Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Kythan Myr.4719

Kythan Myr.4719

It was easy. Five events in less than five minutes 1/week.

Easy? Yes

Fun? Not so much.

Rewarding? I’d say a slight yes to this one. I did get 2 Hero’s MF weapon skins out of it.

How was your experience? Did you like the way they implemented the achievements this time?

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Randulf.7614


I jumped in to do 5 events then jumped out. I can’t say it encouraged me to do wvw.

I think they went too far this time – previous seasons have run WVW alongside other content making the achievements too time intensive. This time they removed extra content and dumbed down the achievements. I see what they were experimenting with, but it went too far imo. It is however, a difficult balance to get right for them.

I certainly am not complaining about the rewards though

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Healix.5819


The achievements were simply to entice people, attracting new players or players that wouldn’t normally participate in WvW. By making the achievements quick, the players are given a taste of WvW without being forced to stay there which affects the regular WvW population and causes veteran WvWers to complain about the influx of PvEers during the entire season. People that don’t like WvW will simply continue on while others will discover it for the first time.

Fun? The fun is supposed to be in the gameplay, not the achievements.

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Nilkemia.8507


Answer: No. Went in, did it so I got “participation” for the tickets (as well as some mapping for an alt or two), then back to better things.

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

It was so easy to get the week’s reward, I got it by accident the first time. I was sneaking around doing map completion on an alt, avoiding all real WvW stuff, when I unexpectedly got a message I had some achievement. Checked my achieves and found out about the WvW tournament.

Good ole centaurs and skritts, the casuals friend in WvW.

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Darksundown.2973


A true taste would be participating in either offense against or defense with a Tier 3 tower or keep. Then you would have to join a zerg or see how all the strategy and wvw gameplay entails. Well I guess you don’t have to but you’ll be missing out on the screaming, yelling, heart-pounding fuuuuuuuuun.

Blackgate fights fights,
[ICoa] Imperial Coalition
DarkSunDown Dogma (gd) | Xanadu Dogma (mes)

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054

Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054

The fact is that people are still trying to get onto the bandwagon servers even though they are all full.

What does that show?
Players want easy rewards for little effort?
Players want to play dumb zerg instead of small team tactics and skill?
Players want GvG?
Players want more loot from larger zergs?

WvW is not longer enjoyable due to this and no updates since launch!

We hear excuses about balance, no new maps because it takes time to balance, no skills or siege or new events in WvW because again they need to be balanced.
What is the point of all this irrelevant balance when the current maps are not balanced, and thanks to the way anet have made WvW, not even the servers themselves are balanced!!!!

WvW is not enjoyable, and will not be enjoyable until WvW as a whole is completely revamped, fixed, updated and balanced!

The WvW Forum Poster Formerly Known As Omaris Mortuus Est

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


Knew the outcome before it started. Only one thing determines who wins in WvW at the moment: server population.

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Typhus.3502


It was awful. As with every other season, t2 servers can’t match t1 coverage, so those were off weeks. But even when we had our normal matchup, the other side gave up early.

[TW] Pumped

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: CrimsonNeonite.1048


Swiss style doesn’t work well at all.

Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Wanderer.3248


The fact is that people are still trying to get onto the bandwagon servers even though they are all full.

What does that show?
Players want easy rewards for little effort?!

Sad but true.

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Ohbe.9761


Was boring. Only servers that were fun open field fighters were DR, IoJ and DB. Speaking from an NA prime perspective. Otherwise it was just all off hour PPT pushes followed up by chest thumping.

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Ulion.5476


This wvw season was like a continuation of season 2, not much improvement. It was dull. Most of the same issues from season 2 happen in season 3. WvW is still the most fun part of GW2 for me atm.

Ele – Tarnished Coast
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Raap.9065


Nope, didn’t even participate, sorry to say.

Swift Mending – Guardian
Thorny Scrub – Thief

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Curby.4897


No because Anet has the ability to make a quality PvP system like DICE can make a proper netcode.

AKA. No it sucked. It isn’t the length of it. It is the fact that they have no clue on what they are doing. At all.

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Samis.1750


Yes I did.

There was an epic 3 way fight for TC garrison Wednesday night.

Great fun.

Tarnished Coast

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Danikat.8537


Even though I got all the achievements I don’t feel like I actually participated in this season. I got most of them through spending a few minutes in EOTM each Friday.

In a way it was convenient because for the last 2 weeks I was trying to level a new character so I was able to do the achievements at the same time. But it wasn’t nearly as enjoyable as the previous two seasons.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


The 1st week, there were some awesome fights lasting several hours with Desolation, so because of that yes I did enjoy the WvW tournament.

However, after the 1st week, there were less good fights, mainly because Deso knew they ultimately had no chance of beating Seafarer’s Rest in a weekly matchup.

WvW needs to be more competitive, so more servers have a chance to win, then you get awesome fights…

Its always nice to get some bonus loot too and add another title to the collection, especially since a lot of the standard WvW titles are virtually impossible to get…

(edited by Meglobob.8620)

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Svarty.8019



We had an enemy server who tanked (all my posts with their name in get infracted) into our league and dominated it. We fought them for two weeks, it was brutal and horrible.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

(edited by Svarty.8019)

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Baldrick.8967


Played the first week, then gave it a miss. I’m pretty much on vacation from gw2 for the duration.

WvW player. Doing another world completion for my next Legendary. Hater of mini-games.

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Ra Ra.9423

Ra Ra.9423

Yes, I enjoyed the tournament. I like the length – four weeks was plenty, and many people on DH played long hours to accomplish what we did. We had some great fights with each of the other servers. Sure there are some population imbalances, even in our bronze tier, so sometimes we had the higher population and sometimes it was the other server; so there were frustrating times. And there were hacks — watching a mesmer hop from the ground to outer SM wall and up to the 3rd floor pedestals where he tried to take out a treb. I don’t see what achievement they would feel by accomplishing something by cheating, but the game has every type of person playing – just like real life. But overall, our WvW community tightened up and worked together as a team more than ever before, helping to make a great gaming experience for the whole server.
In terms of the achievements? They were just an added bonus for me. I’ve played this game from beta on, mostly in PvE. I got a bit burned out on it, so began looking for other areas of the game to interest me. I’d played minimally in WvW and enjoyed it, so I started getting on Darkhaven’s teamspeak server and regularly playing in WvW. It’s not about loot, achievements, or karma for me. I love the feeling of playing for a reason – building up structures and defending them, or taking an objective for our world. Hopefully helping our server win the week’s battle because, in some tiny measure, to my efforts as part of the team. I love seeing our DH WvW community pull together, because we have a great group of dedicated people who enjoy WvW and have fun! (aka quaggens with balloons playing outside tower whilst waiting for a wall to be trebbed down) I love the team spirit, and working together to win the day. WvW is every day, not just tournaments – but i’ll be enjoying the tournament rewards!

Ra ~ Asuran Gaters[ZPM]- Darkhaven
You only live once. But once is enough, if you do it right! …. Mae West

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


I got some trinkets for my thief and ranger so it’s all good. I am just never around for guild missions and don’t want to spend 40 laurels +50 ecto for them.

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Dyno.9467


Played the 1st week, then just went in and done my wvw achievements, considering we played sfr 3 times out of the 4 weeks, just made it a waste of time.

“And now, to destroy you”

Asura – Desolation

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Avit.3165


Amazing season, i played total 40 min for the whole 4 weeks, what happened at the end?, im kind avoiding this game since Anet don’t give a crap.
Oh nvm i guess we won, again.

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Maxite.6102


I did at certain points when the wvw numbers were about even between the match ups. Towards the end, not so much. The last week was more about trying to put out ten fires at once.

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


I got extra rewards for doing my usual WvW activities, so yes, I did enjoy it.

The tournament really showcased the problems with server imbalances during some match-ups though.

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Yelloweyedemon.2860


Hmm, let me see…

Having “gold” league servers battle with silver and bronze league servers… All rounds were finished within 1 day. No competition between servers whatsoever.

Was it easy: I guess, for the zerglings and for the people on the servers with the most population. Because like orcs or skritts, numbers are the real advantage!

Was it fun: Well I personally had fun seeing platinum X not being able to survive 10 seconds when caught off zerg.

Was it rewarding: Wait it had rewards?! oh you mean other than cosmetic stuff, when we have legendaries and other actual shiny weapons. Eeerm.. no.

PS: Anet next time please consider making event rounds easier for everyone to complete! Some people actually had to log once every 7 days, for the massive amount of 6 minutes (I counted) to follow the <X colour> triangle on the map, while doing nothing, and get their weekly done. This is some massive game work that only hardcore gamers could acomplish.

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


I’d equate “Seasons” to either a vampire or a black hole. Either way, it sucks the life out of WvW in the end.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: kingpuza.4835


I enjoyed it. Finally got map completion and played more WvW in the past 4 weeks than I ever had before. I don’t have lots of time to play GW2 these days, but the time I had the past few weeks was spent fighting for my world.

It did seem that the disparity between servers was fairly vast. Open world fights that could go one way or the other? Fun. Getting annihilated by a vastly superior force (numbers skill whatever) not so much fun. Rewarding? I thought so, even finishing 3rd. Will I do more WvW, most likely. A good commander makes a big difference .

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Tyeme.6589


I liked that the season was short. I’m in WvW a lot normally, but the tourney’s bum me out. When I was on a server that won the league, it was usually boring. After the 1st day each week, the fight is usually kicked out of the less populated servers we faced. When I was on a low placed server, getting rolled by servers that could field 3x (or more) our numbers wasn’t fun at all.

You don’t see sporting events in the real world where one team gets to field 50 players and the other team 5. It’s not that hard to pick who’s going to place where in the tourney…overall or week to week.

As for the reward tickets….I don’t really care about them much. I can get equipment with the same stats with rewards earned in my normal WvW shift or elsewhere.

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: McWolfy.5924


Well… Wvw is not rewarding. We play for the nothing. No titles, no achivements, no skins… Eotm ktrain 3x more rewarding as real wvw…

Just the WvW

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: McWolfy.5924


Btw it was much beter as the other seasons. This short period is enough

Just the WvW

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: sminkiottone.6972


No I didn’t enjoy the season

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: kins.3294


It was my last season, what can I say…. You can only keep your pink glasses pink for so long being in crap.

Desert online is coming next year hopefully.

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Stephold.1537


Good: 5event per achievement = no PvE players forced to play wvw.
Bad: Unbalance, but this should be fixed by players. Stop this kitten blobbing, join guilds play together, and be smart: pubblic commander shouldn’t lead more than 40 peoples. You will find how this game is great and probably the best since long time.

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Shadow.3475


We SFR did not have any direct treat this season so no it was boring.

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Shadey Dancer.2907

Shadey Dancer.2907

I like ice cream, you like ice cream? Who doesn’t. But the same flavor ice cream day after day for over two years? That’s the way I feel about WvW (and the tournament) at the moment. (Although the rewards were a nice touch at least).

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Swamurabi.7890


I played 3 of 4 resets, and mostly only that time because by the time I logged in on Saturday, we’d lost most of what we held.

Everyone knew who’d be first, second and third.
Everyone knew we were finishing second every match.

I wish we could have teamed up with the other guaranteed losing server and boycotted a match, trying to score as few as points as possible, just to send a message.

There was no real incentive, and never has been, to put in extra hours because you can’t make up for the coverage gap.

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Ark Bladesteele.2943

Ark Bladesteele.2943

The ludicrous Swiss-style matchups mixed with a glicko-style system put us up against a server 6 ranks ahead of us. The difference between even 1 or 2 ranks can sometimes be vast, but during that matchup, it was a blowout. People left the server. Barely anyone played WvW that week.

For some servers that got stacked for the tourney, I’m sure it was a blast, but you have to realize that your population gain came at a population loss from other servers. Which, like I said, is great and all if you’re the one getting stacked, not so great if you’re not.

No, I did not enjoy it. You can’t roll Swiss-style with glicko, and locking leagues was a huge mistake.

NSP’s resident crazy-eyed sylvari

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Afya.5842


No. It was boring.
First week was fine.
Second week my server dominated it wasn’t even fun.
3rd week again we faced one of the opponents from 1st week. And they ain’t fun to fight.
4th week the exact same matchup as 1st. I only hop on reset night then I went eotm to level my powerranger.

I had much more fun last Friday than in season.

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Shpongle.6025


yea it was awesome, not as awesome as the first season 1 but still pretty awesome

Are you Shpongled?

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: AcFiBu.9624


I had fun.
I just wish they would lock server transfers 24hrs before they announce a tournament. This way people can’t bandwagon to servers just for the tournament.

The tournament should be a fight of the current wvw communities. Instead it just changes a lot if not all of them as guilds leave servers and go to others.

Also. How is a “weekly” only 1/5 of a “daily”? Seriously? I understand making it easy so PVE players don’t create too many queues. In what world does it make sense that a “weekly” is easier than a “daily”.

(edited by AcFiBu.9624)

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Faeyd.5094


I didn’t know there was an event on but I got lots of those ticket things and bought nice things with them.

Where was I supposed to go to see what I supposed to be doing?


Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Mbelch.9028


No. It was boring. Poor sports in T1 zergs make this game miserable at times.

-Nex, [FEAR] Elementalist

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Atlas.9704


Hopped in, did my 5 events, then left to go have fun each week.
I really didn’t care how my server ranked, though I think it might have been #1 at some point.
That’s nice I guess, more obsidian shards and a weapon for me.

Did it entice me to really play WvWvW?
Not in the slightest. In fact I barely do champ train in EoTM anymore.
Even with this PvP buff I really don’t care.

Elona, Land of the Golden Sun….and undead…and poison. The travel brochure lied okay?!

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Twinny.9304


Seems, most people here are more concerned about the achievement/reward part, like:

“No I didn’t enjoy the season, because I only took a few mins to get the events done and then i stepped out of WvW for the rest of the week”

I mean what type of crap is that, if thats all ur playing for is a little achievement, then u shouldn’t need to comment on the season as a whole, and ur not gonna enjoy any aspect of any Season, because WvW is about having a good time stomping and getting stomped and not some achievement or reward.

When you you start worrying about PPT or enemy server is stacked or the score etc, all the fun goes out the window. I’m in WvW every day hours on end and the only time I see the score is accident when i press B to log into WvW and even then the only numbers that concern me at times is the queues not the scores.

For me the Season was AWESOME, just like every other season, aint got a clue if we won or came last and couldn’t care, but the Tournaments certainly bring the good fights out of the wood work. Each Season i have participated in has brought the quality out in the fights, and the best raids I could ask for. So yes I did enjoy this Season, very much.

Twinny Todd – Guardian – FSP [PunK]
Big Bad Bunny – Necro – FSP [PunK]

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Dreadforce.6980


No I did not enjoy the season,

Every season the server I’m on loses guilds and players before and during. So whats left now is during the day 5-10 people on average on all maps combined we hit 20 every now and then and maybe 40 during prime time on all maps combined. There used to be good fights all the time but now its you steamroll your opponents or you get steamrolled. (yes with those numbers)

I hope they lock the servers for transfers and merge some of the servers at some point. I was against the idea at first but right now WvW is just boring.

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


No,it was a bore,it wasn’t different than the regular WvW,despite facing gold servers who only know how to blob and lack individual skil thus roaming is non existant unless you count 15+ as roamers.Stop the kitten tourneys already,it doesnt change kitten about wvw at all.

Tourneys nice for every gold #1 blob mindless zombie server,bad for the rest.

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: The Pied Piper.9827

The Pied Piper.9827

I liked that it was only 4 rounds, but I hated the fact that I could finish my achievements within the first 10 minutes of playing. That is not an achievement that’s a handout for the PvE community.

I felt sorry for the lower tier servers that got matched up with our t1 server.

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: MoonT.6845


Boring & predictable. You knew which Euro server was going to win before the season started. What’s the point in playing such an unevenly matched tournament against the same enemy week after week after week. The not play any server more than once turned out to be a myth. Anet continues to bury it’s head in the sand regarding server coverage issues.

What was to enjoy?