Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Disappointed - New matchups
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Okay, so after much hard work and no small amount of wizardry we are going to get this in for today. We were unable to get the leaderboards fully set up to indicate the matchups, so there will be a disconnect there, but you will see your matchups once you log in.
GG sir, gg
r4420k+ blazetrain
Daaaamn Devon, way to shut up the QQ’ers
(edited by Mif.3471)
See what I mean?
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
I bet everyone in this thread feels really bad about themselves now. And you should. Jerks.
Not in the least, and why should we? The players have no need to apologize for the devs, that’s some backwards logic buddy Basically, one thing delivered on time doesn’t make up for months of neglect. But it is definitely a step in the right direction and I applaud Devon and Anet for getting it done today!
You guys rock!
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
1. WIPE the RANKS again.
2. Implement a 1 up and 1 down system.
3. Detach the borderland maps from EB.
4. Keep EB a weekly game.
5. Take the detached borderlands maps and make them daily randoms.
6. Add more maps later for the daily random rotation.
7. Get rid of the [outmanned] forever in WvWvW.
8. 1 man out, 1 man in. Always a balanced playing field.
9. No queue waits with added daily random maps.
10.Cure boredom, staleness and end-game with these changes.The players know what’s best for what they want to play… Anet might need to spend more time playing their game then actually changing it for the worse…
1. I believe this reset will do something similar to that, regardless, large servers will still maintain their dominance.
2. I somewhat agree to an extent. It’s hard to do this because i.e. If JQ is first and drops to third and SoR is third and jumps to first, this would cause BG to stay in the middle but that isn’t a +1 or -1 jump. Get’s more complicated than that.
3 – 6. I do not agree with this change. I personally wish they would just combine the maps into 1 giant map with strategic points of capture i.e. (supply camps, castles, towers, asura portals, and docks that run on scheduled time frames for transportation of players). That’s how your armies can flow throughout the map where ever they are needed. Doing this will bring its own issues though. FPS lag, input lag, and possible crashes. DAoC could do it, WAR could do it, why not GW2?
7. Outmanned needs to remain. Though giving them the insignificant buffs it gives now is a joke. The only thing great about Outmanned is the no repair bill. They should increase all stats by 10% and grant a little more health.
8. You’re saying, if I wait in the queue to play for 30 minutes and once I get in the other two server’s population due to unknown reasons, someone or some people will be kicked. I disagree. You could effectively cause mass amounts of people to be kicked because guilds are skipping around to different BLs.
9. No queue wait would be great. I waited over an hour in queue for BGBL on Wednesday night before going to play a different game. I think if you allowed no queue, certain servers would grossly outnumber you. I understand the reasoning.
10. One giant map could effectively reduce queue times and allow more people in but you will see what we see now with large zergVSzerg fights. Regardless, choosing where and when to fight would be better and really depending on zergs to break up into small groups would be bonus for the more strategic points to take.
Black Gate – Immortals of the Mist [IoM]
So, thx to Mister “The Blob” Troma I guess.
Jade Quarry
Okay, so after much hard work and no small amount of wizardry we are going to get this in for today. We were unable to get the leaderboards fully set up to indicate the matchups, so there will be a disconnect there, but you will see your matchups once you log in.
Okay, so after much hard work and no small amount of wizardry we are going to get this in for today. We were unable to get the leaderboards fully set up to indicate the matchups, so there will be a disconnect there, but you will see your matchups once you log in.
Anet just trolled the crap out of everybody.
Aye, there is a big amount of win in his post.
(edited by I Deschain I.4623)
Thank you, Devon. Quick work.
Black Gate – Immortals of the Mist [IoM]
Okay, so after much hard work and no small amount of wizardry we are going to get this in for today. We were unable to get the leaderboards fully set up to indicate the matchups, so there will be a disconnect there, but you will see your matchups once you log in.
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of http://thisisgandara.com
We… ….
ArenaNet, we need to know whom are we matched up with to make sure our guilds end up playing together in the corresponding borderlands. It’s not like we can walk into the borders anytime =P…
[Cult] Counterculture
good job master Troma! ty Anet!
75/75 Arrow Cart Mastery
124K doors and counting
We… ….
ArenaNet, we need to know whom are we matched up with to make sure our guilds end up playing together in the corresponding borderlands. It’s not like we can walk into the borders anytime =P…
Just think of it like a surprise birthday party! Everyone loves surprises!
Okay, so after much hard work and no small amount of wizardry we are going to get this in for today. We were unable to get the leaderboards fully set up to indicate the matchups, so there will be a disconnect there, but you will see your matchups once you log in.
I want to marry you.
Okay, so after much hard work and no small amount of wizardry we are going to get this in for today. We were unable to get the leaderboards fully set up to indicate the matchups, so there will be a disconnect there, but you will see your matchups once you log in.
Well done guys!!! Devon I <3 you!
Guild Leader: Zepheris Chronology [CHR]
Kaineng from Beginning to End
I bet everyone in this thread feels really bad about themselves now. And you should. Jerks.
Not in the least, and why should we? The players have no need to apologize for the devs, that’s some backwards logic buddy
Basically, one thing delivered on time doesn’t make up for months of neglect. But it is definitely a step in the right direction and I applaud Devon and Anet for getting it done today!
You guys rock!
The devs should apologise for trying ironing out the last minute bugs before they release it to us? Dat logic. If you look at the complaints thread after every patch you’ll notice how frequently “untested” comes up, so when they delay pushing something out for the benefit of our enjoyment I don’t get how the players have the right to complain about it.
I think you missed my point. No one needs to apologize to anyone, they just need to continue giving WvW some love and delivering on promises and it will work out in the end to the players and the developers.
I don’t really know how else to say it for ya
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Just make sure the matchups are all different now lol, even if you have to manually adjust for this week.
Darn… Finally a match I looked forward to, was happy with the new it would not be implimented yet…
And you let the wizards do their job… Me not happy =.=
Okay, so after much hard work and no small amount of wizardry we are going to get this in for today. We were unable to get the leaderboards fully set up to indicate the matchups, so there will be a disconnect there, but you will see your matchups once you log in.
Devon, thanks greatly for your efforts, but please don’t ever compromise yourself or your standards to rush anything because of forum rage. You wanted everything to be ready and in sync, that’s obvious.
But again, thanks.
Thank you, and the developpers, for your work. It was a matter of principle for me, for all of us. If i can help you in the future – transmit players feelings, feedback or something like this – i will do for sure. Not only for me, but for the pleasure to play of all community.
A new era begin !
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]
(edited by Troma.3250)
Okay, so after much hard work and no small amount of wizardry we are going to get this in for today. We were unable to get the leaderboards fully set up to indicate the matchups, so there will be a disconnect there, but you will see your matchups once you log in.
Woah, on a Friday no less.
Hmmm, can I resist the temptation to make a new thread complaining about the changes and how they will ruin WvW. Oh well if someone hasn’t made one I am sure it will be up soon. Hope Devon has a good therapist.
Even with the best intentions, everything does not always go as planned. We had hoped to get the changes in for today’s reset, but it simply was not feasible to do so with the confidence that nothing was amiss. I completely agree with the criticism about having announced the plan and then having to change it, that’s my fault and something I shouldn’t have done. This system is still inbound and I’m fighting as hard as I can to make sure it gets in as soon as humanly possible. There are, however, a lot of moving parts to any change like this and we have to make as sure as possible that none of those parts are going to fail. I share your disappointment as I am very excited to get this change out to all of you and wish we could have done it today.
Why in the world isn’t there a test server? Half the mistakes we see can be caught if you let a large player base test the new changes especially to wvw… crashes … siege effects … boon effects… all you have to do is have a few people sit there while you have hundreds of free testers. Of course they won’t catch everything, but it’s better than a few people releasing patches with unintended consequences that makes us lose faith in the game and the franchise in general.
Èl Cid
I agree,
I’ve been actively involved with WvW since day one and leading one of the biggest Hardcore WvW guilds in NA and i’ve seen people leave the game drastically after the said febuary patch that was pushed back.
As much content we try to bring out to the field, being GvGs, trainings, etc. Guilds will experience attrition and its been occurring at such a substantial rate. As much as PvE is good and all for short term rewards and gear, it doesn’t contain the competitive playerbase.
I remember back in Gw1 were GvGs, HA, RA, TA were the hype of the game. When spectator mode actually worked. That is what guild wars was known as. It’s sad to see such a brilliant game with its mechanics take such a dive.
Some of the top guilds I know personally are starting to draw away from the game due to lack of content for guilds in the PvP aspect. Unfortunately if things don’t kick up in pace, I wont be surprised if people float to other platforms as a few substantial guilds have already done so.
The crew is working very hard and we can see that, but it shouldn’t have taken 6-7 months for even a progression system.
Every major WvW update has either been bugged, delayed, or blacklisted. Yet we see new maps, dungeons, skins, every month and the ascended/badge system is a joke.
3 months to get a full set excluding a back piece and the rate for transfers? 62g a pop is ridiculous. Great to see Anet capping all the servers to very high/full to pump out a bit of profit at the expense of those trying to forge better communities.
Perhaps their priorities are elsewhere, although now that both PvE and sPvP have had their time to shine, WvW may get more focus. WvW may, honestly, prove to be more difficult to design content for, as you can’t just add a new map all the time. Many servers, due to how stacked the top few are now, would not have the numbers to field a 5th map, and, indeed, some cannot even fill the 4 that are available now. Most of the improvements that I can see coming to WvW will be of the mechanics variety, rather than content due to the very nature of the game type. I could see edits happening to add more objectives to existing maps; however, at this point, I think entirely new maps are out of the question until populations stabilize and disperse across all of the available servers.
As for the transfers, perhaps the servers really are full to capacity at most times of the day. The costs are tiered in order to prevent or dissuade large groups from moving to servers with communities that are already substantial in order to prevent stacking; although it’s debatable as to whether or not this has worked in the grand scheme of things (the rise and fall of several T1 servers, for example).
DB is, indeed, full. Just like TC is. Perhaps it would be better to mobilize DB’s PvE playerbase to try WvW every once and a while rather than recruiting more from elsewhere; it would certainly be cheaper and the resources are already there, you just have to motivate them to participate. Although this does sort of delve into the territory of the economic properties surrounding outsourcing vs. in-house training, etc.
Also props to Devon and those others involved for ironing out whatever was wrong with the system so quickly; looks like we’ll get our changes after all.
Cyrus Quintillus | 80 Mesmer | Asbrandr Godrikson | 80 Warrior
Fort Aspenwood [FLOT]
Once again Kodash fights against SFR and Deso and is stuck in T2. And once again we will see that servers don’t fit in the actual bracket at all.
Have fun being destroyed by upcoming RvR MMORPGs. You will watch players jump off GuildWars 2 pretty fast with that progression just because of RvR-like systems.
Avallora Erasleigh // e
Tara Airgetlám // m
What, seriously ? Players complaining because we have to wait 1 week for that ? After being stuck so many months in T1 with boring WvW ?
You guys must just relax and think before writing, 1 week is so short compared to what we’ve waited until today.
Also, that’s because of such reactions that Anet doesn’t say anything about when will happen such thing …
Many servers, due to how stacked the top few are now, would not have the numbers to field a 5th map, and, indeed, some cannot even fill the 4 that are available now. Most of the improvements that I can see coming to WvW will be of the mechanics variety, rather than content due to the very nature of the game type. I could see edits happening to add more objectives to existing maps; however, at this point, I think entirely new maps are out of the question until populations stabilize and disperse across all of the available servers.
Currently the borderlands are a copies of 1 map, they could design additional maps and put them in some sort of rotation. 3 diff bl maps with additional maps in the rotation. that would mix things up quite a bit.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
(edited by The Goat.1940)
Many servers, due to how stacked the top few are now, would not have the numbers to field a 5th map, and, indeed, some cannot even fill the 4 that are available now. Most of the improvements that I can see coming to WvW will be of the mechanics variety, rather than content due to the very nature of the game type. I could see edits happening to add more objectives to existing maps; however, at this point, I think entirely new maps are out of the question until populations stabilize and disperse across all of the available servers.
Currently the borderlands are a copies of 1 map, they could design additional maps and put them in some sort of rotation. 3 diff bl maps with additional maps in the rotation. that would mix things up quite a bit.
Didn’t even cross my mind. That would certainly introduce some much needed variety. Perhaps a random rotation of 2-3 maps per slot, so maybe 2-3 maps for each borderlands and 2-3 for EB? It would also introduce more on-the-fly strategy too with a random selection, as the map types wouldn’t be inherently predictable.
Good idea; should make a separate thread for it.
Cyrus Quintillus | 80 Mesmer | Asbrandr Godrikson | 80 Warrior
Fort Aspenwood [FLOT]
Great job devOn very impressed by your responviness again…but seriously think A-net needs to give you a bigger team/more assets to work on WvW, you could make it soOo much better with that…but thank you for listening to the players
Asuran Engineer (Lost)
Okay, so after much hard work and no small amount of wizardry we are going to get this in for today. We were unable to get the leaderboards fully set up to indicate the matchups, so there will be a disconnect there, but you will see your matchups once you log in.
I am going to buy some gems tomorrow.
Okay I know you are not working for me to do that exactly, but let’s say it brings me some hope so I’ll give some cash to the company.
I know you genuinely want the best for 3W, but I merely suggest to improve the communication a lil’ bit (mostly in terms of dates, because people build stuff & organization on top of that), and keep with the trend of listening to people (I believe it’s a little ‘new’, but it’s a good thing).
Okay, so after much hard work and no small amount of wizardry we are going to get this in for today. We were unable to get the leaderboards fully set up to indicate the matchups, so there will be a disconnect there, but you will see your matchups once you log in.
Not yet killing yourself and you give you a chance to do a better WvW game with the entire community of player.
I think every player here are selfish, or ne top tier server … or both
Do you ever think to player in over-classed server (a D5server playing agaisnt a D3 server) ? You all know how the wvw works, you wont be there if not, so you all know they have no chance! How can you enjoy that many players will be farmed like skelk in southsun, and how can you enjoy playing such uninteresting math-up ? Troma, you call your alliance “grand cross” to refer to crusader i supposed, but where is the honor of knight in that? Cant believe that the over-manned server you are, wich have in addition very famous guild, can enjoy such a thing.
Don’t think its a complain from a low tier server, i’m from jade’s sea (T1 EU server) so mixed match up cant be hardier that the “D1 match-up” (which is hopefully for lower sever, running this week).
It does the job well :-)
(edited by Mattmatt.4962)
And I think you didn’t understand the message of the topic. Read again the whole thread, and you’ll get the real point of Troma’s speech. It’s not about the MU system himself, but the communication of A.Net and their never released promises.
Thanks to Troma for saying loud what everybody (I know) think. And many thanks to Devon Carver for listening the community.
Maybe things will go better through this thread.
I bet everyone in this thread feels really bad about themselves now. And you should. Jerks.
They should :P I’m quite sure the developers who work at Anet in the WvW section are doing as much as possible, but I think they just don’t get enough funds and manpower to make WvW what it should be (zergless, balanced, rewarding…). I guess it’s not the best way to go by blaming them, cause they are actually trying to do something. They got us some reward chests, great! Now, all we need is some bigger/more maps, less skill lagg, more strategy and less blobs and acs.
I’m agread with Troma
It’s not about the MU system himself, but the communication of A.Net and their never released promises.
The fact is that the context of a speech as good as the speech is, is very important (and i agree with you on this point: Anet must improve his communication. So in this way, troma is right).
But he is doing it at this time, the exact moment of the incorporation of a new MU system that is absolutly unfair (once again i say that with another game system (discouraging “no-brain zerging”) would make this new MU system marvelous). Anet have lack of communication for a while, so if he wanted to ask Anet to improve their communication, he could have donne it before, or ask them after.
Now the feeling of that tread is that troma really really want this new MU system, and its probably how Anet understand it … just look devon answer …
“there is words, and their context” … remember this
PS: i have read once again troma’as post .. i dont see where he is talking about Anet’s communication … Can you show me plz ? ^^
It does the job well :-)
(edited by Mattmatt.4962)