Darkhaven vs. Northern Shiverpeaks vs. Maguuma (Redux #3)

Darkhaven vs. Northern Shiverpeaks vs. Maguuma (Redux #3)

in WvW

Posted by: Kambris.9846


Can we please have a civil discussion this time instead of resorting to stone-age ad hominem to get our points across?

Thank you, and carry on.

Banana Bagel – [WE] Commander – Darkhaven

(edited by Kambris.9846)

Darkhaven vs. Northern Shiverpeaks vs. Maguuma (Redux #3)

in WvW

Posted by: shoognite.2106


What would you like to discuss?

Jaquan “Shoognite” Jenkins
Urban Outreach Program Director, Goon Guilds, LLC.

Darkhaven vs. Northern Shiverpeaks vs. Maguuma (Redux #3)

in WvW

Posted by: dunnberry.2964


Great job NSP last night on the late night defense of Mendons, never gave up and made an amazing defense! Great fun guys, can’t wait for more today!

Borlis Pass
Asuran Engineer (Lost)

Darkhaven vs. Northern Shiverpeaks vs. Maguuma (Redux #3)

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


Shoutout to Inecht and Xishnu (sp?) for a great job of defensive siege placement last night in Maguuma borderland. I kinda feel bad at how badly DH did but I got over it.


Darkhaven vs. Northern Shiverpeaks vs. Maguuma (Redux #3)

in WvW

Posted by: Camo.7581


Maguuma Alamo, never forget

Darkhaven vs. Northern Shiverpeaks vs. Maguuma (Redux #3)

in WvW

Posted by: fellyn.5083


Shoutout to Inecht and Xishnu (sp?) for a great job of defensive siege placement last night in Maguuma borderland. I kinda feel bad at how badly DH did but I got over it.

Little digs like that are why the second thread got locked. Keep it up and we can go for a record third.

(edited by fellyn.5083)

Darkhaven vs. Northern Shiverpeaks vs. Maguuma (Redux #3)

in WvW

Posted by: katniss.6735


Prediction: Maguuma wins the week with out-manned buff on.

Server: Maguuma – Leafy Lass – Elementalist (WvW)
Guild: Bill Murray [Bill]/ [DERP]

Darkhaven vs. Northern Shiverpeaks vs. Maguuma (Redux #3)

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Odd prediction, since I woke up to 66% map control on NSP.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

Darkhaven vs. Northern Shiverpeaks vs. Maguuma (Redux #3)

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


Shoutout to Inecht and Xishnu (sp?) for a great job of defensive siege placement last night in Maguuma borderland. I kinda feel bad at how badly DH did but I got over it.

Little digs like that are why the second thread got locked. Keep it up and we can go for a record third.

What I can’t even say how things went on in the battle ground now? This is absurd.


Darkhaven vs. Northern Shiverpeaks vs. Maguuma (Redux #3)

in WvW

Posted by: Nilgoow.1037


Guys check out my backhanded compliments.

~mad smooth~

Darkhaven vs. Northern Shiverpeaks vs. Maguuma (Redux #3)

in WvW

Posted by: Megahertz.8607


Shoutout to a random DH Warrior I fought last night, bloody good fight. I feel bad that our second meetup got interrupted by a group of other guys on our team. It’s difficult to stop them from attacking in WvWvW, being the nature that it is. All I know is that you were tagged as [Nerf]. /Bow, until we meet again.

Also, as a heads up, during our first match, you downed me when I spawned the thief’s, lucky for me I had enough time to revive myself to continue fighting once you smacked those little buggers down, and came back.

Darkhaven vs. Northern Shiverpeaks vs. Maguuma (Redux #3)

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


How is that relevant to this matchup?

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

Darkhaven vs. Northern Shiverpeaks vs. Maguuma (Redux #3)

in WvW

Posted by: CrimsonHandHiro.9574


What participants from other servers fail to realize is that Maguuma is powered by QQ. I’m not saying we’re angels, but the level of poor sportsmanship off of a particular cadre of vocal posters are basically driving our positive morale. Every defensive we stand we get stronger, as a community.

Darkhaven vs. Northern Shiverpeaks vs. Maguuma (Redux #3)

in WvW

Posted by: Kita.7819


How Darkhaven has viewed servers from the past:

Stormbluff: The weird asian kid that beat you tremendously in that game you love. You’ve never seen him before and you’re unsure if he even attends your school. Since you have nothing to compare him to, you immediately assume he’s one of those “South Korean Pro MLG gamer” types

Ehmry Bay: The kid that insists on always tagging along with you. He’s always there, whether you care or not. Regardless of if he wins or loses, he just wants to have fun

Rall: The kid that insists you play his weird hacked version of SSBB. He says its better and more fun, but clearly its not. You miss regular Brawl, back when Lucario’s jump lasted for 10 seconds.

Kaineng: The GRRRRRLLLL GAMRRR (don’t hit on me you silly boys~) that is always at your game events. Every month she seems to have a different boyfriend in the group. Its clear she’s there solely for attention, seeing as its obvious she hates video games

Anvil Rock: That weird guy that has his own sets of rules. He won’t play unless you use the settings and character he requests. Because of this, no one really wants to hang out with him.

Maguuma: The guy that uses Wavedash in SSBM. Despite the creator of the game himself admitting Wavedashing was a glitch, there is nothing you can do to stop him due to the limitations of the game.

Yak’s Bend: That jerk from grade-school that “borrowed” your Gameboy and never gave it back.

Kita – Guardian
Server: Darkhaven. The Besthaven.

Darkhaven vs. Northern Shiverpeaks vs. Maguuma (Redux #3)

in WvW

Posted by: SHOTTA.9827


I can admit that Maguuma has a good WvW force, but so does DH or else we wouldn’t be matched up against one another. I hate seeing people from my server complaining about stupid exploits. Take portal bombing as an example, instead of wasting our time arguing whether it is an exploit or not we should be trying to find ways to combat it. At the very least we could begin implementing this tactic ourselves. Either way, the issue doesn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon so let’s just keep it fun and try our best to show the community that we are a force to be reckoned with.

To the other servers: I cannot even fathom how “night capping” could seem to be something to gripe about. I night cap because I have a job…plain and simple. What are our other options? Scaling down the point system is unfair and having people only play during certain times is inconsiderate. Darkhaven is predominantly active at night, sorry guys but you are all just going to have to get over that. Every server has its fair share of noobs on the battlefield, but just because you posted a screenshot of a noob from DH doesn’t mean that is all we consist of. We have several good commanders and guilds that are excited to have some competition. Last night Maguuma had one of their commanders, who I am choosing not to name, on our server and he was purposely giving false orders and moving our trebs. I could easily have used that to make Maguuma look bad, but I know that there are always a few bad apples in every bunch and that one individual was not a representation of Maguuma as a whole. If we all had that mentality these threads would not be continuously getting locked.

I will be looking forward to tonight, because after I get off I’m going to night cap like a motherkitten.

Kam I give your thread a few hours…maybe a day. You can’t prevent the inevitable.

M A S E O N – 80 Warrior
Win Everday [WE]

(edited by SHOTTA.9827)

Darkhaven vs. Northern Shiverpeaks vs. Maguuma (Redux #3)

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Maguuma: The guy that uses Wavedash in SSBM. Despite the creator of the game himself admitting Wavedashing was a glitch, there is nothing you can do to stop him due to the limitations of the game.

Please cite where Arena.Net admitted stacking was a glitch. No? I didn’t think so.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

Darkhaven vs. Northern Shiverpeaks vs. Maguuma (Redux #3)

in WvW

Posted by: Ayane Hajinmon.9165

Ayane Hajinmon.9165

there go the flame war…again

Maguuma bring alot of new things i never seen before…different strategies and all that cool stuff…i think its a good thing. i dont think its an exploit to have everyone stand in one spot and fire their skills…i mean even the bots did it and its a success XD

Darkhaven vs. Northern Shiverpeaks vs. Maguuma (Redux #3)

in WvW

Posted by: DirtyApe.9360


My advice to the DH people who keep crying over the Mag server doing things like stacking….. quit now before your server moves up any more tiers, because you really haven’t see anything yet.

Also, I have never seen a winning server complain so much in a matchup. Not just winning by a little, but a lot. What’s the deal?

Darkhaven vs. Northern Shiverpeaks vs. Maguuma (Redux #3)

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


Whats the Score update? … I jumped off last night to close out the halloween inputs, but was curious if someone who has in game access can throw in an update as of today

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

Darkhaven vs. Northern Shiverpeaks vs. Maguuma (Redux #3)

in WvW

Posted by: Moderator.1462



As warned, if this kind of threads derailed again in flaming will be closed. Hence it is done. Plese refrain from this behaviour in the future