Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Coolmoos.8546


I’m bored of this thread… Move on DH so I can have SoR and Yaks matches back.. Those were actually fun

Atriese 80 Thief – Os Guild [Os] – Northern Shiverpeaks

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


Yeah, try being the 3rd place realm that never gets to upgrade it’s stuff because both sides see easy takes compared to each others fully upgraded towers they got while nobody else was on lol.

I agree it’s our fault for not being able to field the people, but the game also encourages farming the weaker of the 3 realms for points instead of actually fighting the stronger realms.

I’m from Maguuma, and we played against you last matchup. We won not because we had a heavy night-crew but because a group of guilds set up global server VOIP. This matchup, we’re getting steamrolled and losing everything we have every night because we have no night coverage and are up against an Oceanic-heavy server. I know what the field looks like when you get rolled by nightcapping, and I can tell you that nightcapping doesn’t explain your server’s performance (okay, maybe it did at the end when you all had vanished due to the score spread).

Rather than giving up and blaming nightcapping, I would recommend considering what you can do to improve your performance. EBay has a lot of potential that you all need to organize together and realize.

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: StormMcCloud.1587


I know the people who took the Orb (from NSP) and there was no hacking.

Almost a 100K lead and you have to cry hacks when we get one little, dinky victory.

Stay classy, Darkhaven.

You do realize what you are calling “one little, dinky victory” was made because the orb magically got taken out of a fully reinforced keep with ZERO damage to the walls/gates. Seems kinda fishy that the alter would just magically break for no reason.

We (NSP) took the orb for kitten n giggles but eventually all 7 of us got killed before we made it out of camp with it. From the looks of the map it was never put back into the alter. I imagine that’s part of the reason why DH got it from eBay so easily. I doubt there was any hacking.

The Alter was smashed and for some reason still is smashed. Hence the reason it wasn’t placed back on it.

Capt Insano
Getof Fenris

(edited by StormMcCloud.1587)

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


I look forward to meeting DH again. To those that seem to think we are winning because of transfers, you really don’t know our server that well. DH knows us, DH gets us, and thats why we have such a great rivalry with them. We both have the utmost respect for each other imo, we both have a fight till the end attitude and that will never change regardless of who transfers to us or away from us.

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Worban.1574


StormMcCloud, we figured out exactly how it was done. And when I say we, I mean that [WE] figured it out, replicated the exploit so we would know how to defend against it. It was not a hack, but rather a clever thief trick that has been reported as an exploitable vulnerability to Anet for a fix. PM me (or anyone from [WE]) here or in game and we can provide a link where the info is posted.

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Supersun.4603


I’m from Maguuma, and we played against you last matchup. We won not because we had a heavy night-crew but because a group of guilds set up global server VOIP. This matchup, we’re getting steamrolled and losing everything we have every night because we have no night coverage and are up against an Oceanic-heavy server. I know what the field looks like when you get rolled by nightcapping, and I can tell you that nightcapping doesn’t explain your server’s performance (okay, maybe it did at the end when you all had vanished due to the score spread).

Rather than giving up and blaming nightcapping, I would recommend considering what you can do to improve your performance. EBay has a lot of potential that you all need to organize together and realize.

You won because you had a glitched garrison in our own borderlands :/

I’m not sure how you guys can keep writing that off like it’s nothing when it essentially gave you a 2x point handicap.

(edited by Supersun.4603)

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Worban.1574


Yes, there is definitely that mutual respect, Elthurien and I would even go so far as using the word, “admiration” at least from my perspective. Yes, I’ve criticized some limited instances of hacking in the past but honestly, you guys have become frickin clydesdales since we beat you in week 1, you retaliating and smashing us in week 2, and ever since.

You going up a bracket and knocking us down at the same time really, really got to us, haha! We decided right then and there, after that week, we were gonna get you for it!

SoR is proof that servers can pull themselves together and accomplish GREAT things, if they set their mind to it and most importantly, work together.

Quitting attitudes and lousy morale when scores start dropping will end a server’s future. But getting angry about losing, which gives that extra motivation to fight harder and doing something to fix it…that is the fighting spirit more servers need in their general populations.

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Worban.1574


No kitty, Zastari. You don’t think we figured that out after learning how folks cheat in the game? Of course we’ll never keep orb in West Keep, unless there’s absolutely no other choice. Other servers should be aware of the same thing.

Do NOT keep your orb in west keep because cheaters will just bypass walls which is not an intended way to enter a Keep. Hiding a Mesmer inside and using the gate tactic is the only legitimate way of bypassing walls/gates that I know of. Otherwise, Keeps are intended to be sieged and that is called warfare. Glitching through barriers is not intended warfare.

Using Inkshot in such a manner is not a tactic, it’s clearly an exploit, unless Anet reports otherwise. But thanks for teaching us that lesson, former JQ guild currently residing in NSP.

(edited by Worban.1574)

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Worban.1574


Oh and with regard to trebbing west keep from garrison cliffs, that does not last long on my shift. You can waste the prints if you want though.

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Coolmoos.8546


Unfortunately, NSP is plagued with VIP. The guild claims we would fall apart without them.


What is your guild btw? I have seen quite a few that have been so much fun to fight against.

Atriese 80 Thief – Os Guild [Os] – Northern Shiverpeaks

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Worban.1574


I am with Heaven and Earth [HVN] and I have to say, we faced some well-organized opposition from both servers that was very fun and challenging to fight when I played earlier tonight. I take that as a sign that the others servers haven’t given up yet and we want to keep that fun going.

Yeah, I meant my post to lighten the mood, and thanks Coolmoos! But seriously, I can think of 5 or 6 commanders off the top of my head on DH that are hands-down, better tacticians than me. I could probably come up with more if I really think about it.

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Coolmoos.8546


Ah… If you play at night I wouldn’t see you guys Unfortunately 6am EST comes early for work and I roll off the game around 12-12:30pm EST

BUT… If you come across a thief in full Exotic that looks like a Ninja with flaming arms.. haha thats me [Os]

Atriese 80 Thief – Os Guild [Os] – Northern Shiverpeaks

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Worban.1574


Oooh, I’m a Human Thief and I’ve been dying to find the perfect skin, even though I’ve put absolutely zero research into it since I’m fully committed to WvW. I know it’s off topic, but would you be willing to pm me your skin (or any other really cool ones) because I hate that most medium armor sets look so gunslinger like.

I’m currently wearing Exotic Berserker’s set for WvW, transmuted into the TP Kryton set. Not a big fan of it. But if you even see the plain, boring, brown-dye thief wielding a short-bow most of the time, that’s me. But like you said, we play opposite hours. I am usually 6pm to about 2am, server time, or later if the server needs it.

I’ve been wanting to find something with either a Ninja or Assassin’s Creed look.

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Ricky.4706


@Worban I found this site http://www.gw2armor.com/ may help you get a glimpse of a few armors

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Coolmoos.8546


I was fully geared a week into the game lol So i found what I want to look like :P Lemme see if i can find what I look like lol

Its kinda hard here.. Its from another pic I posted here on forums… lol


Atriese 80 Thief – Os Guild [Os] – Northern Shiverpeaks

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Coolmoos.8546


Atriese 80 Thief – Os Guild [Os] – Northern Shiverpeaks

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Worban.1574


Very cool, thanks a bunch, Ricky! I really like the look of ‘Named’ sets and will go with Nika’s since it matches Berserker’s stats.

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Ricky.4706


@Coolmoos and Worban my pleasure

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Actium.8765


to that NSP guy i was dancing with outside of the north supply camp yesteday at around 3pm…i love you. lol That was probably one of the funniest things iv done in WvW.

I was chasing after you for a min and when you stopped i decided to just run up and dance…lol i wasn’t really expecting you to dance back. was pretty funny. We didn’t even fight after that. we just kinda went out seperate ways. ^.^


Character: Acium 80 Guard
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]

(edited by Actium.8765)

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Coolmoos.8546


^^^ Love it

Atriese 80 Thief – Os Guild [Os] – Northern Shiverpeaks

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Actium.8765


his dance moves were better then mine though…maybe i shoulda attacked him for that… ;.; lol

Character: Acium 80 Guard
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Actium.8765


So…if you guys happen to see a lvl 80 guardian with the clan tag of [WE] run up and has a big @ZZ sword and starts dancing…that will be me… lol

Character: Acium 80 Guard
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Ethersin.3270


Please do not EVER do this, this was one of the biggest waste of resources and time. They sat in the keep while outside we were being attacked, refusing to move because they would have their golems “ninja’d” finally when we repelled the attack and they went out with all of their golems, that they took all the resources FROM THE KEEP instead of a depot, they lost more than half of them. So I urge you, don’t be like this guild or their leader, DO NOT waste that much resources or time or be that stubborn you refuse to help out because you think 10-15 golems is a good idea.

Here, if it makes you feel better we put the golems to good use =)

GL of [RE] Rethesis

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Worban.1574


That is hilarious, Actium, especially your follow up about his moves. I want to dance with an enemy! Maybe on the last day, all three servers should come together with everyone they have for one big dance party, minutes before reset. Outside of StoneMist sound good?

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Aliases.8354


Here, if it makes you feel better we put the golems to good use =)

Almost 4min of you and your guild running in golem armor…doing nothing…Yeah that wasn’t a waste of most likely 1000 resources taken straight from the east keep.

The only way that would make this video redeemable, is if you sped it up and put benny hill music to it isntead.

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Aldare.5836


I’m honestly unsure of what to say regarding NSP right now. Last week we fought tooth and nail against YB/SoR and lost by a small margin. Now it just feels like a lot of the server has given up since that loss. I’ve seen significantly fewer players on lately and it shows in our inability to hold the map. I’ve been fighting since reset but now even I’m starting to feel demoralized. It’s not so much the score, but the general “I give up” feeling the server has currently. I wish we could rally and show DH and EB what we’re really capable of.

Just a Guy

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Lurko.7185


@Worban my hit list is Yak’s Bend then SoR. We owe Yak’s Bend payback first. They started the Darkhaven war machine.

Guild Leader of Pak’Cafan [Darkhaven]

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Ethersin.3270



Yah I took resources from a keep that my guild claimed, most of the golems were built using the north and south supply camps fyi. Also the golem army flipped garrison 3 times, took orb, and wiped out zergs. In addition the keep we took supplies fell anyways and it wasnt from lack of supplies it was due to them having a larger zerg. So please tell me again it wasn’t worth it. Oh btw, who are you again?

GL of [RE] Rethesis

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Reido Kyuuten.4709

Reido Kyuuten.4709

Just wanted to post this link in case you hadn’t seen it yet: http://mos.millenium.org/matchups#NA

Congrats on the win DH. If the current trend continues for the rest of the week, you’ll probably be getting your next shot at SoR in two weeks since they will probably move up two brackets next week, after slaughtering GoM. (I’m making the assumption that SoR will pad their lead more and move to the 9th spot as Blackgate spanks TC harder.) This rating system is kinda annoying (and now outdated?) since GoM jumped us (NS), SoR and Yak’s just because they slaughtered this bracket last week and moved into a bracket where they clearly didn’t belong. I hope ANet really updates their rating system because the slaughtering of ‘lesser’ servers to make huge jumps in rankings should be toned down now since evenly matched servers have been up against each other fairly often in the past two weeks.

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Aliases.8354



Taking resources from a keep that isn’t upgraded at all, while trying to reinforce the door and the walls, while we are being attacked, sitting in the keep with all of your golems as I took a screenshot and showed. Refusing to get out and repel the invaders so we don’t lose the keep yet again, you and your guild sat inside your golems refusing to get out, or help anyone else. Plus I like how in your video you cut out the part where you lost the orb in the water. Also the part where you kept typing in caps “LET ME GET THE ORB I MUST GET THE ORB!” I guess it was in some way for you to make your guild look better and your person kitten grow larger. God knows no one wanted to actually run the orb themselves and risk pissing off you, seeing as you kept screaming about how you must get the orb. The funny thing was, you could easily of helped us repel the invaders, and even go to the blue lake supply camp and grab supplies there to build your golems. Not take them from the keep and kitten our upgrading progression.

As for who I am, I am Aliases.8354 figured you would of read that when you @ and quoted me in previous posts.

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Aliases.8354


I’m honestly unsure of what to say regarding NSP right now. Last week we fought tooth and nail against YB/SoR and lost by a small margin. Now it just feels like a lot of the server has given up since that loss. I’ve seen significantly fewer players on lately and it shows in our inability to hold the map. I’ve been fighting since reset but now even I’m starting to feel demoralized. It’s not so much the score, but the general “I give up” feeling the server has currently. I wish we could rally and show DH and EB what we’re really capable of.

Given up? They own most of the maps last I saw maybe an hour ago, seems you guys have a night team

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Ethersin.3270



Taking resources from a keep that isn’t upgraded at all, while trying to reinforce the door and the walls, while we are being attacked, sitting in the keep with all of your golems as I took a screenshot and showed. Refusing to get out and repel the invaders so we don’t lose the keep yet again, you and your guild sat inside your golems refusing to get out, or help anyone else. Plus I like how in your video you cut out the part where you lost the orb in the water. Also the part where you kept typing in caps “LET ME GET THE ORB I MUST GET THE ORB!” I guess it was in some way for you to make your guild look better and your person kitten grow larger. God knows no one wanted to actually run the orb themselves and risk pissing off you, seeing as you kept screaming about how you must get the orb. The funny thing was, you could easily of helped us repel the invaders, and even go to the blue lake supply camp and grab supplies there to build your golems. Not take them from the keep and kitten our upgrading progression.

As for who I am, I am Aliases.8354 figured you would of read that when you @ and quoted me in previous posts.

Ok, so your just a random pug who is blind to results, as for me wanting the orb, too many times have people replaced the orb on the alter instead of bringing it to the right keep. Just stop and ask yourself what YOU are doing for the server, instead of being on the forums constantly flaming and pointing out things, go out there and make a difference.

GL of [RE] Rethesis

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Joshiasi.2840



Taking resources from a keep that isn’t upgraded at all, while trying to reinforce the door and the walls, while we are being attacked, sitting in the keep with all of your golems as I took a screenshot and showed. Refusing to get out and repel the invaders so we don’t lose the keep yet again, you and your guild sat inside your golems refusing to get out, or help anyone else. Plus I like how in your video you cut out the part where you lost the orb in the water. Also the part where you kept typing in caps “LET ME GET THE ORB I MUST GET THE ORB!” I guess it was in some way for you to make your guild look better and your person kitten grow larger. God knows no one wanted to actually run the orb themselves and risk pissing off you, seeing as you kept screaming about how you must get the orb. The funny thing was, you could easily of helped us repel the invaders, and even go to the blue lake supply camp and grab supplies there to build your golems. Not take them from the keep and kitten our upgrading progression.

As for who I am, I am Aliases.8354 figured you would of read that when you @ and quoted me in previous posts.

Ok, so your just a random pug who is blind to results, as for me wanting the orb, too many times have people replaced the orb on the alter instead of bringing it to the right keep. Just stop and ask yourself what YOU are doing for the server, instead of being on the forums constantly flaming and pointing out things, go out there and make a difference.

Well I see that he is from the [GoF] guild. From the screenshot he took, he had a guildy beside him. FYI.


He just made some changes to his screenshot to take out his guildmate’s name. But definately from [GoF]. No point in editing the screenshot as its already been there for a while.

Gao Bahn – Thief

(edited by Joshiasi.2840)

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Cardynalsyn.1045


Lol aye GoF here as well really sucked defending “your” keep for 3 hrs while you took all keep supplies and sat in your golem army. Now we have moved on since that night at least I have anyways. I just personally didn’t see the strategy in effectively locking down our whole borderland army defending a keep with no supplies because you had to go golem mode on a Friday night at match start.

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Aliases.8354



Taking resources from a keep that isn’t upgraded at all, while trying to reinforce the door and the walls, while we are being attacked, sitting in the keep with all of your golems as I took a screenshot and showed. Refusing to get out and repel the invaders so we don’t lose the keep yet again, you and your guild sat inside your golems refusing to get out, or help anyone else. Plus I like how in your video you cut out the part where you lost the orb in the water. Also the part where you kept typing in caps “LET ME GET THE ORB I MUST GET THE ORB!” I guess it was in some way for you to make your guild look better and your person kitten grow larger. God knows no one wanted to actually run the orb themselves and risk pissing off you, seeing as you kept screaming about how you must get the orb. The funny thing was, you could easily of helped us repel the invaders, and even go to the blue lake supply camp and grab supplies there to build your golems. Not take them from the keep and kitten our upgrading progression.

As for who I am, I am Aliases.8354 figured you would of read that when you @ and quoted me in previous posts.

Ok, so your just a random pug who is blind to results, as for me wanting the orb, too many times have people replaced the orb on the alter instead of bringing it to the right keep. Just stop and ask yourself what YOU are doing for the server, instead of being on the forums constantly flaming and pointing out things, go out there and make a difference.

Well I see that he is from the [GoF] guild. From the screenshot he took, he had a guildy beside him. FYI.


He just made some changes to his screenshot to take out his guildmate’s name. But definately from [GoF]. No point in editing the screenshot as its already been there for a while.

Oh no you busted me, except I WAS in GoF at the time the picture was taken, I am no longer a part of GoF, so instead of dragging their name down, I just blacked out the names since this isn’t about what “Guild” i represented at the time, this is a discussion between how I feel about your golem fail army, and how you feel. There should be no need to drag in ex guilds.

As for me being a random “pug” I am one of those people constantly reviving people, helping the zerg, dropping siege and working with others to take over places. Sorry I disagree with you guys sitting in a keep waiting for everyone else to do the work, and you try to take all the glory as if you are some GW2 Conan destroying and conquering everything with your guild, and ONLY your guild. I rather not get in politics of guilds, hence why I left GoF my beliefs differed from theirs, they want to solidify a pact with you since I disagreed with this, I left. Rather play to win and help the server as a whole, not just what will make the guild I am in look better.

(edited by Aliases.8354)

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Joshiasi.2840



Taking resources from a keep that isn’t upgraded at all, while trying to reinforce the door and the walls, while we are being attacked, sitting in the keep with all of your golems as I took a screenshot and showed. Refusing to get out and repel the invaders so we don’t lose the keep yet again, you and your guild sat inside your golems refusing to get out, or help anyone else. Plus I like how in your video you cut out the part where you lost the orb in the water. Also the part where you kept typing in caps “LET ME GET THE ORB I MUST GET THE ORB!” I guess it was in some way for you to make your guild look better and your person kitten grow larger. God knows no one wanted to actually run the orb themselves and risk pissing off you, seeing as you kept screaming about how you must get the orb. The funny thing was, you could easily of helped us repel the invaders, and even go to the blue lake supply camp and grab supplies there to build your golems. Not take them from the keep and kitten our upgrading progression.

As for who I am, I am Aliases.8354 figured you would of read that when you @ and quoted me in previous posts.

Ok, so your just a random pug who is blind to results, as for me wanting the orb, too many times have people replaced the orb on the alter instead of bringing it to the right keep. Just stop and ask yourself what YOU are doing for the server, instead of being on the forums constantly flaming and pointing out things, go out there and make a difference.

Well I see that he is from the [GoF] guild. From the screenshot he took, he had a guildy beside him. FYI.


He just made some changes to his screenshot to take out his guildmate’s name. But definately from [GoF]. No point in editing the screenshot as its already been there for a while.

Oh no you busted me, except I WAS in GoF at the time the picture was taken, I am no longer a part of GoF, so instead of dragging their name down, I just blacked out the names since this isn’t about what “Guild” i represented at the time, this is a discussion between how I feel about your golem fail army, and how you feel. There should be no need to drag in ex guilds.

I was not in that Golem Army as you see my that my name is Gao and while they were building the army the rest of the guild was in different parts of the map helping out with other objectives.

Sorry to bring the guild you were in but I don’t really care about what you feel. I just do what I like and PvP. So all this elitist talking ain’t going to affect me at all. Seems like a bunch of those transferred recently anyway.

Gao Bahn – Thief

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Hazal.9560


Trust me, if the gate was going to go down we would have jumped out and helped. That was not the case. The gate never went below 80% if i remeber right and we pushed them back anyway.

We used those golems to flip there garrison several times before they had time to respond.

As for us taking supply out of the keep, 90% of the supply for those golems came from supply camps.

I bid you good day sir!

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Aliases.8354



What I am saying is doing that many golems, and taking resources from the keep instead of letting it get upgraded so it’s better defended, and sitting in golems waiting to try to steal glory is not only annoying but pathetic. That’s all I am trying to say merely my opinion and I am certain were/are several people who saw it that feel the same way. It was a waste of resources and time, not “flaming” just because my opinion differs from yours.

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Aliases.8354


Honestly, what’s done is done but for everyone reading it beforehand I would never ever do what RE did it was a waste of resources they can try to defend it as much as they want, but in the end it was a waste. Several people even came to me applauding me for saying what they couldn’t because of guild politics. /endgolemtalk

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Reido Kyuuten.4709

Reido Kyuuten.4709

I’m honestly unsure of what to say regarding NSP right now. Last week we fought tooth and nail against YB/SoR and lost by a small margin. Now it just feels like a lot of the server has given up since that loss. I’ve seen significantly fewer players on lately and it shows in our inability to hold the map. I’ve been fighting since reset but now even I’m starting to feel demoralized. It’s not so much the score, but the general “I give up” feeling the server has currently. I wish we could rally and show DH and EB what we’re really capable of.

Given up? They own most of the maps last I saw maybe an hour ago, seems you guys have a night team

It’s actually within a few hours of peak for NSP right now. It’ll die down in ~5hrs. Also NSP has had no queues in WvW all week whereas at least have 2 of the 4 zones have had queues during the day and into the night in past weeks so Aldare has a point. I know at least I’m part of that population that Aldare described.

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Actium.8765


130pm. were still fighting but there are just so many of you NSP bast***… lol


Character: Acium 80 Guard
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Wizardauz.3761


Tzenjin[AoN] here, some of the NSP or DH might recognize the tag.

Just wanted to shout out to the DH! You guys definitely hold well. Especially the [RE] you guys got some good coordination going for you guys. Looking forward to the rest of the time we get to spend fighting each other.

You guys may remember from the Borderlands mostly, might have seen me north of Victor’s Lodge at the (what i like to call) The Crossroads taking heads and slicing scalps

Just wanted to make sure you guys know even as the enemy, we’ve got major respect for you guys (NSP too!). Look forward to seeing you guys out tonight!

- Tzenjin [AoN] Lvl 80 Guardian.

Ehmry Bay – Good Fights Guild Leader
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Arius.7031


Here’s a score update:

Edit: Thing is being a little wonky, uploaded the wrong picture and now won’t upload the right one. Hope it starts working >.>


Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


I just want to add in my (and guilds – WW – Darkhaven) comments. We’re thoroughly enjoying this week’s battles with you guys. So much more – fun. Every step of the way, the large battles, to the smaller battles (2v2 4v5 whatever turns out).

There have been countless times where we’ve defended a keep or not, and Emry has as well (last night especially).

I also want to put out there, the Northern Shiverpeaks … gotta alota love for oS is it? Smaller guild I saw last night, as wel as the one charr warrior from ehmry who pushed hard on a defensive stand last night (on ehmry bay bd, believe we were pushing on Longview). Seriously bud, that was a good push, and I respect that kinda D-fence

Well done. So much fun. What a flip from last week, and completely fun. Haven’t had a single bad moment. Enjoying the nights battling – and looking forward to more tonight.

Also going to put out a big thanks to our commanders and some of the leads who actively contribute and communicate well during the pst evening time slot (generally 8pm on) … having alot of fun with you guys. You know who you are ;-)

- X

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Actium.8765


I started the DH zerg in DH BL to retake our BL and attemt to come back from a +60 point tic.. By the time i Logged off we took all of our Bl and hopped over to Emhry Bay Bordlands to try and fight the NSP zerg that hit us hard and capped everything in our BL. What we got instead was an orb carrier that ran face first into us inside EH keep. Apparently he didn’t know we was inside. lol

I’m sorry we all had a good laugh at that. Not that I mean anything bad by it but if it happend to us and you guys ambushed our orb carrier the way we did im sure you would laugh aswell.

Anyways here is the tally by the time i logged off and my first time orginizing a zerg to attempt to make our day crew more lively. Honestly I think I did ok but without the help and determination of the people I was commanding we never would have gotten anywhere!!! So a shout out to all of you!


Character: Acium 80 Guard
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: griffdog.3927



Nice job man!

Lochost Vandalhart – Warrior
Hurc Hammerborn – Guardian
Legion of Legionnaires [LoL] – Darkhaven

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


Please do not EVER do this, this was one of the biggest waste of resources and time. They sat in the keep while outside we were being attacked, refusing to move because they would have their golems “ninja’d” finally when we repelled the attack and they went out with all of their golems, that they took all the resources FROM THE KEEP instead of a depot, they lost more than half of them. So I urge you, don’t be like this guild or their leader, DO NOT waste that much resources or time or be that stubborn you refuse to help out because you think 10-15 golems is a good idea.

Here, if it makes you feel better we put the golems to good use =)

Thanks for posting this E – I’m going to share with the others WW guys. They’ll get a hoot, especially seeing as your footage was great, and it’s as close to TV as we’ll ever get (kidding of course). But gladly hand my prints over anytime you or the commanders need some.

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Ricky.4706


am very happy to see Ebay hanging in there and putting up a fight – I’m in DH, but am cheering the fighting spirit of Ebay ..hang in there guys – we aren’t out to stomp anyone’s pride …just having fun and putting up a good fight

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Raffie.7865


I think EBay has held their share of the map much better then we (DH) have done in the past.

Very nice guys.

www.infowars.com and also lookup Agenda 21
www.graystatemovie.com its coming if you like it or not.

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Onis.1943


Hey I’m not from any major big wig guild or anything, and I’ve recently moved over to NSP last week. I’d like to pause here and thank everyone from NSP, Yak’s, and SoR for an excellent matchup last week, was very very fun.

Darkhaven and Ebay, you guys are playing very well. DH especially, I generally have no qualms about your strategies, you are outplaying us when you have the personnel and I feel we are fighting back when we can, its very fun.

That being said, Darkhaven, you may want to keep an eye out for some exploiters. Earlier today (eh about 7 hours or so ago), your Orb magically decided to go for a stroll and get moved to the West keep. Nobody attacked it, just people decided to exploit and move it over there.

Granted, everyone knows you should take the Orb there, and thats probably where it should have been in the first place, but just because it got misplaced doesn’t mean you get to start cheating and moving it around.

I know the folks responsible for this are the exception and not the rule, I’m not here to start any kind of flaming, just a heads up. This has been a good fun matchup and its no fun to have people spoil anything. If we catch it, we’ll report, just expecting you folks to do the same.

Good luck!