SniffyCube and Pod, if I could I’d buy you both a beer. Consider yourselves beer’d.
I really and genuinely enjoy fighting both SF and ET. I saw ET pull up some eye-popping (as in double checking to make sure I was not confusing one server with the other) numbers this weekend, and I saw SF pull some interesting new tactics.
I think we can all improve and keep this fun blastin’, like it is right now. <3 you guys! See you in wvw!
@Sniffy you just redeemed your guild for something they did a couple weeks ago (apparently such things are unmentionable on the forums)
@VK Lot of mixed feelings about you guys coming to play with us. Loving the fights, hating what Glicko does with the ratings because we really want out of T8. We need to hold pretty much everything all the time to get points and a group of good players like yours messes that up (http://mos.millenium.org/matchups#NA)
If you are asking about our night crew because we held FC bl over night, there were only a handful of us pulling all nighters in that bl (to appease the Glicko monster)
As far as running too much glass…. ya, we run glass, because glass is fun you should try it yourselves some time. You guys did not kill me enough to convince me that to drop the glass, 12k hp 100+%crit damage with a fiery great sword gets the adrenalin going (though I would not recommend it to someone new to PvP)
//End ramble time to play
Half of these posts don’t even make sense.
Totally agree -.-
ppl linking wikipedia wtf o.O
I wanna read about fights ><
I want screnshots with rivers of blood
Half of these posts don’t even make sense.
Totally agree -.-
ppl linking wikipedia wtf o.OI wanna read about fights ><
I want screnshots with rivers of blood
This good enough?
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace
Half of these posts don’t even make sense.
Totally agree -.-
ppl linking wikipedia wtf o.OI wanna read about fights ><
I want screnshots with rivers of bloodThis good enough?
Hi Ungood!!!
Pls dont report this post <3
We had fun harrassing you guys in EB today with our 15 man squad.
Are you talking bout next to Langor? Omg FoE was in there like, screw it, let VK kill SF when they are trying to push in. We just sat back and held the hole in the wall for about 30 minutes from the hordes of SF trying to cap it. Our scout was like “VK to the left, now right.. under the bridge… pushing into SF.”
You guys looked organized which is very nice to see across the firing lines. Major props for coming head-on into a 50v40 with considerable less numbers.
we had 15 with me that were VK. 1 that was MAV. I think that was about it. maybe 2-3 randoms that you guys just wasted right away :P
We tried to push into langor 2 times if you didn’t remember (I was a bit ambitious, fine I’ll admit it had no idea you had like 40-50 FoE just sitting in there., than the second time, well I figured why not try again) after realizing FoE was farming, we left you guys alone and hit anything that looked like it might drop us juicy loot. Was so fun.
Founder of [SIC] and Commander.
We had fun harrassing you guys in EB today with our 15 man squad.
Are you talking bout next to Langor? Omg FoE was in there like, screw it, let VK kill SF when they are trying to push in. We just sat back and held the hole in the wall for about 30 minutes from the hordes of SF trying to cap it. Our scout was like “VK to the left, now right.. under the bridge… pushing into SF.”
You guys looked organized which is very nice to see across the firing lines. Major props for coming head-on into a 50v40 with considerable less numbers.
we had 15 with me that were VK. 1 that was MAV. I think that was about it. maybe 2-3 randoms that you guys just wasted right away :P
We tried to push into langor 2 times if you didn’t remember (I was a bit ambitious, fine I’ll admit it
had no idea you had like 40-50 FoE just sitting in there., than the second time, well I figured why not try again) after realizing FoE was farming, we left you guys alone and hit anything that looked like it might drop us juicy loot. Was so fun.
If we had 40-50 FoE, I’ve been transported back to November on Sea of Sorrows, but in all seriousness we had 12 or so FoE with a couple other guilds with commanders as well, but mainly a militia force. We were outmanned when we loaded into EB but quickly rolled into NA primetime which resulted in the main force you saw.
Haha, yeah someone said “SF never stops pouring in” so we decided to set up 4 arrow carts and left the wall down for that whole fight to see how long it’d take for SF to stop pouring in. I hope you guys stay on FC, nice to see good guilds down here.
My fun laughs at your server pride.
Sorry, I had trouble counting who was FoE and who wasn’t. I ran up the ramp, saw nothing but FoE and was like ‘well. This is going to hurt.’
So much red tags. I got a video coming. you guys were wild with numbers. Both of you atleast from my PoV that is.
We will NOT be staying on FC. We have never been anything but up front about that. Came to have some fun. we have definitly had fun, but at some point the vacation must end, and back to 123254546 Pink zergs and 24351234123 WM zergs to wipe
the lag ah, the lag. I have not missed the.
Founder of [SIC] and Commander.
Sorry, I had trouble counting who was FoE and who wasn’t. I ran up the ramp, saw nothing but FoE and was like ‘well. This is going to hurt.’
So much red tags. I got a video coming. you guys were wild with numbers. Both of you atleast from my PoV that is.
We will NOT be staying on FC. We have never been anything but up front about that. Came to have some fun. we have definitly had fun, but at some point the vacation must end, and back to 123254546 Pink zergs and 24351234123 WM zergs to wipe
the lag ah, the lag. I have not missed the.
That’s funny you say that, our commander specified that FoE would hold the stairs leading up to the Lords room, so we stayed there and formed a big wall of AoE and CC and let the militia finish everyone off. I’d love to see that video to share it with my FoE brothers and sisters! Please shoot me a PM with a link after it is uploaded.
That’s no fun hate to see you guys go back but at least let’s try and fight a couple times before y’all leave.
My fun laughs at your server pride.
oh. we will be fighting. Just pop orange swords. We are bound to show up if we are on the map. We usually run NA prime from about 6pm-11pmcst.
Just PM me in game sometime and tell me you are fighting endless waves of SF and we will come jump in, much like we did today
Sorry, I didn’t have the tower part on fraps…well okay I did, but I couldn’t post it due to some comments in the chat box and my absolutely kitten abilities to not understand video editing correctly. I wanted to have the video start and end with us getting wiped by FoE in the lords room. I hope my body dropped you nothing but useless spikes
Founder of [SIC] and Commander.
Half of these posts don’t even make sense.
Totally agree -.-
ppl linking wikipedia wtf o.OI wanna read about fights ><
I want screnshots with rivers of bloodThis good enough?
Hi Ungood!!!
Pls dont report this post <3
Hi Back.
Please Don’t report this post either
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace
All hail supreme commander of ET Antoine dodson!
Tugs tugs tugs tugs! Techno techno techno beat
Half of these posts don’t even make sense.
Totally agree -.-
ppl linking wikipedia wtf o.OI wanna read about fights ><
I want screnshots with rivers of bloodThis good enough?
Hi Ungood!!!
Pls dont report this post <3Hi Back.
Please Don’t report this post either
You two are reported… kthxbye
Stop with the forum PvP report wars and go back to the battlefield you guys!
srsly tho. i had fun tonight, and i stayed up WAY later than i should have… by like 2 hours. >.> work is gonna suck tomorrow morning /cry
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET
Half of these posts don’t even make sense.
Totally agree -.-
ppl linking wikipedia wtf o.OI wanna read about fights ><
I want screnshots with rivers of bloodThis good enough?
Hi Ungood!!!
Pls dont report this post <3Hi Back.
Please Don’t report this post either
You two are reported… kthxbye
Stop with the forum PvP report wars and go back to the battlefield you guys!
srsly tho. i had fun tonight, and i stayed up WAY later than i should have… by like 2 hours. >.> work is gonna suck tomorrow morning /cry
I have a hot and heavy deadline looming at work, so I’m missing all the fun tonight.
Henge of Denravi
eww. that sucks.
i’ll be missing the action myself soon. will be traveling for work, and don’t know if i’ll have reliable wifi in the places i stop. bah
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET
oh. we will be fighting. Just pop orange swords. We are bound to show up if we are on the map. We usually run NA prime from about 6pm-11pmcst.
Just PM me in game sometime and tell me you are fighting endless waves of SF and we will come jump in, much like we did today
Sorry, I didn’t have the tower part on fraps…well okay I did, but I couldn’t post it due to some comments in the chat box and my absolutely kitten abilities to not understand video editing correctly. I wanted to have the video start and end with us getting wiped by FoE in the lords room. I hope my body dropped you nothing but useless spikes
Will miss fighting you guys when you leave bud, hope your recruitment swoop / fun vacation was enjoyable.
Couple of tips to take back to t2 with you after watching your vid…. turn off them darn green circles lol, fastcast is far superior for instant decision making. Also dont walk backwards just delete that S movement key, seriously its like a free lunch when i see someone walking backwards. And finally dont blindly drop your necro stuff when doing your running away necro tactic, try to pan and drop. Any good group will never ever follow you in a straight line, such as when we wiped you outside overlook ruins, we came in off-center avoiding all your necro drops and smashed into the side of you.
10x Tier 1 Champions
Enough nonsense – Let’s get things straight . . . I’m on SoF and in my view, historically all of T8 was primarily zerg until the recent transfers.
ET and FC can shut the hell up regarding how great they were, holding off masses of SoF . . . it didn’t happen . . . certainly not consistently. The fact is that SoF masses overwhelmed both ET and FC consistently, holding most, if not all of each of the 4 maps on many occasions. When you hold that much ground, you find that you end up playing a fireman, putting out fires continuously, zerg rushing wherever ET or FC started pushing in, to beat the ET or FC mini-zergs.
From what I saw, neither ET, FC or SoF showed any significant coordination or skill that was head and shoulders better than the other. Some players are good, some are bad, most are mediocre (including myself). . . Nothing to be proud of. Certainly nothing ET or FC could muster required SoF to change strategies or to use any strategies other than the most basic of tactics—head-on attacks. Don’t fix it if it ain’t broke.
With the server transfers, the dynamics of the battles changed substantially. New guilds from other servers showed how unsophisticated all of the server armies’ strategies were previously. Now ET and FC started holding choke points against slightly superior numbers and using strategies to hide numbers in order to launch surprise counterattacks against SoF seiges in mass (often using overwhelming numbers at any given location) and to rout SoF seiges, with battles now taking an ebb and flow.
The battles have turned out much more interesting, with each server being able to hold ground and it has changed strategies in battles substantially. Much more seige (instead of simply 2-3 flame rams at a gate) are being used to push back defenders and to hold off counterattacks. Choke points are being held, flanking counterattacks are being used by both sides. Seige attackers are even paying attention to being swarmed from behind (no more putting a character on autoattack against a gate in order to go get a sandwich) and people on both sides are actually putting up barriers to control movement of characters which would otherwise overwhelm defenders.
Case in point…prior to the server transfers, I NEVER (as in—not once) was stymied during a rush in any “narrowed” territory (whether it be a canyon or a hole in a wall or gate) by someone casting and maintaining barriers that actually physically blocked me from being able to close ranks with defenders. I did see numerous uses of conditions fields, but conditions that would be stacked on me while charging through narrowed territory were generally more manageable in the past, letting me simply run through the condition fields in most cases and removing them. Now I’m finding narrowed territory to be denied by barriers that prevent all movement or by concentrated conditions that are killing fields.
And SoF is adapting its strategies to be much more effective against such strategies. I believe it’s also changing SoF from melee-centric classes to more ranged attack.
I for one welcome the changes and increase in strategic play and ET’s and FC’s increased numbers due to server transfers….but don’t kid yourself. All of the servers’ strategies inevitably equalize once people learn from mistakes. SoF may not move to as coordinated strategies as ET and FC may be forced to, if SoF’s numbers continue to be higher (it won’t have to). But SoF’s strategies have and will continue to evolve (likely just enough to counter whatever it runs into) and in the meantime, some ET and FC armies have become forces to be reckoned with…resulting in much more enjoyable battles and sophisticated gameplay.
Veryviolet Warrior
Firey Disco Ball Elementalist
BigTuffGuy Guardian
Princesspink Mesmer
oh. we will be fighting. Just pop orange swords. We are bound to show up if we are on the map. We usually run NA prime from about 6pm-11pmcst.
Just PM me in game sometime and tell me you are fighting endless waves of SF and we will come jump in, much like we did today
Sorry, I didn’t have the tower part on fraps…well okay I did, but I couldn’t post it due to some comments in the chat box and my absolutely kitten abilities to not understand video editing correctly. I wanted to have the video start and end with us getting wiped by FoE in the lords room. I hope my body dropped you nothing but useless spikes
Will miss fighting you guys when you leave bud, hope your recruitment swoop / fun vacation was enjoyable.
Couple of tips to take back to t2 with you after watching your vid…. turn off them darn green circles lol, fastcast is far superior for instant decision making. Also dont walk backwards just delete that S movement key, seriously its like a free lunch when i see someone walking backwards. And finally dont blindly drop your necro stuff when doing your running away necro tactic, try to pan and drop. Any good group will never ever follow you in a straight line, such as when we wiped you outside overlook ruins, we came in off-center avoiding all your necro drops and smashed into the side of you.
Alaric sucks at necro :P
Also when you wiped us at overlook ruins most people were logging and we were down to an 11 man crew, fighting SF and you guys :P we were just blindly charging in for fun since we had the outmanned buff and the night was starting to close. Either way, fun fights out there.
Founder and former Guild Leader of [RET] Reticle
Current Guild Leader of [BLNT] Better Luck Next Time
From what I saw, neither ET, FC or SoF showed any significant coordination or skill that was head and shoulders better than the other.
[Aia] Amoria- The guild of pleasant love
¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸ ¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸
From what I saw, neither ET, FC or SoF showed any significant coordination or skill that was head and shoulders better than the other.
Dang, I should have recorded some of our WvW event last night from [PvP]. I didn’t know we were trying to prove that one server was head and shoulders above the rest with youtube vids…. We’ve been doing it by scoreboard :P
I kid I kid, all in good fun. Nice vid, and good fights last night all.
Enough nonsense – Let’s get things straight . . . I’m on SoF and in my view, historically all of T8 was primarily zerg until the recent transfers.
Whoaaaaa there… Sounds like you’re peeved about some post of mighty ET/FC holding out zerg upon zerg of SF ? It’s been a while since I saw one of those…
Before Kain left the ET and FC “zerg” was about a 15 man squad taking what little scraps we can. (at least in my time zone). Lately the free xfers ensured a gain in numbers to FC and sure, we run in a “zerg” but often times it’s less than 20. We just got a few new tactics and putting them to practice. But the T8 zerg battles was probably just due to people so glad to see others online that they would zoom onto a blue dorito just to get the large battles that WvW is supposed to offer.
A lot of SF are glass cannons and it works (ed) well for them with superior numbers (heck I even had a glass guardian just for the sake of getting a kill here and there all on my lonesky), but remember that before SF arrived we were used to far larger odds against us. FC players learnt to be resilient in small numbers. So we found that in small evenly matched numbers against SF we would win more often than not – that’s the argument we’re making.
I’m glad the transfers came in, because I can certainly see SF and ET upping their game as we have. ET still showed the use of glass cannons in their zerg at FC hills last night and I was amazed (before I died multiple times) that I would put a serious dent in 1 guardian and 1 warrior with my mesmer’s iZerker.
Keep the Faith (and stay out of AC fire)
LOL this thread is super lame. For the record, my Dad can beat up your Dad. So there. Can’t wait to get out of T8.
Glicko ghetto? perhaps. Ghetto? Most definitely.
Excuse me everyone, I was looking for the tier 8: ET/FC/SF server forums………I have mistakenly found the tier 2 forums …..can anyone help me?
You know, I can understand the anger on the part of many SF’ers (and ETs also). Yes, this Tier (and EU T9) is the death-gurgle of sanity (as measured by Glicko). But I would think more people would at least be happy we’re seeing more even fights again. Hell, that’s all I ever wanted … screw what Tier we’re in, just some proper tail-kicking on all three sides.
But, we’re starting to get sidetracked, with drama and ego wackiness. Now, I
realize that nobody is perfect, and crap happens … but, let’s try to stay chill here.
We’re all gamers, we’re all trying to enjoy ourselves, right?
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
(edited by Advent.6193)
didn’t our pug Zerg destroy you guys 3 times in a row at bluevale last night?
Sharks With Lazers [PEW]
didn’t our pug Zerg destroy you guys 3 times in a row at bluevale last night?
I saw an [SS] tag when we got wiped here (image below). We didn’t return though, as we were outnumbered by quite a bit, and it would have served no purpose to go get killed again.
I’m not sure exactly when you think you wiped us 3 times in a row, but I can tell you that during our WvW event last night, we never got wiped 2 times in a row. We did get wiped, but never twice in a row.
Didn’t we wipe you guys 48 times in a row? :P I kid, it’s just getting so lame here in the T8 thread.
Anyway good fights, keep it up. The fights have been fun, but the forum time I usually get in at work is becoming pretty crappy. The alternative of actually working the entire time scares me though, so I’ll be here :P
EDIT: Thinking back, we did actually get wiped one time, came back, and about half of us died before we retreated, so you could count that as two wipes in a row if you’d like. It was not the same fight as the screenshot. I don’t have a screenshot of that one (I was way too busy fleeing).
(edited by D W.5179)
while I do agree with your point about the inflated ego of a lot of these players, I gotta say that if SF has shown anything within the last few days it’s that they’re extremely uncoordinated.
For sure, I can’t seem to pull off that rub your belly, pat your head thing… Also tying shoes as of late has been a struggle. I’m going to try to start tying my shoes by numbers. Maybe if I can get a zerg of people to tie my shoes we can get it done :P
Joking aside. There are skilled groups in ET/FC/SF, and crap groups in ET/FC/SF. The server that is winning will usually have more of these bad groups show up. That being said, I’m gonna get these kitten shoes tied one day, then you’ll all see!
Once again I agree with D W. I will add that with all the zergs from all three servers, as well as the planned out tactics of some really super groups, the score is eventually going to come down to who has the manpower on for the majority of the day.
We have surely seen over the past week since the transfer that with the numbers, each server can really show their strengths and not in just zerg numbers, but having the numbers needed to pull off things like taking AND keeping what you kill. But eventually the numbers will dwindle and flux back and forth due to <badtasteinmouth>real life.
I think we really have a good competitive triumvirate of servers now, with good and unskilled in each. SF may still have the numbers when it comes to time frame and willing WvWvW’rs, but that aside, the battles have been brilliant, on the most part.
My introduction to WvW was at the start of the ET exodus. So this is far and away the most fun I have had bar none. This is great!
My night started off with the community effort defending Langor in EB. Switched up to 10-15 man TAC group defending and then retaking ET BL. Ended the evening by taking most of Ferg BL. A great mix of community effort(my new replacement for zerg) and guild efforts. Lots of action non-stop on all fronts. I know we are trying to learn new strategies in TAC and hopefully work to up our game! Keep up the good fights folks!
Those SF guys and their larger community efforts.
Once in a While Mediocre Commander
Day 1:
I made some friends today. But I think they are a bunch of yak slappers
Day 16:
ET still thinks I am one of them. I ate an omnom ghost to spook them out. Plan backfired.
Day 1:
I made some friends today. But I think they are a bunch of yak slappersDay 16:
ET still thinks I am one of them. I ate an omnom ghost to spook them out. Plan backfired.
Ooohhh the dirty savannah talk in that 3rd screenshot hahaha
Day 1:
I made some friends today. But I think they are a bunch of yak slappersDay 16:
ET still thinks I am one of them. I ate an omnom ghost to spook them out. Plan backfired.
Ooohhh the dirty savannah talk in that 3rd screenshot hahaha
Rofl i didnt even see that ;p
I don’t totally understand why everyone is not happy about being in T8 right now. From what I have seen you just got AGG,FOE and if rumors are true VOTF. FC is getting vastly better at open field/meta. So really, I mean, those guilds are really good. When we move back to T2 we won’t even get to see the likes of those there. AGG/FoE are classy guilds from my experience as well which makes the fights all the more enjoyable if you ask me.
You got a couple weeks of awsome fights ahead of you.
Founder of [SIC] and Commander.
I don’t totally understand why everyone is not happy about being in T8 right now. From what I have seen you just got AGG,FOE and if rumors are true VOTF. FC is getting vastly better at open field/meta. So really, I mean, those guilds are really good. When we move back to T2 we won’t even get to see the likes of those there. AGG/FoE are classy guilds from my experience as well which makes the fights all the more enjoyable if you ask me.
You got a couple weeks of awsome fights ahead of you.
Mainly because these fights are few and far between, and there are many maps and many players that never encounter them. As great as the guilds may be, they can’t compensate for a server population disparity.
That being said, recently there has been much more to do than there was the previous weeks, and that much is appreciated.
edit: For us as Sorrow’s Furnace, it’s hard to encourage an improvement in server tactics when it’s not neccesary because you’re already winning by a large majority.
Sorrow’s Furnace – Commander/Officer
Kabal of the Righteous [Seed]
I don’t totally understand why everyone is not happy about being in T8 right now. From what I have seen you just got AGG,FOE and if rumors are true VOTF. FC is getting vastly better at open field/meta. So really, I mean, those guilds are really good. When we move back to T2 we won’t even get to see the likes of those there. AGG/FoE are classy guilds from my experience as well which makes the fights all the more enjoyable if you ask me.
You got a couple weeks of awsome fights ahead of you.
Mainly because these fights are few and far between, and there are many maps and many players that never encounter them. As great as the guilds may be, they can’t compensate for a server population disparity.
That being said, recently there has been much more to do than there was the previous weeks, and that much is appreciated.
edit: For us as Sorrow’s Furnace, it’s hard to encourage an improvement in server tactics when it’s not neccesary because you’re already winning by a large majority.
I’d say thats the perfect time to practice if you ask me.
Founder of [SIC] and Commander.
I don’t think you understood the point. There is no incentive for the masses to go out of their way to improve. Yes, ideally it would be the perfect time. But when the masses drop siege and PvDoor because there is no resistance before you can work on a ‘new strat or tactic’ it rather invalidates it, doesn’t it?
The ‘path of least resistance’ is not exclusive to Sorrow’s Furnace.
Sorrow’s Furnace – Commander/Officer
Kabal of the Righteous [Seed]
Hail to Pew Pew FC Commander!!!
Thats the one who flipped all ET bl, and all the SF bl except for that full upgraded nw tower last night :S
And then let our bl get flipped too ><
I don’t totally understand why everyone is not happy about being in T8 right now. From what I have seen you just got AGG,FOE and if rumors are true VOTF. FC is getting vastly better at open field/meta. So really, I mean, those guilds are really good. When we move back to T2 we won’t even get to see the likes of those there. AGG/FoE are classy guilds from my experience as well which makes the fights all the more enjoyable if you ask me.
You got a couple weeks of awsome fights ahead of you.
The transfers have been the best thing to happen to T8 in a while imo. There are people to fight everywhere, awesome battles, and finally get to really use defensive siege again. Could really do without the lag when it gets too zergy in certain maps. For the people that says SF has no skill that’s a joke though…we haven’t had any competition in nine weeks so for people to come from T1 or T2 and say that is kind of silly, since you guys have had crazy battles all the time.
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace
trust me VotF are NOT coming here lol. I may be friends with them, but they are exactly where they want to be and we are not interested in “stacking” a server or even looking at the scoreboard or coverage. We came here to get away from the 80-100 man blob zergballs in tier 1 not go back to it, just good clean fights at mid-pop range (10-50). If we climb a couple tiers eventually thats fine with us, but we really dont want to hit the higher tiers again for the zergfest reason.
10x Tier 1 Champions
Everybody knows we at VK have just been visitors to this tier. So what I’m about to say comes from somebody with no dog in this fight at all. I’m done for the night here and will be back on FA tomorrow.
SF, you’re kidding yourself if you think it isn’t your numbers making the difference. We’ve been able to hold your towers or anything else we want until you’ve been able to outnumber us by a minimum of a 2 people AND until we get bored and start charging in all willy nilly. You guys REALLY don’t want to be moving up tiers to servers with numbers anywhere near your equal because quite frankly your tactics are terrible and you’re just plain not good fighters.
Believe me, don’t believe me, whatever you like. Just my honest observation.
[VK] Commander
Nice ET.
In FC bl we retaked an unupgraded ne tower and we gave u a T3 wall se tower D:
Everybody knows we at VK have just been visitors to this tier. So what I’m about to say comes from somebody with no dog in this fight at all. I’m done for the night here and will be back on FA tomorrow.
SF, you’re kidding yourself if you think it isn’t your numbers making the difference. We’ve been able to hold your towers or anything else we want until you’ve been able to outnumber us by a minimum of a 2 people AND until we get bored and start charging in all willy nilly. You guys REALLY don’t want to be moving up tiers to servers with numbers anywhere near your equal because quite frankly your tactics are terrible and you’re just plain not good fighters.
Believe me, don’t believe me, whatever you like. Just my honest observation.
Yeah yeah, I cannot wait until you guys leave. Say hello to Primodrial Dragons for me, I was with them. On behalf of me, Toodles
LOL..umm we have some of DRGN main commanders in VK…on this server right now. You should have said hello.
Founder of [SIC] and Commander.
Well in that case, tell them to get back to SF pls <3
Something i wanted to ask but totally forgot. On our, i think, 3rd day on ET we went to defend Briar. Upon arriving we found a bunch of FC on the wall around the side in the hidey hole. They had built 3 rams for the wall. Why? lol
10x Tier 1 Champions
Our final night as a guild in T8. Some of us will be here until friday morning, but lots will start the transfer process tonight. Thanks. Its been fun.
Good luck to AGG/FoE with building ET.
Ofcoarse good luck to FC. We will be cheering for you.
Founder of [SIC] and Commander.
Goodbye VK. GL to u as well.
Elementalist/Mesmer of Eredon Terrace
It’s been very educational with you [VK] here and we have learned much thanks for giving us the opportunity to learn.
Biggest Problem is (no offence, I’m glad you came. It’s not directed at you) VK came down for a week but Agg and maybe FOE are here to stay . We will do our best to put FC in the running but we really we haven’t had any real permanent guild transfer’s have we :\ . I have seen a drastic improvement in our FC skill and communication but is it enough to offset the 5v1 outnumbering from sf and now close to 3-3.5v1 from ET and a couple Ex T1 guilds?
EDIT: this is not a stab at the number’s. I’m just stating that ET benefited from this “free transfer” thing much more than we did when it comes to permanent transfers
Bloody Swagmen[BS], Fergs Night Crew.
Senior Member, Commander Tag.
(edited by XxNuggetxX.7823)
Everybody knows we at VK have just been visitors to this tier. So what I’m about to say comes from somebody with no dog in this fight at all. I’m done for the night here and will be back on FA tomorrow.
SF, you’re kidding yourself if you think it isn’t your numbers making the difference. We’ve been able to hold your towers or anything else we want until you’ve been able to outnumber us by a minimum of a 2 people AND until we get bored and start charging in all willy nilly. You guys REALLY don’t want to be moving up tiers to servers with numbers anywhere near your equal because quite frankly your tactics are terrible and you’re just plain not good fighters.
Believe me, don’t believe me, whatever you like. Just my honest observation.
Well since SF hasn’t had a worthy opponent in over 2.5 months don’t think any one here will take anything you say seriously. Seeing Agg’s tactics and skill I really find it hard to believe that VK came from a top tier server, but then again maybe coming down here was supposed to be a ego boost for you guys. Not to sure why any one from a T2 server would come and vacation on T8 for a week but it was nice of you guys to take 30+ free transfers from the lowest populated server for whatever the reason (sure they will be thanking you at the end of this upcoming week)
Glad that Agg is staying for the long run, good to have decent armies to fight.
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace
Did SF empty all BLs to take back Lake in ET bl? Srsly, how many people did you have?
Also had a blast defending our north tower from the mighty zerg as well, at least we held you off there.
My fun laughs at your server pride.
(edited by Feed Me Change.6528)