Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


Fix this arenanet and fix it fast or the game will go to the toilet soon.

Im going to play another thing its pointless to join wvwvw with this …
Call me when its fixed, cyas

(edited by kefro.9312)

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Kuroin.1703


VS simply don’t want to have a change in this, I don’t know why but everyone can stop arguing already and just simply wait for anet to fix this as it will kill WVW sooner or later really.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: elvy.9085


Look there is something I dont understand, you are up to take this screenshot and whine here.

So why dont you go defend your realm rather? Dont tell it is because you sleep, it is obviously not true.

So instead of asking Anet to fix it, maybe you could try to fix it yourself. Take a shot of server population too right now. See, you arent alone. So gather all the whiners from FS on this forum, together you can make a group, even a squad imo.

As for you Kirn, we called what you did nightcapping, cause your mates say that is what we do in chain.

Personally I dont care, I think you played well all the week-end, and it was fun but being talked down non-stop on this forum by people claiming they are the best but hiding on forum instead of going WvW is getting boring, and lying about facts ,so we give them their own medecine

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Mine Laces.7108

Mine Laces.7108

Look there is something I dont understand, you are up to take this screenshot and whine here.

So why dont you go defend your realm rather? Dont tell it is because you sleep, it is obviously not true.

So instead of asking Anet to fix it, maybe you could try to fix it yourself. Take a shot of server population too right now. See, you arent alone. So gather all the whiners from FS on this forum, together you can make a group, even a squad imo.

As for you Kirn, we called what you did nightcapping, cause your mates say that is what we do in chain.

Personally I dont care, I think you played well all the week-end, and it was fun but being talked down non-stop on this forum by people claiming they are the best but hiding on forum instead of going WvW is getting boring, and lying about facts ,so we give them their own medecine

Ofc mate we do not sleep . Who is so crazy to sleep at 4 am ? We should all quit our jobs and start fighting vs empty keeps doors to show our skills .
Try to make sense please.
Anyway i do not agree with people saying FS is better then VS .
Sure you guys are great in WvW , just the gap between servers done with your night pveing is not showing the truth ( IMO ), and since i’d like to play an RvR game that shows tactic skills can i possible do not like this system that allows you to pve my doors during night time ?
Not blaming you guys , blaming the system .

“Smashing doors at 5am … fun fun fun fun fun” Rebecca Black

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Kirn.3129


You do realize, that people, in addition to sleeping, also have to sit at work where they can’t play? Or is it just sleep or play for you? Actually, it is exactly why many people are active on forum – because they can’t play at the moment. When they can – they, naturally, do not post. Well, at least that’s what applies to me and I expect it to be so for others.

Also, don’t try to act like you are making things right. You respond to people whining by whining yourself in the same manner? How does that help anyone or makes your server better? VS population can whine just as good as FS population, that is already proven. You can do that even better, cause people from VS made up some really wild and crazy theories about the times when you lost.

Talk about things that are real, don’t try to diminish your opponent and don’t call people names just for the sake of name-calling. Otherwise you are just as bad for your server as the people from FS who only whine are bad for us.

Kirn Blackdrake – GreenFire – Disorder League

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


So we should stop playing at night because you can’t play.

I will never happen. The game is designed to be a 24/7 war for 1 week atm and soon for 2 so deal with it or let your WvWvW slots to players who really want to play the game. But stop QQ.

They will never close the warfronts on nightime because you whine as loud as you can. Even if they reduce or erase the scoring system, it still will be possible to cap and upgrade everything everywhere and you will come back to QQ again because it would be untakable on daytime.

GW2 is apparently not for your kind of players. Fortunatelly for you, the carebears are coming out very soon.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Muan.1029


Hmmmm.. love the smell of rage in the morning. What a best reward than reading these forums after a complete night of door breaking and npc r.aping with my 499 guildmates?
Greetings from Chicoutimi.

Muan — Janitor of [CaSu]
Vizunah Square

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Esaam.9042


One thing is for sure : the server that manage to get its keeps upgraded to 3 will have a huge advantage when “prime time” comes. Sadly, when it comes to night capping, even if Arenanet were to publish population numbers along with timezones percentage for each server, this will not end the trolling I have seen since 3 weeks. This is why we can’t have nice things.

Esaam: Moringólemo of Fëar Morniëo – Grand Cross Alliance – Vizunah square

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Seeing the sea, not a river, you cried since some weeks, only trolls can make you react. We all have seen mature discussion was impossible. Even if we try as hard as we can to explain facts you’re (I mean all QQers) still whining about same things once and again (night cappers, canadians polemic…), day after day, week after week. You all will only be happy the day when A.net will close WvWvW during night time GMT or make it totally useless to play on, something that’ll never happen.

So, what can we say but trolls to blinders? Prove you can understand each side and we wil be able to have a mature discussion like you ask.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: NoeNoe.6832


Im from fs i dont mind the nightplay all that much its part of the system/strategy its also why i think its 3 servers instead of 1v1. I suggest we team up with deso vs the french during the day so we can both gain alot of points, but we keep atacking eachother while the french server are in the lead with points. In the 1 day rotation we had a few times where we both fs and deso atack french in the eternalbg and all they had left during day was 1keep 1 tower.

For the nighttime battles we can only hope to get a some nighttime guild going or ppl from other timezones to transfer to our server i hope the same happens to deso
i think the big point diffence is rather boring it would be alot more fun if it was a closer match.

also this being the top tier for eu french will stay nr1 and cant move up fs will get second and stay in the bracket deso get to play vs otherservers.
i rather have deso get second sometimes so we can fight some other servers.

i played on fs since beta and i like the server. but maby ill transfer its kinda boring if this keeps going on. ill give it a few weeks and see how things turn out.
Im sure anet will improve alot on feedback and the gw2 community itsself also has some responsibility to get things balanced.
if we want some fun/challenging wvw it needs to come from both sides.

“Don’t use such strong words, it only makes you look weak "

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Mine Laces.7108

Mine Laces.7108

Seeing the sea, not a river, you cried since some weeks, only trolls can make you react. We all have seen mature discussion was impossible. Even if we try as hard as we can to explain facts you’re (I mean all QQers) still whining about same things once and again (night cappers, canadians polemic…), day after day, week after week. You all will only be happy the day when A.net will close WvWvW during night time GMT or make it totally useless to play on, something that’ll never happen.

So, what can we say but trolls to blinders? Prove you can understand each side and we wil be able to have a mature discussion like you ask.

Like i haven’t tried to have a discussion with you guys .
Ask evene ( if i remember the name correctly ).
I’m just pointing out what , in my eyes, is a game breaking problem ( never said one single word about canadians , i do believe in you when you say you are all frenchs)
You don’t agree with me , i am cool with this , but try to explain me why without fooling yourself talking about skills or WvW superior tactics .
Also i do not care if you have canadians or not , is not the problem for me , the problem is night capping giving HUGE advantage and unbalancing the game .
If this is intended as Anet said , i’d just stick on sPvP since it is the game mode i like more .

“Smashing doors at 5am … fun fun fun fun fun” Rebecca Black

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Tellerion.8102


I would say it’s pretty narrow-minded of some of you guys that don’t realize there’s two sides of this discussion, and my opinion is that both have their pro/cons.

I could honestly see why they shouldn’t limit WvWvW availability, as there are those who only have the opportunity to play at “night”, should they not be allowed to play the game like the rest of us just because they work a different shift than you/us? If they were to limit WvWvW, wouldn’t they then have to limit it from 06:00-16:00 as well, because that’s when I’m at work … I also understand the Canadians etc. who wants to play with their French friends. Excuse me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t FS have the highest pop. in EU? Is that fair towards the other servers that has less, and isn’t able to fill all the borderlands during the day?

On the other side though, I think that this issue defiantly has to be addressed. Why? Because capping everything with little to no resistance, because the opposition is sleeping/minding real life business, shouldn’t be right, especially considering you gain 2x/3x of the points of what the “we” did fighting just NPCS. On top of that when your able to upgrade everything with no resistance you gain a huge advantage that will affect the gameplay during the day as well.

I know this “night-capping” can be seen on as a valid tactic, but my point and opinion is that you shouldn’t be able to gain 2x/3x of what the opposition made having to PvP, only fighting a bunch of NPC’S. I thought the whole point of this was to actually reward PvP’ing, but guess I was wrong…


(edited by Tellerion.8102)

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: stealthmonkey.1563


You don’t agree with me , i am cool with this , but try to explain me why without fooling yourself talking about skills or WvW superior tactics .
Also i do not care if you have canadians or not , is not the problem for me , the problem is night capping giving HUGE advantage and unbalancing the game .
If this is intended as Anet said , i’d just stick on sPvP since it is the game mode i like more .

It’s not about superior skill or superior tactics, it’s about superior servers. I do feel for you guys on us dominated servers, however the problem will work itself out. Anet has implemented a system where higher ranked servers fight higher ranked servers, so once you’re down with the group that can’t mount a 24/7 fight you’ll see less and less night capping. Unfortunately, it’s early days for you yet.

Perhaps playing spvp until the balance is resolved would be a good idea- less frustrating definitely

I know this “night-capping” can be seen on as a valid tactic, but my point and opinion is that you shouldn’t be able to gain 2x/3x of what the opposition made having to PvP, only fighting a bunch of NPC’S. I thought the whole point of this was to actually reward PvP’ing, but guess I was wrong…

Easy to counteract this tactic- prevent them from attacking only npc’s. The argument “you guys should stop the war while we should get some sleep” hasn’t really worked for the last thousand years. If you want to win a battle, abandoning it half way through isn’t the best way

(edited by stealthmonkey.1563)

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


First, none sensed person talked about skill by night capping. If some did, they are trolls or unbrained.
Second, the system seems to be broken for your server and all servers who can’t fill battlefields during nightime. One of the solutions could be, that’s one of the rare smart things Phara could say (jk huh), that A.net makes matches worldwide. I guess that is the solution who is expected in the long term. So we must be patient, keep training on daytime or doing spvp until then.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Mine Laces.7108

Mine Laces.7108

Somnium showed yesterday evening how lame those french are, we had organised groups on shiverpeaks borderlands and facerolled the baguettes until people went to bed at around 2am CET, because they have a life. Then the french started taking everything. Not a fan of limiting wvw, but it´s kinda game breaking if you face cowards that cap all your keeps etc without or with almost noone defending.

You see Mescaline what I’m talking about. Be sure we have the same kind of person on our side.

Do you think we can have mature discussion with that?

Just ignore ‘em , i’ll try to do the same .

“Smashing doors at 5am … fun fun fun fun fun” Rebecca Black

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Kitsune.4280


The game is designed to be a 24/7 war

As for me, I’m not definitely sure about this statement, so I’m asking somebody from ANet team to approve it. If this statement is correct and there will be no restrictions for 24/7 war FS will stop whining and start to resolve our problem immediately.
Seeing totally green WvW pie each morning is really disgusting and I’m sick and tired of this situation.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Mine Laces.7108

Mine Laces.7108

Anet already stated that the world is 24/7 .
War without opponents , every single warmonger country dream .

“Smashing doors at 5am … fun fun fun fun fun” Rebecca Black

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: ZeFeKa.4578


My point :

- FS with Nug & allies bus are the best
- FS without Nug & allies bus are pretty bad
- Deso are pretty bad almost all the time (didn’t know why they are third…)
- VS are average & had the “chance” to play with +2/3 hours timezone than their biggest ennemy… the russian Nugs, just enough to recap after they go to bed & go to bed theymself. (no need for canadian or something else)

My 2 cents.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


If you check other EU matches results, you can see there are or start to have other servers with night players. Let the time makes the long-matches server ranking. 24h matches were there just to make a sort of start up of the ranking system and certainly some servers are not on their real rank for the 2-weeks matches ladder.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: elvy.9085


You know all that is because in their head they are the best server, and it can be otherwise. No need to argue with delusionnal guys.

So I suggest to fix it once for all, Anet should credit Fs with 1.000.000 points at every reset, so they are always first and stop spam forum.

Then we can focus on having fun on WvW and work the the real improvments that can still be made

PS : Gee, I always thought, the frenh players were the whinest, but I just changed my mind, you guys get number1 easy.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Biganorak.2406


The amount of server pride being demonstrated in these threads is admirable, what is less admirable is the whining about “unfair” strategies being used by the server that happens to be top. The rules and regulations on how points are scored and the times of play were known to everyone before the game launched.

Everything VS has done has been within the rules of the game, and they have executed their strategy very effectively. Other servers may be shell-shocked by this, but VS are not doing anything any other server could not do, it is therefore up to those servers to get their act together to do better than VS currently do it. Clearly many leaders on VS have studied Sun Tzu’s Art of War, and therefore fight the battles they know they can win and avoid the battles they know they will lose.

I am embarrassed by players representing FS in these threads: did Zulu warriors armed with pointy sticks and cowhide shields go crying on forums about how unfair it was for the redcoats to have rifles when they only had pointy sticks? No, they fought and died like the brave men they were, but you know what?; they actually beat the men with rifles a few times.

So my plea to players wanting to represent FS on forums, is to give VS credit for what they have achieved, and then knuckle down to find ways to beat them.


It’s only a game.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Mine Laces.7108

Mine Laces.7108

The amount of server pride being demonstrated in these threads is admirable, what is less admirable is the whining about “unfair” strategies being used by the server that happens to be top. The rules and regulations on how points are scored and the times of play were known to everyone before the game launched.

Everything VS has done has been within the rules of the game, and they have executed their strategy very effectively. Other servers may be shell-shocked by this, but VS are not doing anything any other server could not do, it is therefore up to those servers to get their act together to do better than VS currently do it. Clearly many leaders on VS have studied Sun Tzu’s Art of War, and therefore fight the battles they know they can win and avoid the battles they know they will lose.

I am embarrassed by players representing FS in these threads: did Zulu warriors armed with pointy sticks and cowhide shields go crying on forums about how unfair it was for the redcoats to have rifles when they only had pointy sticks? No, they fought and died like the brave men they were, but you know what?; they actually beat the men with rifles a few times.

So my plea to players wanting to represent FS on forums, is to give VS credit for what they have achieved, and then knuckle down to find ways to beat them.


I represent myself not my server .
Not gonna say again my opinion , you can read it through the forum .
I guess having different opinions on game balance is something that you can’t discuss on the game’s forum , must remember it next time .

“Smashing doors at 5am … fun fun fun fun fun” Rebecca Black

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: The Dude.6942

The Dude.6942

The amount of server pride being demonstrated in these threads is admirable, what is less admirable is the whining about “unfair” strategies being used by the server that happens to be top. The rules and regulations on how points are scored and the times of play were known to everyone before the game launched.

Everything VS has done has been within the rules of the game, and they have executed their strategy very effectively. Other servers may be shell-shocked by this, but VS are not doing anything any other server could not do, it is therefore up to those servers to get their act together to do better than VS currently do it. Clearly many leaders on VS have studied Sun Tzu’s Art of War, and therefore fight the battles they know they can win and avoid the battles they know they will lose.

I am embarrassed by players representing FS in these threads: did Zulu warriors armed with pointy sticks and cowhide shields go crying on forums about how unfair it was for the redcoats to have rifles when they only had pointy sticks? No, they fought and died like the brave men they were, but you know what?; they actually beat the men with rifles a few times.

So my plea to players wanting to represent FS on forums, is to give VS credit for what they have achieved, and then knuckle down to find ways to beat them.


Great my text got deleted, but I’m too lazy to retype it. :p

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Sird.4536


Could not be asked to read every post in this thread but thought I would this.

VS I hope you understand these people posting complaining about your hebrew speaking 500 man frenc canadian guild are pugs. It is a shame we lose everything over night but I am more concerned about the fights during the day which have been alot of fun. I think the FS pugs are annoyed because we are only matched up against VS. Deso and Riverside keep switching places for third, meaning they win the second tier matchups while we keep finishing second.

Anyhow FS proved we can compete, but its a shame VS never sleep lol.

RP enthusiast

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: username.4932


At least im going to stop playing cause wvwvw its broken and FarShiverpeaks just prove that by winning the weekend and losing cause of the 710 [FR] score in non weekend night.
Sorry for the bad inglish

You are taking the right decision, WvW is not for crying babies.

I feel sad for the real WvW Far Shiverpeaks players and guilds who offered great challenge and fight this week end. I honestly hope for Far Shiverpeaks that all the whiners here will leave WvW for good so that this good WvW server will get a better image.

At least we, at VS server, knows that you have good and challenging WvW guilds, too bad there are so much whiners here destroying what you have done this week end.

(edited by username.4932)

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Soddie.1283


I love how every single day, Far Shiverpeaks cries on and on about how the French are nightcapping, blaming canadians, blaming french more population, ect.

But what they aren’t mentioning is all of their previous match ups against other servers where they did pretty much what the French are doing now. Yeah I agree the French nightcap, but so did we against all the other servers we epicly destroyed. You’re all just crying because basically they;
a) they do it better
b) they are A LOT more organzied than us.
b) they actually defend their supply cams
d) majority actually know when to stop pushing and defend (build up ect)

We are ultimately relying on simply zerging everything, then at nighttime when obviously their more ‘skilled’ core (maybe for the intent of people sleeping, i duno. but either way it’s completely fair, see ‘art of war’ for reasons why)

Stop crying, accept the fact the majority of us play like the risen and start listening to the commanders, join a proper PvP guild and HELP FSP by joining TS servers, forum posts, ect. Register on the FSP forums – join an alliance, help, co-operate with people!

Just my 2 cents.

-Disko Laoise

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: elvy.9085


Actually yeah , I feel sorry for the real WvW players from FS.

It is true we have nice fights, but your night players keep complaining they cant get anything up cause people do puzzle jumping or whine. It is too badn cause I am sure it could be more balanced or even win if they tried.

Can only imagine the epic chat you must have on FS sometime, when I see this forum though.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: elvy.9085


Sadly soddie, the ones whining here, will choose to ignore your post as well, and act as if it never existed.

Just as they ignore orders from commander probably in WvW

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Battousai.7586


I love how every single day, Far Shiverpeaks cries on and on about how the French are nightcapping, blaming canadians, blaming french more population, ect.

But what they aren’t mentioning is all of their previous match ups against other servers where they did pretty much what the French are doing now. Yeah I agree the French nightcap, but so did we against all the other servers we epicly destroyed. You’re all just crying because basically they;
a) they do it better
b) they are A LOT more organzied than us.
b) they actually defend their supply cams
d) majority actually know when to stop pushing and defend (build up ect)

We are ultimately relying on simply zerging everything, then at nighttime when obviously their more ‘skilled’ core (maybe for the intent of people sleeping, i duno. but either way it’s completely fair, see ‘art of war’ for reasons why)

Stop crying, accept the fact the majority of us play like the risen and start listening to the commanders, join a proper PvP guild and HELP FSP by joining TS servers, forum posts, ect. Register on the FSP forums – join an alliance, help, co-operate with people!

Just my 2 cents.

-Disko Laoise

you guys rely on your night players to make any impact, you saw clearly what happens on the weekend when real life obligations can be halted, then comes the week and all the efforts are nullified, our overpowering lead turned to owning no points at all, …. but all is fair in love and war i suppose.

(edited by Battousai.7586)

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Or as they will up a ninja carebear in Wonderful of Warland.

Yay battousai? You got the right name for.

(edited by Kingface.9781)

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: elvy.9085


Lol, as expected battosai you didn’teven realize he was from your server. That really says something about you once again.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: elvy.9085


And yeah we saw what happened, you did same friday night, we were ahead, and you capped during night cause your big guilds could stay, and ours couldn’t be as numerous.

Did you see a single post of whine here? Nope we fought back the week-end, and suceeded reducing a bit the advantage you have. I think that is the difference.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: vic.7065


I don’t think there is much to discuss here. Fact is Vizunah Square has a lot of dedicated PvP players that are active during the night while the other servers do not. This results in unbalanced WvW during the week while it’s balanced during the the weekends.

Anet has already mentioned their stance on WvW imbalance and long queues: Transfer to another server.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Lorithias.2873


I love the way where ppl talk about balanced game only when they win.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Charlouf.1985


Smelling like some rage and a lot of hidden whines in this troll.

cause they still dont understand a simple thing :
“guys who can’t defend their objectives, dont deserve to win”

and thanks to CaSu guild to help us in this way !

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Bart.5023


well it is crazy that u guys cant see that this is ruining the wvw… Why should i even play or spend golds in there when the fr just take everything at night? The fights in the weekend were amazing and balanced, but i no longer wanna play at night in the weekdays cause i dont rly think it is funny to play 5 to 1.

XS Bart
Seafarer’s Rest

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: elvy.9085


Dont taunt desolation, they are going to come and explain they can hold their fort when we teamed with FS to get it.

I dont know when they found that secret, on top of canadians, we teamed with FS…Yet we made lot of effort to hide it on forum.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Mine Laces.7108

Mine Laces.7108

I don’t think there is much to discuss here. Fact is Vizunah Square has a lot of dedicated PvP players that are active during the night while the other servers do not.

The meaning of the PvP word canged from player versus player in player versus door ?
Why nobody said that to me before?

Not gonna say they are not pvp rvr wvw oriented , as i already said i think they are the most organized server and would win also without night capping .
Anyway since looking for balanced fights is whining according to you guys i quit the conversation .
Have fun .

“Smashing doors at 5am … fun fun fun fun fun” Rebecca Black

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Essa.5826


I agree its frustrating seeing the points drop every night, but its part of the game currently, namecalling and trashing here wont change anything (especialy as you cant see the name of the guy youre killing, thus no satesfaction knowing you stomped your forum nemesis).

Give it a few weeks and things will even out. Lots of players will drop out due to WoW and other reasons. After that we will see a more realistic view of the server rating.
The VS players might have stopt playing during off-hours, FS playersbase might have dropped and finding us ranked #10 with Fissure of Woe as #1, noone knows.

So, stock up on RL supplies (beer/whiskey) for the weekend and lets have a nice fight when the 3 servers will be represented 24/7 and take the battle to the battlefield instead of the forum.


Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: elvy.9085


Actually I agree, we should see the name in game, to focus the forum ennemies :p

Would be so much more fun

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: albi.9518


I don’t think there is much to discuss here. Fact is Vizunah Square has a lot of dedicated PvP players that are active during the night while the other servers do not.

The meaning of the PvP word canged from player versus player in player versus door ?
Why nobody said that to me before?

Not gonna say they are not pvp rvr wvw oriented , as i already said i think they are the most organized server and would win also without night capping .
Anyway since looking for balanced fights is whining according to you guys i quit the conversation .
Have fun .

It’s not PvP, it’s WvW.
When the objectives are to take fortresses, yes, at some point you will attack a door.
If there isn’t any player to defend it, live with it and don’t come whining.

FS and Deso have as many night players as VS, it’s just that VS nightplayers are part of an alliance with leads on vocal while it seems than FS and Deso just have random players doing puzzle jumps.

If you want to prevent the nightcaping, just organize your nightplayers, eventually make an alliance with Deso to even TAKE something.

Last Friday, when we played with a group of 5 CPC versus the Nugos bus, we still were able to take a lot of supplies, kill doliaks and destroy some fortifications to empty the stock of provisions. We were 5 from the guild with a leader on vocal and maybe 1 or 2 pickups following us.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Mine Laces.7108

Mine Laces.7108

I don’t think there is much to discuss here. Fact is Vizunah Square has a lot of dedicated PvP players that are active during the night while the other servers do not.

The meaning of the PvP word canged from player versus player in player versus door ?
Why nobody said that to me before?

Not gonna say they are not pvp rvr wvw oriented , as i already said i think they are the most organized server and would win also without night capping .
Anyway since looking for balanced fights is whining according to you guys i quit the conversation .
Have fun .

It’s not PvP, it’s WvW.
When the objectives are to take fortresses, yes, at some point you will attack a door.
If there isn’t any player to defend it, live with it and don’t come whining.

FS and Deso have as many night players as VS, it’s just that VS nightplayers are part of an alliance with leads on vocal while it seems than FS and Deso just have random players doing puzzle jumps.

If you want to prevent the nightcaping, just organize your nightplayers, eventually make an alliance with Deso to even TAKE something.

Last Friday, when we played with a group of 5 CPC versus the Nugos bus, we still were able to take a lot of supplies, kill doliaks and destroy some fortifications to empty the stock of provisions. We were 5 from the guild with a leader on vocal and maybe 1 or 2 pickups following us.

He used the PvP word , not me , i just quoted his post .
As already said i’m not gonna answer since you guys can’t understand the difference between whining and demanding balance , also looks like the main argument is that we have people doing jumping puzzle instead of wvw at 5am , we are such a bunch of pve carebears .
Once again i quit the conversation , have fun knocking on ’em doors.

“Smashing doors at 5am … fun fun fun fun fun” Rebecca Black

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


So I need to set my clock alarm to 4am to hope not losing our hard works did in prime-time? Do I need to quit my job, my family to hope winning somedays with these current WvWvW system?


Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Uradeus.1762


One more important thing to had to this conversation, as well as I think gives the wrong idea to most FS and artificially creates rages (a.k.a. “the canadian myth”). FYI the biggest reason why FS is winning during the week-end is because most organised guilds of our WvW strucure are actually simply unable to attempt properly WvW . My opinion regarding this mater, that is not really one, is that we (VS) would definitly win as well during the week end, if we were able to be as organised as we are in more quiet timer (during the week, or at night). There is so much “pickups” players in weekend doing even PvE (beurk) in WvW… I anyway recognise the vallue of my enemies, FS definitly made us sweet during week ends. I can’t wait for those waiting line to be sorted out, to prove you guys wrong in battle even in weekends!

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Bahamzero.6783


1. I play all nights on Desolation and also switch to both Vizunah and FS regulary so i know what im talking about.
2. Vizunah has a good night pressence but i know other servers can match it, when we on Deso where steamrolling every1 in the 2nd tier we had a crazy ammount of ppl online on a weekday night.
3. The weekend when FS was in lead they had guilds capping everything on the empty borderlands at around 6am gmt so you guys do the same as will do every other server who gets the chance.
4. Stop the QQ , VS is just the better WvW server atm, there has to be 1 the best and if its not your server work on it instead of looking for excuses
5. WvW future for EU looks very bright with some amazing upcoming servers and their will be really close competion in the top tiers so we should all be happy

(edited by Bahamzero.6783)

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Srs.9715


1. I play all nights on Desolation and also switch to both Vizunah and FS regulary so i know what im talking about.
2. Vizunah has a good night pressence but i know other servers can match it, when we on Deso where steamrolling every1 in the 2nd tier we had a crazy ammount of ppl online on a weekday night.
3. The weekend when FS was in lead they had guilds capping everything on the empty borderlands at around 6am gmt so you guys do the same as will do every other server who gets the chance.
4. Stop the QQ , VZ is just the better WvW server atm, there has to be 1 the best and if its not your server work on it instead of looking for excuses

Oh my god, are you crazy dude ? you’ll be burn by FS players.
Are you telling us that they are looking excuses ? You’ll be crush !

Les Lapins de Lumière [RaB] – www.loots.fr
Vizunah Square [Fr]

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: albi.9518


He used the PvP word , not me , i just quoted his post .
As already said i’m not gonna answer since you guys can’t understand the difference between whining and demanding balance , also looks like the main argument is that we have people doing jumping puzzle instead of wvw at 5am , we are such a bunch of pve carebears .
Once again i quit the conversation , have fun knocking on ’em doors.

I would really approve some balance (like reducing the number of points everyone gets when the outnumbered buff is active for example) but the fact is, right now, you guys are whining because VS manage to have organized teams during the night to keep putting pressure on you.

It’s even not especially no-life players, it’s just an organization of groups with a rotation, like a group for the evening, a group for the night, a group for the morning…It all depends on everyone’s availability and work schedule.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Phara Miu.2816

Phara Miu.2816

Anet needs to set 24/7 servers versus 24/7 servers problem solved.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

I don’t really see anyway around this other than limiting europeans to euro servers and americans to american servers to slim it down some and match them, however…

There can always be people staying up late. This is just one of the things wrong with the world vs world format. I do think there needs to be a manual reset which would help with this issue if you lose everything this way it won’t end up being like that for the whole two weeks if it becomes really hard to gain land…

However, I just think there needs to be other formats.

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Yeah but what would all the little whiners do then? :’(

No more complain means they will be forgotten… That will be a big void in their meaningless existence.

(edited by Kingface.9781)