Do YOU want a season 2?
It seems a lot of people here didn’t read the recent post for the WvW Spring 2014 Tournament aka Season 2. Details here:
As for the topic at hand, I’m mixed on it. Anet is saying things will be better as far as rewards and competition but I’m still not convinced. I think if they can make most, if not all, achievements obtainable in EOTM, we will be fine. There was also a lot of 2v1 in JQ’s match-ups against BG and SoR because JQ had the easiest schedule despite BG being the stacked server at the time. Now, BG and JQ are pretty even and SoR has fallen off the map (literally too). I don’t think TC or and T2 servers would be able to compete against JQ or BG so it would be very 1 sided matches.
Another thing I want to add in is that they make it sound like server transfers were a problem last time so we could see a change in that aspect as well. This could be good or bad but I’m not counting my chickens too early without more info.
I’ll be honest, I don’t really care much about the overall battle and score.
I play for personal satisfaction, meeting skilled players, and having good fights, be it small scale, duelling or large battles, not constrained by the mind numbing conquest mode in pvp.
In terms of which server is beating which – doesn’t bother me
R.I .P ranger and your great spirit
The Season 1 match-ups were some of the most balanced, closely fought WvWvW rounds of the year. In some cases it led to epic battles up to the very last minutes of the round to determine the victor. Players were enthusiastic and participation was very high. Could care less about the shinies; it’s all about the fights. Bring on Season 2!
No, at least not how they proposed it. Rewards based on server ranking is dumb. Being able to complete it while in EOTM is dumb (no worries about overpopulation on high ranked servers, just transfer and do EOTM).
The vast majority of the matches are already pre-determined. Lower servers won’t beat JQ/BG/etc. because of coverage/stacking/etc. alone. It’s just to get transfer $ as far as I can tell.
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
(edited by Aberrant.6749)
Yes (for tier 2 server and a few below).
It makes a range of things a little more interesting – new/“PvE” players, different servers, nice to think at least a little about PPT and stomp vs cleave. If you’re not feeling it, you can ignore it or play EotM. The bandwagoners also pump Anet’s coffers with funds for improving current content and developing new things.
Fully understand those not as interested in playing with or versing the T1 blob-only playstyle, and I feel for those in lower tiers that will be affected by transfers and being rolled, but it will be fun for me.
Yes, but not until the Points-per-tick system is revised.
This ^^
because i enjoy watching fools pay 1800 gems to transfer to stacked servers, only to get dragonite ore as winning rewards…. lol
Archeage = Farmville with PK
No. It killed tons of servers and then it just invited bloatgate and arrowquarry to buy more guilds.
NO…. I’m officially protesting Anet and their lack of support in WvW. I run with no gear, won’t spend 1c for repair, I refuse to buy anymore Gems and I won’t go anywhere if I can’t port there free.
Tacktical Killers [TK]
We’re looking for players.
PM me here or ING.
No. they have done nothing to balance servers or change how points work. watching almost everyone bend to help BG do what they wanted under the promise of BG’s protection only to get screwed by said protectors seemed to sink in only for SoR… and that took most of the tourney to figure out. somehow no one else learned 1v1v1 is meant for weaker opponents to work together (which almost never happens in this community).
On top of that, it again boils down to coverage and especially who can keep q’s up during the week—something only sor/bg/jq seemed to do in season 1 after the first 2 weeks. its unbalanced, unfair, the community doesn’t work together properly. then throw in the fact they are trying to just copy everything eso has been talking about for over a year now and you have a recipe for pre-emptive copying and fail.
when keep ownership grants points only—-ONLY—when you have all your camps…when towers ONLY grant points when you own the closest camp and maybe an enemy objective of sorts… then ok, institute seasons. that’s the only way to zerg-bust…and for a match up of 20 vs 100 on a map for the 20 person group to stay competitive by wrecking small things that are tied to big points.
since only rewards and match ups are changing, all this will accomplish is showing new people just how uncompetitive they truly are in the grand scheme. change the mechanics and make servers actually work and spread out instead of blobbing to 100 and pressing 1.
Because there is no incentive not to transfer to the winning server during the tournament, further imbalancing already severely imbalanced server populations.
And then when the tournament ends and we go back to regular WvW, anyone who hasn’t already transferred will be burned out from trying to carry a hopelessly outnumbered server, and will then transfer as well.
Everything about the tournament is totally wrong and will continue to damage the long term future of WvW as a viable game mode.
Not with EotM in the mix.
kitten no.
I have zero faith in anet being able to deliver a fun, competitive tournament in a mode with variable team sizes, coverage issues, and preseason transfers. Please stop treating WvWvW like an eSport, and focus more on making the moment-to-moment gameplay better.
Because rewarding map blobbing, coverage and transfers is wrong.
I think the vision/intent for WvW was somewhat different.
(edited by Svarty.8019)
Here it goes:
No, i bet anet will implement account bound wxp before the league to keep people quiet for a while, but if they dont fix the major problems this second league is just going to kill WvW once and for all.
As of Right Now, ABSOLUTELY NOT.
For me, regular World versus World is in a relatively unplayable state due to the reason coverage and inter and intra-server politics determines who wins the match ups. As of right now, I will not log into the non-EotM WvW maps often because of the coverage and politics problems.
Guild Wars 2 needs a Public Beta Environment
(edited by buckeyecro.9614)
yes, but not during the first couple months of ESO’s release. I’ll be, umm, “busy” then.
Not really, I want better match-ups and some real improvements to WvW. The way ArenaNet have let this game rot is absolutely sickening. I have no idea how they could design such an incredible game mode from launch and then spend the next year and half ignoring it completely. Wvw players are second class citizens and Anet makes no attempt to hide it. It actually feels like they have a certain contempt for the people still playing it, that is honestly the impression I get. The fact that they have now assigned a red to post here is entirely meaningless. I don’t expect any positive changes in the near future but I think there will be something far down the line which will then be too little too late. Instead of a boring gimmick with season 2, I would like them to fundamentally re-evaluate WvW and what they want it to be. I have seen no consistent vision from them since the game released.
NO NO KITTEN NO Kitten Carpet wart unbalanced uncompetitive matchup system NO. It is nothing but a cyclic publicity attempt. Population imbalance will prevent any meaningful results. Still we will fight with all we have because we are fighters. Maybe we will be able to pull more PVE or new players into WvW. Doesn’t make a tournament season the right way to do it.
Molen Labe Female Human Necro
Devonas Rest – Black Rose Legion -CF4L
A similar topic, but the question was posed did you like the proposed Season 2 vs season 1 format.
It’s open to everyone to vote on
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG –
As an outside observer, watching what happened to SoR during Seasons and the subsequent ramifications of what happened to them following on from Seasons. In short the answer is NO.
Seasons did more harm than good.
As an outside observer, watching what happened to SoR during Seasons and the subsequent ramifications of what happened to them following on from Seasons. In short the answer is NO.
Seasons did more harm than good.
Imo, rather than seasons itself that caused the implosion of SOR, the main cause lies with the “elitism” attitude that a portion of their guilds had by unwilling to accept other types of play styles and neglecting the pve population during seasons. Not only were these inexperienced wvw players not offered help, they were also mocked and ridiculed. Servers that extended their hands out to help the pve players benefited and saw their wvw population grew.
A division was created on SOR during season by the elitism attitude, and leadership compounded the problem by forcing the entire server to tank which led to the implosion.
As an outside observer, watching what happened to SoR during Seasons and the subsequent ramifications of what happened to them following on from Seasons. In short the answer is NO.
Seasons did more harm than good.
Imo, rather than seasons itself that caused the implosion of SOR, the main cause lies with the “elitism” attitude that a portion of their guilds had by unwilling to accept other types of play styles and neglecting the pve population during seasons. Not only were these inexperienced wvw players not offered help, they were also mocked and ridiculed. Servers that extended their hands out to help the pve players benefited and saw their wvw population grew.
A division was created on SOR during season by the elitism attitude, and leadership compounded the problem by forcing the entire server to tank which led to the implosion.
indo pls. why u do dis.
Scrub D/D Ele. What’s server loyalty?
As I like competition.
Easy correction to generate my vote
Server-stacking and coverage war is non-sense, and has nothing to do with competition. ANet only makes another competition to earn some money from more transfers
. Now that queues resulting from overstacking are no longer a problem, really everyone should go to the same server
^ basically this I would much rather wait to see what anets solution to that problem is, then play for ~8 weeks again, just to have the servers with coverage get a reward for having said coverage.
This got my vote too, so no i dont want seasons.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.
Going to have to say No.
Imo stop offering the super stacked servers the highest rewards…. why should someone get a better reward just because of coverage.. as it stand now if your outnumbered all the time means your having to play twice as hard for less reward, infact it costs more being outnumbered since you have to upgrade more often.
Only winner from this is Anet with all the transfers to the top servers and with EotM now being included for the achieves they wont even have to worry about queues, I dont really care if the super stacked win so they can chest thump about how great they are, give the server a medal… but not a reward that harms all the other servers.
Its just pure greed at this point and not a competition. Personally if its as bad as I think its going to be I wont be playing for season 2.
I was on IOJ during the leagues and having 15 people in EB to fight the 60 man SBI blob and the 60 man FA blobs at the same time was….. Ergh…
….. And Elementalist.
Imo, rather than seasons itself that caused the implosion of SOR, the main cause lies with the “elitism” attitude that a portion of their guilds had
The cause was within the guilds but the trigger was season 1, without the season many of the tensions that arose may not have.
I vote no WvW is so far from even its not funny so having a league type comp is just absurd.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
But have a Professional League not server specific but team specific…I mentioned this before:
JQ Ranger
Absolutely not. The season structure meant that people on our server would practice up when it meant nothing, then every guild, commander, and player would jump ship to a server with a better chance when the season started and there were rewards to be had.
Now, nobody trusts the guilds to stick around. There used to be a seige donation system on the server, but I certainly don’t donate anything anymore after seeing a commander transfer away with some 100+ ram blueprints I gave him ‘in prep for season 2’. Forget that. If a season 2 happens, everything/everybody good will once again get sucked away into a top tier and once more our server will get stomped into the mud, outmanned on every map. A season 2 would drive me away from WvW altogether.
If it’s anything like season 1 I would rather rip my own teeth out with a pair of vis grips.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”