Eotm problems

Eotm problems

in WvW

Posted by: LizzieKo.2548


Does any one else have this problem?
I like my server and I like my guild so I’d never want to change to a more populated server, but this is just getting ridiculous.

But lately we can barely get out of our safe zone with out being camped.
And I’m sure we’ve heard this song a million times but I just wanted to share the annoyance. (And there laughing too)


Eotm problems

in WvW

Posted by: Jeff.5139


That’s not a problem in EotM, its a way of life in EotM.

I suggest you try going into regular WvW as those green players are probably there either because:
1. They overpowered their opponent in regular WvW; or
2. They got overpowered by their opponent in regular WvW

But if you are in EotM for bags I suggest that you just guest to dry top in an active server as this would be more profitable at the moment.

Eotm problems

in WvW

Posted by: SkyFallsInThunder.8257


FR is generally hated because they defend their keep a lot (since do defend that hellhole is so frikkin easy) and thus slow the ktrains of the other colors. Because of this, both other colors will always stomp FR as hard as they can whenever they have the opportunity, hence spawn camping happens. It’s pretty simple, really – FR are jerks to the others, the others are jerks to them as well. Maybe there’s a conclusion to be drawn from this.

Eotm problems

in WvW

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


FR is generally hated because they defend their keep a lot

I call the FR Keep “Troll Hollow” for a reason In fact, I’m sorry OP but, I’m one of the red’s front and center in your top pic. Probably my Meteor storm in the lower too. We only did it for a couple of minutes though then left. It wasn’t intentional, I was just running past the forge when I noticed your side trying to T-bone our Train. Then that Cosa guild came up behind me and chased you.

I’m all about creating a fun balanced environment. The recent PR campaign against EotM trains has left me a bit overly aggressive in there. If any side tried spawn camping for anything over a few minutes though, they’d get barked at loudly.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

Eotm problems

in WvW

Posted by: Nymph of Meliai.6739

Nymph of Meliai.6739

I don’t go into eotm very often – perhaps an hour here and there to get some boh to buy more siege for proper wvw…. but my experience is normally like this…

Red are being hammered by green… blue try to take green… red just tries to retake everything it loses. Green dominates all.

This week is slightly different because SFR got given red for a change instead of their usual green. I have not been in eotm this week other than to access my guild catapults so that I can start new ones… but my guess is that red is making a bigger fight of things than normal because of the SFR presence.

Nymeria Meliae | SoS
Acid Bath Babies Go Plop Plop [FizZ]

Eotm problems

in WvW

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


If you’re red then you’re better off not even doing EotM. If you want to still do EotM then you’re left with doing defense and trolling the green karma train as you won’t have the numbers to compete with the other zergs.

Eotm problems

in WvW

Posted by: TexZero.7910


Or you can just come to grips with the fact that EoTM is a joke and shouldnt be taken seriously.

Just go troll and knock people to their deaths…Roam and kill up levels etc.