Deadliest class still needs fixing.
I still think cliffs are stronger than stairs as you can actually avoid death from stairs if you stop a few seconds before your HP runs out. Cliffs are usually insta-death.
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
I still think cliffs are stronger than stairs as you can actually avoid death from stairs if you stop a few seconds before your HP runs out. Cliffs are usually insta-death.
True, but I’m pretty sure the OP’s point is that you have to “avoid death from stairs if you stop for a few seconds.” Why are stairs and gentle slopes causing damage in the first place???
Tarnished Coast
This is a serious issue in WvWvW, especially on the borderland maps. I have died countless of times from full health (over 25k). The typical locations are the zigzag near the North West towers of the borderlands. Doing tiny bit of jumping seems to be more likely to trigger this bug, but sometimes you just walk down the slope and you die in few seconds.
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
Stairs overpowered
Any who played warhammer online are accustomed to deadly terrain.
omg rock
spin direction controls wildly in vain attempt to escape the rock
I still think cliffs are stronger than stairs as you can actually avoid death from stairs if you stop a few seconds before your HP runs out. Cliffs are usually insta-death.
The point is, standing on a small cliff that should I jump from will remove around 50% of my health. Whereas running down the gentle slope next to said cliff can kill me halfway down.
We’ve all jumped from tower walls and they take tiny amounts of hp to the ground, run down the stairs just next to you and you can be dead before you get to the ground.
The stairs at Anzalias are notoriously deadly.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
The stairs at Anzalias are notoriously deadly.
Lmfao, so very true.
Also yes, I don’t get why this is a thing. It wouldn’t bother me if it weren’t so frequent. It’s the worst when you’re trying to outrun an enemy zerg with half a health bar to spare and you go down a grassy knoll just a little too fast and… Oh I’m dead now. Must have tripped on my shoelaces or something.
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
The slope damage bug been in game since pre-launch. I have adjusted to just consider it a “Feature” since anet doesn’t consider it a bug worthy of being fixed.
L2Jump down stairs, all I can suggest.
It’s also possible to jump on completely flat terrain and take falling damage each time you hit the ground until you die, pretty good feature.
It’s also possible to jump on completely flat terrain and take falling damage each time you hit the ground until you die, pretty good feature.
I actually have a specific location where this is repeatable and posted it in the bugs forum. Notice it got fixed…….not.
Today I even got killed by walking UP the stairs.
Alas, it was the stairs to the enemy spawn and the legendary defenders might have had something to do with it.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
terrain > players. duh
I just want to see one time a whole zerg getting wiped in a glorious fight against stairs…. just once… please…
Maybe we have very sensitive feets? I mean the feets from my theif sometimes doesn´t even want to teleport (or porting back after softly touching the ground deciding it not being worthy of beeing in touch with :o
They havent even fixxed the non-nit exploit at the edges, return our orbs and expect them to fix this? Remember, it took one year, yes 1 whole year to introduce colors to commander tags. At this rate, expect bugs to be fixed in 2068.
Even though it decreases my builds performance, when running in certain areas I trait for falling damage. It’s worth it to avoid the aggravation. Yes, this should be fixed too.
Terrain is always OP. So is Waffler’s name. And Chaba’s moosie hat. And Fuzzion’s Topcheekieness …
Happy Day WvW’ers —- Smile
huh. For me, falling damage is minimal and part of my weapons kit. I get a nice blastable field when I take falling damage. Someone dying from falling on the stairs at Anzalias is hilarious, btw.)
Jumping/dodging after taking fall damage still deals additional fall damage:
This is a l2p issue no need to nerf the stairs they are working as intended. Ppl need to learn to walk down the stairs. Next time you see stairs walk down, tip you need to keybind a key to walk.
I heard all classes have traits that mitigate falling damage.
Ele’s falling damage trait has the added bonus of producing a field based on attunement, which can be handy. You jump off a wall into a zerg with air attunement, you get instant static field plus a speed boost, or fire field with might, etc.
I jump off of stuff on purpose and rarely get hurt. I have to fall a long, long way to get killed.
Dont know what any of you are talking about, but I want stairs + slopes the next playable race 2015. Prepare yourselves.
Me on stairs when I start taking damage ……
Please take a moment of silence right now to remember yet another poor innocent victim of the murderous Stairs of Anzalias. RIP Random FA Pug Nov. 30 2014.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
Ele’s falling damage trait has the added bonus of producing a field based on attunement, which can be handy. You jump off a wall into a zerg with air attunement, you get instant static field plus a speed boost, or fire field with might, etc.
Ive played ele in WvW for a looooong time but have never thougth about that. could be good when defending to just jump down in front of the gate.
Thanx for this mate
Good luck and may the six watch over you
TL;DR Slopes and Stairs in WvW are a pain in the rear and cause annoying death for no reason. Please fix.
This, literally.
Ive played ele in WvW for a looooong time but have never thougth about that. could be good when defending to just jump down in front of the gate.
Thanx for this mate
Warrior trait will just knockback enemies, one friend was just for fun jumping on the gate all the time and knockingback guys from rams.
Anyone remembering when Mesmer traited falling was doing like gazillion of damage? All those jumping mesmers was fun.
Anet should do it again.
Ele’s falling damage trait has the added bonus of producing a field based on attunement, which can be handy. You jump off a wall into a zerg with air attunement, you get instant static field plus a speed boost, or fire field with might, etc.
Ive played ele in WvW for a looooong time but have never thougth about that. could be good when defending to just jump down in front of the gate.
Thanx for this mate
Very useful for support ele in WvW and can be good in PvE also.
+1 Stairs way OP.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
I have to laugh at people suggesting you need to learn to play and take reduced fall damage trait in order to avoid a B U G.
Yeah after over 2 years you can consider it an in-game feature, but in reality it is a B U G anet refuses to fix.
You can fall off of stuff and die in PvE, too. One of the first things I did in GW2 was fall through the middle of Rata Sum to my death.
I think you really should bring enough armor or something to WvW that you don’t die on the stairs of any of the structures. Otherwise, you must be rally bait.
You can fall off of stuff and die in PvE, too. One of the first things I did in GW2 was fall through the middle of Rata Sum to my death.
I think you really should bring enough armor or something to WvW that you don’t die on the stairs of any of the structures. Otherwise, you must be rally bait.
cant tell if trolling but, falling damage is definitely a % of your HP. How much armor you have is irrelevant to gravity.
You can fall off of stuff and die in PvE, too. One of the first things I did in GW2 was fall through the middle of Rata Sum to my death.
I think you really should bring enough armor or something to WvW that you don’t die on the stairs of any of the structures. Otherwise, you must be rally bait.
cant tell if trolling but, falling damage is definitely a % of your HP. How much armor you have is irrelevant to gravity.
The heavier your armor and toon the MORE damage you should take from falling … I mean, basic physics and all.
With that being said, light armor Asura’s should be able to fly.
Also yeah, terrain OP.
Correct, armor appears to be irrelevant and it’s a percentage of total health. To test this I just took my glass Ele and glass Necro and tossed them over a cliff.
The Ele at 13,473 hp took 24,140 falling damage.
The Necro at 20,823 hp took 39,574 falling damage.
Both had the same toughness/armor rating of 1959. Even placing an additional 300 points into toughness did not change the falling damage taken.
Pff i’d say client sided position forwarding is still deadlier then stairs, expecially under heavy server stress, all those deads claimed by skill behavior anomly far outweight dead by stairs ^^!
I have to laugh at people suggesting you need to learn to play and take reduced fall damage trait in order to avoid a B U G.
GYeah after over 2 years you can consider it an in-game feature, but in reality it is a B U G anet refuses to fix.
You are taking the comments to seriously chill
I have to laugh at people suggesting you need to learn to play and take reduced fall damage trait in order to avoid a B U G.
GYeah after over 2 years you can consider it an in-game feature, but in reality it is a B U G anet refuses to fix.
You are taking the comments to seriously chill
I like it when people do this. It’s pure trolling. Who isn’t “chill”? You try to shut me down because you disagree but rather than counter my point or bring material to discuss on the matter itself, the bugged slope damage, you decide to insult someone with an arbitrary insult.
Good luck with your interview.
You can fall off of stuff and die in PvE, too. One of the first things I did in GW2 was fall through the middle of Rata Sum to my death.
I think you really should bring enough armor or something to WvW that you don’t die on the stairs of any of the structures. Otherwise, you must be rally bait.
cant tell if trolling but, falling damage is definitely a % of your HP. How much armor you have is irrelevant to gravity.
not trolling, I just don’t take a lot of falling damage on my main. Had no idea anyone could kill themselves tripping down the stairs at Anzalias. No idea.
It seems stupid to take a character into WvW who can’t survive the usual jumps. The borderlands are way worse than EB or the stairs at Anzalias.
You will arrive in battle seriously injured over and over if you can’t take falling damage.
I arrive at the end of my jump with a blast and a boon, barely damaged.
I guess if the guardians and warriors are going to crash, I should go with water attunement and a healing blast?
(edited by Nanyetah Elohi.4852)
I was using static and fire fields.
I have to laugh at people suggesting you need to learn to play and take reduced fall damage trait in order to avoid a B U G.
GYeah after over 2 years you can consider it an in-game feature, but in reality it is a B U G anet refuses to fix.
You are taking the comments to seriously chill
I like it when people do this. It’s pure trolling. Who isn’t “chill”? You try to shut me down because you disagree but rather than counter my point or bring material to discuss on the matter itself, the bugged slope damage, you decide to insult someone with an arbitrary insult.
Good luck with your interview.
LOL i meant dont take the trolls including me seriously. Because i agree its a bugg. I thought one could see when its a joke or troll post guess not..
Love serious ppl
(edited by Pastafarian.1642)
The stairs are innocent .. leave them be!
It’s a perma-stealth thief backstabbing you as you go down those stairs!
(I have to know! In WvW, do Legendary NPCs drop Legendary loot?)
Nerf Stairs 2014!
Every time I think I have cracked the no-death on slope code, I get a reality check.
Yet another series of bugs that has persisted far too long.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
Go jump off of the roof of a two story building and let me know how much HP you mitigated with your ninja skills. =)
I think jetpacks would be the right answer to this particular problem.
I think jetpacks would be the right answer to this particular problem.
Expansion pack coming soon ….
Guild Wars 2: Call of Duty Edition