[Qrew] Leader
Ive been fighting for this server for over 2years now and its starting to upset me that my server no longer plays to win the match up.. Theres a matchup forum website where guilds argue and scold one another for “PPTtryharding”, so now we have many great guilds who dont give a crap about PPT.. Our pugs try to hold what tick and upgraded keeps they have but cant hold off against the enemy zergs.. Now our top guilds sit outside stonemist or each other’s keeps waiting for the enemies to show up for a fight. They dont care that we’re whispering them for help in our borderlands. I just dont understand why they cant cap points, defend and find fights at the same time.
PPT is neither competitive nor fun. Fights are rarely competitive, but occasionally are and are also fun. The winner is obvious.
PPT score is basically determined by coverage, and most of times there’s 0 things you can do about it.
Fights, in the other hand, can be unpredictable and exciting, no matter how disparity the numbers apparently can be. As Coldtart said, if you play for the fun the choice is obvious.
Good to see somebody sticks around on servers these days instead of bandwagoning.
It sounds like your guilds are (currently) attempting to dive to T5 where matches will likely be closer. If I were you I would save money and ignore investing in structures as they’ll be flipped without any of those guilds batting an eye. Don’t be upset as this will probably be temporary.
Or you can fight upwards against the current and recruit others to join your cause. Just because other guilds don’t want to hold anything doesn’t mean you have to play their way either. It’s easy to stand in a field, it’s hard to hold onto structures, and even harder yet to upgrade them so the burden will be on you.
Everyone will play their own way; you’ll just have to put a lot more effort into yours. Good luck.
Yeah, PPT players have a hard time because other players have an influence on the match-up, while not wanting to help. If it’s of any consolation, when we fight, the enemies we fight can’t cap stuff! Sure, if one server happens to only play PPT…gg. Wait till the next WvW season, when everyone including roamers care for PPT.
Fights are fun. PPT is not fun. I play the game to have fun. I don’t speak for anyone else in that regard but if I did I’d say that other people play the game for fun as well.
PPT is a goal that keeps maps moving and with out some type of “end game” goal in a pvp zones often you will run out of ppl to fight becuse ppl have nothing to work to. You may not like PPT but it keep ppl playing in wvw simply becuse of pride.
(edited by Jski.6180)
points per kill are are always better than points per tick. There needs to be a nice balance between them. Imo guilds also need to see their own points/kill per matchup.
-To be frank with you I would not consider PPT the end game content of GW2.
-The end game content for me is improving as a player in term of battle skills. The way I dodge, the way I land my big hits. The way I predict my oppenent movement, the way I calculate my cooldowns and rotate them.
-Even after 2800 hours total (2400 on WvW and about 100 in PvP… the rest beign PVE), I still find ways to improve. Be it as a solo roamer, a player in a small men roaming party (see here 5 players and below) or in my guild playing for the fights (bags). On a good friday night I often gets 100+ heavy loot bags when raiding with my guild. Those bags are my pride. The tears of the fallens is my happiness.
-This is my personal point of view. Everyone is allowed to theirs.
-Forgot to add something. I sometimes defend/attack a keep (if there are ennemies worth fighting inside the lord room or such). But if I find a fight I enjoy in the open field. I will go for it instead of fighting under siege weapons and playing by the portal of the keep/tower.
-Open field fights > keep fights for me. I prefer using my character skills instead of the skills of an arrow cart.
Ive been fighting for this server for over 2years now and its starting to upset me that my server no longer plays to win the match up.. Theres a matchup forum website where guilds argue and scold one another for “PPTtryharding”, so now we have many great guilds who dont give a crap about PPT.. Our pugs try to hold what tick and upgraded keeps they have but cant hold off against the enemy zergs.. Now our top guilds sit outside stonemist or each other’s keeps waiting for the enemies to show up for a fight. They dont care that we’re whispering them for help in our borderlands. I just dont understand why they cant cap points, defend and find fights at the same time.
I understand how you feel but you have little power over others so concentrate on what is fun and involve satisfaction regarding what YOU do for the team.
Even if fighting is the more fun activity IMO, people scolding you for PPTtryharding are to be ignored. THEY, not you, should GTFO anywhere else. This is a PPT game whether they like it or not.
The whole division of ppt/fights is absurd. ppt is just a scoreboard. use it or dont. I find that fights people are generally far more obsessed with the ppt than any other subgroup of wvw. People who like to take objectives or defend them rarely talk about ppt. Its all my gvg/fite guild friends that are obsessed with ppt. Its always 5 :1 in this gvg. We killed a zerg of 35. etc. Its all a kind of scoreboard. pick your own, but in the end you are all about ppt. Its a score. Hate it or like it, but pls stop talking about it all the time.
-I will speak as a roamer. It is what I do the most afterall.
-Do I flip camps for the score? No. I flip them so ennemies come. If ennemies come and fight me, do I run and flip more camps? No.
-I once had duels for 2 hours with my friends versus other roamers in my borderland. Map chat was asking for help on Bay and it was fully upgraded/sieged. We lost Bay.
Map chat was asking for help on Hills and it was fully upgraded/sieged. We lost Hills.
Map chat was asking for help on Garri and it was fully upgraded/sieged. We lost Garri.
-In the end the guy wrote a wall of text saying thatif the duelers/spectators came to defend those objectives we could of defended it since it was sieged but had no one to use it. We had around 10 spectarors from both server (total of 20) and about 3 different duels taking place each minutes.
If I ever get in the same situation. I would act the same way. This morning will never be forgotten for me.
I can agree that fights are fun, but if PPT didn’t exist, the game mode wouldn’t have any fights and wouldn’t have lasted 90 days. PPT gives soloers, and small group havoc players something to do when the enemy is on a different schedule. If PPT doesn’t exist, the game mode dies, hands down. So discussing the two as if they need to be pitted against each other in the conversation, is totally irrational and poorly thought out, in my opinion.
Guilds who claim to dislike, ignore, or not care about PPT probably should never leave OS to be honest. Because PPT cannot exist without PPT. And lets face it. Some of the best battles in WvW are over the territory, keeps, and castles that PPT revolve around.
-I will speak as a roamer. It is what I do the most afterall.
-Do I flip camps for the score? No. I flip them so ennemies come. If ennemies come and fight me, do I run and flip more camps? No.
-I once had duels for 2 hours with my friends versus other roamers in my borderland. Map chat was asking for help on Bay and it was fully upgraded/sieged. We lost Bay.
Map chat was asking for help on Hills and it was fully upgraded/sieged. We lost Hills.
Map chat was asking for help on Garri and it was fully upgraded/sieged. We lost Garri.-In the end the guy wrote a wall of text saying thatif the duelers/spectators came to defend those objectives we could of defended it since it was sieged but had no one to use it. We had around 10 spectarors from both server (total of 20) and about 3 different duels taking place each minutes.
If I ever get in the same situation. I would act the same way. This morning will never be forgotten for me.
Wow man, that is very poor of you. Your fellow players ask for help where good fights are, and you blow them off entirely. That strikes me as toxic
If you want good single group size fights, go to PvP. You post as if you turn up your nose at the guy who could have kept territory had you aided them. Yet others have complained about problems with commanders. It seems to me as if they become jaded by selfish players who react or participate with them in this way.
-I can agree on that point Coglin Fights need an objective. So indeed I get to earn my server points when I attack something or when I dunk someone
We need this magnet to attract fights.
-But as the OP said. Why do fight oriented players don’t leave their fights in the open to rush and defend what is theirs? It is because PPT is a secondary objective for them (for me atleast). While a PPT oriented player (from what I understood when they are angry because I’m fighting ennemies where there is no objectives) will often give it is all to defend and keep the upgraded structures. Once I get a fight. I don’t need to use the magnet that I call PPT (see here attacking an objective or defending an objective).
-As for the argument about Obsidian Sanctum. I can only tell that I don’t often fight there. The fights in the open are much more fun and diverse. The plays you can do with the line of sight (a good exemple is the small wall near the south sentry in a borderland) makes it so much more entertaining. OS offers no terrain variation. I prefer to take terrain into account when I play and take it to my advantage.
Because PPT cannot exist without PPT.
Well.. I can’t deny it ~.~
-I can agree on that point Coglin
Fights need an objective. So indeed I get to earn my server points when I attack something or when I dunk someone
We need this magnet to attract fights.
-But as the OP said. Why do fight oriented players don’t leave their fights in the open to rush and defend what is theirs? It is because PPT is a secondary objective for them (for me atleast). While a PPT oriented player (from what I understood when they are angry because I’m fighting ennemies where there is no objectives) will often give it is all to defend and keep the upgraded structures. Once I get a fight. I don’t need to use the magnet that I call PPT (see here attacking an objective or defending an objective).
-As for the argument about Obsidian Sanctum. I can only tell that I don’t often fight there. The fights in the open are much more fun and diverse. The plays you can do with the line of sight (a good exemple is the small wall near the south sentry in a borderland) makes it so much more entertaining. OS offers no terrain variation. I prefer to take terrain into account when I play and take it to my advantage.
Why do you not take it to PvP where there is no risk of you taking a spot that a player who wants to participate in the game mode doesn’t get put in queue? Or any of the other adverse effects your play style may cause to others in the population?
-I can agree on that point Coglin
Fights need an objective. So indeed I get to earn my server points when I attack something or when I dunk someone
We need this magnet to attract fights.
-But as the OP said. Why do fight oriented players don’t leave their fights in the open to rush and defend what is theirs? It is because PPT is a secondary objective for them (for me atleast). While a PPT oriented player (from what I understood when they are angry because I’m fighting ennemies where there is no objectives) will often give it is all to defend and keep the upgraded structures. Once I get a fight. I don’t need to use the magnet that I call PPT (see here attacking an objective or defending an objective).
-As for the argument about Obsidian Sanctum. I can only tell that I don’t often fight there. The fights in the open are much more fun and diverse. The plays you can do with the line of sight (a good exemple is the small wall near the south sentry in a borderland) makes it so much more entertaining. OS offers no terrain variation. I prefer to take terrain into account when I play and take it to my advantage.
Why do you not take it to PvP where there is no risk of you taking a spot that a player who wants to participate in the game mode doesn’t get put in queue? Or any of the other adverse effects your play style may cause to others in the population?
Its not the same. Food buffs can have a significant effect on some builds and very little on others. I earned this ascended gear and i want to play with it not some amulet that doesn’t equal it and isnt offered in all stat combinations.
Wow man, that is very poor of you. Your fellow players ask for help where good fights are, and you blow them off entirely. That strikes me as toxic
If you want good single group size fights, go to PvP. You post as if you turn up your nose at the guy who could have kept territory had you aided them. Yet others have complained about problems with commanders. It seems to me as if they become jaded by selfish players who react or participate with them in this way.
Indeed it was sad for him. I told him I am sorry.
-As for the argument about PvP. I tried it. Disliked it. The point of PvP is a cap objective battle. You often run into mor tanky builds and even some wierd build people call -Decap build-. No offense to them. Some may like it, but to my taste… roaming offer more adrenaline as people run builds that are made to kill and not to simply hold a cap while waiting for backup.
-My servermaters seems to like me. I am in no way an aggressive person or offensive person. I did build a good relationships with many players on other servers and my own server. My followers list is also quite big since I sometimes tag up if there is no commander online and simply take towers. Even if they are defended. There is only 1 wall to take down… If there are defenders, I build siege to make the ennemy come to us so we can have some open field fights. The winner usually keep the tower as you may guess ^^
Why do you not take it to PvP where there is no risk of you taking a spot that a player who wants to participate in the game mode doesn’t get put in queue? Or any of the other adverse effects your play style may cause to others in the population?
I don’t need to fear about that problem arising since I am on NSP. We usually don’t queue EB during the week and on weekend we only queue one map (most of the time it is EB). My choice of server was not random. I did chose a low population server because of what I intended to do.
Thanks for your concern.
(edited by Phantom.5389)
-I will speak as a roamer. It is what I do the most afterall.
-Do I flip camps for the score? No. I flip them so ennemies come. If ennemies come and fight me, do I run and flip more camps? No.
-I once had duels for 2 hours with my friends versus other roamers in my borderland. Map chat was asking for help on Bay and it was fully upgraded/sieged. We lost Bay.
Map chat was asking for help on Hills and it was fully upgraded/sieged. We lost Hills.
Map chat was asking for help on Garri and it was fully upgraded/sieged. We lost Garri.-In the end the guy wrote a wall of text saying thatif the duelers/spectators came to defend those objectives we could of defended it since it was sieged but had no one to use it. We had around 10 spectarors from both server (total of 20) and about 3 different duels taking place each minutes.
If I ever get in the same situation. I would act the same way. This morning will never be forgotten for me.
You may well do the same but, frankly, the person deserving any scolding here would be you, not the opposite.
I too roam 90% of the time, I too duel a lot, but it is almost always with PPT in mind that I do it. And when I don’t, it’s because my team can afford me to behave like that. It’s a team game and your team playing sux bad…
Why do you not take it to PvP where there is no risk of you taking a spot that a player who wants to participate in the game mode doesn’t get put in queue? Or any of the other adverse effects your play style may cause to others in the population?
I don’t need to fear about that problem arising since I am on NSP. We usually don’t queue EB during the week and on weekend we only queue one map (most of the time it is EB). My choice of server was not random. I did chose a low population server because of what I intended to do.
Thanks for your concern.
Of coarse you do not fear the problem. You are creating and promoting the problem.
As much as I can appreciate your desire to have fun on a personal level, the fact that you are unwilling to aid your team when called upon, and only in what they consider the most dire of situations, is evidence that you do not care for the game modes purpose. Your behavior in this situation adds to the reason players such as myself, will leave a particularly server. you mentioned your servers population and standings in a negative way, when it is likely your desire to ignore your team entirely , has contributed to it.
-I will speak as a roamer. It is what I do the most afterall.
-Do I flip camps for the score? No. I flip them so ennemies come. If ennemies come and fight me, do I run and flip more camps? No.
-I once had duels for 2 hours with my friends versus other roamers in my borderland. Map chat was asking for help on Bay and it was fully upgraded/sieged. We lost Bay.
Map chat was asking for help on Hills and it was fully upgraded/sieged. We lost Hills.
Map chat was asking for help on Garri and it was fully upgraded/sieged. We lost Garri.-In the end the guy wrote a wall of text saying thatif the duelers/spectators came to defend those objectives we could of defended it since it was sieged but had no one to use it. We had around 10 spectarors from both server (total of 20) and about 3 different duels taking place each minutes.
If I ever get in the same situation. I would act the same way. This morning will never be forgotten for me.
Not to be a jerk, but there is pvp for a reason.
As others have said… PPT is pointless because it only gives a measure of the number of players that fight on the servers. Server with most people or most coverage → guaranteed PPT winner.
People don’t care about things they don’t have an individual impact on. Fights however are the one thing I still play WvW for occasionally. The combat can still be thrilling and it’s a display of your individual skill if you are roaming. Zerging, not gonna talk about that.
Why do you not take it to PvP where there is no risk of you taking a spot that a player who wants to participate in the game mode doesn’t get put in queue? Or any of the other adverse effects your play style may cause to others in the population?
I don’t need to fear about that problem arising since I am on NSP. We usually don’t queue EB during the week and on weekend we only queue one map (most of the time it is EB). My choice of server was not random. I did chose a low population server because of what I intended to do.
Thanks for your concern.
Of coarse you do not fear the problem. You are creating and promoting the problem.
As much as I can appreciate your desire to have fun on a personal level, the fact that you are unwilling to aid your team when called upon, and only in what they consider the most dire of situations, is evidence that you do not care for the game modes purpose. Your behavior in this situation adds to the reason players such as myself, will leave a particularly server. you mentioned your servers population and standings in a negative way, when it is likely your desire to ignore your team entirely , has contributed to it.
Thanks for the constructive critism. Everyone is open to their belief. As for me… my team game is when I play with my friends. PPT is, as I said secondary. I do PPT like everyone once in a while. I just don’t make it my goal.
Maybe I contribute to the problem of my server being low populated. Who knows But as for myself (maybe I really am a selfish person :O ) I don’t mind NSP staying low pop. I like outmanned fights. Here are a few videos featuring some of my friends. This, is what I play Gw2 for.
The point is : wvwvw is a ppt tournament as it is now… So, if you dont care ,pls can you all go to a custom arena , AND FREE the queue for people interested in said “tournament”?… I mean its like i go in a dungeon AND refuse to finish the dungeon cause i dont care.. I bet i will be kicked… But in wvw we poor peeps that care are stucked in 30 min queue cause someone is dueling for 2 hours dont caring about the game mode he choose to play ? Is this the general consensus these days? At least this is only a problem of the high tier server… If no queue are there we will welcome you all folks
ArenaNet : World versus World (also known as WvW) is a Player versus Player game mode where players from three different servers, or worlds, battle in the Mists. It features open-world combat on five large maps with up to several hundreds of players per map. In World versus World, players can besiege structures such as Keeps and Towers with siege weapons, and battle over resources, to win rewards for their world and World Experience for themselves.
-It is not ONLY a PPT battle. Find what you like in WvW and play it.
As others have said… PPT is pointless because it only gives a measure of the number of players that fight on the servers. Server with most people or most coverage -> guaranteed PPT winner.
People don’t care about things they don’t have an individual impact on. Fights however are the one thing I still play WvW for occasionally. The combat can still be thrilling and it’s a display of your individual skill if you are roaming. Zerging, not gonna talk about that.
Not true, all players in the whole world wont help you if they are slacking in spawn or look for fights only. 10 people who PvD will win a matchup if the other 2 servers will only look for fights.
“We want to give players solid reasons to keep their keeps, so you might find that running up to knock on your enemy’s front door with a big group isn’t the most efficient path to victory. In turn, you’ll have plenty of new strategies to discover and important decisions to make when using the landscape to your advantage. We’ll be back to tell you more about how we plan to apply these concepts to World vs. World as a whole, so be on the lookout between now and the launch of Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns.”
We still don’t know what this means. They’ve hinted that they want to make defending more rewarding… but we don’t know if it will be rewarding in regards to ppt score, special benefits (like EotM objectives), new upgrades, or new personal rewards.
Since for how small, there are reward (ticket, AND small bonuses) for winning a wvw match, AND said match can only be won with ppt, the game mode is about to take more ppt than other server, for who play only wvw this are the game mode reward , this is Not an open pvp arena with no purpose, is a open pvp arena with a ppt goal… When they will change that wvw will become (do what you want)….
Example: sPvP , the goal is to reach 500 before other team, Not a deathmatch, so blame in who in a ranked match dont work for that,mmmok? So, why in wvw are people doing all they want AND call tryharder who want to play as the game mode is designed? Sorry to explain like that but is the only reality here….
Thank you guys for the feedback, And awesome vids Phantom!
but again I still dont see why guilds cant help defend and cap points to bring out the fights. It seems everyone wants to be in a Zerg Busting guild now. Which is great, my guild does it too, but if theres a point. I just feel pugs should have the confidence to call in a zerg busting guild to come save the day and you know….zerg bust. But guilds dont wanta fight with siege or structures in the picture.
I don’t need to fear about that problem arising since I am on NSP. We usually don’t queue EB during the week and on weekend we only queue one map (most of the time it is EB). My choice of server was not random. I did chose a low population server because of what I intended to do.
Thanks for your concern.
Of coarse you do not fear the problem. You are creating and promoting the problem.
As much as I can appreciate your desire to have fun on a personal level, the fact that you are unwilling to aid your team when called upon, and only in what they consider the most dire of situations, is evidence that you do not care for the game modes purpose. Your behavior in this situation adds to the reason players such as myself, will leave a particularly server. you mentioned your servers population and standings in a negative way, when it is likely your desire to ignore your team entirely , has contributed to it.
I was almost agreeing with you (for once) until you made this post. That was completely unwarranted and completely wrong. No one should feel ashamed for playing the game they paid for however they want, provided its within the terms of services. You say fights-players shouldn’t ostracize PPT-players, but why are you attempting to shame fights-players in return?
And that load of crap about “intended purpose” or whatever is complete bullkitten. Anet designed WvW to have a scoreboard, but the players design WvW’s end-game.
Since for how small, there are reward (ticket, AND small bonuses) for winning a wvw match, AND said match can only be won with ppt, the game mode is about to take more ppt than other server, for who play only wvw this are the game mode reward , this is Not an open pvp arena with no purpose, is a open pvp arena with a ppt goal… When they will change that wvw will become (do what you want)….
Example: sPvP , the goal is to reach 500 before other team, Not a deathmatch, so blame in who in a ranked match dont work for that,mmmok? So, why in wvw are people doing all they want AND call tryharder who want to play as the game mode is designed? Sorry to explain like that but is the only reality here….
I don’t call people who play PPT ’’tryhard’’. Maybe some people do. Same can be said from PPTer who insults ‘’for the fights players’’. There is just 2 mindset playing in the same game mode. I love Gw2 for its combat mechanics, they are the best.
On a side note. People who go for the fights will occupy another group from attacking your server usually (see here the scenario with me and my friends dueling -> both servers had spectator, both servers were dueling). In that mindset. I just think we lost those keeps to their PPT players while our PPT players failed to stop them.
1 game mode. 2 type of war happening.
-As for PvP. My favorite map is courtyard. Guess why ^^
Thank you guys for the feedback, And awesome vids Phantom!
but again I still dont see why guilds cant help defend and cap points to bring out the fights. It seems everyone wants to be in a Zerg Busting guild now. Which is great, my guild does it too, but if theres a point. I just feel pugs should have the confidence to call in a zerg busting guild to come save the day and you know….zerg bust. But guilds dont wanta fight with siege or structures in the picture.
I know the feel. To be honest sometimes for the fights players join in the fray in a keep/tower. It always depends if they have their hands full at the moment (unless your WvW reality is different on your server).
I often rush in to help my server (mostly because there is a fight ongoing there and I am not currently in a fight). The PPT is secondary to me, but since there is a fight there I will gladly join even if I won’t use siege engines, I leave them to be used by someone who likes it while I do what I’m best at -> going in and fighting in the open.
I believe both kind of players do play together to a certain point. But sometimes there are friction since both kind of players expect something from the other. Sometimes a PPTer will expect a ‘’for the fight’’ group to leave everything they were doing to save a structure and it won’t happen. Sometimes ‘’for the fight’’ players will expect PPTer to leave their tower/keep to help them in the field and it won’t happen.
-You will often hear things like : We only lost it because they were fighting down at south camp instead of garrison!
-We only lost that fight near South East tower because you guys were busy building siege and waiting in that South East tower!
Sorry for the long post. I find this discussion quite pleasing ^^
(edited by Phantom.5389)
One point Phantom makes, which i think is ignored, is that he is fighting against the roamers of the other worlds. Now if he broke off his fights to help the besieged, then it would leave those opposite roamers free to do what they want. By keeping them occupied, i believe he was fulfilling a role in the wvw map.
One point Phantom makes, which i think is ignored, is that he is fighting against the roamers of the other worlds. Now if he broke off his fights to help the besieged, then it would leave those opposite roamers free to do what they want. By keeping them occupied, i believe he was fulfilling a role in the wvw map.
Oh for crying out loud. Yeah, he prevent someone like him who doesn’t give a kitten about PPT to not PPT? Try harder…
What will it be next time? It’s ok to crash your stolen car into someone else’s car because it give employment to doctor, psy, police and mechanics?
If the guy break his fight to help, we have one more to help us and maybe the other side also has one. At worst the situation is the same as before. This is just dumb…
One point Phantom makes, which i think is ignored, is that he is fighting against the roamers of the other worlds. Now if he broke off his fights to help the besieged, then it would leave those opposite roamers free to do what they want. By keeping them occupied, i believe he was fulfilling a role in the wvw map.
During NA prime we have 3 to 4 guilds of about 15-20 ppl who sit in Eb waiting for fights. Theres almost always a Que.. And ik what people will say that its my own fault because im in a upper tier.. but ive been with this server thru its up and downs, it wasnt always like this. So they may be distracting the other team with their pointless fighting but no one is capping points around the battle.
Its not the same. Food buffs can have a significant effect on some builds and very little on others. I earned this ascended gear and i want to play with it not some amulet that doesn’t equal it and isnt offered in all stat combinations.
I read this as “I don’t like an even playing field, I played World of Gearcraft and I want to replicate my superior gear killing undergeared players in GW2”
During NA prime we have 3 to 4 guilds of about 15-20 ppl who sit in Eb waiting for fights. Theres almost always a Que.. And ik what people will say that its my own fault because im in a upper tier.. but ive been with this server thru its up and downs, it wasnt always like this. So they may be distracting the other team with their pointless fighting but no one is capping points around the battle.
Not much you can do to force them. As I said 2 different mindset on a same game mode.
But! Doesn’ mean you can’t do a thing about PPT! Players initiative is the key.
Tag up or ask your friends to follow you. Rally the PPTer and start the machine. If it doesnt work. Try to rally people in your borderland or in an ennemy borderland. WvW is an open environnement where you forge what you want to do. I know there exist a few PPT focused guilds. Maybe you could try to rally the PPTer on your server under a same banner. Don’t give up because the fighters don’t want to PPT. Everyone can be happy if they give the efforts into what they are doing. My best advice is to always be polite even if you don’t agree with the way they are doing things. Don’t blame them for that. Instead use them as a bait and go PPT around them! That would be what I would do if a situation like this happened and I wanted to gain PPT (which I don’t XD).
You just have to be content with people playing how they like. You obviously don’t like being pressured to give up the PPT battle, trying to pressure people who don’t like PPT to play that way is no better.
Im in a PPT guild.. We run for 3 hours a night. After that we have one more guild that plays for PPT.. everyone else is just… there. What im saying is that there is fights in PPT lots of them. but its frowned upon
You just have to be content with people playing how they like. You obviously don’t like being pressured to give up the PPT battle, trying to pressure people who don’t like PPT to play that way is no better.
But there is a difference. This IS a PPT field. In the same way you can walk a golf course without playing golf, it goes without saying that the priority is for golf and the golf players. You are welcome to walk as long as you don’t have any negative impact on the current games.
Until 1 of you ppt players pony up and give him $60 you can’t dictate how he plays his game. I’m sure he won’t try to dictate how to play your game.
That being said I’ve done FAR worse than phantom. Imagine a for the fights player who just stands there watching you lose that T3 keep because you won’t pay him 20 gold to help defend.
Stop jumping all over him because there are worse ppl out there.
I don’t need to fear about that problem arising since I am on NSP. We usually don’t queue EB during the week and on weekend we only queue one map (most of the time it is EB). My choice of server was not random. I did chose a low population server because of what I intended to do.
Thanks for your concern.
Of coarse you do not fear the problem. You are creating and promoting the problem.
As much as I can appreciate your desire to have fun on a personal level, the fact that you are unwilling to aid your team when called upon, and only in what they consider the most dire of situations, is evidence that you do not care for the game modes purpose. Your behavior in this situation adds to the reason players such as myself, will leave a particularly server. you mentioned your servers population and standings in a negative way, when it is likely your desire to ignore your team entirely , has contributed to it.
I was almost agreeing with you (for once) until you made this post. That was completely unwarranted and completely wrong. No one should feel ashamed for playing the game they paid for however they want, provided its within the terms of services. You say fights-players shouldn’t ostracize PPT-players, but why are you attempting to shame fights-players in return?
And that load of crap about “intended purpose” or whatever is complete bullkitten. Anet designed WvW to have a scoreboard, but the players design WvW’s end-game.
Do you support afking at boss fights so it scales for those participating as well? Or afking in PvP for the XP to level? Intended purpose applies there as well.
I am not seeking for your approval to validate my perspective. I still feel all 3 of those examples are equivalently degrading the experience of other players.
Quedanu gotta remember we also don’t have many ppt commanders anymore, and with most commanders caring more about the fight, than the actual win does cause a problem. But don’t worry man I got your back, when it comes to ppt and should be able to get ppl back on the right track again once having commanded for a couple days.
(edited by sniperman.1738)
Until 1 of you ppt players pony up and give him $60 you can’t dictate how he plays his game. I’m sure he won’t try to dictate how to play your game.
That being said I’ve done FAR worse than phantom. Imagine a for the fights player who just stands there watching you lose that T3 keep because you won’t pay him 20 gold to help defend.
Stop jumping all over him because there are worse ppl out there.
These boards are endless cauldrons of logical fallacies.
First of all, the ‘he paid, therefore he can play however he want’ argument is pure BS. People pay for cinema, games, sports, cars etc. and they can’t do whatever they want because they paid. If you talk out loud during a movie you might get flack for it and eventually get thrown out. If you drive your car like a freaking public danger you ill get arrested. If you don’t behave on a golf course you will be banned. etc.
Second, the ’I’ve done worse’ argument is also BS. Since when the existence of ‘worse’ make it ok to do something ‘bad’? Oh, it’s ok to steal 100$, I’ve stolen 300$… WTF?
Do you support afking at boss fights so it scales for those participating as well? Or afking in PvP for the XP to level? Intended purpose applies there as well.
I am not seeking for your approval to validate my perspective. I still feel all 3 of those examples are equivalently degrading the experience of other players.
I’m harvesting/mining next to the boss, not afking!
I’m running in circles in spvp, not afking!
Can you punish someone who does not play the mode “the most efficient way” in your opinion?
Yes, it’s maybe not optimal, but as he paid the same money for the game, we can’t do anything against them unless there’s something against non-optimal playing. Do we punish uplevels, too?
(And sadly it’s the same for those ppl who are trolling/hcking (or at least in the past 2.5 years I didn’t really see anything going against them). )
And then we’re in pvp, you’re going for player vs player fights, and as wvw is pvp, fighting is playing “as intended”.
Or you’re supporting the dev who trolled a gvg and then had to apologize for it?
Until 1 of you ppt players pony up and give him $60 you can’t dictate how he plays his game. I’m sure he won’t try to dictate how to play your game.
That being said I’ve done FAR worse than phantom. Imagine a for the fights player who just stands there watching you lose that T3 keep because you won’t pay him 20 gold to help defend.
Stop jumping all over him because there are worse ppl out there.
These boards are endless cauldrons of logical fallacies.
First of all, the ‘he paid, therefore he can play however he want’ argument is pure BS. People pay for cinema, games, sports, cars etc. and they can’t do whatever they want because they paid. If you talk out loud during a movie you might get flack for it and eventually get thrown out. If you drive your car like a freaking public danger you ill get arrested. If you don’t behave on a golf course you will be banned. etc.
Second, the ’I’ve done worse’ argument is also BS. Since when the existence of ‘worse’ make it ok to do something ‘bad’? Oh, it’s ok to steal 100$, I’ve stolen 300$… WTF?
But you can buy movie tickets and not even attend, give them away, or even sleep during the whole movie. There are no rules being broken and you cant say kitten to that person just because they are not watching the movie taking up a seat.
Yes I justified what he did because I’m a far worse edition of fights only player. I will watch you die, watch you lose objectives, laugh at my own servers zergs get wiped by fights only players, and BM my own servers corpses……unless you pay me the gold to participate. My game my rules.
You can’t dictate how anyone plays unless they are breaking the ToS
Do you support afking at boss fights so it scales for those participating as well? Or afking in PvP for the XP to level? Intended purpose applies there as well.
I am not seeking for your approval to validate my perspective. I still feel all 3 of those examples are equivalently degrading the experience of other players.
Those are all straw men. To be clear, we’re talking about players who enter WvW primarily to kill other players and who rarely defend/attack objectives. There is nothing wrong with that kind of play, as it’s completely within the terms of services and does nothing to grief fellow players.
If you were more honest with your analogies, that would be like someone who was decides to do the heart instead of the world boss on top of it. Or someone playing a really bad build in PvP focused on killing other players instead of holding points. There’s nothing wrong with either of those things.
Intentionally afking to grief other players, in any game mode, isn’t supported by the ToS, but that’s not what fights-players are doing.
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