WvW Roaming movies!
Gandara Vs Piken Square Vs Augury Rock
WvW Roaming movies!
look at the the xt glory hunters gone to piken square along with the other gloryhunters , wanna see how long this will last , 2-4 months ?
Yesterday was a very nice evening on Piken BL. We started as usual around 8PM with only our spawn tower and had only T3 in front of us. After some roaming to evaluate the situation , the real things started. Echo and BH were squirmishing around the map while AA was building the now famous AR Golem Army ( 12 Tonight ). Then diversion on Garrison while we took Hills, defense on Hills against both server at the lord while we took Bay. Very nice fights against GG and others from Piken, Judge from Gandara . At this time GG left the map( I think I saw udermanned buff on Piken pees at that time : 10PM which was surprizing beeing on thier HM) and it was time to take north ( First east tower then crash of the gollems on garrison that we finally took ). only west tower was still under Piken arms at that time . Time to roam and have a few fights with both server before logging off.
Summary : very fun evening , no skill lag nice opponents ….. let’s continue this
Augury Rock [FR]
It was nice evening indeed. The start was pretty rough for us, GG, BH and Echo and the pug guilds that followed you outmanned us pretty heavily and we got to tank the floor quite a few times. After we switched characters around and got our sif together, got to enjoy the battles more. No skill lag whatsoever, just culling (that didn’t actually even bother me at all, we knew you were many so it wasn’t surprising) when we clashed into 3 way battle. Also thanks to LAG and our trusty pug sidekicks who were there with us, was fun, thank you!
HoB have been having a great time this week
our feed from last night, had an epic free way fight against almost all of AR and some Gandara guilds inside Hills at 1:50. that bits worth a look.
Hand of Blood [HoB]
EU – Aurora Glade
Kinky who was the Dius guy running with us in GoW, screaming “go find and kill Dius” cracked us up on TS
That was me!! Azelie is one of the people I came to visit Anyway yes, I’m out for Dius blood. Will make for good Banter ;D
Kinky who was the Dius guy running with us in GoW, screaming “go find and kill Dius” cracked us up on TS
That was me!! Azelie is one of the people I came to visit
Anyway yes, I’m out for Dius blood. Will make for good Banter ;D
We will slaughter you no worries, even if you hide in a blob we will suicide rush purely to get your kitten down! :P
Semper Dius [Dius]
EU Gandara
Like this with more than 15 letters:
EU Gandara
Haha next week is going to be funny
Like this with more than 15 letters:
Is it the new guild mission system called “Guild Bounty” ?
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square
Ye it goes like this: you guys need to ignore him as much as possible, try and shake him off by fake rushing and that kind of stuff, and we need to kill him while you guys leave us alone
look at the the xt glory hunters gone to piken square along with the other gloryhunters , wanna see how long this will last , 2-4 months ?
This is a matchup thread between AR/PS/GA as you do not represent any of these servers please refrain from posting irelivent comments thank you.
look at the the xt glory hunters gone to piken square along with the other gloryhunters , wanna see how long this will last , 2-4 months ?
This is a matchup thread between AR/PS/GA as you do not represent any of these servers please refrain from posting irelivent comments thank you.
You are leaving your guild Axle?
Gandara and Augury - nothing special - just free stacks ^^
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)
DYE – best guild of our opponents.
Piken Square (unofficial
Gandara and Augury – nothing special – just free stacks ^^
There’s not much challenge we could provide with outmanned buff on piken borderlands and Nug camping inside keeps for 30mins waiting if someone knocks on the door to zerg out. Anyways, enjoy your ‘free stacks’.
Oh and thanks to Dt,Xt for some fun fights, always a pleasure to meet you on the battlefield
Gandara and Augury – nothing special – just free stacks ^^
Cute. I would go on a rant and stuff here, but when it comes from someone you dont see out in open field I just let it go
Thanks PS for a fun and challenging week, had some good fights allround: mainly against XT and Nug + INS on monday; DT, XT and Nug today.
This day was exceptionally tough for us, as you greatly stepped up your defensive play compared to monday and played it as it should be played on your home map in these circumstances. We tried, and definitely learned a lot from experience. It’s tough to venture into enemy borderlands with our guild having different primetime compared to most of the server, but that’s how we’ve always rolled.
Well played and good luck in future matchups.
Rottis – Mesmer | Hyrskytin – Engineer | Rullakebab – Warrior
Good fights on EBG versus VII, Lloantix and a truckload of AR tonight
We started the evening by taking SM, then doing some other stuff, getting slaughtered by VII and getting hit at SM by all 3 of those mentioned above – intense fighting there in the Lord Room, fighting Dius, VII and AR repeatedly, hoping for a respite so we could shut the doors.
We had to rethink our strategy a lot to adapt to VII (the pug power numbers might have been a factor) but eventually we could fight them properly, at which point and from then on things went a lot better. Spent a lot of time screaming ‘Dius’ down the line on TS and running madly at Lloantix, looted two blues off him (cheap bugger) and a couple of times turned around after he’d got away or into a tower, only to figure out my guild and allies were nowhere near me xD
We ended the evening by taking SM, one of the guild’s ninja mesmers had somehow stayed inside inner, we got through outer via a nice hole Piken made, and proceeded to take and sweep the place thanks for not sweeping, AR, and thanks for letting us in, Piken
Thanks to everyone, one of the best evenings I’ve had this week
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/
look at the the xt glory hunters gone to piken square along with the other gloryhunters , wanna see how long this will last , 2-4 months ?
This is a matchup thread between AR/PS/GA as you do not represent any of these servers please refrain from posting irelivent comments thank you.
You are leaving your guild Axle?
No m8 but were still here till tomorrow reset hopefully kicking about the bl’s for old times sake to see this match through
(edited by Axle.5182)
At sentry south east of garrison Gandara borderland I had a millon laughs last hour. Some nice wvwve. (I was the solo guardian)
I was sorry to see the solo gandarrian getting outskilled by piken zerg, but hey, you did not move.
Brothers in Arms [BiA] you are quite cute
Ty guys for great fights tonight on PS.
Dzieki XT za fajne akcje
Well play [DYE]nice tactic on open field gg.
And battle at Bay, you have crazy zerg – AR ^^, really hard fight but lucky for us this time.
good luck guys, good match
(edited by Khrums.3765)
Would like to give props to AR’s treb attempt on Ogrewatch earlier today. Piken’s VII guild and extras came and joined the fun, so it was a nice double team for a while. We eventually took out your trebs and rebuilt our siege…
…then PS and AR battled it out right in front of OW again, popcorn worthy stuff, if I weren’t on the mortar burning anything I could see. Thanks a ton for the massive amount of loot, must have gotten upwards 30+ kill credits. :P Stop by anytime
Hats off to Lloantix. It must have taken balls of steel for a dirty x-realmer to badge up and lead against his own server. It really let VII play our raid the way we like it while he was online.
Would like to give props to AR’s treb attempt on Ogrewatch earlier today. Piken’s VII guild and extras came and joined the fun, so it was a nice double team for a while. We eventually took out your trebs and rebuilt our siege…
…then PS and AR battled it out right in front of OW again, popcorn worthy stuff, if I weren’t on the mortar burning anything I could see. Thanks a ton for the massive amount of loot, must have gotten upwards 30+ kill credits. :P Stop by anytime
You weren’t in AR’s keep on reset night. Lets just say I entered with about 60 free invent slots and ended up with a full bag after we took the keep. Amazing determination from AR to stop us capping but it was futile and they only got high repairs bills for it.
Can the Gandara guys be as kind as to let us know who the big guilds/30 man guilds are on Piken? It would really help our raid planner if we could get them onto our Community site.
Thanks in advance.
Well said! lol
Since TUP BOON RG and siN left the realm a week or two ago, we probably lost over 300 WvW players, arguably our best WvW players. Ofc some of these guys were not popular but it doesnt change the fact we lost a massive amount of good players. We are now a wounded animal with plenty of fight left in us and it shows…
VII has been the largest guild group ive seen running in WvW this week and im pretty sure i havent seen them run with more than 20 guildies. So who is this huge Piken WvW guild of which u talk? cos we would love to know!!!
Piken has pretty much been running with the Outmanned tag since Monday on every map… we are lucky to even find a single commander on a map, even primetime theres rarely more than 1 commander…
We r probably one of the lowest populated realms atm and it shows in WvW…
Nug(although with their other Russian friends every time), SPRT, DT, VII, XT and HoB
Granted some of these don’t run with exactly 30, but they all run pretty kitten close – just saying here that even though you guys don’t have 30 every tim, if you get the extra numbers by pugs following, it might aswell be like that if you’re running around handholding – this doesn’t apply to a few Piken guilds, but what we’re tired of rather than how big your zergs are, how every time we’re fighting one guild another slams into us from the side, then the next from behind etc. etc.
That’s some player’s attitudes on Gandara atm, it’s hard to fight 3 different guilds running within 10 metres of each other, that’s what most Gandarans have been complaining about, if at all, in this thread. Hope this cleared things up a bit.
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/
Ty guys for great fights tonight on PS.
Dzieki XT za fajne akcjeWell play [DYE]nice tactic on open field gg.
And battle at Bay, you have crazy zerg – AR ^^, really hard fight but lucky for us this time.
good luck guys, good match
Open field fights were fun, before those things were a bit frustrating for us. Like MorkZe.4321 said, well played.
Checking Bay: there are too many for us. (Also the chat Do you only enjoy dead/beaten bodies?)
We don’t run with that many though… Even with pugs following us we don’t get above 30-35. There are always a few GF and/or RuNL following us, but they are on voice comms with us and part of our raid.
[VII] Seventh Legion | http://twitch.tv/censtudios
Ty for compliment Immolator, it’s nice to hear that you think theres 30 of us when we run 20ish:)
Someone enlighten me on the difference between “20ish” (did you count pugs) and 30 when I can’t see more than 15 with culling in effect.
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of http://thisisgandara.com
20 hob + pugs is 20ish. You will see difference when you run on 30 hobs:)
Nug(although with their other Russian friends every time), SPRT, DT, VII, XT and HoB
VII can be removed from that list. We have 33 active accounts on Roster and run average 15 in WvW every day in EU prime-time. Everyone on Piken knows this and thankfully Lloantix can now confirm it.
It’s flattering that some people on Gandara pretty much double our numbers although frustrating at the same time. It really does look like screaming zerg/numbers is the first line of defence when justifying a wipe for some of the Gandara players who post here.
HoB run on average 20 if we begin gathering friendlies we ditch commander tags, and port back to camp and do some eratic movement and generally we only have 1 or 2 that stick if that at all.
our highest numbers this week have been 25. that 25 last night destroyed and schooled AR in the gandara borderlands.
Ocassionally two guilds will happen upon the same enemy at the same time nothing we can do about it. Last night we had the entire AR zone and 30ish Gandarans fighting us around the South East of the Gandaran borderlands it was more than double hobs numbers and the end of it was a lot of loot bags to us so I won’t hear anything about HoB hiding behind numbers and not taking it to larger opposition.
Hand of Blood [HoB]
EU – Aurora Glade
(edited by Kyus.3812)
When people see a majority of Guild names in a group, then thats the name thats called out in chat, you dont pay attention to the others tags, so VII’s 15 will become however many culling allows us to think we see. You may not like it, but other Guilds are rushing in to “help” when you dont need it, I was one of those tucked up in a tower already outnumbered by VII when DT came rushing in to “help”, we know you didnt need it, but seems they didnt. That ss kinda proves what I mean, nug will be called out as the guild but when you stop and actually look at ss there are alot more guilds there, but “nug 30+ [insert area here]” is what is going to be relayed. (i tried counting how many were in that ss, and got fed up but its over 27, also realised if i have issues counting when no movement, no way anyone going to give a precise count when they are)
I dont think anyone is attacking the way you all play, but it does seem that some of the tactics learnt in T2 seems to have crept down into T3, bigger is better, which is a shame because the word fun in playing loses it context when your small group of 15 is run down by a group that seems to have no end over and over. Also if orange swords are to be correct, then most of the time we are facing +25 and Im not including any individual guild in that.
I don’t understand whats with the pointless discussion of numbers happening in the above posts.
Gandarans and Augurers know this :
Piken Square does not have WvW Guilds that will bring more than 30 people at a time and that will be a very rare moment..with the exeption of GG maybe.
4 days ago Necrosis had 27 players in WvW and we were like “BOO YA lets kick some kitten !!” but to our huge dissapointment we found an entire AR BL empty.
On an average day we number between 15-20 max and not for long,2 maybe 3 hours tops.
I hope there will be more opposition during next week and more fun to be had.
I think XxX and DYE where among the best opponents we faced.Good job at that.
P.S. If someone knows [ONAR] guild from Gandara please send our Greek brothers our love!We liked fighting them 2 days ago in their own BL
Server-Piken Square
When people see a majority of Guild names in a group, then thats the name thats called out in chat, you dont pay attention to the others tags, so VII’s 15 will become however many culling allows us to think we see. You may not like it, but other Guilds are rushing in to “help” when you dont need it, I was one of those tucked up in a tower already outnumbered by VII when DT came rushing in to “help”, we know you didnt need it, but seems they didnt. That ss kinda proves what I mean, nug will be called out as the guild but when you stop and actually look at ss there are alot more guilds there, but “nug 30+ [insert area here]” is what is going to be relayed. (i tried counting how many were in that ss, and got fed up but its over 27, also realised if i have issues counting when no movement, no way anyone going to give a precise count when they are)
I dont think anyone is attacking the way you all play, but it does seem that some of the tactics learnt in T2 seems to have crept down into T3, bigger is better, which is a shame because the word fun in playing loses it context when your small group of 15 is run down by a group that seems to have no end over and over. Also if orange swords are to be correct, then most of the time we are facing +25 and Im not including any individual guild in that.
We played with more numbers in T2 (40+pugs) in order to keep up with our opponents. We had to combine 2 or sometimes 3 guilds (Nug+RuNL+INS) to get similar numbers as them. Now that it’s not needed anymore, we run more alone with some GF, since their guild is on a break till the wvw patch. And yeah, pugs gather if we are the only ones with a commander, but when it gets too big (or because the pugs don’t follow as well in fights, sorry) we turn it off too.
[VII] Seventh Legion | http://twitch.tv/censtudios
You may not like it, but other Guilds are rushing in to “help” when you dont need it, I was one of those tucked up in a tower already outnumbered by VII when DT came rushing in to “help”, we know you didnt need it, but seems they didnt.
We stole their bags !
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square
May I ask whos the nightcapping guild on AR??
Last night on PS we had 2 guilds ruining on map DT and XT. DT was holding Hills and XT Bay. We didn’t have huge numbers, we was ruining average 20+ maybe 25 at beginning of raid, XT same or less. We tried not to blobbing and call for help only when keep was in real danger and 1 raid couldn’t hold it by own. There was also only hand full of friendlies following our squads time to time.
I like [DYE] finesse of fight, portal jumps behind our squad or spread around to counter ours melee train, You guys are hard to catch. Well play and we looking for more fights with You next week.
May I ask whos the nightcapping guild on AR??
I have no idea, but yesterday after midnight they came([tz] guild or sth) with about 40-50 people and got wiped at Bay’s lord room by our little group of 10-15 guys + 2 balistas… that was real Sparta defense.
AR is just nightcapping, looks like every french server works this way.
Last night on PS we had 2 guilds ruining on map DT and XT.
Ruining is the correct word
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square
Last night on PS we had 2 guilds ruining on map DT and XT.
Ruining is the correct word
…can’t argue with that :P
We didn’t have huge numbers, we was ruining average 20+ maybe 25 at beginning of raid, XT same or less. We tried not to blobbing and call for help only when keep was in real danger and 1 raid couldn’t hold it by own. There was also only hand full of friendlies following our squads time to time.
I like [DYE] finesse of fight, portal jumps behind our squad or spread around to counter ours melee train, You guys are hard to catch. Well play and we looking for more fights with You next week.
That was my experience as well. We might have been outnumbered in the map, but not necessarily during fights. You had 2 groups on the map that could take us head-on and with scouts observing our movement, you could quickly respond wherever we tried to attack. Even though we tried to pick our fights carefully, many times we were forced to fight in bad spots where the melee train easily caught us. In hills you had DT and XT together, but that was obvious because we had MM there as well, the inner gate was almost down and DT had been sandwhiched between us and MM on the wall moments before.
Rottis – Mesmer | Hyrskytin – Engineer | Rullakebab – Warrior
Last night on PS we had 2 guilds ruining on map DT and XT.
Ruining is the correct word
hehe XD
Gandara and Augury – nothing special – just free stacks ^^
There’s not much challenge we could provide with outmanned buff on piken borderlands and Nug camping inside keeps for 30mins waiting if someone knocks on the door to zerg out. Anyways, enjoy your ‘free stacks’.
Oh and thanks to Dt,Xt for some fun fights, always a pleasure to meet you on the battlefield
Eh… Idk what you based this story on, but Nug doesn’t camp, sorry. We most likely switched maps and came back when we heard the keep was under attack. Waiting in a keep for 30 minutes for it to be attacked is 1) a waste of time, and 2) not our style
[VII] Seventh Legion | http://twitch.tv/censtudios
Sorry to the WwW guy with the spider tonic on Gandara BL. We just wanted to catch you but the PU killed you… Thx for the fun, we did laught a lot when we saw you
Augury Rock
I would really like to face Dius, DYE, YAK and Song in GvG against [SPRT] Meet us saturday 18 00 UK time behind windmill in gandara bl.
Sorry mate we have no raid on saturday and for now, everytime we have one, we try to focus doin´something that really matters. As a guild from Gandara theres no time to intentional GvG if u want to have 200 potential points at t3
BUT… if u spot us on WvWvW, we surely try to bring u fair fights when it comes to obvious GvG situations. Thank u for the interest anyways!
I thank every1 from this great week. It has been, well… educational
W Oo M Era Fo Sho // Guardian
(edited by woomera.9841)
Nug camping inside keeps for 30mins
someone you dont see out in open field
Wow, speaking loot_bags, never seen one! ^^
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)
Good times on Piken borders tonight, we seemed to ninja cap everything lol.
That South Bay AR siege was a nice tactical battle shame our numbers dropped off a bit.
Also feel a bit bad for those Pikens who got smashed while building golems at Garrison West. Was one of those nights where everything seemed to go our way.
We’ll be up against it but I hope we can make a decent fist out of this week!
not a lot of humour from piken and gandara an EB yesterday when we get a ride with our costume of cow, doliak, ..etc
Hey you are not some grass, we won’t eat you !!!!!