I wish to present the following ideas with the hope of getting some real changes into a game I like. I am a old DAoC and have played a lot of other MMOs until now. My ideas are based on the hope of having a fair enjoyable fight for all sides.
1) Fielded Population limits:
Being well out of release and with the amount of transfering going on this idea is needed. It also solves a problem that is auto fixed in sPvP by switching people into another team. A count start capping the number of people that can join. As an example as each side fields 20 people a “hold” is made on more people wanting to join. Until all sides match that number so 20v20v20 per map. Each group of 20 opens another slot for 20. So perhaps 100v115v120 on a map.
The limit address many current issues. Servers stacking for shear number. You can only field as many as your oppisition can. Also free transfer all you want. There still will be some limit encouraging players to transfer to a lower population server. This would also change te current zerg numbers game into a more quality verus sheer numbers.
2) Remove cost frim siege weapons and Commander:
Both of these aspects need to be “free”. A commander should be able to be voted on and based off the numbers in a battle . Like 1 per 50 , also be voted or demoted out of a position. Siege weapons themselves need to be supply cost only which could be raised. This adds to the idea of everyone being valuble if you run supplies your helping.
3) Remove repair cost:
If you want to remove the stigma of losing remove the realistic cost of it. sPvP has no negative effect for really face planting. If you want people to be out and involved giving them a bill for losing won’t help.
4) People can’t damage doors:
You want to know why there is a zerg? Its because numbers break down doors. Yes rams do more damage as do other siege weapons, but the more people the quicker it goes. If siege weapons are all that can damage a door multiple attack points will be tried more often. If there is no cost to it, then its just planning and tactics. Also sheer numbers won’t matter quite as much.
5) Reward Reward Reward!
There has to be a reason for players to be out in WvWvW. The little loot bags that drop at random times with junk in them isn’t it. While the events aren’t bad there not enough. Partipation needs to offer something good and tangable to all players. Tokens, armor expericance crafting mats etc.
6) Make all 80s the same:
Its amazing how well this is done in sPvP and how badly its done in WvWvW. It should be the same system. But the bare miniuim it should be closer then it is currently. As with dungeons etc there are really 80 and fake 80s and that should not be an issues.
Thank you for reading .