Deny server transfers to servers fighting each other
Which server is the culprit?
Transfers allowable, but account denied to WvW for a grace period of one week.
Does it really matter? This happens all around, and if it’s not just actual sabotage, people will simply transfer because of the benefits the winning server gets. (Higher points means higher WvW bonuses, more health, more XP, and so on) This then creates an endless supply of troops for the actual winning server, or simply demoralizes the losing ones so the difference just gets worse and worse, until hopefully the next matchup changes it.
EDIT: The ideas are awesome, both the OPs and Jamaz’s.
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.
Just limit transfers to every 2 weeks. Nobody will do this if they only get to transfer to the enemy team every other week.
Which server is the culprit?
Dragonbrand did this to Ft Aspenwood today.
Those guys are the worst offenders of the rendering glitch. Doesn’t surprise me that they’d do this.
Please don’t generalize to the level of blaming an entire server’s population for the actions of a few.
Arenanet will never agree to denying an account access to WvW for a full week. Unless you’re saying this will only apply to people who transfer from enemy servers.
Arenanet will never agree to denying an account access to WvW for a full week. Unless you’re saying this will only apply to people who transfer from enemy servers.
Someone from A transfers to D, then to B.
All they really need to do is limit the “free server transfers” to 1 per week. No one should be transferring servers more than that legitimately.
I’m amazed you can actually transfer to the server that you’re facing that week. Although I don’t think there should be a cooldown longer then a day, because when the Oceanic population does begin to go to other servers, It could get messy.
No server transfers inside the fighting bracket.
Bah lucky, your topic is not locked, mine got locked for almost the same thing. Rest assured the moderators have forwarded the matter to the devolopers….
It’s been a little over a month, I was under the impression free transfers would have ended quite a long time ago.
Let em transfer, the transfers between fighting servers must STOP now or at least forbid WvW for the people transfering between them. We have guys from the other server zerg guilds running alongside us for whole evenings… how fun is that to know that the enemy is next to you and saying whatever in /say /map/ /team.
It’s been a little over a month, I was under the impression free transfers would have ended quite a long time ago.
I WISH the transfers had ended as originally intended.. (I thought it was after the first week) .. they have caused so many WvW issues, this once a day transfer hasn’t made a bit of difference.
Blocking transfers would hurt PVE, but stopping people from entering WvW if they transfer between competing servers is a solid idea though (for the duration of the match-up).
It would need to remember the servers you’ve been on that week, so you can’t hop to a different server first and then to the enemy server etc. Seeme pretty straight-forward.
Blink your such a child. If you cant get over legit portal tactics then you need to go back to pve and stay out of WvW.
I agree server transfers need to be disabled on the server currently fighting. Also it has been over a month, TURN THEM OFF ANET.
Commander Skigoboom: 80 – Engi
Protocol WvW Lead [PRO] Dragonbrand
Blink your such a child. If you cant get over legit portal tactics then you need to go back to pve and stay out of WvW.
Yes. Exploiting rendering glitch = legit tactics. Thank you for correcting me there. I can tell you’re upset over that because you reported me.
And yes. They need to end free transfers asap.
(edited by blink.4239)
Transfers allowable, but account denied to WvW for a grace period of one week.
Instead of denying WvW for an entire week, just deny WvW for the remainder of the current match. That way people can still transfer right before reset and have minimal time being denied WvW.
Wait a minute, dragonbrand did it to Fort Aspenwood? Let me just go out here and say that not all of us cheat. I believe the same thing happened to us during our Jade Quarry matchup last week. I agree that anet needs to turn transfers off or enact a bigger cooldown to those who server transfer. It sucks but as it stands the current mechanic isn’t working.
Wait a minute, dragonbrand did it to Fort Aspenwood? Let me just go out here and say that not all of us cheat. I believe the same thing happened to us during our Jade Quarry matchup last week. I agree that anet needs to turn transfers off or enact a bigger cooldown to those who server transfer. It sucks but as it stands the current mechanic isn’t working.
Are you basing this off of anything other than the fact that JQ beat you?
For instance, this is currently happening to JQ by either SBI or HoD. We know this because there is a guild in our WvW that will consistently waste keep/tower supply on RAMS and arrow carts in completely useless places, and will stand around doing nothing when that tower/keep is under attack.
Which server is the culprit?
Been hearing reports of every server doing it to every server.
[Rage] Smelly Tree Sap — Band Camp Babe — Bannned Character--Spooner
Transfers allowable, but account denied to WvW for a grace period of one week.
I agree with this idea as well. I think it would be a good solution to the issue stated in the OP.
I think a new player..someone who just dl’d the game should get 2 free transfers if used within 14 days or so.
After that, then you have to buy a transfer token for..what…say…$25.00? And then you can’t buy another for 2-4 weeks?
Does that sound fair?
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon
honestly speaking, ArenaNET’s lack of any response lately to all the problems plaguing wuvwuv is disheartening
they used to even make daily (it seemed) wiki blog updates on what they’re working on
dead silence
i am honestly disheartened with the realization that this might be it, this is the best we’ll get because it is not a subscription game
a buy to play game simply cannot be supported in the way we want it to, there are things we simply have to live with
sigh.. where is arenanet?
It’s insane that this or something similar hasn’t been implemented yet. Makes it very difficult to take WvW seriously as things stand currently.
This idea wont work, you can just transfer to an outside server then transfer into the enemy server.
This idea wont work, you can just transfer to an outside server then transfer into the enemy server.
It would be nearly trivial to check prior servers you’ve been on recently and deny any moves that would put you against those.
C Gunner.9406:
This idea wont work, you can just transfer to an outside server then transfer into the enemy server.
It would be nearly trivial to check prior servers you’ve been on recently and deny any moves that would put you against those.
If you only get one transfer a week or so; then it works fine even without the history check.