Deso vs Elona vs VS
My Elephant Goes[TOOT]
Atm were in tier 7 for next week
Asura – Desolation
looks like the usual start,
VS coming in the morning and upgrading everything with no opposition.,
This is rather boring, i hope we drop quite a few tiers and atleast have something intersting to do next week on.
Until the ratings account for population and timezone coverage, T1 EU will be boring as kitten, resets or no resets.
Do I missed the weekend? Are we already in week?
I do not think so.
fr zergs will get bored again whehehehe
this is kitten deso BL has que and we dont even have 50 people there, and Elona BL crashed for us and we cant even get in there… wtf!
Everyone share the same issues since Tuesday’s patch.
Some greats fights at Desolation BL currently. Nice threeway battle in Hills after we got it from Vizunah, but they took it back. This was really fun.
Good fights on Deso BL at hillkeep just now. Though deso seems to help vizu all day, by trying to kill our golems that are attacking vizu keep n such >_< Not much of a smart move :P
Second placement in T1 is alwasy a sandwich of pain.
Oh and thanks to the Desolation guys for the few fights at the northwest camp above Bay at Desolation BL.
Good luck, and have fun !
looks like the usual start,
VS coming in the morning and upgrading everything with no opposition.,
This is rather boring, i hope we drop quite a few tiers and atleast have something intersting to do next week on.
Until the ratings account for population and timezone coverage, T1 EU will be boring as kitten, resets or no resets.
yeah, was so borig we are really happy to have dropped a tier
Too bad we got JS now, they are much weaker than Vs but same playstyle, zerg of 50+ with golems at 7am when other servers only have 10-15 ppl in whole www.
Another, full pvdoor server
can t get how they could have fun playing this way O_o
Gl there Deso/ER endure the really lame VS playstyle and not to move to other games is the real match there :P
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader –
looks like the usual start,
VS coming in the morning and upgrading everything with no opposition.,
This is rather boring, i hope we drop quite a few tiers and atleast have something intersting to do next week on.
Until the ratings account for population and timezone coverage, T1 EU will be boring as kitten, resets or no resets.
yeah, was so borig we are really happy to have dropped a tier
Too bad we got JS now, they are much weaker than Vs but same playstyle, zerg of 50+ with golems at 7am when other servers only have 10-15 ppl in whole www.
Another, full pvdoor server
can t get how they could have fun playing this way O_o
Gl there Deso/ER endure the really lame VS playstyle and not to move to other games is the real match there :P
Had a lot of fun today at vizunah border. Best part was ramming the gate down at hills from inside.
Elona focusing on briar for 1.5 hours. You cant attack vizunah at all?
Lol. I hope deso drops a few tiers too. Hopefully we won’t see vizu again for a few weeks!
vizu is already atm t2 on next match up and we are at t7
My Elephant Goes[TOOT]
vizu is already atm t2 on next match up and we are at t7
that is using old rating system , anet have another system so the matches on mos are probably totally wrong.
Sanctum Of Rall
vizu is already atm t2 on next match up and we are at t7
that is using old rating system , anet have another system so the matches on mos are probably totally wrong.
yes , but they also said that old ratings wont carry forward to not “pollute” this rating.
so its essentially as good as its showing now on mos, only difference might be their math would be different for servers to find balance faster, so it wont take ages for servers to find their true tier. thats probably the only difference.
Gott Herr im Himmel!
If you dont have any NA guilds on your server, let use VZ as MAINTARGET!
“my english is not so good, my german is much better” Lothar Matthäus
elona wth are you doing? Are you guys pure kill machines without strategy? Every second vizunah square has SM they can treb you. Every treb of Deso pointed at SM that you kill, is another option LESS to to enter SM and take it away from Vizu.
And both servers are suspiciously attacking our side of the map. Elona is barely bothering with vizu map apart from rogues. I’m getting the idea, elona is a bad looser (they can’t win from Vizu so they target weakest helping their overpowering enemy vizu even more). I call that a sign of being a coward (no pun intended, but I don’t know a friendlier word for ‘running away from the truth’ (wich is that you are loosing).
PS Arenanet, do something about vizunah square. It’s the worst server to play against. Only a computer can beat them. So every two server a weak that are matched against them, are having a week totally no fun, but only frustration. Still figuring out how vizunah square is overpowering so much but they definitely have a secret strategy in zergs. I met zergs over 70 ppl spamming aoe’s (not vizu for clearance). We still had a chance to defeat them, and with some casualties eventually did.
Vizunah square however walks with zergs of 40, defeating EVERYTHING in their path, even coordination doenst help. It’s like they are a computer, they always have the perfect response, and face it, every human makes mistakes. Even the over focussed french people. Yet somehow they always escape their doom.
Some facts i discovered. They abuse rangers. I think it’s for 1500 range and cause culling. they always go in berserker, yet survive easely 20k spike damage. Their thief, (he alone vs 5 of us), no reason for culling at all, still manages to cloack like madness for over a minute. Even after we see the visible smoke, it takes 5 secs for him to load up. Wth! My thief gets ripped apart the second he comes out of cloack, that means they see me (i was 900+ range from zerg, out of the area’s they aoed at). So that means vizunah square has no culling.
No culling server vs culling server? yeah right. Habib wvw developper. Please sneak onto vizunah square. Learn french. Read the chat, and learn their exploits (i’m sure they are exloiting every way possible atm, they just kill to easy).
Kodash/Baruch bay have BIGGER zergs then vizunah square. yet deso countered almost all of them. Vizunah square however. 40 ppl against 50+ ppl spamming aoe, they just keep standing like we are doing nothing. One day i’ll find out the vizunah square cheat/exploit/strategy abuse. And that day Vizu will drop out of t1. Until then vizu, may karma punish you for being so evil/sleepless for a cheap meaningless, rewardless victory.
I like wvw. I like strategy. I like player skill. I can live with being outsmarted. Hell loosing is nothing to be ashamed off. But the rate vizunah square is doing is unnatural. Without honor. Please remove that kind of gameplay from wvw. Some players will do everything to win (buy gems, get gold, buy trebs with that, just to beat enemy server), use exploits, hacks, unknown bugs by anet to their advantage. Please fix every exploit, so that vizunah square cannot abuse them anymore.
A natural zerg battle goes like this, both engage with aoe’s. Most see red circle and avoid. Players start engaging, and using their best skills. When those are on cooldown it’s a battle of healing/support/Cc vs damage. Then everything fragments, some players (closest) will get full focus of enemy zerg, and maybe die fast. The others should have plenty chance to still survive. With good armor, no zerg should be able to down anyone before 12 secs, when the battle begin for the first time. That’s my experience fighting loads of zergs.
Vizunah square escapes this pattern as the only server I ever fought. Somehow they manage to down 10+ players at different sides (so they are not in aoe range of each other), in a matter of seconds. If my incredible luck i can survive it, I try to spike them down since that kinda damage only can come from berserker. Guess what even if I focus all my energy on one distracted enemy, he survives over 10 secs, without the support of his allies. When he is finally downed (to late compared to same situation, but reversed) all his allies jump in less then half a second to him to powerheal him (there no outdamaging a zerg ressing a downed player.) That is unnatural.
Berserker zerg can spike but dies fast. Bunker zerg lasts long, and cannot be spiked. Yet vizunah keeps both attributes without any sign where they get that kinda power.
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
ER BL: its gettin a bit boring to fight deso all day while viz is kinda inaktive.
You cant attack vizunah at all?
i could ask you the same question^^
ah well, got some nice amount of loot while you sieged cliffside for 3 hrs
Thanks back:
At Elona Border your primary goal is our garrison, instead of vizu spawn or vizu bay. At your homelands it seems to me, that you dont want to attack the hill, but instead our bay, while vizu is constantly attacking our spawn. Strange strategy? Yes.
Vizu zergs are not unbeatable, but you have to have enough people to kill all the 50+ twinks.
E Q U I N O X [EqnX] – Elona Reach [DE]
…vizu exploit all time and arent dying in fights blablabla…
ehh, i dunno what your fighting against, but in open field fights, viz is getting wiped very fast…^^
Phoebe Ascension : you’re bad and you should feel bad…
Gotta love the oposition between forum warriors though…
SFR whining about off-hour cap while VS zergs are so easy to kill off.
DS whining about VS zergs being unkillable.
Although, my bad, I say DS, P.A. is a well known server hopper…
(edited by Jaghen.8314)
Thanks back:
At Elona Border your primary goal is our garrison, instead of vizu spawn or vizu bay. At your homelands it seems to me, that you dont want to attack the hill, but instead our bay, while vizu is constantly attacking our spawn. Strange strategy? Yes.
Vizu zergs are not unbeatable, but you have to have enough people to kill all the 50+ twinks.
Vizu with only 40 (ive counted nice and carefull as a cloacked thief), we had 60. In 20 seconds they killed 15 people, many of them very tanky. In that timespan nobody of them died. Only after that our zerg managed to kill 5 of them, with even more casualties. And is just to fast. Every time I die I look at my combat log. I want to know how they kill me. I think i have the right to know wich ability kills me (or what profession). I took one 8k blow in downed state. It was nowhere in combat log. Only thing there were 1-2k long range shots. So I want to know vizunah square where did you get that 8k damage from, without putting it in the enemies combat log? Seems like a cheat to me not? (And no they didnt use channel abilities like Rapid fire, I watched my combat log carefully for them). It’s things like this that makes vizu win, and that I wanna unravel. Uncover the secret winning methods of vizunah square.
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
Phoebe Ascension : you’re bad and you should feel bad…
Gotta love the oposition between forum warriors though…
SFR whining about off-hour cap while VS zergs are so easy to kill off.
DS whining about VS zergs being unkillable.Although, my bad, I say DS, P.A. is a well known server hopper…
Well tell me vizu, how can a ranger punch out 2k auto-attacks (must be full berserker, no other chance), yet survive a 18k spike, without healing? Logic tells me there is a cheat here. If zergs spam aoes to each other (natural behavior), hp bars in both zergs should go down in fast speed. Then either one zergs (or both) retreat, or they fight to the last man. Vizu sometimes don’t even move their feet(incredible mistake, not moving = dead in large part of guild wars 2) , stand right into many aoes, and no single hit point bar does down. Sorry but that’s unnatural. Even superior teamspeak coordination cannot achieve that.
Strategy is one thing. (like waiting to take SM, until another force weakens defenders first), I’m all ok with that kind of strategy. Backdoors to victory however another thing. A backdoor is something only one server has discovered and uses to their advantage to win.
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
GOD! Are you real Phoebe ?
Keep digging Phoebe you are on to something, and soon all the truth will be revealed.
Keep digging and you’ll reveal the world everything about that conspiracy and take down all of those Anet’s white collars that were involved in it.
Do not believe the people you are on the right track.
(edited by ladyfabulous.1403)
Someone sounds mad cos bad.
ER BL: From 4pm to 9.20pm i play there. Two Guild Zergs running each 6-7min @ our T0 East-Tower, maybe 50 attacks in over 5 hours. You got our tower 2 times for only one pointtick. In this 5 hour, we saw only 2 battlesymbols in the area of vizunah. Very boring and stupid strategy.
But thanks, it was realy nice fights and a lot of bags for both servers ;-)
Gott Herr im Himmel!
“my english is not so good, my german is much better” Lothar Matthäus
KAZ waths wrong with you? VZ is main target…
elona wth are you doing? […]
We’re busy defending against both of your servers for the last 13 hours on Deso/vizu borderlands cuz you don’t really seem to care much about each other. Ask your raidleads why vizu isn’t focussed despite being first :P
How to stay in T1, desolation tactic:
Atack the ONLY one kitten t0 tower left on a map from one fraction for 8 hours, while ignoring the other fraction that has the rest of the map. It doesnt matter that they got wiped 50 times at this tower atleast they can ask in the forum where elona is? hue?
Incredible long cheating theory about vizunah…
My advice to you: Less talk and learn to play.
Phoebe, as fellow DS I’ve to disagree. Everytime we fought a VS zerg in open field they wipe real fast.
Gott Herr im Himmel!
“my english is not so good, my german is much better” Lothar Matthäus
KAZ waths wrong with you? VZ is main target…
Didnt know VZ is main target.
Strategically bay is much easier to take than hills, but with both your zerg and VZ runing arround and your T3 structures, we cant really go on ofensive tbh. We have not done any serious attack on bay, just some trebs, going in first wall and saying hi etc
We have been bussy solving the disaster of the morning for most of the afternoon/night. Upgrading wooden structures while fending off both your atacks and VZ as it is natural on this map.
We have had some nice fights, keep it up guys!
So, how are you guys on Vizunah are getting an arrowcart hitting me there? This feels more then fishy and if you’re using some fov tool you might as well tp directly in, same thing. Only harder to catch.
So, how are you guys on Vizunah are getting an arrowcart hitting me there? This feels more then fishy and if you’re using some fov tool you might as well tp directly in, same thing. Only harder to catch.
Without knowing where the arrow cart is placed, it shows nothing. An arrow cart placed near the door allows to see above it enables to hit inside a keep.
This may be absolutely legit, however I understand the problem and if Anet want to fix that, they will have to add a LoS check somehow, which will broke completely this siege weapon.
well as anyone knows, every week against fr zerg of 50+ = no fun. even at 8am, they had 40+ or something, we had 5-10)
changing borders and such can last only for so long.
soon I`ll change server I guess, since the combination of huge zergs that no one can stop and prime time 40+minutes queue will get me too frustrated to go on.
I can assure any 2-on-1 perceptions are just paranoia.. we’re just doing our thing. As Kraken explained Bay will always be easier to tempt from a safe position… VS is ALWAYS waiting for us to make a move and hit a blindspot :/
Guess that even tho I hate both servers atm, im certainly gonna miss em in the weeks to come.
well as anyone knows, every week against fr zerg of 50+ = no fun. even at 8am, they had 40+ or something, we had 5-10
changing borders and such can last only for so long.soon I`ll change server I guess, since the combination of huge zergs that no one can stop and prime time 40+minutes queue will get me too frustrated to go on.
Yeah and we were 10 all night long with an average of 240 points.
Welcome to T1
Gwelicia, Vizunah Square
Yeah and we were 10 all night long with an average of 240 points.
Welcome to T1Gwelicia, Vizunah Square
mais bien sur mon ami) you were surely only 10.
Seems you have good fun in the current T1 matchup ;-)
Comatose Vigil (Ran) – Lysergamid (War)
Nunbarshegunu (Mes) – Abstract Genesis (Nec)
Yeah and we were 10 all night long with an average of 240 points.
Welcome to T1Gwelicia, Vizunah Square
mais bien sur mon ami
) you were surely only 10.
I’ve lead since 3 to 7am on multi, so yeah we were 10-15 on borderland.
Did u fight us? No cauz i run away every time to take your T0, waiting for the backup at 8am.
Tips for you : Just try to take point against Deso <→ Elo, it’s easier for you and you will win more points.
ultranawak.7183 actually I slept.
I woke up around 8 -9 my time, and once I logged on, on deso border we had huge enemy zerg and about 5-10 defenders. Huge as in 40-50 ppl, as far as I could see.
don`t get me wrong, if people are active at strange hours (imo) that`s fine.
I see vizunah is still using zoom hacks to target with their arrow carts.
Maybe arenanet will actually allow all arrow carts to use top down view, so you will lose your advantage.
Fun fights at VZ and deso border today though.
reported 2 vz today for speed hacks. same old cheesy vzs.