Does damage seem a bit high after the patch?

Does damage seem a bit high after the patch?

in WvW

Posted by: Maladon.5760


We ran around for a few hours last night and it seems like everyone is hitting harder after the patch. I know my attack power went up significantly after the patch. As an elementalist, my damage output seemed considerably higher than normal. Is this the case across the board with all classes?

Anyone else hitting a lot harder or getting hit harder than usual?

Malzarius – Guardian
Malzerius – Thief
Dark Covenant (SBI)

Does damage seem a bit high after the patch?

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


AOE apparently has no limits now (it used to hit only 5) and zerg buffs are being perpetually maintained without timing out.

Some funky bugs.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Does damage seem a bit high after the patch?

in WvW

Posted by: MaximillianVonSchatten.6278


It’s not just a zerg thing; I had over 2500 power on my guard roamer where I previously had about 2300 max with a similar build before the patch.

And I can take an NPC guard down 1v1 in about 4 seconds now with my burst

Does damage seem a bit high after the patch?

in WvW

Posted by: Coyote.7031


AOE apparently has no limits now (it used to hit only 5) and zerg buffs are being perpetually maintained without timing out.

Some funky bugs.

Is that what it is? Got wrecked, stopped going to WvW since no one wants a rally bot and I’ll come back when I have PVT gear or something.

Does damage seem a bit high after the patch?

in WvW

Posted by: killtl.9703


I was playing a berserker thief, mostly with crossbow, in EOTM and the damage was amazingly high both against NPCs and human players (this with exotic gear). And I am no expert with the thief. I felt like a evil lawn mower that just plowed through whatever was in front of me. It was pretty fun, it will be interesting to see what changes they make or if this is the new game mode.

Does damage seem a bit high after the patch?

in WvW

Posted by: Liston.9708


Not wvw, but teq died with 12:29 on the timer. Damage is WAY higher. In this case, I think it was the huge # of condi stacks. Not sure if you saw the damage increase as straight or condi damage…..

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB

Does damage seem a bit high after the patch?

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


AOE apparently has no limits now (it used to hit only 5) and zerg buffs are being perpetually maintained without timing out.

Some funky bugs.

Is that what it is? Got wrecked, stopped going to WvW since no one wants a rally bot and I’ll come back when I have PVT gear or something.

PVT gear won’t help. Conditions are affected as well — you melt before you even get one skill cast off, and it hits ALL in range, not even a 25 cap limit.

EU blobs are running all guardians, if that helps at all. Apparently they are the only class that is survivable in WvW atm.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Does damage seem a bit high after the patch?

in WvW

Posted by: Coyote.7031


PVT gear won’t help. Conditions are affected as well — you melt before you even get one skill cast off, and it hits ALL in range, not even a 25 cap limit.

EU blobs are running all guardians, if that helps at all. Apparently they are the only class that is survivable in WvW atm.

Eh, I guess I’ll just go play in Silverwastes and level alts then until it’s balanced. =\

It seems weird to me more people aren’t upset?

Does damage seem a bit high after the patch?

in WvW

Posted by: lil devils x.6071

lil devils x.6071

PVT gear won’t help. Conditions are affected as well — you melt before you even get one skill cast off, and it hits ALL in range, not even a 25 cap limit.

EU blobs are running all guardians, if that helps at all. Apparently they are the only class that is survivable in WvW atm.

Eh, I guess I’ll just go play in Silverwastes and level alts then until it’s balanced. =\

It seems weird to me more people aren’t upset?

They are upset and ANET is already aware.. Nerf will be inc soon I am sure …
“As we have said before, the live environment differs too greatly from anything we can reliably simulate internally so big changes like today’s build will cause things to sometimes change at an alarming rateTM.” ~JonPeters Game Design Lead

It is adversely affecting wvw, pvp and pve atm lol

[KILL]Killing Tiers Leader [TOON] Toons of Terror Leader [NEWS This Just In Leader

Does damage seem a bit high after the patch?

in WvW

Posted by: Coyote.7031


They are upset and ANET is already aware.. Nerf will be inc soon I am sure …
“As we have said before, the live environment differs too greatly from anything we can reliably simulate internally so big changes like today’s build will cause things to sometimes change at an alarming rateTM.” ~JonPeters Game Design Lead

It is adversely affecting wvw, pvp and pve atm lol

Good to know, but I meant more on the WvW forums. I haven’t seen anyone mention it other than this little WvW thread. And Reddit seems quiet. I will admit I don’t often go to the General Discussions forum where this was posted though… I went their once, it was an unpleasant place.

No one on my server seemed to mention anything while we were getting spanked, but maybe the discussion is on TS, that’s also an unpleasant place, and I’d rather not go there.

Does damage seem a bit high after the patch?

in WvW

Posted by: lil devils x.6071

lil devils x.6071

They are upset and ANET is already aware.. Nerf will be inc soon I am sure …
“As we have said before, the live environment differs too greatly from anything we can reliably simulate internally so big changes like today’s build will cause things to sometimes change at an alarming rateTM.” ~JonPeters Game Design Lead

It is adversely affecting wvw, pvp and pve atm lol

Good to know, but I meant more on the WvW forums. I haven’t seen anyone mention it other than this little WvW thread. And Reddit seems quiet. I will admit I don’t often go to the General Discussions forum where this was posted though… I went their once, it was an unpleasant place.

No one on my server seemed to mention anything while we were getting spanked, but maybe the discussion is on TS, that’s also an unpleasant place, and I’d rather not go there.

I know it has been discussed quite a bit on our server TS.. not many talk in game at all.. about anything. I rarely ever use game chat other than to link wps. Most games I play they tell you to turn off game chat all together and only use voice comms. If you were caught using game chat in some other games you were kicked from guild. LOL

[KILL]Killing Tiers Leader [TOON] Toons of Terror Leader [NEWS This Just In Leader

(edited by lil devils x.6071)

Does damage seem a bit high after the patch?

in WvW

Posted by: emendez.3705


not true running full zerk ele and i do just fine as long as the servers dont lag but perma 25 stacks of might and quickness might be whats killing you guys lol

Does damage seem a bit high after the patch?

in WvW

Posted by: Maladon.5760


not true running full zerk ele and i do just fine as long as the servers dont lag but perma 25 stacks of might and quickness might be whats killing you guys lol

If you’re running full zerk ele then you’ve probably noticed a significant increase in your attack power. I’m not saying it’s good or bad, but it’s definitely a different experience in WvW after the patch.

Malzarius – Guardian
Malzerius – Thief
Dark Covenant (SBI)

Does damage seem a bit high after the patch?

in WvW

Posted by: Coyote.7031


I know it has been discussed quite a bit on our server TS.. not many talk in game at all.. about anything. I rarely ever use game chat other than to link wps. Most games I play they tell you to turn off game chat all together and only use voice comms. If you were caught using game chat in some other games you were kicked from guild. LOL

Guilds have behavioral requirements and guidelines. My server’s TS does not.

(edited by Coyote.7031)

Does damage seem a bit high after the patch?

in WvW

Posted by: Gideon Ravenor.5603

Gideon Ravenor.5603

Damage is definitely way too high after the patch, I’m very much hoping it gets toned down.

Does damage seem a bit high after the patch?

in WvW

Posted by: Spurnshadow.3678



Damage is way higher. I have a lot more power, but the same amount of vitality and toughness. There are a lot of boons and buff skills that don’t respect the 5 person cap, giving quickness to everyone, constant 25 stacks of might, just lots of crazy kitten.

Tons of stuff is broken.

Blackgate Native. It takes tremendous strength and skill to pull a lever.

Does damage seem a bit high after the patch?

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


AOE apparently has no limits now (it used to hit only 5) and zerg buffs are being perpetually maintained without timing out.

Some funky bugs.

Is that what it is? Got wrecked, stopped going to WvW since no one wants a rally bot and I’ll come back when I have PVT gear or something.

PVT gear won’t help. Conditions are affected as well — you melt before you even get one skill cast off, and it hits ALL in range, not even a 25 cap limit.

EU blobs are running all guardians, if that helps at all. Apparently they are the only class that is survivable in WvW atm.

So if everyone is running Guardians vs. Guardian would it be fair to say Anet has finally given us GvG ?

<.< >.>

Does damage seem a bit high after the patch?

in WvW

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


So the live environment differs too much than what can be simulated internally… surprise anyone?

Glad they finally realized this as I’ve been trying to push this point for the longest time. And in WvW where the biggest disconnect between theory and practice is where it’ll be the worst.

I understand they wanted to pack a punch by making so many changes, but this thing called playability is extremely fragile. Though it’s definitely made worse by the bugs or unintended behavior that have taken place.

Attempting to combine all 3 modes for balance just won’t work, nor is pretending such an issue that isn’t a problem.

“WvW isn’t meant to be balanced. WvW isn’t meant to be balanced. WvW isn’t meant to be balanced”

Well, look what happens. Can such a claim be consistent with one that claims “Well, they didn’t even take wvw into consideration!”?

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

(edited by ArchonWing.9480)

Does damage seem a bit high after the patch?

in WvW

Posted by: Xenesis.6389


I’m surprised I’m not seeing more rage over this than there should be too, then again they came out fairly early and stated they’re aware of the high damage now and will be balancing. But how long is that going to take? burning obviously needs to be toned down, guard boons need to have their cap put on.

The pve people are obviously loving the damage because all they want to do is kill npcs as soon as possible, so they’re not going to complain.

For the competitive side it’s a different story, who wants to get melted before even having time to react and counter?

One way or another damage is going to be normalized and once that happens the pve people will complain, only other solution is to give more toughness and vitality to deal with the increased damage. Resistance was suppose to help with condition damage but they’re not exactly on the best skills or traits, might as well not even be in the game.

In any case was expecting this mess, was expecting more of an uproar, but I guess people don’t really care, just abuse the damage as much as you can now.

Another derailing post. ^^
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill

Does damage seem a bit high after the patch?

in WvW

Posted by: Jana.6831


Eh, I guess I’ll just go play in Silverwastes and level alts then until it’s balanced. =\

It seems weird to me more people aren’t upset?

I was really upset when the incoming patch threw me out of the game cause I knew what was coming. Not to this extend, but I knew I would be unable to run with the zerg again which I just relearned after a year. I knew I would have problems in small scale fights and so on. So the only question is whether or not I give anet another chance to fix this or uninstall now because I’m really tired of these messes. And having played wvw for now 1,5 years I know that only little or nothing will be fixed.

Does damage seem a bit high after the patch?

in WvW

Posted by: StanleyJohny.8047


Guys stop raging if you dont have an information. It was fixed last night.

“Fixed a bug that caused some skills to affect more targets than intended.”

Does damage seem a bit high after the patch?

in WvW

Posted by: Kamara.4187


Damage over time has a long history in MMO’s as being a problem area, especially for pvp yet they amplified it. Its true…history is doomed to repeat itself.

Does damage seem a bit high after the patch?

in WvW

Posted by: Jski.6180


I think total power is higher or at least you can get higher power from the all in builds. Classes like ele got a major dmg buff if they build for it.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Does damage seem a bit high after the patch?

in WvW

Posted by: CrimsonNeonite.1048


Damage got increased across the board, power stats got an increase too, while defensive traitline stats got removed; like every other stat. It feels like everybody is playing cheese one shot ’Super Saiyan" builds or near that now.

Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.

(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)

Does damage seem a bit high after the patch?

in WvW

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


My ele hits about 1.5x more, but it is still weak compared to other classes because now it can not even survive in fights that have more than 3 players in it.

So yeah, damage decrease would balance the game a bit, cause right now having toughness and vitality makes a marginal difference, only thing that works is active defense.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain