Druids are overpowered in wvw

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

/kicks broken thread

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Choppy.4183


Those of you that think pet stats should be based off or ranger armor might want to rethink that position. Right now smokescale has roughly the same stats as our bears, which is basically as tanky as our pets get. If it scaled off our gear you wouldn’t see much difference against a bunker druid but you’d see a huge damage increase from glassier druids. A glass ranger using traits and utilities to buff a bird would be 1 shotting glassy builds.

Not sure I understand your reasoning here. Obviously base stats would be rolled way back and then keyed off of gear in a manner akin to player stats.

In your example, a smokescale would probably be a bad choice for a bunker druid because damage output would be super low, allowing an opponent to simply ignore the pet.

In your other example, yes the pet would be more dangerous and that’s not inherently a bad thing. If the scaling left that pet combined with the ranger way too overpowered, then it would have to be balanced like anything else in the game (e.g. by reducing base damage). Then again, such a pet may be balanced by how glassy it is, making it a more priority target.

If you thought the proposal was, “leave pets how they are, but then give them bonuses based on gear choices” then you’ve misunderstood the proposal.

I’m Biff Rangoon, and I approved this message.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Swagger.1459


Druids are OP in wvw.

Feels like watching ele back in 2012~2013 but with more mobility , healing , kiting

Why is this class can stealth ,

heal more than support ele does ,

superior kiting range from 1200~1500 ,

hits hard even with stacked toughness and vitality ,

they are extremely hard to kill and hard to ignore/run from

Seriously some of class like druids , condi mesmers , condi trap thief makes wvw extremely boring and unhealthy to play

No, you’re just use to the ranger profession being a door mat. This is not a 1v1 mode either.

The CC issues are larger than any profession and well known. One of these days it will get figured out for pvp modes.

New Main- 80 Thief – P/P- Vault Spam Pro

221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Napo.1230


Ranger was never a door mat they just refused to not play longbow pew pew and got smashed when the gap was closed.
I loved melee ranger pre HoT it was my main wvw build. Remember using pets like wolf to fear and prevent stomps now it’s just let them run free and heal up so passive.

(edited by Napo.1230)

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: MidoriMarch.8067


Seriously go check out druid roaming on twitch stream.

he uses full celestial staff/sword warhorn and trolls people like 5~6 vs 1 with crazy sustain tanking healing and use mobility to run when low come back rinse and repeat if u have a look he is not even skilled yet that full cele druid can hit up to 7~8k auto attacks on staff with celestial with perma 25 stacks of might

do u guys even know why cele ele has been nerfed?

Current state of druid in wvw is pretty much ridiculous more op than old cele ele.

None of profession in current state has access to all boons including full might stacks , stability , massive regen , crazy healing , stealth , good kiting range , mobility , good damage even with bunker stats.

Druid is obviously a facerolling class

(edited by MidoriMarch.8067)

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Those of you that think pet stats should be based off or ranger armor might want to rethink that position. Right now smokescale has roughly the same stats as our bears, which is basically as tanky as our pets get. If it scaled off our gear you wouldn’t see much difference against a bunker druid but you’d see a huge damage increase from glassier druids. A glass ranger using traits and utilities to buff a bird would be 1 shotting glassy builds.

Not sure I understand your reasoning here. Obviously base stats would be rolled way back and then keyed off of gear in a manner akin to player stats.

In your example, a smokescale would probably be a bad choice for a bunker druid because damage output would be super low, allowing an opponent to simply ignore the pet.

In your other example, yes the pet would be more dangerous and that’s not inherently a bad thing. If the scaling left that pet combined with the ranger way too overpowered, then it would have to be balanced like anything else in the game (e.g. by reducing base damage). Then again, such a pet may be balanced by how glassy it is, making it a more priority target.

If you thought the proposal was, “leave pets how they are, but then give them bonuses based on gear choices” then you’ve misunderstood the proposal.

No you misunderstand how pets work. Smokescale’s are tank pets, they deal very low dps. You only think they are high damage because smoke assault lets them hit a moving target. People are complaining because for 3 years they could fully ignore pets since the pets stopped moving before attacking and wouldn’t connect on anyone that was moving, and then HoT released 2 pets with built in mechanics that work around the terrible AI allowing their hits to connect. Pair that with might stacking and pets are actually something you have to pay attention to when fighting a ranger.

So even if they nerfed pets base stats and had them scale with player gear a ranger running tank gear would give the pets tank stats (like the smokescales current stats), then the traits in beast mastery will buff the pets stats, then the ranger will might stack the pets, and you will see no difference from how they currently work. If a ranger decided to run the same build you are all complaining about but with say…. marauder stats instead of soldier, his personal survivability won’t take that much of a hit because of the high up time of protection, kiting and stealth, but his pets will be glassier but they will hit much harder.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


On HoT release I had a hunch Druids were in a ridiculous state of being practically immortal… months down the track, same state.. probably more annoying than ever because everyone and their mum’s brown dog seems to be running that irritating tanky-tickler build.

I’ve tried multiple times on various classes to take on the tanky/bruiser druids… they all end the same with them running away via staff skills when I get their HP low then spring back basically 100% HP from stealth all the while their pet eating away at me, which has a plethora of boons all over it and the druid themselves.

I cannot fathom how developers can cook up a class build with tankiness, sustain, dmg, heals altogether and call it balanced? Is it just a legit l2p issue on my behalf? I’ve tried so many things from condi to power based builds and these guys are just ludicrous to even bother chasing after.

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Justine.6351


Only few things needed to be nerfed on staff druid:

- ancestral grace – make it 450 or 600 range + heal nerf (600 healing) . Its annoying seeing druid with 1100 range escape from gs and 1200 from staff. No other class have that. Plus that annoying stealth and poping up with full hp after.
- HOT pets needs hp nerf.

Oh yes nerf staff…

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

full cele druid can hit up to 7~8k auto attacks on staff with celestial with perma 25 stacks of might

You don’t know how channeled attacks work do you?
A full cele with 25 might stacks is going to be sitting around 2400 power (give or take depending on food, etc.), that means his auto’s will do 1-2k depending on who he is hitting, crits, etc.
You are seeing 7-8k because the damage keeps ticking up as long as he is channeling the auto attack, and the staff only has 2 other skills worth using, and both of those skills are defensive/utility so you wouldn’t stop auto attacking unless you need them.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Only few things needed to be nerfed on staff druid:

- ancestral grace – make it 450 or 600 range + heal nerf (600 healing) . Its annoying seeing druid with 1100 range escape from gs and 1200 from staff. No other class have that. Plus that annoying stealth and poping up with full hp after.
- HOT pets needs hp nerf.

Oh yes nerf staff…

I mean….. staff apparently does 7-8k auto’s on a cele build, it’s auto’s must be 1 shotting people on a full zerk build….. how could they not nerf it?

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Swagger.1459


Seriously go check out druid roaming on twitch stream.

he uses full celestial staff/sword warhorn and trolls people like 5~6 vs 1 with crazy sustain tanking healing and use mobility to run when low come back rinse and repeat if u have a look he is not even skilled yet that full cele druid can hit up to 7~8k auto attacks on staff with celestial with perma 25 stacks of might

do u guys even know why cele ele has been nerfed?

Current state of druid in wvw is pretty much ridiculous more op than old cele ele.

None of profession in current state has access to all boons including full might stacks , stability , massive regen , crazy healing , stealth , good kiting range , mobility , good damage even with bunker stats.

Druid is obviously a facerolling class

Issues players are having with Druid are in their own hands. Some of y’all get out played and come to the forums complaining instead of improving. This is not just a Druid thing either, I see it all over the forums about other professions. This “x beat me or this x ran away so this x is op.. Plz nerf” stuff is tiring… Evolve your builds, get more experience, roll and play the profession you’re having trouble with and get better.

Those are some pretty awesome auto attacks on staff…

New Main- 80 Thief – P/P- Vault Spam Pro

221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.

(edited by Swagger.1459)

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Sym.4503


Either you have poor reading comprehension or are totally ignoring this thread. Read again what everyone is saying.

Point made…or just continue to ignore the overall problem and maybe one day you may find yourselves sitting in a empty borderland.

Am I the only one that gets it? Or are those running condi refusing to come up off their builds?

All I ever hear these days is how WvW is dead, or that this condi build is OP or that class is OP.
You also have the those who blame those who jumped ship for a gold server leaving the silver / bronze servers gutted.

Day after day I hear this and no one ever comments on the common denominator.
Condition Damage IS the problem with WvW.
It is the reason why newer players stay away from WvW…tried of dying…lack of funds to build…lack of understanding of the builds.
It is a reason why people jumper servers…to be with others who are running the “flavor of the month” (builds / classes) and who communicate on TS. To be in a server with Condi liked people and not have to deal with pugs who are NOT running condi and become a liability.
And then there is this question…Why spend the time or gold on a build that is ONLY used in WvW?

When a few condi bombs can wipe a zerg…can you really sit there with your condi build and say that Condition Damage is not the problem with WvW?

What does this have to do with druids again?

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Either you have poor reading comprehension or are totally ignoring this thread. Read again what everyone is saying.

Point made…or just continue to ignore the overall problem and maybe one day you may find yourselves sitting in a empty borderland.

Am I the only one that gets it? Or are those running condi refusing to come up off their builds?

All I ever hear these days is how WvW is dead, or that this condi build is OP or that class is OP.
You also have the those who blame those who jumped ship for a gold server leaving the silver / bronze servers gutted.

Day after day I hear this and no one ever comments on the common denominator.
Condition Damage IS the problem with WvW.
It is the reason why newer players stay away from WvW…tried of dying…lack of funds to build…lack of understanding of the builds.
It is a reason why people jumper servers…to be with others who are running the “flavor of the month” (builds / classes) and who communicate on TS. To be in a server with Condi liked people and not have to deal with pugs who are NOT running condi and become a liability.
And then there is this question…Why spend the time or gold on a build that is ONLY used in WvW?

When a few condi bombs can wipe a zerg…can you really sit there with your condi build and say that Condition Damage is not the problem with WvW?

What does this have to do with druids again?

……the build they are complaining about is a tanky, might stacking power build.
Your condi rant makes absolutely no sense in this thread.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Sym.4503


I know EXACTLY what they are talking about.
It’s just another “Flavor of the month”. Next patch after Anet nerfs this particular issue…there will arise another…“OMG this build is sooooo OP”
I mean, how long have you been playing GW2?

What I am trying to empress here is that a lot of what is going on…or should I say “the lack of” in WvW is that these OP condi builds are killing WvW.
Choosing to ignore it changes nothing.

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

What I am trying to empress here is that a lot of what is going on…or should I say “the lack of” in WvW is that these OP condi builds are killing WvW.
Choosing to ignore it changes nothing.

seriously dude wtf are you talking about? Is google translate broken?
This isn’t a condi build.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Spurnshadow.3678


Yeah, because WvW is all about 1v1s. Please.

Blackgate Native. It takes tremendous strength and skill to pull a lever.

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: SpellOfIniquity.1780


Medium professions are better in small scale than large scale. That’s their place. They have lower cooldowns and better self-sustaining skills. That’s why Druids/Rangers, Thieves/Daredevils and Engineers/Scrappers are always such powerful roamers. Mesmers/Chronomancers are the odd one out because they also do well with solo/small scale.

Every profession can roam but these four in particular are the best suited for solo/small scale because of the tools they have access to. They cannot function nearly as well in zergs because of one or both of the following problems; They lack cleave, their group support can be easily outmatched by other professions.

These four might generally be an easy kill when in a zerg but they should be feared when met alone. They have their place and their place is in small scale combat/skirmishing. It is incredibly obvious that they were designed for such combat when you look at many of their skills. Ranger ever has a traitline called “Skirmishing” and Mesmer “Dueling.”

With that said, I absolutely agree that the bunker Druid is a pain in the behind. But if they’re not needed/are ineffective in zergs, they need to be effective somewhere.

Also while we’re discussing roaming; Be sure to remind yourself that roaming does not demand “fair fights.” If you can’t beat something, either don’t fight it, gank it or kite it. You don’t have to fight anything, only what you choose to. This is a team based game, remember. That doesn’t mean the bunker Druid isn’t overtuned (because it is overtuned) but it does mean you have a choice on what to fight.

A few tips to help you in the future:

  • If you are in a small group fight; Poke the Druid to see what kind of build they’re running. If they’re squishy, it might be a good idea to focus them down first. If they’re not-so-squishy, just be sure to avoid the pet and leave the Druid alone until the other players are defeated. Pressuring the bunker in a small scale fight is generally not a good idea.
  • With the bunker/hybrid Druid, the pet is their main source of damage. Killing the pet first is the best way to neuter the Druid. That said, if they are running Beastmastery, it can be easier said than done. Focus on kiting the pets around to exploit their poor AI and tracking. Smokescale’s auto attack is very slow and easy to avoid and Bristleback won’t move unless you go out of it’s range. Also watch out for their pet swaps because their pets will often come out buffed with Quickness.
  • Interrupt Tidal Rejuvenation. Celestial Avatar skill #4 should always be interrupted. This is the skill that places a waterfield around their feet. They will not be attacking when they cast this skill but when it is allowed to fully channel, it can heal them completely if they have even a little bit of healing power. I can tell you from experience that having that skill interrupted is a major uh-oh for the Druid.
  • Stay on top of them while they are using staff or longbow. Most of their attacks will miss you if you can do so.
  • And lastly, just don’t feed the troll… If you see a ghost trapper Thief, you’re not supposed to fight them. Same can be said with bunker Druid. It is literally not worth your time because if they are at least mildly skilled, they will be next to impossible to kill. Call some friends or don’t engage.

There are a few things I think Druid needs to have adjusted but if it receives any nerfs, it needs a few buffs as well. Making it invalid in zerging and roaming isn’t a fair choice. You can’t solve all your problems by nerfing them.

Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Yeah, Druid is bunker ranger back with a vengeance. As someone else said, they can’t kill you and you can’t kill them.

Man, I remember the days about HGH Engi and Grenade Engi QQ…that was nothing compared to what HoT brought.

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Fay.2357


Seriously go check out druid roaming on twitch stream.

he uses full celestial staff/sword warhorn and trolls people like 5~6 vs 1 with crazy sustain tanking healing and use mobility to run when low come back rinse and repeat if u have a look he is not even skilled yet that full cele druid can hit up to 7~8k auto attacks on staff with celestial with perma 25 stacks of might

See, here’s the thing that you’re not aware of. It’s only possible to do a 5-6 vs 1 if you’re good and the other 5 people are absolute garbage players. Now, the good person realizes this. Good people watching good people do this realize this.

However, a comfortable majority of people in WvW are very bad players, which means that this sort of 1v5 will happen pretty often. These people also end up on the forums complaining about things that aren’t broken simply because they’re not good enough to play against them.

(edited by Fay.2357)

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Supreme.3164


Druids are OP in wvw.

Feels like watching ele back in 2012~2013 but with more mobility , healing , kiting

Why is this class can stealth ,

heal more than support ele does ,

superior kiting range from 1200~1500 ,

hits hard even with stacked toughness and vitality ,

they are extremely hard to kill and hard to ignore/run from

Seriously some of class like druids , condi mesmers , condi trap thief makes wvw extremely boring and unhealthy to play

Nobody would be concerned about 1vs1 in WvW….except somebody playing a thief, before anything let me put it out here for everybody to see, a not well documented “exploit” that can help explain why in WvW you’ll meet 3-4 thieves every 10m.


This can explain why you see so many thieves in wvw….trying to gank/duel anything..if they start to lose, they will stealth/run and come back full HP..oh look exactly like druids -_-

Thieves will come here to complain about what kills them reliably..not what should be considered unbalanced, like…everything is balanced…except what kills you?!

You won’t see a thief complaining about revs, or mesmer, or (lol) ele, or (looool) reapers, or scrappers

The OP clearly specify how druid is like ele from 2012, that’s when ele was able to kill something and thieves were unable to faceroll their face against eles..therefore ele was OP

This is just another: “Dear Anet pls nerf Rock, Paper is fine…Regards: Scissors”


And lastly, just don’t feed the troll… If you see a ghost trapper Thief, you’re not supposed to fight them. Same can be said with bunker Druid. It is literally not worth your time because if they are at least mildly skilled, they will be next to impossible to kill. Call some friends or don’t engage.

What @Spellsofiniquity said…*don’t feed the trolls and you’ll be fine, anybody can outrun them, you lose only if you stay and fight

(edited by Supreme.3164)

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Javi.4359


They are OP – watched a fight druid vs berserker today – was a fun 5 minutes OP vs OP. The druid won in the end thanks to rng.

ETA. They are OP because they have too much sustain and deal too much damage (their pet does as well) – most elites have.

That wasn’t a human female druid vs a very shiny Charr berserker, by any chance?

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Jana.6831


They are OP – watched a fight druid vs berserker today – was a fun 5 minutes OP vs OP. The druid won in the end thanks to rng.

ETA. They are OP because they have too much sustain and deal too much damage (their pet does as well) – most elites have.

That wasn’t a human female druid vs a very shiny Charr berserker, by any chance?

Human female or norn druid vs a human male berserker as far as I remember.
There was a very cute male human thief who sat on the roof of vale and watched.

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Javi.4359


They are OP – watched a fight druid vs berserker today – was a fun 5 minutes OP vs OP. The druid won in the end thanks to rng.

ETA. They are OP because they have too much sustain and deal too much damage (their pet does as well) – most elites have.

That wasn’t a human female druid vs a very shiny Charr berserker, by any chance?

Human female or norn druid vs a human male berserker as far as I remember.
There was a very cute male human thief who sat on the roof of vale and watched.

Aw kitten ! I was having a duel with a Berserker as a Zerk druid the other night, it ended up being close to the same story, but not so much on the ‘rng’ part for the win haha

Not even forum famous

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Jana.6831


They are OP – watched a fight druid vs berserker today – was a fun 5 minutes OP vs OP. The druid won in the end thanks to rng.

ETA. They are OP because they have too much sustain and deal too much damage (their pet does as well) – most elites have.

That wasn’t a human female druid vs a very shiny Charr berserker, by any chance?

Human female or norn druid vs a human male berserker as far as I remember.
There was a very cute male human thief who sat on the roof of vale and watched.

Aw kitten ! I was having a duel with a Berserker as a Zerk druid the other night, it ended up being close to the same story, but not so much on the ‘rng’ part for the win haha

Not even forum famous

I’m sorry.
And actually it wasn’t close; They were both half health for 2 thirds of the fight, then the Berserker slowly went down while the Druid was full health for the last third. He was a bunker though. If it’s of any solace: I couldn’t fight any of them and escaped (was trying to get vale, berserker came, bashed me, druid came bashed berserker – foodchain).

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


They are OP – watched a fight druid vs berserker today – was a fun 5 minutes OP vs OP. The druid won in the end thanks to rng.

ETA. They are OP because they have too much sustain and deal too much damage (their pet does as well) – most elites have.

That wasn’t a human female druid vs a very shiny Charr berserker, by any chance?

Human female or norn druid vs a human male berserker as far as I remember.
There was a very cute male human thief who sat on the roof of vale and watched.

Aw kitten ! I was having a duel with a Berserker as a Zerk druid the other night, it ended up being close to the same story, but not so much on the ‘rng’ part for the win haha

Not even forum famous

I’m sorry.
And actually it wasn’t close; They were both half health for 2 thirds of the fight, then the Berserker slowly went down while the Druid was full health for the last third. He was a bunker though. If it’s of any solace: I couldn’t fight any of them and escaped (was trying to get vale, berserker came, bashed me, druid came bashed berserker – foodchain).

yeh that usually happens when one of the players get tired with the rotation, which happens a lot to main warriors.

Short concentration span is a problem with the tanky builds.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Jana.6831


yeh that usually happens when one of the players get tired with the rotation, which happens a lot to main warriors.

Short concentration span is a problem with the tanky builds.

Maybe I should give warrior another shot, every time I used him in zergs I was like “alone inbetween 15 enemies how on earth did I survive that and why is everybody running away?” – the stuff that heroes are made of.

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


yeh that usually happens when one of the players get tired with the rotation, which happens a lot to main warriors.

Short concentration span is a problem with the tanky builds.

Maybe I should give warrior another shot, every time I used him in zergs I was like “alone inbetween 15 enemies how on earth did I survive that and why is everybody running away?” – the stuff that heroes are made of.

Actually warrior is the strongest class overall (and it is the only true heavy class).

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


Actually warrior is the strongest class overall (and it is the only true heavy class).

Warrior have a nice sustain and good damage output, but old zerg warrior builds are now subpar with the adition of revenant.

Also, why warrior is the only true heavy? Guardians are much more closer to a real heavy fighter than warrior. They have little mobility and can take a lot of punishment. Warrior in the other hand can run like if they were Usain Bolt while wielding a greatsword.

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


Actually warrior is the strongest class overall (and it is the only true heavy class).

Warrior have a nice sustain and good damage output, but old zerg warrior builds are now subpar with the adition of revenant.

Also, why warrior is the only true heavy? Guardians are much more closer to a real heavy fighter than warrior. They have little mobility and can take a lot of punishment. Warrior in the other hand can run like if they were Usain Bolt while wielding a greatsword.

Sorry im used to facemelt guardians and DH’s… while some warriors i cant damage them well and they still hurt alot hen they hit…
Guardian/DH defenses are easilly disrrupted, boons corrupted, i think it is the weakest and easiest class to defeat.

Sustain/damage warrior is the best choice for frontliners (they are beasts with durability runes + traited charge offhand), and sustains against conditions is also very good.
They are far more impotant than guardians, wich are just small “prot monks” and small buffers .

The best frontline is put warriors in first place and guardians backing up them, when ic a fronline with most guardians/DH…. bait them and let the aoe farm those guys easilly.
Stability is easilly removed, with the amount of boon removal that exists, warriors can give stun breakers every 12seconds to 5 targets + 2 condi removal. on a 1200range.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

(edited by Aeolus.3615)

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Jana.6831


Actually warrior is the strongest class overall.

I know – I’m usually a thief in a blob, that’s where I’m coming from
And as a warrior I usually get party boons (which I don’t get as a thief because everybody thinks I’m a backliner).

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: atheria.2837


Druids are OP in wvw.

Feels like watching ele back in 2012~2013 but with more mobility , healing , kiting

Why is this class can stealth ,

heal more than support ele does ,

superior kiting range from 1200~1500 ,

hits hard even with stacked toughness and vitality ,

they are extremely hard to kill and hard to ignore/run from

Seriously some of class like druids , condi mesmers , condi trap thief makes wvw extremely boring and unhealthy to play

This is just more baloney.

Druids aren’t “OP” any more than any other well played character.

I’ve been bested by good characters of every kind while playing every other profession and Druids are by no means any more powerful or deadly than any other understood and maximized character with a human behind it who is thinking about the next move, very much like chess, only much faster.

OP my ear.

Not keeping all IT jobs here is a major reason IT is so bad HERE. 33y IT 10y IT Security

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


Actually warrior is the strongest class overall.

I know – I’m usually a thief in a blob, that’s where I’m coming from
And as a warrior I usually get party boons (which I don’t get as a thief because everybody thinks I’m a backliner).

Thief role should be the ninja guy have the fun on killing the downed guys or quick killing some one who just get back up.

Issue, all those roles that ranger and thief would do pretty well.. we dont need much of those , all we need is necros and eles for that spam.

Anet wanted to make the game so easy that game at the momment turned to be very uinpleasent to play…

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Jana.6831


Actually warrior is the strongest class overall.

I know – I’m usually a thief in a blob, that’s where I’m coming from
And as a warrior I usually get party boons (which I don’t get as a thief because everybody thinks I’m a backliner).

Thief role should be the ninja guy have the fun on killing the downed guys or quick killing some one who just get back up.

Issue, all those roles that ranger and thief would do pretty well.. we dont need much of those , all we need is necros and eles for that spam.

Anet wanted to make the game so easy that game at the momment turned to be very uinpleasent to play…

I don’t think anyone would want to miss me – although it’s pretty hard to tell what anybody does in a zerg – I’m doing quite a lot and wouldn’t be more useful on another class.
Scrap your “xy role should be” pls =)

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


although it’s pretty hard to tell what anybody does in a zerg


Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Jana.6831


although it’s pretty hard to tell what anybody does in a zerg


Most probably do – my rotation would be 1114444068444112
In emergencies also 33v58

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: JDjitsu.7895


Am I the only one that gets it? Or are those running condi refusing to come up off their builds?

All I ever hear these days is how WvW is dead, or that this condi build is OP or that class is OP.
You also have the those who blame those who jumped ship for a gold server leaving the silver / bronze servers gutted.

Day after day I hear this and no one ever comments on the common denominator.
Condition Damage IS the problem with WvW.
It is the reason why newer players stay away from WvW…tried of dying…lack of funds to build…lack of understanding of the builds.
It is a reason why people jumper servers…to be with others who are running the “flavor of the month” (builds / classes) and who communicate on TS. To be in a server with Condi liked people and not have to deal with pugs who are NOT running condi and become a liability.
And then there is this question…Why spend the time or gold on a build that is ONLY used in WvW?

When a few condi bombs can wipe a zerg…can you really sit there with your condi build and say that Condition Damage is not the problem with WvW?

What does this have to do with druids again?

I was wondering the same, man. These threads easily get derailed to whine about everything the casual players have a hard time fighting. IMO Druid is is a good spot. Though I NEVER play mine, but not because of any particular reason that it’s not my favorite profession to play or even close. When I’m roaming, I don’t lament seeing any particular profession when I come across them. I just bring plenty of condi clear and stun breaks, kite, dodge. los ect.

And when a couple condi bombs can wipe a zerg, that zerg is BAD. They need a lesson in group composition bigtime. Ugh, this whole thread is full of people who just won’t practice more, instead they come here to complain. I’m actually sick of myself complaining at the complainers. There’s less complaining on the PVF forums than here now. Yes, condi is strong, but so is the power-creep aspect. Adapt like the rest. I’m done with these types of threads from now on.

Maguuma & A Few alts on other NA/EU servers

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: gavyne.6847


This is just more baloney.

Druids aren’t “OP” any more than any other well played character.

I’ve been bested by good characters of every kind while playing every other profession and Druids are by no means any more powerful or deadly than any other understood and maximized character with a human behind it who is thinking about the next move, very much like chess, only much faster.

OP my ear.

Actually druids are the best 1v1 class in the game, they excel in any 1v1 or small scale combat situations. They simply don’t do as well in ZvZ due to lack of aoe’s but that’s not their fault. So when OP said druids are op in WvW, if he’s talking about solo/small group roaming then he’s actually right. But he’s wrong if he’s talking about ZvZ.

Btw you sound like you play a druid, am I right?

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Infusion.7149


Seriously go check out druid roaming on twitch stream.

he uses full celestial staff/sword warhorn and trolls people like 5~6 vs 1 with crazy sustain tanking healing and use mobility to run when low come back rinse and repeat if u have a look he is not even skilled yet that full cele druid can hit up to 7~8k auto attacks on staff with celestial with perma 25 stacks of might

do u guys even know why cele ele has been nerfed?

Current state of druid in wvw is pretty much ridiculous more op than old cele ele.

None of profession in current state has access to all boons including full might stacks , stability , massive regen , crazy healing , stealth , good kiting range , mobility , good damage even with bunker stats.

Druid is obviously a facerolling class

No druid is going to be hitting 7-8k auto with celestial.

You’re confusing channeled attack damage with actual combat log damage

Desolation (EU) → Yak’s Bend (US)
In your backline: Elementalist+Mesmer+Necromancer

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: RodOfDeath.5247


I think its the pet that needs a little nerf. It seems like you can focus the pet and try to eliminate but then all of sudden the pet ports away and the ranger is good to ago to engage the fight again.

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Xenesis.6389


Considering none of the serious wvw guilds and players wants them on squads much less on the map, or that the other op bunker builds for other classes were around for “years” before they got toned down, and that rangers were always the kid in the corner spam 2 bowbear with broken pets from day one, I think they deserve a little op’ness for a change. They’re still not as bad as bunker eles were. Now as thieves would say, it’s fine learn to play.

Another derailing post. ^^
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Avengedeath.4671


Please nerf binding roots

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Hexinx.1872


“No one man should have all that power ….’

Rangers have always been the most OP profession in the game … underwater.

After years of being at the bottom or the last kid picked, let em have there fun in the sun for a bit.

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Justine.6351


Please nerf binding roots

How would they nerf them?

Make them die when you look at them?
Add more traits that reduce immobilize duration passively so even more people can just walk out of them?
Add more free cc negate traits so people cannot be setup for ancient seeds?
Add more projectile hate so people cannot be pbs/rapid fire/ancient seeds?

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Draeyon.4392


Is there a link to this overpowered druid build? (seriously)

Here I am still only skilled at using power LB/S+X (or GS)

oh, and I think ranger needs to be buffed, or nerf all other professions, either way.

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Justine.6351


Is there a link to this overpowered druid build? (seriously)

Here I am still only skilled at using power LB/S+X (or GS)

oh, and I think ranger needs to be buffed, or nerf all other professions, either way.

There really isn’t a build, people are pretty much crying over ancestral grace (staff 3), celestial shadow, ancient seeds and still smokescale.

I guess the build would be anything with staff and shouts. The last 2 items are probably BiS for any druid build in wvw.

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Fat Disgrace.4275

Fat Disgrace.4275

I have seen druids use bersker tricks and commanders – I think that the armour (4 stat pvt and concentration) kinda silly and tanky tbh.

Fat Disgrace (banned) Man Flu Survivor – war/The Cabbage -Thief (gunners hold / [TaG])

gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: RodOfDeath.5247


Overall, they are boring to fight. They just run 100% of the time.

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Supreme.3164


Is there a link to this overpowered druid build? (seriously)

Here I am still only skilled at using power LB/S+X (or GS)

oh, and I think ranger needs to be buffed, or nerf all other professions, either way.

There really isn’t a build, people are pretty much crying over ancestral grace (staff 3), celestial shadow, ancient seeds and still smokescale.

I guess the build would be anything with staff and shouts. The last 2 items are probably BiS for any druid build in wvw.

So people are whining about mobility, dmg, disengage and CC?
Can I exactly know which profession shows a balanced version of these 4 elements?

-Herald, Chronomancer, Daredevil,Scrapper?

No matter what people try to say..you all run cheesy kitten in the end of the day, low CD spammable dmg/CC

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Jana.6831


Also, as an aside, and I’m not calling out druids in particular, could people that main a class please stop with the just straight denial of broken stuff. Play 1 other class at least, and if you don’t maybe look at your response and ask ‘is this biased’? If something is overtuned in WvW it affects all of us, I get my ‘mai class is mai class’ but please, Anet clearly haven’t got a kittening clue about WvW balance so just discuss instead of straight white-knighting. We don’t want Glorious Leader to be confused.

That’s true, but unfortunately not how this game works.
Your class is OP and you know it “Nah, L2P, we’re so underpowered we really need buffs”
The community could balance the game if the devs are unable to do it but we’d face the following problems:
PvE players who think dodging is for sissies and demand more boons, pvp players who have a completely different game mode by now because of different damage coefficents and missing amulets and you have also those who will continue to claim that everything on their class that is OP is in fact a L2P issue as what has worked for now 3+ years will always work, right?!

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Balthazzarr.1349


…. these violins are so out of tune ….

… just call me … Tim :)