Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan
To the SFR ele and warrior from [OSC] (I think that was the tag, it had brotherhood in the name but I imagine you will recognise this anyway) I ran into a over and over tonight and spent about half an hour dueling, thanks for the good times. I was the Desolation asura thief from [NUKE]
Stay classy.
You probably want me to upload vids of your “30 man zerg” that in fact is way above 50 ?
You probably want me to say that you never have to back up because you can beat anyone ?
Not so hard getting down Visu’s zerg when it’s made of at least 20 different guild tags. Being asked about “fighting” from a guild that just uses culling to smash pugs is quite funny. Do you fight ? Nah you just move forward hitting something that isn’t even on your screen and you can’t see. Even a bot could do this.
It’s way less trouble making you run and take your points at the opposite side of the map.
As i said 3 or 4 weeks ago we are in T1 since so many weeks, and we’ve never seen one server that masters the zerg as you do (the whole serv i mean). You may want to ask our friends from Desolation, Elona and even the former BT guys if you don’t believe me.
We try to counter your tactics with our tactics, and we are not even sorry if you don’t like it. At the end of the day, the winner takes it all.
With all my respect, Cheers from Vizu
Oh god those VoTF guys sure have something to prove, always mean on this forum, always condescendent.
And at least your forum warriors show some fair play. I’ve never seen a Vizu or Desolation guy begging in here to hit server X because he hates them.
Respect is earned, and you are earning it. You stick to your server and you fight, this is what we like because this is what we do.Cheers from Vizu
I bolded the important part. Now lets get your definition of fight. Is it sitting inside an upgraded tower/keep or is it actually going out onto the field?
We have various videos showing time and again how Vizu fight, so give us your honest definition please.
What does it matter ?
We play fair-play, we are not using spies, exploitbug or NA players. We have various videos showing time and again how SFR fight, and we cannot say the same.
Deso and VS try to cap SM first time. Well it looks like it.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
And at least your forum warriors show some fair play. I’ve never seen a Vizu or Desolation guy begging in here to hit server X because he hates them.
Respect is earned, and you are earning it. You stick to your server and you fight, this is what we like because this is what we do.Cheers from Vizu
I bolded the important part. Now lets get your definition of fight. Is it sitting inside an upgraded tower/keep or is it actually going out onto the field?
We have various videos showing time and again how Vizu fight, so give us your honest definition please.
And what is yours? rush by zerg of 40men+ with insane culling?.
Stop flame for nothing you are ridiculous.
Eternalïa [OVER]
VS zerg more than zerglings and whine about zerging.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
VS zerg more than zerglings and whine about zerging.
Yep, and make claims of playing fair and not using exploits while they have been building trebs in their invul zone at their citadel several times now.
But no matter, I asked everyone to make screens/vids so ArenaNet will have a nice big pile of reports regarding this behaviour on their desk on monday. Let’s hope they will do something about it.
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
I look forward to yours. We’re actually making a montage of Vizu running away at the moment.
Note: There were about 10 of you, and 13 of us in this video. Not a single shot was fired from Viz, it was all about getting away into a tower!
lol the vizblob accusing others of culling abuse and zerging – is there no fench word for irony?
I look forward to yours. We’re actually making a montage of Vizu running away at the moment.
Note: There were about 10 of you, and 13 of us in this video. Not a single shot was fired from Viz, it was all about getting away into a tower!
Do you realize what you are saying? Do you think that anyone else on earth would think that a group of 10 pugs should fight against an organised group of 13 players? really?
See what was linked at the end of you vid [url]://[/url]
lol the vizblob accusing others of culling abuse and zerging – is there no fench word for irony?
You could say
" C’est l’hôpital qui se fout de la charité "
Yeah that could be said…
(edited by ladyfabulous.1403)
Since videos are in order :
(How-to : not zerg like a VoTF)
Those eight frenchies and their treb were probably very VERY scary.
(edited by Leorcyn.1063)
Note: There were about 10 of you, and 13 of us in this video. Not a single shot was fired from Viz, it was all about getting away into a tower!
I see 5 pugs going on the left to picking iron ore and 3 going on the right to picking onions.
sorry but they just seem not to see you with culling, no one can believe that surprised frenchs noobs didn’t backpedal.
on that screen i see VOTF hidding behind one supervisor because they are afraid to fight VZ roaming group without culling advantage.
pictures self-interpretation is so powerful.
VZ roaming group = every VZ player in map. Well couple mort heartseeker spammers might try to gank some lowbies in spawn.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
Greetings from deso. nuff said.
Greetings from deso. nuff said.
/wave to camera spy! ^.^
Oh boy, i wonder why deso always ranks last in every rotation.
Makes me wonder why they’re still on #6 and not way lower.
Since videos are in order :
(How-to : not zerg like a VoTF)Those eight frenchies and their treb were probably very VERY scary.
We were busy wiping 35 other Vizunah who had went out from their tower… Can’t be everywhere man! And besides we took that tower with 2 other trebs just 15 minutes later anyway
on that screen i see VOTF hidding behind one supervisor because they are afraid to fight VZ roaming group without culling advantage.
pictures self-interpretation is so powerful.
2-3 resets ago we wiped two times, both times because an enemy guild had hid behind terrain. We don’t call that abuse of culling, we call that smart play! Hell we encounter that every day, today on our homeland we were at the same southeast supply camp pictured here on Desos side, and they had 30+ people hiding behind a house on the opposite side of the camp. It’s a completely valid tactic…
Stop taking everything so seriously … it’s sad, because we understand that everything you say is serious business for you. … you are really not funny. :/
(edited by GrandMechantLoup.8201)
Not so hard getting down Visu’s zerg when it’s made of at least 20 different guild tags.
You mean like in most of vs zerg blobs there are “at least 20 different guild tags”? so i just want to clarify, is there only 1-man guilds? Or there are usually at least 3-4 members of most of those guilds in that blob?
Nice battles so far everyone, but something is showing its ugly head as it did last week which is undermining the spirit of competition again….
Could the players responsible for continuing to place siege in spawn areas please stop? You know it should not be allowed there and defending it while being invulnerable is extremely distasteful. Engaging in this activity does not reflect well for the reputation of a server. You know who you are and what you are doing is wrong, so knock it off!
Thanks in advance and see you on the battlefield.
Guild Leader
Oh boy, i wonder why deso always ranks last in every rotation.
Makes me wonder why they’re still on #6 and not way lower.
We had 2 commanders with tags open in the JP yesterday while queue was around 15-30 minutes and we could barely hold our towers..
Oh boy, i wonder why deso always ranks last in every rotation.
Makes me wonder why they’re still on #6 and not way lower.
We had 2 commanders with tags open in the JP yesterday while queue was around 15-30 minutes and we could barely hold our towers..
A pitty that Deso and Elona only switch places and do not fight each other.
Looks like Deso’s new recruits and our Xmas-WTJs could have hard fights:
These 2 screenies together make a perfect battlefield picture, don’t they?
Oh boy, i wonder why deso always ranks last in every rotation.
Makes me wonder why they’re still on #6 and not way lower.
We had 2 commanders with tags open in the JP yesterday while queue was around 15-30 minutes and we could barely hold our towers..
That’s actually… really sad (and I’m not being ironic). We have all interest in having a strong DS, and that is not exactly helpful…
And at least your forum warriors show some fair play. I’ve never seen a Vizu or Desolation guy begging in here to hit server X because he hates them.
Respect is earned, and you are earning it. You stick to your server and you fight, this is what we like because this is what we do.Cheers from Vizu
I bolded the important part. Now lets get your definition of fight. Is it sitting inside an upgraded tower/keep or is it actually going out onto the field?
We have various videos showing time and again how Vizu fight, so give us your honest definition please.
What does it matter ?
We play fair-play, we are not using spies, exploitbug or NA players. We have various videos showing time and again how SFR fight, and we cannot say the same.
Life must be easy if you can make up your own definitions, hell even according to the definition you make up yourself you don’t play fair, but I should know better than answering forum trolls.
Oh boy, i wonder why deso always ranks last in every rotation.
Makes me wonder why they’re still on #6 and not way lower.
It’s a shame that you didn’t have a picture from earlier, where you you would have found the same scene, but with VS players instead of Deso – Of course if you are VS or Deso, taking that picture half hour earlier would have been difficult as you would have to live through the barrage from all the siege built on the SFR spawn platform to do it.
What I have found since coming to T1 is that if you don’t have a small zerg with you, the odds of making it to the chest are very slim. Friday there were 15 VS camped at the entrance of the “dark room” with siege and we were only 8 – fortunately they had no-one who could pull and when they strayed to close to us – 4 scorpion wires later and they were only 11 they fled into the dark room and after much fighting in the dark we cleared them out and were able to reach the arena – where the top was camped by SFR. Eventually we made it to the chest where I was rewarded with a Golem, Arrow Cart, some badges and vendor rubbish, however this took me out of WvW for over an hour rather than the usual 5-10 minutes. In T2 you could solo the JP quite quickly provided you didn’t try it when BT had the outmanned buff, where they all seemed to decamp to the JP (which I still don’t understand, you are outmanned, your server needs every defender so you go to the JP en-masse).
WL raid that is currently on VS border: you have more people than in our raid, stop running, please.
Mesmer got through a gate this early morning right in front of our eyes, boy were we surprised. Not sure if he had any ill intentions though because he immediately tried running up the wall to jump down again. Though that could’ve ofc been because we were there and he didn’t expect any enemy defenders.
Nice battles so far everyone, but something is showing its ugly head as it did last week which is undermining the spirit of competition again….
Could the players responsible for continuing to place siege in spawn areas please stop? You know it should not be allowed there and defending it while being invulnerable is extremely distasteful. Engaging in this activity does not reflect well for the reputation of a server. You know who you are and what you are doing is wrong, so knock it off!
Thanks in advance and see you on the battlefield.
Siege weapons in safe zone are destructible for over two weeks.
Mesmer got through a gate this early morning right in front of our eyes, boy were we surprised. Not sure if he had any ill intentions though because he immediately tried running up the wall to jump down again. Though that could’ve ofc been because we were there and he didn’t expect any enemy defenders.
And we had a Elementalist got trough gate last night at
Sunnyhill. Well we see what Anet says about it.
200,000 WwW Kills
(edited by Imacop.6409)
No ur wrong. These standings don’t count last match results.
Sfr has 6 tier1 weeks. This is the 7th. And mos standings say it has 5 and this is the 6th, which is not trueSo the french liar saga continues
Hum, SFR was in T1 during week 50, 51, 52, 1 and 2 => 5 T1 weeks. We are in week 3.
All is here and you can check, all results are on this forum : http://mos/servers/view/9#historySo where is the 6th week where SfR was in T1 ? I’m not sure the liar is french…
i cant believe people are showing mistakes rather than appreciating your work.
Thanks Weris, ur site has been wonderful and been a great help, its also nice that you keep tweaking it to look better every time, really appreciate your work!
Mesmer got through a gate this early morning right in front of our eyes, boy were we surprised. Not sure if he had any ill intentions though because he immediately tried running up the wall to jump down again. Though that could’ve ofc been because we were there and he didn’t expect any enemy defenders.
That would be mine mesmer and i didnt cheat, u didnt tell there was massive zerg behind that door and door fell down 3s after that, was hitting door and got suprised like you guys too i spawned other side, dunno what even happened
Mesmer got through a gate this early morning right in front of our eyes, boy were we surprised. Not sure if he had any ill intentions though because he immediately tried running up the wall to jump down again. Though that could’ve ofc been because we were there and he didn’t expect any enemy defenders.
And we had a Elementalist from the same guild got trough gate last night at
Sunnyhill. Well we see what Anet says about it.
That would be lie since im only MEan player in desolation server and i dont have elemental character.
No one accused you directly for doing that on elementalist but your guildie.
You feel guilty or something ?
Wow yesterday was a busy night we where multimaping like mad, solving a crisis here, cleaning up there, we barely had time to do some proper pauses and breathe.
All that sumed up with some interesting fights in SFR border at the begining of the night. Props to all involved! keep up the good fights!
Sunnyhill/longvew is a tricky door and aparantly while hitting it you got chances of going through it. I think as long as the guy that gets “absorbed” inside leaves the tower asap all is fair and good.
No one accused you directly for doing that on elementalist but your guildie.
You feel guilty or something ?
nah i just understanded wrong ur post maybe ^^
(edited by Nakkimon.5390)
Nice battles so far everyone, but something is showing its ugly head as it did last week which is undermining the spirit of competition again….
Could the players responsible for continuing to place siege in spawn areas please stop? You know it should not be allowed there and defending it while being invulnerable is extremely distasteful. Engaging in this activity does not reflect well for the reputation of a server. You know who you are and what you are doing is wrong, so knock it off!
Thanks in advance and see you on the battlefield.
Siege weapons in safe zone are destructible for over two weeks.
The siege may be destructible, but that’s irrelevant!
Their operators and defenders are invulnerable and take great pleasure in raining death down upon vulnerable opponents with AoE’s and arrowcarts as soon as they approach. Try taking down a trebuchet on a ledge with 10-15 invulnerable defenders guarding them.
To me it’s not in the spirit of competition if people resort to using such exploits and foul play in order to win. But we’ll see what ANet has to say about the matter.
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
Nice battles so far everyone, but something is showing its ugly head as it did last week which is undermining the spirit of competition again….
Could the players responsible for continuing to place siege in spawn areas please stop? You know it should not be allowed there and defending it while being invulnerable is extremely distasteful. Engaging in this activity does not reflect well for the reputation of a server. You know who you are and what you are doing is wrong, so knock it off!
Thanks in advance and see you on the battlefield.
Siege weapons in safe zone are destructible for over two weeks.
The siege may be destructible, but that’s irrelevant!
Their operators and defenders are invulnerable and take great pleasure in raining death down upon vulnerable opponents with AoE’s and arrowcarts as soon as they approach. Try taking down a trebuchet on a ledge with 10-15 invulnerable defenders guarding them.
To me it’s not in the spirit of competition if people resort to using such exploits and foul play in order to win. But we’ll see what ANet has to say about the matter.
I entirely agree with you, but we have to put up with it pending ArenaFix.
And regrettably there are worse than siege in safe zone, keep an eye on SFR.
I am from Desolation and completed the border jumping puzzles yesterday.
In one of them I encountered an enemy player. I can’t remember if he was a Vizunah or Seafarer. The situation was kind of tense… But anyway, we completed the jumping puzzle together. Seriously you rock and I wish you good luck in putting these blueprints to good use.
We will meet on the battlefield. You will never catch me alive. O_o*
I entirely agree with you, but we have to put up with it pending ArenaFix.
Agreed, but I’d like to change one small thing in your comment:
I entirely agree with you, but we have to report it pending ArenaFix.
You see, ‘put up with it’ would mean that we would simply allow these exploits to continue; which I for one will not put up with.
I want honorable battles and fair play above all else and I will report any and all instances that I see as being an exploit and send it to Exploits@Arena.Net with screenshots and videos.
And I would suggest that everyone does the same. It’s the only way to let ArenaNet know where things have to change in order to preserve and improve the quality of WvW for everyone.
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
I am from Desolation and completed the border jumping puzzles yesterday.
In one of them I encountered an enemy player. I can’t remember if he was a Vizunah or Seafarer. The situation was kind of tense… But anyway, we completed the jumping puzzle together. Seriously you rock and I wish you good luck in putting these blueprints to good use.We will meet on the battlefield. You will never catch me alive. O_o*
That never happens to me, I always /wave and then tree thieves out of nowhere jump on me.
7.2k+ hours played on Minesweeper
That never happens to me, I always /wave and then tree thieves out of nowhere jump on me.
You should never do /wave. That’s sign-language for ‘hey gank me’ when it comes to thieves.
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
That never happens to me, I always /wave and then tree thieves out of nowhere jump on me.
You should never do /wave. That’s sign-language for ‘hey gank me’ when it comes to thieves.
Yes I always feel very stupid when I walk away from their dead bodies but I keep hoping that one day someone will wave back.
7.2k+ hours played on Minesweeper
Yes I always feel very stupid when I walk away from their dead bodies but I keep hoping that one day someone will wave back.
Priceless, nice one!
Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}
That never happens to me, I always /wave and then tree thieves out of nowhere jump on me.
You should never do /wave. That’s sign-language for ‘hey gank me’ when it comes to thieves.
Yes I always feel very stupid when I walk away from their dead bodies but I keep hoping that one day someone will wave back.
I am a thief and I actually DO /wave back. It’s a sign of sportsmanship
I am a thief and I actually DO /wave back. It’s a sign of sportsmanship
You’re on the same server as I am so that’s pretty pointless.
P.S. I hope you don’t mean that you /wave back after you’ve killed them.
7.2k+ hours played on Minesweeper
Go Viz ! Go !
Thanks to our foes, that’s a great matchup up so far.
So what happened… I thought PRX’s presence was what was forcing you all to stay awake? Or so you all claimed day in and day out when we were beating you. And yet… when PRX leave.. do you go to bed? Oh no not at all. Because you know, if you cant get your 400+ ppt at night, you dont have a chance vs us in primetime <3
Well it is nice to know things are back to normal anyways. I guess you are all busy fortifying those towers so you can hide from us tomorrow during primetime.
GW1 Rank 1 – 2 Gold Capes – [sC] [sup]
SFR should start advertising their server as the home for all keyboard warriors…