Do not play necro in WvW - down state bug
Yes this bug is a huge issue and should be a main focus as far as necros go. NOTE That they did make progress on this and fixed the issue for NEW made necros. I know this doesn’t help most of us but I does show that they are aware of the issue and possibly working on it.
As for Do not play your necro. Hogwash! It does mean we have to be more careful when getting to low HP but imo most necros should be outside of the kill box. Personally I think don’t play the class is a bit of a exaggeration but your right about being downed and rallys can really hurt your team.
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer
1. is true and was confirmed by a dev earlier. It does stink that it has not been fixed (though I have not checked for a while)
2. That is simply not true. Death shroud does have a blink. Flesh wurm has a blink. Spectral walk has a teleport 8 seconds back… while it is not a true teleport you can use the terrain creatively to get away.
3. That is not unique to necro, so I guess it’s pretty much the same as 1)
4. Same as 1)
5. Have you tried numbers other than 1 on the staff?
6. Staff #5 has a fear with a 1200 ranger, Death shroud 3 fear has a 1200 range. So I am really confused as to what the complaint is here.
So really you have 1 point and a lot of text padding your post. Now back to number 1. You are right a few classes have amaing down state spells that help them escape. However, aside from ele in a large fights if you go down you pretty much die with or without the additional hp. Should it be fixed? Absolutely. Should it have been fixed a long time ago? Absolutely. Does it make necro the worst WvW class? By far not.
(edited by Ikarushka.9564)
Stop dying and learn to play scrub.
No but seriously, it’s stupid how this hasn’t been fixed, but I’m not about to stop playing the class because of it.
All is point was about downed state i think. Not when we are alive.
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
It is pretty funny that necros actually die faster to regular auto-attacks than they would if someone tried to stomp them. In most cases, when I go down on my necro I’m dead before I can even see the downed state skills on the screen.
what are you talking about Im OP in wvw
My necro never dies I wouldn’t know mitigation based juggermancer build for tanking zergs ftw
I mostly just dont die. If not, I spam my 1 in downed which can keep me going. But really, Fear, Deathshroud, and my healing skills make me hard to down when I need to flee, so I usually dont die.
As stated in the necromancer subforum, as a necromancer you have to choose your fights wisely. We have basically no disengage what so ever. I seldomly die in a zerg in WvW, I just stand back and cast my marks, epidemic and so on. Necromancer is a primary condition pressure applier in WvW. You do not engage head on, you sit back and watch your conditions work. Condition pressure is a very powerful tool, as people have to step back at some point and heal / get out of combat. Also the marks (greater marks that is) are an insanely overpowered tool to pressure fortified positions. You have 4 skills that hit kitten anyone standing too close to the edge of a wall. Just try to stand in the back of a zerg, if you are in one.
My necro has a hard time when on his own. So I don’t play him when I’m on my own. But when with a group… even a small group… say defending or sieging.. necros are among the most powerful things in the battle. I can place marks on an enemy wall or on their door, which trigger when they come near it. Not only is the #5 staff skill an aoe fear… It’s an aoe fear that you can place ahead of time. Oh, have you seen what Well of Corruption + Epidemic can do to almost every living thing in WvW when placed at the right time?
I feel alone playing a mitigation juggermancer