Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Dark Aidget.3879

Dark Aidget.3879

We’re all witnessing the death of a server right now pretty much. Darkhaven’s wvwvw population is disappearing into thin air as we speak.

Dem free transfers.

That’s a damned shame. You guys are really awesome players. Maybe a big recruitment push after the holidays? Lotta folks going to get GW2 for Xmas.


Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Warlord Lu Bu.7905

Warlord Lu Bu.7905

I’ve never seen such obvious double teaming as I have until today.

We have Darkhaven basically bending over for Dragonbrand, gifting them Stonemist while Darkhaven gains nothing. No wonder Darkhaven continues to lose WvW players.

Now I’m not crying about it, just pointing out an incredibly obvious fact. Some servers try to gain the most points, while I guess some prefer to be another server’s kitten.

War Legend Lu Bu – Commander
[WäR] Warband of Absolute Retribution
Borlis Pass

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: fellyn.5083


I’ve never seen such obvious double teaming as I have until today.

We have Darkhaven basically bending over for Dragonbrand, gifting them Stonemist while Darkhaven gains nothing. No wonder Darkhaven continues to lose WvW players.

Now I’m not crying about it, just pointing out an incredibly obvious fact. Some servers try to gain the most points, while I guess some prefer to be another server’s kitten.

You are crying about it. If there is double teaming going on it’s definitely not intentional. If you knew the uh…history…DB and DH have created over the past 3 weeks you’d never say that.

Just mentioning it means you think something should be done about it. But wvwvw isn’t fair, so learn to deal with it because it’s only going to get worse if BP has any hopes of moving up the ranks.

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: ribuld.6790


Quit you’re frigging crying. DH is dying and can barely string 15 people together. A bunch of trolls when you were rolling and now it’d nothing but tears.

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


I’ve never seen such obvious double teaming as I have until today.

We have Darkhaven basically bending over for Dragonbrand, gifting them Stonemist while Darkhaven gains nothing. No wonder Darkhaven continues to lose WvW players.

Now I’m not crying about it, just pointing out an incredibly obvious fact. Some servers try to gain the most points, while I guess some prefer to be another server’s kitten.

Maybe next time Borlis Pass shows up in a new Tier they may not want to come in and kitten off the locals.

There is already a separate thread about how BP is expecting to walk thru this Tier and face off with EB or YB.

There are several posts in this very thread about how you expect to have an easy time in this Tier.

Simply put, you brought this on yourself and now your crying about it? Typical.



Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: divzy.8635


Nah nothing wrong with what they did. It was the smart thing to do in their case. We held on as long as we could which imo, was pretty long

Mittens/Smash Faces
Borlis Pass

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: ShadowSoljer.6524


I’ve never seen such obvious double teaming as I have until today.

We have Darkhaven basically bending over for Dragonbrand, gifting them Stonemist while Darkhaven gains nothing. No wonder Darkhaven continues to lose WvW players.

Now I’m not crying about it, just pointing out an incredibly obvious fact. Some servers try to gain the most points, while I guess some prefer to be another server’s kitten.

I lol’d. He’s talking about Stonemist, being double teamed. Even I didn’t do that…and I did a lot of talking

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: snacks.4852


Thanks DH and DB for continuing to fight. I was worried at the start of this match up that this would be a boring week. Thank you for proving me wrong.

Ascension [WAR]
Borlis Pass

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: DKz Lux.4125

DKz Lux.4125

I’m starting to get a little freaked out with the random AR dude stalking our thread, lol.

Here is an update for those who can’t log into the game.


Daiosho – The Order of Digital Knightz [DKz]
Borlis Pass

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Zerraph.6749


I’ve never seen such obvious double teaming as I have until today.

We have Darkhaven basically bending over for Dragonbrand, gifting them Stonemist while Darkhaven gains nothing. No wonder Darkhaven continues to lose WvW players.

Now I’m not crying about it, just pointing out an incredibly obvious fact. Some servers try to gain the most points, while I guess some prefer to be another server’s kitten.

Maybe next time Borlis Pass shows up in a new Tier they may not want to come in and kitten off the locals.

There is already a separate thread about how BP is expecting to walk thru this Tier and face off with EB or YB.

There are several posts in this very thread about how you expect to have an easy time in this Tier.

Simply put, you brought this on yourself and now your crying about it? Typical.


Actually…BP still expects to walk through this tier. So far…Nobody has given us any significant trouble (through an entire week) in well over a month. So why shouldn’t we be confident. So they can continue to bring on the double teams. We are still leading regardless.

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: fellyn.5083


I’ve never seen such obvious double teaming as I have until today.

We have Darkhaven basically bending over for Dragonbrand, gifting them Stonemist while Darkhaven gains nothing. No wonder Darkhaven continues to lose WvW players.

Now I’m not crying about it, just pointing out an incredibly obvious fact. Some servers try to gain the most points, while I guess some prefer to be another server’s kitten.

Maybe next time Borlis Pass shows up in a new Tier they may not want to come in and kitten off the locals.

There is already a separate thread about how BP is expecting to walk thru this Tier and face off with EB or YB.

There are several posts in this very thread about how you expect to have an easy time in this Tier.

Simply put, you brought this on yourself and now your crying about it? Typical.


Actually…BP still expects to walk through this tier. So far…Nobody has given us any significant trouble (through an entire week) in well over a month. So why shouldn’t we be confident. So they can continue to bring on the double teams. We are still leading regardless.

There’s a difference between being confident and being a kitten about it.

Just 3 weeks ago DH would have crushed BP. We’ll be here waiting when your bubble bursts too. And it will.

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Grit.9061


Luckily for all of us, neither DB or DH are the type to give up in a WvW match. The Wintersday event will effect all of us somewhat equally.. so that shouldn’t even be considered as a factor. I commend BP’s confidence, but the match is nowhere close to being decided yet.

[LION] Lion’s Arch Irregulars – Dragonbrand

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Madzharov.7530


This is my first post on a forum thread ever and considering our opponents from previous weeks (The AR Troll who keeps stalking us and can’t get over the fact that he got facerolled repeatedly and there is nothing he could and still can do about it should be evidence of that), it’s pretty obvious why.

I can’t decide which one between Darkhaven and Dragonbrand I like going against up more. The first night I probably experienced a minor cultural shock: “They sweep for enemy mesmers?! Wait, they actually utilize mesmers legitimately, without exploits?!”

I will probably forever remember Darkhaven’s amazing mesmers and how they get inside the keep with only one task in mind – find and secure a hiding spot. I’m sure some of you actually had quite the laugh at our expense when we found you and you still survived for so long. And Dragonbrand, for an Oceanic server, you have a day crew which actually induced conversations in our midst such as “Who said they were Oceanic? If they are, what’s with the good people that are on now?!” I shudder at the thought of you having the same presence for both day and night.

The weekend hasn’t even passed yet and the fights so far have already washed the horrible taste of the boring, dull, disgraceful battles from the previous month. My only hope is for Darkhaven to rediscover its WvW strength and come against us in full force and for Dragonbrand to keep up the pressure throughout the whole week. While our numbers may dwindle with the passing of the weekend and the passion may grow cold during the Wintersmith event (sorry, couldn’t resist), those who remain will fight tooth and nail. Even if we end up losing, with fights as challenging and amazing as these, there wouldn’t really be a loser here. After all, in the end it’s a game which is meant to bring us joy. =]

P.S.: I’m not trolling, just pumped up after fighting servers that are actually good and don’t cry in corners like small, sobbing b.. I’m not allowed to swear here right? Keep it up, we’re looking forward to and are excited for the new challenges you will provide us this week. Also, there are most likely a lot of mistakes, but I’m sleepy. I’m sure someone from AR (that’s right, AR) will point them out.

~ Just a scrub

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


WOW is darkhaven’s popularity composed of only thiefs and mesmers Every single squad i see raiding has like 12 thiefs and 7 mesmers lol.

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Goblin.1586


WOW is darkhaven’s popularity composed of only thiefs and mesmers Every single squad i see raiding has like 12 thiefs and 7 mesmers lol.

That said, whenever I come across a 2-3 groups of BP 70% are thieves ~.^ I can’t decide which is worse of repeat classes, thieves mesmers necros? Haha.

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


its upsetting to be honest lol.

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: kujalord.5849


I’ve never seen such obvious double teaming as I have until today.

We have Darkhaven basically bending over for Dragonbrand, gifting them Stonemist while Darkhaven gains nothing. No wonder Darkhaven continues to lose WvW players.

Now I’m not crying about it, just pointing out an incredibly obvious fact. Some servers try to gain the most points, while I guess some prefer to be another server’s kitten.

Stop QQing~

I have candy corns for you~

This is a 3 server fight and every server’s commander have their plans for which place they want to attack

double teaming? BP you still have much to learn!!!


Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Fraeg.9837


WOW is darkhaven’s popularity composed of only thiefs and mesmers Every single squad i see raiding has like 12 thiefs and 7 mesmers lol.

That said, whenever I come across a 2-3 groups of BP 70% are thieves ~.^ I can’t decide which is worse of repeat classes, thieves mesmers necros? Haha.

Am I seeing a member of a thief/elem duo complaining about Necros?…. Necros?

Wyverz – Asura – Mesmer
Xynobia – Asura – Necro
|Gnaw| |BB| |dO| |SOUL| – NSP

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: DKz Lux.4125

DKz Lux.4125

Hey there DB,

Just wanted to say I’m sorry about the poor defense in your borderlands a couple of hours ago. We promise to do better next time. You guys got that back way too fast.

Daiosho – The Order of Digital Knightz [DKz]
Borlis Pass

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: I Will Rez U.1743

I Will Rez U.1743

I personally had lots of fun on EB today, and taking back our (DH) BL back about 2 or 3 times. Although DH may not win second or first this week, you can be sure that a couple of us will keep going out there and giving it our all to make some really amazing battles.
Look forward to see you all again tomorrow for another 7+ hour wvw spree.

Ixl Phoenix lxI

[XVX] Guild Leader – Blackgate – #BringBackTheBeast

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: thenoobler.7540


This is my first post on a forum thread ever and considering our opponents from previous weeks (The AR Troll who keeps stalking us and can’t get over the fact that he got facerolled repeatedly and there is nothing he could and still can do about it should be evidence of that), it’s pretty obvious why.

I can’t decide which one between Darkhaven and Dragonbrand I like going against up more. The first night I probably experienced a minor cultural shock: “They sweep for enemy mesmers?! Wait, they actually utilize mesmers legitimately, without exploits?!”

I will probably forever remember Darkhaven’s amazing mesmers and how they get inside the keep with only one task in mind – find and secure a hiding spot. I’m sure some of you actually had quite the laugh at our expense when we found you and you still survived for so long. And Dragonbrand, for an Oceanic server, you have a day crew which actually induced conversations in our midst such as “Who said they were Oceanic? If they are, what’s with the good people that are on now?!” I shudder at the thought of you having the same presence for both day and night.

The weekend hasn’t even passed yet and the fights so far have already washed the horrible taste of the boring, dull, disgraceful battles from the previous month. My only hope is for Darkhaven to rediscover its WvW strength and come against us in full force and for Dragonbrand to keep up the pressure throughout the whole week. While our numbers may dwindle with the passing of the weekend and the passion may grow cold during the Wintersmith event (sorry, couldn’t resist), those who remain will fight tooth and nail. Even if we end up losing, with fights as challenging and amazing as these, there wouldn’t really be a loser here. After all, in the end it’s a game which is meant to bring us joy. =]

P.S.: I’m not trolling, just pumped up after fighting servers that are actually good and don’t cry in corners like small, sobbing b.. I’m not allowed to swear here right? Keep it up, we’re looking forward to and are excited for the new challenges you will provide us this week. Also, there are most likely a lot of mistakes, but I’m sleepy. I’m sure someone from AR (that’s right, AR) will point them out.

I remember fighting BP when our guild had just gotten to Kaineng 2 months ago in T8. Always got respect from BP, and gave it back. Wish more people would post like this guy ^^.

All we can want is to have a fun 3-way brawl. All our servers will go up and down rankings in large part due to nothng under our control. We cant control guilds who switch off and leave a server hurting for numbers that once fielded enough to amke the match a standup brawl. DH is going through this now… I read one of your guilds xfered to Kaineng… kaineng? lol.. we just came back to DB from Kaineng… they are in for a shock compared to thier teammates they had on DH who dont give up. Much less the completely barren PVE side of the server.

We also cant control guilds who xfer into opposing servers.

What we can do is just to log in and enjoy good 3way brawls. Whatever tier we get thrown around into, either upwards or downwards.

Some nights my guild just goes into WvW to roam and look for fights and zergs to bust, not a care in the world to cap anything… just to look for the fights that we find enjoyable.

Loking forward to fun fights vs DH and BP.

Xiir – lvl80 Guardian – Dragonbrand Server
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] – www.warsworngaming.com

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Skapocalypse.5236


I had fun tonight. Lots of it. Awesome fights everywhere. That supply camp battle after we just defend bay keep in our BL was pretty awesome.

Darkhaven will not bend over for anyone this week despite our struggling numbers. The graveyard shift will fight tooth and nail until our armors break and we can’t afford to repair them And I’ll sing Christmas carols while doing it.


(edited by Skapocalypse.5236)

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


I dont get the trash talking against servers you are beating. Darkhaven is pretty cool. Their WvW population was in decline when we played them last and that was a while ago. The core thats left is really good and several Maguuma players are still in the official Fight Club guild with Darkhaven players, like the Rethesis guys.

We had our rivalries in the past but we think of DB and DH as our GW2 server BFFs.

Edit: Hi to Darcsaiyan, BeautyKills and Good Grief. In tier 4 its going to be a rough week of double nightcap for Mags!

Edit 2: Whoops. Forgot the first rule of Fight Club. You do NOT talk about Fight Club.

(edited by Besetment.9187)

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Glektor.2934


Half the posts in this thread are already people talking about double-teaming, what a shocker.

Anyway, hang in there DH. It sucks that you guys have a dying population atm, but it happens to every server at some point(thanks Anet for your stupid transfer system). I’m sure it’ll hit us again at some point, too.

It seems whenever a server gets built up and gaining steam, the moment they lose one single match, everyone jumps ship instantly. It’s a real shame, and something that’d be so easy to fix. But, as it goes, it’s just a constant rotation/recycling system now.

<-DB player

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Lightfoot.6425


You know how plenty of credit cards have a little bit that says “Member since XXXX”? Maybe we need more folks to put something like that in their forum signatures next to their guild tags.

As in [GOAT] – Fighting for Borlis Pass since August 2012.

You know, just some way to recognize those players and guilds that have stuck to their server and not hopped around. And maybe encourage others to do the same.

Oak Cay, Sylvari Elementalist
Member of [GOAT] – Fighting for Borlis Pass since August 2012

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Hartman.4267


Setting aside all arguments going on right now i would like to say, i’m really nervous about your “weekdays oceanic push” but last night simply wasn’t enough, iv’e said this enough but ill go again, good luck to you guys this week, its been a pleasure fighting you guys, about time we got a challenge.

Oh and Kodiak, that post isn’t about how we expect to walk through, it is about if we do win we are just giving Yak’s Bend a heads up that we finally get our rematch.

Raptor Hartman
Warrior of Maguuma – June 29, 2013
Proud member of Seraphim Martyrs [BURN]

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: tas.6310


So DH is dieing? I couldn’t tell from their BL last night. They had a very nice coordinated 35 man zerg running around. Certainly squished us repeatedly. It’s difficult to get a large zerg to counter yours at 3AM EDT! Nice job in there. I’ll go in and clean up today

Guild Master of Waiting for Death [WFD]
Deltona/Varlen – Commander for Borlis Pass

(edited by tas.6310)

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Ian.7380


A hearty welcome to the guys from Darkhaven who came over! Good to have you.

Zaeoz [Krew]
Borlis Pass

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: RockonHarder.7235


A hearty welcome to the guys from Darkhaven who came over! Good to have you.

So DH has people transfering over to BP? during a match against them… ouch we had that happen to us during 2 match one after the other really sucked.

i truly feel sorry for those who stick it out.

Deathmonger esq lvl 80 necro
DB forever!!

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: fellyn.5083


A hearty welcome to the guys from Darkhaven who came over! Good to have you.

You shouldn’t be happy to see them. Fair weather players are bad for every one.

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


A hearty welcome to the guys from Darkhaven who came over! Good to have you.

You shouldn’t be happy to see them. Fair weather players are bad for every one.


If a girl left her man to be with you, what makes you think she wont leave you to be with another man.

Crazy Leg

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Raffie.7865


We’re all witnessing the death of a server right now pretty much. Darkhaven’s wvwvw population is disappearing into thin air as we speak.

Dem free transfers.

This is a shock to you why?
Nothing new about it dude. Its been happening since the game released.

DH server is a place where guilds form and leave for the upper brackets.

www.infowars.com and also lookup Agenda 21
www.graystatemovie.com its coming if you like it or not.

(edited by Raffie.7865)

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


Right now Re is focusing on PvE, we are planning something very big for the WvW aspect of GW2. GL to people in WvW still, the main RE push in WvW for DH is not there due to being one of the two WvW guilds DH has, feels like fighting the server.

Crazy Leg

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: fellyn.5083


We’re all witnessing the death of a server right now pretty much. Darkhaven’s wvwvw population is disappearing into thin air as we speak.

Dem free transfers.

This is a shock to you why?
Nothing new about dude. Its been happening since the game released.

DH server is a place where guilds form and leave for the upper brackets.

Did I say it was? Just pointing out to those that might be expecting more from DH than they are going to get in this matchup. And it doesn’t help it’s an event week as well.

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Dark Aidget.3879

Dark Aidget.3879

I gotta admit that having DH peeps jump to our server in teh middle of a match gives me heartburn. I always welcome new players, but…. yeah. Sportsmanship, ya know?


Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Raffie.7865


Good hear Dark Aidget.
They are weaving their heartburn spell on you.

www.infowars.com and also lookup Agenda 21
www.graystatemovie.com its coming if you like it or not.

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Evilzara.6378


I don’t understand how yesterday in Eternal Battleground Darkhaven and Dragonbrand were outmanned several times but Borlis Pass was still the main target.
Dragonbrand had the outmanned buff and Darkhaven had a 60 man zerg hitting all of our towers and stonemist. Then Dragonbrand people wake up and absolutely demolish us leaving Darkhaven alone while Darkhaven having the outmanned buff.
We’re not bad people in Borlis Pass!

It was a hard day for me in EB while getting comments like “oh you’re such a bad commander” from my own people! :’(
But surely I did not give up and fought my hardest for tons of hours.

Commander Evilzara of The Black Tides [TBT]

Stormbluff Isle

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Raffie.7865


The DH don’t think your bad at all.
We just like to winter in Borlis Pass is all.

www.infowars.com and also lookup Agenda 21
www.graystatemovie.com its coming if you like it or not.

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Ian.7380


I was just trolling about the xfers lol sorry. I thought it was a little funny at the time, now I just feel bad about it. Merry Cristmas everyone, have fun in the game.

Zaeoz [Krew]
Borlis Pass

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Drakh.3128


DH just lost several guilds to DB a couple weeks ago once people realized there was no way to win against DBs Oceanic crew despite how big our lead from rolling them in NA prime time. So saying that even more are leaving for BP just added same salt to the already bleeding wound. I’m sure you couldn’t have known.

- Drakh (BT)
- Blackgate

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Nalivan.6451


Advanced Warnings RIGHT ANET?

Nalivan leader of [VNG]
Stormbluff Isle

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Plok.6145




Commander Plok The Original Leader of Shadow of Agony [GOAT]

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

WOW is darkhaven’s popularity composed of only thiefs and mesmers Every single squad i see raiding has like 12 thiefs and 7 mesmers lol.

Whatever it takes to get the job done. Don’t underestimate DH, it would be a mistake.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Skapocalypse.5236


Thanks for that advance warning really came in handy. In no way did I just toss down a gold in siege to take defend a keep and siege a tower. No thats not possible because I got an advanced warning. [/sarcasm]

Really tired of wasting money Anet.


Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Dark Aidget.3879

Dark Aidget.3879

Soooo transfers was a joke? No transfers? ~whew~

M’kay. Heartburn gone.

Now. About the 30 second warning before we’re tossed from the game….


Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: nytehex.3267


I’ve never seen such obvious double teaming as I have until today.

We have Darkhaven basically bending over for Dragonbrand, gifting them Stonemist while Darkhaven gains nothing. No wonder Darkhaven continues to lose WvW players.

Now I’m not crying about it, just pointing out an incredibly obvious fact. Some servers try to gain the most points, while I guess some prefer to be another server’s kitten.

Maybe next time Borlis Pass shows up in a new Tier they may not want to come in and kitten off the locals.

There is already a separate thread about how BP is expecting to walk thru this Tier and face off with EB or YB.

There are several posts in this very thread about how you expect to have an easy time in this Tier.

Simply put, you brought this on yourself and now your crying about it? Typical.


Actually…BP still expects to walk through this tier. So far…Nobody has given us any significant trouble (through an entire week) in well over a month. So why shouldn’t we be confident. So they can continue to bring on the double teams. We are still leading regardless.

It seems to me what we have here is a failure to communicate.

Leader of [moya]

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: nytehex.3267


BP has NEVER said we expected to breeze thru this tier. We expected a challenge, and have so far received one. Both servers fight much better than Anvil Rock and it’s alliance of wall walkers.

It seems to me what we have here is a failure to communicate.

Leader of [moya]

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

A hearty welcome to the guys from Darkhaven who came over! Good to have you.

You shouldn’t be happy to see them. Fair weather players are bad for every one.

You are one of the main guys I like to disagree with here but I gotta say, I couldn’t agree with you more on your post. We witnessed pretty much the same thing you guys are going through now sometime back and it’s not a good feeling.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Dark Aidget.3879

Dark Aidget.3879

You gotta admit, looking through this thread and another, a couple of us did come off with ‘an excess of confidence.’ We’re really not that full of ourselves, just excited.

Definitely, this is a much better caliber of teams, and absolutely are we enjoying the battles. Huge relief to actually have to anticipate an enemy’s strategy and adapt our defense, and not just have to patrol terrain exploit areas for the sudden 30-man cheat team and their ten disposable golems.


Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: RockonHarder.7235


None of those guilds joined us though at the very least.

Deathmonger esq lvl 80 necro
DB forever!!