvW. Besetment.9187 explained it nicely, why don’t you go read his post again? Whether we win or lose, at the end of the day, it was fun.

You may only have fun in the structured ways the game has laid out for you. Having fun outside of that zone makes no sense. How do you know if you’re having fun if the game isn’t telling you?!

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: wads.5730


I bet a lot of Maguuma players do care about coming in first. But yet you speak for the whole server and say they don’t give a crap. Are you really that certain?

because those that do care about winning would have already jumped ship. magerma never wins.

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


Yup. Most of the Mag players left LOVE WvW, but are still very casual.

“Oh hey, DH is in our BL. Let’s not kick em out, they’re in third place already. Let’s go hit CD, they’re in the lead after all.”

I hope they did it right. You have to type (FOR) MAGUUUUUUMA! in team chat before you kamikaze or suicide, or else it’s just pointless.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

(edited by GuardianOMS.8067)

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: ryan.3915


I’m impressed by how selfless Maguumas were last night. Every time we set up any seige, a group of Mags ran up kamikaze style to do as much damage as they could. If the first wave died, they just sent another.

Blaine – Crystal Desert

Blaine Warbler, Thief
EDMW, Jade Quarry.
I still love Crystal Dessert tho.

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Actium.8765


As i’m reading i see so much hate from mag and CD directed at us… lol you guys need to lighten up and just play WvW. We attack who we feel like attacking at that time. We already lost and we know it so were just having fun.

So just chill and deal with whatever we throw at you instead of coming to the forums and blowing up about it. kthx


Character: Acium 80 Guard
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Titan.3472


Here Commander Titan War CD [LORD] Guild

24hours ago we just sneaked SM in less than 10minutes. Was fun.
Thak you for the great wvw week and do like we always do win or loose we don’t care of points but only having fun, well even if being 1st is motivating people to join up wvw or even transfer here.

I care only on how many badges I can farm in a week: and this week with kamikaze style I see from other servers I am very happy to say It might be a very good week for badges !

See you on the battlefield.

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Nihilas.5374


I’m impressed by how selfless Maguumas were last night. Every time we set up any seige, a group of Mags ran up kamikaze style to do as much damage as they could. If the first wave died, they just sent another.

Blaine – Crystal Desert

Oh You Guys Noticed That..

[WoT] – Maguuma
Thief -Ayranis, Guardian-SevenOfNines
“Even Pubbies Watch The Mini Map”

(edited by Nihilas.5374)

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: bushmastertd.6405


Good fights happening in the Mag Borderlands, the freaking south side of the map was crazy, DH was pinched between Mag and CD, kudos to CD fro finally kicking us out of Redbrair. Hope fights like this last all Week!

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


As i’m reading i see so much hate from mag and CD directed at us…

Uh, what? Where are you getting this? I think you’re being a little more sensitive to the posts saying anything about DH. But there is definitely not “so much hate.” If anything, it seems like there are more posts concerning CD, but I could be wrong. This a forum discussing pvp, there will be talk about about the opposing team. Don’t play a victim and blow it out of proportion.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: TheFreshBrew.1958


It’s not about not being able to leave the spawn, everyone knows the side exists are there, even tho in this case the side exists are in enemy hands.

My point is simply that spawncamping an enemy who has outmanned buffs is low class. Especially when the spawncampers own everything on the map as was this case And to do it with Trebs and Ballistas … but hey, you guys wanna be known for that, go for it.

So, do your spawncamping, be low class, its fine with me. I just would hope that after Friday Reset we’re fighting a server with a little bit more self-respect than CD is showing .

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


most posts i read are about CD this CD that braindead CD etc.. seems like more hates towards CD than DH…

anyway like most of us at CD, we play for fun. some says we’re braindead becoz we built golems, but that’s they way we’re having fun… my friend even used to built a golem purposely to fight a deer because that deer kicked his face….

so stop condemning how the other servers play, but plan your own strategy instead….

anyway.. this week could be a good week for me to level up another character. WvW exp is huge !

anyway.. this week could be a good week for me to level up another character. WvW exp is huge !pardon my english….. i’m asian

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


uh.. why am i seeing some of the paragraph are double posted…..?

uh.. why am i seeing some of the paragraph are double posted…..?checked before posting…..

uh.. why am i seeing some of the paragraph are double posted…..?checked before posting…..

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


If that’s how you have fun, as I said before, more power to you. For me, fun is fighting a server who can actually put up a fight that doesn’t include Russian tactics. I’m more disappointed than happy when we defend a keep while being greatly outnumbered. And last week vs EBay and ET was the ultimate snooze fest. We zergged around with no opposition and it felt like the worst and most boring week to me.

People will say things about your server, deal with it. Telling them to not comment on how you play or what’s happening or their opinion is unrealistic.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

(edited by GuardianOMS.8067)

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Mucho respect to CD. But is DH’s strategy is LOL.


Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Kita.7819


Mucho respect to CD. But is DH’s strategy is LOL.

Rethesis has turned into a temporary PVE guild thanks to fractals. At the same time, I’ve been seeing a lot less GOONs. I guess we just like having fun.

Kita – Guardian
Server: Darkhaven. The Besthaven.

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: bllius.9027


Crystal Desert here – I just want to give props to the Dark Haven group from the All or nothing guild. Running around in a 4-5 man just kicking kitten Ya’ll are a tough group =P


Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Convenant.7092


AoN had fun killing and being killed by both DH and Crystal Desert today good fights, thankks

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


At the same time, I’ve been seeing a lot less GOONs. I guess we just like having fun.

When the SFD vs GOON war of 2012 took off, both guilds nearly disappeared from everything involving WvW following the aftermath. The players themselves might still be around, but it’s seems like nobody has been running the tags for quite some time now. Mag seems more like a hodgepodge of guilds nowadays.

This is purely anecdotal, but that’s how I’ve seen it lately.

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Mucho respect to CD. But is DH’s strategy is LOL.

Rethesis has turned into a temporary PVE guild thanks to fractals. At the same time, I’ve been seeing a lot less GOONs. I guess we just like having fun.

That was meant as a question. DH was doing some weird stuff…


Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Absinth.6917


ooops double post.

Potential For An Esport [NONE]

Haiku FTW

(edited by Absinth.6917)

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Absinth.6917


As a CD player I should point out that what DH and Mag are currently experiencing we here have seen in 2 week cycles. We lose 2 and win one. The most important thing is that we do not quit….for the most part. From what I’ve seen from both of our opponents this week – you guys share the same heart that we do. The true difference is twofold.

1. We have a superb Oceanic presence. Without them this match would be quite different.

2. The majority of the servers above us have gotten there by beating us down at one point. We endeavor to persevere and try to learn and improve as we go. It can be a painful experience to be sure.

I must say that both DH and Mag have seemingly respectful players as I have not noticed the normal /emote nonsense. That and you have a few extremely effective roaming squads. A mesmer duo comes to mind.

Should you guys get bored I’ll share a little game that I was introduced to this evening. Take 3-4 people and take supply points. Once you get to any opposing borderlands northern supply camp, take it and set up siege equipment. Ballistae works perfectly as do a couple of arrow carts. Be sure to upgrade that supply camp should you have the time. The camp boss is……well……a BOSS!

And let the hilarity commence! (Extra points if you wipe a zerg or can hold that point for over 15 mins while constantly being attacked.)

3-4 (our 4th once was a random that we picked up at a prior camp) of us did this in both DH’s and Mag’s borderlands this evening and had one helluva time. Quite amazing the response, and subsequent badges, that you will receive. We effectively neutralized ~ 20-30 of the enemy at different times for about two hours. Redirecting the enemies focus at it’s finest.

But what we really wanted to do was have some fun and that little episode was a blast!


Potential For An Esport [NONE]

Haiku FTW

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Fiction.6418


I for the most part just roam around with guild mates and take supply camps and pick on stragglers, as our numbers are not that of a zerg guild. I also have been having a blast holding towers against the CD zergs until we can’t anymore. Good fun this week, even though waking up each day and checking the score is a little shocking. I hope the fun continues throughout the week. I will also mention that after the first night, I have been on DH several different times. Yay for me? :P

Evidence – 80Asura Thief | Skáldskap 80Human Guardian | Pirateking 80Human Mesmer
Pvp Inc. [PvP]
Ferguson’s Crossing

(edited by Fiction.6418)

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Sophie.8619


Some great fun in WvW this match up, props to maguma tonight, nice moves! You facerolled my group a few times, left me laughing when you portal bombed us from behind Anz as we were on the lord! I will remember that one

Don’t lose hope guys you may not know it but you do have us on the run.

Looking forward to more fun fights in the very near future.

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Raincrow.1840


Come on CD, even with numbers you set a ballista in front of the spawn? I’m kinda hoping Anet puts us up against a server with some class this Friday evening.

CD player here… and I agree. It’s not classy at all. Come on home server, there’s no call for that.

Crystal Desert; The Viking Server
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


haha.. yeah, as if building treb in front of spawn camp near the legendary defender is a very classy

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


The only people that get spawn camped are the idiots too stupid to walk out the other entrances. They’d simply do more damage than actual good even if they did get out there in the big bad world. You’re doing them a kindness.

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


I like the garrison pingpong going on in our borderlands right now. Looks like CD can barely cap our map when outnumbering us 2:1~

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: DANGRYdan.8392


I really can not believe how many people log out after being downed in WvW, it is ridiculous.

[RED]Tigurius Rex – Maguuma
Become an Asuran multi-tool thief

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: ryan.3915


Went to bed and woke up 8 hours later, glad that CD is still holding about 60% of the territory. Go CD!

Score update
Crystal Desert – 118k, +290
Maguuma – 74k, +145
Darkhaven – 65k, +260

Blaine Warbler, Thief
EDMW, Jade Quarry.
I still love Crystal Dessert tho.

(edited by ryan.3915)

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Wildman.9641


WvW is all about who has the best PvDoor numbers. Why does anyone even care who is “winning”?

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: IcomeINpeace.2085


Fun times today.. some highlights!

-fighting side by side with a God (in GW2 anyway)

-does it get better? pfft ya it does.. getting rezd by a God.

-Crystal Dessert taking SM.. you guys are nuts.. in a good way.


IcomeINpeace [DERP]

(edited by IcomeINpeace.2085)