Feb 1st - BG/TC/FA
I just complemented how hot she looks! Jealous much?
No… (Yes!)
Aww its alryt… if only you had your bunny ears to go with that quaggan and those yellow undies (jeez Anet let our women dye their undies as well), you’d look hotter
Tee See
Score update brought to you by Gary Busey, who’s brought in a super secret psychic pet to lead us on in battle!
Hows it going out there?
Beast mode
Hows it going out there?
Well just look at Gary’s head .. hammered flat. (Or it could be my shoddy pathing skills, I’ll never tell).
Time for another exciting score update with…As the Yak Runs!
Peta kneels before the altar of Bloody Beard for his customary prayer. This daily ritual has always given him a sense of calm, but today he finds his inner peace being continually interrupted by flashbacks to the night before.
Peta’s eyebrow twitches as the sound of his fist smashing into his rival’s stricken face replays in his mind. He remembers the spray of blood from Tryce’s busted lip and the crunch of bones as his rival’s jaw twisted sideways. Despite himself, a crooked little smile crawls across his lips. Through all the innumerable battles that Peta has fought, he’s rarely landed a blow that gave him half as much satisfaction as punching that vain, arrogant kitten in the face.
Peta shakes his head and the feeling passes. His lips return to their usual straight, emotionless line. He stares up once again into the eyes of the doleful Bloody Beard and begins his prayer again in earnest, but instead of beseeching the god of yaks for the safety of his herd, he asks Bloody Beard to send more [LW] to his camps. After all, nothing pleases the great battle yak more than an offering of lootbags.
Team Dolyak [KH]
(edited by appledainty.8127)
That Yak must’ve been carrying quite the package
Primal Emperor of Imperial Coalition
Excellent. Most excellent.
KH ~ Team Dolyak ~ Vigil Honor Squad
Ellehnia’s Left Hand Man (After Peta C)
Time for another exciting score update with…As the Yak Runs!
Peta kneels before the altar of Bloody Beard for his customary prayer. This daily ritual has always given him a sense of calm, but today he finds his inner peace being continually interrupted by flashbacks to the night before.
Peta’s eyebrow twitches as the sound of his fist smashing into his rival’s stricken face replays in his mind. He remembers the spray of blood from Tryce’s busted lip and the crunch of bones as his rival’s jaw twisted sideways. Despite himself, a crooked little smile crawls across his lips. Through all the innumerable battles that Peta has fought, he’s rarely landed a blow that gave him half as much satisfaction as punching that vain, arrogant kitten in the face.
Peta shakes his head and the feeling passes. His lips return to their usual straight, emotionless line. He stares up once again into the eyes of the doleful Bloody Beard and begins his prayer again in earnest, but instead of beseeching the god of yaks for the safety of his herd, he asks Bloody Beard to send more [LW] to his camps. After all, nothing pleases the great battle yak more than an offering of lootbags.
Whereabouts does one find that ominous yak’s head?
Whereabouts does one find that ominous yak’s head?
Second floor of the mansion in Rurikton in Divinity’s Reach.
Team Dolyak [KH]
OK, gotta give some kudos to the bunker ele from TC, guild tag PRO, around 1:00 am EST! We ran around the entire map, using everything we could to try and stop and kill you. It got to the point where we were like “No, now its a matter of pride” lmao. Warriors were using all the imobilize/cripples. Mesmer was using pulls, I (ele) was using chills, criples, and wind (can not remember the name of it), lol, buy you just kept going at full health. And even then you mist formed off a cliff (we still got the loot). It was quite impressive, would have been more impressive if you had fought a little, but meh. At one point I asked “Where is he taking us?” and my friends responded “I don’t think he even knows where he is, its just survival at this point.” It was fun though, a nice little rabit chase!
Here’s a video with some highlights from this week. Some just amazing fights from all servers. We have been having a blast:
Dark King Brook – DPS Necro
[BT] – Blackgate
Way to not get 7 points guys, slackers. How are we supposed to enjoy an additional 3% gathering bonus now?
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
A score update from a sleepy Charr
Reap The Weak[Reap] – WvW 5-man havok
A score update from a sleepy Charr
Sleepy? He looks quite hyper..lol. Really a funny pic!
Tee See
Today’s my birthday, and the best present I could ask for is ArenaNet releasing the new rating math. It’s because I love you guys.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
The past two days have been interesting! I am pretty sure at one point BG had like 5+ golems built and ready to go in TC BL from like 11pm – 4:00am (server time).
They might still be out there. Maybe it was all in my head? :*(
I had lots of fun tonight TC! When things got ugly we pulled together and that whole experience was just lovely.
Nice try FA trying to take TC vale off us in EBG 3 or 4 times! That was some fun portal bombing we did.
Nice work on TC almost taking BG Garrison, a bit of co-ordination seemed to drag BG commanders in from all maps to stop that dead in its tracks!
Good fights all round.
Co- GM Nocturnal | WvW Oceanic Commander
What happened to the 30+ FA that defended greenbriar in FA BL? After we finally took that it seemed everyone disappeared and got no defense for the rest of the map? No Fun!
Absolutely fantastic work [NOC] and the accompanying allies tonight.
Owned 3/4 of EB (took all TC stuff), all started from a golem rush on TC keep to get our guildy Pinkus his world completion.
Thankyou to FA for some epic fights! That battle at Mendon’s was awesome, we were outnumbered 2-1 but it went on for about 15 minutes. Finally we went down but kitten it was fun!
(edited by Trikki.5803)
Been an enjoyable fight, good job FA and TC!
Now that’s my kind of score update.
Nice set…ummm…I mean siege weapon.
What happened to the 30+ FA that defended greenbriar in FA BL? After we finally took that it seemed everyone disappeared and got no defense for the rest of the map?
No Fun!
They all went to EB to fight us
Took this video 2 days ago. I don’t think Black Gate intened on keeping the keep but cheers.
[TC] Tarnished Coast
Highlights against TC this week.
Highlights against TC this week.
Great video man, who’s that singing?
Purple Dragons – Fort Aspenwood
Been an enjoyable fight, good job FA and TC!
Now that’s my kind of score update.
Nice set…ummm…I mean siege weapon.
Thanks, I get a lot of compliments on my eyes
Been an enjoyable fight, good job FA and TC!
Now that’s my kind of score update.
Nice set…ummm…I mean siege weapon.
Yes, yes, nice (incomplete) siege weapon. >:)
Highlights against TC this week.
Great video man, who’s that singing?
Kari Kimmel http://www.karikimmel.com/
(edited by Cord.5371)
You, Sir.. are my new necro God. Amazing stuff. Next time I hear whining in the necro forum about how we can’t do anything, I’m pasting this video to them.
Great fights.
Public Relations/Inter-Guild Relations Officer
Tarnished Coast
Highlights against TC this week.
Is the #9 skill flesh wurm? How do you usually use that? Do you use it as a escape mechanic or put it in a middle of a zerg and teleport to it for the poison effect?
I’m trying to get used to my necro in WvW. I like running with axe/focus and staff. My utils are well of corruption, well of darkness, and w/e else (usually spectral walk). My elite is flesh golem, but have been contemplating plague.
So ALL of the crap talking about BG and predictions from that other server about how BG would treat TC and how we are such bad guys turned out to be wrong. Anyone else notice that?
Edit: And an update from Badgate!
Beast mode
(edited by pot.6805)
Hey, how come we never see any Charr babes in these updates?
Score update by me! (Like first time ever?)
Good fun TC/FA for today’s SEA prime. Despite im leading small team of Thai today but we’re having fun C U Tomorrow.
Commander of Blackgate
Vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyRsSk4l0T4
Aren’t our server dating now, Pot? You Blackgate boys seems to have swept us TC girls off our feet. Heck, Ellie is in some cross server romance (oh she’s dead :/). We like that your bad guys, but not BAD guys
Public Relations/Inter-Guild Relations Officer
Tarnished Coast
Aren’t our server dating now, Pot?
You Blackgate boys seems to have swept us TC girls off our feet. Heck, Ellie is in some cross server romance (oh she’s dead :/). We like that your bad guys, but not BAD guys
A match made in heaven! Badgate and Terrible Coast. ;D
Beast mode
I had a good bit of fun last night (around the 10pm PST range) in TCBL clashing up with the TC zerg that was running around there most of the night around siege island. I don’t know the last time I’ve seen so many Necros and Mesmers absolutely destroying our rushes at your siege and your group. It was like a Conditions nightmare. We had to say “well, that didn’t go too well” a few too many times for out taste heh. Was good fun though.
Also, to the FA Mesmer in [Echo] that I and another chased out of Bay, I don’t know what I was thinking chasing you so far. I’m absolutely terrible on my Staff Ele in 1v1 situations and I got what I deserved. I blame Captain Morgan who had me feelin pretty good last night.
[KnT] – Blackgate
I’m coming to TC BL, are any of you TCers out there?
Beast mode
Pshhh, I can’t speak for all guilds, but my guild’s teamspeak had a few weeks ago (during free transfers) speculated about picking up major guilds from other servers that we had played, and who we would prefer from them.
The first choice by all members was always Tarnished Coast. If we had to pick, you guys are always so cool on the forums, and always reliable in WvW. Sure you may not have the highest ppt every hour, but you don’t let it get you down and freak out about it, you just show up and play your game and have fun.
Our new Crystal Desert friends certainly have fit in well, and made a huge impact while we were in Tier 1, I’m sure you guys would have as well.
I know you guys would never leave, but it was fun to speculate ha.
Although, maybe between ronin and pot, our servers could combine via marriage? You know, like one kingdom uniting with another?
Pending how Kaineng does against Tier 2 servers, I think TC is solid 5th place overall at this point.
Ronin needs to do a score update sometime IMO.
We don’t freak out about it?!!? You’ve obviously never seen me burst into tears over losing Mendon’s when you took it one afternoon. Hee!
I can’t marry Pot :/ I’ve seen what happens to a girl when she crosses over to the wrong side of the bridge. Poor poor Ellie.
I don’t know how to put pictures on the forums!! :/ YIKES.
Public Relations/Inter-Guild Relations Officer
Tarnished Coast
Ha, poor mendon’s lord. We made him bake cookies and then didn’t let him have any! BWA HA HA HA
Its amazing to me, 15 pages and no prolonged arguments over “you guys are 2v1ing me” or “your only winning because of coverage” or “if you knew how rating worked you would never attack my server, noob”.
We at blackgate, were obviously the problem lol.
Ha, poor mendon’s lord. We made him bake cookies and then didn’t let him have any! BWA HA HA HA
Its amazing to me, 15 pages and no prolonged arguments over “you guys are 2v1ing me” or “your only winning because of coverage” or “if you knew how rating worked you would never attack my server, noob”.
We at blackgate, were obviously the problem lol.
We love you, Blackgate!
Continued from the previous stories seen in threads:
Part 1-2
Part 3
Erk dropped his backpack at Sceptus’ feet, indicating the Norn look through it for something useful to defend himself against the horde of enemies. “Holy Hell. Where did this come from?” Sceptus mused as he pulled a long rifle from the backpack, an evil gleam in his eye. The Charr growled in approval as he flipped his flamethrower to full throttle. Sceptus raised the rifle to aim at the nearest Rallian. The rifle belched smoke as Sceptus pulled the trigger and a Rallian head exploded. The oncoming horde slowed their charge, frowing at what was left of their companion as it flopped to the ground.
“Nice shot, but there are a lot more where that one came from.” Erk said. Sceptus frowned, knowing his friend was correct. There was no way the two engineers would survive the rush. The horde screamed their fury and resumed the charge into the camp. A scream of pure horror and agony echoed amongst them. Sceptus had heard a lot of death screams in his life, but never one quite like this. He focused on the left of the approaching Rallians. A giant flesh golem was tearing through their line, rending and tearing Rallians with each swipe of its hooked claws. The enemy squad stopped in their tracks to deal with the new threat. From the direction the golem had come, two Norns emerged from the treeline. Kendrick, Commander of The Tarnished Coastguard. Thrumdi, The Anchor Knight, and captain of the Guard. Finally, a little behind them a Norn in tribal armor carrying a staff topped with skulls. Vulkus Thay, Necromancer. The flesh golem continued its rampage within the enemy troops. Sceptus lowered his eyes in shame as the creature killed Rallians without remorse. The remaining soldiers fled towards Redbriar Tower.
“Vulkus, call that thing off.” Sceptus heard Kendrick tell the Necromancer as the Flesh Golem continued to rend the dying or dead, as if wallowing in their pain. Pieces of Rallian soldiers littered the ground all around it. The Necromancer’s lip curled in comtempt, but he nooded and approached the creature. Sceptus could hear him speaking in a language no mortal should know. Erk stood at his side, his fangs bared in disgust. Sceptus raised the rifle, prepared to blow the thing’s head right back to hell.
“Stop!” The Necromancer said, his eyes swivelling to the engineer, a look of outrage on his face. “It took me two days to build this construct. You will not destroy it without my permission.” His eyes turned back to the golem as he continued speaking to the evil creature. He frowed when the beast ignored him completely. He stepped forward and raised his staff, uttering another command to the golem. It began to eat the Rallians. Sceptus smiled as he pulled the trigger on the rifle. The shot took the creature in the back of head, jerking it off balance for a moment. It roared and slowly stood to its full height of twelve feet, its glowing red eyes boring into the Norn Engineer. Bits of flesh dropping from the jaws.
“Jooiinnnn Usssss.” It said in a voice from the lowest pits of the Abyss. Vulkus stepped back in shock, his head tilted in confusion. Thrumdi approached the Necromancer slowly as the golem walked toward them, its mouth snapping in hunger.
“What now?” The Anchor Knight asked. Anger was replaced with fear on the Necromancer’s face. Sceptus and Erk arrived at their side.
“I suggest we run.” The Charr Engineer said with a chuckle. Sceptus nodded in agreement, as Kendrick unleashed arrow after arrow into the creature while the Tarnished Coastguard gave ground to the approaching monster.
to be continued
[DIS] and [TTC]
Tarnished Coast
@Ronin – Click “more posting & formatting options” and at the bottom, there will be a choose file button under attachments. Attach your score update there! :o
Ha, poor mendon’s lord. We made him bake cookies and then didn’t let him have any! BWA HA HA HA
Its amazing to me, 15 pages and no prolonged arguments over “you guys are 2v1ing me” or “your only winning because of coverage” or “if you knew how rating worked you would never attack my server, noob”.
We at blackgate, were obviously the problem lol.
Oops, doublepost. Its because this isn’t tier 1.
From what I’ve seen on the forums, TC is the most interesting/least weird RP community I’ve seen from any game. I mean, obviously I can’t say from perspective of playing on the server, but RP moments I’ve witnessed in other MMOs just makes me want to shudder. One word from an MMO I used to play (I don’t RP at all mind you): Goldshire.
(edited by Magiofdeath.2745)
Ha, poor mendon’s lord. We made him bake cookies and then didn’t let him have any! BWA HA HA HA
Its amazing to me, 15 pages and no prolonged arguments over “you guys are 2v1ing me” or “your only winning because of coverage” or “if you knew how rating worked you would never attack my server, noob”.
We at blackgate, were obviously the problem lol.
Oops, doublepost. Its because this isn’t tier 1.
From what I’ve seen on the forums, TC is the most interesting/least weird RP community I’ve seen from any game. I mean, obviously I can’t say from perspective of playing on the server, but RP moments I’ve witnessed in other MMOs just makes me want to shudder. One word from an MMO I used to play (I don’t RP at all mind you): Goldshire.
Nah, Tier 2 had plenty of this last time we were here. lol
well, I can’t get into GW because our internet is being crap right now (low levels, they are coming out to fix it today).. but here’s a picture of my… kitty.
Public Relations/Inter-Guild Relations Officer
Tarnished Coast
Ha, poor mendon’s lord. We made him bake cookies and then didn’t let him have any! BWA HA HA HA
Its amazing to me, 15 pages and no prolonged arguments over “you guys are 2v1ing me” or “your only winning because of coverage” or “if you knew how rating worked you would never attack my server, noob”.
We at blackgate, were obviously the problem lol.
Oops, doublepost. Its because this isn’t tier 1.
From what I’ve seen on the forums, TC is the most interesting/least weird RP community I’ve seen from any game. I mean, obviously I can’t say from perspective of playing on the server, but RP moments I’ve witnessed in other MMOs just makes me want to shudder. One word from an MMO I used to play (I don’t RP at all mind you): Goldshire.
Nah, Tier 2 had plenty of this last time we were here. lol
Ahh ok. Then I attribute it it to that FA (now that I’m on the server) seems like a server that just wants to have a decent time and for the most part does not care about the score too awful much. They don’t seem like the type that cares to get to Tier 1 currently (I could be wrong, but that’s what I’ve observed). TC seems like just a good community period, aside from those few that were camping the EB JP. >_> That was fun though trading shots! Didn’t quite understand why a naked sylvari ranger attacked me at one point though, was kinda weird. BG earned my respect their 2nd week on JQ (when I was still there) because again, a solid community with good people and a fun opponent. There was a funny moment in EB last night at SMC with some BG’ers. My guild and I thought the group we were with was going to attack SMC but they moved on to another objective and yeah, didn’t end well for us.
(edited by Magiofdeath.2745)