EoTM Off Balance
whats your point? your upset you cant karma train all the time like you used to because good players went in there and actually have the nerve to fight your group? how dare they get in the way of your farm! Eotm has been around for a little over a year, anyone can go in there at anytime and do whatever they want, theres plenty of farming in pve maps. People who go into EoTM/ WvW with pve setups, or are low levels OF COURSE are going to get slaughtered when fighting wvw focused players.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<
Just wow.
EotM has been war at the start, at least in NA, then people became bored and EotM deserted. Then PvE players discovered it as their karma train, now WvW players are claiming it back. Happens.
Edge of the Mist used to be fun. There was a karma train. We all took turns and we all got gold, loot, achievements, etc. For the past three weeks it’s been anything but fun. Over powered players that one shot you, or a small group of the same, while apparently none of the siege equipment or ranger’s arrows nor any thing else affects these OP toons. At all. Not even a scratch. Then having large guilds come in and destroy the ability to do any of the fun things created a depressing scenario which I became frustrated with and simply left. Not really wanting to go back if this is how it’s going to be. For two years I’ve enjoyed running in EoTM but lately, not so much. Maybe I’m getting old and jaded.
Seems like you got into EotM 1 year before everybody else.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Wanze… lol
Why whenever I read an “EotM” post it seems to be contrived at best. Can whomever these “so called” true players just stop complaining over EotM already? Seems to be working just fine by the volume of players actually using it each day.
It’s a pretty PvE map with some WvW inspired functionality just like Silverwastes. The only difference is that occasionally you get a bit of PvP thrown in to break up the pace of the karma trains.
Quite honestly it does not deserve to be on the same page as the WvW maps, it only confuses new players into thinking it’s one and the same.
That being said, EotM is an okay game mode for (speed-) levelling alts and such, and I’m certainly not saying it should go unchanged, as it needs a few tweaks, particularly in up-level scaling, rewards, and terrain... But so does WvW, for over 2 years, so I guess I should say "Get in line, it’s a long line, as it has a hundred different PvE stuff still in front of you in the line".
Thorny Scrub – Thief
(edited by Raap.9065)
Maybe in EU it’s played so softly. Here there are players that EotM with a bit more spirit.
Maybe in EU it’s played so softly. Here there are players that EotM with a bit more spirit.
I added the “at least in NA” because I came across a lot of platin ranks in EU who were downed after one hit (that in regular wvw and they were no uplevels).
EotM is now about the same on EU and NA.
whats your point? your upset you cant karma train all the time like you used to because good players went in there and actually have the nerve to fight your group? how dare they get in the way of your farm! Eotm has been around for a little over a year, anyone can go in there at anytime and do whatever they want, theres plenty of farming in pve maps. People who go into EoTM/ WvW with pve setups, or are low levels OF COURSE are going to get slaughtered when fighting wvw focused players.
I laughed a bit at the bolded part. Nevertheless, there are indeed a bit more fights now, but I don’t really think that really derails the ktrain much, just adds a bit more diversity. Of course, when a guild group of 15-20 goes to EotM to farm bags, the fights get to be very one-sided, but they don’t last for very long since the ktrain swiftly disbands in that map. I personally stopped taking my alts there to level since I can just use the Tomes of Knowledge I get from PvP to level them, so now I kinda hope our zerg runs into some fights while ktraining since the combination of high survivability+lootstick+450MF+tons of targets can lead to very interesting results.
The EotM debate has been going for quite a while now and no official stance has been given by ANet, so anything goes. If you want to ktrain, go ktrain. If you want to fight, you will probably find some fights, though their quality will vary wildly. And if you want to grief other players, this is certainly the place to be. I guess there is satisfaction to be found in fighting upscales and feeling like a hero because omfg i alone me me me killed 20 nuuubz with my ac and saved my keep hoooraayyyyy.
thats odd, I did not put that in bold letters
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<
EOTM is a map where content should be deployed before hitting WvW, problem is that is not being played is being overused to raid champions for free chest, free gold, and Wxp.
I really doubt dev’s can actually test anything there >_> with its actuall state, besides what was implemented.
Unless this is sarcasm I think PvP just happened on a PvP map. Call the evening news!
Edge of the Mist used to be fun. There was a karma train. We all took turns and we all got gold, loot, achievements, etc. For the past three weeks it’s been anything but fun. Over powered players that one shot you, or a small group of the same, while apparently none of the siege equipment or ranger’s arrows nor any thing else affects these OP toons. At all. Not even a scratch. Then having large guilds come in and destroy the ability to do any of the fun things created a depressing scenario which I became frustrated with and simply left. Not really wanting to go back if this is how it’s going to be. For two years I’ve enjoyed running in EoTM but lately, not so much. Maybe I’m getting old and jaded.
If it is just 1 guild try to get their name and discover what server they come from. After you know that you can get people and guilds to focus them and gank them everywhere. They mess with your karma train you should go troll all their gvg or raids.
Edge of the Mist used to be fun. There was a karma train. We all took turns and we all got gold, loot, achievements, etc. For the past three weeks it’s been anything but fun. Over powered players that one shot you, or a small group of the same, while apparently none of the siege equipment or ranger’s arrows nor any thing else affects these OP toons. At all. Not even a scratch. Then having large guilds come in and destroy the ability to do any of the fun things created a depressing scenario which I became frustrated with and simply left. Not really wanting to go back if this is how it’s going to be. For two years I’ve enjoyed running in EoTM but lately, not so much. Maybe I’m getting old and jaded.
If it is just 1 guild try to get their name and discover what server they come from. After you know that you can get people and guilds to focus them and gank them everywhere. They mess with your karma train you should go troll all their gvg or raids.
I’m sure their gvg will be seriously messed by a bunch of upleveled PvErs.
Edge of the Mist used to be fun. There was a karma train. We all took turns and we all got gold, loot, achievements, etc. For the past three weeks it’s been anything but fun. Over powered players that one shot you, or a small group of the same, while apparently none of the siege equipment or ranger’s arrows nor any thing else affects these OP toons. At all. Not even a scratch. Then having large guilds come in and destroy the ability to do any of the fun things created a depressing scenario which I became frustrated with and simply left. Not really wanting to go back if this is how it’s going to be. For two years I’ve enjoyed running in EoTM but lately, not so much. Maybe I’m getting old and jaded.
If it is just 1 guild try to get their name and discover what server they come from. After you know that you can get people and guilds to focus them and gank them everywhere. They mess with your karma train you should go troll all their gvg or raids.
I’m sure their gvg will be seriously messed by a bunch of upleveled PvErs.
You know that most uplvl have other toons right? Also even if they go there with a lvl 1 and rally bot for the enemy they are already messing up.
Edge of the Mist used to be fun. There was a karma train. We all took turns and we all got gold, loot, achievements, etc. For the past three weeks it’s been anything but fun. Over powered players that one shot you, or a small group of the same, while apparently none of the siege equipment or ranger’s arrows nor any thing else affects these OP toons. At all. Not even a scratch. Then having large guilds come in and destroy the ability to do any of the fun things created a depressing scenario which I became frustrated with and simply left. Not really wanting to go back if this is how it’s going to be. For two years I’ve enjoyed running in EoTM but lately, not so much. Maybe I’m getting old and jaded.
If it is just 1 guild try to get their name and discover what server they come from. After you know that you can get people and guilds to focus them and gank them everywhere. They mess with your karma train you should go troll all their gvg or raids.
I’m sure their gvg will be seriously messed by a bunch of upleveled PvErs.
You know that most uplvl have other toons right? Also even if they go there with a lvl 1 and rally bot for the enemy they are already messing up.
So you are suggesting the two guilds wouldn’t just trash those “bystanders” if they messed up with their GvG? Well you’re welcome to try. Feel free to capture and post the results.
Edge of the Mist used to be fun. There was a karma train. We all took turns and we all got gold, loot, achievements, etc. For the past three weeks it’s been anything but fun. Over powered players that one shot you, or a small group of the same, while apparently none of the siege equipment or ranger’s arrows nor any thing else affects these OP toons. At all. Not even a scratch. Then having large guilds come in and destroy the ability to do any of the fun things created a depressing scenario which I became frustrated with and simply left. Not really wanting to go back if this is how it’s going to be. For two years I’ve enjoyed running in EoTM but lately, not so much. Maybe I’m getting old and jaded.
If it is just 1 guild try to get their name and discover what server they come from. After you know that you can get people and guilds to focus them and gank them everywhere. They mess with your karma train you should go troll all their gvg or raids.
I’m sure their gvg will be seriously messed by a bunch of upleveled PvErs.
You know that most uplvl have other toons right? Also even if they go there with a lvl 1 and rally bot for the enemy they are already messing up.
So you are suggesting the two guilds wouldn’t just trash those “bystanders” if they messed up with their GvG? Well you’re welcome to try. Feel free to capture and post the results.
You know that even if you manage to kill 1 guy he can return in less than a minute? If i had friends that like to troll gvg I would do so. Unfortunately everyone that I know seems to respect that pseudo game mode.
Also wvw is as pve as eotm. The only game mode that is consider real pvp is Spvp.
Also wvw is as pve as eotm. The only game mode that is consider real pvp is Spvp.
No it’s not and you saying so makes me doubt that you even play WvW or EotM. PvP happens all the time, in mass scale and skirmishes, in WvW. PvP happens only rarely on mass scale on EotM, and much less frequently overall.
The opening post may be sarcasm, but it’s a pretty good depiction of the average karma trainer’s mindset.
Any wvw guild going to eotm to farm bags has to be unbelievable bored. I mean, 650 point tick bored. An organized wvw guild should be able to kill a 30 man blob without much trouble. Not exactly good practice.
Any wvw guild going to eotm to farm bags has to be unbelievable bored. I mean, 650 point tick bored. An organized wvw guild should be able to kill a 30 man blob without much trouble. Not exactly good practice.
Idk… My guild has occasionally when we’re running low on numbers… 5v40 is always fun…
Edair. But allies-allies will fight by your side”~Cobiah Mariner
I’ve already seen EoTM pugs wipe most of the “top” guild from dragonbrand.
I don’t have a lot of sympathy for the OP. The karma train mindset is far too ingrained and many of them think they deserve to be rewarded for being there, which has never really happened in WvW to start with.
On the other hand I’ve seen more than few invulnerable players recently. Usually warriors and they simply ignore roaming thieves. You can back stab as often as you like. They just keep farming their node and move to the next one.
OP has to be a troll.
Complaining about getting pk’d while in a PVP zone?
EOTM for farm only!
If you wanna grow your e-stick by killing AFKers, zergers with not-roaming specs or even green arrows - go to borders and that there.
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)
I know where I’ll be heading to kill tonight
Officer of [DEX] Deus Ex Machina Eu and [Fus] Fus Ro Dâh
Ruins of Surmia
Edge of the Mist used to be fun.
Comedy gold.
There was a karma train.
It was derailed
We all took turns and we all got gold, loot, achievements, etc. For the past three weeks it’s been anything but fun. Over powered players that one shot you, or a small group of the same, while apparently none of the siege equipment or ranger’s arrows nor any thing else affects these OP toons. At all. Not even a scratch. Then having large guilds come in and destroy the ability to do any of the fun things created a depressing scenario which I became frustrated with and simply left. Not really wanting to go back if this is how it’s going to be. For two years I’ve enjoyed running in EoTM but lately, not so much. Maybe I’m getting old and jaded.
How can you possibly run EoTM “for two years” and be getting one shotted by “over powered players”? How can you not be level 80 with, if not proper, at least half way decent builds? I do not understand…
I know where I’ll be heading to kill tonight
Yeah, yesterday I was enraged by Kodashes, coz every time when I’m started roaming fight – I was just steamrolled by their zerg.
Switched to EOTM and got my fun by killing someone, who have no idea how to play their own class.
Too bad I understand that it was like beating kids…
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)
I know where I’ll be heading to kill tonight
Yeah, yesterday I was enraged by Kodashes, coz every time when I’m started roaming fight – I was just steamrolled by their zerg.
Switched to EOTM and got my fun by killing someone, who have no idea how to play their own class.
Too bad I understand that it was like beating kids…
When it comes to wvw sure the reward is getting to fight other skilled players or winning 1vx, but when it comes to eotm the fun part is denying a pvers of an easy mode farm and ‘taking back the map’ as it were not the thrill of the individual kills.
Officer of [DEX] Deus Ex Machina Eu and [Fus] Fus Ro Dâh
Ruins of Surmia
Dude you’re on the WvW forum talking about WvW. The v stands for versus. As in you’re supposed to be fighting.
Edge of the Mist used to be fun. There was a karma train. We all took turns and we all got gold, loot, achievements, etc. For the past three weeks it’s been anything but fun. Over powered players that one shot you, or a small group of the same, while apparently none of the siege equipment or ranger’s arrows nor any thing else affects these OP toons. At all. Not even a scratch. Then having large guilds come in and destroy the ability to do any of the fun things created a depressing scenario which I became frustrated with and simply left. Not really wanting to go back if this is how it’s going to be. For two years I’ve enjoyed running in EoTM but lately, not so much. Maybe I’m getting old and jaded.
Blame the imbalance in tier 3. Anet can’t seem to wrap their mind around the fact that there are 4 tier-2 servers, and they certainly don’t seem to have a solution for it. For months now NSP and IoJ have been facing DR, YB, FA, and SoS — whichever one gets kicked out t2 for the week — and utterly destroyed (example: this week the score is FA – 222,938; NSP – 49,997; IoJ – 38,503; it’s been this way for months). So, because NSP and IoJ players are quitting WvW in droves due to the utter lack of hope/enjoyment fighting the comparatively overwhelming numbers of t2 servers, the Eternal Battlegrounds and Borderlands are all green, all the time. Since WvW is a ghost town except for the roaming green deathballs desperately looking for players to stomp, the bored players from whichever t2 server drops to 1st place in t3 for the week have little other option for WvW than to run in the kiddie pool/PvE quasi-WvW tutorial area known as EotM, which in turn has made Overgrowth into a bloated, bag-hunting monstrosity that dominates most matches with no objective save to ruin everyone else’s experience to kill time while they wait for the EB reset.
I’m all for challenging WvW, but there gets a point where it’s so imbalanced that the result is determined before the fight even begins. I don’t generally consider that to be in the realm of ‘fun’, unless you’re lucky enough to be on a green server and like beating up enemies that can’t fight back.
TL;DR: all problems in EotM stem from poor matchmaking in EB. Anet, fix this. Please and thank you.
(edited by Reaven.3958)
TL;DR: all problems in EotM stem from poor matchmaking in EB. Anet, fix this. Please and thank you.
I agree with you, but nothing’s gonna change and we all know it. Anet aren’t gonna fix WvW because it isn’t profitable, PvP has sponsorship and PvE has the playerbase and most of the gemstore catering to them. All WvW has to offer money wise is WXP boosters and permanent finishers, which I barely see anyone use.
TL;DR: all problems in EotM stem from poor matchmaking in EB. Anet, fix this. Please and thank you.
I agree with you, but nothing’s gonna change and we all know it. Anet aren’t gonna fix WvW because it isn’t profitable, PvP has sponsorship and PvE has the playerbase and most of the gemstore catering to them. All WvW has to offer money wise is WXP boosters and permanent finishers, which I barely see anyone use.
Well, as long as we’re willing to say “it’s not going to change.” it wont. I’m optimistic that new WvW content will come when and if a new expansion is indeed coming out, as I doubt anet wants to lose the WvW all together. It would be nice to see some sooner than later, but eh, who knows.
you’ve been running in eotm for 2 years? O.o