(edited by Dropper.9176)
We are still putting up real fights. Maybe not server-wide and only during primetime, but there are still guilds like SK, TFL, ECL and (a little proud) Bots who are actively looking for a challenge, favorably on maps with outnumbered buff.
Sorry for all the great guilds i forgot, we still have some very dedicated WvW players on MS ^^
Kodash are doing great catching us at the moment and as for Miller’s I am so impressed because you guys keep trying even though it is tough for you guys with numbers etc.
had alot of great fights this week and really enjoying the match up.
Wanna duel Offski :P
with our guilds waiting in a circle the one that is killed 1st …..will see the winner get kitten by the guilds hahaha:D
That would be a awesome fight
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)
(edited by Dalure.4691)
Kodash are doing great catching us at the moment and as for Miller’s I am so impressed because you guys keep trying even though it is tough for you guys with numbers etc.
had alot of great fights this week and really enjoying the match up.
Wanna duel Offski :P
with our guilds waiting in a circle the one that is killed 1st …..will see the winner get kitten by the guilds hahaha:DThat would be a awesome fight
if so, let me know and ill join in to watch (MS)
My first Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPF9SmvW4jE
The problem most Kodashi have with the Blitzkrieg tactics is – if you write a post for the forum you probably miss the best battles.^^ :P
Not used to this either. I was used to play hit-and-sit. xD Hit fast and hard and then sit there build your siege and defend.
Especially Deso is a real challenge.
/flameon: I won’t look for the post where there’s mentioned that Deso is not a t3 server. Well, if you don’t like battling us in t3 you still have the choice to go down to t4. Cause “you shall not pass” (Gandalf, LotR) back to t2. :> /flameoff
As soon as Millers recovers (and I have no doubt they will) they’ll also be back in the game again. Not only during primetime like now.
“We fight you hard, we fight you well
out on the plains we give you hell!”
(kind of Iron Maiden)
Hope all of you enjoy the match as much as I (just one of the semi-organised Kodash-randoms) do. See you on the battlegrounds!
Looking for fun in WvW and PvE? We’re recruiting!
This is really getting annoying,EoW guild mesmer just glitched into Sunnyhill in Deso BL again,but we managed to defend it…stop this cheating pls,it’s not fun
So, i saw swords @ Sunny again and went there to find that EoW guild doing the “lets not kill the door tactic”
Before i did not want to point fingers to anyone, but since this is the second time i see it with the same guild doing it … tsk tsk tsk :P
I do not know who that “well known” guild is in your DE forums but shame on them for getting caught 2 times in a row now.
Since you all like screenshots so much, i made a few again :P
Btw : Bots are giving us a great fight at Deso BL atm,they really want that tower back
Ok…it’s now 3th time that EoW mesmer glitched into Sunny…
I will keep you updated if they do it again =P
Ok this EoW mesmer glitching in to towers is getting sad. He’s pretty recognizable from the pictures.
[TLA] Thousand Lakes Alliance
Btw : Bots are giving us a great fight at Deso BL atm,they really want that tower back
Jup, we tryed and failed.
Now we stoped our guildraid, cause of the damn culling.
It’s hard to fight against invisable desos, with ghostlike mates..
But looking forward for a better cullingsystem..
See you on the battlegrounds.
-Randolf Berk (Ranger)
Miller’s Sound – [Bots] Berserkers of the Supplycamps
It was fun fighting you,hope to see you on the battlefield soon!
At least stop trying when u see me there next time? …
Isn’t that Signet of the Hunt? That was not a mesmer on these two screenshots, that’s ranger.
Btw : Bots are giving us a great fight at Deso BL atm,they really want that tower back
Jup, we tryed and failed.
Now we stoped our guildraid, cause of the damn culling.
It’s hard to fight against invisable desos, with ghostlike mates..
But looking forward for a better cullingsystem..
See you on the battlegrounds.
Haha I know what u mean they are even ghosts to me, I keep thinking we have wiped as I cannot even see my own teammates.
At least stop trying when u see me there next time? …
Isn’t that Signet of the Hunt? That was not a mesmer on these two screenshots, that’s ranger.
You are correct. The first set of screenshots clearly showed a Mesmer from [EoW] inside the keep while the gates were still up. The second set shows a Ranger who apparently managed to get him/herself through the door. This could be either intentional glitching or simply an accident.
If it was simply an accident, then I have no problem with it. But I do have a problem with a Mesmer intentionally exploiting the game by glitching themselves into a fully upgraded T3 tower for a fast cap while the gates are still up.
So I’m hoping [EoW] will kindly stop using exploits to win. They’ve been caught red-handed at least twice now.
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
To reiterate, there seems to be something wrong with NW tower gate textures or whatever and sometimes there’s nothing you can do to prevent this.
I’m not saying it cannot be used intentionally, I don’t know. My experience is however that you can be thrown on the other side of that gate by just standing close to it during the siege. And some mesmers (me at least for sure) often prefer to stay close to the gate during siege to man rams or just to face rub the gate with 1h sword and focus.
So in this case to “stop using exploit” would mean simply to stop attacking that tower from gate at all.
Not taking any side, just trying to provide balanced view.
P.S. Btw, catas behind the gates are geting old. Carts ftw )
As a Kodash-player I have to say that I am very unhappy with things like that happening.
The greatest parts of our server support fair play, so please don´t damn whole Kodash for that stupid Mes
Piken Square [EU]
No one would blame all of Kodash, Deso has had it’s share of cheats in the past, we report them gives the server a bad name.
Asura – Desolation
To reiterate, there seems to be something wrong with NW tower gate textures or whatever and sometimes there’s nothing you can do to prevent this.
I have never bugged through the gate but the door already turned invisible for me more than once so i could quite clearly look into the inside of the tower from the outside or vice versa. (The door was still there, as i could click on it, see a hp bar and it would stop me if i tried to walk through it from either side)
That can happen , but when it happens. The Player can use the stairs, jump over the wall and no one could complain about it.
New Topic:
Leave us alone @ eternals!
you wont get those two last “non green” thingys on the map
My first Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPF9SmvW4jE
Kodash are doing great catching us at the moment and as for Miller’s I am so impressed because you guys keep trying even though it is tough for you guys with numbers etc.
had alot of great fights this week and really enjoying the match up.
Wanna duel Offski :P
with our guilds waiting in a circle the one that is killed 1st …..will see the winner get kitten by the guilds hahaha:DThat would be a awesome fight
if so, let me know and ill join in to watch
Haha i was just kidding Offski is a Alliance mate of mine i would never wanna kill him…….unpurposely :P (since when did they implemented friendly fire)
I hope someday tho they would do GvsG would be awesome.
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)
(edited by Dalure.4691)
^^ don’t believe him, when he sees red in wvw he’ll attack anyone, he often makes his guildies follow him off cliffs in a mass suicide attempt.
That can happen , but when it happens. The Player can use the stairs, jump over the wall and no one could complain about it.
“All war is deception.” – General Sun Tzu
^^ don’t believe him, when he sees red in wvw he’ll attack anyone, he often makes his guildies follow him off cliffs in a mass suicide attempt.
Hahaha …..people around me from work are looking at me wtf is wrong with him laughing this loud:P
That was funny offski……but he is right i attack anything that is red sometimes when we have killed a random group i tell my guild i am so proud that we killed double our numbers but then when we look at the corpses we see they were all npc’s (Just kidding).
To all the guilds from Desolation……/Salute
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)
Hi all,
as a part and a Commander of EoW im sorry what happened.
It was not our intention to use this bug and we still dont know how this bug works.
It was an accident that some guys glitched in somehow (not only Mesmer).
We are also sorry for taking the tower after that. I was leading the raid and after a random mesmer made his portal i failed in stoping them from getting through this mesmer portal into the tower, because i didnt know what happened. So this portal was not a portal of a EoW Member.
I talked to our Member. This wont happen again.
We apologize for that accident.
We hope Anet will fix it soon
[EoW] Derril
Commander @ [EoW] Eyes of Wars
Kodash [DE]
(edited by Tiun.9285)
New Topic:
Leave us alone @ eternals!
you wont get those two last “non green” thingys on the map
Ya you miller’s gave us 1 hell of a fight especially with all those arrow carts at the keep. Must have been around 10+ arrow carts in your keep. After facing all that arrow cart..our commander decided to summon every1 to chip in for 10 golems and rush your keep. Good times x)
<—Crazy Laughing Asuran Warrior
Hi all,
as a part and a Commander of EoW im sorry what happened.
It was not our intention to use this bug and we still dont know how this bug works.
It was an accident that some guys glitched in somehow (not only Mesmer).
We are also sorry for taking the tower after that. I was leading the raid and after a random mesmer made his portal i failed in stoping them from getting through this mesmer portal into the tower, because i didnt know what happened. So this portal was not a portal of a EoW Member.
I talked to our Member. This wont happen again.
We apologize for that accident.We hope Anet will fix it soon
[EoW] Derril
A similar thing happened to IRON in the past mate so kitten happens it’s ok, the important thing is showing mutual respect and understanding, thanks for the apology
in supplement to our apologize we want you to know that we are going to kick every member who tried/will try to use this bug.
[EoW] Derril
Commander @ [EoW] Eyes of Wars
Kodash [DE]
Hi all,
as a part and a Commander of EoW im sorry what happened.
It was not our intention to use this bug and we still dont know how this bug works.
It was an accident that some guys glitched in somehow (not only Mesmer).
We are also sorry for taking the tower after that. I was leading the raid and after a random mesmer made his portal i failed in stoping them from getting through this mesmer portal into the tower, because i didnt know what happened. So this portal was not a portal of a EoW Member.
I talked to our Member. This wont happen again.
We apologize for that accident.We hope Anet will fix it soon
[EoW] Derril
Apology much appreciated mate. All respect to you. Pls don’t kick anyone as this happens and naturally people use the portal in the heat of the moment, not their fault.
I got into a keep once via a mesmer portal having no idea he had hacked in (we had only lost it 10 mins before). Only when he tried to do the same a bit later in a fortified tower did I realise he was a bs hacker.
Having a great time on Kodash borderlands. Our golem rushes seem to work most of the time. And after Iron left to another Borderland we are actually able to holt on to the Towers. But still having nice Fight with God and FoD. Sadly we didn’t mangage to grab the hill Keep, so close:)
But don’t worry our Golems are still around:))
wow, 3 millers just glitched and took are fully upgraded garrison with just 3 people,
not cool man!
We got some nice fights vs IRON and the Rest of your rdm Zerg on Miller and Deso Borderlands yesterday evening! Thx for that.
I love your way to play,…even if we got you down, you guys from IRON come back with more people and we get wiped out of a supply camp.
[KoA] Rajnesh.
-Leader of the Guild KoA.
Judge just want to thank miller and kodash for a good fight, we been acctive sens start on our smal raid guild and must say that you two servers been fun opponents. Refresshing to fight ppl who dont insta run.
@ Deso, last night was fantastic in the borderlands, the treamwork of God, Gl Iron etc made our evening in <Judge> extremly enjoyable. I was so proud over my sever when I saw how ppl reacted and respected eachouter. Helped when help was needed and used map chatt for tactics instead of flaming or trolling. <3 deso. Feels thu this enemys not are used to be portal bombed and lured into trapps with baits.
/Osicat of Judge
I admit that i did jump on a few EoW corpses after they got caught multiple times trying to bug into Sunny :P
You cant blame me for doing that
And kitten you Kodash and your golem rushes, we seem to lack early scouts who report the movements of those … I believe we lost the keep like 4 or 5 times yesterday evening to the same golems :P
millers has a loooot of trebs :P
Was a nice week after all. I had a very nice 1on1 against a deso thief yesterday before reset that i won after ~5-10 mins of hit and run and his side and me trying to corner and whack on him (hammer is sooo good for doing this). I forgot his guild though…
(Btw: never try to put bleeding damage on a guardian using purity, signet of resolve and 3 shouts with pure of voice ^^)