Gandara Vs Aurora Vs Dzagonur
You caught our weakest moment since headstart on cam
We all were so ashamed in TS right after that wall moment. Still no clue what happend there. Guess we just got outplayed and that in a very simple way.
You guys are on our list now and we will be seeking you, looking for some kind of revenge just to show you that we can do better
Anyways, noticed (and was a lil bit surprised) that there are many skilled and organized guild groups out there this week. Just wanted to let you guys know that we are always up for some GvG from 15v15 to 25v25. If there are some interested guilds, just let me know (here in forums or ingame).
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]
Well, what the …?
Checking out what those crossed white swords at Longview were about, I stumbled across the funniest inc of the night: 3 attackers, one of them using a golem. Nice try, but … no.
(edited by Mithos.6784)
/wave to the 5 Eclipse Gaming members who were hanging around and relaxing with us after we took Gandara’s garrison earlier :P
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.
Least exciting matchup so far for Dzag., Gandara and Aurora pulling out numbers that Dzag just cant hold.
Some n1 small fights but mainly big Zerg Groups, especially from Aurora 22:00+. Cant really call this matchup interesting , just a pure Number Game but thats mainly how W3 works in Gw2. Well lets wait for the Servers to settle after the Free transfer has been stoped.
Nope no offense taken and from a Gandaran viewpoint i can understand your sentiments very well. Reason being that nobody likes to get pawned/farmed/trolled in any capacity anywhere. Of course numbers matter in w3 matter and even worse (or better) organised numbers of people. Gandara is after havin it’s backside handed to it for two consecutive weeks in T4. All that being said with all borderlands being full and waiting times reaching almost ten minutes or sometimes more it pays testament to the opposition faced from both opposing servers. Therefore kudos to both opposing servers for your perseverance against a server that was licking wounds and at least in my case out for blood. Keep up the pressure folks it’s the way to have fun.
(edited by jugy.4169)
/salute+much respect to both Gandara+Dzagonur for decent WvW match so far.
Kudos Gandara on your gandara borderlands Hills defense tonight. Well defended.
Just wanted to let you guys know that we are always up for some GvG from 15v15 to 25v25. If there are some interested guilds, just let me know (here in forums or ingame).
mail sent for GvG. Unity interested.
WvW team (non-guild)
Team Manager
(edited by skly.5401)
I think [YAK] might be interested in some wvw / g v g see if you can contact supershank don’t think I’ll be running much wvw this week, nice map take over unity I saw the photo on the forum looks like gandara need to wake up and see its not a win yet
contact :
I don’t usually visit official forums but in this case I had to
Just wanted to say that I am having loads of fun against Dzagonur, one of the best servers I played against
Big shoutout to Eclipse Gaming [ECL] for awesome fights and duels
Another shoutout to Dzagonur Defenders [DD] for crazy chasing around the map xD
Keep this match interesting like you are doing now and have fun
Ring of Fire [EU]
Looking forward to an exciting evening, w3 has been a blast the last 2 days and I want more of it. Bring it on!
Most of our members use builds that compliment the team. We had a lot of CC and AoE and that is super effective in such a small area.. We had a lack of mesmers that day tho! Imagine if we had a Time Warp on that wall!
Thanks for the nice battles and hopefully there are more to come! Cya on the battlefield!
Gandara – WvW Warrior
Here is the golem rush we had yesterday
Gandara EU
Man you gandarians rly just loooove golems dont you?
Well it gives us a nice amount of practice vs golems zergs as it’s something we havn’t seen very often^^
Loads of good fights yesterday aswell!
[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash
We miss you Gandara maybe we can drop down and play again?
Its funny to read and see glimpses of Piken in Gandara… after all the guys who sucked it up last match and kept coming out seems to be paying off for you now. Aslong as you stay infront of AG… you will have AR/AS in T4… and AS are a dead server… will almost be straight up GD vs AR… which should boost your evolution alot if you do well(thats if you win this matchup) So big reward for whoever wins this matchup and gets promoted… another grudge match for GD / AR with less third party interference
BB & RS matchup is alot less intense than GD & AR
Gl guys
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)
We miss you Gandara
maybe we can drop down and play again?
Its funny to read and see glimpses of Piken in Gandara… after all the guys who sucked it up last match and kept coming out seems to be paying off for you now. Aslong as you stay infront of AG… you will have AR/AS in T4… and AS are a dead server… will almost be straight up GD vs AR… which should boost your evolution alot if you do well(thats if you win this matchup) So big reward for whoever wins this matchup and gets promoted… another grudge match for GD / AR with less third party interference
BB & RS matchup is alot less intense than GD & AR
Gl guys
I actually enjoyed the last week of getting our faces bashed in much more than the previous close 3 weeks. It really did bring our community together!
I’m dead impressed with Aurora and DZ, they never give up and show in force. Mid tier matches are where the party is at!
Looking forward to an exciting evening, w3 has been a blast the last 2 days and I want more of it. Bring it on!
It’s great isn’t it, is Xenn running with you in TDA now? havn’t seen him in our fights yet
Some nice wipes and flushes going back and forward between the servers. really enjoy the hide and seek going on at times
Lol really you guys Did some WvW yday and indeed was waaaay better than AR/PS.
Keep the battle honourable.
(edited by Sirendor.1394)
Boy I was bushed from a really long night last night, had some loses and some wins with one awesome defense at Hills on our Border I salute both sides of that battle but more so the folks that was with me at hills.
Really Awesome defending folks o7
Finally got myself into bed at 7am gmt me thinks I’ll be in the dog basket if I carry on like that the wife was not best pleased lol.
DZ I felt your pain last night no server should suffer a full wipe, we’ve been there ourselves and its not nice at all but I have no doubt that you will fight back with all your might, as you do have some very good players on your server, I should know they’ve put me on my kitten a few times already this week lol.
AG where the hell do you get those night numbers from you must of had queues at 2am gmt at one point with the numbers you was fielding last night
Eno Live (Ele)
No queues at all Eno, just guilds that were organized to your surprise we wasn’t more than 40 that constantly changed maps
[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash
Man you gandarians rly just loooove golems dont you?
Well it gives us a nice amount of practice vs golems zergs as it’s something we havn’t seen very often^^Loads of good fights yesterday aswell!
That’s funny, as throughout our weeks fighting them they repeatedly said using golems did nothing except show a lack of skill.
I know Twinklefairy everytime I see them I remember the pain I suffered in Overlook everyday. But seems that was something learnt from Piken.. u want a gate down quick build golems why bother with the rest.
Thx ECL again for nice duels and also to the others joined and participated
Yea nice duels thanks to the ghost ranger from UNTY nice skill!!
in love the Greatsword ranger :P
[DE] Dzagonur
Battle at Dzagonur’s Garisson was insane.
[Dius] started off by taking Longview, but we had loads of enemies at the door in no time. In the meantime, [Yak] and many others were try to get Bay from you guys. We were trebbing your Garisson from Longview so you guys had two spots to defend. The fight was hectic but you guys managed to take down the wall and went in Longview, where we waited in the Lord room to stop you. To our surprise, our combined AoE/CC was extremely effective at the ramp against the Dzagonur group but we had a very hard time with our ~ 20 players. Then BAM! [YaK] came from behind to help us out! That was so epic and nicely timed, i shed a tear.. :p
Then, Gandara finally took the Bay keep and we, [Dius] were still trebbing the garisson. It went down and we started to go in, getting some help from [MM]. We tried ramming your inner gate but recieved too much pressure and had to retreat eventually.
Another huge attack was launched on Longview from the Dzagonur group, again we were heavily outnumbered. We tried charging tactics and building arrow carts but nothing worked because we were pretty much out of supply as well. The gate went down again and you guys managed to capture it. Some of us stayed alive, went behind you guys in the Lord room and managed to wipe most of you again. After that, we farmed everyone who tried to get into the tower while we waited for the Lord buff to go away. We re-took it.
Now, i’m not entirely sure what happened next but we regained our footing and started working on taking down the garisson again. We used catapults to take down the outer wall (which was a bit repaired) and used the same siege to get the inner gate down (still at 50%). [YaK] joined us at that moment and because our catapults got destroyed by your mortar’s, we rammed down your inner gate and went in.. The craziest fight ever started right there.
The garisson seemed pretty empty at first but little did we know that the contest thingie was bugged. So you guys kepy waypointing in. It took us a while to figure out because of culling and all that. That said, we started gathering up at the enemy waypoint (at mystic forge) and started our best bag farm ever!! Haha! And you guys just kept coming! But… we noticed the toll on our side as well, we had more and more going down because the invulnerable buff gave you guys some room to fight back. Luckily, Lloantix (Kinkywarrior) went to the watergate to hit it, and it did make the waypoint contested. Phew! The amount of bags laying around was insane but it was a really epic fight! Thanks for that!
Gandara – WvW Warrior
Like Darko has said that Longview/Garrison fight was DAYUM epic.
My favourite part was when MM reinforced some Dius who had run for supply, but Dzagonur had broken into Longview, with the last of us dying you capped it…. BUT! we had a Mesmer drop down to our 15 people with a portal, and managed to port in just in time and held you guys off to recap it! That was awesome for sure!
Good fights in AG Borderlands this evening , grabbed Bay but the situation proved untenable, Dzag [SC] you sure are persistent with your sieging loved the fight when you got into Outer first time, however afterwards you guys stretched our lines enough that we couldn’t recover to hinder you further, that last charge at Inner kind of reminded me of the Light Brigade heheh
A successful Golem attack on Garrison was nice, lost 2 alphas though out of 5 , donated from Gandara’s populace by volunteers think the next few hours were spent with people getting tired and leaving whilst we bounced back and forth stopping trebs hitting Garrison every time until Reinforced, with much pressure relieved and points maintained by [DL] who were fighting along side us
That’s when we met [KISS] again, had about 10 Guildies left, and in all a respectable 24 people, was 5 hours since we started, so good numbers there
I think building a Ram in the middle of a Guild Group is a new one, last I used the fire on an enemy it didn’t do over 1k dmg in any way, but coupled with that, a few skill blunders, the general lethargy and nerves, it went quite badly for us.
First time we’ve ever wiped to you guys, [KISS], albeit under those conditions, still annoyed at myself for letting it happen, but I’m probably in denial! Good work, unconventional siege placement and skillful utilisation of the terrain ended up with a repair bill for all of us Keep it up, though we will not let it reoccur so easily!
Grrr angry with you as well as myself now! Will be looking out for you guys on the battlefield
Another group we heard about was about 20 Aurora Identity Frauds, on GBL, we also heard XxX was there to stop you guys and FURY, but so would have liked to be there myself! Makes me grrr when I see a [WvW] tag amidst the enemy ranks!
There can be only one; prepare yourselves, [WvW] to meet the full fury of [WvW]!
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain
(edited by Immolator.5640)
Honestly, i’m getting more respect for Dzagonur. They actually fight during primetime! Come on Aurora Glade, don’t be afraid to fight. I don’t believe Pvdoor is more fun than primetime! :p
Gandara – WvW Warrior
Well we play for the fighting right? never mind the odds ^^
Looking forward to an exciting evening, w3 has been a blast the last 2 days and I want more of it. Bring it on!
It’s great isn’t it, is Xenn running with you in TDA now? havn’t seen him in our fights yet
Some nice wipes and flushes going back and forward between the servers. really enjoy the hide and seek going on at times
Xenn is in TDA yes but haven’t had the privilege to fight with him yet. Dunno what he’s up to, then again I’m not really paying attention to all that’s goin on in the guild when I have fun in BL’s. (thx voice comms)
Honestly, i’m getting more respect for Dzagonur. They actually fight during primetime! Come on Aurora Glade, don’t be afraid to fight. I don’t believe Pvdoor is more fun than primetime! :p
Don’t blame em for doin that bud, they might be in a completely different timezone and therefore are at work/school your primetime. I know it’s not as fun for the recieving end to be left out from the battle but that’s what we do to the ones nightcapping stuff, they do miss out on our fun.
Dzagonur bring the Stomper train out to play at evenings. Our 10 man group has been trampled more then once by that Red Blob of Stomp. Is all good fun tho!
Never understand how you can blame a Nightshift. If there are people who can only play at that time of the day(or their timezone) good for them! They are surly also annoyed that there are not as many enemies.
You trampeld over us often enough with your 10 Phule!!
I agree though was good fun ^^
Idarko, your primetime start’s really early, you guys start’s to push on all 4 borderlands at around 3pm after what we’ve experienced, we’re unfortunately lacking a bit of people at that time, but our guys normaly tend to be online later during the night, so why dont you guys join our primetime instead and stay a bit longer awake?
And as Phule said, I think it’s more a difference with the timezones than we like to PvDoor, because we’re always looking for fights for the most of the time, but there isn’t that many Gandarans online when we are doing our stuff
[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash
Thank you Kibre. I just found it odd that we had such little resistance from AG yesterday during primetime. You guys are a high EU server just like us after all.
Phule and Jathres. Don’t put me in a bad light by stating things i never said. I never blamed anyone for having a nightshift.
AG said they would become stronger at the end of the week so i’m looking forward to some intense battles!
Gandara – WvW Warrior
Actually thats right, sorry. Just missed the Smilie i guess ^^
Well and i’m used to the bickering and whining from the German Servers over Nightshifts :p
Been having some great battles last few nights we, the real [WvW] not those imposters from Germany were in AG borders last night. Had some great fights
We had about 25 at our peak managed to get some randoms running with us and also saw TDA and DL running separately at times. Some great fights at Bay, esspecially the one where the door burst open and in poured around 30 DZ we were outnumbered as a lot of us had headed to the camp north of bay leaving a smaller number of us inside about 15 or so at Bay South outer door. We hid around the corner of the door, buffed, flanked and wiped the DZ attack as soon as the doors were down a great effort!
Hills defence was solid and the Golem attack on Garrison was probably the smoothest Golem run I have been involved in and had some nice fights between DE, Wood and Garrison.
Despite having a large DZ and Gandara presence on your home borders AG never gave up and continued to throw whatever they could at us both in defence and attack
Hopefully there will be more of the same over the next few days!
You snooze you lose
Been having some great battles last few nights we, the real [WvW] not those imposters from Germany
I stopped reading here. Party because I wasnt involved into those battles, but mostly because this isn’t true.
How the hell can you call yourselves “real [WvW]” if it doesn’t even fit to your guild name?!
We vanquish Words is the only ture [WvW] guild. Remember it! :P
Great fights overall. A bit sad that we from AG cant do really much at primetime except defending. Yesterday we started a breakout event at the Gandara BL with about 15-20 people and you were so many defenders that you wiped us the second we could build our siege equipment. WIPE US WITH SIEGERAZER LIKE WE ARE ONE OF THOSE RABBITS RUNNING AROUND!!
Was a lot of fun to fight vs you afterwards at the SW supply camps. So props to you and keep it up!
We miss you Gandara
maybe we can drop down and play again?
Its funny to read and see glimpses of Piken in Gandara… after all the guys who sucked it up last match and kept coming out seems to be paying off for you now. Aslong as you stay infront of AG… you will have AR/AS in T4… and AS are a dead server… will almost be straight up GD vs AR… which should boost your evolution alot if you do well(thats if you win this matchup) So big reward for whoever wins this matchup and gets promoted… another grudge match for GD / AR with less third party interference
BB & RS matchup is alot less intense than GD & AR
Gl guys
Cheers Wam
And GL to you guys as well o/
I kind of miss some of those awesome fights charging into Pikens guilds with lesser numbers and simply getting melted instantly certainly have improved us!
It’s great isn’t it, is Xenn running with you in TDA now? havn’t seen him in our fights yet
Some nice wipes and flushes going back and forward between the servers. really enjoy the hide and seek going on at times
Yes Xenn is with us and mostly in WvW late at night, where we don’t have much numbers… I think he’s lvling up his norn female guardian atm unless he’s playing his female mesmer
Phule and Jathres. Don’t put me in a bad light by stating things i never said. I never blamed anyone for having a nightshift.
If you didn’t talk about the nightshift, I beg your pardon. For what it’s worth it was quite easy to think it was the intention of your post.
I must say it is quite note worthy to see a server so high up in tiers and getting around 100 pts at prime-time yesterday and getting over 300 at night :P but yea timezones and organisation between KISS and UNITY at night… I guess ?
Anyways will have to respect those on Gandara for defending during night <3
Make love, not war – GvG after party between AG’s UNTY and DZG’s ECL
Charr Guardian – Gandara(EU)
Thanks to ECL (and any others there) on Dzagonur for some great GvG fights and some awesome duels. Makes me remember the good parts of warhammer online :P
Unity [UNTY] – Aurora Glade
GBL was fun and very nerve-wracking today!
It started with us trying to get our Guild through the queue, due to report that our Doppelgangers (:D) [WvW], and [KISS] were battering their way through Bay Inner; I got through the queue early, and with a total of 8 Guildies made my way to Bay, to find the inner wall at 10% and you guys fortified up top with Trebuchets firing. After some very very tense defending and sallies, classes coordinating and my fellow Commander organising our defensive siege, we were able to repair the wall a bit, then push you out, thanks also to the team of Guildies we sent for the Treb can always count on those guys!
Was very good to finally spar with you, I think [WvW] is the best tbh I think our guilds despite identical tags, focus on slightly different things, and any fight will be close between the two, as indeed it was
keep it up, I was impressed by your battle prowess, seemed to keep disappearing at times we had a counter ready!
Probably my second favourite battle of the evening was at Bluebriar, where we got into the Tower just before they took it (breakout, KISS, we figured it was, were at the lord) and hid at the supply depot corner, then buffed and charged, not KISS, but to our surprise UNITY, when they came down, then bunkered down in the Lord Room and fortified our position, sallying out and returning at one point, until we finally took the buffed Lord down, then the Tower, then Commander Siegrazor very fun
I think the highlight of the evening was when we charged [KISS] in Bluevale Refuge, at which point we went in and after a bit of rendering we saw them all standing in the middle of the Supply Depot, waiting, I myself fail shadow stepped into the middle of them when I was downed, but kept on throwing orders – our guys reformed where I asked them to very quickly, healed up, buffed and charged, all together and wiped them, the entire time leaderless and with no one to follow best i’ve ever seen from a PUG group in all honesty!
P.S. What is it with you AG guys and flame rams? [KISS] have already used it twice against my group when I was leading, only the first of which worked, and at Bluebriar tonight when we came down to the Courtyard, subsequent to battering ofd [UNITY] and in the midst of fighting Siegerazor, there were 2 rams there, no one on them or anything, just there, you guys need to place them outside a gate you want to get into, mmmkay?
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain
(edited by Immolator.5640)
Awesome battles today! I wanna thank [FURY] for their perseverance on their own borderlands today! Despite wiping you guys a lot, you just kept coming back and in the end, it paid off because we failed at the final push in Bay! We never saw you guys coming from behind. I hope Aurora Glade keeps this up during primetime! It was a lot of fun!
Phule and Jathres. Don’t put me in a bad light by stating things i never said. I never blamed anyone for having a nightshift.
PEACE!If you didn’t talk about the nightshift, I beg your pardon. For what it’s worth it was quite easy to think it was the intention of your post.
Hey, i was talking about the nightshift. Wishing i would face some more Aurora Glade guilds in primetime! Nothing wrong with that right? I never blamed them for having one tho! I didn’t mean it negative at all so don’t jump at me for simply using the word “night.” It’s not a forbidden curse word! ;D
Gandara – WvW Warrior
(edited by IDarko.4709)
Had some brilliant fights last night on AG borderlands. Highlights for me was the lord room defence of Bay earlier in the evening and also fights against XxX later on.
We were fighting pugs at Redlake and I said to my guild ‘I bet you XxX turn up’’ lo’ and behold 10 seconds later you all popped out of veil infront of us haha.
Quality week of WvW so far!
Furious Cookies[FURY]
wiping us 50vs15 with 5 upscaled guys and we still wiped loads of u….
if thats your “highlight of the evening” than lol
not to mention countless times u got wiped by our ram tactic, oh and yea the ram FEARS commander
Dib – Sylvari elementalist
GBL was fun and very nerve-wracking today!
It started with us trying to get our Guild through the queue, due to report that our Doppelgangers (:D) [WvW], and [KISS] were battering their way through Bay Inner; I got through the queue early, and with a total of 8 Guildies made my way to Bay, to find the inner wall at 10% and you guys fortified up top with Trebuchets firing. After some very very tense defending and sallies, classes coordinating and my fellow Commander organising our defensive siege, we were able to repair the wall a bit, then push you out, thanks also to the team of Guildies we sent for the Treb
can always count on those guys!
Was very good to finally spar with you, I think [WvW] is the best tbh
I think our guilds despite identical tags, focus on slightly different things, and any fight will be close between the two, as indeed it was
keep it up, I was impressed by your battle prowess, seemed to keep disappearing at times we had a counter ready!
Probably my second favourite battle of the evening was at Bluebriar, where we got into the Tower just before they took it (breakout, KISS, we figured it was, were at the lord) and hid at the supply depot corner, then buffed and charged, not KISS, but to our surprise UNITY, when they came down, then bunkered down in the Lord Room and fortified our position, sallying out and returning at one point, until we finally took the buffed Lord down, then the Tower, then Commander Siegrazor
very fun
I think the highlight of the evening was when we charged [KISS] in Bluevale Refuge, at which point we went in and after a bit of rendering we saw them all standing in the middle of the Supply Depot, waiting, I myself fail shadow stepped into the middle of them when I was downed, but kept on throwing orders – our guys reformed where I asked them to very quickly, healed up, buffed and charged, all together and wiped them, the entire time leaderless and with no one to follow
best i’ve ever seen from a PUG group in all honesty!
P.S. What is it with you AG guys and flame rams? [KISS] have already used it twice against my group when I was leading, only the first of which worked, and at Bluebriar tonight when we came down to the Courtyard, subsequent to battering ofd [UNITY] and in the midst of fighting Siegerazor, there were 2 rams there, no one on them or anything, just there, you guys need to place them outside a gate you want to get into, mmmkay?
Indeed that was a very fun battle or set of battles. I thought we could take bay but didnt have the numbers. You guild does very well along with xXx it seems. We almost got your guildies who hit our trebs but were just too late! We got our revenge by zerging them but still it was too late and the 6 trebs were gone.
We have been getting 20-25 people on for events recently but find it hard capping keeps at primetime because none of the other guilds on our server seem to play except fury at prime time. Kiss and unty tend to be on late night.
We had A LOT of arguing in chat with UNTY who were doing a GvG (vs Dz guild) at the same time we were in the lord room of bay. Obviously annoyed alot of us including me but we have forgotton it and obviously really want to keep working with the other guilds on AG.
Maybe me and some others in [WvW] got too mad in chat and so sorry to anyone from UNTY or anyone else in the GvG but obviously you can see why we were annoyed.
Duke Henry
Leader AG [WvW] guild – the real [WvW] guild :P
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
lol @ another night of AG nightcap, honing those PvD skills I see
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of
lol @ another night of AG nightcap, honing those PvD skills I see
Well you obviously missed all the times we killed your people and our other honored enemies, need to come out of your yak stable more often for that i guess.
All jokes aside i really want to salute you all for the great fights last evening and night.
A special thank to our opponents of the ECL guild for the nice GvG fight last evening too, in this game there should be room for such things and the respect from others that goes with that.
I think we all are doing alot in this game to make it fun for both our own people and our opponents, so keep the good fights comming.
cheers and good hunting all..;-)
Oijram Teovmats lv 80 warrior
of (UNTY) Unity guild AG server.
(edited by Pdarf Tyron.6250)
Yup, I wasn’t online at unearthly hours. But if you have to wait for most of our guilds to log off and the maps are clear of defenders before it’s safe for you start playing, I guess that’s your game.
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of
much respect to Gandara+Dzagonur servers for great night of fights….especially at Veloka+Jerrifers on EB.
WvW team (non-guild)
Team Manager
much respect to Gandara+Dzagonur servers for great night of fights….especially at Veloka+Jerrifers on EB.
I think it’s the NPCs you want to thank, not the players.
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of