General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]
(edited by Troma.3250)
Rhino, of course we make them trying. For 3 months +, our Vizunians fought others servers very well, under good commanders leading. Sometimes our Vizu bus even wiped big guilds. But like username say, we can’t do it at the moment : you put us in a defensive mode =)
Argadem, Angelyne is not a Grand Cross alliance officer. The officers are only the guild masters and some officers, but not him.
For the alliance VS/AS, this existed only one day, and i explained here why with an Asterix picture :
(edited by Troma.3250)
Rhino, of course we make them trying. For 3 months +, our Vizunians fought others servers very well, under good commanders leading. Sometimes our Vizu bus even wiped big guilds. But like username say, we can’t do it at the moment : you put us in a defensive mode =)
Argadem, Angelyne is not a Grand Cross alliance officer. The officers are only the guild masters and some officers, but not him.
For the alliance VS/AS, this existed only one day, and i explained here why with an Asterix picture :
Yeah,sorry. I believe he had signature saying officer of GC or something like that,nvm now. Anyway,the alliance did not last for long and it’s really not a problem but i was just telling your member that if he wants to talk crap about other servers,he should know that his server did the same thing.
:) yes man, like i said, tri-faction is made for it. Nothing wrong. Only things that’s sux :
haters, big trolls, hacks, exploits ! the other thing are legit and fine. We shouldn’t see any whine about classic RvR features. Or heh, get back to wow RBG or Arenas ! brrr, no thank’s for me
Rhino, of course we make them trying. For 3 months +, our Vizunians fought others servers very well, under good commanders leading. Sometimes our Vizu bus even wiped big guilds. But like username say, we can’t do it at the moment : you put us in a defensive mode =)
Argadem, Angelyne is not a Grand Cross alliance officer. The officers are only the guild masters and some officers, but not him.
For the alliance VS/AS, this existed only one day, and i explained here why with an Asterix picture :
Yeah,sorry. I believe he had signature saying officer of GC or something like that,nvm now. Anyway,the alliance did not last for long and it’s really not a problem but i was just telling your member that if he wants to talk crap about other servers,he should know that his server did the same thing.
Alliances has happened, and will happen in the future aswell, if the situation is suitable for it.
My enemies enemy is my friend. So why complain about it, we all have the possibility to use it
How are they supposed to learn if you dont let them try? The basics of PvP is very easy, kill your enemies before they kill you.
This is where you need to learn because it is WvW not PvP, killing your enemy won’t make you win by itself.
You come here saying you want to make everything to kick french people out of T1 (we still wonder why) and then you are surprised that we play the points ?
As long as your communication is all about french hate and kicking the french out of T1 there is no chance to get what you are looking for. Maybe you should consider being less patronizing and hateful towards VS it would be a better strategy to get a pleasant WvW matchup because all this crap is what makes the matchup less fun than it could be for you.
The ball is in your hands.
Im pretty sure that was my first post on this forum. I reread what I wrote and I couldnt really see what hateful comments I made. I merely pointed out that the game is changing, and to avoid being kicked out of T1 VS need to do the same.
Rhino, of course we make them trying. For 3 months +, our Vizunians fought others servers very well, under good commanders leading. Sometimes our Vizu bus even wiped big guilds. But like username say, we can’t do it at the moment : you put us in a defensive mode =)
Argadem, Angelyne is not a Grand Cross alliance officer. The officers are only the guild masters and some officers, but not him.
For the alliance VS/AS, this existed only one day, and i explained here why with an Asterix picture :
Yeah,sorry. I believe he had signature saying officer of GC or something like that,nvm now. Anyway,the alliance did not last for long and it’s really not a problem but i was just telling your member that if he wants to talk crap about other servers,he should know that his server did the same thing.
Alliances has happened, and will happen in the future aswell, if the situation is suitable for it.
My enemies enemy is my friend. So why complain about it, we all have the possibility to use it
who’s comlaining?
we’r having some hard time, and we know that we’r having this right now cause we’r the best everyone want to beat us to say … “yes!!! we did it !!!” (well ,as well , cause we got a crapy start this WE that we finished with almost 40k behind , but i prefer to talk about the other reason only xD )
i can tell here, that i love the fights, i love to play this game when it’s hard, when we’r in difficult situation, to do my best … and a lot of my brothers in arm are like me ( and even better)!
p.s. for the open fights, i already made some videos for that, VS is not hiding anywhere, if u want some fight, we will give you some…
i already posted a video that show some SFR guilds runing from the fight in their T3 when it was even 2vs1…
check this one for the last week ( hope i got sometime to do another one for this week)
have fun, and a lot of good fights!
It’s been a refreshing change over the last couple of weeks not to wake up to seeing VS on 400+ points from their night crew and our small lead turning into 30k points deficit overnight. Glad we finally got night coverage to slow theirs down or compete with them.
What we see in prime time is that Deso are up for the fight and are matching us for points, whilst VS seem to be unable to change tactics from ‘hide in keep’ or ‘run in 50 man zerg’, although there was some evidence last night that they developed some 10-20 man camp capping teams.
Our commanders still don’t get the camp capping points game and focus on the big prizes to the detriment of supplies and camps, meaning we frequently lose out on a 40-50 point turnaround on ticker. So far it’s working out ok but I’ve noticed Deso have noticed and are taking advantage of it whenever possible.
Favourite parts of last night- taking upgraded camps off VS on our own BL, should never have got to be upgraded…some decent small fights and a lot of running around on my ranger. Standing watching deso and VS small teams fight over a camp, one deso emerged victorious as I stood and watched having waved earlier- and then he came and attacked me! Bah! He had to die, was a good fight though and he knew how to play his toon, so hats off.
This week has been a lot of fun and I have gained a lot of respect for a lot of Deso players. Not seen much of VS players except either huge zergs or double thief (and necro or mes) teams.
@Rhino : we appreciate your concern about Vizunah’s ranking, but at the moment we are nowhere near T2. Maybe it will happen in the future, there’s a good chance.
The current meta game is changing, this is very true, it doesn’t look like the fights we had with Elona or Old school Deso at all. You guys on SFR, BT, Deso make it change everyday. Servers had to adapt to counter Vizu in T1, and Vizu has to adapt to counter you. If we fight less and play everyday more with the towers and keeps it’s because we are evolving.
Not so long ago the fights in the open were something like 20 vs 20, even when BT was here with RG. I believe our biggest crew on Vizunah is probably WL that can put around 25 people nowadays on the maps. We are not suited for the fights SFR and Deso offer atm. VoTF are too many, IRON are too many, ZDs are too many. It has nothing to do with aknowledging your strenghts. You guys are very good at what you do. We just don’t have the same numbers in our guilds.
Now we understand that you’d prefer us out of the towers, and you probably understand what we’d prefer it too. But we won’t go fighting a lost cause, we take the points where they are.
And that’s why vizunah is Vizunah.
To th Viz players who claim you only hide behind walls because you are outnumbered. I think you 30-40 man that runs around every morning would like a word with you.
To th Viz players who claim you only hide behind walls because you are outnumbered. I think you 30-40 man that runs around every morning would like a word with you.
no need, they’r the same in the evening, we know well what we’r doing
:) yes man, like i said, tri-faction is made for it. Nothing wrong. Only things that’s sux :
haters, big trolls, hacks, exploits ! the other thing are legit and fine. We shouldn’t see any whine about classic RvR features. Or heh, get back to wow RBG or Arenas ! brrr, no thank’s for me
Just like to highlight this post for its honesty and sportsmanship. The viz alliance has been an example for all other servers to follow and learn from. Yes the game like any other is evolving, but Viz are still doing exceedingly well and have done against all comers.
I just hope one day Deso will be able to match you, we need to somehow entice our pve community into wvw in the mornings and during the day, as we simply lose too many points during these periods.
To th Viz players who claim you only hide behind walls because you are outnumbered. I think you 30-40 man that runs around every morning would like a word with you.
And still the IRON trash talk … can we stop with this please ? Can we move to something more pleasant, thanks.
@Rhino, sorry i quoted you but my post was not targeted at you, it was aimed to everyone.
(edited by username.4932)
@ username i am sorry i am from Desolation too and i fight on the side with IRON too but you guys are seriously all packed in the keeps with only defence.. not thats a bad thing! for you guys its good you get points so GG for that. But when you come outside you attack our morning forces ( 10 ppl ) with a 40 man strong zerg and when we have 40 people ready you never show your face outside the walls.
But still your doing a great job defending!
No man, you might be from Iron or whatever guild, i don’t trust you at all. Yesterday we were on Etheron (Owned by SFR), Iron team came from the other side of the map, crossing 2 tower, 1 camp and the bandwagon of Seafarer’s Rest just to come and wipe us, afterwhat they jumped the wall on gone … Ok it’s the game, you play for points. But we are still here, still in T1 and whatever Sacrx can say (most of the time i didn’t even read his post, but for once …) Vizunah will fight still and ever.
You talk about Vizuniah who run “even” when they are more than you .. we are nearlly never “more than you” since we don’t have bandwagon guilds beside CDD and WL (and maybe one or 2 others). Most of the time it’s only culling that make difference, and culling is on your side. And from a Vizunian sight, SFR and Deso run as well … We deslike zerg no brain fight with no more skill tahn spaming “1 button” seeing anyone. If it’s what you call an “epic fight” i feel sorry for you.
Matchup isn’t over, not yet, and even at 3rd place this week, still in T1 and with even more willing to fight.
You come here saying you want to make everything to kick french people out of T1 (we still wonder why) and then you are surprised that we play the points ?
Oh brother…
“French people”, really?.. Here’s news for you: Nobody cares if VS is french!
Or Russian, or Eskimo for that matter. You are undisputed champ atm, what you’d expect, love and adoration from all the ladder? No. You are primary target for everyone and you worked your kitten off to become one.
It’s just that some people think that you do not deserve it because their view on what Top1 server should look and act like is slightly different.
@Yaro, we are not talking of the same thing, what you are referring to is obviously fine and we appreciate the challenge but the constant trash talk and anti-french talk that few people/guilds got used to spread in the forum isn’t.
Either you don’t know the whole story (many threads/posts got deleted after all) or you are ignoring some threads.
We are fine with anything game related, that being said we can move on.
(edited by username.4932)
@Yaro, we are not talking of the same thing, what you are referring to is obviously fine and we appreciate the challenge but the constant trash talk and anti-french talk that few people/guilds got used to spread in the forum isn’t.
Either you don’t know the whole story (many threads/posts got deleted after all) or you are ignoring some threads.
We are fine with anything game related, that being said we can move on.
A lot of us are British, and it is in our culture to make fun of the French :P
Like USA making fun of Canada.
but i was just telling your member that if he wants to talk crap about other servers
Any example ?
No man, you might be from Iron or whatever guild, i don’t trust you at all. Yesterday we were on Etheron (Owned by SFR), Iron team came from the other side of the map, crossing 2 tower, 1 camp and the bandwagon of Seafarer’s Rest just to come and wipe us, afterwhat they jumped the wall on gone … Ok it’s the game, you play for points. But we are still here, still in T1 and whatever Sacrx can say (most of the time i didn’t even read his post, but for once …) Vizunah will fight still and ever.
Just for your info we then sat in hills for about an hour, trying to get the inner down, did you not notice we did not attack you for that whole period?
(edited by Offski.4897)
As a french player on Vizunah I would say that getting focused by 2 servers is just normal from our point of view, and we are even proud of it. If you fail to kick us of T1 you will for sure deserve shame and flame.
Don’t worry Deso players we start to take care of you, be safe ^^
Looks like VS is slowing gaining on us, they’ve closed the gap from 15k to 5k now.
our mornings/day weakness is beginning to hurt us.
i guess we will end up third after all, but theres still time, so lets see how it goes
This is not morning/day weakness, this is more about the server getting tired and needing some rest, if you stay for a while in T1 you will rapidly see this. On Vizunah we also have our weaknesses in a day.
But you guys well maybe not all, arent that good in PvPing outside the keeps.. you have too many berserkers walking around that die in 2 skills.. but still its fun!
If you kill someone in 2 skills, it says nothing about their PvP skill. It says they are under-leveled and/or under-geared.
Not the first time I see the confusion, had to correct it.
A lot of us are British, and it is in our culture to make fun of the French :P
Like USA making fun of Canada.
Har ! Don’t worry, reverse is true as well. Usually brits eat scary stuff coz they don’t know better and are too self-restrained for their own good !
(edited by Jaghen.8314)
dunno, correct or not(coz this video from previos mutchup), but i promiss it to Moonspell
Russian morning guards part 2
hope u enjoy this
but i was just telling your member that if he wants to talk crap about other servers
Any example ?
Did you even read this thread?…seriously,you are making GC look bad. Get your information straight.
Viz and Sea have a nice time capping on camps, Desolation hardly does anything about it.. these things are great points if you can hold.
Viz and Sea have a nice time capping on camps, Desolation hardly does anything about it.. these things are great points if you can hold.
We just focusing on fun part. 6 arrow carts, two catas and swarms of defenders on the walls? Yeah, whatever, we will facerub your reinforced gate anyway :/
Points metagame is boooring…
You need MOAR berserkers!
(edited by Yaro.3251)
So much fun on lead this morning/afternoon deso map , amazing tag on garrison and the east tower , by holding the position during several minutes.
Lots of bags for us :p but you had yours too when your prime began :’( Hard transition for us , btw hope you had fun too.
You need MOAR berserkers!
No we don’t.
Arborstone only played something like 3 or 4 matchup against VS and i didn’t have the chance to see the mythical guilds of VS that were looking for open field battle, as they always hide in their fortress while playing for points and only for that.
It seem like that VS will get stronger (in number and coverage only) as more bandwagoner from AS are running away from AS to VS (mostly pugs and little guilds), while some are going to Jade Sea.
6) obviously you are not in alliance. But it’s a natural focus for you. Some SFR players told me it, and i saw it on, a big russian players forum
… Eh? Big russian forum you say? What? Do you mind providing some substance to your claims? “Some sfr players told me” sounds very convincing, but could you be so kind and give us the link to the thread on this big russian forum, where those sneaky russians forged their devious alliance against your fair and cute server? Thank you.
Every time deso tries to take a tower owned by SFR, 5 or less minutes passes, and ZDs, or whoever else, start to pou out of every kitten hole. Alliance, right. Every time we take a VS tower or keep… some pugs show up and die and thats about it. GH even facerubed gates at VS keep and lol it worked. Can’t imagine SFR ppl would let you get away with something like that. xP
(edited by wasted.6817)
VS BL. Garrison. Right now. Is it half an hour, hour, more?.. I’ve lost the sense of time already and could have filled a dozen of bags.
That’s what I would call “epic” if it wouldn’t become too boring wiping countless resp-waves again and again and again.
Seeing VS commander naked however – priceless.
No i’m not offcer for GC, only for my guild who is part of GC. And whatever, i think i didn’t complain about double team. I said that gave us the last medal we missed. In fact i see it more like an honor, since you admited by that way, that you aren’t able to beat us by you own and needed to use less fair ways to do.
I complained about ppl who “hate” Vizuniah without knowing anyone of us. I found it totaly stupid and narrow minded and i dislike ppl with narrow mind. Don’t care the reason why you “hate” VS, french server, #1 euro for a long time or god know what … you just can’t say “i hate that whole server” because ppl pressed that button at the begining.
wasted, do you really read what i say ?
“sneaky russian forged devious alliance” if you read slowly my words, i say : “obviously you are not in alliance. But it’s a natural focus for you”. And now, read other post that your mates and me wrote about tri-faction, etc.
you can find the post on WvW section, somewhere here : (edit : didnt see the images first… haha crazy) don’t remember the exactly post but i linked it on SFR community chat. The chat where some very nice SFR players confirmed me the natural focus i talk about
edit :
Ok now i repeat, i think it’s the game rules i have no problem with this at all. Just, don’t tell me it’s not true. Again there is no alliance : just some situationnal focus, sometimes a lot, sometimes not at all.
(edited by Troma.3250)
it’s just our ubertroll Troma, but really fun that u read this “incarnation of internet hate machine” forum
tbh, bout ally and same kitten
u guys, better, come to game and see how “ally” works (for example, today fight at vs border)
T3 garri, lord room, loads of Deso GH guild inside, load of SFR Russians inside, loads of VS wp abusers (i hear this is abus, did u know?) inside, skills does not work, lags like hell etc
We get wiped (i really dont know from wich side, think it was GH, dunno) stand up and run to Garri again
That time VS try to push our bay (balls of steel or what?) Deso try push our bay, we kill em and for revenge try to take deso cragtop, when they rush our briar with 3 rams and we simple cant going their fast and lost t3 briar.
thats how “ally” works
sorry for bad english
your spyes every where, now i cant sleep, think my cat spy for u too >_<
Hey Fanfa
yes, i just wanted to clarify some things. See you ingame
Ah ok, i misunderstood the part of your post about “obviously you’re not in alliance”, thought you was addressing someone specific, applying that there’s an alliance, it’s just this person or guild, you were talking to, is not in it. I apologize for that, should pay more attention, but tired a bit.
And those links you’ve provided are actually show what kind of kitten and trolls inhabit this dump called, there’s nothing about alliance, just some ppl in FUBAR alliance seem to be really focused on VS.
Tbh, i enjoy killing SFR peeps more, it’s just there are too many of em, i literally tired of killing them for the past 2 days, you kill 1 — 5 more show up, and this tide barely ever stops.
The continual excuses coming from the Vizunah side of this match up is totally ridiculous and repetitive. (Be aware this is something you created yourself with your continual blue balling and coward tactics)
If you don’t have guilds to compete with other guilds then merge some of your guilds, recruit more, train your members.
The other point I would like to make is that VoTF is not a zerg guild, at most we run with 40 people (with 5 people scouts generally – so about 35 at peak) and usually its around 30 people. We run whether we have 5 or 30 people, we don’t care if we wipe, we make sure we kill as many people as we can for each death we take.
I would like to directly reply to some things we have noticed from Vizunah that really doesnt make us appreciate your server at all.
These are posts that your servers members have made, whether they think they are funny or won’t be read then I am sorry but they are mostly just disgusting.
Pas mal comme stratégie mais y a toujours un risque. On pourrait également lancer des attaques par déni de service contre les joueurs de SFR pour les empêcher de se connecter et les obliger à retourner aux US.
Here one of your members makes the suggestion of using a DDOS attack in order to help your server out. You may condone ddosing because you can’t win any other way but this really is a disgusting comment.
Perso, malgré les match up épiques que nous offrent le mcm depuis la release, je regrette PA ( joker, furya,Bl entre autre) qui sont les seuls qui jouent comme on aimerait jouer plus souvent, du combat de plaine en 15vs15 par exemple.
Là depuis quelques match up on se tape que du mono bus de serveur et j’ai hâte d’avoir un challenge un peu plus basé sur le skill/optimisation de groupes etc…Nos adversaires ne le permettent pas.
Here you call every other server zergers and want smaller fights so if any 15 Vizunah want to fight 15 VoTF then by all means give us a time and a place and we will be there.
Les Votf ils sont bon pour te buser la gueule a 40 mais pour prendre un fort ils ont aucune capacité de réflexion, ils feraient bien de demander des cours aux prx. Hier pendant le prime ils ont passé la soirée a ouvrir P1 baie , faire du sac et repartir… Sans jamais prendre de risques disproportionnés ni nous mettre suffisamment en danger pour prendre baie … Resultat sur map bleu prime d’hier assez pauvre.
Here you say VoTF is only good at zerging, that we arent very good at anything else and we are bad at sieging. Let me explain to you that we don’t want to siege, we want to fight, that is what we consider fun in this game, we gain enough towers or keeps without using much siege at all. We can siege if we really want to, we just prefer actually having good fights against decent opponents.
On a sûrement les ressources et les moyens de les contrer, alors je ne sais pas faudrait peut-être s’organiser des primes spécialement dédicacé à “ce soir on wipe les votf/osc..” pour se focaliser sur les combats de plaine au lieu du score.
Here you talk about creating specific forces to engage the guilds you cant kill, by all means go ahead with this and we will be more than willing to fight you.
Ben on a qu’à prendre les devants si Deso monte: on monte un putain de drama entre IRON et Prx sur le fofo off, genre un bon mytho qui foutre le bordel en tre les 2 et qui fera qu’ils vont essayer de se la mettre entre nous on regarde
Here some of your members attempt put forward an idea of creating a “lie” to cause problems between IRON and PRX. Kind of underhanded.
Envoyé par Karnax Posted Image
jcrois que gc avait créé une gu pour les joueurs offpeak, vizunah night ou qqchose comme ça.
ce serait pas le moment de la reactiver??
La Visunah Night Watch normalement
Here you name your night capping groups. Even though you proclaim to not have any.
There are plenty more examples of posts I could have used but this is just a couple that already put a bad taste in my mouth.
It is well established that there are no depths to which Viz won’t sink in their campaign to try and appear to be a competant T1 server.
It became obvious when SFR hit T1 that Viz were not anywhere near as good as they like to believe.
Yet, VS is the only server in EU ladder which never left T1 once it got there. If being not as good is still good enough to be No. 1, then what’s the problem here.
Now imagine, some french guy would post quotes from this topic with all the crap being said about VS and comment on them in same way you did. What exactly will it prove?
dunno, correct or not(coz this video from previos mutchup), but i promiss it to Moonspell
Russian morning guards part 2
hope u enjoy this
u really need some HD in there … don’t hate me, but i see nothing in there i can’t even tell who’s outnumbering who
anyway, gg that deff
Aneu. You quoted the only french trolling forum and took it serious. Oh god.
And you took serious the DDoS thing? holy kitten, that’s why sometimes i hate jeuxonline. The main sport on this forum is trolling, taking it serious will do a kittenstorm of laugh for french when they will see your post :x
(edited by Troma.3250)
Yet, VS is the only server in EU ladder which never left T1 once it got there. If being not as good is still good enough to be No. 1, then what’s the problem here.
Now imagine, some french guy would post quotes from this topic with all the crap being said about VS and comment on them in same way you did. What exactly will it prove?
By all means find a post from a SFR (a true SFR person) who suggests ddosing or spreading lies/rumours around in order to cause conflicts with other servers. I implore you.
Aneu. You quoted the only french trolling forum and took it serious. Oh god.
And you took serious the DDoS thing? holy kitten, that’s why sometimes i hate jeuxonline. The main sport on this forum is trolling, taking it serious will do a kittenstorm of laugh for french when they will see your post :x
Attempt all the damage control you want, your server shows exactly what it stands for when they suggest ddosing.
ok man, damage control, if you want. Jeuxonline, 10+ years of trolling since Daoc
> a guy suggest ddosing as a joke on a forum known for mass trolling
> your server shows suggest ddosing
boy, that escalated quickly
(edited by Troma.3250)
@Aneu.1748 I didn’t take it srsly, it’s just there are tons of morons on each side, always, who could say all kinds of crap. Does the pictures in links from show what SFR and FUBAR stands for? Why jump to conclusions. Define “true SFR person”. White knight in shining armor?
Let ig go Troma, Aneu is obviously a troll and were he French would be an honored member of the JOL community
The simple “Here you name your night capping groups. Even though you proclaim to not have any.” shows it pretty well.
Vizunah never denied having nightforce. They always claimed they did not have over time zone forces. The nuance is what matters, but obviously a troll will always read what proves his point, not what is written.
There are many individuals on the French servers, it’s a cultural specificity, that’s why we have a lot of small guilds and solo players. This is what you guys you don’t understand. We cannot have (except 1 or 2) guilds with 40 + members connected in the same time, and most of us don’t like it.
It’s a fact, now if it’s the reason for you that we do not deserve the D1, we do not have the same point of view, and if you want more respect from french players, this must start from both sides.
El oh El at all these guilds saying "we only have 30-40 people, we aren’t a zerg..
Read below
Please note that I do respect a lot of you VS players, but seriously—I was a single player down below your tower, and you were 15+ inside it—and only a single Engineer jumped down and.. well.. stood with the guards, but I’ll take that as “attacking” (I guess). Something’s kinda wrong with that, wouldn’t you agree? It’s not really putting your “Vizunah pride and spirit” which you love to talk about, in a good light.
Come on VS, live up to those claims of yours. Because this was just ridiculous.
Same game different objectives!!!
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