80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)
lol, only way to make a high bleed stack with nec is shroud 5 and 4 and this two skills need 5 sec to get casted. so if you stand 5 sec next to the slowliest class in the game without dodging or blocking or leaping way from necro, its a l2p issue.
its more important to nerf all this nub “endless mobility perma dodge 10k backstab every 3 sec and 4k dmg autoattack thiefs” and the “i press 2 buttons for endless invul 12k dmg with every GS /AXE hit warris”.
Necro does 60k damage spread over 5 people per a second for a total of nearly 100k damage over 5 people and your complaining about a 4k back stab to one person.
60K a second?
Necro must be in the new raid meta
lol, only way to make a high bleed stack with nec is shroud 5 and 4 and this two skills need 5 sec to get casted. so if you stand 5 sec next to the slowliest class in the game without dodging or blocking or leaping way from necro, its a l2p issue.
its more important to nerf all this nub “endless mobility perma dodge 10k backstab every 3 sec and 4k dmg autoattack thiefs” and the “i press 2 buttons for endless invul 12k dmg with every GS /AXE hit warris”.
Necro does 60k damage spread over 5 people per a second for a total of nearly 100k damage over 5 people and your complaining about a 4k back stab to one person.
60K a second?
Necro must be in the new raid meta
Why do people cherry pick and not read. 60k was over 5 targets if the others peoples calculations on the condi damage is correct. now divide 60 / 5 and that is a single target. if there were multiple necros apply up to 75 stacks.
Maybe next time use the full quote instead of cherry picking to make your argument look good ;-) cause I never stated that one necro could do that.
i think he means overall 60k dmg,and than spread.Maybe with reaper 5+2+4,and geting hit by some multiattack channel while under frost aura,might be possible i guess.140-150 per bleed tick for 10s.Uhm,does chill aplication from frost aura have ICD?
i think he means overall 60k dmg,and than spread.Maybe with reaper 5+2+4,and geting hit by some multiattack channel while under frost aura,might be possible i guess.140-150 per bleed tick for 10s.Uhm,does chill aplication from frost aura have ICD?
it doesn’t matter he cherry picked one sentence to make some sort of troll post and make another person look bad by taking 1 sentnce out of context. Cause at no point in time was the context about that.
And yes the original post he chopped up to troll with implied multiple sources of condi damage not just one. Also no it is greater than that I just tested on my Engi with 30 stacks on Vulnerability and 47 stacks of Bleeding I was ticking per a tick 10,374 per a tick and lasted 5 seconds
So right there is a 60k over 5 seconds that I can do with an Engi in full Vipers Gear with Zerker runes with a build that boost Bleed damage and Vulnerability with Koi Cakes and toxic crystals used. on a target standing still not cleansing wearing your standard Murarders gear, using basic Vit damage food.
I think over all realistically I can see a 4 to 6 k tick with him actively trying to dodge and cleanse. which comes to over a 5 second duration and a 1 sec interval 20 – 30 k damage on a single target by a engi
there are other professions that can apply bleeds from a distance… Like you know Arrowcarts…
These posts crack me up!
I’m really sorry you’re letting a whole bunch of necros stack bleeds on you, but that’s no reason to kittenpost about servers as if yours is any different~~ Kovu
Its adorable when you think that only necros are the issue and not condi damage. It kind of fills the same kitten posting i did intentionally to prove a point that your are oblivious to. You play the Victim or create a strawman argument and place a generic class there for targeting and get mad. Instead of Blaming the source of the problem.
What is great about your post is your to blind to see your own strawman but can quickly point out others. Thanks for this response
Play the victim? Create a strawman? Lol, I haven’t even made an argument or expressed an opinion. I just enjoy picking at some of the stupid kitten people say. To clarify, seeing as you’re assuming my opinion, I actually agree that they’re getting a little out of control and that PoF won’t help the matter.
~ Kovu
(edited by Kovu.7560)
want to beat a nerco up just run a con spec tick him up when he leave reaper form intrup heal skill he instantly dies.
After this comment it should have said
want to beat a nerco up just run a con spec tick him up when he leave reaper form intrup heal skill he instantly dies.
After this comment it should have said
Well that dose not fix the problem that there is the condies from necro and where its going and how it relates to wvw. Any thing outside of that being said is more then like a detraction and misinformation.
Coruption on necro as things stand seem like a class main tool much like auras are for ele. Now that soruges is getting this much coruption its pushing what a necro class can do to the point of boons being more of a friendly fire effects then a tool to support. The only thing holding the flood of condi dmg from being end all be all is revs resisters but that means nothing if the boon dose not last at all for the team. This is the problem with condi over all it has the tools to build in counter its counter. Condi dmg is a hard counter to any thing that could counter condi dmg to start with. A -10% aura and clears on blast not going to cut it now and its for sure not going to cut it for PoF.
Well that does not fix the problem that there is the condies from necro and where its going and how it relates to wvw. Any thing outside of that being said is more then like a detraction and misinformation.
please tell me how what i said is misleading con nerco only run 1 con removal if you intrup it cancel con removal means instant GG?.
Condi necro is pretty broken atm, at least from a smallscale perspective when he gets supported by an Ele/Condi Rev etc. AoE Bleed application on 5 people is extremly easy to do with reaper rune, hydromancy, 4-5shouts, blindess and weapon/DR skills and if they somehow survive the first condi bomb you just wait 15 sec and roll your head on your keyboard again for the next spike. In a 5v5, if they have a condi Necro and you don’t – you loose, it’s that simple. This forces every roaming / smallscale group who tries to be somewhat viable to run at least one condi Necro. In big scale fights it’s not that big of a problem, power is probably still stronger in blob fights.
Bleed application and cooldowns are out of proportion, there is a reason why Deathly Chill only applies 1 stack of bleed in PvP and not 3 like in PvE/WvW, because if it did they had the same issue in every mid fight ever.
This is why the community on this forum absolutely suck donkey balls.people playing described classes are unable to come forward as to how broken it all really is and keep on defending it with utter kittening nonsense hoping their stuff wont get touched.Anet reading these threads thinking its all fine seeing 90% of the people defend this playstyle,but thats only because 90% of the people play this disgusting kitten.Hell when i played condi warr i could openly admit to how broken it was,but you kitteners keep on pretending and defending what shouldnt be defended.
Everything is broken if enemy is better than you.
Everything is broken if enemy is better than you.
Its numbers of effect per skill. Having 3 + condi and power dmg on one skill is broken when most power base skills are 1 maybe 2 effects for one skill.
The only real fix would be to set cd and numbers clear on condi removal on the same level as there counter parts for condi. If a shout apply 3 condi on a 20 sec cd then maybe there needs to be at least 3 condi clear on a 20 sec cd skill on all classes. Maybe add in clears on auto attks as we need condis on auto attks too.
If your truly ok with condis as is then you should be ok with there counter at the same level. That and some type of non boon condi block think rev elite that drops dmg taken by 50% but more spread out on the classes and 100%.
(edited by Jski.6180)
When i play condi i think that other players have too much condi removal and when i fight against condi class it think that i don’t have enough. Anet balance this kitten pls.
Shout/Corruptmancer is completely broken in WvW and the people who defend it either have never fought even a semi-decent ones or play broken builds themselves. Yes, Warr is too strong in WvW too with the non-nerfed AH and Endure Pain, but the Nec is even much worse.
Just to put it in Perspective: A version of Condinec is currently a popular Metabuild in Spvp. That is DESPITE the facts that: a) Gear combinations like Dire or Trailblazer that combine high condi dmg with tough AND vit are not available in PvP, b) Deathly Chill does 1/3 (!!!) as many bleeds as it does in WvW. The Combination of the WvW Version of Deathly Chill and the Reaper Rune is completely broken, combining a ridiculous amount of bleeds with one of the strongest debuffs/slows and enough additional condis to cover it / do further dmg.
Condibuilds are generally much too strong in WvW due to Dire/Trailblazer, but the current Meta Nec adds two completely broken mechanics on top of it (Reaper Rune and Deathly Chill). The problem is that if Anet actually fixes any balance issues in WvW it’s usually zerg related (such as the stability mechanic), while any fights under 15v15 barely figure.
Well remove reaper runes. Those runes are kitten anyways because you can’t use shouts in WvW.
Well that does not fix the problem that there is the condies from necro and where its going and how it relates to wvw. Any thing outside of that being said is more then like a detraction and misinformation.
please tell me how what i said is misleading con nerco only run 1 con removal if you intrup it cancel con removal means instant GG?.
Condi necro has 3 condition removals depending on what they’re running.
Staff mark 4, consume conditions, and they could be running Plague Sending, which is a personal favorite of mine since I actually find it more potent than chilling darkness.
Sometimes I’ll jump in a condi bomb & crit someone just to laugh maniacally as they die.
Now, you could call me a scrub for running that trait over Chilling Darkness and “sacrificing a bit of DPS”.
But considering I run a DPS meter and 9/10 I’m top DPS (Glass tempests and heralds can beat me out, but it depends on how well we each place our damage, and how long the fight lasts) of whatever group I’m in, I’d take such an insult with a hand wave.
This is why the community on this forum absolutely suck donkey balls.people playing described classes are unable to come forward as to how broken it all really is and keep on defending it with utter kittening nonsense hoping their stuff wont get touched.Anet reading these threads thinking its all fine seeing 90% of the people defend this playstyle,but thats only because 90% of the people play this disgusting kitten.Hell when i played condi warr i could openly admit to how broken it was,but you kitteners keep on pretending and defending what shouldnt be defended.
To be completely honest with you, the entire balance of the game is broken, and it’s not due to conditions.
Are condi necros extremely powerful? Yes.
Would the game be better with condi necro nerfed? No.
You would just lose one more class in the WvW composition, that’s it.
It would just solidify the melee train that much more. Because one of the only classes in the game, right now, that’s actually able to punish a melee train, is the Necro in its current iteration.
People are tankier than they’ve ever been. People have more stability & resistance than they’ve ever had.
Something has to remove all of that or kill people despite it.
Necros are just the chosen peoples for the job.
They’re not the reason the job exists in the first place.
Necros could have more condi removals, staff-4, dagger-4, one with healing, one shout, a well, that pest signet and even a trait to send conditions away. But I guess noone uses that alltogether.
Necros could have more condi removals, staff-4, dagger-4, one with healing, one shout, a well, that pest signet and even a trait to send conditions away. But I guess noone uses that alltogether.
Most necros I see are bad, and waste staff 4 for a bit of damage, or forget it condi cleanses period.
Just like I bet 90% of necros forget axe 3 actually corrupts 2 boons in an AoE, and that you could run a sigil of absorption and steal another boon away with the warhorn.
I actually don’t even understand people that use scepter or greatsword in WvW. Axe & Staff are just such amazing weapons for WvW.
Well that does not fix the problem that there is the condies from necro and where its going and how it relates to wvw. Any thing outside of that being said is more then like a detraction and misinformation.
please tell me how what i said is misleading con nerco only run 1 con removal if you intrup it cancel con removal means instant GG?.
Condi necro has 3 condition removals depending on what they’re running.
Staff mark 4, consume conditions, and they could be running Plague Sending, which is a personal favorite of mine since I actually find it more potent than chilling darkness.
Sometimes I’ll jump in a condi bomb & crit someone just to laugh maniacally as they die.
Now, you could call me a scrub for running that trait over Chilling Darkness and “sacrificing a bit of DPS”.
But considering I run a DPS meter and 9/10 I’m top DPS (Glass tempests and heralds can beat me out, but it depends on how well we each place our damage, and how long the fight lasts) of whatever group I’m in, I’d take such an insult with a hand wave.
Sorry i was not replying to “what a necro could be running” i talking standerd meta cancer chill nerco. in your case Yes staff 4 would be a strong second back up that i was unaware of it as a con removal. But 2 con removal overall is not that strong. if that all a build rely on it cant really classed as a power house ?.
nerco is strong but it clearly not unbeatable just knowing what to be looking for in there build.
FIX BURN GUARDS!!!!!!!!!!! FIX THIEVES!!!!!!!!!!!! FIX 1500 RANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!! FIX PERMASTUN!!!!!!!!!! /s
Fix tempest. That class is totally broken. They should nerf overloads and remove focus.
There aren’t many classes that don’t have some form of broken spec. This game is about finding the next broken spec.
With 9 new elite specialisations coming you’re in for a whole new world of hurt soon.
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