in WvW

Posted by: chahlz.5178


I honestly target FA first since a few weeks ago they said Yak’s using siege golems was cheating. And then they whined how they had no off hour presence, all it ever is with FA is whine whine whine. They earned the target on their back.


in WvW

Posted by: Cogbyrn.7283


I watched TC take one of Yak’s supply camps from afar, then I watched Yak’s push them back into the supply camp and fight them.

So I guess… debunked? Lol?

I haven’t decided, but I might make it my purpose in life to come fight with any FA player who decides to complain about other worlds teaming up. It’s getting old, and they might as well fight them in-game where it might help our cause.

(Note: I’m from FA. Sometimes people miss signatures).

Alduin Nightsong, 80 Human Necro
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”


in WvW

Posted by: Suun.2856


I honestly target FA first since a few weeks ago they said Yak’s using siege golems was cheating. And then they whined how they had no off hour presence, all it ever is with FA is whine whine whine. They earned the target on their back.

Yep. It must really be cutting in to their recruiting drive.

(edited by Suun.2856)


in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Your “elite squads” and self-congratulatory manner are why I personally lead attacks on your Borderlands, it has nothing to do with Yaks and everything to do with Q_Q.

Ironic, a post QQing about other people QQing. Good job, you win.

Hmm so explaining why he dislikes a server is now QQing.

Just remember perception is truth.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro


in WvW

Posted by: Felix.3028


Yaks and TC are clearly working together. It’s good though, wouldn’t be much of a match up for us if they didn’t.

Working together? No.
Taking advantage? Yes

No, working together. Dude, it’s obvious. Lol.

And stop trying to deny it on the one hand, while taking credit for how “smart” it is on the other. That’s just dumb.

/sarcasm on
Dude! Dude!
/Sarcasm off

Working together is organised and usually arranged.
Taking advantage of a situation that happens right in front of you, that is an opportunity even dumb people cant miss…except for the exceptionally dumb, maybe.

Ever seen 3 dogs fight? Often 2 will go for it until the strongest wins, but is also weakened. The third then has a much easier time finishing off its single weakened opponent.
Dogs are intelligent, but not as intelligent as man. Gotta wonder sometimes.

As far as the quoted post…who was taking credit for what? If you want to have a constructive conversation about something, please learn to construct something better, probably best to leave-out your misconceptions and read posts multiple times to understand that persons intended meaning – not what you think should be the correct words and meanings of what someone else has said.
Were those words I used too big, were there too many?
Please don’t try to mistakenly tell me what “I” am doing or saying, it tends to lead to angered tones.
Time to look elsewhere for intelligently constructed conversation and opinions – there’s sweet FA here (this is not directed to the FA server, just a small, and insignificant, number of their players).

That’s a pretty derisive post. I guess I hit a nerve.

Anyway, back to the fight for me. Back to half of one for you, I suppose.


in WvW

Posted by: kanikani.2430


One thing I have seen good come from this last week for FA was I am seeing more guilds work together. I have seen a lot of rivalries being put to rest more mixing of people, more patience and teaching of new players. It has been good for the community. Even if we lost horribly to TC/Yaks we have to think about it long term not just he battle. And I think long term it is making us much stronger. Think about that lowlands keep defense on Friday morning, we probably could not have held that a month ago.

Ishionna (80 Ele)


in WvW

Posted by: Chris.5024


Threads like this only serve to make us look bad as a server and negatively affect our community. Even if it’s 1 or 2 people only it still comes off as a big negative for FA and you’re going to drive away skilled players. Lots of us are in the same boat, just deal with the hand you’re dealt and let’s stop complaining. Please.

Black Talons Gaming [BT]


in WvW

Posted by: kanikani.2430


Threads like this only serve to make us look bad as a server and negatively affect our community. Even if it’s 1 or 2 people only it still comes off as a big negative for FA and you’re going to drive away skilled players. Lots of us are in the same boat, just deal with the hand you’re dealt and let’s stop complaining. Please.

I disagree, we have been getting more and more skilled players because of how we perform and because of our attitude. Skilled well informed players or guilds know what is going on in game and word gets around not just what is on these forums, including me and you I am sure. These forums are not even half the story. I have spoken to some recent transfers about it specifically actually, so don’t sweat it so much. Keep doing the right thing in game, it comes through trust me.

Ishionna (80 Ele)


in WvW

Posted by: Ira.5172


I can already see this threat being closed. Lets just enjoy the match since we got a long week ahead of us.

Ira Souleater – Necromancer
Talons [BT]
Fort Aspenwood


in WvW

Posted by: Phatkillz.5938


Yaks like being TC’s lap dog don’t pick on them!

My guess is they are a bunch of underachievers and will always be happy with 2nd or 3rd place.


in WvW

Posted by: Efface.8460


Yaks like being TC’s lap dog don’t pick on them!

My guess is they are a bunch of underachievers and will always be happy with 2nd or 3rd place.

How you all were able to pick up your transfers with that wonderful attitude you have totally escapes me


in WvW

Posted by: Phatkillz.5938


Transfers? Whats are these transfers you speak of? I have been on FA since beta.

Its obvious which server is the best judging how TC and Yaks are playing.


in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


You guys make me laugh, all your whinging and denials are just more grist for our motivation.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro


in WvW

Posted by: rhyein.6172


Yaks like being TC’s lap dog don’t pick on them!

My guess is they are a bunch of underachievers and will always be happy with 2nd or 3rd place.

I guess getting your other thread deleted didn’t teach you anything huh?


in WvW

Posted by: DivineBeing.2086


It’s funny FA is complaining about 2v1 in their borderlands.

TC Borderlands yesterday anyone? I was there from 12 to 2AM. It went from ALL blue to ALL green by the time I got off at 2AM. We have HEAVY pressure from both YB and FA.

We still overcame.

To be honest though, I don’t think TC is ready for tier 2 though. No doubt, we are pretty strong but our strategy and overall organization could be better. I was previously on BG in it’s prime so I got to see team work from another server.

Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer


in WvW

Posted by: Cosec.9802


Hey all you FA how go’s .. Just a reg Yaks guy here. Look I been playing allot of WvWvW and at many dif times. If you all think we are working with the other guys your way off.. and the funny part is Yaks think you guys are working with them and vise versa. So here’s the real deal. You all out number us Period. Both of your servers FA and TC. So yes were taking advantage of your vulnerability when we can so at least we can get some points. So all Im seeing here is allot of QQ. You guys have some great players and some really organised Guilds. Your tactics are solid most of the time and well I do have to say one thing kinda neg .. IDK who told folks but the Alt F4 thing .. that’s lame and i see allot of it. I digress OK so Lets all just play the game and see how it turns out – Oh and calling us underachievers that are ok with second place or loosing.. OH no my friends were pissed that you all keep hitting us on both sides all the time .. and yes Were gonna come back hard. So see you in game.


in WvW

Posted by: Harhar.5021


Wow! A whole thread devoted just to FA whining. I guess the matchup thread didn’t have enough room to contain all the crying and complaining from you guys. Yeah I know its only a few who come here to the forums to embarass themselves and their server like this. But come on give it a rest! It’s making you guys look bad—really bad.


in WvW

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


There are as many of us from FA supporting a strategy that involves #1 keeping #2 down, even if it means sometimes assisting #3 (coordinated or not) as there are complaining about it. If you don’t see them, it’s because you choose not to see them.

This thread is devoted entirely to whining from BronzeDealer. He doesn’t represent FA.

This. Don’t worry man not every Yak plays into this mindless whinging all the time. Most of us are actually fairly humble and congratulatory about the other servers here when talking amongst ourselves in-game. As usual the loudest minority get represented on the forums and so the whinging seems endless. You guys (FA) are great fun to battle against, so is TC.

*Though I hate every thief on every server hands down until ANet fixes culling. Also the alt-F4 thieves are the worst. We FINALLY managed to see you long enough to launch a counter attack and down you, take that spike like a man!

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend


in WvW

Posted by: Phatkillz.5938


Hey rhyein it did teach me one thing. You can’t speak your mind without having your post removed. I’m flattered you read it by the way.


in WvW

Posted by: Usagi.4835


Well that’s probably because what you said was inflammatory and opinionated lol. Either way, between this and the matchup thread, this is getting too funny. Soon, the prophecy will be fulfilled

Commander Chocolate Teapot | Prettier than you | Forum damsel in distress


in WvW

Posted by: ThaOwner.7560


how this thread hasent been closed yet is beyond me. What Fa doesnt seem the realize, is that the 2v1 almost always happen against the weaker server. Only the 2v1’s where the stronger server is targeted is where there was actual alliances formed

Tybstra| Everything Purple [EP] | Maguuma


in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


After complaining endlessly last week in the match up thread, that wasn’t enough. There is now a thread devoted entirely to whining from FA. I’m speechless.

ok only because one guy complains like that in a threat doesn’t mean we are all a bunch of whiners, stop labeling us like that we do enjoy fighting both of u guys. i like fighting yaks better than tc as they are not trolling when they get one person down and stuff. we had some pretty epic fights with yaks and that’s what makes wvsw fun. i think what makes people whine is the trolling when a group of thieves overruns u out of the blue nd then dances and sits over your dead body. The trolling is the one thing that makes me really dislike defending our camps. The double teaming …oh well i could care less as long as i keep having epic battles at keeps with skilled players from both sides, without trolling! I am looking forward to more epic fights like that!:-)

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood


in WvW

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


then dances and sits over your dead body. The trolling is the one thing that makes me really dislike defending our camps. The double teaming …oh well i could care less as long as i keep having epic battles at keeps with skilled players from both sides, without trolling! I am looking forward to more epic fights like that!:-)

I agree it’s pretty stupid but if it bothers you that much you might want to let the people in your guild know this because they are pretty notorious for the corpse dancing/sitting crap as well.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend


in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


I agree it’s pretty stupid but if it bothers you that much you might want to let the people in your guild know this because they are pretty notorious for the corpse dancing/sitting crap as well.

hmm must be some noobs then because our main part of the guild doesn’t do that and i know because the main ones are all in ts with me and we even talk about that kind of trolling and think its dumb. if we are fooling around then we brawl with the enemy or have a camp fire or so but we have fun with the enemy and don’t troll them. our commander is pretty strict about trolling. What he would say about this…DEMOTED lol!

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood


in WvW

Posted by: Vorpal.4683


I don’t know if you know this, but the two weaker servers are SUPPOSED to team up against the strongest server.

If you’re getting 2v1’ed, that’s working as intended. Bask in the fact you are perceived as the strongest server and move on with your life.

As someone on FA, complaining about being 2v1’ed when it is built into the matchups purposely is beyond silly.


in WvW

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


hmm must be some noobs then because our main part of the guild doesn’t do that and i know because the main ones are all in ts with me and we even talk about that kind of trolling and think its dumb. if we are fooling around then we brawl with the enemy or have a camp fire or so but we have fun with the enemy and don’t troll them. our commander is pretty strict about trolling. What he would say about this…DEMOTED lol!

I believe you. Usually cases like this in larger guilds are simply a few bad apples hiding in the anonymity of member numbers.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend


in WvW

Posted by: sceptus.9415


FA is 99% cool people and excellent players. This thread was created by the other 1%.

I’m from TC.

Hern | Sceptus | Vulkus | Colbane
[DIS] and [TTC]
Tarnished Coast


in WvW

Posted by: Prophet.1038


Tonight’s Dinner: Eating FA towers in Eternal battlegrounds. Eating whiners is going to be tasty.

Prophet Saladin
Rank 80 sPvP
Champion Phantom


in WvW

Posted by: Mirage.2597


I transferred in to FA a few days ago I heard they were hardcore wvwers , not even close , I wont be staying .


in WvW

Posted by: Tallis.5607


TC WWW player here.

I do not know anything about an alliance against FA, but I can tell you this: FA is the only server out of the six that I played against where players dances on your corpse after you run into a zerg.

THAT is the reason why I prefer to attack FA instead of Yak.

If you would get rid of these (few) bad elements on your server, people will stop seeing FA as target number one.

I do not claim that FA as a whole is rude. But as I said, of all the servers that I played against, they are the only ones doing that. Just saying…

It gave me great personal joy to have captured FAs entire borderland this weekend (every single point on FA was TCs for a while) just because of this rude behaviour of some of your players.

Tallis – Perpetual newbie – Tarnished Coast.
Always carries a towel – Never panics – Eats cookies.

(edited by Tallis.5607)


in WvW

Posted by: Maniac.5163


Not the highest quality video, but it gets the point across.

This was the best fight I’ve ever had in WvW. I was embarrassed for both servers after I lost count of destroyed trebs (14+) catapults (16+) and 4+ golems, every single destructable wall and gate was wide open and they still didn’t get the keep from our 20-25 defenders. We ended up pushing both sides off, repairing up and pushing out to take our towers back on both sides.

This thread, however, is rubbish.


in WvW

Posted by: Dethroat.3514


TC WWW player here.

I do not know anything about an alliance against FA, but I can tell you this: FA is the only server out of the six that I played against where players dances on your corpse after you run into a zerg.

THAT is the reason why I prefer to attack FA instead of Yak.

If you would get rid of these (few) bad elements on your server, people will stop seeing FA as target number one.

I do not claim that FA as a whole is rude. But as I said, of all the servers that I played against, they are the only ones doing that. Just saying…

It gave me great personal joy to have captured FAs entire borderland this weekend (every single point on FA was TCs for a while) just because of this rude behaviour of some of your players.


And it’s not hard to take their whole borderlands considering they don’t siege anything, or upgrade anything. Maybe that’s why it seems everyone is against them, easy picking in my book!

Dethroat – Human – Necromancer – War is Hell [WAR] Leader
Tarnished Coast


in WvW

Posted by: Dethroat.3514


Tonight’s Dinner: Eating FA towers in Eternal battlegrounds. Eating whiners is going to be tasty.

I’ll bring the beers!

Dethroat – Human – Necromancer – War is Hell [WAR] Leader
Tarnished Coast


in WvW

Posted by: Prophet.1038


Tonight’s Dinner: Eating FA towers in Eternal battlegrounds. Eating whiners is going to be tasty.

I’ll bring the beers!

Looking forward to it! And i agree with you, they don’t upgrade any of their keeps/towers usually. Truthfully i believe FA doesn’t belong in this tier as to they cried their way up here (tier 3) unlike TC and YAKS whom used strategy and expertise to be at where they are.

Prophet Saladin
Rank 80 sPvP
Champion Phantom


in WvW

Posted by: Khyron.8735


Well FA’ers, if you feel like you believe that everyone is secretly aligned and against you and that there is no way to win, you can always camp the jump puzzle. There’s always a random person wandering in to get completion you can get their kill off of and know deep in your heart that they are now upset. I’m sure a tactical explanation can be made later as to why you’re in there.

Ad majorem gloriam! Ad infinitum!


in WvW

Posted by: Dethroat.3514


Classic! But I say if we are going to be accused of this over and over, why don’t TC and YB actually do it? So a question to FA: if you were to face a REAL 2v1, what do you think would happen?

Speaking on behalf of the Yak’s Bend Alliance. Let’s do this, and show them what it’s really like.

Dethroat – Human – Necromancer – War is Hell [WAR] Leader
Tarnished Coast


in WvW

Posted by: Mirage.2597


“Truthfully i believe FA doesn’t belong in this tier”
Been thinking this same thing myself I came from tier 4 , Tactics in tier 4 blow FA out of the water, I have not seen 1 portal bomb , do they even know to hide a Mesmer in a keep? Stacking never seen it , No cat behind doors to slow the placement of a ram down , siege work is horid, communication server wide , nope


in WvW

Posted by: Dethroat.3514


Transfers? Whats are these transfers you speak of? I have been on FA since beta.

Its obvious which server is the best judging how TC and Yaks are playing.

Lmfao, have you noticed how many tiers we’ve jumped up in the last few weeks alone? Obviously you know nothing about matchmaking systems, mathematics, and statistics.

Dethroat – Human – Necromancer – War is Hell [WAR] Leader
Tarnished Coast


in WvW

Posted by: ykyk.2740


“Truthfully i believe FA doesn’t belong in this tier”
Been thinking this same thing myself I came from tier 4 , Tactics in tier 4 blow FA out of the water, I have not seen 1 portal bomb , do they even know to hide a Mesmer in a keep? Stacking never seen it , No cat behind doors to slow the placement of a ram down , siege work is horid, communication server wide , nope

While I have no great love for FA, they don’t need turncoats to criticize their mode of operations. They are evidently stronger than where you came from, or they won’t be holding their own in tier 3. If you honestly believe that they don’t deserve their spot, go knock them off if you can. Don’t transfer to their server and then insult them.


in WvW

Posted by: Dethroat.3514


“Truthfully i believe FA doesn’t belong in this tier”
Been thinking this same thing myself I came from tier 4 , Tactics in tier 4 blow FA out of the water, I have not seen 1 portal bomb , do they even know to hide a Mesmer in a keep? Stacking never seen it , No cat behind doors to slow the placement of a ram down , siege work is horid, communication server wide , nope

They just like being a herd of whining cats and expect to come out victorious, when in reality, they just don’t belong in this tier or any above it. Notice how when you progress tiers things get more and more strategy based? I sure as hell noticed it. FA, not so much.

I swear, if they spent as much time learning about WvW and the losses they’ve encountered as they doing crying, they’d probably be in the top tier. But instead they don’t have any tactics when it comes to this game mode except for a zerg.

Dethroat – Human – Necromancer – War is Hell [WAR] Leader
Tarnished Coast


in WvW

Posted by: Prophet.1038


“Truthfully i believe FA doesn’t belong in this tier”
Been thinking this same thing myself I came from tier 4 , Tactics in tier 4 blow FA out of the water, I have not seen 1 portal bomb , do they even know to hide a Mesmer in a keep? Stacking never seen it , No cat behind doors to slow the placement of a ram down , siege work is horid, communication server wide , nope

ahaha i couldn’t have said it better myself. “Its simple, Kill the FA”

Prophet Saladin
Rank 80 sPvP
Champion Phantom


in WvW

Posted by: Trock Bronze.9625

Trock Bronze.9625

I see a few coming in to say the whole server is not complaining, and we know that, however despite that fact this has become the joke about this match up and is a stigma on your server. You really do need to get the complaining to stop if you don’t want people to stereotype your server with it.

To me those complaining sound like the same sort in any game though, CoD for example. Everything is lag, or the other guy had some unfair advantage, and on and on and on. Excuses to explain losses rather then admitting failure and moving on from it. Thing is, every server will be fighting 2 other servers, we all have to deal with it not just one. The forums never represent the entire attitude of one server but, when one sort of ‘attitude’ sticks like this it’s hard to shake. Prove your own people wrong, I mean the one night you guys had taken the lead for a while, its obvious you can fight back.


in WvW

Posted by: Chris.5024


Classic! But I say if we are going to be accused of this over and over, why don’t TC and YB actually do it? So a question to FA: if you were to face a REAL 2v1, what do you think would happen?

Speaking on behalf of the Yak’s Bend Alliance. Let’s do this, and show them what it’s really like.

From what I’ve read about the Yak’s Bend Alliance I used to hold you guys in very high regard. If you’re speaking on their behalf and this is how they generally act then I’m sorry to say but my impression of your alliance has been greatly diminished. That or maybe they should re-evaluate your contribution to their alliance.

I’d also like to point out there a lot of forum warriors in this thread who still aren’t signing their name to their posts. If you don’t have the balls to post your character’s name and guild then don’t post at all.

Black Talons Gaming [BT]


in WvW

Posted by: Trock Bronze.9625

Trock Bronze.9625

What do you not get though, there is no alliance going on.


in WvW

Posted by: kanikani.2430


If you don’t have the balls to post your character’s name and guild then don’t post at all.

Thank you, I cannot agree more. This goes for every thread involving servers for that matter regardless of the topic.

Ishionna (80 Ele)


in WvW

Posted by: Ultravalefor.5038


What’s the point of posting your name and guild? My name is Tarnished Coast Invader/Defender, that guy you’re yelling at is Yak’s Bend Invader/Defender.

What more do you need, real names are for if you want to send us annoying tells or love letters or something. (and can’t you already do that with our usernames which we use to post… Here?)

Phaynel – recently voted the hottest Ranger in GW2 by everyone
married to Railspike the Red Alpha Golem
[PiNK] Toast Forever.


in WvW

Posted by: Cogbyrn.7283


What’s the point of posting your name and guild? My name is Tarnished Coast Invader/Defender, that guy you’re yelling at is Yak’s Bend Invader/Defender.

What more do you need, real names are for if you want to send us annoying tells or love letters or something. (and can’t you already do that with our usernames which we use to post… Here?)

It’s just an additional layer of personal accountability, if not to people on other servers, than to people on your own. It’s actually kind of cool when people say hey because they recognize you from the forums and see your character in-game.

Alduin Nightsong, 80 Human Necro
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”


in WvW

Posted by: whiran.1473


There is clearly an alliance between servers.

I mean, it only makes sense right?

Every single individual player who runs around in a zerg and is focused solely on the next available objective is, in reality, allied to the other team.

Players on FA should join the alliance. Then it can be a three-way alliance.

Remember to get everyone on FA to agree to the alliance first. That’s probably what the other servers did. Because, you know, an alliance between servers indicates that the servers have an overall political leadership who can make decisions for the server and have the majority of the server follow those decisions.

Come on FA, catch up! All the other servers are unified entities with a single government that all the players agree to follow….

Note: There may have been sarcasm involved in this post.


in WvW

Posted by: Ultravalefor.5038


I actually prefer my enemies to be anonymous. I don’t want to spend time thinking “oh hey, it’s that guild tag, those guys are rather reasonable on forums, maybe I shouldn’t attack that upscaled guy he’s just traveling after all, maybe he’s here for map completion…”

Better if you are one nameless entity—invader scum to be scrubbed off the property of Tarnished Coast, granted to us by the Most Holy Golem God.

Phaynel – recently voted the hottest Ranger in GW2 by everyone
married to Railspike the Red Alpha Golem
[PiNK] Toast Forever.


in WvW

Posted by: Xavi.6591


TC WWW player here.

I do not know anything about an alliance against FA, but I can tell you this: FA is the only server out of the six that I played against where players dances on your corpse after you run into a zerg.

As a Yak’s Bend player, I had the same experience this week. FA like to corpse dance.

If I kill someone 1v1, I generally /bow or /salute.

Fantasme Bloodwen [R.I.P. Mesmer] | Andi Runi [Warrior] | Bonedoggle [Necro] | Zooerasty [Ranger]
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |